Chapter 12.2
They went for a walk on the beach, and at one point walked by Goldie, who was sitting with Jerri Thomas. Harry gave Goldie a sad look, and she smiled at him, making him feel better. Harry wondered what she was doing talking to Jerri about.
After they had passed, Jerri said, "She doesn't seem to be making any headway with him."
"That's because she's not doing it right," said Goldie.
"Oh? And what is the right way to get to Harry?" Jerri asked.
"To yell at him," said Goldie.
"Really?" said Jerri.
"Harry loves to be yelled at, and belittled. It turns him on."
Jerri's eyes narrowed. "Are you telling me the truth?"
"You're supposed to be a genius, right? Double my IQ and all. You tell me. Am I lying?" Goldie stared at Jerri with an absolutely impassive face.
"I am not sure. He is a very unusual man," said Jerri.
"On that you are correct," said Goldie.
"Why do you cling to him? Surely you'd rather be with a..."
"A Lower?" Goldie smiled.
"A Normal like yourself," said Jerri.
"Some Normals like a little bit of Abnormality in their lives. That's what attracted me to Harry."
"I was told that you were programmed by The Foundation to be attracted to Harry," said Jerri.
"No," said Goldie. "I was only programmed to seduce him, to get him into bed."
"And how did you do that?" Jerri's tone was quick and eager. A little too eager.
Goldie scratched her head. "Pain."
"Harry likes having his balls squashed with a hammer. It really turns him on."
Jerri gave Goldie a skeptical look. But she wasn't absolutely certain that Goldie was lying to her.
Goldie saw her confusion and smiled.
That evening, Goldie and Harry took a walk on the beach.
"I took a look at the dock. It's protected by a force field, like Emilio said," said Harry.
"What if we swim around it?" Goldie asked.
"The force field is on all four sides. It even goes into the water."
"Is that possible?"
"I saw it," said Harry.
"It sounds like we're going to need a genius to figure a way out of here, Harry."
"Do you know where we can find one? At this late hour?"
Despite the tenseness of the situation, Goldie laughed and raised her head. Harry knew what she wanted and gave it to her. After their lips parted, she said, "So how was Miss Birthing Cow number one?"
"Brilliant. Cute. Very likeable."
"She's no Goldie."
That earned him another reward, longer, this time.
"What did Jerri want with you?"
"Blondie wanted some hot tips for tripping you up."
"What did you tell her?"
"That you like having your penis smacked with a tire iron." She smiled and made him laugh.
"She actually reminds me a little of your sister Claire."
"No, if it was really Claire, she would have stolen you away from me by now."
Harry stopped her and turned her to face him. She looked so beautiful in the moonlight. "There's no one who can do that," he whispered. He kissed her passionately, and she hugged him tightly.
Harry spent the next day with Sondra. Sondra was a gorgeous red head. Her breasts were smaller than Debra's, but more pointy. She wore a red bikini to accentuate her points. They stuck out like headlights on a car.
"Subtle, isn't she?" said Goldie, as she and Jerri watched Harry and Sondra walk by. Harry smiled at her, and she smiled back. He wondered again why Jerri was spending time with Goldie. Were they becoming friends?
"Sondra is a genius, like the rest of us," said Jerri. "And she has mathematically proven that the best way into a man's pants is to make her tits stick out as far as possible."
Goldie laughed. She was starting to like Jerri. "You're not worried about the competition?"
"No," said Jerri. "Not that it really matters."
"What do you mean?"
"Do you think they're going to let Harry off impregnating just one of us? They'll start him off with one of us, and once they've worn down his resistance, he will be used to copulate with a whole bunch of us. That won't be very popular with some of the male population of this island, but by this time next year the island will be swarming with Harry's kids."
Jerri saw the frown on Goldie's face. "Sorry dear. I imagine the idea of living on a stud farm populated by your boyfriend's seed doesn't appeal to you very much. Just keep repeating to yourself that you don't really love him."
"I try to, but I can't seem to convince myself of it," said Goldie. "That's the problem." She had terribly mixed feelings. The idea of Harry having children with other women alienated her terribly. And yet... that was the only way Harry could ever have children. Should she really be so selfish in preventing Harry from passing on his genes to the next generation, especially genes so brilliant as his?
She watched as Harry walked away with Sondra. She saw Sondra's ass sticking out of her string bikini. She imagined Harry pumping away between her legs. She tried to tell herself that it was fine, but the mere thought of it made her wince with discomfort.
Dolan watched Harry's progress, or lack of progress, with distinct dissatisfaction. It was clear to him that Harry was not attracted to Debra or Sondra. But why should attraction enter into any of this? His duty was to procreate and pass on his genes. He would give Harry a few more days to do his duty, and then he would pursue more active measures.
The next day was Jerri's turn. She didn't show up in a string bikini, even though she had the largest breasts of the three. Instead, she wore a tight blouse which showed off her beautiful figure, and equally tight white pants. She wanted to look sexy, but not excessively so.
She sat down with Harry on a bench by the ocean. "This must be so hard for you, Harry," she said. "I know you're not used to our way of doing things. I know you feel forced into this. I just want to say how much I sympathize with your situation."
Harry looked at Jerri appraisingly. She showed empathy that Debra and Sondra hadn't.
"Tell me about your life, Harry."
Slowly she coaxed details from him. About his years of loneliness. Isolation. Somehow she even got Harry to tell her about his spacesuit.
"That's so awful, Harry. To live a life so isolated like that," said Jerri. "And then... after all those years, Goldie just falls into your lap. The perfect programmed woman, the first one who doesn't shun you. It must be hard to give her up."
Harry looked at her, and he didn't detect a trace of scorn in her voice; only sympathy.
"You love her. I can see that. But if she's programmed, like you say, she can never truly love you. Is that what you want, Harry? A woman who loves you like a robot?"
"No, of course not," said Harry.
"Why not have a woman who wants you, Harry?"
"But... you don't really want me. You just want to have a child with me," said Harry.
"You don't know that," said Jerri. She had blue eyes. Just like Goldie. Just like Claire. "I'm a volunteer, just like Debra and Sondra. None of us were forced into this. The honor of having a child with you, the smartest man on the planet, would be incredible."
"There, you've admitted it. Your ulterior motive."
"Yes, Harry, I admitted it. Because we should always be honest with each other. I want you to learn to trust me, and we can only do that if we're honest." And at that moment she caught Harry's eye, and didn't let go. "I want you to inseminate me... but I also want to get to know the man behind the organ. You're a very, very intriguing man, Harry. I think in time I could fall in love with you. And maybe, you could fall in love with me. " She leaned over, and did what Debra and Sondra failed to do. She kissed him. She felt his lips responding to her, not eagerly, but somewhat willingly. It was a start.
"Wouldn't it be better to be with someone who genuinely wants to be with you, rather than someone who is programmed to love you like a machine?"
Harry nodded.
"You know, Harry, if you took the time to get to know me, you'd find we have a lot in common."
"I know. We're geniuses," said Harry.
"Not just that," said Jerri. "I was tormented as a child too. I was the only Fourther in my family. All the kids called me Genius Jerri. And they didn't mean it nicely."
She saw a light dawn in Harry's eyes, as he realized for the first time that other Fourthers might have suffered as he had.
"As I got older, men wanted to fuck me, and some of them did. But after fucking me once, they shunned me. They were attracted to my body, but turned off by my mind. They wanted a china doll, something dumb they could stick their dick into. Someone with a brain was a tremendous turn off to them. I had all the sex I could ever want, Harry, but zero companionship. In many ways, I was just as lonely as you."
Harry looked at her with wonder. She used the opportunity to kiss him again. This time, he responded.
And from behind the palm trees, Goldie stood there, watching with tears in her eyes.
"So you like Jerri!" said Dolan.
It annoyed Harry that he seemed to know, even before Harry had talked to him. Obviously, they were being spied on.
"She's nice," he said.
"Great!" said Dolan. "She will be fertile soon. You must inseminate her every-"
"Just a moment," said Harry. "I said she's nice. I didn't say I wanted to impregnate her. Will you at least do me the courtesy of treating me better than a lab rat, and give me a little time to get to know the woman who will be the mother of my child?"
"Of course, Harry," said Dolan. "Take all the time you need. A few days, or whatever."
Harry, biting his lip, nodded.
That evening, in bed.
"So you've chosen Blondie."
"She really does look a little like your sister Claire."
"Is that why you chose her?"
"It's funny, because it's the first thing you mentioned about her."
"I'm simply trying to describe her."
"And now you're going to...."
"I don't see any other option. Do you?"
"Hasn't your magnificent brain come up with a plan to escape?"
"Maybe because your magnificent brain is too busy thinking about fucking Blondie."
Harry turned Goldie over to face him. "That's not fair, Goldie. I don't like this any more than you do."
"That's funny, because you're going to be the one doing the fucking, not me."
"You want me to refuse to cooperate? Is that what you want, Goldie?"
"I want you to get us out of here!"
"I wish I could," said Harry. "I just don't see a way, not yet."
"Try to figure out an escape plan before your kids get into college."
"What does that mean?"
"Goldilocks let me into a portion of their plan. Her tits are simply the beginning of the camel's nose nudging into the tent. Once you've banged Golditits, they're going to have you bang Reddie and Brownie and every color of the rainbow until every last name on this island is Crater."
"No," said Harry.
"You've always wanted to have kids, Harry? Well, this is the best place in the world to have them."
He reached out to her. "Goldie-"
"Don't touch me," she said sharply. "Good night, Harry."
Over the next two days, Harry and Jerri took long walks around the island. In some ways, it was paradise. Jerri was really quite likeable. She was attractive. She was brilliant. She had empathy. She was very interested in him. If Harry had never met Goldie, he would have jumped into bed with her. But something was holding him back. Something was missing.
Jerri kissed him at opportune moments several times over the next two days, and he dutifully kissed her back, but she needed more. She needed him to initiate. She needed him to take things further. Jerri could try to take the next step on her own, but she sensed Harry was not ready to cooperate.
So, on the evening of the third day of her courtship of Harry, she sought out Goldie, who was sitting sullenly by a campfire on the beach.
"Hey there," said Jerri.
"Hey there," said Goldie. "Shouldn't you be somewhere else? Wait, don't tell me!" She snapped her fingers. "I know! You're supposed to be fucking my boyfriend right now. How's that going?"
Jerri sat down next to the campfire. "I understand this must be very hard for you."
Goldie gave a bitter laugh. "Yeah, you understand all right."
"But I need your help," said Jerri.
"My help?" said Goldie.
"I want you to help me get Harry to completion," said Jerri.
"Can't get him in the sack, eh?"
Jerri shook her head.
"Did you try the tire iron on the penis? That always worked for me."
"Goldie, I'm asking for your help, woman to woman."
"Jerri, woman to woman, I'm telling you to fuck off," said Goldie.
"Goldie, you have to help me," said Jerri, and there was a pleading tone in her voice.
Goldie sat up abruptly. "This should be good. All right, Jerrikins, I'll bite. Why do I have to help you?"
"Because if you don't, Leader Dolan will take other measures."
"Other measures?"
Jerri swallowed slowly. "He says that if Harry doesn't begin to... perform soon, that his testicles will be... extracted."
"We have a technology... we have a life support system we can put testicles in, so they can continually grow more sperm. It's not preferred, but it's an option. Harry, strictly speaking, is not indispensible. Only his testicles are."
Goldie stared at Jerri in horror. "You would castrate Harry?"
"I don't want to do anything to him! I want to save him! But I need your help!" She got up, and put a hand on Goldie's shoulder. Goldie flinched, but only slightly. "Will you help me?"
Goldie didn't look up. "Yes," she whispered.
"I can't believe I'm doing this," said Goldie. She said it again, looking up at Debra, who stood at her side, to hammer in the point. "I cannot FUCKING believe I am doing this."
She sat at a screen, which showed Harry and Jerri, sitting by the water. She had an earpiece in one ear, and a microphone headset by her lips.
"You are doing us all a great service," said Debra fervently.
"I am doing you a service by helping her get into Harry's pants?" said Goldie.
"Once Jerri has broken down his resistance and been impregnated, I will be next," said Debra, lifting her chin.
"I've never met anyone more excited to get sloppy seconds," said Goldie dryly.
"You may begin," said Debra sternly. She gave Goldie a hard look.
"Yeah. Yeah, right," said Goldie. She listened through the earpiece. Jerri was talking about something. The fractal pattern of the waves in the water. And this was supposed to get Harry sexually excited? Could this girl really be a Fourther? Goldie was beginning to doubt it.
She sighed. All right. Time to get to work. "All right, Goldilocks, listen up!"
On the screen, she could see Jerri wince. Debra hastily lowered the output volume.