Chapter 12.1

The Society

It took several hours to get to their destination, a small island presumably not far from the Bahamas. During that time they were required to stay below deck. Jerri apologized for the inconvenience.

"A group of Fourthers... on a Caribbean island," said Goldie. "They must have an incredible swim team."

Harry said nothing.

"Do you think they're going to help us, I mean you, Harry?"


"Well, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not a Fourther," said Goldie.

"I'm sure everything will be fine."

"If you're sure, Harry, then I'm very sure," said Goldie. She wrapped her arms around him. "Hold me," she said.

Harry hugged her tightly.

It was mid afternoon when they arrived. They were on the dock of a small island dotted with palm trees. Several domed shaped structures loomed in the distance.

When they got off the boat, Jerri said, "Come with me, please." But when Harry and Goldie started to follow, Jerri said, "Just you, Harry." A tall, blonde man with big shoulders approached. "Liam, please see to Harry's female."

"No," said Harry instinctively, grabbing Goldie to him.

"It's all right, Harry," said Jerri. "Your female will not be harmed."

Harry looked at Jerri, and the men all around them. They really had no choice.

Goldie gently disengaged herself from Harry. "It's all right, Harry. Like the lady said, your female will not be harmed."

Harry gave her a look of longing as she followed the man named Liam off the dock. "Where are you taking her?"

"To freshen up. Nothing will happen to her." She started leading Harry to one of the domes. "You seem very attached to her. We noticed the connection between the two of you during our observations. Surely you can't have real feelings for her."

"Why not?" Harry asked.

"She's a Low, Harry."

"A what?"

"Sorry. What you might call a Normal. She's not like us. She can never be one of us," said Jerri.

"So everyone here on this island...."

"All Fourthers, Harry. Just like you." She smiled at him seductively. "Well, maybe not exactly like you."

Harry had long ago noticed how well Jerri filled out her yellow bikini. She had large, firm breasts and a well rounded ass, and long, shapely thighs. She reminded Harry a lot of Goldie's sister, Claire, except Claire had a rounder face and even brighter blonde hair. Harry followed Jerri's delightfully wiggling ass into one of the domes. There he was set in front of a console. A mathematical problem appeared on the screen.

"What's this?" Harry asked.

"We need to verify your identity."

"You know who I am," said Harry.

"Maybe it would be more accurate to say that we need to verify what you are, Harry," said Jerri. "Please take the test, Harry."

Harry turned and looked at the equation. He studied it and quickly typed out a solution.

Then another problem appeared, and more after that. Some were mathematical in nature, other were logic problems, and still others involved pattern recognition and analysis. Harry was aware of a timer on the side of the screen, counting down. He worked rapidly, solving each problem as fast as he could. He sensed a crowd of people forming behind him but was too busy to turn around and look.

Finally, when the timer hit zero, there was a loud buzzer, and the screen went blank. And then, in large numerals, the number 234 appeared on the screen.

Harry heard the crowd gasp around him. Harry looked up at Jerri, who looked similarly surprised. "Well, did I pass the test?"

For a moment, Jerri looked like she was at a loss for words. Then she said, slowly, "Yes, Harry. Yes, you did."

Thomas Dolan was a tall, dark haired man. He greeted Harry with a firm handshake. "So glad to have you here."

"So glad to be here," said Harry warily.

Dolan detected his wariness and smiled. "I'm sorry about the circumstances of your extraction, but we have learned to be careful. I gather you have extricated yourself from a similar situation where Fourthers were being abused."

"Yes, from a group called The Foundation. Have you ever heard of them?"

"The Foundation." Dolan paused, and considered. "No, I've never heard of a group like that."

"I found your name on an internal list," said Harry.

"What kind of organization is it?"

"I'm not really sure," said Harry. "They recruit Fourthers, and work on methods of mental conditioning. Brainwashing."

The crowd murmured.

"That's very disturbing, Harry," said Dolan.

"They have a fellow Fourther... the sister of my companion, Goldie MacPherson. We're trying to find out where they are, so we can rescue her."

"Well, that's very... commendable of you, Harry," said Dolan, choosing his words carefully. "We have a lot of resources here. Give us some time, and I'm sure we'll come up with something. In the meantime, would you and your companion join us for dinner?"

"Sure," said Harry. "But first I'd like to see my female--Goldie."

"Harry!" said Goldie. She suddenly appeared, wearing a red dress covered with images of flowers. "What do you think? Nice, eh?"

"Very nice," said Harry, relieved to see her. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," said Goldie. "Liam just gave me a tour of the wardrobe. It's incredible, Harry!"

"We'll be happy to stay for dinner," Harry told Dolan.

"It's settled, then."

The crowd of Fourthers descended on Harry. They had so many questions. Harry found himself the center of attention. He engaged in multiple conversations at the same time. He talked about his paper about the origins of the universe with one man who was not only familiar with it, but had some suggestions for expanding the theory. He talked to another man about new developments in particle theory. And a woman held discourse with Harry about developments in ray shield technology.

It was all so terribly exciting, and stimulating. Even at The Foundation, Harry had never felt truly immersed in so many brilliant minds. If only he had known these people years ago! He might have avoided years and years of loneliness.

But at one point he looked for Goldie, and found her sitting by herself. No one was talking to her. "Excuse me," he said, to the three people he was talking to. He went over to her. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," she said, smiling bravely as she nursed a drink.

"Are you all right?"

"Sure," said Goldie. She looked up at him. "Go and talk to your new friends, Harry. Go and some fun."

"Are you sure?" Harry said.

"Of course I am," said Goldie.

Harry went back to talking to the other Fourthers. After a while a young man came over to Goldie, a short dark haired man. "Hello," he said.

"Hi," said Goldie.

"How are you?"

"Are you sure you want to talk to me? I'm probably the dumbest person in the room," said Goldie.

"That's all right," said the young man. "Because I know I'm the second dumbest person in the room." He extended his hand. "Emilio. Emilio Dolan."

Goldie extended her hand. "Goldie. Your last name is Dolan?"

"Thomas's little brother. The dumb one," said Emilio.

"What do you mean?"

"My IQ is only 135. I don't really qualify to be here," said Emilio.

"Then why are you here?"

"Tom keeps me around," said Emilio.

"Do other people avoid you, too?" Goldie asked.

"Mostly," said Emilio.

"That must be very lonely," said Goldie. She followed Emilio's eyes. He was staring at a redhead, who was chatting it up with another dark haired man.

"It can be," said Emilio.

"Do you like her?" Goldie asked.

"Who?" Emilio asked.

Goldie laughed. "The woman you're staring at."

"Annie?" Emilio said.

"Is that her name?"

"Annie is selected for Bruce," said Emilio.


"She's an upper quartile Fourther," said Emilio.

"What does that mean?" Goldie asked.

Emilio felt the eyes of his brother on him. "I've said too much. Excuse me, please." He got up and left.

That night Harry and Goldie went to the room they were assigned.

"Interesting people," said Harry, getting into bed.

"I can see that," said Goldie.

"I imagine this must be a little uncomfortable for you," said Harry, taking her in his arms.

"No, I'm fine. We're here for a purpose, right?"

"Right. To find your sister," said Harry. "We'll stay a few days, and see if they can find out anything for us."

"And if they don't?" Goldie asked, trying to hide the anxiety in her voice.

"Then we'll leave," said Harry.

She reached up and kissed Harry. He responded. Then she kissed him again. He kissed her back. But he didn't try to touch her breasts. He didn't try to take off her clothes. "Hey," he said. "It's been a long day. We'd better get some rest."

Goldie nodded, and rolled over to her side of the bed.

The next morning, they had breakfast together, and then Harry went off to chat with some of his fellow Fourthers. Goldie noticed that most of the people he was talking to now were women. There were three of them in particular, a tall leggy brunette named Debra, a redhead named Sondra, and the very blonde and very leggy Jerri Thomas. Goldie was sure that Harry was having a stimulating discussion about particle wavelength theory, from the way he was smiling at them.

And they smiled back at him. They all seemed to be competing for his attention, touching his hand, laughing at whatever he said, standing close to him, and brushing their hair self-consciously. To Goldie it looked like a feeding frenzy for women who hadn't seen a man in years. Which was ridiculous, of course, because this island was full of men as well as women.

Emilio came over to Goldie. "Which one do you think he will select?"

"Select?" said Goldie.

"For reproduction," said Emilio. "Sondra has a head for mathematics, Debra for linguistics, but Jerri has the highest IQ of them all."

Goldie gave Emilio a withering look. "What makes you think Harry will reproduce with any of them?"

"That's why you're here, isn't it? To join the Society?"

"What does it mean, to join the Society?"

Emilio looked exasperated. "I thought you knew. That's what we're all about. All of us, all Fourthers, are matched up to their level of ability. The Highest quartile Fourther men are matched to the highest quartile women, and the next highest to the next highest, and so on. Your friend Harry has the highest IQ of any of us."

"He does?"

Emilio nodded. "He scored higher on the test yesterday than any of us. They will surely want him to reproduce."

"Well, that's up to Harry, then," said Goldie. She looked at Emilio. "And what about you, Emilio? Do you want to reproduce? Was that you doing a little reproductive activities on the beach last night?" She had gone walking on the beach last night, and had nearly stumbled across Emilio, kissing and hugging a woman behind a sand dune. "Was that Annie I saw you with last night?"

"No, you must be mistaken. Annie is a third quartile female. I don't even qualify as a Fourther," said Emilio. "She's been paired off with Clifton."

"Sorry. I'll have to get my eyes checked," said Goldie.

"If you have not come to the Island for the mating, you should not be here," said Emilio. He gave her a sharp glance, and then walked away.

Goldie went over to talk to Harry. Just as she got there, she saw Jerri, wearing an orange string bikini, approach Harry in the company of two men.

"Harry, Mr. Dolan would like word with you," said Jerri.

"All right," said Harry, nodding to Goldie.

"Just you," said Jerri.

"No," said Harry.

"His words are meant for you."

Harry looked at Goldie. "If he wants to talk to me, he can talk to both of us."

Goldie looked at Harry and felt very proud of him. He was her man, and he was standing up for her. She put a hand on his arm, and he smiled at her.

Jerri shrugged. "Follow me."

They followed. Goldie's pride in Harry was mitigated by his eyes, which seemed focused on the wiggling inside Jerri's orange string bikini.

When they got to the main dome, Dolan said, "I asked for Harry only."

"You can speak to both of us," said Harry.

Dolan wet his lips. "Very well. Harry, we were wondering if you would like to join us."

"Join you?"

"Our Society is full of the highest IQ individuals on the planet. When you took our initiation test, you scored higher than anyone.

"Higher than anyone?"

"You, Harry, have the highest known IQ on the planet," said Dolan. "Consider that for a moment. It's your duty to pass down such unique genes."

"What do you mean?"

"Part of our purpose is to encourage reproduction among similarly qualified individuals. We divide Fourthers into levels of ability, four different classes or quartiles. You, Harry, are obviously in the highest quartile. There are women here who would be delighted and honored to bear your child."

Harry looked at Goldie. "I'm... I'm...."

"I'm sure your female is very alluring to you, but, with no offense to her, the chances of her producing a brilliant child are much less than if you reproduced with one of your own kind. Surely you realize that?"

"Yes," said Harry.

"And did you not tell us yesterday that this female has been programmed to enjoy your company? Did you not tell us that once she is deprogrammed, she will have no further interest in you?"

"Yes," said Harry, with a heavy heart.

"Then stay here with us, and let her continue on her way."

Harry looked at Goldie. She seemed to be expressionless. "I... I don't know."

"Take some time and think about it, by all means," said Dolan.

"Have you come up with any more information on The Foundation?" Harry asked.

"No, but our sources are tracing leads even as we speak," said Dolan.

Goldie looked up at Harry. "I think we should talk."

They walked on the beach. For a while, neither of them said anything. Then Goldie said, "Harry, I think you should seriously consider this."

"What?" said Harry.

Harry didn't know. He didn't know that Goldie was sterile, that she had been stricken with Grimwave's Syndrome as a child which had sterilized her. Even now, Goldie couldn't bear to tell him the awful truth. So instead she said, "It's like you said, Harry. I'm going to get deprogrammed at some point. And then I'm going to stop loving you. Wouldn't it be better to be with someone who genuinely wants you? Especially one of your own kind?"

Harry looked at her. "I can't believe I'm hearing this from you."

"Why, Harry?"

He stopped and caressed her face. "Because if you are programmed to love me, you wouldn't say such a thing. You'd want to be with me at all costs."

"Harry, you were so convinced I didn't really love you. Now are you starting to doubt that?"

"I don't know," said Harry. "I don't know what to think."

"Harry, we've had some good times together," said Goldie. "But I think you're right in one respect. It pains me to say it, but I think you have no future with me. You'd be better off... better off with one of them." It hurt her to say it. She felt like she was going to cry.

"Let me... let's think about this," said Harry. Us. he said us.

Harry spent much of rest of the day talking to the Fourthers. He had animated conversations with them. But he also took off time to a take a long walk on the beach. He saw Goldie, sitting on the beach. He walked right by her. He felt like a barrier had been erected between them. She looked so sad. It broke his heart to see her like this.

Goldie saw Harry walking alone. Rather than being with his new friends, he chose to be alone. He was obviously thinking seriously about their offer. Goldie wondered what she would do if Harry took them up on it. She would have to leave the island alone, and look for Claire on her own. She would be very sad. Harry was the first man she thought she might possibly... no, maybe he was right. Maybe it wasn't meant to be.

They slept in the same bed that night, but didn't touch, and didn't talk.

The next morning, Harry talked to Dolan again. There were no further leads on The Foundation. He asked Harry if he had made a decision about joining them. That's how he referred to picking a woman to have sex and impregnate. To join them.

Harry had seen all the gorgeous, brilliant women on the island. Such an offer would have been a paradise to him, just a week ago.

But now he had Goldie.

It was a terrible choice to have to make.

In his heart he knew that once Goldie was reprogrammed, that she would want nothing more to do with him. She would recoil at the very sight of him. And yet, even knowing that, he was not ready to give her up. Was he?

Later that morning, they heard a gong sound. Once, twice, thrice. Harry noticed a commotion of people going to the great dome.

"What going on?" he asked one of the Fourthers.

"Someone is sitting in judgment," said the man.

They followed the crowd.

It was Emilio Dolan. He along with the red headed woman Annie seemed to be on trial. The process was already in progress when they entered the dome.

"The identity of the fetus has been confirmed, Doctor Farb?" Dolan asked.

"Yes," said a tall dark haired man. "Genotyping confirms that the baby was parented by Emilio, not Bruce."

A gasp went up from the crowd.

Thomas Dolan looked at his brother. "Why, Emilio, why? You knew Annie was assigned to Bruce?"

"Assigned. But there was no love," said Emilio.

"But Emilio, you still could have slept with Annie, as long as you took precautions. All that was forbidden was pregnancy," said Dolan.

"I don't care," said Emilio. "I love her, and she loves me. She only wanted to have my child."

A murmur went through the crowd.

"But Emilio... you barely qualify as the lowest grade of Fourther, if even that, to be kindly," said Dolan. "You don't remotely qualify to reproduce with Annie."

"I don't care about that," said Emilio again.

Dolan turned to Annie. "Annie. Tell us truthfully. Did you intentionally try to get pregnant from Emilio?"

Annie hesitated for a moment.

"Tell it true, Annie," said Emilio quietly.

"We both knew what we were doing," said Annie. "I love Emilio, and only want his seed inside of me."

The crowd gasped again. There were mutters of "abomination!" and "miscegenation!" from the gathered Fourthers.

Dolan shook his head sadly. "You both put me in a terrible situation." He paused, looking very distraught. This was his own brother! But still, the law was the law. "Emilio, you are not to see Annie again, in any capacity. If you are caught procreating with her, you will be unrolled." He paused. "And you, Annie. You are ordered to be renewed." The crowd gasped. "After which, you will return to Bruce and carry out your duties."

Men pulled Annie away, while others held Emilio back as he yelled her name. "Annie, Annie!" he cried.

"What's happened? What's happening?" Harry said. He turned and saw Jerri Thomas, with a tear running down her eye. "Jerri?"

"Emilio... if he offends again, he will be unrolled."


"Castrated," said Jerri.

"And Annie?"

"She is to be renewed," said Jerri.

"Renewed?" said Goldie.

"Her fetus will be removed. She will be required to mate with Bruce again, to produce another."

"No... no," said Goldie, self consciously holding her stomach. "Don't let them do this."

"It is regrettable," said Jerri, restraining a sob.

"Regrettable?" said Goldie. She made eye contact with Harry. They made their way outside.

"We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning," said Harry. It was almost nightfall now, and he didn't think they would send the boat out at night.

"You're not taking them up on their offer?" said Goldie.

"No," said Harry.

"Would you have... if not for this?" Goldie asked.

"I... I don't think so," said Harry.

Goldie grabbed him and hugged the stuffings out of him. "I love you, Harry Crater."

"And I love you, Goldie MacPherson," said Harry. But how long will you love me?, Harry wondered. It seems he was doomed to love women who could never love him.

There was a knock on the door of their room. They both froze. Could Dolan be coming for them?

There was a second knock.

"I think they probably know we're in here," Goldie whispered.

Harry nodded, straightened his back, and moved to the door. But when he opened it, he saw Emilio.

"Emilio!" said Goldie. She gave him a hug the minute he stepped through the door. "How are you?"

"Not well," said Emilio.

"Is there any chance to save Annie?" Goldie asked.

"The procedure has already been done," said Emilio.

"Emilio, are you sure?"

"The procedure has already been done," Emilio repeated. A tear dropped down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry," said Goldie.

"I'm not here because of me," said Emilio. "I'm here for you."

"Me?" said Goldie.

"Both of you. You are both in great danger," said Emilio.

"What do you mean?"

"My brother made you an offer, did he not?" Emilio asked.

"Yes," said Harry. "He asked me to join your Society."

"And what is your answer?"

Harry looked at Goldie, who smiled at him. "My answer is no."

"It cannot be," said Emilio.

"What?" said Harry.

"He will not let you go. You have the highest IQ we have ever seen. He will not let you go at least until you impregnate one woman. Perhaps more."

"He can't force me to," said Harry.

"Actually, he can," said Emilio. He looked at Goldie. "Normals, or Lows, as we call them, are not allowed here."

"What are you saying?"

"If you do not do as they ask, they will refuse to let you go. And they will hurt Goldie until you do."

Goldie gasped and Harry hugged her tightly. "No they won't!"

"You will be unable to stop them."

"Then... we'll steal a boat! Go with us, tonight!"

"The dock is protected by a force field, and is well guarded," said Emilio. "There is no way out. You must tell my brother that you agree. It is the only way to protect your woman. They will not harm her while they need your cooperation."

"Harry," said Goldie, clearly sounding torn.

"I'll do it," said Harry. He turned to Goldie. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," said Goldie. "I love you, Harry."

"And I love you, Goldie."

Harry met with Dolan the next day. He no longer asked about the search for The Foundation. Emilio had told them that Dolan knew all about The Foundation. He simply had no interest in helping them.

"Harry, good morning!" said Dolan. "I'm sorry you had to witness that unpleasant business yesterday. But every society has rules, even ours, and rules cannot be broken, or else society can't survive."

"I completely understand," said Harry.

"Good." Dolan stared at him intently. "Have you given any thought to joining us?"

"I have," said Harry. "And I agree to it."

Dolan looked at Harry. It was obvious he wasn't very happy about it. Harry probably realized the truth of his situation. Well, it wouldn't matter, as long as he obeyed. "Very good," said Dolan, clapping him on the back. "That makes me happy, Harry. That's going to make all of us here so happy."

"Just one condition," said Harry.

"What is that?" Dolan asked.

"I can't just jump in bed with a woman and have sex with her. My mind is not build that way," said Harry. "I need to get to know her a little first, to establish an emotional connection."

"Say no more, Harry! You will have all the time you need. Within reason, of course," said Dolan, thinking to himself that a few days should suffice. He punched up a holo of a dark haired beauty. "We have some excellent upper quadrille females for you to select from. There is Debra. Debra is brilliant in mathematics. Although of a slender build, she had wide, child bearing hips and I'm sure she will perform quite well in reproduction." He punched up a holo of a redhead. "This is Sondra. Her expertise is linguistics. She is incredibly fertile, and ovulates regularly like clockwork." And then came a familiar blonde. "And this as you know is Jerri. Jerri has the highest IQ rating of the three, and has large mammary glands, which will not only give you more pleasure in the mating, but will be quite useful when it comes to nursing offspring."

Harry realized that it was no coincidence that his three choices were all women who had pursued him from the moment he had set foot on the island. This had all been planned.

"So who will it be, Harry?"

Harry shrugged. "All of them."

"All of them?"

"I'd like to get to know each one of them," said Harry. He saw the expression on Dolan's face. "Is it unreasonable to want to get to know the woman I am to have a child with?"

Dolan gave a forced smile. "Of course, Harry. Your way is probably best. We'll give it a try, and see how it works. We'll start with Debra, then."

Harry walked with Debra on the beach. For years he had fantasized about being with beautiful women who were also brilliant like him. Debra was smart and pretty, with flowing dark hair, an hourglass figure, and a beautiful smile. She would have been Harry's dream come true just a few weeks ago.

But now, every woman he met, like it or not, was automatically compared to Goldie. She was his yardstick of comparison now.

And Debra was boring. Not boring, in the sense she was dumb. Indeed, she was highly gifted, as Harry learned, especially in the area of mathematics. He had several interesting discussions with her about implications of Goldberg's Theorem of Parallelism that he had never considered. She was fascinating to talk to.

But she was boring in the sense that Harry didn't feel any attraction to her. Harry knew, just a few weeks ago, he would have fallen head over heels in love with such a gorgeous, smart woman. But now, compared to Goldie, he found her lacking.​
Next page: Chapter 12.2
Previous page: Chapter 11