Chapter 08.2
"I don't know what to believe, Carl," said Harry. He was taking his evening walk in Boston Common, and was connected to Carl via his voice comm. "Both Lev and Claire claim that Goldie is engaged to Greg. Goldie denies it."
"It doesn't matter," said Carl.
"Why not?"
"Because she's not interested in you. She has a boyfriend. She had a job, to bring you in. She brought you in."
"But she seems so sincere!"
"She's just being polite. You should be able to tell the difference," said Carl.
"She's going to see me two days from now, Thursday, after work."
"We'll see," said Carl.
On Wednesday Lev Bronstein called Harry over. "Medical says you haven't reported for your entrance exam."
"Yeah, well, I've been busy working on that analysis you asked for," said Harry.
"Make time for it. It's a job requirement. In fact, why don't you go now?" said Lev.
Truth be told, Harry didn't like doctors, and he certainly didn't like needles and having blood drawn. And as he wasn't even sure if he would be staying at this job for more than a few days, he wasn't anxious to have a medical exam.
"Lev, I will get to it," said Harry firmly.
Lev looked at him, as if he were going to argue the point further, but just nodded. Harry had never seen Lev to be so forceful about anything before.
Goldie was in North Carolina, so Harry didn't expect to see her, but he did see Claire. She came by his cubicle once a day to flirt with him.
"You know, I was the one who was supposed to be called Goldie," said Claire.
"Were you?" Harry asked.
"Yes. We were both born blondes," said Claire, touching her gorgeous hair. "Only years later, Goldie's fizzled out."
Harry didn't think it was very nice to say that Goldie's dark blonde hair had "fizzled out", but he just nodded.
"She's in North Carolina now, Harry. Do you know what she's doing there?"
"Yes," said Harry.
"Do you really?" she said, giving a sly smile. She walked away slowly, allowing Harry to admire her swaying hips.
"That Claire is really something," said Lev, rolling his chair next to Harry. "I'd go after her, if she weren't taken."
"Yeah. She's seeing Ben, in recruiting. Didn't you know?"
Harry didn't. Now he was only more confused than ever.
"Harry hasn't gotten to completion," said Doctor Severin.
"It's only been three days," said Doctor Slattery. "95% of new subjects complete within two weeks."
"He's been sniffing around Goldie," said Severin.
"No, we can't have that," said Slattery.
"Should I reprogram her?" Severin asked. "To remove her attraction to him?"
"No," said Slattery. "We may still need that to get him to completion. Just keep her busy with other work, and reorient her a bit so she's more properly focused."
"And Harry Crater?"
"We'll give him a few more days to self-complete. If he fails, we'll take measures."
"You wanted to see me, Doctor Severin?"
It was Thursday morning. Goldie had just gotten back from her mission to Chapel Hill. She had recruited a neuroscientist who The Foundation wanted. It took only a day of flirting and persuasion to get him to sign up. She was very much looking forward to seeing Harry tonight.
And then she got word that Doctor Severin wanted to see her. In the relaxation chamber. It didn't make any sense.
"Yes, Goldie. I hear you were successful in Charlotte."
"Yep," said Goldie, with a smile.
"We're sending you out again this afternoon. Another scientist we need in Chicago."
"But Doctor Severin... I've been doing so much travelling lately... I had hoped to have a few days in the office, at a slower pace."
"I'm sorry, Goldie, but The Foundation is expanding at a rapid pace, and we need skilled scientists."
"But Doctor Severin, I'm so tired...."
"That's why I've called you here," said Doctor Severin. "Ten minutes in the chair and you'll be full of energy."
"I don't know, Doctor Severin. I don't think that's necessary." Ten minutes? The usual duration was two.
"You just said you were tired, didn't you?"
"Yes, well-"
"Then get in the chair, Goldie."
Goldie looked up, and saw the two men behind Doctor Severin, both wearing blue jumpsuits. Both blocking the exit. She nodded and sat down in the chair. "Maybe I do need a little pick me up."
"That's right, just relax," said Doctor Severin, moving to the control panel. The instruments started to hum. "You'll find this very invigorating, I promise...."
Harry got the invitation that morning, along with everyone else.
Doctor Slattery was holding a party at his mansion in Brookline this Sunday. All employees were invited.
"Are you going, Harry?" Lev asked.
Harry was conflicted. He had hoped to spend the weekend with Goldie. But he realized he had to attend.
He actually saw Goldie later that day, when she dropped by his cubicle.
"Harry," she said softly. He turned around and saw her. She looked wonderful. He would have kissed her if Lev hadn't been sitting two feet away.
"You're back," said Harry.
"Yes," said Goldie.
"I can't wait to-"
"Harry, can I see you in private, for a moment?"
They went to the supply room. That was fast becoming a regular meeting place for them. But after they kissed, Goldie told him the unpleasant news.
"They're sending you out, again?"
"My plane leaves in three hours," said Goldie.
"But we were going to get together tonight!"
"I know," said Goldie miserably.
He held her in his arms. "When are you coming back?"
"I'm not sure," she said, choosing each word carefully. "I'm going to try and make it for the party. You're going, aren't you?"
Harry nodded dully. "And afterwards?"
"We'll be together," she promised. They kissed, and Harry felt a warm glow. As Goldie turned to go, Harry said, "Goldie... when you go to these places....."
"You have a question, Harry?" she asked.
"What... What do you do there?" Harry asked.
"Is there a more direct question you'd like answered, Harry?" Goldie asked. She stood there, looking boldly into his eyes, with her arms on her hips. She seemed totally unafraid, totally unashamed, which made Harry feel ashamed in turn. He wasn't quite sure why.
"Do you want to know if I kiss other men, Harry? You want to know if that's part of my job description?" Goldie ask. "Did Claire tell you that? Did she tell you I was the company whore?"
"Not... in so many words," said Harry.
Goldie shook her head. "I love her, but we've been rivals for years. There was a thing that happened between us, long ago..." She looked into Harry's eyes. "The answer to the question you're too afraid to ask, Harry, is no. I don't kiss other men as part of my job. I flirt. I smile. I cajole, I flatter. But kissing is not part of my job description." And then she hugged Harry. "And the other thing we did? The last night, in my hotel room? Most definitely not part of my job description." And she looked at him with such intensity, with such sincerity, that Harry had no choice but to believe her.
On Friday, Harry saw three muscular men, in a daze, being led out of the building. He pointed them out to Lev.
"They got the treatment. It can be a bit disorienting, at first."
"I thought it was supposed to give them more mental energy. They looked confused," said Harry.
"The treatments do exactly what they are intended to do," said Lev, in a monotone.
"Then why did those men look so sleepy?"
"The treatments do exactly what they are intended to do," said Lev, in the exact same tone as he had said it the first time.
"Oh, I see," said Harry, "Thanks for making that clear to me, Lev." His eyes narrowed as he watched Lev fall into a conversation with another coworker. Lev's tone and body language completely returned to normal.
There was a woman who worked in Harry's cubicle group. Her name was Hannah Murray. Later that day, Doctor Severin appeared in their workgroup, flanked by two large men wearing blue jumpsuits.
"Hannah," he said softly.
Hannah turned to face him. She tried to hide the fear from her face. "Yes, Doctor Severin?"
"I have an interesting experiment I'd like to get a second opinion on, Hannah."
Hannah looked at Doctor Severin, and then the two men behind him. "Now, Doctor Severin?"
"Yes, Hannah Now."
She gulped, and nodded, walking off with him.
When they were gone, Harry turned to Lev. "What was that all about?"
"Sometimes Doctor Severin asks for volunteers from the staff for little experiments."
"What kind of experiments?" Harry asked.
"Nothing to be concerned about," said Lev, in a bored tone.
When Hannah returned, an hour later, her face was similarly blank. Harry went over to her and said, "Hannah? Are you all right?"
She looked at him blankly. "I am completely fine. Thank you so much for asking, Harry." And then she sat down and stared woodenly at her computer screen, and returned to work.
On Saturday, Harry discovered Castle Island. Not really a castle or an island, it was instead a peninsula of sorts, a spit of land sticking out into Boston Harbor. Parts of it looked even deep enough to drown in, which cheered Harry immensely.
It was all so confusing. He had been told repeatedly by Claire, by Lev, by Carl, that Goldie was not to be trusted. For all he knew she was off fucking another man in New Haven.
And yet, when he was with her... she seemed so sincere, so loving. Harry was supposed to be the smartest man in the world, and yet he couldn't see inside a woman's heart. His instincts told him that she was telling the truth. That she had feelings for him. Maybe she even loved him.
But Harry had been wrong before. He remembered Onnika. He remembered Erica. He remembered Alexandra. He remembered all the bitter lessons he had learned.
And then there was The Foundation itself. Harry was certain that there was more to this place than it seemed. The brain cell processes they had him working on had the potential for much more than simply releasing mental energy. He couldn't quite understand what they were up to, but it was more than just a process to make people more energetic.
And then there was that Relaxation Chair. Harry saw more than one tired coworker sit down into it in the lounge. After two minutes, they got up, totally reinvigorated. It was better than coffee, they said.
And yet, for that two minute period... their eyes were totally glazed. It was like they were hypnotized. They were unaware of everything around them. The machine above them cast a light on their head. What exactly was it doing to their brain?
Lev and some of the others had urged him to try it. Harry refused.
And then there was the subject of his medical exam. They were getting more and more insistent about it. Harry got the sense that he would have to make a decision about that soon. But first he had to see Goldie. And when exactly would he see her? She said she hoped to be at Mr. Slattery's party. Harry hoped for more than that, that he could see her privately, after the party. Then maybe he could get some of this figured out.
Doctor Slattery had an expansive estate on the edge of Brookline, just outside of Boston. His house looked as majestic as the Lincoln Memorial, with giant marble pillars in front. It was on 20 acres of prime land. Harry wondered where his wealth had come from. But after all, Doctor Slattery was a Fourther like him; coming into money wasn't hard for a Fourther. Only finding love was.
Harry immediately went looking for Goldie. There were several hundred people there. He was unaware that The Foundation had so many employees. It was odd seeing everyone in normal clothes. No one wore their blue jumpsuits and tall black boots. But he could tell who the guards and technicians were. The guards were big, muscular men, and the technicians...
"Ah, there you are, Harry," said Doctor Severin, putting an arm on Harry's shoulder. "So nice to see you. Are you having a good time?"
"Ah, yes," said Harry, looking around even as he spoke.
"Are you looking for something?" Doctor Severin asked. "Or someone?"
Harry stiffened. "No, not really. Well actually, Goldie mentioned she might be here."
"Then be assured she will," said Severin, staring at him with those dark eyes. "But in the meantime, there are so many other interesting... possibilities here. You know Hannah Murray?" He pointed to Hannah, who was talking to another woman by a snack table.
"A little. She's in my workgroup," said Harry.
"Perhaps you could use this time to get to know her better," said Severin. "She has a most interesting brain. The female brain is most fascinating, isn't it, Harry?"
"Yes, it is," said Harry.
"It is programmed for many things. Curiosity, love, affection, anger, discipline. And of course, reproduction. But that programming is most delicate. It's a fragile balance, Harry, a very fragile balance. There is so much potential in there, just waiting to be tapped. All it requires are the hands of a skilled neuroscientist. I look at these women, and I see blocks of marbles, with the sculptures of what they can become already in them. It's just a matter of knowing what bits to chip off."
Harry gave Severin a quick glance. His eyes were shining and he was giving a creepy smile. "I'm sure," said Harry.
An attractive woman wearing a cocktail outfit came by carrying a tray of drinks.
"Have you met Sanya, Harry?" Doctor Severin asked. "Sanya, this is Harry. Say hello, Sanya."
"Hello," said Sanya. Her face was blank.
"Sanya was one of the first to receive our rehabilitation therapy."
"Rehabilitation therapy?"
"One of the many positive offshoots of our research, Harry," said Doctor Severin. "We have found that not only does our Procedure release energy into the mind, but that when properly calibrated it can also release positivity. Sanya was one of the first graduates of a prison release pilot program we have with the state of Massachusetts."
"You were in prison?"
Sanya nodded. "I was a criminal. I was paying my debt to society."
"And now?" Harry asked.
"I see the bigger picture. My behavior was antisocial. I had no empathy for others. The Procedure helped turn me into a new woman," she said, in a monotone.
"But are you happy?" Harry asked.
Sanya stared blankly in front of her.
"Sanya, Harry asked you a question," said Doctor Severin.
Sanya turned to face Harry. "I am happy. I am very happy." She looked at Severin, who nodded, and she left with her tray of drinks.
"She didn't sound happy. She sounded... dazed," said Harry.
"A temporary side effect of the treatment," said Doctor Severin. "It wears off quickly. Sanya is now a happy and vibrant member of the community."
"What other applications have you found from the Procedure?"
"We're discovering new ones every day, Harry," said Doctor Severin.
"Harry, there you are," said Claire, coming out of nowhere. She grabbed him by the arm. "Really Doctor Severin, it's not fair of you to monopolize Harry all for yourself."
"I most humbly apologize," said Doctor Severin. But he didn't look sorry in the least. "I will see you later, Harry." He turned and went off into the crowd.
"Charming, isn't he?" said Claire.
"Doctor Severin?"
"One of our most brilliant Fourthers," said Claire. She intertwined her arm a little more closely with Harry's. "So how are you doing, Harry?"
"I'm fine," said Harry. He looked at her. She was wearing a tight white blouse which accentuated her large breasts, and a short skirt. "How are you... and Ben?"
Claire gave him a cunning look. "Who told you about Ben? Wait, don't tell me. It was Goldie, wasn't it? Don't bother to deny it, I know."
"What is it between you too?"
"She's always been jealous of me. That I'm a Fourther and she's not. That I'm a real blonde. That I'm successful in relationships and the working world. She's always jealous. One time she seduced one of my boyfriends right out from under me."
"And now you're trying to get even?" Harry asked, looking into her eyes.
Claire laughed. It was a pleasant sound. "Harry, are you under the illusion that Goldie has feelings for you? Goldie has feelings for no one, except for Goldie."
"And you, and Ben?"
"That's the second time you've asked about Ben, Harry," she said, moving closer and staring intimately into his eyes. Her breasts were almost pressing against his chest. Almost.
"And that's the second time that you haven't answered my question," said Harry.
Claire smiled and waved a finger at him. "You're sharp, Harry! Yes, Ben and I are seeing each other. But it's casual. Ben is nice, and Ben is fun...."
"But Ben is not a high level Fourther. High level Fourthers should be with other Fourthers, Harry. Don't you agree?"
Her face was so beautiful. Her eyes were clear blue, and her lips were bright red. Harry was trying to think of an answer, when suddenly they heard a gong. "That's the signal! It's time for chess!" said Claire.
"We're all going to play chess?" said Harry.
"Yes," said Claire excitedly.
She led him by the hand into the backyard. Harry felt a secret thrill being pulled by such a gorgeous woman. Again he had to admit to himself, in all honesty, that Claire was physically more attractive than her sister. And yet Goldie... he felt he had built up such a connection with her... and now she was nowhere to be seen....
There was an enormous chess board in Doctor Slattery's backyard, as large as the one in Central Park. People started to put on sandwich boards representing different chess pieces.
"Come on, Harry, play," said Claire. She put on a sandwich board with the symbol of a queen on it.
"All right," said Harry, reaching for a sandwich board with a rook.
"No Harry, that's not yours," said Claire. "See, on the inside? That's Doctor Kaminsky's."
"We have assigned pieces?"
"Ah, here's your role," said Claire brightly. She handed Harry a sandwich board.
It was a pawn.
"Put it on, Harry," said Claire.
Harry, seeing everyone else putting on theirs, reluctantly put his on. His place on the chessboard was right in front of Claire. He was the queen's pawn. In a way it felt like the time when he and Goldie had played their own chess game in Central Park. That was when they had had their first kiss. And that first kiss had opened the floodgates to everything, starting with their exciting touching session on the lawn for hours afterwards....
"Harry, wake up!" said Claire. She handed him a blue rod.
"What is this?"
"Your stun baton," said Claire.
Harry looked around and saw they all had them. "You've got to be kidding."
"Doctor Slattery says this is a great team building exercise," said Claire.
They were being moved around as chess pieces, and when they were eliminated, they were tagged with stun rods. Harry couldn't believe it. "Why?"
"It shows that we're willing to work together as a team. More than that, it shows we're willing to sacrifice for the team, to endure a small discomfort to help our team achieve its goals."
"You've got to be kidding," said Harry. And then he saw Slattery, sitting on an elevated chair on the opposite side of the chessboard. He looked behind him and saw Doctor Severin, on another elevated chair.
"Pawn to King's 4," said Doctor Slattery.
Harry watched the game slowly unfold. When a pawn from his side took a pawn from the other side, he saw one player actually touch the other player with his stun baton. The receiving player collapsed, falling to the ground.
"These things aren't set to stun," said Harry, watching as two orderlies carried the player from the field.
"That is the purpose of this exercise, Harry," said Claire, from behind him. "To make us willing to accept sacrifice."
Harry told himself that he should take off this sandwich board and leave this crazy place immediately. But he had come here to see Goldie, and Goldie still hadn't arrived. And if he left early, he might lose his job. And Harry wasn't ready to quit, just yet.
Harry watched as a knight took a rook. The rook trembled and his eyes rolled into his head as he was touched with the stun baton. Then he collapsed to the ground.
"This is crazy," he said.
And then Harry heard Doctor Severin's voice, from behind him, "Pawn's to Queen's Four."
Pawn to Queen's Four. That was him. They wanted him to move two steps forward.
But that would put him in jeopardy from an opposing pawn, one column over. It was Doctor Kaminsky, holding a stun baton.
"Harry, that's you!" said Claire. "Move two squares forward!"
"I don't want to get knocked unconscious," said Harry.
"Nothing will happen to you," said Claire.
Harry heard a babble of voices around him. They were all yelling at him, urging him to move forward. "You're holding up the game!" "Get moving!" "Go on, Harry!"
Claire said, "Harry, you have nothing to fear. I'm the Queen, I'll protect you!"
Harry, seeing opponents all around him, reluctantly nodded. He moved one step forward, and then two.
"You see?" said Claire, from behind him. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"
Harry looked up at Doctor Slattery. They made eye contact. Doctor Slattery gave a small smile, and then he gave Harry a salute.
And then he gave the order for his pawn to take Harry's square.
Doctor Kaminsky came forward. He smiled broadly, waving his stun baton. "This won't hurt a bit," he promised.
"No," said Harry, shrinking back. But then something, or someone, held him from behind, and then Kaminsky tapped him with the rod. Harry felt an explosion of electrical current in his body, and then in his brain, and all went black.
"Prince charming is waking up," said a soft voice.
Warm sunlight was streaming on his face. Harry slowly opened his eyes. He was lying down, on the grass, but his head was on a lap. A woman's lap. He looked up, but the sun was in his eyes. Then she leaned forward and he could see her features.
It was Goldie.
Harry quickly sat up. The chess board was empty. Smaller numbers of people were milling around in the backyard. It seemed like a lot of time had passed.
"What happened?" Harry asked.
"You fell asleep, Harry. You fell asleep, and missed the best part," said Goldie. "Doctor Slattery beat Doctor Severin in a record 34 moves."
"34 moves... how long was I out?" Harry asked.
"Just a few minutes."
It didn't feel like just a few minutes. He turned to Goldie. "You're here."
"I missed you too," said Goldie, grinning.
"I have so much I want to say to you," said Harry.
"And I to you," said Goldie. "But I have to hop on a plane in two and a half hours."
"A plane? You just got back!"
Goldie nodded. "They're sending me out again."
"Goldie, this isn't fair."
"I know," said Goldie. "Here, come with me."
"It doesn't matter," said Carl.
"Why not?"
"Because she's not interested in you. She has a boyfriend. She had a job, to bring you in. She brought you in."
"But she seems so sincere!"
"She's just being polite. You should be able to tell the difference," said Carl.
"She's going to see me two days from now, Thursday, after work."
"We'll see," said Carl.
On Wednesday Lev Bronstein called Harry over. "Medical says you haven't reported for your entrance exam."
"Yeah, well, I've been busy working on that analysis you asked for," said Harry.
"Make time for it. It's a job requirement. In fact, why don't you go now?" said Lev.
Truth be told, Harry didn't like doctors, and he certainly didn't like needles and having blood drawn. And as he wasn't even sure if he would be staying at this job for more than a few days, he wasn't anxious to have a medical exam.
"Lev, I will get to it," said Harry firmly.
Lev looked at him, as if he were going to argue the point further, but just nodded. Harry had never seen Lev to be so forceful about anything before.
Goldie was in North Carolina, so Harry didn't expect to see her, but he did see Claire. She came by his cubicle once a day to flirt with him.
"You know, I was the one who was supposed to be called Goldie," said Claire.
"Were you?" Harry asked.
"Yes. We were both born blondes," said Claire, touching her gorgeous hair. "Only years later, Goldie's fizzled out."
Harry didn't think it was very nice to say that Goldie's dark blonde hair had "fizzled out", but he just nodded.
"She's in North Carolina now, Harry. Do you know what she's doing there?"
"Yes," said Harry.
"Do you really?" she said, giving a sly smile. She walked away slowly, allowing Harry to admire her swaying hips.
"That Claire is really something," said Lev, rolling his chair next to Harry. "I'd go after her, if she weren't taken."
"Yeah. She's seeing Ben, in recruiting. Didn't you know?"
Harry didn't. Now he was only more confused than ever.
"Harry hasn't gotten to completion," said Doctor Severin.
"It's only been three days," said Doctor Slattery. "95% of new subjects complete within two weeks."
"He's been sniffing around Goldie," said Severin.
"No, we can't have that," said Slattery.
"Should I reprogram her?" Severin asked. "To remove her attraction to him?"
"No," said Slattery. "We may still need that to get him to completion. Just keep her busy with other work, and reorient her a bit so she's more properly focused."
"And Harry Crater?"
"We'll give him a few more days to self-complete. If he fails, we'll take measures."
"You wanted to see me, Doctor Severin?"
It was Thursday morning. Goldie had just gotten back from her mission to Chapel Hill. She had recruited a neuroscientist who The Foundation wanted. It took only a day of flirting and persuasion to get him to sign up. She was very much looking forward to seeing Harry tonight.
And then she got word that Doctor Severin wanted to see her. In the relaxation chamber. It didn't make any sense.
"Yes, Goldie. I hear you were successful in Charlotte."
"Yep," said Goldie, with a smile.
"We're sending you out again this afternoon. Another scientist we need in Chicago."
"But Doctor Severin... I've been doing so much travelling lately... I had hoped to have a few days in the office, at a slower pace."
"I'm sorry, Goldie, but The Foundation is expanding at a rapid pace, and we need skilled scientists."
"But Doctor Severin, I'm so tired...."
"That's why I've called you here," said Doctor Severin. "Ten minutes in the chair and you'll be full of energy."
"I don't know, Doctor Severin. I don't think that's necessary." Ten minutes? The usual duration was two.
"You just said you were tired, didn't you?"
"Yes, well-"
"Then get in the chair, Goldie."
Goldie looked up, and saw the two men behind Doctor Severin, both wearing blue jumpsuits. Both blocking the exit. She nodded and sat down in the chair. "Maybe I do need a little pick me up."
"That's right, just relax," said Doctor Severin, moving to the control panel. The instruments started to hum. "You'll find this very invigorating, I promise...."
Harry got the invitation that morning, along with everyone else.
Doctor Slattery was holding a party at his mansion in Brookline this Sunday. All employees were invited.
"Are you going, Harry?" Lev asked.
Harry was conflicted. He had hoped to spend the weekend with Goldie. But he realized he had to attend.
He actually saw Goldie later that day, when she dropped by his cubicle.
"Harry," she said softly. He turned around and saw her. She looked wonderful. He would have kissed her if Lev hadn't been sitting two feet away.
"You're back," said Harry.
"Yes," said Goldie.
"I can't wait to-"
"Harry, can I see you in private, for a moment?"
They went to the supply room. That was fast becoming a regular meeting place for them. But after they kissed, Goldie told him the unpleasant news.
"They're sending you out, again?"
"My plane leaves in three hours," said Goldie.
"But we were going to get together tonight!"
"I know," said Goldie miserably.
He held her in his arms. "When are you coming back?"
"I'm not sure," she said, choosing each word carefully. "I'm going to try and make it for the party. You're going, aren't you?"
Harry nodded dully. "And afterwards?"
"We'll be together," she promised. They kissed, and Harry felt a warm glow. As Goldie turned to go, Harry said, "Goldie... when you go to these places....."
"You have a question, Harry?" she asked.
"What... What do you do there?" Harry asked.
"Is there a more direct question you'd like answered, Harry?" Goldie asked. She stood there, looking boldly into his eyes, with her arms on her hips. She seemed totally unafraid, totally unashamed, which made Harry feel ashamed in turn. He wasn't quite sure why.
"Do you want to know if I kiss other men, Harry? You want to know if that's part of my job description?" Goldie ask. "Did Claire tell you that? Did she tell you I was the company whore?"
"Not... in so many words," said Harry.
Goldie shook her head. "I love her, but we've been rivals for years. There was a thing that happened between us, long ago..." She looked into Harry's eyes. "The answer to the question you're too afraid to ask, Harry, is no. I don't kiss other men as part of my job. I flirt. I smile. I cajole, I flatter. But kissing is not part of my job description." And then she hugged Harry. "And the other thing we did? The last night, in my hotel room? Most definitely not part of my job description." And she looked at him with such intensity, with such sincerity, that Harry had no choice but to believe her.
On Friday, Harry saw three muscular men, in a daze, being led out of the building. He pointed them out to Lev.
"They got the treatment. It can be a bit disorienting, at first."
"I thought it was supposed to give them more mental energy. They looked confused," said Harry.
"The treatments do exactly what they are intended to do," said Lev, in a monotone.
"Then why did those men look so sleepy?"
"The treatments do exactly what they are intended to do," said Lev, in the exact same tone as he had said it the first time.
"Oh, I see," said Harry, "Thanks for making that clear to me, Lev." His eyes narrowed as he watched Lev fall into a conversation with another coworker. Lev's tone and body language completely returned to normal.
There was a woman who worked in Harry's cubicle group. Her name was Hannah Murray. Later that day, Doctor Severin appeared in their workgroup, flanked by two large men wearing blue jumpsuits.
"Hannah," he said softly.
Hannah turned to face him. She tried to hide the fear from her face. "Yes, Doctor Severin?"
"I have an interesting experiment I'd like to get a second opinion on, Hannah."
Hannah looked at Doctor Severin, and then the two men behind him. "Now, Doctor Severin?"
"Yes, Hannah Now."
She gulped, and nodded, walking off with him.
When they were gone, Harry turned to Lev. "What was that all about?"
"Sometimes Doctor Severin asks for volunteers from the staff for little experiments."
"What kind of experiments?" Harry asked.
"Nothing to be concerned about," said Lev, in a bored tone.
When Hannah returned, an hour later, her face was similarly blank. Harry went over to her and said, "Hannah? Are you all right?"
She looked at him blankly. "I am completely fine. Thank you so much for asking, Harry." And then she sat down and stared woodenly at her computer screen, and returned to work.
On Saturday, Harry discovered Castle Island. Not really a castle or an island, it was instead a peninsula of sorts, a spit of land sticking out into Boston Harbor. Parts of it looked even deep enough to drown in, which cheered Harry immensely.
It was all so confusing. He had been told repeatedly by Claire, by Lev, by Carl, that Goldie was not to be trusted. For all he knew she was off fucking another man in New Haven.
And yet, when he was with her... she seemed so sincere, so loving. Harry was supposed to be the smartest man in the world, and yet he couldn't see inside a woman's heart. His instincts told him that she was telling the truth. That she had feelings for him. Maybe she even loved him.
But Harry had been wrong before. He remembered Onnika. He remembered Erica. He remembered Alexandra. He remembered all the bitter lessons he had learned.
And then there was The Foundation itself. Harry was certain that there was more to this place than it seemed. The brain cell processes they had him working on had the potential for much more than simply releasing mental energy. He couldn't quite understand what they were up to, but it was more than just a process to make people more energetic.
And then there was that Relaxation Chair. Harry saw more than one tired coworker sit down into it in the lounge. After two minutes, they got up, totally reinvigorated. It was better than coffee, they said.
And yet, for that two minute period... their eyes were totally glazed. It was like they were hypnotized. They were unaware of everything around them. The machine above them cast a light on their head. What exactly was it doing to their brain?
Lev and some of the others had urged him to try it. Harry refused.
And then there was the subject of his medical exam. They were getting more and more insistent about it. Harry got the sense that he would have to make a decision about that soon. But first he had to see Goldie. And when exactly would he see her? She said she hoped to be at Mr. Slattery's party. Harry hoped for more than that, that he could see her privately, after the party. Then maybe he could get some of this figured out.
Doctor Slattery had an expansive estate on the edge of Brookline, just outside of Boston. His house looked as majestic as the Lincoln Memorial, with giant marble pillars in front. It was on 20 acres of prime land. Harry wondered where his wealth had come from. But after all, Doctor Slattery was a Fourther like him; coming into money wasn't hard for a Fourther. Only finding love was.
Harry immediately went looking for Goldie. There were several hundred people there. He was unaware that The Foundation had so many employees. It was odd seeing everyone in normal clothes. No one wore their blue jumpsuits and tall black boots. But he could tell who the guards and technicians were. The guards were big, muscular men, and the technicians...
"Ah, there you are, Harry," said Doctor Severin, putting an arm on Harry's shoulder. "So nice to see you. Are you having a good time?"
"Ah, yes," said Harry, looking around even as he spoke.
"Are you looking for something?" Doctor Severin asked. "Or someone?"
Harry stiffened. "No, not really. Well actually, Goldie mentioned she might be here."
"Then be assured she will," said Severin, staring at him with those dark eyes. "But in the meantime, there are so many other interesting... possibilities here. You know Hannah Murray?" He pointed to Hannah, who was talking to another woman by a snack table.
"A little. She's in my workgroup," said Harry.
"Perhaps you could use this time to get to know her better," said Severin. "She has a most interesting brain. The female brain is most fascinating, isn't it, Harry?"
"Yes, it is," said Harry.
"It is programmed for many things. Curiosity, love, affection, anger, discipline. And of course, reproduction. But that programming is most delicate. It's a fragile balance, Harry, a very fragile balance. There is so much potential in there, just waiting to be tapped. All it requires are the hands of a skilled neuroscientist. I look at these women, and I see blocks of marbles, with the sculptures of what they can become already in them. It's just a matter of knowing what bits to chip off."
Harry gave Severin a quick glance. His eyes were shining and he was giving a creepy smile. "I'm sure," said Harry.
An attractive woman wearing a cocktail outfit came by carrying a tray of drinks.
"Have you met Sanya, Harry?" Doctor Severin asked. "Sanya, this is Harry. Say hello, Sanya."
"Hello," said Sanya. Her face was blank.
"Sanya was one of the first to receive our rehabilitation therapy."
"Rehabilitation therapy?"
"One of the many positive offshoots of our research, Harry," said Doctor Severin. "We have found that not only does our Procedure release energy into the mind, but that when properly calibrated it can also release positivity. Sanya was one of the first graduates of a prison release pilot program we have with the state of Massachusetts."
"You were in prison?"
Sanya nodded. "I was a criminal. I was paying my debt to society."
"And now?" Harry asked.
"I see the bigger picture. My behavior was antisocial. I had no empathy for others. The Procedure helped turn me into a new woman," she said, in a monotone.
"But are you happy?" Harry asked.
Sanya stared blankly in front of her.
"Sanya, Harry asked you a question," said Doctor Severin.
Sanya turned to face Harry. "I am happy. I am very happy." She looked at Severin, who nodded, and she left with her tray of drinks.
"She didn't sound happy. She sounded... dazed," said Harry.
"A temporary side effect of the treatment," said Doctor Severin. "It wears off quickly. Sanya is now a happy and vibrant member of the community."
"What other applications have you found from the Procedure?"
"We're discovering new ones every day, Harry," said Doctor Severin.
"Harry, there you are," said Claire, coming out of nowhere. She grabbed him by the arm. "Really Doctor Severin, it's not fair of you to monopolize Harry all for yourself."
"I most humbly apologize," said Doctor Severin. But he didn't look sorry in the least. "I will see you later, Harry." He turned and went off into the crowd.
"Charming, isn't he?" said Claire.
"Doctor Severin?"
"One of our most brilliant Fourthers," said Claire. She intertwined her arm a little more closely with Harry's. "So how are you doing, Harry?"
"I'm fine," said Harry. He looked at her. She was wearing a tight white blouse which accentuated her large breasts, and a short skirt. "How are you... and Ben?"
Claire gave him a cunning look. "Who told you about Ben? Wait, don't tell me. It was Goldie, wasn't it? Don't bother to deny it, I know."
"What is it between you too?"
"She's always been jealous of me. That I'm a Fourther and she's not. That I'm a real blonde. That I'm successful in relationships and the working world. She's always jealous. One time she seduced one of my boyfriends right out from under me."
"And now you're trying to get even?" Harry asked, looking into her eyes.
Claire laughed. It was a pleasant sound. "Harry, are you under the illusion that Goldie has feelings for you? Goldie has feelings for no one, except for Goldie."
"And you, and Ben?"
"That's the second time you've asked about Ben, Harry," she said, moving closer and staring intimately into his eyes. Her breasts were almost pressing against his chest. Almost.
"And that's the second time that you haven't answered my question," said Harry.
Claire smiled and waved a finger at him. "You're sharp, Harry! Yes, Ben and I are seeing each other. But it's casual. Ben is nice, and Ben is fun...."
"But Ben is not a high level Fourther. High level Fourthers should be with other Fourthers, Harry. Don't you agree?"
Her face was so beautiful. Her eyes were clear blue, and her lips were bright red. Harry was trying to think of an answer, when suddenly they heard a gong. "That's the signal! It's time for chess!" said Claire.
"We're all going to play chess?" said Harry.
"Yes," said Claire excitedly.
She led him by the hand into the backyard. Harry felt a secret thrill being pulled by such a gorgeous woman. Again he had to admit to himself, in all honesty, that Claire was physically more attractive than her sister. And yet Goldie... he felt he had built up such a connection with her... and now she was nowhere to be seen....
There was an enormous chess board in Doctor Slattery's backyard, as large as the one in Central Park. People started to put on sandwich boards representing different chess pieces.
"Come on, Harry, play," said Claire. She put on a sandwich board with the symbol of a queen on it.
"All right," said Harry, reaching for a sandwich board with a rook.
"No Harry, that's not yours," said Claire. "See, on the inside? That's Doctor Kaminsky's."
"We have assigned pieces?"
"Ah, here's your role," said Claire brightly. She handed Harry a sandwich board.
It was a pawn.
"Put it on, Harry," said Claire.
Harry, seeing everyone else putting on theirs, reluctantly put his on. His place on the chessboard was right in front of Claire. He was the queen's pawn. In a way it felt like the time when he and Goldie had played their own chess game in Central Park. That was when they had had their first kiss. And that first kiss had opened the floodgates to everything, starting with their exciting touching session on the lawn for hours afterwards....
"Harry, wake up!" said Claire. She handed him a blue rod.
"What is this?"
"Your stun baton," said Claire.
Harry looked around and saw they all had them. "You've got to be kidding."
"Doctor Slattery says this is a great team building exercise," said Claire.
They were being moved around as chess pieces, and when they were eliminated, they were tagged with stun rods. Harry couldn't believe it. "Why?"
"It shows that we're willing to work together as a team. More than that, it shows we're willing to sacrifice for the team, to endure a small discomfort to help our team achieve its goals."
"You've got to be kidding," said Harry. And then he saw Slattery, sitting on an elevated chair on the opposite side of the chessboard. He looked behind him and saw Doctor Severin, on another elevated chair.
"Pawn to King's 4," said Doctor Slattery.
Harry watched the game slowly unfold. When a pawn from his side took a pawn from the other side, he saw one player actually touch the other player with his stun baton. The receiving player collapsed, falling to the ground.
"These things aren't set to stun," said Harry, watching as two orderlies carried the player from the field.
"That is the purpose of this exercise, Harry," said Claire, from behind him. "To make us willing to accept sacrifice."
Harry told himself that he should take off this sandwich board and leave this crazy place immediately. But he had come here to see Goldie, and Goldie still hadn't arrived. And if he left early, he might lose his job. And Harry wasn't ready to quit, just yet.
Harry watched as a knight took a rook. The rook trembled and his eyes rolled into his head as he was touched with the stun baton. Then he collapsed to the ground.
"This is crazy," he said.
And then Harry heard Doctor Severin's voice, from behind him, "Pawn's to Queen's Four."
Pawn to Queen's Four. That was him. They wanted him to move two steps forward.
But that would put him in jeopardy from an opposing pawn, one column over. It was Doctor Kaminsky, holding a stun baton.
"Harry, that's you!" said Claire. "Move two squares forward!"
"I don't want to get knocked unconscious," said Harry.
"Nothing will happen to you," said Claire.
Harry heard a babble of voices around him. They were all yelling at him, urging him to move forward. "You're holding up the game!" "Get moving!" "Go on, Harry!"
Claire said, "Harry, you have nothing to fear. I'm the Queen, I'll protect you!"
Harry, seeing opponents all around him, reluctantly nodded. He moved one step forward, and then two.
"You see?" said Claire, from behind him. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"
Harry looked up at Doctor Slattery. They made eye contact. Doctor Slattery gave a small smile, and then he gave Harry a salute.
And then he gave the order for his pawn to take Harry's square.
Doctor Kaminsky came forward. He smiled broadly, waving his stun baton. "This won't hurt a bit," he promised.
"No," said Harry, shrinking back. But then something, or someone, held him from behind, and then Kaminsky tapped him with the rod. Harry felt an explosion of electrical current in his body, and then in his brain, and all went black.
"Prince charming is waking up," said a soft voice.
Warm sunlight was streaming on his face. Harry slowly opened his eyes. He was lying down, on the grass, but his head was on a lap. A woman's lap. He looked up, but the sun was in his eyes. Then she leaned forward and he could see her features.
It was Goldie.
Harry quickly sat up. The chess board was empty. Smaller numbers of people were milling around in the backyard. It seemed like a lot of time had passed.
"What happened?" Harry asked.
"You fell asleep, Harry. You fell asleep, and missed the best part," said Goldie. "Doctor Slattery beat Doctor Severin in a record 34 moves."
"34 moves... how long was I out?" Harry asked.
"Just a few minutes."
It didn't feel like just a few minutes. He turned to Goldie. "You're here."
"I missed you too," said Goldie, grinning.
"I have so much I want to say to you," said Harry.
"And I to you," said Goldie. "But I have to hop on a plane in two and a half hours."
"A plane? You just got back!"
Goldie nodded. "They're sending me out again."
"Goldie, this isn't fair."
"I know," said Goldie. "Here, come with me."