The phone vibrated in Del's pocket in the middle of the staff meeting. It was just heading into the second hour of the meeting where half the management team was struggling to stay awake. It never failed. The weekly meeting every Friday after lunch took up to two hours to cover a half hour's worth of business. Del was already thinking about taking off once the meeting was over when he slipped his phone out of his pocket to furtively check the message that just came in. The moment he saw the photo of Lauren the skin on the back of his neck went sweaty and he looked around to make sure no one else could see what was on his phone screen.

Lauren was Del's nineteen-year-old daughter, and the selfie she just sent him wasn't exactly risqué, but it was much more revealing of her heavily curvaceous body than she'd ever sent him before. She was sitting on her carpeted bedroom floor in front of the full-length mirror. Wearing a pair of form-hugging booty shorts, her knees were raised and slightly tilted to the side, showing off the thick, shapely undersides of her thighs. Her skin looked satin smooth and already tanned a light shade of cinnamon.

On top, Lauren was wearing a clingy, white T shirt that was cropped a couple of inches below her enormous, round boobs. The shirt was so tight and thin as to make it obvious she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. Her long, light brown hair was loose and flowing down over one shoulder but pulled aside to keep the conspicuous swell of her tits in the forefront of the photo.

The girl was normally highly self-conscious of her pneumatically voluptuous body so it was a rare occurrence to see her dressed the way she was in her selfie. And it was just on the edge of being suggestive enough to make Del wonder why she would've sent the photo to her own father. He suspected she must have meant to send it to someone else. But who? She wasn't going out with anyone, as usual, so she must have meant to send the shot to one of her friends.

Del furtively scanned the conference room. No one was paying any attention to the fact that he was paying more attention to his phone than anything else. Taking one more long look at his ripe, curvy daughter, he tucked the phone back in his pocket. Less than a minute later the phone vibrated again.

Checking the new message, he found another selfie from Lauren. It was almost the same as the first one, except in this one she had her finger hooked under the bottom hem of her shirt and was pulling it up just high enough to expose the smooth, round undercurves of her extravagant tits. Del's face felt like it was burning as he stared in awe at this rare view of his luscious daughter. Her pretty face had that usual look of uncertainty as she gazed at into the camera.

The second shot made it obvious she'd meant to send the pictures to some other number. Knowing his daughter, Del realized she'd most surely die of embarrassment the second she realized her mistake.

The meeting droned on for another twenty minutes. Del spent the whole time sneaking more looks at phone, fighting the urge to let his cock go hard and deciding how to reply to the messages. Even if the pictures were meant for someone else, he couldn't just ignore them. He'd always tried to be open and honest with his only daughter. But then again, there was the possibility she might feel better if he just pretended he never saw them.

Del hustled out of the building as soon as the meeting was over. When he got to his car, he sat in the parking lot and looked at the pictures again. He spent most of that time gazing at the second one where Lauren exposed the undersides of her magnanimous tits. With a resigned sigh, the girl's father slipped his hands between his legs and rubbed his growing cock through his pants.

With his cock fully swollen, he rubbed the long, tube-like bulge and started wishing his daughter would send another picture where she'd pull her shirt up to her neck and expose her tits completely. But he still savored the surprising, cock-hardening views she already sent. The most he saw of his daughter's body nowadays was when she was hanging out in the evenings after her shower in an oversized T shirt and panties. She went without a bra at such times, and the heaving sway of her enormous tits and the occasional sight of her swollen nipples always drove his pulse higher.

Lauren had unknowingly given her father countless erections. He usually excused himself and went to the bathroom to stroke out a hot load of cum while he tried to imagine the girl's exceptional charms fully naked. And as long as he kept his dirty thoughts to himself, Del didn't see any harm in it. He couldn't help it. His daughter was such a pretty girl, and her body was simply outrageous, even if she'd always felt self-conscious about her size. He often wondered if other father's with daughter's like her went through the same frustrations.

Yet Del loved his daughter more than anyone in the world. Far more than he'd ever loved her mother. He would've done anything for her. At the same time, he had no control over the way her succulent body affected him. Sometimes he gazed at her in awe when she didn't know he was looking, completely amazed his own daughter could be so hot and sensuous without having a clue.

Or did she?

With the new pictures on his phone, this was the first time he'd ever touched his cock with anything other than a mental image of his daughter in mind. Sitting in his car, his cock kept getting harder and harder, precum beginning to soak a spot into his pants.

Yet he couldn't just sit there in the company parking lot jerking off to pictures of his daughter so he finally put down his phone and drove away. He thought about going to the gym to work out his frustrations, but he'd already been there three times that week. His hard on was also being extremely stubborn since he couldn't get the images of Lauren out of his mind. On the way to his house, he pulled into the city park and pulled over in a well-shaded, secluded spot.

Holding his phone in one hand, Del unzipped his pants and fished out his hard cock with the other. He flipped back and forth between both pictures as he stroked his shaft. It came to him that maybe he wanted his daughter so much because he couldn't have her. But it didn't really matter. He just wanted her, and he wanted her badly. He just needed to keep his feelings hidden.

With the second picture that showed the bottoms of her tits on his screen, Del stared and pumped his cock furiously until his cum was spurting all over his steering wheel and the front of his shirt. It was the most intense orgasm he'd had in couple of weeks. As he sat there half dazed behind the wheel of his car he could barely believe what he'd just done.

After putting his cock back in his pants, Del used his tie to wipe his cum off the steering wheel. He figured he had the rest of his drive home to think of something to tell his daughter about sending the pictures to the wrong number, but then his phone buzzed before he could start the car. It was another message from Lauren, but there was no picture this time.

Omg, Dad, I'm so sorry! Meant to send those to Roxanne! We went shopping today.

Don't worry, sweetheart, he wrote back. I was pretty sure you had the wrong number, haha.

I'm so so sorry. So embarrassed now.

Don't be, honey. You look amazing in them.


Definitely. Can I save them?



K, she wrote back, including a blushing little smiley face.

You could send me pictures anytime. I always love to see my pretty baby girl.

Omg, Dad, I'm not pretty. I'm so fat!

You're seriously beautiful, sweetheart. Just trust me on that.

Of course you'd say that. You're my dad.

Del just sent her a smile emoji, trying to be cautious about saying more than he should. For some reason, it was easier to text a conversation like this than have it face to face. Having to look into his daughter's deep, brown eyes always turned him into mush.

After a minute or so of no messages, he finally texted: Father or not, trust me, baby, you're seriously hot.

The second he sent the message he regretted telling his daughter she was hot. He should have just said she was beautiful. That would have been a better word for a father to use about his own daughter. Lauren sent back another blushing smiley, with another text a few seconds later.

There does happen to be one more, but I don't think I should send it.


It's bad. It was Roxanne's whole idea.

Maybe you should let me see, then. I can tell you if it's bad.

The conversation went silent for a couple of minutes. Del was sure he went over the edge trying to encourage his daughter to send a picture she thought was "bad". He tried to decide if he should call her or just start the car and drive home, but his phone buzzed again before he could. The third picture was similar to the others, but in this one she'd pulled the bottom edge of her top just high enough to expose her nipples. Her nubs were thick and hard, set at the center of large, caramel colored areolas. There were inverted V-shaped tan lines gracing her big, lush tits hinting at a bikini her father had never seen her wear in front of him.

Despite the cum from his orgasm still being wet on his shirt, Del's cock was already stirring with new sensation while he stared at Lauren's latest picture. The sight of her swollen nipples was nothing short of mouth-watering and the longer he stared at them the more he was aching to suck and taste them. He wanted to run his tongue all over the smooth flesh of her prominent orbs and listen to the sound of her loving sighs and moans. Already rubbing his cock through his pants again, he found himself trying to imagine what kind of sounds his daughter uttered when she was aroused.

He almost wished he hadn't encouraged Lauren to send the last picture. It only made him want her more and more by the second, and the more he wanted her the more impossible it seemed to be able to stop. He was even beginning to feel like he was entitled to her. She was his daughter. Why shouldn't she naturally belong to him? It seemed downright profane that anyone else should ever be able to savor his own girl's sumptuous body.

He squeezed his cock and stared at his daughter's monumental tits, forgetting how much time was slipping by. Then his phone buzzed again. Another message from Lauren.

I'm sorry. I knew that would be too much.

Del plugged in his earbuds and quickly hit his daughter's number, realizing he should've replied faster. Her phone was still ringing by the time he swiped back to her third picture, and he was admiring her bared nipples once again when she answered.

"Oh my god, Dad, I'm sorry," she said without even saying hello.

Del sighed. He didn't even begin to know what he should say.

"Don't be sorry, sweetheart," he told her. "You' beautiful." It wasn't like he could just come out and tell his own daughter she had huge, gorgeous tits that he was dying to slap around his cock.

"Really, Dad?"

"Most definitely."

"It wasn't too weird?"

"Surprising. Kind of shocking even. But not weird, sweetie. I, um, feel really glad you shared that with me. Just because you're my daughter doesn't change the fact that you're a very beautiful girl."

"Really? I can't even tell you how nervous I was."

"I can imagine, honey. You know your first two pictures came in while I was in the weekly meeting."

Lauren giggled. Del was happy to hear her relax a little. "Sorry," she finally said, "I hope it wasn't too distracting."

It was Del's turn to laugh. "Are you kidding? That was the best part of my whole day."

Then it got quiet on his daughter's end. "Really?"

"Definitely," he told her. "Um, sweetheart, has anyone else seen these pictures?"

"No, Dad. Just you."

"Me and Roxanne, you mean, right?"

There was a pause. "Oh shit. Um, no, Dad. You're the only one."

"I thought Roxanne was the one who got you to take them."

"Well she did, kind of. We went shopping for all this new stuff today and she was needling me to take some hot selfies to send this guy she thinks I should go out with."

Del listened to her voice and gazed at her picture at the same time. He couldn't resist resting his free hand over his cock and rubbing as it was already beginning to grow thick again. A hot wave of jealousy suddenly came over him when he thought of her friend trying to get her interested in some guy who could never love her the way he did.

"So you took those to show some guy Roxanne wants to set you up with?"

"Oh my god, no! I don't even like him. I"

"What, sweetheart?"

He could hear her take a deep breath. "I just wanted to show them to you. I lied about sending them to the wrong number."

Del's cock surged with heat as that started to sink in.

"You mean you meant to send them to me all along?"

"Yeah, Dad. Kind of. Do you think I'm a total freak now?"

"Oh, no, sweetie. That would be hypocritical."

"It would?"

"Yeah. Since I really like them. All of them."

"Oh. Wow."

"Yeah, sweetie. Maybe we should have this conversation in person," he suggested.

"Oh god, I think I'd die."

"I don't think so, sweetheart," he chuckled. "Why don't you put on one of the new outfits you got today and I'll take you out to dinner?"

"Um, Dad, that might not be appropriate."

"Neither were those pictures, but they're beautiful and you're amazing. So make your old man happy and dress up really nice and we can talk this over at dinner. It's not every day I get to go out with such a luscious young lady. I'll take you somewhere stupidly overpriced and show you off."

Del disconnected the call before the girl had a chance to refuse. He then made a quick call to make a reservation at the restaurant where his company sometimes wined and dined important clients. He almost didn't get a table that late in the day, but when he mentioned the company's name they gave him a table without a second thought. After that he set the phone aside and drove toward his house.

The driveway went along the side of the house to the parking lot behind. He didn't bother putting the car in the garage since he was planning to go back out before long and just walked across the backyard and into the rear door leading into the kitchen.

He called out for Lauren but didn't get a reply. If he hadn't known better he would have thought the house was deserted.

Del and the girl's mother had split up a few months before she started her first year of college. Now that the academic year was over, this was the first time Lauren had spent more than a weekend or holiday at her father's new house, yet she'd chosen to spend the summer with him instead of her mother. The girl's choice had made him happy, but he never imagined what it was going to be like to have a voluptuous nineteen-year-old college girl on his hands all summer.

He went upstairs to his room quickly, wanting to get his cum-stained shirt changed before his daughter saw it. Her bedroom door was closed, and he was sure she was in there and avoiding him as long as she could.

Del took off his shirt and tie, tossing the shirt into the laundry hamper in his bathroom. The tie would have to be dry cleaned after he used it to wipe up all the cum he'd spurted in the car. But then he just tossed the tie into the waste basket. It was time to go out and get some new ones anyway. He finally put on a dark, short-sleeved jersey and a light grey linen suit. Putting on a suit right after work, especially on a Friday, wasn't what he normally wanted to do, but he had a special place in mind for dinner with Lauren.

When he went back into the hallway, the girl's bedroom door was still closed. Del stood there listening a few moments and couldn't hear a sound. He finally gave a soft knock.

"Lauren?" he called. "You're not going to stand me up for our dinner date, are you?"

A moment passed before the girl replied. "I don't think I can go anywhere like this. Especially with you." She spoke so quietly her father had to strain to hear her.

"It's only me, baby girl. Your dad, who loves you no matter what."

"That's kind of the problem." Her words were practically muffled this time and Del wasn't even sure he heard her right.

"I'm coming in, sweetheart," he warned as he turned the doorknob.

Lauren started to protest but her father had the door open before she could say another word. She'd been sitting on the edge of her bed but stood up as he went in. Del was momentarily paralyzed when he saw his daughter dressed like he'd never seen before. The dress she had on was better suited to a night at a club than dinner at an expensive restaurant. It was skin tight and very low cut with a viciously short hem. The material was a pale turquoise that set off the girl's tan and stretched around her curves like a second skin.

Her nipples were erect, and the dress stretched so thin over her tits that her areolas were faintly visible through the fabric. It was clear she wasn't wearing a bra. It wasn't the kind of dress a girl would wear a bra with anyway, and despite the size and heft of Lauren's tits she didn't need one. She stood there nervously, unable to look her father in the eye for more than a couple of seconds at a time as he gazed at her in awe.

"You look amazing, sweetheart," Del told her when he was finally able to catch his breath.

She blushed and smiled happily, but still looked down at the floor. "Look, Dad," she said, "I know you wanted to see what else I got today, but there's no way I can go out in this. Definitely not to some really nice restaurant."

Del stepped closer. Lauren looked so ripe and voluptuous his hands were practically trembling when he reached up to place them on her shoulders. He was dying to run his hands all over her extravagant curves but he was already in danger of sprouting another hard on. It was bad enough just to be standing that close to her with her lush, shapely tits straining the front of her dress.

"Baby, you look more perfect than anything I've ever seen. Let's just try it this once. Besides, we've got a lot to talk about, don't we?"

"If you say so," she said, still looking down and blushing bright crimson.

He kissed her cheek, daringly close to the corner of her mouth, considering that she was his own daughter. And he gave her a not so brief hug, mashing his body into the warm swell of her tits with his hands barely grazing the upper edge of her ass. She hugged him back tightly, but he broke it off before he ended up going hard against her. He just took her by the hand and led her downstairs and out to the car where he opened the door and didn't take his eyes off her while she got into her seat.

The ride to the restaurant was mostly silent, with both of them knowing they'd already crossed some kind of hazy line but not knowing how to begin talking about it. They made a little bit of small talk but even that had a distracted quality about it.

Del's pulse started racing as soon as they got out of the car to go into the restaurant. Leading Lauren toward the door in a dress that could easily be considered slutwear, he could hardly believe he was about to march her through a Friday night crowd of affluent diners.

When they got inside, there were a lot of good looking, well dressed women of all ages, but none were nearly as striking or curvy as Lauren. As they were led to their table, Del felt a strange mixture of excited pride and fatherly protectiveness. Part of him knew a father's natural instinct should be to make his daughter cover her obvious sexual attributes - especially a girl built like Lauren. The other part felt like any man would to see so many people turn their heads to get a look at the desirable vixen who was there for him.

Del had never thought too much about showing off women he'd gone out with. Not that he'd never been pleased about going somewhere with a beautiful girl who turned a few heads, but Lauren was quickly changing the way he thought about a lot of things. He realized he how proud of her he really was, and showing her off to a roomful of strangers was getting to him more than he expected. There was also the fact that she was so self-conscious, even embarrassed, of going into public dressed the way she was.

By the time they reached their table, Del's cock was already feeling hotter and thicker. It was a relief to slide into the booth seat where the growing bulge in his pants was well hidden from view. Lauren slid in with him at the same time, and the two ended up sitting side by side.

They spent some time looking at the menu, but Del could barely concentrate. He finally set it aside and watched his daughter study hers, wondering if she was feeling as distracted as he. He studied her face, taking in the lines of her prettiness that never failed to get to him. Then his eyes drifted, settling on the plunging front of her dress where her full, shapely tits were nearly falling out of it.

Del gave his cock a squeeze under the table and admired his daughter's tits without a second thought. Lauren took a deep breath, pushing her boobs out further, but her father didn't miss the blush that was covering her face.

"Dad," she whispered without looking at him. "You're staring at my boobs."

She was blushing to the point her eyes were welling up, but the look on her face betrayed the pleasure her father's attention was giving her.

"I have news for you, sweetheart," he replied quietly. "So is everyone else. I've been staring at them pretty much constantly since my afternoon meeting. They're amazing. Besides, I got the idea you don't mind me looking."

"God, Dad, if you don't stop looking at them like that my nipples are gonna pop."


Lauren's blush deepened while a smile formed on her supple lips. "I can't believe we're doing this," she said in a hushed tone.

"Neither can I, but I'm really glad we are."

Lauren slid closer to him in the booth, which only gave her father a better view down the well stretched top of her dress. When the waiter came back to take their order he couldn't keep his eyes off the voluptuous coed snuggling up to her father. She barely looked at him while Del felt a mixture of jealousy and pride all at once. As a father, he wanted to jump up and grab the guy for staring at his daughter's half exposed tits. But as a man, he was proud and enamored with the girl he was with.

By the time the waiter left them alone, Del's cock was beginning to heat up with excitement, but he was also consumed with curiosity. "So that whole thing about Roxanne telling you to send your pictures to some guy was just an excuse?" he asked carefully.

Lauren blushed and wouldn't look him in the eye. "Not exactly," she mumbled.

This only made her father even more curious. "So let me see if I understand," he said. "She teased you into taking the pictures, but then there wasn't a guy she thought you'd should send them to?"

"Also not exactly."

"Hmmm. Then there was a guy."

Lauren just nodded, still without looking up. Del couldn't help feeling a sharp pang of jealousy. He had to remind himself this was his own daughter. No matter how much she aroused him or how much any father might think no one is good enough for his daughter, feeling this possessive of her had to be the dumbest thing he'd ever done.

"Yes," she admitted quietly.

"And Roxanne got you to take those pictures for him?"

"Kind of. I mean, it was her idea at first, but then it was kind of fun."

"I see," her father said cautiously. "But then you just sent them to me instead, huh?"

"Umm, that's where it gets a little funny."

"A little funny?" he said suspiciously.

She didn't answer and just kept looking down. Del was determined to find out the rest, but he couldn't help staring down the top of her dress at the big, smooth orbs partially tucked inside it. She finally just nodded without saying anything.

"I'm not sure I understand," he pressed.

"Oh my god, this is so embarrassing," she replied.

Del started to feel bad for pushing her to say something she didn't seem to want to. He put his arm around her and pulled her close in an affectionate cuddle.

"It's okay, baby," he said. "You don't have to feel embarrassed about anything around me, okay?"

She wrung her hands in her lap for a minute and finally said, "It's you, okay? The guy is you, Dad."

The girl's statement made Del stop. Despite the highly unusual afternoon and evening so far it was the last thing he expected to hear. At the same time, his cock was quickly growing in his pants even though so many more questions were running through his mind.

"Does Roxanne know you sent those pictures to me?"

When the girl nodded yes, her father's cock pulsed harder even while he knew it was a dangerous idea.

"Before you say anything, she's the only one who knows how I feel. She's known a long time and I only told her because she told me some things about her and her dad."

Del didn't know when he ever felt more shocked and aroused at the same time.

"What about them?" he asked.

Lauren hesitated. "They're, umm, fucking."

"Damn," he muttered.

Then the waiter was delivering food to their table and the conversation cut off. He was barely interested in food now, but the two of them nibbled at their orders in silence for a little while. Eventually, Del took his daughter's hand and brought it under the table, placing it over the bulge of his rigid cock. She gasped in surprise, but her hand quickly formed over the shape of her father's bulge and started rubbing him lightly.

"And you got thinking we could have that kind of relationship?" he asked.

"Yes," she said, barely more than a whisper.

Del's cock was throbbing with excitement. He slipped his hand between his daughter's thick, warm thighs and felt her skin, pushing his hand up toward her pussy. As long they kept it under the table cloth, no one could tell what they were doing.

"You know that's a crazy idea, right?" he said as he pushed his fingers under her panties to feel her damp, perfectly smooth slit.

Lauren gasped softly, squeezing her father's cock through his pants.

"Does that mean it's a bad idea?"

"No, baby. It's nobody's business but ours."

"I can't help it. I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, baby. So much."

He slipped his finger into his daughter's wet hole, fingering her as deeply as he could under the table. Lauren chewed on her bottom lip while he patiently fingered her until she uttered a muffled gasp and her pussy clenched at his finger with her climax.

By now their food was cold and Del signaled for the waiter. He took care of the bill as quickly as he could and escorted his beautiful daughter back outside to the car.

"Dad, you almost made me scream right in the middle of the restaurant," she told him after they got in the car.

Del smiled and started the engine. He pulled the car out of the parking and headed for home, but on the way he got an idea. Lauren looked at him curiously when he rerouted onto the freeway and headed into the city center toward the five-star hotel where his company put up people they did business with. She didn't say very much, but every time Del reached between his daughter's legs she dutifully spread them open and leaned back while he slid his fingers under her panties to finger her.

He didn't make her cum while they were driving, only keeping her wet and on the edge as much as he could. She reached over and felt his cock through his pants, keeping her hand there for most of the ride, but when they pulled into the parking garage they had to pull themselves together to go inside.

Del led his daughter toward the hotel lobby. He could tell she wanted to ask him what he was up to, but she didn't say anything and just followed his lead. When they got to the front desk, he booked a room under Mr. and Mrs. Lauren couldn't contain a slight gasp when he did, which drew a skeptical look from the clerk. Then they both showed their ID's. The clerk had asked to see Del's, but not Lauren's. They just wanted to show off that they had the same last name.

"I can't believe we did that," Lauren said when they got in the elevator.

Del laughed. "I don't really believe it, either," he replied.

When they got into their room, Del called for room service to send up some finger food and a bottle of champagne. Once it arrived, he poured two glasses and stood with the girl while they sipped their champagne and looked out the huge windows at the nighttime cityscape.

Del could hardly believe they were there. He put his free arm around his curvy daughter's waist, letting his hand rest on her hip. Lauren leaned into her father's body and he let his hand drop to the bare part of her thigh in back, sliding it up to her full, warm ass under her dress. Spreading his hand over her thickly rounded ass cheek, he affectionately squeezed and kneaded the girl's firm flesh. He caught the coy smile in her sidelong glance and squeezed her ass a little harder.

He could also see their reflection in the window mixed with the city lights at night. Del put his glass down and stood behind her. He reached around her and pulled the stretchy top of her revealing dress down to expose her heavily succulent tits. He caught her smile as he watched her reflection in the glass and then cupped her smooth globes in each of his hands.

Lauren sighed with pleasure, her nipples quickly responding to her father's fondling hands. Del's cock was quickly rising again, pressing into his daughter's shapely ass while he watched himself handling her tits in their reflection. He could see his daughter's eyes were twinkling with excitement.

"That's so hot," she said breathily. "It's like seeing us in a video."

The idea only made Del's cock pulse even harder against her ass. He kissed her neck and shoulders and continued feeling her warm tits, but finally moved his hands back toward where her dress was now bunched under her orbs. He pushed it lower, making it stretch over her curving hips as he pushed the skimpy garment all the way down her legs, leaving her in nothing but the tiny thong panties she was wearing underneath.

He stood back up and continued feeling her tits with one hand while cupping his hand over her barely covered pussy with the other. Her fabulous filled with a deep breath as he pressed his fingers firmly into the yielding pout of her mound. Her panties were wet wherever he touched them since she'd been oozing dew into them since the restaurant.

"Oh god, Daddy," she sighed, rolling her hips to grind her pussy into his grasping hand.

Del pulled at the flexible material of his daughter's thong, revealing her smooth mound. Then he squeezed his fingers firmly along her slit. The window reflected the image right back to them: a father's large hands caressing his daughter's tits and pussy at the same time. One glance at the girl's eyes in the window told Del she was just as fascinated as he was.

He fingered the girl's sensitive slit until she was moaning and rocking against his hand, but he stopped short of pushing a finger inside her. Instead, he took a moment to push her panties off and then admiring her naked reflection.

Stepping to her side, Del told the girl to undress him.

"Yes, sir," she replied with a smile.

They were both watching the reflection while Lauren unbuttoned her father's shirt, then pushing it off his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. She then knelt on the floor and began opening his pants, finally pulling them down along with his briefs. His enormously swollen cock bobbed and swaggered in her pretty face, and as soon as he stepped out of his pants she wrapped her hand around his shaft and started stroking him.

They both turned to look at the reflection of a young, incredibly voluptuous daughter kneeling on the floor as she skimmed her dainty hand along the aching shaft of her father's cock. Del sighed with pleasure. Lauren's stroking felt incredible on its own, but was heightened by their image in the window.

"Baby, that's so good," he groaned softly, savoring the girl's careful touch.

"That makes me happy, Dad," she smiled up at him. "I want you to like everything so much you'll just want more."

Del groaned, amazed by the sight of his daughter leaned close enough to begin licking the head of his cock, her tongue early exploring all around the ridge of his dome. She skimmed her hand toward the base of his shaft and ran her tongue thoroughly over the still exposed length of his cock. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Then she took his thick rod between her lips and sucked him in deeply, swirling her tongue while most of his shaft disappeared between her moist lips.

Her head began moving back and forth as she sucked his cock along with using her hand. Del's breath went deep and ragged from the raw pleasure of his daughter's hot mouth. He watched her directly for a while, then looked at their reflection in the window and watched her suck his cock in profile. It was almost like having a porn star for a daughter. He couldn't resist taking hold of her head and thrusting his cock back at her mouth.

After taking as much of Lauren's cocksucking as he could, Del finally pushed her off his cock and reached for her hands to guide back onto her feet.

"You're amazing," he said. Then he kissed her deep and hard. One hand was moving over her tits while the other slid between her legs. She was still stroking his cock at the same time, and he started backing toward the bed.

After his daughter lay back on the bed, Del spent a long time kissing her and fingering her wet pussy. She was soon rocking her hips, his fingers pumping rhythmically into her hole. He kept his fingers inside her as he began kissing his way down her body, pausing for a long time on her big, bare tits and sucking her swollen nipples into his mouth.

He finally made his way to the girl's wet, waiting pussy and began lapping his tongue around her clit and over the lips stretched around his pumping fingers. Lauren's tits heaved as her body filled with deep, sharp breaths. Her moans grew deep and husky while her father eagerly pleasured her dripping pussy with his fingers and mouth.

The girl's body shivered through at least two climaxes before Del pushed her legs up high enough to expose her puckered rimhole. Pulling his fingers out of her pussy, he massaged her rosebud a while before slipping one of his fingers into the snug grip of her asshole. The finger was thoroughly lubed with her pussy flow, and Del started to ease it in and out of her hole, gently fucking her ass with it while he continued lapping at her clit and fuckhole.

"Oh my god, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy," Lauren growled in response to her father's finger slipping in and out of her rim.

With his finger in her channel and her clit trapped under his mouth, Lauren's body rocked and shivered with another orgasm. Then Del backed off and positioned himself between his daughter's thick thighs. Gazing down at her, Lauren was the most amazing thing Del had ever seen. Her thick curves were ripe and just perfect to his eye. The shape of her pussy made his pulse beat harder by the second.

"Spread it for me, baby girl," he told her, his cock jutting straight forward and hard as a rock.

Lauren did just as he asked, reaching between her legs and spreading her slit open with her fingers. Del's cock was raging to be plunged deep inside that delectable hole.

"Good girl," he groaned. "Now take my cock in your other hand and let me watch you push it into your pussy, baby."

"Oh my god, Dad, are you always this dirty?" she gasped.

"Only with my beautiful daughter," he grinned.

Lauren giggled briefly, but then she took hold of her father's fat cock in her other hand and stuffed the blunt tip into her fuckhole. She was looking up at him with wide eyes, and when he started to push his long, thick cock deeper into her pussy she started to moan deeply.

Del started to pump his shaft in and out of his daughter's hole steadily, gradually picking up more and more speed as she rolled her shapely hips against him. He couldn't get enough of the way her weighty tits heaved almost violently to the lunging thrusts of his cock. After fucking her from an upright position for a while, Del leaned over and took her luscious globes into his hands, sucking at her nipples while he pumped his hips at her body as hard as he could.

Lauren was moaning and gasping, grinding her pussy greedily at her father's driving cock as she cried out through two more successive orgasms. Del's mind went blank as he felt the rippling clasp of his daughter's velvety slick pussy. When the cum burst and spurt from his cock deeply into her clutching hole he could feel the sensations of pleasure racing through his entire body.

They spent a long time kissing afterward, Del's cock still tucked inside the girl's luscious body. Finally, he got up and brought their champagne glasses to the bed.

They went to sleep in a cozy spooning position, and Del woke up to the feeling of his daughter's mouth on his cock. He was hard as a tree by the time he opened his eyes, and the beautiful young girl was gazing up at him lovingly, her supple lips encircling his cock, sucking and stroking his shaft until he filled her mouth with cum.

Del had room service deliver breakfast while Lauren got dressed and spent some time texting her friend, Roxanne.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to tell her about us?" Del asked cautiously.

"If anyone understands us it's Roxy," she smiled back. "She's really excited for us."

After that, Del called back down to the front desk and told them he wanted the room for the whole weekend. Lauren listened to him make the call with wide, excited eyes.

"I don't even know what to say," she sighed. "I never had a handsome lover take me away to a fancy hotel for the weekend before."

"I should hope not," Del countered with a frown. "But then, you never had a lover like your father before, either."

Lauren snuggled up beside him. "I'll never need anyone else," she said. "But I will need something else to wear if we're going to spend the whole weekend."

"In that case I guess we'll just have to go shopping. But as long as we're here in the room, you really don't need anything to wear at all."

Lauren was smiling from ear to ear. Then she took her dress back off, letting her father enjoy seeing her naked. Besides, it didn't look like they were going to go out anytime soon.​