Season 3 - Chapter 78

Just as I thought I had made a huge blunder by trying to sync the devices, I heard a faint beep in my wireless earbuds. To my immense relief, the live mode was working.

I leaned back, closing my eyes for a second as I listened.
“He’s… asleep. I’ll have to go back soon,” I heard Meera’s voice – soft but clear – because I could tell she was standing close to the bed where the device was hidden. She had already knocked on Desai’s door, and I could imagine his surprise when he saw her.
“Sit down. I can’t… can’t believe it, Meera. You’re really here.” Desai’s voice followed, filled with disbelief. He hadn’t expected her to show up, especially after her cold behaviour throughout the evening.
I thought I heard the faint creak of the bed, followed by another, and guessed it was the sound of them sitting down. There was no chair in that room.
A brief pause followed before Meera responded, “I thought… I was a bit harsh to you today. I felt I owed you a chance to say whatever it was you’ve been trying to say.”

“You were harsh, yes," Desai replied. "I kept trying to talk to you, but you avoided me like I’d done something unforgivable. I didn’t understand. I even told Krish I wanted to speak with you. Why were you so distant?”
“Because I didn’t want Krish to get suspicious. He has no idea about what we did that night after the concert.” Her words sharpened my senses like a blade. They were starting to talk about that night. “Every time you came close to me at the wedding, I was terrified he’d start putting the pieces together.”

I was relieved that she was sticking to my instructions – to not disclose the truth that I knew everything.
Desai sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, Meera. I didn’t want to make things complicated. I just... I didn’t know how to act around you. I didn’t want to hurt Krish or make him suspicious. I thought keeping some distance from you would help, I mean, after that concert night. But when I saw you at the wedding, everything came flooding back.”

Desai still didn’t know I was aware of what had happened, and it was clear he believed Meera had kept everything hidden from me. As I listened to them talk, a small part of me wondered if I had made a mistake by letting them have this conversation. Desai was pouring his heart out, and it felt like he was trying to reclaim something he had no right to.
His audacity to say, "You avoided me like I had done something unforgivable," was a clear sign he assumed he held some authority over her life – as if he were her partner, entitled to intimacy despite her resistance.

Meera’s voice grew cold. “You weren’t supposed to be here, Susheel. I was fine before you showed up. That night at the concert… it should never have happened. I had everything under control until you came back into my life. You knew I wouldn’t be able to resist you, didn’t you? You’ve always known.”
Desai’s voice softened. “I didn’t mean to intrude on your life, Meera. I tried to stay away. But that night… I couldn’t hold back anymore. I had spent so long trying, and when I saw you, I just... I lost control. You don’t know how hard it was for me to stay away after that. I never thought I’d feel this weak.”
“You told me it was a coincidence that you met me there. But after that night, I’ve been wondering if that’s true. It’s just hard to believe you didn’t plan it...”
“No, Meera,” Desai interrupted her. “Believe me; I didn’t know you were going to be at the concert. That date with Vaikha – that wasn’t a date, you know what I mean. She just needed someone because her husband didn’t show up.

Of course, the Susheel Desai everyone remembers from the past would’ve taken such a woman to bed right away, without even making it to the concert. But I’m not that guy anymore. I only agreed to join Vaikha because I knew about the hype around the concert in Pune. When I saw you there, and then Krish leaving with Maithrei, and Vaikha discovering she and Piyush had adjacent places to stay – it all felt like I was destined to have a reunion with you. Even when I dropped you off here, I went back, didn’t I? Because I didn’t want Krish to see me intruding on your life again. I didn’t want to create problems for you. I only returned when you told me Krish wasn’t home. That’s when I lost my mind… I got greedy… for sure. But I still believe it was our destiny.”

“Susheel, you always talk about not wanting to ruin my life, but did you think about that when you pulled me into bed with you? You knew exactly what you were doing, Susheel. You knew I wouldn’t be able to stop you.”
Desai’s voice was heavy with emotion. “I held back for so long, Meera. Longer than you’ll ever know. But that night... that night, I was ready to throw everything away for one more moment with you. After that, I didn’t care about the consequences anymore. I realized what it meant to lose someone you loved.”
“Love?” Meera cut him off sharply. “But you went too far, Susheel. And today, you were again… ”
“I know I went too far,” Desai admitted quietly. “You know I hadn’t come to the wedding to see you. There was hope that I might get to talk with you, but I was slightly scared also, because I knew you were angry with me, you have blocked me on your phones… WhatsApp… haven’t you? I knew. But the moment I saw you, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Every day since that night, I’ve been haunted by the memory of you in my arms. I can’t get you out of my head.”

I shifted uncomfortably on the bed, my heart pounding in my chest. Desai was saying too much, revealing too much, and a surge of regret hit me for allowing this meeting to happen.
The memories of that night still clung to Meera, haunting her, pulling her in despite her best efforts to resist. Desai hadn’t come to the wedding for her, but the moment he saw her again, all the old feelings came rushing back, overwhelming him.
He was now pouring his heart out, trying to win her over, and I wasn’t sure where their conversation was heading. This had to be the last time. I couldn’t let them have another moment like this. I decided.

Meera’s voice was becoming colder. “We shouldn’t see each other anymore, Susheel. This has to stop. Whatever happened between us… it’s over. We can’t keep doing this.”
Desai agreed quickly. “We shouldn’t see each other. We shouldn’t talk. But how do I stop thinking about you, Meera? You’re in my thoughts every single day. Don’t you understand what I’m feeling? Is it really that hard for you to see?”
There was a long pause before Meera replied, her voice strained. “I understand, Susheel. But I won’t let this get out of control again. I can’t.”
Desai’s response was quick. “That’s not what I saw tonight. You wanted to talk to me, didn’t you? You’ve been holding back all evening. Don’t pretend this is easy for you, Meera.”

Meera’s tone was defensive now. “I didn’t want to make a scene, Susheel. Do you know how many people have already started talking about us? Your presence here when Krish was bedridden... it gave them enough to gossip about. I was just trying to avoid giving them another reason to talk.”
“I understand, Meera,” Desai said. “But I’m glad you came, Meera. I’m so happy you chose to talk to me.”
There was a brief silence, and then Meera spoke again, her voice calm. “I guess we’ve talked enough. I should leave now.”
Hearing that, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Despite everything Desai had confessed, Meera was staying grounded, choosing to leave before things went too far.

But at the same time, I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel the pang of disappointment deep inside me, that there were no fireworks tonight, which perhaps my demonic self was anticipating.

"Is he going to wake up so soon?" I heard Desai asking.
"I don't know. But I could get some sleep for myself. Don't you want to sleep?"
There was no reply from Desai for some seconds. I wondered if the device had shut down. But it wasn’t.
"What are you staring at, Susheel?"
I heard Meera's voice. It was softer than the last time I heard it.
"When are we going to see each other again?"
"We shouldn’t. That’s good for us."

"We can meet at social events."
"Today I found the danger in that. Today you tried to speak to Krish. You told him you were jealous, didn’t you?"
"I was. I spoke my mind."
"He’s my husband. What’s the point in becoming jealous when you see a woman with her husband?"
"You’re not just a woman for me. Are you?"
I heard Meera giggle a little.
"Oh yeah, you’ve had to ignore a lot of women because of me," she quipped.
"That’s not what I meant."
"I am just a woman, Susheel. At least there in a wedding function."
I could sense the playfulness in Meera's voice.
"But you were teasing me. You knew I was watching you guys dancing."
"Yeah, I knew you were watching. I wanted to give you a hard time."
Meera’s admission surprised me, as I had thought I was the only one affected by Desai's presence at the dance.
"Yeah, you did, baby. And I was like I wanted to jump in and pull you away from him," Desai said.
Meera laughed.

"So desperate... no?"
"In that moment, I wanted to be him. I really wanted to become Krish, your loving husband."
Meera laughed again, prompting Desai to ask why she was laughing.
"You know, in the beginning, Krish used to have this fantasy in our bed. In that, he becomes you and talks to me like he’s you."
"He’s a man of wild fantasies. Do you wanna know what’s mine?"
"To be him."
Meera took her sweet little time before replying.
"And then what?"
"And then..."
"Mmm... I noticed."
Meera said quickly. I didn’t understand what she meant.
"Trust me, he won’t wake up. I can’t believe he didn’t take you to bed tonight, after such a wonderful dance. Must be very tired, I guess. A couple of drinks... and that dance session, plus a solid dinner. If I were him, I would have found a cozy place for us immediately after that dance."
I heard Meera's giggle again, and I could feel the shift in her mood.
“Husbands don’t do that,” she teased. “Maybe boyfriends do.”
“I wish I could be your husband. I’d prove otherwise.”
“You’d have to marry me first.”
“Have I ever told you that I have a problem with that?”
Desai hit back.

I knew they were talking about marriage only to keep the conversation flowing. But still, the casualness with which they were able to discuss marriage between them made me restless. It was clear that the idea was crossing Meera’s mind at least when they were talking like this, and I didn’t like it.
"Then first you have to talk to Krish," Meera didn’t seem to want to end the flirting. She wasn’t pulling away from Desai anymore; she was letting the moment draw her in, little by little.
"Before that, I’ll have to know what your take on that is." Desai said.
"Well, what’s in offer?"
Meera playfully asked.
"You know what I can offer, don’t you?" Desai's voice was suddenly serious.
"Stop it, Susheel..."
"Look at me, Meera."
"Mmm, what?"
Meera's voice was a whisper. I leaned closer, straining to hear every word, every nuance. Their conversation had caught me in a spell, and I knew part of my head was already anticipating how far this would go.
“What do you see?” Desai’s voice. Low and slow.
“I just came to talk, Susheel. No. I’m leaving.”
“I don’t want to believe that,” Desai said softly. “Look at me.”
I heard Meera let out a shaky breath. “Let me go, Susheel.”
There was a brief pause before Desai’s voice came again, filled with desire. “Just for a second, babe. Give me your eyes.”
Meera's voice was cut abruptly, and there was no sound afterward. I pressed the earbuds into my ears, hoping to hear something. My heart was beating fast, and I could hear it aloud. Then I felt I heard a moan. A suppressed moan. It was from my wife.

I was sure Desai would have taken her in his arms. Probably his lips had sealed hers with an intimate kiss.

I sat there, alone in the room, my heart pounding as I pressed the earbuds deeper into my ears.
It took some time before I heard another sound from Meera. "Susheel...!" But I had a hunch that Desai was kissing her until then.
I heard briskly paced breathing from her for a few more seconds.
"Meera..." Desai's voice.

“Why do you want me to cheat on him like this?” Meera asked, her voice now sounding so fragile that it felt like she was holding on to the last bit of resistance.
I knew that her resistance would soon fail. I knew that was going to happen. But I knew the risk when I sent her to Desai’s room. Hell, she warned me herself – she might end up fucking him. And still, I let her go. Part of me wanted this. No, I needed this.
Desai’s response came through, calm and unbothered. “There’s nothing new in what we’re doing, Meera. You desire me as much as I desire you. When life gives us a chance to find happiness, why should we stop ourselves?”

Hearing him say that she desired him made me realize how well he knew her feelings and desires.
"Baby, if you don't know how to stop me, then probably you don’t have to," I heard him assure her again, and then I heard soft movements. Soft and barely audible, but I could guess it was the sound of him pulling her to him again. My pulse quickened. I could almost see it in my head – Desai’s lips on hers, his hands wrapping around her waist. Absolute silence from Meera told me that she was letting the kiss continue. Perhaps enjoying it.
“Oh, my baby… you know how long I’ve waited for this again,” Desai murmured, letting me sigh as I felt he would have finally freed her lips.
There were no words for a while, just the sound of their bodies shifting, skin brushing against skin, the occasional rise in Meera’s breath as Desai kissed her, touched her. Each sound, each movement, sent a jolt of heat through me. I should have hated it. But instead, I was getting thrilled that I was able to track their moves, their advances, and confessions to each other, without giving them any idea of being spied on. I was thrilled that I was listening to it.

As Meera’s moans became softer, as if she was losing herself in the moment, I too was losing myself – listening, aroused, and imagining everything that was happening on the other side of that wall. The jealousy I expected never came. Instead, I felt a sick thrill, knowing that my wife was being seduced by another man. By Desai. And I was here, listening to it all.
I knew I was letting go of all the progress I had made in moving on from my cuckold fantasies, and a part of me wanted to stop it and claim myself, but those gasps and moans from Meera dragged me deeper into a space where anger and desire merged. This was wrong and catastrophic, I knew that. But the more I listened, the more it felt like a drug – one I didn’t want to stop taking. Because I couldn’t.

More sounds followed. More movements. I strained to catch every detail, wondering if that was the sound of Desai removing her top. My breath caught in my throat as I heard Meera’s voice again, hurried. “Hurry up, Susheel… I need to go back to him before he wakes up.”
I couldn’t help but wonder if she was so desperate to get fucked by him.
The thought awakened me further. Meera's voice, and the demanding tone of it, told me she wanted this to happen quickly, as if she couldn't resist the desire to get fucked by him any longer.

Desai's voice followed, low and teasing. “I’ll hurry, baby, don’t worry. But not before I enjoy these beautiful tits. I’ve been waiting too long to taste them again.”
Meera didn’t respond in words, but then, the sound of soft, breathy moans filled my ears.
He was sucking her tits. Each moan from Meera, each gasp, painted a vivid picture in my mind – his mouth on her, sucking, teasing. And she was giving in completely, her body responding to him.

Then came her voice again, this time more urgent. “Ouch! Susheel... Susheel... don’t leave hickeys there...”
It was probably the only moment I felt she believed she was mine, telling him not to leave marks on her body.
Susheel chuckled, “Why not? Just don’t let your Krish have access to these tits for two days. He won’t even notice.”
I pressed the earbuds deeper, leaning into the sounds. Meera’s moans, growing louder now, told me that Desai was enjoying her as he desired.
I heard his voice again, “When was the last time you had sex with him?”

"This morning, after you left,” Meera said.
“Krish, you lucky bastard…” I heard Desai exclaim, the jealousy in his words unmistakable.
“I’ve been dreaming of this moment, Meera,” Desai continued, his voice full of desire. “…ever since I saw you dancing with him at the wedding. I couldn’t get it out of my head. Watching you in his arms… I wanted to be him, to become the man who makes love to you, right there in bed.” In his words, I sensed an admiration, a strange envy for the position I held in her life. As her husband.
Meera sounded amused. “You’re still carrying that thrill? It’s gotten deep into your head.” And then, her voice dropped to a sultry whisper. “Do you want to hear me call you Krish?”

“Yes,” Desai replied, his voice thick with arousal. “I’d love that.”
The idea of her pretending he was me, in that intimate moment, made me remember how I used to make love to Meera while imagining I was Desai. I remembered how I used to push my dick into her pussy while picturing myself as Desai, and how it had turned me on.
Meera’s reply was a teasing, playful doubt. “If you’re Krish… then who is Susheel Desai?”
There was a pause before Desai responded, “Desai is the guy watching you with me, drooling at your beauty.”
He was making fun of himself.

After a while, I heard Desai hurrying to take off her remaining clothes. “Let me take these off. I want to see my baby fully naked.”
I knew what was happening. He was removing her pajama and panties. The image of her lying there completely exposed for him – I could see it with my eyes closed.
“Oh, you’re so wet… oh my baby,” Desai said soon, his voice dripping with satisfaction. “You’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you? Waiting for this moment.”
“Aaah…” Meera moaned softly in response, her voice almost trembling with anticipation.
“Just lie down here… let me…” Desai continued, his voice taking on a commanding tone. The sounds of shifting bodies filled the room, and I could imagine him positioning her, spreading her legs wide.

“Mmm…” Meera’s moan followed, and I could hear the pleasure building in her voice.
“Oh, I can see the honey…” Desai's voice was filled with excitement, almost animalistic. “Baby, I’m gonna lap it up like a dog tonight… mmm…”
My heart pounded in my chest as I imagined him between her legs, his mouth on her, lapping at her as he promised.
Meera’s moans grew louder. “Ohh, yes… aaahh… Susheel… just… aaahhh…”
Her voice filled the room, filled my ears, and echoed in my mind. The unmistakable sounds of her pleasure rising with each second. I could picture it all too clearly: Desai, his head buried between her thighs, his tongue working her as she writhed beneath him. And she was loving it. Completely lost in the moment, her voice rising with every lick, every touch.

I felt my body tightening, every part of me focused on the sounds coming from the other room. My stomach twisted, but not with jealousy. It was something I couldn't resist. I was getting overly aware of the erection I was carrying in my shorts, and I couldn't stop my hand from getting inside it. Slowly I wrapped my fingers around my fully erect dick, and the coldness of my fingers engulfing the heat of my dick felt like heaven. If somebody asked me if this was the moment I had been secretly, unknowingly, longing for in my life, I would have admitted it readily.
I felt my wife was giving in to the pleasure offered by Desai to please me. And I was glad that she was doing it.
Meera’s moans were reaching new heights, soaking up every ounce of pleasure that Desai was giving her.
"Mmm.... Susheel...aaahhh... Yes...mmm..."
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