Joe finally woke to the sound of his cell phone vibrating on the table next to his bed. It was past two in the morning and he was annoyed anyone would ring his number at that hour. He reached for it to shut it off and go back to sleep, but then he saw Liza's name on the screen. He'd hadn't heard more than a brief text from his younger sister in nearly three years, but now she was calling his number in the middle of the night. Something had to wrong.
Joe carefully slipped out from under the warm, naked thigh that was resting across his cock. It was Olivia's thigh, the woman he'd been seeing only the past three weeks. Fortunately, the vibration of the phone hadn't woken her up, but he was even more annoyed at having to pull himself away from the thick, shapely thigh lying across him as well as the warm, D cup sized tits pressing up against his side. It was the first time the blonde was spending the whole night at Joe's place, and he didn't want to disturb her even though he know there had to be something serious going on with his sister.
He gently got out of bed, still naked, and took his phone into the bathroom to answer the call without waking up Olivia.
"Liza," he said, simply saying his sister's name instead of hello.
"Joe, I'm sorry it's so late." She sounded stressed, almost in tears. "I don't have anyone else to call."
"Hey, slow down. Take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong." It had to be serious for her to suddenly call at this hour after all this time.
"Milo," she said, then went silent.
Joe could hear her breathing. Milo was Liza's husband, a man her brother had never liked. It was only a matter of time before something happened.
"I'm here, sis," Joe said, keeping his voice calm despite his lizard brain stirring with protective instincts.
"We broke up," she admitted. "It was nasty."
Joe wasn't surprised, but he wasn't happy either, as much as her getting away from Milo was actually good news.
"It's about time," Joe said, not bothering to hide his dislike for Milo. "But I'm sorry, sis. I know it's gotta be hard. Do you want to talk about it?"
"That'd be really good. But, not on the phone."
"Okay, no problem. We can talk about whatever. I'm here for you."
"I hope you mean that, Joe."
"Of course I do."
"Yeah, well, the thing is...I'm here. In town. Kinda need a place to go. There's no way I could stay with Milo. You're the first person I thought of when I needed a place to go."
"Where are you, Liza?"
"At the bus station. It's creepy here at this hour."
"I'll be there in twenty-five minutes."
Liza sighed with relief. "Thank you, Joe. You don't know how much this means to me."
Joe did his best to stay quiet while Olivia was sleeping, but he didn't waste any time, either, as he threw on a pair of shorts and a T shirt to go out and pick up his sister. He got dressed so fast he ended up going commando, leaving the blonde in his bed. She'd probably still be sleeping when he got back, and being the first night she'd spent at his place he hoped she'd sleep through his leaving her there on her own to go pick up his distraught sister.
The top sheet of the bed was going across Olivia's torso, leaving her large tits fully exposed. Joe took a quick moment to stop and look at the beautiful girl he was now leaving alone in his bed. If it weren't for his sister he wouldn't dream of leaving a gorgeously hot girl like her on her own in the middle of the night. Then he realized how he really barely knew Olivia after going out with her a few times over a few short weeks. There was barely the beginning of an emotional connection between them even after filling her luxurious body with cum in a mutual climax that had left them both dazed. Still, it was the beginning of something. At least it seemed like it could be, but the pull to get to the bus station and to Liza overpowered everything else.
When Joe pulled his car up in front of the station he spotted Liza standing in front, obviously not knowing what kind of vehicle to be looking for. He stopped directly in front of her and felt his breath catch in his throat when he looked at her. Her dark hair was cut shorter now, just above her shoulders, and despite the strain showing through her classically beautiful features she still looked like a teenager.
Liza was thirty now, and yet her body looked every bit as youthful as her face. Her skirt was too short for traveling by bus, a ruffled style that merely suggested the pert roundness of her small ass. Her white top had low V neck and was cropped just about at the level of the waist of her skirt. Joe could tell she was braless and her attention-getting, teacup sized tits were every bit as pert and shapely as they'd been years ago. Joe took a deep breath and got out of the car.
Liza had a large suitcase on each side of where she stood. When Joe came around the car they hugged and she instantly collapsed inside his arms. Her body shuddered briefly with sobs and her brother decided he wouldn't both pushing her to find out what went wrong with Milo until she chose to bring it up. All he could do now was comfort and make her feel safe, the way he'd been doing since she was born.
Joe was five years older than his sister. Just enough to keep them from being overly competitive when they were growing up, and Joe was always her champion and protector. He stayed in good shape, but he knew he'd aged more than she had. Holding her now, even with her in the midst of a life crisis, Joe felt better than he had in years. Simply hugging his beautiful Liza made his heart beat faster than fucking Olivia earlier. It brought back memories they hadn't talked about in years. He almost wondered if Liza even remembered. How could she not, though? Joe would never forget the night he'd fingered her smooth, wet pussy until she climaxed all over his hand. Nor the way she'd been stroking his cock at the same time, making him spurt so hard he felt weak.
But that was so long ago. A different life. Liza had been on summer break after second year of college while Joe was in a phase of his life where he wanted to travel as much as he could while he was still young. He'd gone home from Europe to spend time with his sister while she was on a break. Alone in their parents' house one night, the siblings had gotten tipsy on wine he brought back from overseas.
Joe remembered thinking that night how much he missed his sister while the two of them had somehow gotten involved living separate lives. It didn't seem natural to be separated from the sweet, pretty girl it was his mission in life to love and protect.
"Oh, Joe," Liza had said that night, as if reading his mind, "I think I miss you too much when you go away."
When he looked at her, there was something in the way she was looking back at him that burned at the edges of his soul. Her eyes were bright and filled with so much love he didn't know what else to do. He took her face in his hands and claimed her supple mouth in a deep, passion-filled kiss. There was no hesitation between them. Their lips parted and their tongues twisted in a dance of desire.
Joe remembered the way her precious tits had felt through her T shirt that night. Braless and so firm and supple. She'd boldly reached for the bulge in his pants, confirming a brother's deep desire for his own baby sister. It seemed as if getting his pants unzipped and open, then taking his intensely aroused cock out of them had been far too easy for her. Her hand had felt so sure, even skilled, in the way she stroked his flaming shank. But he didn't care. Her touch was electrifying, and he reached under the skirt she'd been wearing, one that was almost as short as the one she was wearing there in the bus station. He hadn't even bothered pulling her panties down that night, simply yanking the crotch aside to finger that hairless pussy that was already sodden and dripping with need for her brother.
"I love you so much, Liza," he'd told her as he massaged her G spot. He was sure she came twice, and the second time he went with her, coating her stroking fist with a cascade of incestuous cum.
After, they spent half the night just talking and making out on their parents' couch. But with their mother and father coming home at some point, they eventually went to their separate bedrooms.
Joe had barely slept that night, and when the light of day came harshly through the window he was wracked with guilt, believing he'd don't something unforgiveable to his sweet baby sister. If there was the slightest possibility she would look at him with hatred in her eyes he didn't want to be there to see it. He would have felt destroyed. So he got up, snuck out of the house and stayed with a friend the next day until he could get a flight back to Europe.
Over the next few days, Joe had written and rewritten an old-fashioned snail-mail letter to his sister, apologizing for his horrible behavior and insisting that he loved her like no one in the world, and that he would never do anything again to hurt her. She had never replied to her brother's letter, but then again, Joe wouldn't have a fixed address for another year. From Europe, he traveled to Asia, picking up odd jobs here and there to finance his travels. It would be a year before he saw his sister in person again, and by then she was dating guys from college.
That was ten years ago, and they hadn't spoken of that night ever since. Liza was still always happy to see him whenever they had the chance, but she was living a normal life and dating guys she wasn't related to by blood. Her brother hated that more than a little, but he felt relieved that maybe she eventually forgot about what happened, or if she remembered, maybe she just blamed it on the wine. By the time she was twenty-five, she got married to Milo, who no one in the family liked or trusted, most of all her brother.
Now, hugging his sister in front of the bus station in the wee hours of the morning, Joe realized her body felt exactly as it had ten years before. Still lithe and firm and every bit as slender despite her now being thirty. He broke the hug before his body had a chance to respond to her. But then Liza looked at him with a sweet smile that gradually turned into an expression of pain and she threw herself against him in another, even tighter embrace. She started sobbing against his shirt while he put his arms back around her and gently rubbed her back.
"I can't believe you're really here," she said. "I needed you and you're here in the middle of the night. I could tell I woke you up when I called."
"Don't worry about that, Liz," he told her. "Everything's okay. You know your big brother will always come for you anytime, anywhere."
"I wouldn't have bothered you like this but I didn't know where else to go."
"I'd be upset if you called anyone but me. You know that, sis."
Her sobbing quickly stopped and she even laughed a little. "Yeah. I know."
Joe was anything but insensitive to his sister's plight, but at the same time he couldn't ignore the feel of her braless tits pressing into him through two, thin layers of T shirt material. Despite the enormous load of cum he'd deposited in Olivia's pussy not too long before, Joe felt his cock swarm with tingles at the closeness of his beautiful sister. He broke from the hug and picked up her luggage, setting it in the trunk while she got into the car.
On the way back to his apartment, Liza confessed to her brother about the years of cheating and emotional abuse she'd been through with Milo. None of this surprised him in the least, but he merely told his sister how happy he was that she finally made the break. Fortunately, there was only so much to be said about Milo. Liza knew what her brother thought of her soon to be ex-husband. Besides, that kind of catching up didn't need to be done over a twenty-five minute ride home in the middle of the night.
Joe found himself glancing at his sister's legs every chance he had. Her skirt became even shorter as she sat in the car, and they were every bit as slender and smooth as they were ten years ago. She caught him looking more than once and just smiled without saying anything about it. He was relieved when they finally pulled into the parking garage of his building. When they got Liza's luggage up to the apartment in the elevator, they went inside and Joe started whispering.
"Why are we whispering?" his sister asked. But then a look of recognition came over her face. "Ohhhh," she said. "Big brother has company."
"Ooohh, sorry, Joe. I didn't mean to mess up your night."
"You didn't. It'll be fine."
"Is it anyone serious?"
"Not really," her brother shrugged. "Too soon to know."
"Hmmm, serious enough to play sleepover," she teased.
Joe went into his bedroom to get some sheets and a spare blanket so Liza could make up the couch. Olivia was still sleeping sounding. The sheet was even lower across her body than when he left. Her tits and now her pussy were exposed. He looked over at the doorway to find his sister standing there peeking into the room. She took a long, appraising look at the slumbering Olivia. Joe half expected his sister to make some kind of teasing gesture, but she was frowning unhappily. He crossed the room and quietly closed the door behind him, then took his sister back to the living room.
"Joe, she looks even younger than me," Liza said while her brother poured a couple of glasses of wine.
"Nothing. Just sayin'."
He handed her a glass and took a seat on the couch. She sat close to him and they both drank. He finally asked what he'd been wondering since she first called.
"So is this just a temporary getaway? A chance to reboot? Or something more permanent?"
"This is permanent this time," she said. "I'm done. I had to get out while there was still some of me left inside."
Joe moved closer to her and put his arm around her. "You did the right thing. Just think of this as your home for as long as you want. I've got the extra room with my computer and a half-assed office. We'll just change that over to a bedroom for you."
"I can't ask you to do that."
"Of course you can. But you don't have to. I'm asking you. I don't want you going anywhere else."
"Ohhh, Joe," she sighed.
He leaned back against the couch and she went with him, resting the back of her head against his shoulder. She put her leg over his, letting foot dangle over the other side. If anyone had been standing across from them her panties would've been completely exposed. Joe tried to ignore her legs. He tried to ignore the way her shirt fell low across her chest, revealing the pert swells of her tits. He could never understand how they still stood up the way they did without a bra.
Joe swore at himself while his sister cried and he was looking at her body like he'd never seen a pretty girl before. He put his arm around her and held her close. After a while, Liza stopped crying and they drank their wine in silence. Joe was dangerously close to getting hard. The way his sister's bare leg looked and felt on top of his own was getting to him. He could never forget how hard he'd gotten that time they made each other cum, but he was sure his sister probably barely ever thought about it. Could she have even forgotten it ever happened? It would make sense if she blocked something like that from her mind.
"It's nice to feel safe again," Liza finally said. "I haven't felt safe like this since..."
"Since when, sis?"
"You already know when."
He knew exactly when she was talking about. The serious gaze she was leveling at him left no doubt in his mind. With the way she was sitting with her leg over his and his arm holding her body so close, he almost felt like they being shot back in time. Except for the knowledge of everything that happened in the decade since.
"That was wrong, Liza. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you. I'm just glad you didn't end up hating me."
"Well, I did. For a little while. I mean, of course I could never hate you. But you broke my heart, Joe. You just took off and sent me that letter. I thought I was more important to you than that."
"No one has ever been more important than you, and you better know that."
"Yeah, so important you left me," she said unhappily, though she squeezed in closer to her brother.
"Liza, brothers and sisters aren't meant to fall in love. Not to mention want each other the way we did."
"So it was better to end up in relationships with guys who weren't you? Who could never love me like you do? And end up with an asshole like Milo?"
Joe sighed in defeat as he brought his other hand to his sister's bare, slender thigh, gently kneading her skin. His cock started to respond.
"I was wrong," he admitted. "So fucking wrong."
"Ohh, babe, do you really mean that?"
"You know I do, sis."
Liza nearly leapt out of her position and then straddled her brother's lap, facing him. The ecstatic look on her face was the complete opposite of the stressed looking waif he picked up at the bus station.
"I love you sooooo much," she said, placing her hands on his shoulders.
"I love you, too. It's my fault you ended up with Milo, but never again. I just can't see you with anyone else. Never again."
"Ohhh, Joe," his sister sighed.
Liza's skirt was now around her hips as she straddled her big brother's lap. His cock was fully hardened and straining against his pants while his sister's panty clad pussy mound rubbed teasingly against his bulge. He pulled her face to his and kissed her the way he'd always wanted yet never imagined being able to. She kissed him back fiercely, their lips opening together to unleash their searching tongues. He slid his hands up along the outside of her thighs and pushed under her skirt to clutch at the cheeks of her ass.
Joe and Liza kissed for a long time, her hips rocking again his cock bulge while he massaged her ass firmly. Their mouths separated just long enough for Liza to pull off her top, exposing her pert tits to her brother's face. Joe's hands slipped from under his sister's skirt and ran up along her sides and then in front to cover her perfect tits with his large hands. They were just stunning, a pair of inflated cones with puffy areolas and hard, protruding nipples that drew his mouth like a magnet.
"Ohhhh, yes, fuuuuck," Liza sighed loudly as her brother began sucking the delectable tips of her succulent tits. Her fingers laced into his dark hair as she pulled his face tightly to her chest.
But then: "What the fuck," suddenly came from the end of the short hallway toward Joe's bedroom. Olivia was obviously awake and understandably shocked to find the man she'd fucked and fallen asleep with a couple of hours ago now on his couch sucking on the naked tits of some woman who was eagerly grinding on his lap in a skirt shorter than a cheerleader's uniform.
Joe and Liza broke out of their trance turned to face the naked blonde. Joe caught the proudly defiant look on his sister's face while he tried to think of something to say. "Olivia, this really isn't what it looks like," is what finally came out of his mouth. Liza actually giggled, which only made the blonde look angrier.
"That's good," Olivia said. "Because it looks like you're sitting on your couch sucking some bitch's tits right after you fucked me and left me alone in your bed."
It wasn't like things had gotten serious with Olivia, and Joe was mainly sorry about the timing. It never would've happened this way with anyone but Liza, and only because this happened to be the night she finally left her husband. So many things were running through Joe's mind he could barely think straight, especially with his sister's pussy pressed hard against the bulge of his cock. Instead of losing his hard on, his pole only throbbed as hard as ever for the feel of his precious Liza's body. But he also found himself getting mad that Olivia had just called his sister a bitch.
"She's not a bitch," he retorted. "She's my sister."
Joe didn't realize what he was saying until he saw the horrified look on Olivia's face. Liza merely laughed and made a conspicuous point of dragging her mound along her brother's cock.
"Holy fuck," Olivia muttered, shaking her head in disbelief.
The blonde then just turned and went back into Joe's bedroom, slamming the door behind her. The compromised siblings on the couch could hear her shuffling around for her clothes. Liza grinned at her brother and reached down to unbutton his pants, then lifted herself high enough to get his zipper. She giggled when she found his rigid cock free of underwear. Then she got off his lap and pulled his pants down his legs and off. She unzipped the side of her skirt and wiggled out of it along with her panties.
Her brother sighed and gripped his huge, throbbing cock when he saw her fully naked. She was perfect, and her pussy was so smooth it had to be waxed.
"You only felt it that one time," Liza pointed out. "You never saw it. Do you like your sister's pussy, big brother?"
"It's perfect," Joe told her. "Just like the rest of you."
"Let's see how we fit together," she said, floating back onto his lap, straddling him like before.
She took his cock into her hands and pressed his shaft against the smoothest, silkiest pussy Joe had ever felt. Liza rubbed her slit along her brother's shaft, smearing her warm, slick ooze over his rigid flesh. She finally pushed the domed tip of his rod into her hole.
"Liza, we can never uncross this line."
"That's what I'm counting on."
Then she lowered herself onto his thick pole with a husky moan as his rock hard brother flesh filled her body. Joe groaned, wondering if he'd been dreaming this entire night. But then Liza began slowly riding up and down his cock, pushing her dainty tits close to his face, inviting his lips and tongue to explore her jutting nipples. At the same time, his hands were moving over his little sister's thighs, reaching behind to clutch and squeeze the tautly rounded globes of her gyrating ass.
"I knew it," Liza cooed. "A perfect fit. Like a brother and sister are just made to go together."
Joe growled softly and started rocking his hips against the steady motion of Liza's, grinding his cock into the dripping hot velvet of her channel. She was right, her brother thought, her hole was perfectly matched to the size and shape of his cock. She felt so tight, making the friction of their incestuous union the most intense he'd ever felt. Yet at the same time she felt so wet and slick, making for an easy, slippery glide between cock and pussy, her sisterly ooze trickling down his shaft and over his ballsac.
Gazing in wonder into each other's eyes, Joe didn't realize Olivia had come back into the room until he saw Liza look over at the blonde. She was dressed now, again wearing the same little party dress she'd started out in hours earlier. Joe craned his neck and saw her staring at him and his sister with a mixture of awe and disgust.
"Fucking perverts," the blonde muttered spitefully.
"Jealous bitch," Liza retorted. Then the slinky, raven-haired beauty leaned her head back and moaned loudly in pleasure while she started riding her brother's cock faster.
Joe caught the flash of Olivia's middle finger as she flipped off the rutting sibling couple on her way out of the apartment. Liza snickered and then moaned at the pleasure of her brother's cock inside her. With the sound of the door closing behind Olivia, it was as if a new chapter in the siblings' lives had finally started in earnest. Joe supported his sister's body by the ass and he rose up off the couch, keeping his cock embedded in her pussy. She felt so light.
When Joe turned toward his bedroom, Liza stopped him.
"Not in there, darling. Not yet. Not while your bed still smells like her."
Joe couldn't help but understand his sister's feelings. He changed direction and walked her into the kitchen where he set her ass onto the kitchen table. His cock slipped out of her pussy in the process, but he moved in close between her open legs and nudged the end of his cock back against her slit. The head was tucked in just far enough to splay open the lips of Liza's pussy.
"Joe, I need you to shove that cock back inside me," she mewled. "I'm dying to suck it for you, too, but I've been waiting for this for more than ten years."
"More than ten?" Joe was puzzled. "You mean you wanted this even before that night?"
"There was never a time that your little sister didn't want you. Your love. Your cock. Your arms around me."
"I love you, Liza. So fucking much," he groaned as he pushed his cock shaft back into the tight channel that had turned his life upside down.
"Oh, Joe, my brother, my love, yessssss, fuck me."
Joe's shaft was fully buried back in his beautiful sister's hot pussy in just another second. He kissed her ravenously as he started pumping his fat rod in and out of her gripping hole. As hard as Joe kissed his little sister she kissed him back with matching fervor. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he pumped his rod into her body steady and hard.
"Fuck, baby, you feel amazing," Joe groaned, finally disengaging from his sister's mouth.
Liza leaned back on her hands against the table, pushing her pussy toward her lunging brother and dropping her knees so they could both see his marble rod plunging in and out of her syrupy core.
"That's your pussy, Joe. Your sister's pussy and it's all yours," she cooed. "You even told your girlfriend I'm your sister. She saw us fucking."
Liza's words only made Joe increase the force of his thrusts. "I don't care who knows," he growled. "You're mine now. Fuck 'em all!"
"No, baby, fuck me. Fuck your sister. Oh god, I'm gonna cum!"
Joe slid his hand between their bodies and ground the pad of his thumb over his baby sister's clit while he pumped his shaft into her pleasure-clenched pussy. Liza gasped and cried out nonsensical syllables as the wave of love drenched ecstasy overwhelmed her body. The orgasmic clench of her slick sheath was more than Joe could take. His cock began to pulse with the pumping jets of cum racing up his shaft and deeply into his sister's hole.
"!" he cried, each word coming along with yet another splash of cum into his lover's womb.
As their intense, mutual peak began to subside, Liza leaned up and plastered herself to her brother's much larger body, throwing her arms around him possessively, clinging to him for dear life.
"I love you, too, Joe. Ohhh, I love you so much."
After, they made up the couch as a bed. Joe would wash the sheets on his bed in the morning that still smelled of his sex with Olivia. From now on, there would only be the scent of one woman on his sheets, and she was now spooned in front of him as they lay naked together on his couch.
"I'm sorry, baby," he told Liza just moments before they both fell asleep. "I never should have left you behind. It should have been us together all along."
"That's all in the past, my love," she said. "We're together right now, and we'll have right now forever."