Season 3 - Chapter 26
"I am sorry, Krish. I betrayed you again."
Meera's voice carried all the guilt I had witnessed in her eyes. But I felt her voice was just an echo of my own. I was equally guilty for whatever was happening in my life. For a moment I thought I was guiltier than her because I was more responsible for her fall. I should not have allowed her to go to lunch in the first place.
I looked into her eyes again. Her eyes were red. There was no anger. There was only guilt.
"Don't be sorry, baby. It's my mistake too."
I said. My voice had become sour.
"No. It's not your fault this time."
"I am the reason which led you into this. You promised me you can handle Desai."
I was trying to console her. Meera shook her head in denial.
"No have no idea, Krish. That's why you are talking like his. Oh, God! Why did I do this?"
Tears dropped out of her eyes. She looked inconsolable.
"Don't cry, Meera. There is no use in crying. I am a fool to trust your confidence. But I can't blame you because I should have realised that all of my stupidity would one day land you in Desai's bed. You were right, we've seen worse, but as a husband, I haven't learnt anything. I am..."
Meera shook her head again to interrupt me and warily said, "It's not Desai, Krish. It's Ashish."
I was stunned. For a moment I thought she was lying. Then the next moment I thought why she would be lying.
"What?" A hundred questions should have popped up in my mind. But I was too shocked to even believe what I had just heard. "Ashish? What are you saying?"
"The truth, Krish. I went to his apartment and I... I slept with him."
"But you went to meet Desai. And he..." I paused, thinking if I should reveal what Desai told me. I swallowed before I spoke again. "Didn't you see Desai? Didn't you go to the restaurant?"
"I went to the restaurant. But Desai didn't show up there. He called and told me there was a fire incident in his friend's company building. His friend was not in town so he had to be there. He wanted me to wait. I waited but then I got Ashish's call."
"He called, and you went to his apartment?" I asked as if I didn't believe her. "I thought you weren't so friendly with Ashish."
"I wasn't. But..."
Meera struggled to breathe. I led her to the hall and sat her on the couch.
"Meera, you should stop crying now. I know the situation is very difficult but there is no use in crying about it now. I'm still unable to believe all this is true. Tell me what happened and how it happened. Ashish? How did he... Was there anything going on between you and him?"
I was trying to calm her down but my thoughts were coming out as words and questions. I was not able to calm myself down. I remembered having our roleplay involving Ashish. In my mind, I was thinking about Ashish Sehgal but Meera only knew about one Ashish; Ashish Bharadwaj. I wondered if my stupid games were again the catalyst for her eventual fall. I felt that my life had again entered an orbit where I was destined to go through the same worlds over and over no matter which way I turn to.
"I know it's hard to understand, Krish. I have no idea it would end like this. I had no idea..." She paused and wiped her face with a towel before continuing. "No. Nothing was going on between me and him."
"Then how did it happen?"
I wanted to badly tell her how Desai had bragged about fucking her. He had called me a cuck. He had told me to shag. He had told me that he had won.
"Does Desai know about this?"
I ended up asking her.
"What? No; how would he know about this? He called me after I got Ashish's call. Desai said the fire was put out by the fire brigade and his friend who's arriving by air had also landed in Pune. And he was already on his way back to his home to change his clothes. But I told him that I was going to meet a friend who was not feeling well. He asked me about dinner or lunch tomorrow. I said I've got other plans for tomorrow. I promised him I would go for lunch with him next Saturday."
"Why did you go to Ashish?"
"A few days ago Ashish wanted my opinion to improve the decor in his new apartment. I hadn't seen his apartment but you had told me that it has a lot of space. So I suggested he buy some artwork like good paintings and drawings. Today when I was waiting for Desai, Ashish phoned me. He had bought a few paintings and also had called in a carpenter to hang them on the wall. But the carpenter confused him with his ideas on where to hang them. So he phoned me and asked me if I could pay a visit. I told him that I cannot come because I was on my way to meet a friend. Ashish said okay. I suggested he call you though because I thought maybe you know someone who can do the job better than Ashish's carpenter. A few minutes later Desai phoned me and again apologised for keeping me waiting and offered to send a cab for me. He said he had found a better place, and by the time my cab would take me there he would also reach there. I doubted all this story about the fire incident in his friend's property could be his trick to get me in his place. I now suppose he was right because I can see your clothes have got dirty. Is that your workplace that caught fire?"
Her question made me look at myself and realise how dirty my clothes had become.
"Yes, it was my office building that caught fire. My boss is Desai's friend. Leave it."
I didn't want to discuss the fire incident.
"Anyways, I didn't believe Desai then and I refused to meet him. I made up an excuse that I was going to meet a friend who was not feeling well. I told him there is no need to put pressure on him because of the lunch, as it can happen later also."
I learnt that Desai was there at the fire site in the beginning. But he had left the place hurriedly as soon as my boss landed at the airport. He was in so much hurry to meet Meera. But it was not his day.
"Why didn't you tell me all this?"
I asked.
"I called you. I called you before deciding to go to Ashish's place. But your phone was not reachable. I then called Ashish and told him my meeting with my friend was cancelled and I could come to his place right away. He was very happy. He told me he too had called you but your number was out of reach."
I remembered how my phone was damaged after it fell on the floor.
"I thought I would call you later. So I went to his apartment. I didn't feel anything wrong with the idea of going alone to his apartment because he had told me the carpenter was waiting there. And honestly, I did not expect Ashish to make a move on me since I know his character. It's not his way."
"And he made a move?"
I asked with a sense of loss. A move, I thought, was all that he needed to get laid with my wife.
"No. My impression of Ashish was never wrong. He wasn't the guy who would make a move on me or any woman. He is..."
She stopped abruptly, as if unable to speak.
"Wasn't it consensual? Did he force you or drug you?"
I asked. My heart was beating fast.
Meera looked into my eyes for a second.
"It was consensual. In fact, I believe I initiated it. I can't even blame him for what happened. If I had control over me, if I hadn't forgotten for a moment that I was your wife, it wouldn't have happened, Krish. That's why it's so painful to remember and accept that I let it happen. I'm sorry. I'm a worthless woman..."
"No..." I held her hand. "Don't curse yourself. I know there must be a situation that led you into this. Tell me everything about what happened, if you can. I'm still in the dark about how it happened."
Meera took a deep breath many times before she began to tell the whole story.
"When I returned to my office after our vacation, I got to know about the new boss who was very strict and not so impressed by the superficial things. But I was more shocked to see he was living a life where women did not exist. Looking back now, I can admit that one of the reasons for my hatred for him was that he had complete disregard for me as an attractive woman. I mean I had never been used to such a response. Some men pretend to be not impressed to impress me, but Ashish was different. His sole interest was a turnaround in our office's performance which has been average for the last couple of years across all the quarters. And his ways of working instilled more pressure than confidence among all the employees. I was not left alone, as you know. I was pressurised to be more efficient than I had ever been asked, and when it threatened to question my professional skills I secretly wished for a dramatic turnaround in his behaviour. But it would not come so soon. Instead, there was a time when I even considered quitting my job.
As Ashish kept finding faults in my work without giving me space to relax, I wanted him to be gone. But there was something about him that I hated to admit even to myself. He was right in his observation about me, about my working pattern, every single time.
One day when I showed him a report, he skipped to the diagrams and pointed out an error right away. I was shocked to see there was a mistake, I admitted it. But I asked him how did he straightaway jump to a random page and find an error in it. Why not in the equations which is more prone to errors?
He said he knows about not only my weakness which lies in the diagrams, but also my strengths one of which is equations. He said he knows I would never make an error in the equations. It made me think a lot about it. Even I had forgotten that I had been good with mathematical equations since my college days. I was shocked that he knew something about me more than myself. I was shocked to realise that Ashish's observations about me have always been right.
I don't know when the hatred became respect. But I wouldn't admit it yet. When you tried to get over him through our role play and torture fantasy, I enjoyed it. But the next morning when I meet him in person I would become shy. I would wonder if he ever thinks of me while he's away from work.
Does he think about me as being a married woman? Does he think about how I have sex with my husband? Does he fantasize about me? Does it make him feel warm about me or jealous of you?
You know, when he went to Bangalore for two days, I strangely missed him in the office. I don't know why, but I missed him. I wasn't attracted to him sexually, but I suppose his absence created a vacuum in our office. The funny thing was that I still believed that I hated him.
That's why I enjoyed your idea of torturing him in our fantasies. I knew it was stupid but I loved the kinkiness attached to it. I loved the idea of forcing him to do things he hated to do and making him confess that he actually loved women.
My liking for him was not a choice but something happened without my knowledge.
When he announced my name as the best performer and even spoke about me being the most beautiful colleague he has ever worked with, I was spellbound. I couldn't believe that my earlier wish for a dramatic turnaround had become a reality.
But you know, Ashish was still Ashish. My hope that he would become friendly to me and would open up a little bit after that was dented very soon. The only improvement was that he trusted me more for my work which I understood happened because my work standard had improved. He told me that I catch up with the skills faster than anybody else.
His nature to stick with the business left me disappointed. I sometimes wished if he looked at my lips while talking. I wished he checked me out. But it never happened. I don't know when my disappointment turned into desperation.
One day he was briefing our group about a project. I was sipping coffee from my cup and it left a small drop on my lip. I didn't know it until it distracted him for a moment before I licked. It ended in a second. No one knew. But him being distracted by what I did to my lips was a realisation that he did see my lips. I could not concentrate on the briefing for a while. I was aroused.
That night I asked you why we weren't playing our roleplay game that allow me to torture Ashish. You were ready for fun as always and that night I fantasised about torturing him by doing very dirty things. You were like the fire that night, letting me do whatever I wanted.
The next morning when I met Ashish in the office I was shy again. But I was equally aroused. I kept thinking about how you were in the night. I missed you so much to the point of desperation and I wished if Ashish made a move on me. I wished if he passed comment on me or at least checked me out secretly. I wanted it so much that I thought of sharing the experience with you to see if it excites you too.
But it eventually made me question myself, wondering what is that I actually wanted.
When you invited Ashish to our house for lunch I chose not to be overly enthused by it. I decided not to dress up for him. But as I ended up being completely dismissed by Ashish, I felt disappointed. I realised I wanted him to acknowledge me. I enjoyed it the most when he opened up personally while chatting with you. When he joked that Ananya must be rich, I secretly wished if he joked something about me too. I wanted to be in his thoughts. I wanted a little more appreciation from his heart. I wanted him to talk to me about things other than work.
But even during those times, I never considered the possibility of becoming intimate with Ashish. One, I was in love with my life with you, Krish. I did not need another man in my life. I enjoy your fantasies, our fantasies. Maybe it involves other men but I don't want another man in my life. I don't want to cheat on you, I mean I did not want to cheat on you. I can't say I don't want to, because it has already happened. I cheated on you, I can't undo it. How many times I will do this to you and how many times will I seek your forgiveness?"
Meera's face was again filled with guilt. I sat closer and just put my hand around her. Meera glanced at my eyes and looked down.
"You were always ready to jump into any opportunity to bring up new fantasies, but I know it doesn't mean you will enjoy them in reality. I was always cautious about you getting overly about fantasies involving me and other men like Desai. But my overconfidence ruined me. Sometimes I might be able to blame you, but sometimes it's entirely me. I had promised myself that I would never repeat the same old mistakes because I didn't want to go back to the old times which had threatened to end our life.
So I chose not to tell you what I was feeling about Ashish. I thought the spark would end after a few days, especially because it was one-sided. I was sure he wouldn't make a move. Ever."
"And he didn't make a move, did he?"
I asked.
Meera nodded.
"Was the carpenter not there?"
"He was there. He hanged all the paintings as per my suggestion. There were eleven of them. When the carpenter left, Ashish began to make coffee for us, even though I hesitated.
But after a while he got a call from his lawyer, saying his wife had signed the divorce papers, that too unconditionally. His father-in-law had managed to convince his daughter to move on. Ashish became emotional and he phoned his father-in-law to thank him. His voice was trembling as he spoke. I even felt he was going to cry. He was so emotional and genuine. He later told me about the legal battle he was fighting with his wife to protect his face and relation with her family. He said his greatest dilemma was that he did not have a problem with his wife's family. If he did, then breaking up with her would have been easy. And then I saw tears in his eyes. He said he thought he would be free when it's done. But instead, he felt loneliness only.
I offered him coffee. I went to the kitchen and took two cups of coffee. He was sitting in his room, so I went to him. He took his cup from me and thanked me, but was unable to take a sip.
I told him he's not alone. Look around. Husband and wife aren't the only relations people can have.
But he said he cannot see. That was what he was worried about. He felt the everlasting legal battle had been defining him. And then he surprised me by saying he hadn't let any woman other than me come close to his heart, but I belonged to someone else. Now since his personal battle was over, he felt blank. He was like, having no clue about what to do when he's free. For so long, he was teaching him not to think in favour of friendship. And without any friends now, he thought he would die a lonely man.
I sat on the bed with him and consoled him. I touched his hand. And when he looked into my eyes I saw how vulnerable he was. He wasn't the boss fellow whom I loved to hate. He was a man who needed affection. I could not stop my heart from being too warm. On a momentary slip, I kissed him.
I don't know what I was thinking, but I kissed him. I felt it would make him feel better."
Meera stopped talking, with her head down. I had to look closely to see her eyes weren't closed completely.
"And then?"
I asked after a few seconds of waiting.
"He was slightly taken aback by my move. But he kissed me back. He kept the coffee cup down and then he kissed me back."
Meera did not speak further, for another long moment. Her eyes were fixed on the floor. She was lost in her memory. She was struggling to find words to explain it without making me hurt, I felt.
"And then?"
I asked.
"Then it happened, Krish. His response was natural and I could not stop him. No, I didn't want to stop him. I didn't want him to stop..." Meera paused for a second to throw a weak glance at me. "He was still not completely into it. He told me it's been years since he kissed someone. I asked him if he did not like it. He said he's thinking about being right and wrong, and I assured him that it's my part and I'd handle it. That's how I let him know my guards were completely down. He turned to me and kissed me, this time it felt like an actual kiss. This time his arms went around me, one hand behind my head and the other around my front. We kissed for long enough to be lost, and I let him lay me on the bed. I let him do everything."
Her voice became so weak that I barely could hear it. I sighed.
"You don't have to tell me if you can't speak. You should stop thinking about it for a while."
I said, hiding my curiosity to know further.
"I am so ashamed of it, Krish. While doing it I felt I had the power to help him. I did it out of empathy, but it would not have happened without any feeling. I did not think about you, Krish. I forgot you."
She cried and leaned on my shoulder. I hugged her tight.
"Forget it. Don't you remember what you told me the other day? We're a couple much open than we think. It's a slip but it's not the first time we're doing it. I am sorry for what happened but at the same time, I have to tell you that I am glad that it happened because you liked him. I know, no husband in the world can speak to his wife like this, but I am not an ordinary husband. Neither are you, an ordinary wife. We can move on. Only thing is that you must promise me that you can do move on."
"I want to move on, baby. I want to move on."
"Then be proud of being honest to me."
"I don't want to lie to you, Krish. I have lied to you in the past, but it was because we were no ordinary couple. I was scared of normalising our mistakes. That's why I had to lie to you. But this time, lying about it would normalise what happened. I did mean to help him but I didn't mean to hurt you, Krish. You are my everything."
"You are my everything too, I love you."
I patted her shoulder. As I hugged her, my lips pressed below her ear and she moved away from me as if it shocked her.
"I should take a bath, again."
She blurted.
That's when I realised she was still on the saree. The same saree she had taken off for another man.
I wondered.
"I had taken a bath at his place, but I need another one."
She said.
I nodded.
What is that Ashish did to her that needed her to take bath twice? I wondered as she went to the washroom. They must have done much more than simple and empathetic sex.
The thought was wild enough to make me desperate. Desperate to know how they did it. Desperate to know how much she enjoyed it. Ashish hadn't had sex for years. It was an easy guess that his body would have been so hungry for a woman. And my Meera willingly allowed him to satisfy his hunger. He would have used her lips, her breasts, her skin, her belly, her legs, her thighs and her pussy to satisfy his hunger. His arms and lips would have conquered her body.
I felt my body warm and my dick was hard in seconds. I stopped thinking and walked out to the balcony and watched the sky.
The sky was clear after the heavy rain.
I remembered Desai's words.
He had called me a cuckold. He had asked me to shag. He had warned me that my dick wouldn't fit in my wife's pussy again.
I clenched my teeth in anger.
I phoned him right away.
"You lied to me, didn't you?"
Desai laughed, "now feeling better, my friend?"
"You're such a rascal!"
"I was just joking, my dear. I hope you didn't quarrel with her."
"Do you think I would trust you just like that? What fun do you get out of this?"
"My fun was lost the moment I heard about the fire. It's not my property but I value my friends, you know that better than anyone. So, today was a bad day for me."
"So you thought you want to make mine bad too, didn't you?"
"Don't throw your fake anger at me. I'm damn sure your dick would have turned a rock since morning. You know the possibilities, and it won't let you stop thinking wild about me and Meera. So I didn't want to disappoint you. Be honest with me, Krish. When I said those things, didn't your heart beat faster? When I said you won't fit in there, you must have vowed yourself about doing exactly that, haven't you? Or have you already had the taste of her pussy, you lucky man?"
"Mind your words, Desai."
I blurted.
"Krish, I know you must have run to get to Meera with a hardness in your pants. Because the first thing a man wants to do to his freshly fucked wife is to fuck her brains out. Didn't you want to do it?"
"Fuck you, Desai. I'm a fool to have called you to hear this all. Bye."
I was going to disconnect the call.
"Wait for a second, Krish. Let's meet."
"For what shit I would be meeting you again?"
I almost yelled but I then kept my voice low as I was on the balcony.
"I have invited a friend tomorrow. I want you to meet her," Desai's voice was dreadfully calm.
"I don't want to meet your friend. I don’t want to meet you either."
"But my friend wants to meet you. Don't disappoint her."
"Who's that?"
"You'll know tomorrow. Anytime, you tell me."
I knew it was going to be his new plan. I didn't care to answer before I cut the call.
I wondered if he was again playing his game with Ananya. I hadn't heard from her for since long.
But it was hardly a moment I could think of Ananya. My wife had again slept with another man.
How many? I wondered.
Shekhar. Armaan. Das. Desai. And now Ashish too.
Like I had told Meera a few minutes ago, I was relieved that it happened with Ashish, not with Desai. I was glad that it did not happen with Desai. When Desai told me those things, I believed him and it had taken half the life out of me. It was a realisation of how much I did not want that to happen. The feeling was even more horrifying because of the words he chose to tell me about the incident.
But one thing was true. After hearing his words, I had run to my wife. I had thought about how she would react to me. I had thought about my life after this. The thought of my dick not fitting in her pussy had haunted me for a few minutes. And I had indeed carried a hardness.
But in the end, when I came to know that Desai was just bluffing, I felt light, even though my wife had slept with another man anyway.
The rest of the day was silent. In the night, I tried to be cosy. I only wanted to comfort her.
But she excused herself and went to sleep soon.
The next morning when I woke up I could not get up from my bed. Visuals of my wife in bed with Ashish were forming in my head. I heard her heavy breathe, I heard her soft moans, I saw her face expressing the slight pain of another man's invasion into her body, and I saw her eyes closing in pleasure. I felt my dick waking up and my body getting tired. I knew where it would lead me and I stopped myself and got up.
There was no way I am going to welcome this. I had decided.
Later I asked her about her scooty. It wasn't in the parking.
"Oh, I forgot. I forgot it in Ashish's place." She said. "After what happened there I didn't remember anything. When I came out of his gate, I found an auto and I took it straight away."
I could understand her situation.
"Will you do me a favour, Krish? Will you bring it back? I don't want to go back in there."
She asked me. I nodded.
I later wondered if it was the same thing as buying a pill for my wife after she got laid by another man.
My manager called me soon. He said that the maintenance of the automatic sprinkler system in our office building was due for maintenance in the last four months. But it wasn't done and the boss had fried him for half an hour in the morning.
"The maintenance log book is under you, Krish. Why did you miss it?"
He asked and I had no answer. I had no idea about this. I was still learning my job. But my excuse did not work.
"Your learning has cost the company too much, Krish. What have you done?"
I was sure I was the chosen scapegoat. But I had done the mistake too. I had no idea what to do. I was sure that I was going to lose my job.
Meera saw me gloomy and she asked me if I was worried about her.
"No, baby," I didn't want to tell her about the debacle and add to her worries. "I was wondering how to get your scooty back."
Meera suggested that I silently walked into the apartment parking and simply rode away. I agreed. After breakfast, I hired a cab and headed to Ashish's place. I found imaginary visuals of Meera lying on his bed, clad in her blouse and underskirt, having stripped off her saree, as I sat in the back seat of the cab. It left me with a sense of loss but I could not hate Ashish.
Then I got Desai's phone call.
"Krish, are you coming?"
"No," I said stiffly.
"It's a request, my friend. If I hurt you yesterday with my joke, then I am sorry. I want to meet you in person and apologise."
"I know it's a new trick," I said. "What about your friend, is she already there?"
"Forget it, Krish. It's not the time, I know. I have come to know the issues at your office. Come, we need to discuss it too."
I remembered my manager's call. Desai was surely the only option to save my job. I agreed and directed the cab driver to change the route.
When I reached Desai's place he was alone. There were no extra cars in his parking like last time.
No friends.
I decided that it would be my last visit to his place. I wondered if he was going to bargain for saving my job too.
I would spit on his face, then. I thought.
"Welcome, my friend."
Desai smiled and led me to his large living room. I consciously withheld my smile and he noticed it.
"I know you are very angry. I can understand. I am sorry, my friend. Scotch or whiskey?"
He began to pour into two glasses without waiting for my response.
Same old tricks. I thought.
There was no need to refuse. I took one glass.
"First thing first, Krish. I have come to know that you're being made into a scapegoat. Leave it to me. I'll handle it."
He said as he toasted.
"How? I did a mistake there."
I confessed.
"Who doesn't make mistakes, dear? It doesn't mean it's the end of the story."
I remembered Meera's sad face.
But it felt much easier to sit with Desai after that. I was surprised that he did not bargain in exchange for saving my job.
"Yesterday was a bad day for me, friend."
He said later.
It was worse for me. I said in my mind.