Season 3 - Chapter 34

For a couple of seconds, I forget to respond.
"Hello, Krish."
Desai smiled at me, confirming that the scene was real.
Desai looked casually dressed in a white shirt and black jeans, with an open suit over the shirt. In his left hand was a semi sized trolley bag, making me guess he was coming from the airport. His hairstyle was changed noticeably. He had grown it to chin length and swept it back across the hair, giving him a more mature look. The tidy though long hair had curls behind his neck, making it stylish enough.
"Am I not welcome?"
Desai asked again.

"Oh yes," I said and extended my hand to him. "I am just too surprised, just out of my bed."
"Yeah, the flight landed too early. I had to wake up your security to open the gate."
I welcomed him to the house and turned on the lights in the hall.
"I know you wouldn't have expected me to be so quick to return," Desai said while sitting on the sofa. "I didn't want to make a comeback. But then I thought why not make a short trip as you asked. I hope I'd be able to handle Maithrei's issues in two days. Then I'll be gone. You know, when I told my dad about this, he was wary that I was making a comeback. He is the happiest along with my mom after I decided to live with them. Only when I said I would be back in two days did they get their breath back. Dad asked me to convey his gratitude to whomever persons for changing his son's mind for the good. So I thought why not I utilise this chance, to say thank you to both of you."
"Well, I have nothing to do with your change of heart." I quipped. "It was Meera. Just her."
Desai smiled.
"You are right. She's the one who kicked my ass big time. It's funny that I am not able to tell my parents how she changed me."
"So your parents don't know you have a fetish for other men's wives. I am glad to hear that."
"You have all the right to pull my legs."
Desai laughed.

"Jokes apart, I have troubled you for long. I am truly sorry, Krish. From the deepest of my heart."
I was impressed by the way he was making conversation entirely with me, without showing any hurry to see Meera despite knowing she was around. It was not just that he didn't talk about her, but he also didn't look around to see to catch a glimpse of her. It was like he didn't care about her.
But it was inevitable that he was going to meet her.
And when Meera woke up and saw Desai, she didn't hide her surprise.
"You were just waiting for my call to come back, weren't you?"
Meera asked.
Desai spent a few seconds studying her reaction and then turned to me.
"Now it's her chance to pull my legs."
"No, I am serious. How do you justify that it's barely eighteen hours after I asked you to consider helping that woman? And you have just shown up here. How do you justify that?"
"I thought I should meet you guys and express my gratitude before you guys left for anything."
"Today is Sunday, Desai." Meera didn't stop frying him. "We have no work today. And as far as I know, you know about our working schedules better than anyone."

Desai turned to me.
"Please ask her to spare me this time, Krish. I am beginning to smell another lesson for life from her. Please tell her that I am alright."
I laughed and suggested Meera make a coffee for all before we chatted further.
Meera went to the kitchen and quickly made a green tea. Desai took a small sip from the cup and nodded slightly at Meera, smartly expressing how perfect the tea tasted.
"What is the need that you feel you need to thank me repeatedly?" Meera asked. "What have I changed in your life?"
"You caused a fire, Meera."
Desai took another sip and enjoyed it with his eyes closed for a second, and then looked at her.
"Sometimes we only need a spark to start a fire. You were that spark. It may sound overdramatic, but to tell you the truth, I will have to tell you a bit about my family. My family - whose biggest pain has been the life and death of my brother.”

Desai's brother Seemant was on the verge of acquiring his family business in Shimoga. Unlike Desai who were interested in investing in modern companies, his brother was more interested in conservative business ideas like public transport and agriculture. As it had been a custom in the family he too didn't think about finding a life partner for long, and that happened when he found a woman named Anamika.
Desai's parents happily overlooked the difference in the social status of the two families, as Anamika belonged to a middle-class family. The latter's family themselves were overwhelmed by the proposal. Everything worked as per the wish of the Desais, except Anamika's heart. She was in love with her childhood friend. When she intimated Seemant about it before marriage, he not only chose to ignore it but also made sure her family didn't back off from the wedding. He was blinded by the woman's beauty.

Eventually, the marriage was conducted against the bride's wish. Seemant would later boast to his brother about how he had set his eyes on a woman and how he had managed to marry her despite her falling onto his feet every time she saw him. But his happiness would last just four weeks. Exactly after one month after the wedding, Anamika's boyfriend walked into his bedroom and shot him dead. Anamika ran away with her boyfriend, only to join him in death. The couple committed suicide by drowning themselves in a river.
The tragedy would leave Desai to loathe any relationship with women. He used to hate them until one of his friends gave him the idea of being their friend with a sole purpose - to screw them. And when he tried it once, he started to see such opportunities emerging one after another. He eventually lost count of women in his life. Perhaps he chose not to count after a few years.
He never cared about the marital status of women he slept with. Neither did he worry about why they slept with him. The only thing he needed was their consent which he knew how to get. He was indeed manipulative. But he was a businessman by heart, and according to him, no businessman can survive without manipulation. And for his wonder and pride afterwards, most of the women who called him manipulative later started enjoying the moments in bed with him.

He had lost respect for the institution called marriage. He thought their so-called love was fake. Because he had seen socially respected wives of loving men going hungry in bed for his cock.
Then why couldn't Anamika follow the same path? What was the need to believe in something that could have been easily forgotten? What was the need to take lives for it? He would never understand. Or he thought so until he met Meera and her perseverance.
Meera surprised him with her love and commitment to her husband despite all the shortcomings and false steps as she made him realise there are women whom he cannot win through manipulation. He learnt one thing as he retrospected; that the women who were presumptively addicted to his sexual prowess had no difficulty in parting ways with him. Because they were not addicted. Instead, it was him who had been addicted. He was a slave to the feel of being able to dominate women. He was a slave to the hatred he had developed long ago.

When he realised Meera's perseverance was the reason for his respect toward her, he also realised that Anamika too deserved the same respect.
Desai could imagine Anamika crying to his brother, "why are you so desperate, Seemant? Why the fuck you cannot understand that I don't want to marry you? In which language should I tell you that I love someone else?"
Desai could see how he had been repeating the same mistake of his brother. Meera was right about him. The only thing he wanted to do in his life was to fuck as many women as possible before he died. And he had forgotten that he too had a heart inside him.
That's when he decided to take up the challenge by Meera. He dared himself to stop being a womaniser. He went back to his home and met his parents and told them there is no need to hate their daughter in law for what she did. Instead, they were asked to think about how to earn forgiveness for their dead son for what he had done.

Desai went back to Anamika's parents and sought forgiveness for hating them for so long. They were shocked. They fell at Desai's feat when he told them they can stop pretending that their daughter was wrong. Because, he told them, to love was not wrong.
It was the collective wrong of their families to force Anamika to marry someone else when she was in love with someone.
Desai told them she was a courageous woman who stood firm with her love even in death.
Desai's parents admitted how they had already realised this long ago, but were unable to share it with their son.
"We were scared to piss you off." Desai's dad told him. "For we thought you wouldn't be wise enough to understand the truth."
Desai's eyes were opened now. He welcomed Anamika's parents back into his family. He told the unbelieving to believe and became the son his family wanted him to be.

"My life and my vision had changed since I've left this city. The way I look at others' lives has changed. It's been a good life, Krish. And I am grateful to you guys, especially Meera." Desai said like a conclusion to his life story.
"When I decided that I was going to spend the rest of my life with his parents, they didn't believe me first," he smiled as if remembering how he had to convince them. "And when I said there's a person who is the reason behind my change of heart, they wanted to meet her. I can understand their feelings now. I can't tell you how grateful I am. But I'm not trying to refresh my friendship with you. I'm just trying to forget how shameless I've been. I came to tell you that I've accepted your challenge and pulled it off. I want that respect, even though it's just a tiny bit."
"You have my respect," Meera said. "And I'm glad that you've pulled it off."

Her warm voice told me she meant it.
Meera asked him about the duration of his stay in the city.
"Not more than a couple of days. I came back to do exactly what you asked me yesterday. I'll help Maithrei. I'll also exit the partnership."
"That's not what I asked."
Meera said quickly.
"That's what is needed, Meera. Maithrei is a capable woman. And I have started believing in people, especially women."
He said with a smile. Meera smiled too.
She then got up saying she need to freshen up, "I haven't even done my teeth. You guys continue."
Desai too got up.
"It's your home, guys. Be at home. I should leave."
"Are you sure? It's okay if you want to stay for breakfast."
Meera said and looked at me. I nodded.
"Stay, Desai. Your visit has made our day."
Desai hesitated at first but eventually, he relented. I asked him to be comfortable and allowed him to use the additional room to freshen up. He thanked me. By the time he returned to the hall, Meera had completed her quick shower and then hurried to the kitchen, with her wet hair still wrapped in the towel. Desai waited in the hall and he was checking his phone as I returned after my morning routines. I asked him if we were taking too much of his time.
"It's nothing when compared to the time I had stolen from you," Desai said.

Meera heard it as she emerged from the kitchen.
"You don't have to take this guilt trip," She said. "Since you've decided to move on, and since you've convinced us that you could change for good, then why should we go back in time to rue the bad steps we've taken in the past? Just move on, and start enjoying things you've been missing out on so far."
Desai nodded.
"I can agree with you."
While talking Meera slowly undid the towel wrap off her hair and started to absorb the moisture by squeezing the hair in parts with the towel. She looked homely and gorgeous. At first, I felt she was testing Desai by giving him a glimpse of her homely attire. But she wasn't. She was just being herself.
As she finished drying the hair and styled it casually, she inadvertently exposed her armpits. She was busy talking but I was keen to catch Desai's reaction. Though it did not bring any reaction from Desai, I felt Meera had conveyed that she was open to friendship with him again.

We had breakfast together. Seeing Meera and Desai sit opposite each other across the table, I couldn't help but imagine them fucking on the same table - as they had done in the past. My imaginations were more like a momentary flash, but it was enough to arouse me. I would soon feel guilty though.
Desai spoke about his plan to see Maithrei at noon and then visit some places on Monday to move the work as quickly as possible so that he could leave by the evening.

"It may be the last time we are meeting," Desai said as we finished breakfast. And he extended his support to me in future. He was aware of my exit from his friend's firm.
"I can help you get it back if you want. I know you loved that job." He said.
"Thanks but I've found another job. It's alright." I said.
Desai asked Meera what was the need to quit her job when everything was going great in there. "I thought I would come across another video of you so that I could show my dad and maybe tell him ‘she is the one’, but that opportunity never came."
Meera smiled. "I needed a change in the work environment. After a point, everything gets stagnant."
He thanked me again for tolerating a rude person like him.
"My desperate measures to seduce another man's wife now look so laughable. I can only wonder why I did what I did."
"I appreciate how you are taking it positively," I said.

"I appreciate the things you did too. Have you ever met someone who tried so hard to seduce your wife?"
"Not known to me," Meera said. "I have never met another man in my life who longed for me as you did."
"That's something I can't regret." Desai quipped. "You are worth it. It's just that I should have realised that I can't have you. You will remain elusive to me."
Meera smiled again. "Are you not sad that I remained elusive?"
"Yeah, I would be. But I would love to live with that." Desai admitted. "The most important thing I learnt is that an honest smile from you- like the one you are giving me now - is more memorable than a blow job."
I felt awkward for a moment as I watched him remind her of a blowjob she had given him a few months ago, but the next moment I felt my heartbeat taking a faster route to pump my blood into some parts of my body. I was sure his remark would have awakened the memory of those moments in her - the moments she had spent in his car and willingly opened her mouth to engulf his monster dick and give him the heavenly pleasure. I was sure she would have remembered how the round head of his dick would have gone deep into her to tease the back of her throat. I was sure she would also have remembered how his pre-cum tasted as she let her tongue dance around his pole.

In the flash of a second, I was carrying a boner.
However, no matter what I deducted from the remark, both Desai and Meera remained perfectly cool in their conversation.
"An old friend of mine - he was my driver in the beginning- had taught me one thing; if I tried hard enough to get something that I'm worthy of, nothing will be elusive." Desai went on. "He was right. I had won almost all I ever wanted. Except you. There’s no argument that I failed to win you over. But it's okay because I can understand now. What if I don't deserve you?"
Meera looked him in the eyes and nodded slowly.
Desai thanked us both for the breakfast and walked out of the house. I followed him to the parking. He commented on the calm ambience of our apartment complex. I revealed that we were looking for another apartment to permanently move in. I didn't want him to be surprised when he learns about Maithrei's generosity in the future.
He shook hands with me one last time and left.

As I went back to the house, Meera was sitting in the hall.
"So he's gone, finally. Right?"
She asked. I tried to derive the emotion behind her voice, if any. Meera went on. "You should talk to Maithrei. You have fulfilled her request."
She was referring to Maithrei's offer to give us an apartment at a heavily discounted price. But I remembered something else.
"I can't explain what kinda friendship I am looking for, because I'll end up talking dirty. But I exactly mean that, along with other things."
I imagined Maithrei sitting on the edge of a bed, waiting for me. Her eyes shone at me, and her bright smile enticed me. The glimpse of her tongue as she spoke to me gave me a vision of how she would swirl it around my dick. The sight of her lips making an o shape to push it into her mouth made me stand still for a moment. I discarded the thoughts quickly, though. I could not believe how I was getting carried away with my wild imagination.
That's not happening.

"I will phone her later," I said.
"Okay," Meera said and walked to the kitchen. I followed her, expecting her to comment about the plausibility of Desai's change. But Meera said nothing and proceeded to prepare lunch. I grabbed a carrot and ate it while standing behind her, leaning against the countertop. I noticed how perfect she looked from behind and commented on it. I said the shape of her ass was getting better with time.
"I can see you are doing the right exercise to make it look better each day," I added.

Meera turned her head and caught my eyes. "But what's the use when the person who should appreciate it isn't doing anything?" She teased me with a smirk.
"What?" I loved her cheeky reply. I instantly moved behind her and ran my palm under her roundness. "I would love to appreciate it however you want me to."
She paused cutting the vegetables and giggled.
"I have a knife in my right hand. Don't tell me I hurt you, later," She warned.
"I have something better," I said and put my arms around her, pushing my crotch behind her ass. I could feel the softness with my growing hardness. "I hope it will help me defend myself."
Meera laughed.
"Yeah, I can feel it."
She pushed her left hand between us and touched me. I felt good. I leaned forward and landed a kiss at the side of her neck. I bit her earlobes and she giggled.
"Don't take that hand off me," I whispered. "It feels damn good, baby."
"You'll regret it, later. I am warning you." Meera said, still feeling over my hardness.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because I've been cutting the green chillies."
I noticed the chillies on her chopping board. I moved back with a jerk.

"Oh shit."
Meera turned to face me and teased me with her eyes, "what happened baby?"
We had a good laugh over it. But I quickly moved forward to hug her again.
"I suggest you keep your hand busy on the chopping board," I whispered, "and let me busy with something I'd love to," I said and ran my palms upward at either side of her body. I leaned forward to kiss her.
"You are in the right mood," Meera said as the kiss ended. "Is it Desai?"
"I am celebrating that he's gone from our life," I said and pressed my crotch into her.
"Are you?" Meera looked deep into my eyes and I saw lust in her eyes. I am sure she would have seen the same in mine. "How exactly do you want to do it?" She asked.
She was in.
I kissed her madly and this time she responded without holding back. She opened her mouth to let me in first and then darted her tongue into my mouth. I sucked it readily. My one palm rested behind her neck and the other one went down to feel the softness of her body.
"Baby, I want to have you, right now," I whispered through my gasps.

Meera dropped the knife on the plate and held onto the edge of the countertop with both hands, leaving everything to me.
I kissed her mouth and licked her neck before going down. I then pulled up her top and she readily raised her hands to help me remove it. My lips plunged into the softness of her breasts, clad in the white bra. She pulled up my shirt too, and I got rid of it in a split second. I pushed my palm inside her bra cup to free up the nipple. It was erect. I opened my mouth to engulf most of her roundness, before squeezing my lips around her tit to start sucking it. Meera gasped, letting me know how she was enjoying it. She further unhooked her bra to discard it completely. I took turns to suck both her tits while my hands began to lower her pants too. As I pulled it down, my mouth sank too, tasting the feel of her flawless belly and navel. I pulled down her pants along with her panty and dropped them down to her ankle. My knees almost touched the floor and I saw the glimpse of her love triangle, in the broad daylight. It was neatly shaved and I could see part of its lips, red, though partly dark from the outside. I put my arms around her both thighs and bringing the palms between her inner thighs from behind, I made her move them apart. She read my mind well and lifted one thigh to give me complete access. I dropped my knees on the floor and sank further down to get my mouth where I wanted.

Meera let out a soft moan, "aaaah..." I felt her palm behind my head. I sucked her pussy and parted its lips with my tongue to find the clit quickly, to make her moan louder this time. To drive me even crazier, I found her wet inside. I held out my tongue completely and slurped it. Meera's grip on my hair tightened and her thighs weakened.
"Krish...mmm...right there....oh my baby....aaaah..." her helpless moans were only making me thirstier for more of her. Eventually, she begged me to take her to the bedroom.

"I want it, baby. Take me there," she cried.
I got up and dropped the rest of my clothes right there. Meera saw that I was not taking her to the bedroom. Her eyes were filled with astonishment. I kissed and sucked her lips and darted my tongue into her mouth. She sucked it, tasting herself from me. I let our tongues dance inside her mouth while slowly guiding my full-grown dick between her legs. With all the wetness inside, I went in smoothly. I bit her lips madly as I began to move and Meera adjusted her posture - still standing - to receive my thrust. I arched my body inward to drive my crotch deeper and made sure I was going in till our mounts touched. Meera loved every second of it.
I went even crazier in a few seconds.
"Is it how he had fucked you?"
She knew who I was talking about.
"Yes..." She gasped, looking at my eyes.
"Do you feel the same pleasure?"
"Tell me the truth. It's okay," I insisted. "I want to hear it."
Next page: Season 3 - Chapter 35
Previous page: Season 3 - Chapter 33