Season 1 Chapter 01.1
I've read and greatly enjoyed stories by "Magi" and "Nick Scipio". They inspired me to create my own story of teen angst, love, and loss. To keep the melodrama at a high level, there'll be some incredible feats and heroic actions. This is no ordinary pair of kids and their adventures will prove it. If Navy Seals, football stars, surgeons, glamorous actors and models, and honest politicians destroy your ability to suspend disbelief; this story may not be for you. It is a work in progress with several chapters completed and many more to come. Thanks to everyone the takes the time to read this, and to all of you that still like to dream.
Paula Anderson was exhausted as she made her way back to the food court in the mall. She had been clothes shopping with her younger two daughters for the last four hours. Kate, her youngest daughter and a few months shy of 16, was determined to be the best dressed girl in the sophomore class. Paula had accompanied Kate as she spent the last three hours looking at hundreds of outfits and trying on dozens of them.
"How is it that Kate is such a slave to fashion while Gwen could care less?" wondered Paula to herself. "I don't think it took us half an hour to select Gwen's entire wardrobe for her senior year. Of course, it was much easier since Gwen still insists on those bulky, loose pants, baggy jeans, and oversized tops and sweaters. She just doesn't seem to have any interest in fashion, or boys for that matter."
As Paula and Kate rounded the corner by the Radio Shack store, Kate let out an audible gasp and stopped in her tracks. Paula turned to look at her daughter, who now stood still as a statue with her mouth open and her eyes showing shock.
"Mom! Look at Gwen! She's got a boy sitting at the table with her. And he's gorgeous!" exclaimed Kate. "This doesn't make any sense, unless she's tutoring him or something."
Paula turned to see what had caused such amazement in her youngest child. Gwen was sitting at a small table in the food court. She had a medium drink sitting in front of her, along with the novel that she had insisted on bringing. Across from Gwen sat, what Paula had to concede, was an extremely handsome, rugged looking young man. To Paula's knowledge, Gwen had never even been on an actual date. In fact, she never seemed to have any real interest in boys. Paula was reluctant to admit it, but she was almost as shocked as Kate had professed to be. What was going on?
Kate had recovered from her initial surprise and started toward her sister, with her mother following closely. Kate's curiosity had gotten the better of her and she was determined to learn more about the hunk talking to her sister. She would have been less surprised to have found space aliens in the Victoria's Secret shop across the mall than seeing Gwen with what appeared to be a real catch. Kate had to find out more about this mystery friend of her sister's.
Paula and Kate approached Gwen's table from behind her. Thus, Gwen had no clue that her mother and sister were drawing near. For her part, Paula was unable to stop looking at the boy chatting with her daughter. His shoulders were broad, his smile dazzling, and his brown hair was cut close, almost in a military style. Longer hair was "in" these days, but Paula had to admit that this young man made a strong case for shorter hair. The most striking feature on the boy seated with Gwen, however, was the intensity of his steel grey eyes. They seemed to pull Paula in when he turned his attention to her. The young man stood as she and Kate approached the table.
"You two must be Gwen's sisters," smiled the strange boy as he displayed a breath-taking smile. "Gwen told me that she had two sisters, but she neglected to mention how beautiful you both are. I'm Steve Hammer. You must be Kate, and you're Lisa?"
Kate simply stared up at the stranger as he shook her hand. Paula felt herself blushing as she realized that the young man had assumed that she was Gwen's older sister. Could he be serious, or was he just trying to butter up the mother of a girl in whom he was interested? Then the young man extended his hand to Paula and she firmly shook it.
"Ha! That's the way to make points with my mom," laughed Gwen. "When you see my sister, Lisa, you'll never mistake my mom for her again. Mom still looks great, but Lisa is supermodel material."
"Well, I'd have to say that trait runs in the family, Gwen. I've never seen prettier girls, or a younger, more attractive mother," smiled Steve easily as he shook Paula's hand. "It was nice meeting you, Kate. You, too, Mrs. Anderson."
Both Kate and Paula stood staring at the broad back of Steve Hammer as he strode away through the crowded mall. It wasn't until he was out of sight that Kate found her voice.
"Where the heck did you find that guy, Sis? How'd you meet him? Where'd you meet him? I never knew you had any hunky friends like that!" exclaimed Kate.
"I was sitting here reading "Lord of the Flies" for English class when he just dropped into the seat across from me. He asked if I was reading it for Ms. Summer's honors English class at Sparta High," laughed Gwen. "I have to admit I was slightly nonplussed myself. His eyes just seemed to look right through me. Finally, I overcame my initial surprise and asked him how he knew about Ms. Summer's reading assignments at Sparta. He told me that he was attending Sparta this year and was half way through the book himself."
"So he started talking to you about a stupid book for English? He wasn't hitting on you or anything?" questioned Kate. "I told you to let me pick out some new clothes for you, Sis. You lost a great chance to lock this guy in before all the cheerleaders and class sluts get their claws into him."
"He must have talked to me for fifteen or twenty minutes, Kate. He asked me all sorts of questions about the school, the classes, the other students, and even about my family. That's how he knew who you were. I've no idea why he asked mom if she was Lisa. I told him how beautiful Lisa was, no offense, Mom."
"You were right when you told him that he was making points with your mother by suggesting I was your sister, Gwen. That young man was trying to get in good with me to smooth his way with you," reasoned Paula. "I think you have an admirer, and a darn good looking one at that!"
"Mom, you're reading way too much into this," insisted Kate. "He may have bad eyesight, or he could be into cougars or something. Do you think a guy that looks like he does would go out of his way to chat up a girl dressed in a baggy sweatshirt reading some dumb book? The mall is full of el primo females of the species. He was probably just picking Sis's brains about his new school."
"Thanks for the high opinion of my allure, Kate," responded Gwen with some irritation. "Actually, he asked me if I'd go with him to the dance Saturday night at the VFW hall. It's that benefit being held for Tim Archer after his horrible motorcycle accident. The whole school, probably the whole town, will be there. You know how popular Tim is around here. His brother, Jim, is a senior and he's on the football team.
"That's this coming Saturday!" exclaimed Paula. "We'd better start looking for a nice dress for you, Gwen. He seemed like a nice young man, and he sure isn't hurting in the looks department, either. You'll have a wonderful time!"
"Before you get too excited, Mom, I turned him down. Forget the dress, and the dance," added Gwen.
"You turned down a date with that hunk, Gwen? What on earth were you thinking?" asked a stunned Kate. "Girls will kill for a date with that guy. I know I would!"
"I guess because I already knew what you pretty much just finished telling me, Kate. It would be like a fairy tale at first. Then next week, when school started, all the cheerleaders, bombshells, sluts, and half the female teachers would be drooling all over him. Then what would happen to me? He'd never talk to me again and everyone would know that I was a temporary fix until he found some girl more to his liking. Guys like that don't date girls like me. I know that and I'm fine with it, but I'm not going to play the fool for the amusement of everyone in school," concluded Gwen.
"Gwen, I can't believe you just said that! He sat with you for twenty minutes, chatted you up, asked about your school and family, and even asked you on a date. Does that sound like something a guy would do if he had no interest?" demanded Paula. "You need to get out more, Baby. You're going into your senior year. I know your grades are important and you want to get into pre-med at Stanford, but you need to have fun sometimes, too. You'll do even better in your studies if you're happy and enjoying life. Steve seemed like a really nice young man. He didn't ask you out because of some pity he felt for you. I saw him looking at you before he realized we were headed to your table. Believe me when I say this: he liked what he saw. That much was obvious."
"Yeah, Sis. I saw it, too. I was just kidding about getting you different clothes, and him not being interested in you. I'm sorry I said that. I was just jealous that he was sitting with you instead of with me. I don't know how you could have turned him down flat. You should've left yourself some room to reconsider, like get his phone number and promise to let him know tomorrow or something."
"Well, there is a very slight chance that I will be going to the dance with him Saturday," admitted Gwen. "He made me promise to go to the dance with him if our football team won the game Friday night. I guess he must be a member of the team. He acted awfully confident."
"If we win the game?" repeated a stunned Kate. "Gifford won the league championship last year! They beat us by thirty points in the first game of the season last year, and our quarterback and half the offensive line graduated last spring. It looks like you'll be staying home Saturday if our team has to win Friday."
"That's just what I told him, Kate. That's why I finally agreed to go out with him if they won. It was way easier than just telling him that I wouldn't go out with him," suggested Gwen. "It lets me off the hook without seeming too cold, or bitchy."
"Gwen! Listen to yourself," responded an exasperated Paula. "Not many girls your age would want to get off his hook, given the choice."
"Mother!" proclaimed Kate and Gwen simultaneously.
"I'm just saying!" laughed Paula. "It sounds to me like he was very determined to secure a date with you, Gwen. It might be prudent to formulate a plan B for Saturday. He might win that game all by himself, just so that he can take you to the dance."
Steve had gone to the mall to pick up a few items for the start of school. He was excited about attending a regular high school in the United States and about playing football in his senior year. He knew it would be a big adjustment, but it was one to which he looked forward. He was idly considering getting some fries at the food court when he first saw her.
Steve had seen lots of pretty girls in the mall. He recognized and appreciated beauty the same as any normal 18 year old boy would. That said, he was still pretty well flabbergasted when he saw the dark haired beauty sitting alone in the food court. She was wearing a Stanford sweatshirt and loose fitting jeans. As Steve appraised the girl more closely, he realized that the clothes could not totally conceal the nice figure beneath.
Her long dark hair was pulled back in a simple pony tail that hung more than half way down her back. Now and then she would gaze around the food court observing shoppers as they rushed about their business. More than a few times, Steve saw a small smile break out on the girl's face. She seemed bemused by the actions of the crowd. Gradually, Steve realized that it wasn't just the girl's beauty that had so enthralled him, but also her confident, good humored outlook on the world. She didn't appear to take herself, or life, all that seriously. She was comfortable being herself. Then he noticed the book she was reading and took a chance.
Gwen was killing two birds with one stone as she waited for her sister and mother to finish up their shopping. She was going to finish the final novel assigned for her honors English class as well as observe the people around her. She intended to become a doctor, hopefully a surgeon, and knew that the more she learned to notice what people were saying with their actions as well as with their words, the better she would succeed in her chosen field.
She saw him just before he pulled up a chair at her table. He had to be over six foot three and two hundred and twenty pounds. He wore his hair short. He appeared relaxed and confident. Then she looked into his eyes.
"Hi! I'm Steve Hammer. I see you're reading "Lord of the Flies" and I was wondering if you're in Ms. Summer's honors English class?" asked the boy as he held out his hand.
Gwen had no idea how long she was immobile, but she suddenly realized that she had been staring. She broke the trance and finally noticed the hand extended to her.
Taking the huge hand in hers, Gwen struggled to form a response. She had to replay what her mind had just heard to determine what she had been asked.
"Hi! I'm sorry about being so confused for a minute," apologized Gwen. "I was reading and you surprised me. To answer your question, I am in Ms. Summer's class. My name is Gwen Anderson. How did you know Ms. Summer assigned this novel for summer reading?"
Steve was reluctant to release the hand of the girl sitting across the table. Her voice was strong, yet feminine and her smile was intoxicating. He suddenly realized that he had been staring and quickly released the girl's hand. He went on to explain that he had enrolled at Sparta over the summer and had been informed of the reading assignment for his English class. One thing led to another, and soon Steve had learned Gwen had two sisters, the older of which was incredibly beautiful, in Gwen's estimation. That was when Steve decided to risk rejection and ask Gwen to the dance.
"Gwen, I understand that the fund raiser for Jim Archer's brother next Saturday," began Steve somewhat tentatively. "Could I ask you to go with me?"
Gwen was taken completely by surprise. No one had ever asked her out so soon after meeting her. In fact, only a couple of guys had ever even hinted that they would like to date her and she had quickly dashed their hopes. Gwen was very accomplished in her studies and was on track to graduate first in her class. She wanted to be a surgeon and she had long ago decided that fleeting emotional entanglements would not advance her career plans. She was also an avid reader and a born romantic. She was determined to not settle for some mundane romance. In fact, she would settle for nothing less than a love like Juliet had with Romeo. The boys that had shown any interest in her thus far had simply not measured up.
"I really can't, Steve. I have to study that night," replied Gwen weakly.
Even as she said it, Gwen realized how lame she sounded. Her usually calm demeanor dissolved as she struggled to think of something that would make more sense. Steve watched her closely for several seconds, and then smiled.
"If you have a boyfriend, I'll back off and apologize, Gwen. I didn't want to put you on the spot. If you just don't want to go out with me, say so. But please, don't try to tell me that you have to study the Saturday night before school starts," laughed Steve. "I'm not very good at asking pretty girls like you out, and that sure doesn't do much for my confidence. I'm asking again, Gwen. Will you go to that benefit dance with me Saturday?"
"Steve, the truth is that I don't think I want to go out with you. I have to wonder why a guy like you would ask the class nerd for a date. The only reasons I can think of are that either it's a joke, or that you just haven't met anyone else from our school yet. Once you do, you won't want to date me. We both know that," finished Gwen quietly.
"Okay, I see what you're telling me, Gwen. I'm an idiot because I asked out the first beautiful girl I met. She's really smart, funny, tall, sexy, and drop dead gorgeous, but I can do way better. I can probably find some blonde cheerleader with an IQ smaller than her bust line that would look good on my arm. I shouldn't try for a thoroughbred like you when I can have the horse that pulls the milk wagon."
Once again, Gwen had difficulty initiating speech. How could this boy rattle her so quickly, and completely?
"Steve, I'm no thoroughbred. I'm the plow horse. Look at me. There are only two girls in the class taller than I am, and they're both stars on the basketball team. I'm ten pounds too heavy, and I'm a braniac. Ask any guy in my class. You'll regret being seen out with me within a week of school starting," concluded Gwen.
"Or is it that you don't want to be seen with me, Gwen? Are your standards too high for me? I'm not in with your crowd? Is that the problem? Or is it my appearance? The way I dress? The way I get all goofy when I look at you?" grinned Steve.
"No! It's not you, Steve. It's me. I know what happens to girls that try to run with the wrong guys. They always get hurt. You'll be able to date any girl in our class, in the whole school. I'll bet some of the teachers will even go out with you if you ask! You won't want me after you see what's out there," asserted Gwen.
"We seem to be at an impasse here, Gwen. I propose a simple wager. We'll leave it to chance. Let the fates decide if we should go to that dance together," suggested Steve. "How about this? If Sparta wins the football game Friday night, you go to the dance with me on Saturday. If we lose the game, I won't pester you anymore."
"You do realize that we lost to Gifford by at least thirty points last year? They went on to win the league. We also had our quarterback and most of the starting offensive line graduate last spring. Sparta can't win that game, Steve. We'll be lucky to win any games this year," predicted Gwen.
"Then this should be a no brainer, especially for a 'braniac' like you, Gwen. Let's shake on it and we'll have a deal," urged Steve as he offered his hand to Gwen.
Steve and Gwen had just sealed their wager with a hand shake when Paula and Kate turned the corner in the mall and found them deep in conversation. Steve knew immediately that the two women approaching the table had to be the mother and sister that Gwen had mentioned earlier. The family resemblance was obvious. As they drew closer, it occurred to Steve that Gwen's mother would make a great ally in his, thus far futile efforts to impress Gwen.
Friday night found Gwen sitting with her mom and two sisters in the visitors section of the stands at Gifford High. It was the first football game of the new season. Gwen had mentioned that she might drive over to watch the game to her family the previous evening at dinner.
"I guess you will!" laughed her older sister, Lisa. "Rumor has it that you have a lot riding on this game, Gwen, like a date with an Adonis that suddenly appeared in Sparta. If you don't mind, I'll ride over with you. I haven't watched a high school game since I graduated. Besides, I want to look this guy over. The way Kate and Mom talk, he makes Brad Pitt look homely."
"Just wait until you see Steve," interjected Kate. "I know you think we exaggerated, but you'll see. Gwen has the best looking guy our school has ever seen chasing after her, and she's playing hard to get! It pays to be so smart. She's stringing this guy along before she snaps him up in front of all those prissy cheerleaders. There'll be legends about Gwen handed down from mother to daughter for years to come."
"I don't know why everybody's making such a big deal out of this," lamented Gwen. "We have no chance of winning the game tomorrow. There won't be any date, so there's no reason for all of you to go to the game with me."
"Gwen, you only went to a couple home games last year. Kate went to everyone that she could, and I attended a few with her," pointed out Paula. "It isn't all that unusual for Kate and me to go to a football game, and Lisa was a cheerleader when she was a senior, so I can understand her wanting to go. How is it that you're going to an away game now?"
"I'm a senior this year, Mother," replied Gwen somewhat testily. "You're the one that told me I should enjoy my senior year more. That's all I'm trying to do."
"Sure. You just want to watch Gifford kick our butts up and down the field. It has nothing to do with a certain stud football player that's blinded by your beauty," teased Kate.
"I don't know if I approve of you going out with this young man, especially under these conditions. No woman should be forced to do something like this against her will," reasoned her father. "Maybe I should have a talk with this Steve person and nip this situation in the bud?"
"Yeah, Dad! Every girl wants her father to "speak" to her hot date. Have you not been listening? He isn't taking advantage of Gwen! If anything, Gwen is toying with him. He'll chase her until she decides to let him catch her. Protecting Gwen from the best looking guy in her school is hardly necessary, and certainly not wanted," replied Kate with vigor.
As the teams warmed up, Kate turned and spoke to Gwen, "Well, at least Dad decided not to come, so you don't have to worry about him giving Steve a talking to. Mom and I won't embarrass you too bad, but you know Lisa. When she sees Steve, she won't be thinking about how she's three years older than he is. Don't let her steal him away."
"Kate, I don't know where you developed such a low opinion of me, but I would never go after any of my sister's boyfriends, and I expect the same from you. We're family and we support each other, and that certainly includes keeping boyfriends!" insisted Lisa.
"I overheard Bill Johnson talking to Ken Bradley at the refreshment stand a little while ago. Their sons are on the team and both fathers felt that this was going to be a very good year for the football team. They have a new coach, a new quarterback, and a very new offensive scheme according to those two. They said tonight's game will be different than any game the team has ever played," recounted Paula. "I asked them why and they just grinned. They said that they were sworn to secrecy, but I should be ready for a lot of scoring."
Sparta won the coin toss and elected to defend on the first possession of the game. After the kick-off, Gifford had the ball on the forty-two yard line. Their senior halfback, Will Jauron, had won the league rushing title as a Junior and immediately picked up where he had left off the previous season. Sparta's defense worked hard, but Jauron managed to average five yards with every carry. Then he carried the ball in for a score from the fifteen yard line. They tacked on the extra point and after five minutes of play, Gifford had a 7-0 lead.
"Uh-oh, Gwen! You may be home reading your novel tomorrow night after all," worried Kate.
"I just want to know what position your Prince Charming is playing," complained Lisa. "So far, I'm not very impressed with any of the Spartan players."
Gifford kicked off and the nervous sophomore returner fumbled the ball. By the time the dust had settled, Gifford had recovered on the five yard line. Jauron ran it in for the score on the very next play. With just over five minutes gone, Gifford led 14-0. Again Gifford kicked off, but this time the kid on the receiving end managed to hang on, although he lost five yards on his attempted run back. Sparta had the ball on the 27 yard line when its offensive unit took the field.
"There's Steve!" yelled Kate. "He's number 12. He must be the quarterback! He looks hot even with a football helmet on."
Paula glanced over at Gwen to see her reaction. Gwen had her pocketbook straps twisted in knots. She was staring intently at the playing field as she tortured her purse. Paula smiled to herself and returned her attention to the game. It was pretty plain that Gwen had not been exactly truthful about her feelings for the young man that had asked her to the dance. As that thought crossed her mind, a roar went up from Sparta's section.
Sparta's running back had managed a pretty good season the previous year. He was third in the league in rushing, and that was with a mediocre team. Everyone expected him to be the workhorse of the Spartan offense. On the first play from scrimmage, Steve took the snap and turned and tucked the ball into the halfback's stomach. The back hit the line hard and managed to gain some positive yards. That was when the fans, as well as the Gifford defense, realized that Steve still held the football. He looked left and pulled his arm back. Then he suddenly turned to his right and lofted a pass deep down the right sideline. Billy Harris was at least ten yards beyond the defender as he gathered the ball in full stride at the twenty yard line and raced into the end zone!
The Gifford section was dead silent, but the Spartan side made up for it. High fives, loud cheers, and whistles swept through the stands. Gwen realized that she was one of the loudest fans as she yelled and screamed her approval. Her sisters and mother were right next to her, showing their excitement over the turn of events.
"My God, Gwen! He must have thrown that ball fifty yards! He sure seems serious about winning this game and keeping his date," laughed Lisa. "Kate, let me have those binoculars so I can get a good look at our hero."
Lisa focused in on number twelve as he and his team mates slapped each other on the back. She quickly determined that Steve was a very popular man at the moment. He was taller than all but a couple linemen and looked every bit as strong. Then she saw him scanning the Sparta cheering section, obviously looking for someone.
"Wave ladies," Lisa instructed as she held her free hand high and whipped it around. "Our hero is looking for Gwen to make sure she saw that great play. Let him know what we think!"
With that, Kate and Paula stood up again and began waving frantically toward the Spartan bench area. Almost reluctantly, Gwen stood up and gave her best imitation of the Queen of England by moving her hand back and forth a few inches in front of her face.
"I don't know how, but he found you, Gwen! His smile just doubled in size. Maybe Kate, Mom, and I helped a little by being such boisterous fans," suggested Lisa. "Holy cow! He's a gorgeous looking man, Gwen! You started right at the top!"
The score was tied at half time at 28. The Spartan offense managed to score every time it had the ball. Steve passed on most plays, but they did very well every time they handed the ball off to the running back. The Spartan defense had begun to stiffen and once they began to slow down Jauron, Gifford had no alternatives. They tried a few passes, but their quarterback showed poor decision making and a rather weak arm.
Sparta scored on the first possession of the second half to take the lead and never looked back. The final score was 49-31. When the game ended Sparta's faithful poured onto the field and mobbed the players. Paula could see Steve smile as fans and players slapped his back and shook his hand.
"So, Sis. Should we go down and congratulate our newfound hero?" teased Kate. "It looks like the cheerleaders are doing just that. Look at those shameless hussies hugging Steve and kissing his cheeks! We need to get you down there to stake out your claim! Let's go."
"No, Kate. I'm not going to make an ass of myself in front of those bimbos. I told you that he'd have all kinds of pretty girls after him. It just happened faster than I had anticipated. I never dreamed he'd be such an athlete. Let's go home," added an obviously dejected Gwen as she started down to the exit.
In order to leave the stands, they had to descend down almost to the playing field, then turn and go out a runway under the bleachers. Gwen was just beginning to make the turn when she heard her name called. Surprised, she looked over her shoulder to see Steve standing near the bleachers. He was looking directly at her and pretty much ignoring all the well-wishers around him. Gwen felt hands push her toward the railing. Her feet seemed to move on their own accord as she shuffled up to the railing and looked down at Steve.
Steve smiled, reached up and grabbed the rail and vaulted up so he stood on the platform near Gwen, with the handrail between them. Those fans that had been headed for the exits all seemed to stop, and suddenly became very quiet.
"I'm going to need directions to your house so I can pick you up for the dance tomorrow night, Gwen. What time should I get there? What's your phone number? You aren't going to back out on me, are you?" quizzed Steve as a beautiful blonde girl suddenly stepped up to him and hugged him tightly over the railing.
"Give me your number and I'll get you all of Gwen's information. I'm her sister, Lisa, and you've made my day. Look at all of those cheerleaders with their mouths hanging open," whispered Lisa directly into Steve's ear. "You be good to Gwen. She's really, really smart about a lot of things, but she's new to this. Please don't hurt her."
With that, Lisa stepped back and declared, "Kate, you weren't kidding. Gwen's new boyfriend is a hunk! It makes me wish I was three years younger. Steve, can you ride back to Sparta with us, or do you have to ride the team bus?"
"Coach wants us to ride the bus. Otherwise, I'd take you up on that offer, Lisa," replied Steve as he placed his hands on the noticeably silent Gwen's elbows and smiled. "Thanks, Gwen, for giving in and letting me take you to the dance."
Gwen felt like she was in a dream. Who knew how many people had just listened to the star quarterback practically beg her for a date! Steve's hands on her arms made her skin tingle where he touched her. She saw Lisa hand Steve her phone and he punched in some numbers and returned it to Lisa.
"Thanks for coming to the game," added Steve as he bent close to Gwen. "I'll see you tomorrow night. Call me with the time."
Steve turned and stepped back down to the field and trotted past the stunned cheerleaders and headed for the showers. Gwen felt hands turn her around and gently push her toward the exit. As she walked, she once again became aware of her surroundings. Lisa held her hand and was smiling like the cat that ate the canary. Her mother and Kate were right behind them, laughing and chatting with fellow fans. Gwen began to catch parts of the conversations going on around her.
"That kid sure took the school by storm!" laughed Ralph Smith, president of the local bank, as well as father of Tyler Smith, the team's starting tight end. "He plays quarterback like a pro, and then sweet talks the school's prettiest girl into going to the dance with him tomorrow. I'd better keep an eye on this boy or he'll have my job before Christmas!"
"Paula, did you see the look on the faces of all the cheerleaders when that boy made a beeline for Gwen? It was so funny to watch, even though my daughter, Dawn, is one of the cheerleaders," added Dorothy Fields. "This just might help curb that entitlement attitude the girls have developed. The team quarterback going out with the class valedictorian! That is just priceless!"
The ride home was one of the best trips the family had ever experienced. All four Anderson women were laughing as they recounted various incidents that had seen and heard at the game. Gwen had been nervous and embarrassed, but the absolute joy her family felt was infectious. She couldn't help smiling as she recalled the way Steve spoke to her and the reactions it created.
"Gwen, I have to admit I had some serious doubts about Kate's evaluation of your boyfriend, but I've got to tell you, he's the real deal. Maybe you didn't notice, but I hugged him while you were in your trance. I didn't want to do it, but I had to make the arrangements for your date and you sure weren't helping. Boys do like girls that don't talk too much, but take my advice and speak to him once in a while, okay?" chuckled Lisa. "So anyway, when I hugged him, it was like wrapping my arms around a piece of steel and squeezing, except way better! He's tall, dark, very handsome and what a body!"
"I can't wait for the dance tomorrow night," added Kate. "I just want to see the faces of everyone when they see my sister with the best looking guy in the place. Maybe he'll dance with me a few times. You won't mind, will you, Gwen?"
"Please don't get all carried away, Lisa and Kate. Steve was nice to me today. I admit that it made me feel pretty darn good. But he isn't my boyfriend. You saw how those girls looked at him. What are my chances of keeping him interested for more than a week or two? I never had a boyfriend, let alone one like Steve. I'm not good at playing games, and using sex to keep him isn't even on the table. I'm not going to take a chance on ruining my reputation, or my future over some boy," insisted Gwen.
"Gwen, sex should never be used to control a partner, so I can't argue with that attitude. But it doesn't have to ruin your reputation, or your life, if you're mature and responsible," counseled Paula. "It can be a wonderful experience that adds to your life and relationship. It should never be used for revenge, control, or anything else really, except love."
"Thanks, Mom!" quipped Kate. "I think I'm in love with Gwen's boyfriend. Can he spend the night with me?"
"You know the answer to that one, young lady! We will not be having any young men spending the night with any of our daughters before they are married to them. Believe me, your father will see to that," added Paula.
While Paula and her two younger daughters had been talking, Lisa had been active on her smart phone. Suddenly she burst into laughter.
"Gwen, I just texted your boyfriend with all of your information. I'm just not sure if you're a B cup or a C cup? I don't want to mislead the guy, but he needs to know. So which is it, Gwen?" quizzed Lisa.
"Mom! Lisa can't do that!" cried Gwen. "Nice girls don't tell guys their bra size. Now he thinks I'm some kind of desperate slut. Thanks a lot, Lisa!"
"Sweetheart, you know your sister's teasing you. Remember how she stepped in with Steve when you were temporarily unable to speak to him this evening? You really need to learn to lighten up and laugh a little, as well as to trust your sisters to always be on your side," admonished Paula. "She's definitely a C cup, Lisa. Steve will have no complaints."
"Mom! That's no way to talk in front of your daughters, especially Kate! She's not even 16 yet. You're making it sound like you encourage that sort of behavior, and besides, he'd never complain about "the girls" for any reason," laughed Gwen.
"What happened to our Rhodes Scholar and super nerd?" demanded Kate. "Suddenly she's bragging about her "girls" and how much her date will enjoy them? I think Dad needs to have "the talk" with Gwen instead of Steve."
"Getting back on my original subject," interjected Lisa, "I sent Steve our address and Gwen's phone number, so you may want to keep an eye on your phone for texts, and keep it close enough to hear it ring. Did you know that Dave Kite has appointed himself senior class historian and videographer, Gwen? He's already begun his duties. Not only does he have some great pictures of the game on his "official" senior class Face Book page, but he has a clip of Steve thanking you for agreeing to go to the dance with him on YouTube! It already has 32 views."
"I didn't even know he was there," admitted Gwen. "This is pretty embarrassing."
"Are you kidding, Gwen?" demanded Kate. "How can that be anything but extremely cool? Of course you never noticed Dave Kite. You didn't even know what planet you were on when Steve stopped you in the bleachers. I've seen zombies with better reflexes."
Suddenly Gwen's phone rang. Her face turned red as she answered it while her mother and two sisters watched and listened closely to her side of the conversation.
"Hey. Yeah, we're almost back to Sparta. I suppose six thirty would be good. Nothing too special, I guess. It's in the VFW hall and a benefit, so people won't be in gowns and black ties. I'll wear a nice dress and you can take it from there. On Willow drive, the last house on the right. I was glad to come. We all really enjoyed the game and you were really good. In fact, I think you tricked me with that bet. You knew you'd win that game. Well, if our date helped inspire you, I'm glad we agreed to it. Maybe coach will give me the game ball?" chuckled Gwen. "Okay, see you then."
Gwen finished the call and then turned to her silent, but intent family, and smiled as she shrugged, "Wrong number".
Gwen could not believe how things had gotten out of hand. Her mother's sister, Diane, along with her 16 year old daughter Stephanie, had insisted on "stopping in" at six o'clock. Then Dorothy Fields, her husband Bob, and her daughter Dawn just happen to stop by on their way to the benefit, which wasn't scheduled to begin until seven. On top of that, her mother and father decided that they were going to attend the dance. They hadn't gone to a function like that in forever, and now they had to go? Of course Lisa and Kate were planning on spying on her every move that evening as well. Gwen decided that she just couldn't be any more embarrassed, but she was wrong.
At six thirty, the door bell rang and the living room suddenly became silent. Gwen had been listening to the chatter from her upstairs bedroom as Lisa put the final touches on her coif. The sudden silence, she realized, was very unnerving. How would Steve feel about such an obvious attempt by so many people to give him the "once over"? She heard Kate welcome Steve and then she introduced him to all the characters perched in the living room. Gwen could hear Steve greet each person warmly as he repeated their names. Then it happened.
Gwen's father, normally a very quiet, intellectual sort, decided to give Steve "the talk" right in front of everyone! Gwen loved her Dad, but being a CPA, he was far better with numbers than with people.
"Steve, I understand that you're taking my daughter to the dance because she lost a bet to you. Do you think a woman should have to do something against her will simply because of a foolish wager? I understand that she declined your first request for a date to the dance. How do justify your wager, and placing Gwen in such an awkward situation?" asked Ted Anderson somewhat pompously.
Gwen was certain that Steve would be insulted and leave the house. For her part, she had never been so mortified!
"Dad!" cried Kate.
"It's okay, Kate. Your dad has a good point there. I'll tell you this, sir. I never intended to force Gwen to do anything against her will. I would never do that, unless it was done to save her pain or injury. I asked her out and she declined, but her reasons sounded hollow to me, so I decided to press Gwen a little. I've always heard that faint heart never won fair lady. If Gwen simply tells me that she truly does not want to go with me tonight, I will leave and never bother her again. However, Sir, it is my belief and hope, that Gwen is more than willing to accompany me to the dance. Let's ask her when she comes down, shall we?"
"Okay, son. You stated your case well. We'll do that, but there are a couple other things that you need to know," continued Gwen's father. "You'll never go out with Gwen again if you use alcohol, or tobacco. If I hear that you drive unsafely, you'll lose any privileges I may have allowed. If I learn of any questionable behavior on your part, Gwen will be forbidden from seeing you. Do you understand me?"