Season 3 - Chapter 23

He said, much to my relief.
Meera smiled.
“You pretend like you have a thin memory. When you met Krish for the first time, you said the same about him too.”
“Yeah, you are right.” Ashish threw a glance at me.
It was the moment I had been dreading. He had recognised me. He had recognised that I was the man in a compromising position with another woman, who was now revealed to be my wife’s friend.
It was one thing that Meera was aware of my short time fling with Ananya during our separation. But it was something else that I had gone to her empty flat behind her back. It was anybody’s wild guess that we might have had sex there.
I felt I shouldn’t have met him at all.
I had a mental re-run about my life’s many events in the past. It was an unbelievable repetition of a twist that I was destined to meet Ashish Bharadwaj again in my life. Like Shekhar turning up at my doorstep, Das revealing himself, Sam’s attempted blackmailing of Meera, etc. came to my head in one second. In those moments I was a bad guy who by some part of my body wanted the bad things to happen. But here, I was not looking for any stupid adventure, with no plan to mess up with my life.

I knew Ashish Bharadwaj’s few words could create havoc in my life. I gauged the possibility of Ashish revealing the truth about me and Ananya to Meera. I could only pray that he never recollected it.
The food on my plate had turned sour in a few seconds. I did not say what to contribute to the ongoing conversation between my wife and her boss.
Meera, on the other hand, went on to tell Ashish how I had helped Ananya get a new job when she lost her old one. She was inadvertently revealing my closeness to her friend.
“So, have you found the house you wanted?” I asked, hoping to change the subject.
“Yeah, I’ve found another house. I’m expecting to move in there the next month.”
Ashish said.

After lunch when Meera left us alone, Ashish was thoughtful. I sat tight on the couch, pretending nonchalance.
The lunch had ended for me. I wanted him to leave as early as possible.
Meera returned to the hall and luckily, Ashish got ready to leave soon.

I accompanied him to the parking. I was pretending to be innocent till then.
But Ashish had other ideas.
“So that’s why we felt we had met each other, right. It’s a huge coincidence that we have become so close without recognising.” He said.
I did not know what to say.
“I know it's personal and I don't have the right to question you. But since I happened to carry the embarrassment for a long time, I am curious about your feeling. Were you embarrassed when I opened that door? Were you scared of me?”
I looked down for a moment before I spoke.

“I was embarrassed to be in that incident. It was an accident.”
I did not think he would believe me. But I went on. “I have helped Ananya many times in the past. I am one of her closest friends. She was unable to decide on the flat because it was huge and she thought I could help her. She was already looking for an opportunity to thank me for helping her find a new job. She got emotional a bit, and I’d say a momentary slip led us to embrace each other. We both were shocked when interrupted but only then we realised the mistake we were doing, and we were embarrassed mainly for that.
A bit of embarrassment goes for a stranger seeing us like that, but actually I'm grateful that you showed up at right time. In fact, I have been wondering how I should thank you.”
“Well, you can thank me now.”
He quipped.
“Thank you,” I said with a smile.
“Does Meera know about it?”
His question simply erased my smile.
“I didn’t think she should know about it.”
“Then don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t tell her either.” He said, looking into my eyes. I could see he meant it.
He shook hands with me before he left.
I let out a sigh. I felt glad that I met him.

In the evening when the ladies were gone, I went to Pawan’s house. He gave me a cold welcome. I could guess that he must have learnt from Sheetal that I hadn’t visited her in the day.
“I am sorry to disappoint you, Pawan. I told you I love Meera more than anything in the world. I can’t do this to her.”
“I am disappointed, yes.” Pawan shook his head. “You know, I had sex with a girl in my relation on the previous night of my wedding. I was struck with pain that I wouldn’t be seeing her again and that led me to do it. But after my marriage and when I learnt how much Sheetal loves me, I always feel bad about it. It was a sin to cheat on her on the eve of our wedding. I believe that my inability to become a father is because of this sin. In some way that’s the reason why I’m able to take this decision. The decision to let my wife conceive by someone who can is taken by us together. If not by you, it’ll be done by someone else. You have proven to be too good a man for us. But what can I say?”
I was disheartened by his sad talk. But I was not going to help him.

The next day when we went to the temple, Pawan refused to join us. However, Sheetal came with us. I thought Pawan was sad and angry.

As Sheetal came to my house, I noticed her avoiding eye contact with me. She looked graceful in a beautiful white kurti.
When we reached the temple I got a moment to be alone with her.
“I am sorry, Sheetal. I could not help you. Pawan is disappointed, I know. But I have no choice.”
I told her.
“It’s okay, Krish. You have done what you think is right for you. You don’t have to apologise. My respect for you has only increased.”
Sheetal said.
I felt calm after that. I felt good about saying no to Pawan.
Tomorrow I’m going to return Desai's cash and say goodbye to him. I thought. I will never meet him. I will eventually tell Meera about his manipulation games and help her stay away from him too.

Finally, I was ready to get over him.

I called Desai in the night.
“Meera might have promised you lunch next week, Desai. But it’s not happening. I’m not looking forward to it. It’s not happening, even if Meera wants that.” I said. Desai kept on listening as I went on. “Your dream is your dream. Don't put pressure on me for that, Desai. You can tell me where I should meet you to return the money.”
“I respect your decision, Krish. I’m coming back tomorrow. So let’s meet on Tuesday.”

I was a bit surprised that he agreed with me without bargaining. I wondered if he was scheming in another way. I became suspicious that he was planning something fishy and I decided to keep an eye on Meera on Monday.

My suspicion became a reality as Desai's car appeared in front of Meera's office much before lunch break. I had bought a cap and face mask, and wearing them got me the courage to park my car close to the entrance gate.
The moment Meera came out of the gate, the voice recorder in her handbag got synced with my mobile. I hurriedly pushed the earpieces into my ear.
“Where are we going?” I heard Meera asking as she stood close to the car. I could not hear Desai's reply as he was inside the car.
“I want to be back before lunch.”
Meera said and made sure Desai agreed upon her demand before getting inside the car.
“You look fabulous, Meera.”

I heard Desai's voice. His voice sent a sense of creepiness down my body. My wife was again going on a small date with this man. My wife was again subjecting herself to the manipulation of this man.
“Why don’t you just say it, Susheel? I don’t have much time. I told you.” There was a sense of urgency in Meera's voice.
“I was disappointed when you cancelled Saturday’s lunch. I was so close to realising my long-cherished dream. But no worries, I know we’ll be having our fun very soon. I’m thinking of dropping in your place for dinner one day.”
I wasn’t surprised that he was still talking like everything was possible even though I had conveyed my decision to him. He had many more tricks in his sleeves. I was going to see it. Desai's car had moved ahead and I quickly followed it. I decided to keep a minimum distance so that I could keep the device in range.
“So much hurry, huh?” I heard Meera's voice. “If you had the guts to drop in my place for dinner, then you should have done it already, Susheel. You know Krish wouldn’t entertain you like that.”

“You still don’t know your husband. I’ll help you clear your doubts.”
“That’s why you got me here. Now tell me about what you have.”
For once I did not understand what they were talking about. What information is Meera seeking from him? He had surely hooked her with bate.
However, instead of going to any restaurant, Desai's car went away from the main road. I was forced to maintain a long-distance and subsequently, the device was disconnected from my mobile. As the Desai accelerated and his car disappeared shortly from my eyesight, I panicked a little, scared of losing them. I found it soon though, but as the road we were passing became less busy and then almost turned into silent ones, my heartbeats began to rise. I knew something very bad was going to happen. I kept promising myself that I would not let it happen.
I felt angry why Meera was letting Desai take her to such places.
His car finally slowed down and turned to a three-storey building under construction. I pulled back the car and parked it under a tree, hidden from the building by a sharp turn.

I quickly searched for the device on my mobile and synced with it.
“What is this place? Susheel I told you, no funny games today.”
I heard Meera's voice. She was as clueless and suspicious as I was. “This is nowhere. The building belongs to my friend. Wanna have a look?”
“Don't think I'll get out of this car. I know you very well. You don't even need a bed to do it.”
I thought Meera was referring to their sex in the standing position. I was right.
“Oh that was a crazy night,” I heard Desai's voice.
“Don’t talk about that night. Don’t start again.”
Meera warned. I could tell she was the one who started it by referring to the standing pose sex. But I was glad that she remembered it and refused to get out of the car.
“I was drunk that night. I always wished if I weren’t,” Desai simply ignored Meera's warning. “If I was not drunk I could have been more attentive to your needs.”

“What Needs?”
“I know you weren't happy by the end of it, you don't know how I've wished to go back in time and give you those moments back with a lot of pleasure.”
“You don't need to touch me for that. Are you always looking for an excuse to touch me?”
“The gap between us is narrowing down, and it's gonna be nil within a few days. I'm just waiting for it.”
“I doubt your say that you’d stop after once. Why should I trust you?”
My heart took a hit when I heard Meera started talking about conditions. Conditions that would help her go to bed with him confidently.
“You can trust me because that's the deal. Krish's only demand is that I shouldn't repeat it. And I will not break that promise...”
“Repeat it means, just once in a day? What if it's a night? You already said dropping in for dinner.”
“Then I would like to spend the whole night with you. Why should I be lying to you? But only if you allow me.”
“The whole night!” I thought Meera was laughing as she spoke. “What are you gonna do if you had the whole night?”
“Then... You already know what I would do.”
“Stop grinning. I'm just checking how greedy you are.”
“Baby, didn't you miss those moments even once after that?”
“Why should I miss? I have a husband who can look after me very well.”
“But he feels you deserve a little more.”
“Show me the proof.”
“I am going to show you. You are not scared of me right?”
“I know you won’t force me for anything. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come with you and I wouldn’t be sitting in this car with you. What is this place by the way?”

“The car is spacious enough, isn’t it?”
“The building looks good. Do you have a partnership in this construction?”
“Not yet. But I will have a partnership, very soon.”
“How is that?”
I felt Meera was deliberately changing the subject and she was succeeding in it.
“Can you see that the work has stopped? He'll now need my help to finish it.”
“I can see he must have a beautiful wife.”
Desai laughed. “Haha. That was a rude joke but I like it.”
“It’s not a joke. I haven’t seen you with any interest in monetary benefit. All you need is women.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I made those reports and they were good. But you didn't make any serious investments based on that. You had your attention somewhere else.”
“I have never kept my eyes fixed on someone for longer than you. You make me forget everything else.”
“Don't be so romantic. It doesn’t suit you, big guy.”
Meera quipped.
“No, I'm serious. I hardly went through those reports. I just kept them like awards, because you prepared it for me.”
“How idiotically romantic! And you think I’d believe it?”
I could not believe my wife wasn’t just sitting in the car with this man but also flirting with him, without showing half the urgency she had expressed ten minutes ago.

“You know, I have confessed to Krish that it was my luck that got me to sleep with his wife. But since then I have always thought about doing it again by earning it. I can do manipulative games. I can try buying him. I am not belittling him by saying he’s manipulatable or buyable. I am saying there are things people resorts to do when they are desperate. But my ultimate wish was to go back and make the night truly a memorable one. Every time I see your beautiful smile makes me sad because I could not give it to you in the first chance itself.”
The man was again back into his favourite forte of earning sympathy, pretending like a stupid loser lover. I wondered if it was working, as Meera took time to reply.
“Susheel, you behave like an idiot, but you are certainly not one. But for god’s sake, use those words to a virgin girl. Don’t forget that I am a married woman. My memorable night will always be with Krish. So go fuck you wish, go fuck your ultimate wish and tell me what will you do if you don’t get to have that memorable night?”

“Meera, I have stopped taking no for an answer for a long time. Today, tomorrow, or ten years later, I will be having my dream fulfilled. I will persist.”
“Well, it’s definitely not happening today.”
“I know that. But I am counting on next Saturday. If you tell me, I’ll make it for dinner.”
“You are cleverly trying to get my consent. If I said dinner, you’ll tell my husband that I chose the dinner to sleep with you.”
“He has already given his consent. Only thing I am asking you to choose between lunch and dinner.”
“So my consent doesn’t mean anything to you?”
“Of course, it means everything. Having dinner is something. But what we do after dinner is totally up to you. I and Krish are already in for that.”
He was already talking to her like I wanted my wife to sleep with him. That was his strategy: convincing my wife that I was in favour of it while convincing me that she was in favour of it.
This realisation made me confident that I could end his plan just by refusing to be convinced.
“You want me to believe it. But you’re not telling me why I should believe you.”
“You’ll eventually believe me.”
“Stop your games, Susheel. I am getting late. I better get back in my office. Why did you bring me here?”
“I just want to spend a little time with you. You have no idea how much I miss you. I’ve been seeing your face every few days and suddenly I feel like you’re gone. It creates a vacuum.”

“Don’t play sentiments, it won’t work, let me tell you, Susheel.”
“Do you have no feelings for me?”
“Why should I have any feelings for you?”
“Then you’ll be lying. I know you’ve enjoyed all the attention I gave you. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have worked so hard on those reports.”
“That’s a stupid allegation. I will never agree with you.”
“Then why did you keep making them even though you knew I wasn’t using them?”
“It didn’t matter whether you used it or not. I just got work. My promotion was probably based on that.”
“And you saying you don’t have any feelings for me?”
“I was just being professional, Susheel.”
“But we have a past. When I come near you, when I think of you, I got back to those moments. I always remember how I felt inside you. How you threw your arms around my neck.”
“Don’t go over there. Just leave it, okay?”
“Have you forgotten those moments?”
“Yeah, I kinda have forgotten.”
“You were lying on the table, and you looked like a goddess. A goddess of beauty and love and sex. I still remember those moments like they happened yesterday. I have slept with many women after that. But I remember you. Those moments are going to come back, aren’t they?”

“You are such a dreamer.”
“Tell me the truth, Meera. Don’t you remember how I felt inside you?”
I didn’t hear anything from Meera.
“Meera, tell me.”
I could tell that I had never heard Desai's voice softer than this.
“Yes. I do.”
“This is so far the best revelation you’ve made to me, baby. You got me hard with just one word.”
“Don't go there.”
Meera laughed.
“No, seriously. Just see.”
“No… no...”
“Don’t expect anything from me, Susheel. I am not going to kiss you. Last time you got me cornered. I was stupid. Not this time.”
“Just feel it, just once.”
I could hear the sounds of physical movements. I felt he was trying to grab her hand.
What is he gonna make her do? I thought while mentally preparing to intervene if things got out of control.
“Oh my God!” I heard a voice of surprise from Meera.
What did he do?
“You got me, baby. That’s me.”
“Take your hand off mine, Susheel.”
“Are you going to slap me?” There was no reply from Meera's side for a few seconds. I could not really understand what was going on.
What did he do?
“You said he took the pill from you. I searched the whole house for it but I could not find it.” I heard Meera's voice.
“You searched everywhere?”
“I searched every place where Krish could keep it. But it is not there. You said you’d clear my doubt when you meet me in person because there is no other way.”

“Yeah, I said, because there is no other way.”
“Just clear my doubt and then I’ll do what you say.”
“I’m tempted by what you’ve just said. I’m really hard already.”
“Don’t be a pathetic dreamer. Just show me.”
“I know where you're taking it. You're so...hey what are you doing? Stop... Oh shit! Are you taking off your pants?”
“You told me to show…”
“I didn’t mean to show me that, you idiot! I told you the proof.”
“This is the proof that Krish is excited for.”
Desai's nonchalance was killing me now.
“Shut the fuck up, Desai!” Meera's voice was a shout. “Close your zipper, for God’s sake?” She had suppressed her voice this time, having realised that she had shouted.
“It’s really hard. Do you remember the feeling now?”
“You are making me numb. Nothing else.”
“Don’t worry, I’m just freeing myself. It’s grown too big. It feels good, now.”
“Whatever. I don’t want to see it.”
“Meera, look at me. Open your eyes.”
“Leave me. Take your hand off me, Susheel. I'm gonna leave. I'll walk away.”
“Meera I just want to show you...”
“I'm not looking. I've asked you to prove that you have Krish’s consent. It's not a date, you haven't earned it.”

“I told you I'll give you the proof.”
“Then give it.”
“I'll prove that Krish would like to see me in his bed with you.”
“Then prove it, stop talking.”
“You're not even looking at me.”
“I'll look only after you prove it.”
“I'm gonna prove it, but then will you touch it?”
“I'll do whatever you say, just prove it. The way you're running around the bush is making me think you're just trying to manipulate me.”
“Okay. You will have to hear this.”
There was a short pause from Desai's side. Amid the chaotic beatings of my own heart, I heard a phone ringing elsewhere.
Is he calling someone?
The call was picked up soon and I heard Desai's sound.
“Krish, I called you to remind you about something. Actually, I forgot one important thing. The pill I gave you, I want you to check its expiry date.”
“What? Why?”
I was stunned by the realisation that it was my voice on the other side. The bastard was playing a call recording. It was a call he had made to me a week ago and I could already remember what it was about.
Desai's voice went on as I felt crippled by my own thoughts.
“I forgot to check it when I picked it up from the medical store. We don’t want a case of accidental pregnancy. This is important because we can’t leave anything for luck. I only wish to have sex with Meera once, not to impregnate her. Please check the date and tell me if it’s expired, I’ll bring a new one.

From the other side, I heard the stupidest reply that I remembered having given to anyone in my life.
“Okay, bring a new one.”
Why the fuck did I say that? I could only scream in my mind.
“Thanks, bye.”
I heard Desai's voice, filled with contentment.
Why the fuck did I say that? Why the fuck didn’t I get it? Why the fuck did I take it lightly?
Questions kept popping up in my head. I knew I was outplayed again. The only thing I did not know was that how Meera would respond to this revelation.
It wasn’t just a revelation. It was proof that I had agreed upon sharing my wife with him.
There was total silence from Meera for a few minutes.
I heard a sigh. It was from Meera.
“Oh my God!”
I could understand what she would have been thinking.
“You're still that old Krish. You'll never learn, Krish. You still want to live a cuckold's life!”
Her words echoed in my head.
It was so easy to get her to think it’s happening again. And she had every reason to believe what she had heard.
The other night she when she asked me to be honest about my thinking of her and Desai together, I had admitted that unlike in the past, I was now getting an erection sometimes. The proof was not in the call recording. The proof that I was willing to be a cuckold again, was in her mind.
“Do you believe it now, Meera?”
I heard Desai's voice. I could not hear Meera's response.

“You heard it, didn’t you?” I heard Desai's voice. “Now it proves Krish has the emergency contraceptive pill that I have given to him. He will check its expiry date and confirm its validity later. And I expect him to give it to you afterwards, you know when?”
“Yeah, I know.”
I heard Meera's voice.
“Now, my queen, please have a look at me.”
Silence from Meera's side. She must have looked at him now.
“Not there, have a look.”
I could guess he was just making her look at his dick. It was definitely pulled out a few moments ago.
“Can you recognise it?”
“Stop it, okay? Let's go, Desai.”
“Tell me, can you recognise it?”
"Don't touch me, leave my hand. No.”
“Tell me, Meera?”
“Of course, I can, you idiot.”
“Touch me.”
There was no verbal response from Meera. Is she touching him? I cringed at the thought of my wife touching his dick.
“Oh my God, your warm fingers...mmm...grab it. Have a feel of it.”
“You'll get us caught by somebody.”
Is that all her worry?
“Nobody will come here. I know this place.”
Desai's assurance.
“From the first of the building, anyone can see us.”
Meera was trying to stop him in vain. I felt angry for why she wasn’t stopping herself.
“The staircase is under construction. Nobody will be there. Wanna go check out?”

Desai was saying.
“No, no. We're fine here.”
We. Now there's a we.
“Okay, I can wait. Now you promised me you'll do anything for...”
“Shut up okay? I didn't mean I'd sleep with you right away.”
“I know that. Just hold it again. Properly.”
There was silence again.
“Oh, your touch makes me so hard I can't stop thinking about how it would feel inside you.”
“Stop overthinking. Hey, what are you doing?”
“Just getting a bit more comfortable. Come on baby, just hold me properly...”
“Is that all you want?”
I got a wild sensation grappling my whole body as I realised my wife’s fingers were wrapped around Desai's dick, feeling the size of his growth.
I could not hear spoken words from Desai following that. But there were small shaky sounds. I pressed the earphone into my ear, trying to get more of it. Slow movements of human body parts, or clothes, or much more, I could not make it. Then I heard a moan. A slight moan. It was from Desai.
What is she doing to him?
It was the moment things were going out of my hand.
I knew if I didn’t interrupt them, it would be too late. Physically interrupting might save Meera for now, but it’d leave a lot of doubts in her head and it would worsen the situation. I thought about giving a call to Desai. I grabbed my other phone and scrolled down to his phone number.
I’ll say the lunch thing was a prank. Sorry.
I took the pill from you to see how desperate you are. How can you be so foolish?
By the time I heard his phone’s ring tone playing on the other side through the earphone, I had decided that I would just improvise from the word go. My only intention was to make Meera stop what she was doing with him.

The moment he picked up the call I began to speak.
“Desai, I have something…”
“Hold on, Krish. Whatever you want to say, not now.”
He interrupted me.
“Desai, you have to...”
“I'm in the middle of an unexpected blowjob, dear. Don't be a spoilsport.”
I was stunned by his nonchalance.
Is she giving him a blowjob?
I felt I was going to faint.
“No, you carry on baby. Don't Stop. Mmm...”
I heard him saying to Meera. He had kept his phone away from his face as he spoke. But I could still hear him through the recorder.
“Yes... Oh yes…”
I heard him again through the headphone.
“Where are you? Who are you with?”
I almost shouted. But my voice was weak.
“You know her very well, my friend. You're the only one who knows.”
“Tell me the name, Desai.”
I said with a sense of loss filling in my voice. I didn't know what to say.
“Maithrei, dude. It's Maithrei, we're having some fun. I'll call you later.”
I wasn't listening to him now. My attention had completely shifted to the other sound, coming through the recorder. It was the familiar sound of a woman's mouth going down and upon a man's dick. It was a familiar sound usually heard when my wife gives me a blowjob. But this time she was doing it to Desai.
Meera was giving it to Desai. Her handbag was sitting between the front seats and Meera was apparently leaning over it to reach Desai's lap. It ensured that the recorder could catch even the smallest sounds of her movement.
My phone call hadn’t helped at all. In fact, it had backfired. I didn't know when the call was disconnected. I was completely surrendered to those sounds.
"Oh my goodness. You're doing it so great... It's worth every moment of my long wait.”

I heard Desai bathing in pleasure. Then I heard my wife’s voice.
“Does she do it like this to you?”
“No, she hasn't given me like this.”
“I thought you'd mention my name.”
“Nah…Never. You were sucking on even when you heard his voice. Thanks for trusting me. I told you I know how to keep a secret. Aaahh... Look at the tip, baby. Do you see the liquid coming?”
“Are you coming?”
“No. It's just the white gel. Just taste it, baby. Mmm...”
His moan was simply an acknowledgement of my wife taking his head back into her mouth. And it was followed by the voice of her sucking it deeper.
It took a while before Desai spoke again.
“Oh my goodness. You're marvellous. I just want to kiss you now.”
“Are you sure of that? I can still taste it in my mouth.”
“Damn sure of what I need.” Desai's reply was followed by the sound of some movements. I was sure he must have grabbed her face and pressed his wide mouth to her wet lips. My wild guess was conformed right by Desai's comment next moment.
“Your lips have got softer than last time.”
“You remember too many details.”
“Unforgettable details. I remember every bit of pleasure when I pushed it inside you. Do you remember it?”
“Stop going there again and again.”
“See, it's coming again.”
Meera sucked again, and quickly the sound of her movements filled the air again.
This time it went on non-stop, with Desai's voice of encouragement and his pleasure moans filling and populating it.
“Oh yes… you are damn good…mmm keep going, baby…”
Then the sounds of sucking stopped. But the sound of movements got quicker. I could guess that she was now jerking him.
“Do it with your lips…that’s…”
“You are going to cum…I can sense it.”
I heard Meera's voice after a short gap. She had brought him to the edge very quickly. I could guess how good she was doing it to him.
“Why don’t you swallow it, baby?”

“Then promise me, you’ll do it on Saturday.”
“Enjoy the present, Susheel.”
The sounds became faster and then Desai let out a sigh and followed by a groan. I realised that it was the sound of yet another man receiving the pleasure of ejaculation with my wife’s help. I looked down and then I realised it wasn’t just one but two.
I had cummed in my pants. I could suddenly remember carrying a hard-on for long but I could not make out since when.
“Oh great…haah!”
Desai's groan got my attention back to the voices.
“Oh God, it’s so much. So thick.”
I heard Meera's voice.
Is she chuckling?
“There’s tissue in there. Will you pass it to me, baby?”
I was in a mess too, but my underwear had caught it all.
“I can’t believe I’m wiping someone’s cum off a steering wheel. Do you get the smell? I think it won’t go.”
“You wasted all of it. I badly wanted you to have it inside you.”
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You are a smart guy.”
“Am I? What makes you think so?”
“I hated you a lot. A lot means a lot. But you still got me to suck your dick willingly. And you got me to wipe your cum off your car’s dashboard.”
“I want to do a lot more than this. I want to make love to you, baby. Promise me we’ll do it.”
“You’ve got more than what you’ve wished for today. Now put it back in the zoo and start the car. Do you have water? I need to wash my mouth.”
I was energised by the quickness Meera decided to wrap it up. It was like she had played out a show.
I heard sounds of Desai handing Meera the water bottle. She got out and washed her mouth. Desai started the car as soon as she got inside. I let out a sigh.
I quickly reversed my car and hid it in a cut road. I waited until Desai's car passed the cross. It took me a while before I got on his tail and re-synced the recorder to my mobile phone. I heard them talking about irrelevant things. As if nothing happened.
As if she hadn’t sucked his bloody dick!

However, they came to the subject that I was dying to hear, just before Desai dropped Meera in front of her office.
“Promise me about Saturday, Meera.”
Desai's voice was desperate. I could simply tell he was a man of greed. He would never be satisfied.
“By looking at your street smartness, I should have been saying it is happening. But only when Krish personally asks me.”
Meera's voice was calm. She had become the office woman again.
“Still you want him to personally ask you?”
Desai asked.
“What I did in there was a promise I gave you a long time ago. Now I have kept my word. We don’t have any unfinished business.”
“What does that mean?”
“I am not going to sleep with you, Desai. I know I can never quench your thirst. You will never have my consent. If you think you can manipulate Krish, then I can also do that. Do you have any doubt in that?”
She said and got out of the car, grabbing her handbag.
I heard Desai's voice becoming narrower.
Meera waved her palm at him and walked away.

I was stunned. I was not stunned by what she had just told her. I was stunned by the way she had shown him who the boss was. She was the boss.
It will never happen. I screamed in my mind. My dick throbbed in my pants again.
For a moment I recollected what she had done to him in the car. She had taken his monstrous dick in her mouth and gratified him with insane pleasure. And then she had wrapped her fingers around his meat and made him cum all over his car’s dashboard.
Normally, it should be outright disgusting to any husband.
Yet I knew I was going to forgive her. Because I thought she had outsmarted him in the end.

In the evening I waited for Meera at home with great anticipation. I wanted to welcome her with a kiss. I knew she might slap me. I knew she would again call me a willing cuckold. But I was ready to confess it all and thank her for finally moving on from Desai.
It was the first time in a long time I felt having overcome the fear of Desai's intrusion into my life.
I thought the chapter of Desai was closed forever.

But I was wrong.
I learnt it the next morning when I decided to return Desai's cash. I waited until Meera left for the office and then opened my shelf to take out the briefcase. But it was not there. At first, I was surprised because I thought Meera could have found it when she searched for the pill. But then on an afterthought, I realised that she would have questioned me instead of hiding it.
I searched inside my shelf first, and then my room, and finally the whole house to end up waking up in a nightmarish realisation that the briefcase and the entire cash in it were missing!
Next page: Season 3 - Chapter 24
Previous page: Season 3 - Chapter 22