Chapter 11

The Grand Bahama Island

Carl worked diligently on the list of names Harry gave him from the "People of Interest" list which he had downloaded from The Foundation database. He came up with contact information for several prospects. Harry sent messages over the global network. He was purposefully vague in nature, simply stating that he needed to talk with them. Harry didn't know if these people were opponents of The Foundation, had been coopted by The Foundation, or were on the run, like he and Goldie were.

They got an immediate response from a man named Thomas Dolan. He inquired what Harry wanted to talk about, via a text message. Harry responded that it was regarding The Foundation. Dolan responded immediately with a cryptic message.

Galaxy Hotel. Grand Bahama Island. Meet me there in several days.

"Several days?" said Harry. He frowned. "Why couldn't he pick a day?"

"Harry, reread the message. The man isn't asking you to wait for him at the North Pole. He wants you to meet him in the most luxurious hotels in the Caribbean. Surely even you can find something to do to occupy your time," said Goldie, playing a hand across his arm.

Goldie was going to be a problem. Harry didn't know what had been exchanged between Goldie and his mother, but Goldie had been flirting with him like mad ever since the encounter. He liked it, but at the same time realized that he and Goldie had no future. Once she was deprogrammed, her real self would emerge, and she would have no further interest in him. And it would be dishonorable for him to take advantage of her in her brainwashed state.

But Harry's heart ached for her. She was so beautiful, so sexy, so desirable. It was sheer pleasure, and torture, being around her. But he resolved to soldier on.

They flew to the Bahamas, and arrived at the Galaxy Hotel. It was a huge, sprawling entertainment complex situated right on the beach. Everything about it screamed luxury and indulgence.

"Two rooms?" said Goldie, as they stood in line waiting for the front desk to process them.

"I thought, since we're platonic traveling companions...."

"What's the matter, Harry? Are you afraid you can't keep your hands off of me?" Goldie said, looking up at him with a smile.

"No, I just thought you might want your privacy," said Harry, getting uptight.

"But what if more men come for us, Harry?" Goldie asked, with innocent eyes, as she rubbed his arm. "How will you protect me if we're in separate rooms, Harry?

Harry hadn't thought about that. But as he remembered, last time it had been Goldie who had protected him.

"All right," said Harry. "One room. But two beds."

"Of course, Harry. Whatever you say, Harry," said Goldie sweetly.

When they got to their room, Goldie started to change.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, as she started to remove her clothes.


"Into what?" said Harry, watching her pull off her shirt, without any inhibition. Her breasts were neatly cupped in a white bra.

"A bathing suit. Unless you think a skiing outfit would be more appropriate?" she teased. "Harry, we may be stuck here for a few days until this mysterious man arrives. Did you propose to wear a jacket and pants and hide out in an air conditioned conference room the entire time?"

Truthfully, Harry hadn't given the matter much thought. He watched her pull her pants down. "I... I....."

"What, Harry?"

"I don't have a bathing suit," said Harry.

"We can fix that," said Goldie.

Goldie, knowing where they were going, had bought herself a beautiful one piece blue bathing suit which matched the color of her eyes. She looked simply gorgeous in it. She took Harry to the gift shop and picked out a tight black bathing suit. She liked it because it reminded her of the rough blackness of his pubic hair.

Harry held it up. "I think this is much too small." He made a face.

"Try it," Goldie urged.

Harry went into the changing room. But when he put it on, he refused to come out.

"Why, Harry?"

"I'm ashamed," said Harry.

Goldie sighed and entered the changing room. She saw the bathing trunks had the desired effect; they showed every outline of Harry's organ. She licked her lips as she saw the shape of Harry's delicate package hanging between his legs. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, Harry. I think it looks quite flattering."

"I'm not going to walk out there with this hanging out," said Harry.

"Why not, Harry? I'm walking out there with these hanging out," said Goldie, indicating how the tight fabric of her bathing suit hugged her breasts.

"But you're a woman."

"You're so observant, Harry. I was afraid you had stopped noticing." She gave him a tiny peck on the cheek. There was just something about Harry. Something that made her love to tease him. He was so fun to be with. She thought it was so amusing that he was afraid to come out of the dressing room. In some ways his shyness was intoxicating.

"Get me something else," said Harry.

"Of course, Harry."

Goldie returned with more traditional bathing trunks. Harry took them and looked at her. "Well?"

"What's wrong, Harry? Are you afraid I'm going to see something that I haven't seen before?" Goldie asked. "As I recall, the last time you were doing something interesting with it. And the time before that, you seemed very unashamed to put on a performance which-"


Goldie sighed. But she didn't leave the dressing room. Instead, she turned her back. "Sorry Harry. I forgot we're no longer attracted to each other." She heard the sounds of him undressing.

"It's not that we're unattracted to each other," said Harry, as he struggled to pull off the tight bathing suit. Finally it sprang off him with a snap. Goldie risked a glance out of the corner of her eye, and smiled. "It's just that it's not right for me to take advantage of you like this. You've been programmed."

"You're so noble, Harry. I think you're the most noble man on the planet," said Goldie. The sounds of dressing stopped. Goldie turned around. Harry wore more modest bathing trunks now, showing only a smaller pubic bulge. "What do you think?" she asked.

"Better," said Harry.

"Personally, I liked the first one more," said Goldie.

They lay on the beach by the water. Goldie slathered herself with sun tan lotion. Harry lay under a big umbrella.

"You're not going to get a tan that way, Harry."

"That's the idea," said Harry.

The waves in front of them were intoxicating. It was a transparent, blue ocean. It looked wonderful.

But Harry had more eyes for Goldie than the ocean. The way the bathing suit hugged her body intoxicated him. He noticed the way the edges of it cut off her gorgeous creamy thighs, the way it sharply delineated the pubic mound between her legs. He let his eyes gaze upwards. Goldie's breasts were by no means small, but were not as large as some women's. Still they were perfectly round, and very firm, with no sag. He could see the dimpling of the nipple in the center of each one, and it excited him. And then he turned to her face. She was so beautiful. Her blue eyes, her lush lips, her light brown hair with blonde streaks all were very lovely.

This was like one of his fantasy dates, where he would imagine being together with a pretty woman he saw in Central Park. Except this was real. Only it wasn't real. Goldie loved him, but it was all artificial. He couldn't have her. He could never have her.

Goldie caught his adoring gaze and smiled. "Harry, would you like to go for a swim?"


"How about sailing?"



Harry shook his head.

"Well, I'm going in," she announced, getting up. Harry had a glorious view of her bathing suit hugging her jiggling ass cheeks as she trotted into the water. She ran in, and gave a loud whoop. "Come on in, Harry! The water's just fine!"

Harry shook his head.

Goldie stuck out her lip and pouted.

Before long the largest black man Harry had ever seen walked up to Goldie and started talking to her. He had muscles on top of muscles and was over six feet tall. He was totally bald but had a trimmed goatee. Harry got the impression he worked for the hotel as he had a Galaxy logo on the trunks of his bathing suit.

Goldie talked and laughed with him for a while, and then walked over to Harry. "Harry, Jamal has offered to give me a wind surfing lesson. You don't mind, do you, partner?"

Harry shook his head. He watched Goldie head off with Jamal. Before long she was on a surfboard, holding a sail. Jamal was wrapped around her from behind, using his arms to move hers over the sail. Goldie laughed with delight as she sailed around the coastline. Jamal said things to her and she talked animatedly to him. Goldie seemed so alive and vibrant. It hurt Harry just to look at her, but he did.

That night, at dinner, Harry said, "Did you have fun?"

Goldie said, "Great fun, Harry. Thank you for bringing me here!"

"This isn't a vacation," said Harry darkly. "We're here to make contact with Thomas Dolan." Sooner, rather than later, he hoped.

"Speak for yourself, Harry. I'm having a wonderful time," said Goldie. "And it's only going to get better."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked sharply.

"Jamal has invited me out for drinks this evening," said Goldie, enjoying his reaction. "At first he thought we were a couple. I explained that you were only my brother. I figured you'd prefer playing the role of my brother over being a homosexual platonic friend. Because I can't imagine how an outsider could otherwise possibly believe that a man who is attracted to me in a Caribbean paradise wouldn't want to fuck me, could you, Harry?"

Harry looked pained and bit his lip, but shook his head.

"Good. Then you don't mind me going out for drinks with Jamal, do you, Harry?"

"No, of course not," said Harry, staring into his drink. He hurt so terribly inside.

"Good. I thought you'd feel that way," said Goldie.

After dinner, they returned to their room. Goldie smiled as she got ready for her date. Because that's what it was, Harry knew. A date. She left at 9 o'clock.

Harry fretted for a while, and then patched in a connection to Carl. He told him what was happening.

"Good," said Carl.

"Good? How can you say it's good?"

"It's important that you get used to the idea that she's going to be with other men, Harry," said Carl. "Once she's deprogrammed, you know she won't want you anymore. This will help you get used to the inevitable, in a more gradual way."

"It doesn't feel so gradual to me," Harry muttered, as he paced back and forth.

"Harry, she's beautiful, and she's crazy about you, but you can never have her. You have to accept that."


"Are you listening, Harry?"

"Yeah," said Harry. He shut off the connection, and paced some more. He looked at the chrono. It was ten o'clock. She had been out for an hour. How long did it take to go out for a drink? Even while nursing a drink casually, Harry calculated that a person should take no more than seven or eight minutes to have a drink. At that rate Goldie could have had seven drinks by now! She had been out much too long.

He went down to the lobby to look for her. The problem is that the hotel had a number of bars. Harry looked through all of them.

He finally found her at the bar by the beach, a cheerfully lit bamboo hut. Goldie was sitting at the bar with Jamal, looking beautiful in a light blue blouse and shorts. She was smiling and laughing and had a drink in her hand.

Harry watched as Jamal looked into her eyes and let a hand roam over her back. It pained Harry to see her smile back at him. And then Jamal leaned forward.


He kissed her, and it seemed Goldie kissed him back. The kiss went on long, much too long, before Jamal pulled back. Goldie had a dreamy smile on her face.

And then her eyes turned, ever so slowly, and it seemed like she saw Harry, and for a split second, their eyes met. Harry felt a shock go through his body as if he were hit with a compression pistol. And then Goldie turned back to Jamal and started talking casually to him again.

Harry went to a dark section of the beach and started to pace nervously, back and forth. The water was much too shallow for him to drown himself in. He would have to wade in and drown himself. That would not work at all. He wished there was a deep area of water close to the land he could walk by. This island seemed to have everything, why couldn't it have that?

Later he found himself lying in bed, sobbing quietly. When he heard the door opening he instinctively looked at the chrono. It was half past eleven.

"Hello Harry," said Goldie quietly, as she closed the door behind her. "Are you still up?" She saw the redness in his eyes, his messy hair, his sweaty face. He looked like someone going through drug withdrawal.

"Yes," said Harry. He slowly sat up. "Did you have a good time?"

"Um hm," said Goldie, taking off her earrings.

Harry stood up and looked closely at her. Her clothes; her face; her skin.

"Is there something you're looking for, Harry?" said Goldie casually, taking off her shoes, first one, and then the other.

"Did you... did you...."

"Did I what, Harry?" Goldie asked, and suddenly her face was deadly serious.

"Did you sleep with him?" Harry asked.

"I don't see how that's any business of yours, Harry," said Goldie, her expression still stern.

"Did you sleep with him!" Harry yelled.

Goldie stood up, face to face with Harry. She didn't touch him. She stared into his eyes. "No, Harry, I didn't."

She waited for a long moment as Harry looked at her. Then he slowly turned and went back to bed. Goldie stared at him for a moment, and then got ready for bed herself.

The next day they continued to wait to be contacted by the mysterious Thomas Dolan.

"How will he even know who we are, Harry? How will he even find us?"

"He'll find us," said Harry, as they sat on the beach, he under his giant umbrella, she under the sun.

Jamal came over to them, wearing his short swimming trunks. "Hello," he said to Harry formally.

"Hi there," said Harry.

"Hey you," said Goldie, smiling at him.

"Hey," said Jamal. "You like jet ski lesson?"

"I love jet ski lesson," said Goldie.

Harry watched as Jamal and Goldie frolicked on the water in jet skis for the next hour.

But it got worse in the afternoon. Jamal and Goldie went snorkeling. Goldie was all excited when she returned. "Harry, they have the most beautiful coral reefs! You have to see them!"

Harry shook his head. He sat resolutely under his shaded umbrella.

Things got even worse after that. Jamal gave Goldie swimming lessons. He stood in the water, and held her horizontally, while he taught her to kick. There was something very erotic to seeing his arms wrapped around her while Goldie kicked for him. Were his hands over her breasts? They were underwater, and Harry couldn't see.

But then Jamal helped Goldie with the breast stroke. His arms intertwined with hers. Goldie paddled and paddled, and then she came up for air, and laughed. Jamal held her in his arms, and kissed her.

Harry abruptly got up and returned to the hotel room.

Goldie returned a short time later. "Hello, Harry."


"Any word from Thomas Dolan?"

"Not yet."

Goldie started to peel off her bathing suit.

"Getting ready for dinner?" Harry asked.

Goldie nodded. "A change of plans, Harry. Jamal is taking me out to dinner."

"Jamal?"Harry saw Goldie's firm, juicy breasts spring free of her bathing suit. Her nipples pointed accusingly at him.

"Yeah. A restaurant on the other side of the island. Don't bother looking for it, you probably won't be able to find it," said Goldie casually. She pulled down the rest of her bathing suit. Below her flat stomach was her vibrant thatch of pubic hair. It was so thick that it stood out a full inch in front of her thighs. The dark brown forest was the subject of Harry's mounting desire.

"And you might not want to stay up waiting for me this time. I expect I'll be back late, if at all," said Goldie, wiping herself off with a towel.

"If at all?"

"I may sleep over at Jamal's place tonight. That isn't a problem, is it, Harry? If I fuck Jamal? Platonic traveling partners don't care about that, do they?" She spread her legs as she wiped herself down. Harry saw the pink slit nestled between her pubic forest, the edges of it glistening with wetness. Goldie smiled mockingly at him. She offered him her cunt, knowing he would never take it.

Harry didn't think. He simply jumped up and grabbed Goldie. He hugged her tight and started kissing her ferociously.

"Harry... Harry.. what are you doing?" said Goldie innocently.

"I want you," said Harry.

"But Harry... I thought... I thought... we're platonic traveling companions."

Harry held her face, and said softly, "It hurts too much not to have you." And then with a roar he started to kiss her neck fiercely all around.

"Harry... oh Harry... oooooohh!" Goldie cried as she arched her head back, and let Harry do his work.

Last time Goldie had been in charge, and Harry had been the lesser. This time their roles had switched. Harry was the dominant one. He acted like a wild man. He accepted no direction from Goldie, kissing and touching and caressing every inch of her body. He sucked on her nipples until she cried out. He kissed her hard on the lips, and the nape of the neck, over and over, while she groaned and called his name, smiling as her head lazily lay back, simply enjoying the moment.

And then he frantically pulled his own clothes off, and in moments he was inside of her. As he pounded into her, Goldie said innocently, "But Harry, I'm going to be late for my date with Jamal."

"Fuck Jamal!" Harry roared, as he pounded into her all the harder. Harry was wild; he was savage; he had turned into an animal.

"Oh Harry! Oooohh, Harry!" she cried. With a giant smile on her face, Goldie wrapped her arms around his back, and her legs around his waist. He felt so deep inside of her. Harry was like a wild man. He pounded into her, in a desperate effort to satisfy his primal needs. Goldie felt his fullness inside of her, and his shaft rubbing against her clit ecstatically, and she was in sexual heaven.

"Harry... Harry.. I'm... I'm going to-"

"I know!" he cried out, and he thundered into her. Goldie's vaginal walls contracted instinctively, coaxing the head of his shaft to take him over the edge. They both yelled each other's name as Harry exploded inside of her. She felt pulse after pulse of him, going deep inside of her.

Afterwards, Goldie said, "I've... I've never seen this side of you, Harry. I thought you were so shy concerning... matters like these." Her hand played with his organ as she talked.

"I was," said Harry, playing with one of her firm titties. "But the thought of you with him... the thought of you with him drove me mad."

"I like it when you're mad," said Goldie, giving him a kiss. As they kissed she felt his thing begin to get hard again, under her tender ministrations, and before long they were at it again.

They made love a total of four times that night. Every few hours Harry would wake up, and see Goldie lying there, and he couldn't resist. He started kissing and arousing her, and she would wake up, and he would make her want it.

The third time Harry woke her up, Goldie said dreamily, "Again, Harry?" And Harry kissed her and rubbed her clit, and Goldie smiled, "Again it is, Harry," and spread her legs as he prepared to mount her.

Goldie kissed him the following morning. "I don't think I've had such a marathon like that... ever."

"Me neither," said Harry.

"What was that for you, Harry? Wait, I remember! That was your sixth time having sex, correct? I mean your sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth time having sex, correct? In one night you've nearly doubled the number of times you've had sex. That's quite an achievement, Harry!"

She giggled as he growled and kissed her.

"I like the new aggressive you, Harry."

"You bring it out in me," said Harry. He kissed her again.

"Do you plan on doing this again tonight?"

"Maybe," said Harry.

"I'm a little sore down there," said Goldie.

"You want to take a break?" Harry asked, a little anxiously.

"Now, I didn't say that, exactly," said Goldie, giving him a sexual smile. She reached out and kissed him again. It lasted for a while.

After she pulled back, she said, "So where do things stand between us now?"

"I... I've decided to compromise my morals," said Harry. "I know you're not in a state where you can give your consent, because of your programming. But I can't resist having you."

"You're so morally flawed, Harry. That's why I love you. Because you're such a bad boy," said Goldie.

"But... once we find out what was done to you, once we get access to a Chair, I imagine you'll want to be deprogrammed," said Harry.


"Restored to your original self," said Harry. "You want that, don't you?"

"Want that? Yes, of course, more than anything," said Goldie, with a straight face.

"So I guess... we can be together, until then. I only hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, for taking advantage of you, while you're in this condition," said Harry, and now Goldie could see that he had reverted to his original form, he was back to being the shy Harry again.

Goldie kissed him on the cheek. "I'll try to find a place in my heart to forgive you, Harry. Really, I will."

And so Harry and Goldie were a couple. At least for a time. It was Harry's wildest dream come true. He was at a fantastic Caribbean resort with a gorgeous woman who was terribly attracted to him.

They did everything together. Harry played tennis with Goldie. He missed every ball. Then Goldie stood in front of him and held up one ball after another, and taught Harry to hit it. Soon, Harry was playing passably. Harry loved her for teaching him.

They played golf. This was a sport where Harry excelled at. He knew how to exercise precise amounts of strength with his arms. When he saw Goldie was not nearly as skilled, he used it as an excuse to wrap his arms around her to teach her how to calibrate her swing. He loved the feeling of having his body wrapped around her back, his arms wrapped around hers. He loved the warmth of her body against his, the smell of her soapy scent. When she smiled at him, he saw that she enjoyed it too.

Harry also enjoyed just watching her. She wore a short white skirt which showed off her amazing legs.

When he remarked as much, Goldie said, "They're not as long as Claire's."

"Fuck that," Harry growled, and she squealed as he grabbed her and kissed her, right there on the seventh hole.

"Harry, what if other people see?" said Goldie.

"I don't care," said Harry.

Goldie felt a surge of pride as Harry kissed her again. She was changing him. He was becoming a more outgoing person right before her eyes.

They went on a yacht tour of the island. They held hands as the boat plied the beautiful waters of the Caribbean. Goldie prompted Harry to try one of the little cheese slices that were being passed around on a platter, and laughed as Harry bit into one and made a face.

They went shopping in the elegant Galaxy resort hotels. Harry bought Goldie a beautiful pearl necklace.

"Harry, this costs eight thousand dollars," said Goldie. "You can't buy this for me!"

"I can and I will," said Harry.

She gave him a loving kiss.

He also bought her several dresses, and she in turn picked out clothes for him. She wore one of them that night, a black dress with a plunging neckline that attracted everyone's attention, especially Harry, when he took her to the casino. Goldie expected to have fun and to lose money. She didn't expect them to have fun and make money.

"Harry, how are you doing it?" she cackled, as he won again at 21.

"The laws of probabilities," said Harry.

"You've made what... four... five thousand dollars tonight?" They were starting to get severe looks from the hotel management.

"I have to find a way to pay for those pearls," said Harry.

Goldie loved her pearl necklace. It glittered far and wide and seemed to attract all eyes. Though whether those eyes were on her necklace, or her plunging neckline, was hard to tell. With Harry, it wasn't hard to tell at all. He stared at her body with a hard core of lust and love in his eyes, and Goldie cherished every minute of it.

That night Harry made love to her with the passion. He pounded into her with a fury that Goldie hadn't felt since high school. She realized that Harry had been involuntarily celibate his entire life. He had a lot of pent up energy to release. He thrust in and out of her with a primal rage. He desperately needed release, not just from the day, but from the years and years of enforced celibacy.

His unusual passion excited Goldie as he used her thoroughly. As he pounded into her, he kept moaning and groaning. Goldie was so tight, so wet. She just felt so good.

And then, as he felt his groin tightening, and his need was extreme, Harry, throwing caution into the wind, cried, "I love you, Goldie!"

And she grabbed him back tightly and said, "I love you, Harry!" and he exploded inside of her.

They made love twice more that night. Goldie marveled at his incredible energy. Harry marveled at every bit of her. Touching her breasts was enough to make him moan; kissing her neck was enough to make him groan. He was so incredibly turned on by her, and his enthusiasm excited Goldie in a way she had never felt before.

By the morning, she felt incredibly, incredibly used. And incredibly sated.

Harry had a different reaction. He had loved every minute of it. But he had broken all the rules. He had not only made love to Goldie, but he had told her that he loved her. It was not something that could be unsaid. He realized he had broken the Last Rule of Alexandra. He knew his relationship with Goldie was doomed. But he vowed to enjoy it as long as it lasted. When Goldie saw tears in his eyes the following morning, and asked him what was wrong, Harry shook his head and said, "I'm just so incredibly happy." And Goldie, who was so moved, mounted him right then and there and took him once again.

After breakfast Goldie took Harry snorkeling.

"But I thought you already went snorkeling the other day," Harry said.

"That's right, Harry. But not with you," said Goldie, and the look she gave him made Harry want to melt.

They snorkeled among beautiful coral reefs, holding hands as they paddled with their feet.

Goldie was right. After they got out, Harry described the corals in such artistic terms that it was a completely different experience than she had had with Jamal.

"The gold colored ones reminded me of your hair," he said, kissing her cheek. "And the red ones, the bright red ones... do you know what they make me think of?"

"Show me, Harry," said Goldie, with half lidded eyes. She felt his lips pressing against hers, and she shuddered.

They had a wonderful lunch together, and Goldie worked on getting Harry to agree to a professional massage.

"Wouldn't you enjoy having a beautiful woman work on you, Harry?" she asked playfully, rubbing his shoulders.

"I already have a beautiful woman working on me," said Harry.

"Aww, you're so kind," said Goldie. That earned him a kiss. And then, "But imagine my breasts crunched down on a padded bed underneath me. And imagine a man rubbing my back. And the best part is, Harry, you get to watch."

"I don't know...." said Harry.

"Please, Harry! Just try it!"

"Well... you persuaded me to join a cultlike Foundation doing mind control experiments on people. I suppose this could hardly be worse," said Harry.

Goldie laughed and kissed him.

Goldie was right. Harry did like it. A beautiful blonde with big breasts was rubbing his back. Harry was glad he was lying face down, and wondering how he would ever get up without embarrassing himself. His ass was covered by a towel

Goldie was lying down on a padded table right next to him, in the same position. A large white man was rubbing her back. But instead of feeling threatened by it, Harry found himself enjoying the view. The sight of her left breast spilling out of the side of the table made her look very womanly, very feminine. He loved watching Goldie's lazy, satisfied smirk as her back was rubbed. She smiled and winked at him, which sent a thrill through his body. Every time she gave a low moan, Harry enjoyed it all the more. Even though another man was giving her pleasure, it was as if she and him, by virtue of staring at each other, were sharing an intimacy just among themselves.

When they were done, Harry thanked the masseurs. "You can leave now," he told them.

"Don't you want us to bring you your clothes?" the woman masseuse asked.

"No, we'll get them," said Harry, still lying face down.

The woman smiled and left with the other masseur.

Goldie, predictably, mocked him cruelly. "Poor Harry. Too embarrassed to sit up in a towel in front of another girl. What is it you didn't want her to see, I wonder?"

Harry stood up and whipped off his towel. Goldie gasped as she saw the size of his thing. Then Harry turned her on her back and pulled off her towel.

And then he mounted her.

"Harry!" she gasped. "What's come over you?" she asked.

"You," said Harry, plowing in and out of her.

Goldie looked at the door. "What if someone comes in?"

"They'll have to wait their turn."

The lovemaking was pounding, and fraught with the fear of discovery, and more exciting than Goldie had had in many a year. When they were done, and Goldie kissed him as he hugged her tightly, she realized she was having the best time of her life.

At one point they passed Jamal on the beach. He said hello and even smiled and shook Harry's hand, saying to Goldie, "I'm glad you and your brother have made up," which made Goldie laugh.

"He's a good man," said Goldie, watching him walk on.

Harry looked at her.

"But unfortunately, my heart is already taken," said Goldie. She grabbed his hand, and gave him a delightful kiss.

After dinner, Harry and Goldie sat, hand in hand, on the beach, watching the sunset. They listened to the waves gently lap against the shore.

"This is the best," said Harry. And he meant it. He realized that he hadn't once had to take a sleeping pill once he had given into the inevitable with Goldie. And his spacesuit? It never occurred to him even once that he was wearing it. His spacesuit was gone.

"It is for me too, Harry," said Goldie, and Harry was surprised to hear the faint chokes of emotion in her voice. But of course, that was her conditioning. She had been programmed to want this.

If only... but Harry knew how this was going to end. Like all his other relationships. He knew how it had to end. He only hoped he would be able to enjoy it for at least a little while more. Each day was a precious gift he would cherish forever.

It all ended the following morning. They were strolling on the beach when a tall blonde woman in a string bikini came up to them. "Hello, Harry," she said.

"Do I know you?" Harry asked.

"No, but I know you," said the woman in the bikini. Suddenly, a compression pistol seemed to appear in her hand out of thin air.

"Where exactly were you hiding that?" Harry asked.

They were taken to a boat, and locked in an interior compartment with no windows. They felt the boat was starting to get underway.

"Harry, what's happening?" Goldie asked.

"I don't know," said Harry.

The door opened, and the blonde reappeared. "I'm not going to need this, am I?" she said, holding the compression pistol.

"I hope not," said Harry.

"Good," she said, putting it down, and reaching somewhere out of view to pick up a tray, filled with drinks. "Welcome. On behalf of Thomas Dolan."

Harry eyed the drinks, but didn't take one. "Your sense of hospitality leaves something to be desired."

"I'm sorry, but we had to be careful. We are a hunted people."


"Fourthers, like us," said the woman. She extended a hand. "My name is Jerri. Jerri Thomas."

Harry hesitated, and then shook it. "You seem to already know who I am. This is-"

"Goldie MacPherson, of course," said Jerri. "We've been watching you for several days."


"We had to be sure it wasn't a trap. The Society had to be protected."

"What is The Society?"

"It's a group of people just like you and me, Harry. Fourthers. Fourthers who want to live a life of peace and harmony," she said, her eyes shining as she took a step forward.

"And Thomas Dolan?"

"Our leader. You'll meet him soon, I promise. Will you have that drink now?"

Harry looked at Goldie, who nodded subtly, and he decided he would.​
Next page: Chapter 12.1
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