Season 3 - Chapter 31
She stayed back as I returned to my flat. Meera returned after twenty minutes.
I was eager to know the details, despite knowing that it would be a harmless quick date.
"His mom was there," Meera said. "But it didn't stop him from being flirty. He showed me his room. A poster of shirtless John Abraham was on the wall. I said I'm surprised to see no photos of girls. He said he's inspired by John to be proud of his physique. Girls don't inspire, they attract him, he said. I asked him which girl has attracted him and he said I should already know that. I asked him how I would know that, and he said he's sure I'm intelligent enough to read his signals. He likes to talk direct, but he's careful. He asked me if I like men with a strong physique. I said yes. He wants to show me his body one day if I allow him. He's proud of his body. I didn't comment on his wish. I inspected his room, teasing him about his stuff. The dumbbells and all. He enjoyed talking to me, and in the end, he asked me out for a milkshake."
"Milkshake?" I wondered.
"Yeah, he doesn't drink coffee."
"Well, one step at a time..." I smiled.
The milkshake date Harish was looking for did not happen. Yet there was another incident that spiced up his attraction towards Meera.
One day we got invited to a birthday bash of a friend whom Meera had befriended during her evening workouts. Her name was Ritu. I had prior commitments at work, so I could not attend the event. But I went to the rooftop venue and wished that birthday girl with a present, before the start of the party.
I spotted Sheetal walking in just as I began to exit. She smiled at me and we had a casual chat. She said she decided to come only because of Meera's presence.
I also spotted Harish and Girish. The latter was setting up his musical instruments. Harish greeted me from the distance and then made a gesture towards Meera to imply how gorgeous she looked in the light blue top and jeans.
"Your boyfriend has found you," I whispered at Meera's ears. She pinched me.
"Mind your fantasy, Krish."
"Don't disappoint him, baby," I said.
"Careful with your wish. There are people over here. This is not one of your office parties. Everyone knows everyone here, don't they?"
"So what, he'll find privacy."
Meera looked at me and bobbed her head. "I can read your mind, my cuck hubby. You're never tired of that stuff, are you?"
"I just want you to enjoy the party to the fullest."
"What do you mean fullest? Do I get to fuck the hot guy?"
Her blatant reply caused a sharp spike in my heartbeats.
"I know you are not going to do that. But you can tease him with some sort of freedom."
"Freedom to touch me?"
"Freedom to try to seduce you," I quipped.
I left the venue soon and later phoned her to confirm the party was going smooth. I didn't forget to ask about Harish.
"He's with me only. And Girish is singing."
I could hear the loud music in the background.
Girish was everyone's centre of attention at the party. But I knew Harish's attention would be on Meera only.
I came back after three hours. Meera was already home, after the party. She had changed to pyjamas and a floral top and seemed excited.
I joined her in the bed soon. She was slightly drunk.
"I had a beer with the girls." She said.
"I thought you would call me while returning," I said.
"Not an issue. Harish was there; he accompanied me and Sheetal here."
"Oh, Harish!" I smiled. "Tell me about him."
"Mmm... Eager to know the details, huh?" Meera caressed my face with a naughty smile.
"I deserve to know, baby," I admitted.
"Well, he was there not for Ritu. He was there for me. Always around me. But he tried to pretend he was there for all the girls in the group. Sheetal even made fun of him. And he said he doesn't have a great voice like his brother's and he has to work hard to impress girls. We had a good laugh. Sheetal told me she had no idea he was so friendly. And apparently, she had no idea Harish was into me."
"So he made any particular move?" I asked, having no interest to hear about Sheetal.
"Yes, he did. He took me for a walk to the south corner of the rooftop. He touched my hands, squeezed my palm, looked into my eyes with a coy smile having no clue how to move it beyond that. It was fun to watch him. I asked him if he's hiding something from me. He said he wished if he had a drink to overcome the nervousness, but his strict diet doesn't allow him to drink. I said I liked his sense of discipline.
I knew he wanted to get closer so I moved closer to let him put his arm around me while leaning our back on the pabangt. He touched my hip and slowly pressed there. I didn't want to get physical so I told him not to be obsessed with me. He said he's obsessed with the thoughts of me.
I felt bad for giving him false hope. I stopped him, saying he's a good guy and he should not forget that I'm married. I said, no matter how I respond to your cues, we are not going to have it.
"I'm fully aware of your marital status," he said, "I'm not going to cause you pain. All I want to do is to continue having the fun which we're already having. A little bit of fun is always welcome."
"A little bit of fun!" I looked at him doubtfully.
"Yeah. Some things might hurt Krish if he knew, but if those same things can be easily hidden from him, and can give you some crazy little fun, then we should enjoy it. It will be fun." Suddenly he was talking, perhaps he got the courage when I allowed him to touch me.
He guided me to the other side of the rooftop. From there we climbed on top of the additional storey. It was their gym and Harish said no one could find us. He showed me the night view from there. It is the highest point of any of the buildings around here. As he moved close to the edge, I got a little scared because there was no pabangt. I told him I'm drunk and scared. He put his arms around me.
"Don't worry, I'll never let you fall." He said.
I told him he's making excuse to hug me.
"But I only want to protect you. With a little bit of fun." He said. Then he stood behind me and kissed at the back of my neck," Meera touched at the back of her neck to show me the exact spot as she spoke. "Here. And then his hand was over my belly. He moved it inside my t-shirt and touched my navel. I could feel his hardness behind me. But I stopped when he tried to move up inside my tee.
"Let's go. Somebody will see us," I said and freed myself from his embrace. We got down and sneaked back into the party."
Meera finished and looked at me. I let out a sigh.
"So that's some serious game of hanky-panky!" I said.
"Is that what you wished for?" Meera pinched my nose.
"I wish you had stayed back a little more."
I admitted blatantly. Meera jumped on me.
"Haha. Your wish list is long, I know that!"
She sat on my hip and lowered her face to kiss me. I kissed her back.
She moaned through the kiss. I could tell she wanted sex.
"It's a shame you didn't let him taste your lips," I said.
"Which lips?"
She asked, looking straight into my eyes, with a naughty grin. I loved it.
"Whichever," I said.
"Haha." Meera sat up and slowly began unbuttoning her top.
Her phone buzzed at this moment. It was lying next to me and she saw Harish's name flashing on the screen. She checked the message. It was a simple goodnight message.
I wanted her to reply.
Meera refused.
"No, he will know that I'm awake."
"So what?" I asked.
She relented and sent a reply. The next moment she got another message. She looked at me. "See? He will not stop now. He's asking about you."
"Tell him I have slept."
"Do you have something absurd in mind, dear?"
"Let's see how far he takes it."
Meera made a face at me but then proceeded to text him.
"He thinks it's too early to sleep when you have my company."
"Tell him that I'm sleeping in the other room because you're drunk."
"That's a strange reason to sleep in the other room."
"Say, I'm offended by your drinking."
Meera pressed her palm over my chest, still sitting on my hip.
"It would make you a conservative husband."
"I'm a conservative husband."
Meera laughed, "haha. That's the biggest joke of the night."
Well, the messages from the other side started pouring and Meera was soon smiling at them. She replied fast and I knew she was game.
"Did he ask you what are you wearing?"
I teased.
"Shut up. He's not that forward." She retorted and then added, "Hey, he's asking if he can call me."
The next moment her phone started ringing.
"Take it, take it," I said.
She put her finger across her lips and answered the call.
"Hello," she spoke in a low voice. Harish too spoke in a low voice; I could not make out what he was saying.
"Mmm...that's a nice excuse to call someone at midnight," Meera spoke on the phone.
"Then it's better to sleep already."
"Mmm... I don't want to tell you."
"No. You can't tell that."
"You can call it my kindness."
"Right now? You said you don't drink. Then how come you've got so high?"
"No. Not happening."
"Hey...!" The phone was disconnected from the other end. Meera looked at me.
"He's crazy!"
She moved aside and lied down on the bed.
"He first said he is unable to sleep, wanted to hear my voice. Then he said his mind is still wandering on the rooftop with me. He thinks there must be a reason why I didn't push him off the building when he kissed my neck, like, maybe I like him. And now he wants to see me. I said not possible but he wants a picture."
"Then send it," I said.
Meera looked at me.
"Come on, it's no big deal."
I said again.
She relented and opened her phone camera to take a selfie, lying in the bed. As she began to do the top button, I stopped her.
"It is okay, baby," I said and split her collars slightly to give a glimpse of her cleavage. Meera protested but I managed to make her send the selfie.
"I'm sending our neighbour a hot picture. I must be drunk." Meera blurted.
"Did he like it?" I asked.
"He must be kissing his phone screen now," she giggled.
"Why don't you ask him to send his selfie?"
I suggested.
Meera asked him for a photo and he sent a shirtless snap. He too was lying on the bed.
Harish called again. I asked Meera to answer in speaker mode.
"Did you like the photo?" I heard Harish's voice. It was low.
"It's impressive. I'm not surprised why you want to show me your body."
"It's just the upper half. I want to show you the whole."
Meera looked at me and bulged her eyes with a meaningful smile.
"Then send it, why stop yourself?"
She asked.
"Not like this. In real."
"Oh boy! You want to strip in front of me."
"Kind of."
"You're confident that something is gonna happen between us."
"I'll be happy then."
"But you promised you wouldn't cause pain to me. Forgot?"
"I still stick to my word. I know your loyalty to Krish. You know, there on the rooftop, I wanted to kiss you but I stopped because I respect you. I didn't want to offend you."
"You wouldn't have offended me anyway. I was in a good mood."
"Oh. I missed. My bad. Can I go back in time?"
"Can I come over?"
"You'll only get your ass kicked."
"Then I'll give you a kiss now." He said and followed it with a loud smooch through the phone. "Mmmwaah..."
Meera was blushing. She was not looking at me now.
"Got it?"
"Where did you give?"
"On the lips."
"Mmm...I knew."
"Those beautiful soft lips. You know you did the right thing by pushing me away and not letting me kiss you. Otherwise, I would have ended up eating your lips like crazy. Krish is so lucky. But I wish if he had come to you and made you feel special. You were so lovely and sexy tonight. How can he not be aroused seeing you?"
"He sees me every day like this."
"That's not an excuse to sleep alone."
"I know where this is heading. Do you want to give me company?"
"I would love to."
"I know."
"Can I come?"
"Open the door."
"You know I'm not that dumb, don't you?"
"I won't do anything."
"Then for what?"
"Just to see you. How you are."
"I'll never open the door for you, no matter what you say."
"Then I can climb down to your balcony from the top."
"And fall to death."
"I wouldn't mind dying for you."
"So romantic!" Meera giggled. "I'm saying goodnight now. See you in the daytime. I like you as a good friend, okay?"
"Okay, goodnight Meera."
She kept the phone down and exhaled.
"That's crazy midnight flirting!"
"But you've left it abruptly," I said.
Meera turned to face me in the bed. "What do you want me to do?"
"You could have let him come. I would have interrupted if anything goes wrong."
"Oh, yeah! I remember how you interrupt." She pushed me away. "You'll get me fucked by your neighbour too. It's not funny, Krish."
She was referring to a night that happened years ago when I encouraged her to welcome her boss Shekhar to our house after a few nights of midnight flirting. She had promised him a worthy night, without really intending to do it. She agreed to welcome him as I assured her safety. I had promised to interrupt them if anything goes bad. I hid in the storeroom when Shekhar arrived. But the faulty lock trapped me inside the store where the phone network was also not available. The plan went west and the night had an unexpected ending as Shekhar managed to make Meera fulfil her promise. That was her first experience of sleeping with a man other than her husband. And it marked the beginning of a series of sexcapades with many men in her life.
Even though she pushed me away with that remark, she joined me back the next moment. This time I let her lips speak directly to mine. We went on to make love passionately. She undid all her buttons but refrained from taking her top off. She unhooked her bra to loosen it and give me full access. I mentioned Harish would be dreaming of doing it himself and Meera smiled. "Yeah, I know."
The sex was great.
The next day at work I kept thinking about Harish and wondered if Meera was ever going to have sex with him. Even though the fantasy excited me, I was not in favour of making it a reality. Harish was our neighbour. I knew the danger involved in including a neighbour in my fantasies. The biggest concern was his overexposure to our life. And then there is a possibility of being caught by others and thus earning a bad name in society.
But I was confident that Meera would be thinking in the same lines. I believed that she would never cross the line.
In the evening I kept my eyes on Harish and found him sharing a few glances at Meera. She seemed to be ignoring him completely as she returned from the evening walk. I later asked her if she was avoiding Harish.
"No. I had met him just outside the park. We had a small chat," Meera said.
She told me the chat was strictly social. As if the previous night's flirty chat was a long-forgotten memory.
Harish used to forward casual jokes and memes to her. Meera would usually reply with laughing emojis. A few days later when she received a good night message I asked her to reply with something positive. We had finished our dinner and Meera gave me a doubtful look. I knew what she was thinking.
"Let's see if he's still fantasising about you," I said.
"I am wondering what you are fantasising about him," Meera said.
"I am willing to fantasise anything you want."
"Then I am here to listen to that first." She sat up in the bed. I pulled her back to lie down with me. "Chat with him," I landed a few soft kisses on her soft cheek and assured her, "It'll be fun. Ask him to delete the photo you sent him the other night."
Meera texted him. 'Are you keeping our chat on your phone?’ ‘I want you to delete it.'
'I have deleted it.' Came his quick reply.
Meera looked at me. "He must be lying."
Before I could nod, there was another text on her screen. 'Except the photo.' Message from Harish.
"Mmm..." Meera smiled. "Not a liar."
"Ask him what is he doing with the photo. He should delete it," I suggested.
Meera texted him her demand.
'I will delete it, but you have to promise me you'll send a new one now.' Came Harish's reply.
Meera shook her head. 'Then what's the use of deleting the old one?'
'The new one will show how you look right now. I want to see you right now.'
"He's dreaming too much of your wife, honey." Meera blurted to me.
"Ask him to send his photo first," I demanded.
She looked at me, "are you sure you want to play this up?"
With my encouragement, she asked him for the snap. He right away sent a photo of him lying shirtless in bed, flaunting his abs.
'You always shirtless at home?' Meera asked him.
'I'm shirtless in bed. Where are you?'
'I'm also in bed. But properly dressed.'
'Where is Krish?'
'Sleeping right next to me. Wanna wake him up?'
'No. Better leave him that way. btw where is my photo?'
Meera sent a selfie, lying on her back. She didn't give me time to adjust her top.
'Beautiful'. 'I can't believe Krish is sleeping.' 'how can he sleep so early when such a beautiful woman is lying next to him?' Came Harish's quick replies.
'I can't take my eyes off you'
'You better delete the photo'
'Then send me another’
'That will be the same'
'Not if you pull the top a little bit'
'No way.’
'show me your belly... I showed you my abs. please please please'
"Send it, baby," I said. Meera shook her head. "No way."
"Come on, it'll be fun," I said and pulled her top from the waistline to uncover her belly. Meera let out a sigh to mark her protest but then went on to send a snap of her, her navel exposed.
Complements poured in from the other side. I slowly ran my finger around her navel and she giggled. "Are you living out his fantasy?"
"It's beautiful," I said.
Harish's next photo was another snap of him. Focusing more on his abs, the photo didn't include his face. But it showed part of his boxer. In its centre, there was a bulge clearly showing.
My heart began to beat faster. The man was implying much more.
"Oh, my goodness." Meera gasped at the photo. I could see the bulge was impressive.
"Ask him what is that bulge in there," I said.
"Fuck you!" Meera scoffed. "Are you crazy?" But I could tell that her anger was made up.
"Just let him know that you've seen it," I said.
'oh, God. That's your underwear.' Meera texted.
"Mmm... Smart remark," I smiled.
'You noticed.'
'I noticed a lot more. Don't ask.'
Now Meera was doing exactly what I wanted.
'it's been always like this since I hugged you at the rooftop.'
'Yeah, I'm aware of that.'
'Nobody told me things so sexy. It felt so good when it touched behind you. I wanted to touch it.'
'Aren't you talking too much'
'Shall I show you a little more?'
'more? What is it?'
Meera stole a glance at me. She was now clearly enjoying the chat.
Harish sent another photo. Same frame but his hand was inside his boxer. He was touching his erection!
"Oh boy!" Meera sighed.
"Ask him what's inside it," I said.
'what are you doing, gentleman?' Meera texted.
'I am dreaming about you.' 'Now send me another pic.' He requested.
As Meera readily prepared to take another selfie, I asked her to take off her top. She refused as always, but I was relentlessly me.
"You can cover yourself with the bedsheet. Don't know anything, baby." My suggestion was accepted and Meera removed her top.
She lied down and covered her breasts with the bedsheet. Her bra straps were visible along with a glimpse of her cleavage.
Harish went crazy now. He kept on insisting to remove the sheet.
"This is getting dangerous." Meera looked at me.
"You can exclude your face if you want," my suggestion meant to encourage her.
'this is the last one.' Meera reminded before taking the photo without the sheet, and of course, without showing her face. The photo showed her breasts, clad in the white bra, and her flawless belly.
'I can't chat now, my fingers are shaking,' Harish replied. Meera sent a smiley. Harish then sent another photo.
This time his boxer was pulled halfway down, showing almost the base of his dick! Also visible was his neatly trimmed pubic area around it.
"He'll take it off in the next one!" Meera pinched me. "I can't go any further."
"At least tell him that you're impressed," I said.
'OMG OMG OMG. I'm done for tonight. I'll have to wake up Krish now. Good night, boy.' Meera texted and then tossed the phone away in bed.
And she straightaway reached for my dick. I was hard as a rock.
"Any plan to put it to use, honey?"
She asked. We both knew we were in a familiar state of mind. I quickly sat up and knelt beside her, and then pulled down my boxer. My dick jumped out with its shiny head on the show. Meera straightaway started sucking it. She sucked me hard and for long until it ached her neck. She lied down and asked me to move it. I moved to position my knees at either side of her chest and drove my dick back into her mouth. It was long since I had fucked her mouth like that. Meera showed no sign of being tired of my dick, and she surprised me beyond my belief. My dick was surely touching the back of her neck. But she could take it. Eventually, I stopped, fearing that I would hurt her.
She panted for three seconds but then asked me what happened.
I readily bent down and kissed her. Her freshly fucked mouth tasted softer than ever. My hands went between her legs. Only then did I know she was completely naked. She was one step ahead of me. I found her pussy wet as I pushed my fingers inside her.
"Go down, Krish." She said and pressed my shoulders. I followed her wish and went down to taste her fresh juices. Meera moaned louder.
I didn't know who she was dreaming about. I didn't care. I was in a realm of pleasure already. A few minutes later, she pulled me up and guided my dick into her wet hole. She raised her legs in the air as I fucked her deep and loud.
As I prepared to burst inside her, I lost my mind.
"Is this how you want Harish to do it?"
"Yes...yes..." She panted.
"Do you feel him inside you?"
"Mmm... Just keep fucking me, baby."
"You feel so tight Meera. Don't your husband fuck you daily?"
"No, he doesn't."
"So you need me."
"Yes... Yes..."
"You won't tell him about me, will you?"
" I'll keep the secret."
"Then promise me your married pussy will be mine from here on."
"Yes. Yes. I promise."
It was too much for me to take and I came with a loud moan.
"Aaaah... baby... Feels so good...mmm..."
I panted heavily as if I had just finished a marathon when I fell next to her. Meera turned to hug me and then kissed me. She swirled her tongue all over my face.
"That was great, honey." She whispered through her breaths.
The next day was Saturday. When I woke up in the morning, Meera wasn't there in my bed. She had gone to the market. With Harish.
I remembered the crazy sex of the previous night and how I had lured her into being attracted to Harish. After such a hot chat in the night, I didn't think they would be able to meet up as if nothing happened.
Is he gonna take advantage of it?
I didn't know, to be honest.
I got up and waited impatiently for her return. My thoughts were split in two directions. One gave me confidence that Meera would manage her neighbour cleverly. The other one made me wonder if I had erred again. Before I knew it, I was having visions of Harish taking Meera to his close friend's place where nobody was present. I imagined Meera walking into my house with a lost expression on her face.
'Sorry, Krish. I betrayed you again.' I heard her voice.
I knew I cannot name it betrayal anymore. Because it wouldn't have happened without my encouragement.
The doorbell rang, halting my wild imaginations. Meera came in with her shopping bag full of vegetables. I couldn't stop myself from spending a moment analysing her appearance.
She was perfectly normal. Or in other words, she didn't look like she was fucked by Harish! I quickly spent a moment to repent my doubts about her.
"What happened? What did he say? Did he try anything naughty?" I asked.
Meera gave me a look.
"I didn't go there to get him to try anything naughty, Krish. I asked for his phone and deleted those chats and photos."
I was taken aback.
"Did you offend him?"
"He is cool. He understood. I told him I have no plan to cheat on my husband. My casual chats shouldn't be seen as a sign of desperation. I told him that you're able to fulfil my needs in every way. He understood."
"He must be disappointed."
"Slightly yes. But I assured him I have no problem being close friends with him. I mean friends without benefits. He agreed."
Meera was clever and careful. She had got his phone and deleted the evidence of her little adventure. And she also curtailed their little fling before it got out of hands. I was sure she would have surprised Harish.
A few days later, her phone buzzed in my presence. I saw Harish's name flashing on the screen momentarily. It was just before dinner.
I encouraged her to chat positively and say I'm busy on the laptop in the other room.
She looked at me suspiciously.
"Again, Krish?"
"Just to know what's happening, baby."
"He is not that into me after I deleted those photos. He knows that I have realised we went too far. Why reopen it?"
"Come on just a little chat. Only to get ourselves in the right mindset."
I said, rubbing my crotch.
Meera smirked, "you'll never learn."
She relented, eventually, and went in to chat with him for a while. I sat with her, refraining from looking at her phone screen.
"He's asking if I ever had sex with anyone other than you." She said at one point.
"What are you gonna say?"
I asked.
"Of course, no is my answer."
"Say yes," I said.
"No way. It will give him hope again."
"You can tell about Das. You had a boyfriend during our separation."
"And should I tell him how many times we had sex? He will ask."
"Say the truth. Plenty of times!"
Meera pushed me away.
"You'll get me a name in this neighbourhood."
Meera eventually revealed to him about seeing a man during a two years separation from me.
I was now looking at her screen. 'We used to have sex.'
'Does Krish know about this?' Harish asked.
'Of course, I told him when we reunited.'
'He's a wonderful person.'
'Well, he too had a small affair by then.' Meera replied with a smile at me.
'What! Really?' Harish sent a shocked smiley.
'Then how come you both got back together? Both of you got breakup simultaneously? Why couldn't none of you continue with those relationships?'
'Well, it was not possible. Both of our flings were married!'
'Holy cow! You guys are so crooked.'
'Now you know why I'm not going to cheat on him.'
'Well, your secret makes me feel better.'
'Why, you too have screwed a married woman?'
'Not one but two.'
'You rascal. I think I narrowly saved myself from making me the third.'
'Tell me, didn't you dream about it? Your strip teases were just a trick to get me into it?'
'Not like that. I have fantasies about you. It won't stop ever. You're so beautiful. How can I stop thinking about you.'
'means I will have to be careful.'
'Don't be. I have accepted you as my friend.'
'friends without benefits.'
'Yup. Like I promised.'
'What a change of heart. Saturday you were very disappointed.'
'I want to tell you a secret to convince you.'
'I've found someone ready to be friends with benefits.'
Both me and Meera were stunned. Meera turned to me. "He's trying to make me desperate. He's still into me."
"Ask him who is it," I suggested.
'Who's that?'
'She's one of our residents.'
'And I have a feeling you're remorseful about it.'
'Remorseful about cheating on the hubby. But feeling great about screwing the wife.'
'What should I do to know who is it? Are you gonna ask a blowjob or something in return?'
I was stunned by Meera's boldness to chat like that. But she had read Harish's mind well.
'No. I can share my secrets with you. You are special.'
'Go on.'
'It's your neighbour.'
I was shocked. Sheetal?
I whispered my reply. Meera looked at my face.
Meera asked.
'I'm shocked. Are you serious?'
'She's your friend too. You got no hint?'
'Absolutely Nil. I wonder how. Tell me in detail.'
'She started talking to me after Ritu's birthday party.' 'She wanted to learn some cool workout steps.' 'So I visited her a couple of times.' 'On the fourth day, we shifted the workout session to her bed.'
Meera looked at me again. She wasn't convinced completely.
But I was convinced. Sheetal had found her match. Not only Sheetal, but Pawan would also be part of it.
"It should be true."
I blurted.
"Ask him how many times."
I whispered.
'So how was it?' Meera asked.
'It was great. She looked like a conservative woman at first, but she quickly adapted to do great things.'
"Ask about protection." I hurriedly whispered.
'What about protection? Do you carry the rubber around?'
"No. She said she was safe."
Sheetal had unprotected sex with Harish!
But I thought I knew that already.
Because she wants a child from him. Pawan wants to become a father.
That night, we found it tough to sleep. The next evening, we witnessed some silent communication being exchanged between Harish and Sheetal while coming back from the evening walk. I had come to terms with the reality and accepted that it was their choice. But Meera was seemingly frustrated.
I could understand her frustration. Knowingly or unknowingly, Harish's attraction to her had increased our sexual appetite.
There was a brief period when it felt like Meera was going to have some intimate fun with someone like Harish. It was met with an abrupt end, leaving us both with an incomprehensible sense of desperation.
That was how I learnt that Meera was not going to be seduced by any Harishs and Girishs, no matter how much I encourage her. I was left to wonder why it was so.
Looking back, I can now say why it was so.
Because there was a man already, who was destined to do that.