Season 3 - Chapter 42

I was getting angry that my legs were slowing me down and even making me stagger while walking. But I knew I didn’t need my legs to talk once I reach my home. I was going to look Meera in the eyes and tell her that I knew why she didn’t want to talk about how she had done it with Desai.
I know why you are so remorseful.
I was going to ask her if she truly loved me. I was going to ask her how she had let her hatred become affection toward Desai.

But the moment I walked into my house, I was welcomed by her gloomy face. She looked sad but the moment her eyes fell on me, her expression changed into anger.
“Are you drunk?”
Her voice was unusually stiff. I saw dried-up tears around her eyes.
“What happened to you? Were you crying?”
I asked, a hundred unknown fears waking up inside me.
“You are drunk, Krish. Are you nuts? Don’t you know it’s dangerous to drive in this state? Don’t forget that someone is waiting for you at your home.”
“What?” I thought she was overreacting. “It’s not the first time, Meera. I haven’t lost my consciousness. I drive well even when I am slightly drunk.”
I said.

“Everyone claims so! Even the dead.”
Meera's voice rose and then she hugged me. I heard her cry behind my shoulder. I held her arms and separated her from me. Her eyes were wet again.
“What happened to you, baby? Why are you crying?”
“Krish. I love you. Please remember that I am waiting for you here and you are the only one I have. Promise me you won’t drive like this.”
I stared at her face. She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath and then went on.
“My colleague Shiva had an accident last night. He was going home after a party at his friend’s place. He was drunk. Today, at noon, he passed away. He died, Krish.”

I couldn’t say anything. I knew Shiva in person. I had seen him in the photos on her mobile phone, clicked during office gatherings. I had once met him at a shopping mall also. He was a very friendly person.
“We had gone to his house this evening. His wife, his small child. Oh, God!”
Meera wept again. ”I can’t forget his wife crying in front of his lifeless body.”
I put my arms around Meera immediately.
“I am sorry, baby. You know, Desai's meeting in Mumbai was cancelled and he’s still in Pune. He invited me for a drink; so…”
“Desai! Desai! What is wrong with you, Krish?” Meera didn’t let me complete the sentence as she gave me a slight push. “Why are you so obsessed with him? Can’t you just let him go? I think I’ll have to call him again and ask him to give us a break. Why don’t you tell him enough is enough? He’s saying he’s trying to move on but I don’t think he is effective in that. Don’t make him your close friend again, Krish!”
“I’m not making him anything, Meera,” I said. “He wanted to have a last drink at his villa as he’s about to sell it.”
“Krish,” Meera held my hand. “It will be good if you keep your friendship with him just professional. We don’t need him in our personal life. I only want you. I can’t lose you. Please.”

I nodded and put my arms around her again.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, baby.”
I consoled her. She took a few minutes to become calm again. When she finally did it, she looked into my eyes.
“Promise me, Krish. You won’t make the same mistake that Shiva did. You know, when I was standing in front of his wife I imagined being in her place. I never wanted to be negative but driving after night parties is a thing that has become so regular that we forget how risky it is. A risk that may make us meet our fate as Shiva did.”
“I promise,” I said.
Meera hugged me tightly.
“I don’t want to think about a life without you. I love you, baby.”
I felt so calm hearing her words. Even though she was worried about Shiva’s death, her words felt like answers to the questions I didn’t get a chance to ask her.
I didn’t speak a word about Desai that night. Today is not the day. I reckoned.

The next day Meera was calm in her behaviour. In the evening, I decided to talk. But I did not want to ask her directly about anything.
Instead, I asked what did she mean when she said “It's my fault that I did what I did and more than that it's my fault that how I did it.”
“Krish, I have already told you I don’t want to talk about it,” Meera said.
“I know baby, but this one thing particularly disturbs me a lot,” I said.
She eventually decided to talk.

“Even though the whole incident had happened like I had done it with your interest; the truth is that I had enjoyed it very much. When I do our fantasies in our bed, I do it to please you. You try to please me. I have slept with many men, haven’t I? Most of the time, at least in the beginning of those affairs, I had done it while thinking in mind that I am doing it to please you. You were always in my mind. But with Desai, it was different. I have this feeling that he’s been chasing me for so long, longer than we could ever expect. And he has always maintained that I’m worth being pursued like that. I guess his dedication and determination must have got into my head. I felt I need to show I was worthy of all of that. When I was having sex with him, I wasn't trying to have pleasure from it. I was instead trying to please him. I was getting the joy of just seeing him enjoy me. I was lost by the momentum. I was lost in the experience. I can’t anymore say I slept with him because of you. I can only tell that I did it to please him.”

“That’s just one way to see it, Meera,” I said. “There can be many ways to look at things. There’s no point in feeling guilty about how you did it after I forgive you for what you did. I made it happen. When Desai kissed you like a gentleman, I said he could have had much more fun. My words put a spark in you, you were holding back until then. So, whatever impression you had about him until then is irrelevant. Because it was me who turned you on.” I said. Meera looked on as I continued. “When you grabbed his hand and went downstairs, I asked you what you would do in case there was no food. You said you were capable to satisfy Desai's hunger and thirst. You were clear with your words. You had thrown the ball in my court. But I didn’t come down to stop you, did I? It means I was ready to accept what you chose. Do you think I will hesitate now to accept this truth?”

Even though I wanted to question the emotional attachment Meera had formed with Desai during sex, I ended up giving her a piece of my heart. I ended up consoling her. Justifying her.
In other words, my conversation with her only helped me to normalise everything. Even the abnormal things I had started to notice. It was a fatal mistake.

That weekend, a very unfortunate event occurred. Sadashiv died of cardiac arrest. He was at home when he felt chest pain in the middle of the night. His wife rushed him to the hospital but could not save him. The doctor said he was brought dead.
It was a shock to me and his colleagues. He was one of the eldest of the security staff but he was healthy, meeting all the criteria as a guard in the agency.

I attended his funeral. When I saw his wife lying by the feet of his lifeless body, I remembered what Meera told me about Shiva’s wife. I could now relate to the pain the sight brought into Meera's psyche and thus her anger to see me drive in a drunken state was justified.
I stayed a bit longer than others at Sadashiv’s house, making sure the funeral was conducted smoothly.
Sadashiv was survived by his wife Parvati and his daughter Nidhi. His aged mother was already reeling with chronic diseases. Sadashiv was the sole breadwinner of the family. Before I decided to leave, I told Parvati to let me know in case of any help. She asked me to visit the next day too.
When I visited the next day, she treated me like the most important person in Sadashiv’s life. She looked a lot better. She told me she had to act normal as she’s the one to look after the family now.

Sadashiv had a small family. I hardly noticed any relatives around, other than her sister who had come from Sholapur. Her neighbours were there, for some help.
I offered some money to Parvati to contribute to the expense of the funeral. She refused to accept it, despite asking her to consider me as a younger brother of Sadashiv. As I touched her hand to console her, she kept my palm to her mouth and wept. She was holding back her cry until then. I asked her to keep in touch for any help. She apologised for spoiling my hand with her tears. I felt for her.
As I began to leave, I noticed a scooty in front of the house. Parvati saw me looking at it.
“It was bought by the money you had given to Sadashiv.” She said.
I was surprised. Because Sadashiv had told me about the scooty, long ago. It was bought with the money Desai had paid him to help him burgle my house.

I suddenly realised why Parvati considered me the most important. Sadashiv had apparently told his wife that the amount was given by me.
“My daughter has finished her post-graduation and is waiting for results,” Parvati said. “Her studies were possible only because of your help. Sadashiv never left a chance to talk highly of you. He always said you were god sent.”
I felt grateful to Sadashiv. He had witnessed one of the lowest moments of my social life and chose to stay true to what he had promised me. To keep the secret. And he had not only kept his word, but he had also maintained a solid image of me in front of his family.
“I helped Sadashiv because I saw a good person in him,” I said. “Now he’s gone. But that cannot become a reason to forget him. I will be a call away in case any help. Consider me as a younger brother of Sadashiv, just reminding you.”
“Okay, I will,” Parvati said.

On a Sunday when I came home from the market, I was surprised to see Ananya in my living room. She was having coffee with Meera.
I was seeing Ananya after a long time. She had gained some weight and her churidar looked tight in parts. But she still looked hot.
“What a surprise!” I said. “Are you alone? Where is Sam?
“Sam doesn’t know about my visit.”
She said with a smile.

“Good to see you after a long time,” I said.
Ananya kept looking at me, as if unable to take her eyes off me. I could not avert my eyes off her too, and I was slightly embarrassed when I sensed I was feeling warm.
“Good to see you too, Krish,” she said softly.
Meera poured coffee for me and invited me to sit with them. I sat down and joined in their casual chat. Looking at them both in one frame I became more conscious about my growing erection. I wondered what Desai would think if he saw them together.
His most favourite woman and his second most favourite woman. I thought he would start dreaming about having threesomes.
When Ananya left I kept thinking about her. I remembered seeing her sleeping in his bed after the morning sex. I thought she might be missing Desai's sexual prowess in bed and might be having wet dreams about him.
The thought was equally disturbing and arousing.

When the construction of Maithrei's apartment complex was finished, she phoned me to discuss finalising the purchase.
“I’ve been waiting for your call, Maithrei. Tell me a day and we’ll do it.” I said and then added. “The paperwork.”
“Of course, the paperwork.” I heard a giggle from the other end.
A few days later, I and Meera met her in the registrar's office. I had decided to buy the property in Meera's name since Desai's flat was going to be registered in my name.

During the registration process, when I found myself standing closer to Maithrei, she covertly squeezed my palm.
“Our date is long due.” She whispered. The fragrance of her body spray was already taking over my senses, and her reminder was too hot to handle for me. I was carrying a boner in no time. And I had a tough time hiding it from Meera.

That night when we went to bed, I found imagining Maithrei’s naked body in bed. But as soon as I climbed on top of Meera and she let out a moan while welcoming my rod pushing into her, I forgot Maithrei. Imaginary visuals of her lying on a table and Desai's dick going in and out of her pussy replaced Maithrei in my head. And I came in no time.
It was a repeat of many nights for Meera and me in bed.
I was getting slightly worried about the pace I hit the peak in bed for many days. I thought I might need a break.
“I am not lasting enough, am I?” I asked Meera after one of such quick sessions. “I think I should see a doctor.”
“Oh, really?” Meera smiled at me. Her smile gave me confidence that she was not worried about it. I felt she was content with the quick sessions.

The next day when I came home Meera was busy in the kitchen. She asked me to become fresh quickly. I took a shower and when I returned to the hall, she had arranged a bottle of whisky and some spicy snacks on the centre table.
“Let’s party!” She said.
I was thrilled. But more than the drinks and snacks, my eyes were drawn to Meera in a beautiful black tank top. The sleeveless top not only revealed the shape of her breasts in the best possible way but also lured me to the valley between them.
“What is special about today, baby?”

I asked while picking up my glass. My eyes were still hesitating to look away.
“Something good in the office; it’s a bit complicated types of maths. Wanna hear?”
Meera said.
“Try explaining to me after a couple of drinks. I might understand.” I said.
Meera laughed.
“Surely, I will.”
But it was not something we discussed after a couple of drinks. Meera was aware of my eyes and she teased me about it.
“Why are you behaving like I am your neighbour’s wife, boss?”
“I know that you are my wife and you are very beautiful,” I said. “But you sometimes look so stunning - like out of this world - that I have to look again to believe it myself.”
“After two drinks you start this flattery, always.”
Meera moved closer to me on the sofa and grabbed my glass. She kept it on the centre table. “But I love it.” She said and the next moment I felt her lips on mine. And I kissed her back. Slowly she climbed onto my lap, pulling her long skirt up to her thigh to help her keep her knees on either side of me.
My arms made a circle around her as I welcomed her tongue into my mouth and sucked it.
“Mmm…” I heard a moan from inside her. It was the same kind of voice I used to hear from her while making love.
“Let’s go to the bed, baby.” I broke my kiss and whispered.
“What’s stopping you here?” She asked.

“Oh, god. I would love it.”
I said and kissed her again. I still felt the taste of the spicy snacks in her mouth. I was sure she was getting the same taste from my mouth too.
When I began to move my thirsty lips down to her neck, she lifted her body upward to let her breasts come at the height of my eyes and then pulled up her tank top. As she removed it effortlessly, her fully naked breasts bounced right in front of my face. They were round and perfect. She threw the top aside and hugged me, letting my face sink into the sea of softness. My lips and tongue swam across that sea, and she at times grabbed her melons to feed her erect nipples into my mouth. I sucked them and let my tongue worship them through circular movements. I did not stop until Meera chose to lower her body and reached for my dick with her right hand. I felt her fingers around my dick inside my pants, and soon she pulled it out.
I wanted her to suck it right away.
“You want my lips around it?” Meera asked with a teasing smile as if she read my mind.
“I’m dying to have your lips around it.”
I said.

Meera dropped down to the floor but did not hurry to realise my wish. She turned to take a sip from her glass first. Then she ate from the snacks plate with the spoon.
“Now you want my lips around it?” She looked up.
I knew it was going to burn the most sensitive part of my body. But the temptation of feeling the warmth of her lips around it was too much.
“Yes,” I whispered.
“Mmm…” Meera smiled again, and I watched her mouth open and she lowered it on me. I let out a gasp as I felt the warm sensation, followed by a burning feeling.
“Ouch,” I said.
Meera blinked at me and began to bob her head up and down. I felt the burning feeling fading away. It was just the beginning. I soon discarded all my clothes and leaned back on the couch and Meera worshipped my dick as if she had been craving for it. She pushed it deep down to her throat until I felt my dick touching the back of her throat. Her lips touched my pubic hair. She then pulled it out slowly with her lips pressed around it to leave me gasping with pleasure.

“You should shave it more often, dear.” She told me, wiping her lips as if the pubic hair around the base of my dick was annoying her.
“I had no idea about this, baby,” I said apologetically.
And a few minutes later, she sat up and guided it into her pussy; I could feel the wetness with the tip of my dick. I wanted to taste it. But Meera had completely taken over me. She began to move up and down, and I was lost in the pleasure. Eventually, Meera asked me to lay her on the couch.
“I’m tired, baby. Take me from here.” She panted.
I laid her on the couch and hurriedly shoved my dick into her open hole. And still, Meera let out a small groan. I was soon pumping it hard into her, and she threw her arms around my neck.
“You like it, honey?”
Her response was a moan. I could see she was about to have an orgasm. I upped my pace and she let out a louder suppressed cry.
It was a sight I had been waiting for. I released all my control and shot my load to finish it. I collapsed on top of her and locked her mouth with mine for a few seconds. We both were panting heavily when we parted.
“You were saying you need to see a doctor, weren’t you?” she asked when her breathing became normal.
“Not anymore,” I smiled at her. “An apple can keep your doctor away. You are my apple.”
Meera giggled, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away, boy. You need to have it daily.”
“I’d love to have it daily.”

It was a night she brought back all my confidence in bed. I even felt like I would be having many such great nights in a bed in the following days. However, the reality was different as we both got busier in our professional life.
I soon found myself waiting for another spark.

A week later, I phoned Desai and reminded him about the property registration for our purchase of his flat. Contrary to my expectation that he would use the opportunity to meet Meera, he told me would make arrangements for it.
And he followed it up in a few days. The property registration was carried out without his presence. And I transferred the amount to him.
“It seems Desai has forgotten about you,” I told Meera in the night when we went to bed.
“Do you have a problem with that?” She hit back.
“The man must be practising yoga or something,” I said and Meera laughed.

The newly recruited security guards started being deployed at various locations. With a little more effort through advertisements, Vicky security services were able to win more assignments.
The agency soon started showing profit and I was able to clear all dues of the trainers. They hailed me for bringing success to the agency in such a short duration.
Desai and I used to have frequent phone calls from the office and I used to update him about the developments at the work. He gave me advice and when the agency became a profitable venture I did not shy away from expressing my gratitude for his help and support.
“I’m just a cause, Krish. Everyone can plan great things on paper but pulling it off on the ground is the real cause of success. And it’s you who did it. So, it’s you who deserve credit the most. I’m glad that I chose you to hand over the company. I now want to see you take it to more heights.” Desai said.

As he congratulated me for finding my success story, he hinted at his desire to have a drink with me to celebrate it.
“You know, I don’t celebrate my birthdays. But I believe it is important to celebrate such a feat to make it more memorable.”
He reminded.
“I am more than happy to follow your words, Desai. How about flying down here this weekend?”
“But I’m afraid I can’t do it now because the sale of my villa is in the final stage. A visit is already planned for that, but shortly later. I’ll be staying in hotels whenever I’m visiting Pune. My next drink with you will surely be in a nice hotel suite, Krish.”
He said.

The visit did not realise very soon as his visit to Pune got delayed even more. As days passed I felt an urge to request him to visit to have a drink with me. I was not only looking for the celebration. I wanted to hear him talk something about Meera. As he seemed too busy in his life, I felt robbed of something unknown. I did not like the fact that he was keeping away from dreaming about my wife. I knew he would never forget her but the way he was seemingly becoming successful in controlling his emotion was something that disappointed me.
But at the same time, I was careful not to make a move from my side as I didn’t want him to take it as a welcome sign to re-enter our lives. Like Meera had told me, I had decided that it would be better not to make him my close friend again. I didn’t want to see him in bed with my wife. I only wanted to dream about it.

In those days, I shifted my official calls to video calls. We sat in our respective office spaces and discussed official matters. I initially used these calls as professional reporting. One day Desai asked me to stop seeking his opinion.
“Now I can see that you can run the company. So I want you to consider the firm as your own, Krish. You take the call on what to do in your office. I am open to listening to the outcomes of your actions. But I want you to start thinking independently from now onwards.”
He said.
I was pleased with the value he was giving me. It helped me respect him even more.

With the increase in the guards and the number of assignments, I began to feel the office space of Vickey Security Services was congested. I decided that the best way to help the agency to expand was to spread its office to the whole ground floor of the building. I spoke to Desai about renting the whole floor.
“Let’s buy it, Krish.” He said. “Let’s not limit ourselves.”
I was impressed by the way he responded to every need of mine.
“Then you’ll have to see it to suggest if it is worth buying,” I said.
“I have a meeting in Mumbai at the end of this month. I’ll make a deviation during my return.” He promised.

And he kept his promise on the last day of the month. It was a Wednesday.
It had been raining since noon. I offered to pick him up from the airport.
“No. I haven’t sold my car yet.” He said. “I have it waiting for me at the airport already.” And he drove into the Vickey Security service’s office by himself.
I asked him about the driver.
“He’s at the airport. I have a flight to catch after this.” He said. “And I expect you to accompany me; we’ll have a couple of drinks before I board the flight.”
“Sure,” I agreed.

I led him to the office and we had a cup of coffee. Thereafter we visited the other half of the ground floor of the building. It was being used as a warehouse for an online store. After assessing the building and its services, he told me that he was ready to go ahead with the purchase.
“This is a good deal, Krish. The rate is reasonable. Let’s spread our wings here.”
He said. As he sat with me and checked the monthly growth rate of assignments, he said the agency was growing beyond his expectation.
“I think you can think about having a branch of your agency in Mumbai as well. If you can maintain the growth here, you can sell your success story there. I have already come across a building in Mumbai which you might like. It’s under construction, but it is exactly like this one. When your business starts operating from two offices, it must have a uniform structure among both.”
I felt good about his confidence in me. I expressed my hope to match the same in future.

The visit took more time than we anticipated. Even though I had accompanied him to the airport in his car, he soon felt he might have to change the plan.
“Looks like today is not our day,” Desai said. “We might not get time for our drinks.”
“It’s okay. Hopefully, you’ll be visiting soon.” I said, referring to the purchase procedure of the building.
“Definitely,” Desai said.
It was still raining and the traffic was getting heavy.
“What’s wrong with this weather today?” He asked.
I was wondering the same.
My phone rang. It was Meera. Seeing her name on the phone screen while sitting next to Desai had me quickly realise that Desai hadn’t spoken a single word about her during the visit.
“Where are you, Krish?” She asked.
I told her I was going to the airport with Desai. “Desai was visiting my office, Meera,” I said and wished I could see her reaction. “He was seeing my expansion plan. He’s going back anyway. We’re on our way to the airport.” I added.
“Okay. Are you seeing the rain?” Meera asked. “The rain is not going to stop any soon. There’s a weather alert in the city. Try to come home early, Krish,” she said.
She made no big deal about Desai, even though I expected her to ask me to say hi to him for her.

The weather alert was real. I noticed many shops along the road getting closed as we drove by them. Just as we were entering the parking lot of the airport, Desai received a message from the airlines that the departure of his flight was delayed by three hours. All the flights were affected.
“I hate waiting,” Desai said. “But it’s good that we have time to have a couple of drinks. And probably dinner too.”
“I think it’ll be better if you stay in a hotel and catch an early morning flight tomorrow.”
I said, looking at the dark sky through the window.
“I’ll think about it while having the drinks.”
I quickly thought up another idea.
“Why don’t you come with me? Dinner at my place?”
He looked at me. There was a momentary hesitation in his eyes.
“And probably a couple of drinks too,” I added.
He smiled, “How much time we’ll have?”
“More than one hour. Isn’t it enough?”
Desai nodded and phoned his driver to tell him to go home and come back after three hours. Soon we were on our way to my house.

I kept thinking about Meera's reaction when she sees Desai. I wanted to see it.
Surprised? Shocked?
Or delighted?
I kept thinking of her reactions and remained amused throughout the ride.

As expected, Meera was surprised to see Desai with me.
“You said you were on the way to the airport, didn’t you?” She asked.
“The flight was cancelled.”
“Postponed,” Desai interrupted. “By three hours.”
“Yeah, right. So I thought why not invite him for dinner?”
Even though I was talking calmly, my heartbeats had shot up the moment Meera had opened the door. She was wearing a black tank top and a long orange skirt. It was the same casual wear she had put on the last time I had a crazy night with her. For one moment I wondered if she was in the mood to treat me with the same level of enthusiasm and I felt I missed an opportunity. The way she had dropped down to her knees and sucked my cock hungrily that night flashed in my head. But I was sure I had lost the opportunity. I thought about making a joke about cancelling the dinner and saying goodbye to Desai and then decided against it.
Then I looked at Desai and saw him looking at Meera. He was seeing exactly what I was seeing.
The fact that Meera was lending a lavish display of her shoulders and cleavage along with the shape of her breasts to her ardent follower Desai was making it even hotter.

For one moment I wished I could read what Desai was thinking at the moment.
“Come in, Susheel.” Meera invited Desai pleasantly. I think her eyes were shining when she looked straight at him. She shifted to the right to give him the way and still maintained eye contact as he walked.
“This is our new house. We recently bought it from a rich guy. I hope you’ll like our choice.” She said with a cute smile. I could not stop smiling at her remark.
Desai walked in, his left arm an inch from brushing against her breasts.
“Thank you, Meera. And I thank Krish too, for inviting me to your newly purchased house. It looks a very good investment.”
He said.
“Investment!” Meera laughed. “Always thinking about investing.”

My thought went back to the moments of wondering about Meera's reaction upon seeing Desai. She surely looked surprised, and to an extent, shocked too.
But then I felt she was more delighted about it.

I suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu.
Is this the night?
Next page: Season 3 - Chapter 43
Previous page: Season 3 - Chapter 41