Chapter 06

[Note: This is a romance story with some erotic scenes. It is not a story with erotic scenes in every chapter. Some chapters have incredible sex scenes, but many others have none.]


"Harry, I am so pleased to see you again," said Goldie, taking him in her arms. Harry felt the warmth of her kiss and shuddered. Immediately, he had an erection. He was glad he was wearing a long coat.

Harry had been in a stake of panic before he had solved the last problem. He knew if he didn't solve it that he would never... ever....

And then he did solve it, early this morning, and he had raced to take off his clothes. But it wasn't Veronika he ran to, but the shower. He stood in the shower and touched himself again and again, harder and harder. But he wasn't thinking about Veronika. He was thinking of Goldie. He was thinking about how they lay in the grass in Central Park. He was thinking of how their faces were close, close enough to kiss. He thought about how she had touched his body, all over, through his clothes. There had been no nudity, and she hadn't even gone near his thing, and yet the feeling of her fingertips on his arm, on his shoulder, on his chest, had been so erotic, so exciting, that in his mind he felt more than he ever had with Veronika.

It was only after he exploded against the shower wall that he felt well enough to get dressed and call Goldie with the answer.

"So, where are we going to go today, Harry?" Goldie asked.

They had some time before the matinee began. They went to an old fashioned book store, one with real books, printed on paper.

"Paper books, how quaint," said Goldie.

Harry looked over to see if she was being snide, but one look at her smile reassured him. He was becoming dangerously dependent on her mood and feelings. It would only hurt him all the more when she left him.

They browsed some of the book titles. "The Dark Bones," said Goldie. "I don't know about you, Harry, but I like my bones a little lighter. More beige colored, preferably." She enjoyed the mildly surprised look playing across his face.

"Look at this one," said Harry. "The 18th Abduction. Why would anyone consider that noteworthy? I imagine by the seventh or eighth abduction, the story would get kind of boring."

Goldie laughed. "You crack me up, Harry." She pointed to another title. "The Virgin in the Ice. Ever worry about frostbite, Harry?"

Harry's ears reddened, which made her laugh again.

"Or look at this title, Killman Creek," said Goldie.

"You'd be safe there," said Harry.

"How so?"

"It doesn't say Killwoman Creek, does it?"

Goldie laughed again.

"I like this title, Harry," said Goldie, holding up a book which read Lying Next to Me.

Harry blushed and looked away.

"Are you still so easily shamed, Harry? Have you never been with a girl? We can fix that, you know." She touched his arm, and when he looked at her, she gave him a sly smile.

"I've been with a girl," Harry growled.

"In the same room as one, you probably mean," said Goldie.

Harry held up another book titled, "Fool Me Once."

Goldie came forward and wrapped her arms around him. "But I haven't fooled you, have I, my dear? Not for a moment." And then she leaned forward and gave Harry a kiss. Harry felt himself starting to breathe rapidly. Then he looked at Goldie, and saw her eyes widening and her cheeks reddening. Did she feel the same way he did?

Goldie abruptly turned and, browsing for a moment, picked up another book.

"I could get into a book like this," said Goldie, holding up one entitled His Hostage. "Or maybe even this." The other book she held up was titled, Drilled Deep.

Harry reddened again.

Goldie loved every minute of it. In the past, she would have found such a shy, inexperienced man to be totally off her radar. But there was something about Harry that was so irresistible, so appealing. She so loved making him embarrassed by her sensuality.

Goldie held up another book. Tamed by the Highlander. "Could you tame me, Harry?"

"I suspect not," said Harry. He held up another title. Flirting With My Frenemy.

"Are we enemies, Harry?" said. She reached out and grabbed him. "There's an easy solution to that."


"Surrender." She kissed him again. Harry closed his eyes and absorbed it. Each time felt like the first. She smiled as she pulled away and saw Harry slowly open his eyes again.

Goldie resumed browsing the books. "Look at all these exciting titles, Harry. Riding Hard. Big Rock. King Sized. His Package. Which one best describes you, Harry?"

"I... I don't know." Harry was feeling overwhelmed. He been with women before, briefly. He had had sex before. But never had he been with any woman so flirtatious, so outwardly interested in him. It unnerved him, and it also excited him. For once he was at a loss for words.

Goldie stood face to face with him for a long moment, in the middle of the bookstore. It felt like all eyes were on them. For a moment, Harry thought she was going to kiss him again. Then she said softly, "Harry, aren't we going to miss our holofilm?"

Harry had selected "Adventures in the Outback", the story of a family who moved to the jungles of inner Australia. The storyline didn't particularly excite him, but he thought that the visuals might be enjoyable.

The storyline didn't excite Goldie either. "Harry, why don't we see something with a little more drama?" she asked, in the holo theater.

"Like what?"

"Like... Dangerous Attraction!"

Harry had heard about that. It was a double R rated sex vehicle for Sharon Strand, the blonde viper of Hollywood. To see such an erotic film with Goldie...

"Harry, please?" she said.

Harry found himself nodding.

The movie had only the skimpiest excuse for a plot. Sharon Strand played a vixen who seduced and bedded men, and sometimes also killed them, for reasons Harry still wasn't sure why even after he had seen the movie. The first sex scene began barely ten minutes after the movie started, when Sharon seduced a married man into her bed.

As Harry watched Sharon's hand playing over the man's body, he was startled to feel a hand playing over his own chest. He turned to Goldie and could see the smile on her lips, even in the dim lighting of the holotheater.

As Sharon caressed the man's legs, Goldie started to touch his legs. Her touch was electrifying. It was like the day they spent lying on Central Park, touching each other, but here, sitting together in the dark, it was somehow much more intimate. It was as if all restraints were removed. Goldie could touch him anywhere.

Goldie didn't touch him between his legs, but the thought that she might do it excited Harry. Each time her hand brushed his thigh, he thought she was going to do it. The thrill of not knowing, the thrill of the possibility, excited him.

And then Goldie whispered in his ear, "You can touch me too, Harry. That is, if you like me at all."

Harry reached out and in the darkness put his hands on her waist. Gradually he let his hands stray to her arms, and her legs.

Goldie whispered in his ear. "I have other parts, Harry. Womanly parts, which also like to be touched. Does that surprise you?" And then, not waiting for an answer, she took his hands, and put them over her breasts.

Harry looked around rapidly. From this angle, it appeared no one else could see. He experimentally touched her breasts. He wasn't actually touching her breasts, he knew; only her shirt and her bra cups. But even the thrill of that was enough to get him hard. His fingers teased the delicate hardness of her brassiere. He thought of the soft, heavy femininity that lay within.

And then, to Harry's immense embarrassment, he felt a new development, a feminine touch between his legs. He was hard, now, unavoidably so, and now she knew it too. He could see the edges of a smile on her dimly illuminated face. She knew. She had to.

"You like it, don't you, Harry?"

Harry didn't reply. He continued to caress her bra cups. It was just fabric, he told himself, and yet it felt so alluring, as he imagined the soft, womanly mounds underneath. Meanwhile Goldie's hand brushed between his legs again and he shuddered.

"Tell me, Harry. Tell me you like it, or I won't do it again," she threatened.

"I like it," Harry whispered promptly. "I really do."

"Then kiss me, Harry."

Harry looked around. Other people might notice.

"Kiss me, or I'm getting up right now, and you'll never see me again," Goldie whispered.

Harry gasped in terror. He leaned over and gave Goldie the kiss of her life. She moaned as she felt his vital energy pressed against her lips. She felt the passion, she felt the need, she felt his nervous, sexual energy. It excited her.

For Harry, he felt it differently. He felt himself being used, being taken, being forced, slowly but surely, to become more intimate with a female who was in charge. The thought of losing control, of being used so sensually, made the thing between his legs harder than ever.

The rest of the movie was a blur, but for Harry it was constantly exciting, full of kissing, touching, and the real feeling that he was starting to fall in love with this woman.

When the movie ended and the lights came on, Goldie smiled at Harry. "That was an interesting film, wasn't it, Harry?"

Harry couldn't honestly say. But he nodded appreciatively.

"Now I'm hungry, Harry."

She looked at him expectantly.

"Feed me," she said, giving him a chill down his back.

Harry made sure to tightly fasten his coat around his waist as he got up from the theater. He felt all sweaty, as if he had just run a marathon.

But Goldie looked refreshed as if she had just stepped out of a salon. She actually seemed to glow when Harry looked at her.

As he pulled out her chair for her at Le Circ, she smiled and said, "Why thank you, Harry."

After their food arrived, Goldie engaged Harry in conversation. "So tell me, Harry. How is it that you're not married?"

Harry wanted to laugh. He nearly gagged on a piece of meat. He coughed for a while until he drank some wine.

"Are you all right?" Goldie asked.

"I'm fine," said Harry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was such a sore subject," said Goldie. "It's just... you're such a brilliant man. Interesting. Attractive. Successful. You could have any woman you want, I am sure."

Harry laughed. "I was thinking the same thing about you."

"But I'm not interested in other women, Harry."

Harry laughed again. "But come on, answer your own question. Why aren't you married? Why haven't you married Greg?"

"Greg?" Goldie practically flinched at the mention of his name. She hadn't thought about Greg in nearly two weeks, not since.... She paused, trying to remember.

"You surely have had a number of boyfriends, do I guess correctly?"

"A number? That sounds about right, Harry."

"Then why didn't you marry any of them?" Harry asked. "You're so beautiful, and nice, and....."

"Yes? Go on, Harry."

"And you're everything," said Harry, for want of a better word.

"Oh Harry," was all Goldie said, but her loving tone set his heart on fire. She took his hand, and squeezed it, and smiled sadly at him for a moment, and to Harry, it was subjectively the happiest moment of his life.

"Harry... I... I don't know how to tell you this... but I... I get bored of men quickly," said Goldie. "I'm a restless spirit, you might say."

"Do... do I bore you?" Harry asked.

"No Harry, you don't," said Goldie. "And that's the thing. I find you more interesting, more exciting, than any man I've ever been with. You've made me feel... like I've never felt before."

Harry got choked up. He felt like telling Goldie the very same thing. But then he remembered the Second Rule of Alexandra. Never tell a woman you love her.

"I... I think you're special too," said Harry, and it hurt him, deep inside, to shade the truth like that.

But Goldie took it as a strong compliment. "Oh Harry...." She paused. "So answer my original question. Why aren't you married?"

Harry gave a bitter laugh.

"What?" Goldie asked.

"I'm a Fourther," said Harry.

"That means you're very smart," said Goldie.

"More than that," said Harry. "I don't relate well to others. The behavior of... of...."

"The humans?" Goldie asked.

"Yes. The humans," said Harry, feeling liberated that he was able to say the word out loud. "I have nothing in common with the humans."

"But Harry, I'm a human. And I think you and I have things in common," said Goldie.

"Because you're different. You... You're not like any other woman I've ever known," said Harry. And he said it, like a deep and secret confession. He felt like he had just shared something really intimate.

"Oh Harry," said Goldie, as if she were visibly moved. Her eyebrows arched up, but in a kindly way, and her eyes seemed both sad and happy. She paused. "Harry... there's something I have to tell you. The time is fast approaching to make a decision, Harry."

Harry took a deep breath. He knew what was coming.

"I want you to come and work for The Foundation, Harry," said Goldie. "They were very impressed by your test results. They-"


"You don't even know the kind of work they do!" said Goldie. "They are working on ways to expand the potential of the human mind! Are you familiar with self-actualization, Harry?"

"Of course," said Harry.

"Each of us only lives up to a fraction of our potential. The Foundation is helping us to live up to our full potential. They are working on therapies to banish fear, worries, procrastination--all mental impediments that stop us from getting things done! Imagine athletes who have the willpower to go that extra mile. Imagine scholars who get tired at half the rate of regular people. Imagine scientists whose brainpower is, well, whose brainpower is like yours, Harry. Doesn't that sound interesting?"

"I suppose," said Harry.

"Then what's wrong?" Goldie asked.

"It's all for the benefit of mankind, isn't it?" Harry asked.

"Of course."

Harry took a deep breath. He didn't know how she would take the truth. "Goldie... I am alienated from mankind. Ever since I was a child, mankind has either ignored me, or tried to destroy me. I learned at an early age that there are only two kinds of people, those who are indifferent to me, and those that are hostile to me. Maybe if you had grown up the way I did, with kids constantly tormenting me, with everyone treating me like I was some kind of space alien, you'd understand my perspective."

He felt fear grip him as he stared at her face. Instantly he realized he had said too much. Way too much.

But Goldie simply sat back in her chair and rocked a little as she bit her lip. Then she said, "It all sounds horrible, Harry, so perfectly horrible." She paused, and Harry felt a fear grip his chest. And then she finally said, "So where do I fit into your little schema? Am I indifferent to you? Or hostile?"

Harry, with a pained look on his face, turned away. But then he felt a hand on his face, turning it to face her.

"You haven't met the sum of humanity, Harry," said Goldie, even as she caressed his face. "There are other people out there, people like me, who would be fond of you, if only they had the chance to know you, as I have. It's them you would be doing this for." She paused. "You know, Harry, we have Fourthers working at The Foundation, Fourthers just like you."

"You do?"

"A lot of them," Goldie smiled. "This could be your chance to make friends. This could be a good thing for you, Harry."

"And... what about you?"

"And it could be a good thing for me too," she said softly. She fondled his hair, and then abruptly put her hand down and cleared her throat, as if she were restraining a sob.

"The job... is in Boston?"

Goldie nodded.

"My home is here," said Harry.

"And what kind of home do you have here? You're all alone, Harry." Goldie paused. "Harry, you can go home right now. But you have been down that road before. You know exactly what that life is like. It's a life filled with sadness and depression. It's a life filled with sleeping pills and thoughts of suicide. It's a life where you attempt to fill your emptiness with Carl and Veronika. Carl and Veronika aren't real, Harry."

Harry flinched at the mention of Veronika. How did she know? Suddenly he felt incredibly violated.

Goldie touched his hand. "Feel this, Harry. What do you feel?"

"I... I feel you," said Harry, feeling the warmth of her hand.

Goldie squeezed his hand against hers. "This is real, Harry. Come to Boston and try for a real life. Please, Harry."

Harry paused. He felt her eyes on him. "How long do I have to decide?"

"We can have one more evening together," said Goldie. "Then I have to return to Boston, the morning after."

Harry walked her back to the hotel. Outside they saw a tall man and a blonde woman, kissing each other passionately.

"The female is ready for insemination. Scanners report that the male sex organ is primed and ready for reproduction," said Goldie, in a robotic voice.

Harry, who would have been offended to be mocked so thoroughly, simply chuckled and hugged her. "You're a gem, Goldie."

"You are too, Harry," said Goldie, enjoying their embrace.

They looked at each other for a long moment. "I'd invite you up," said Goldie. "But I know that would probably terrify you. Wouldn't it, Harry?"

Harry remembered the Rule of Erica. How sex ended relationships.

But it seemed that his relationship with Goldie was about to end. What, then, was he risking?

Part of him felt there was still a chance for a relationship to continue between the two of them. Part of him didn't want to jeopardize that chance, however small it was.

Goldie looked searchingly into his eyes, as if she could sense his internal battle. Then she sighed. "It's not to be, then. Can you at least kiss me good night, Harry?"

What would have been impossible a day ago for Harry had suddenly become very possible. He leaned forward and did as Goldie requested.

They touched their lips together. It seemed to go on and on. Her lips were soft and wonderful and loving. And then finally Goldie pulled back.

"Goodnight, Harry," said Goldie, walking away briskly, so he couldn't see her face.

"I can't go to work for this company," said Harry.

"Why not?" Carl asked.

"It will never work out," said Harry. "Every time I work at a company, I rely on people around me to get things done. Everyone works at a much slower pace than I do. I'll get frustrated and be restless."

"That's possible," said Carl.

"Very probable," said Harry. He sat at his desk chair and stared up at the smiling image of Goldie.

"But you want to see her again," said Carl.

"Yes," said Harry.

"But you know what will happen if you take the job."

"She will show no interest in me," said Harry. "Once her job is done, once I've been recruited, Goldie will simply ignore me."

"That's right," said Carl. "You don't seriously think she has real feelings for you, do you?"

"I..." Goldie had seemed so sincere. And yet, he knew full well what had brought her to New York. "I guess not."

"Then you know how this has to end," said Carl.


After quitting his job at the biotech firm, Harry eventually got another job at a technology startup company. He figured a tech startup would be able to move more nimbly, and move at a pace which could keep up with Harry's ability.

Harry didn't have any formal degrees in computing, but it didn't take Harry long to convince the CEO of the young firm that he knew more about computational mechanics than he did (and the CEO had a masters in the subject). And so Harry was hired. The company itself worked on a new kind of artificial intelligence which was claimed to be more intuitive, more human-like, than past AI initiatives.

Whatever. Harry was just looking for a job that would keep him mentally occupied. A job which would keep him sane. Harry was put to work creating subroutines which would help the program think. He threw himself into the work.

Women shunned him now. When he looked directly at them, they looked away. He felt like they went out of their way to walk as far as possible from him, on the street, in the workplace, in the stores. It was as if they knew he was different. As if they knew he needed to be shunned.

He could see the disgust in their eyes when they looked at him. They sensed he was the other, the alien, and they wanted nothing to do with him.

Well, that was fine with Harry. He was wrapped up in his work. And at first, he was very productive. He produced one subroutine after another which would enhance the function of the AI they were building. But whenever he went to the CEO, Mr. Henderson, to ask for the subroutines to be incorporated, Henderson would say, "A good idea! Let's run some tests first, though, shall we?"

But even after they were tested, Harry's subroutines were not used. He soon found out why. A coworker, Mark Danton, told him. Henderson was planning to sell his startup to a larger company. He didn't have the time or interest to focus on upgrades.

"But why would he want to sell it before the project is complete?" Harry asked.

"It's not about completion, Harry. It's about money. Startups are created to be sold to larger companies. To cash in."

"But the AI isn't even finished yet," said Harry.

"That doesn't matter, Harry," said Mark. "If another company sees a potential in it, they buy it anyway. Sometimes they develop it further. Or sometimes they buy it just to shut it down, so no competitor can get their hands on it."

Harry looked around him, and realized this entire experience had been a complete waste of time.

Harry had been dabbling in the stock market. He found it exceedingly easy. Over time he converted his small savings into medium sized savings, and then medium sized savings into larger ones. After he quit the startup, he started trading the markets full time.

It was isolating, at first. He worked entirely from home, and had no contact with anyone. He created Carl, to have someone to talk to. And then later came Veronika.

After Alexandra, Harry never had the chance to kiss or touch a woman again, until Goldie came into his life. He would walk the streets of New York, staring at women, imagining what might be, what could never be. He saw the looks of disgust in their eyes as they seemed to read his mind, realizing what he was imagining him. Women shunned him, and wanted nothing to do with him, and for good reason.

Harry also wasn't able to make any friends. He found most people to be rather simplistic; he couldn't even relate to the way they thought. As a Fourther, he felt totally isolated.

And as he realized that this was all life had to offer, he started making his daily trips to the Wharf. And that is precisely where his life stood until Goldie came along.

After her disastrous job working customer service at the bank, Goldie took a job in sales. But that didn't really give her the people contact she craved either. She worked in telemarketing; all of her contact with clients was over the holocomm. That personal connection was still missing.

So Goldie quit, again, and got another sales job, this time where she personally got to meet with clients. It was for a medium sized company which sold ceiling panels. Most of the buyers were construction companies. The product was incredibly dull, and yet there was an aspect to the job that Goldie liked.

She could flirt with the buying agents. She could laugh and tease and play with them, if they were men. And many of them played along. Goldie never slept with any of her clients, but she did flirt outrageously with them, and go out for meals together. This part of her job she liked very much. She enjoyed the "hunt"; seducing a client, wearing him down, until he would agree to make a purchase.

She stayed at this job for several years, but over time started to feel restless. She had dated several men, but none seriously.

And then her sister Claire called. Claire worked for some biotech company called The Foundation. She said that Goldie would be a perfect fit in their recruiting department.

Goldie hadn't had much contact with Claire in recent years. Their antagonism during their high school years had cooled down somewhat, so they were no longer openly at war with each other, but neither were they friends. Claire was a "Fourther", and Goldie got the distinct feeling she felt her little sister was more than a little retarded. Relations were proper, but also cool.

Thus she was surprised when Claire called her and told her to apply for the job at The Foundation. That Claire would even think about her at all was a surprise. And the idea that Claire wanted her little sister to work at the same company she was working at defied her imagination.

Despite these incongruities, Goldie was curious, and so she went on an interview. With her winning people skills she quickly got the job. Figuring that there was little to lose, she quit her job and went to work for The Foundation.

Goldie was quickly put to work recruiting people for The Foundation. The Foundation wanted to attract the top minds on the planet, who were usually engaged in other pursuits. It was Goldie's job to fly out and wine and dine them and convince them to quit whatever job they were doing and join The Foundation.

Goldie quickly found it to be much more satisfying than selling ceiling rectangles. For one thing the "product" was the client himself, and whenever Goldie made a "sale" it felt much more personal.

And the people were much more interesting. They were almost all Fourthers. Goldie had a low opinions of Fourthers at first, as the only one she had known was her sister. But when Goldie started to meet male Fourthers, she quickly changed her mind. They were brilliant. They were unusual. They were all one of a kind.

Goldie quickly became known as one of the top recruiters. She was given the toughest assignments, but she never failed. She flirted shamelessly with men. She loved the power she seemed to have over them, the power to make them say yes. She even flirted with married men. Single, married, it didn't matter. Goldie persuaded them all to work for The Foundation.

Curiously, however, Goldie never seemed to find a lover for herself among her prospects. She did end up meeting a man, but at an unexpected place: the shooting range.

Goldie loved the feel of a compression pistol discharging in her hands. As she was shooting targets one day, a man came by and said, "Here. You're not aiming that right. Let me show you."

His name was Greg. They had their first date that evening. Within days they were lovers.

By the time Goldie was assigned to Harry, she had been seeing Greg for nearly eight months. Greg was nice. Greg was wonderful. And Greg was a great lover.

Her parents started to hope against hope that Goldie would settle down with Greg. Goldie herself had been thinking some of the same thoughts. Greg was nice. And yet... was she really in love with him?

And then the day came when Goldie was assigned to Harry. "Your toughest case yet," was what Mr. Slattery called Harry. Goldie spent several days studying his file, and several more days just observing him. During this time Greg called her several times, but Goldie found herself increasingly focused on Harry, and didn't return his calls. The more she learned about Harry, the more alluring he became to her. And the oddest part was, Goldie didn't seem to know why.​
Next page: Chapter 07
Previous page: Chapter 05.2