Chapter 12.3

"You're not going to get into Harry's pants by taking about the mathematics of the ocean waves. This will surprise you greatly, I know. You have to flirt with him. Was there a class in genius school on flirting?"

She watched as Jerri turned to Harry and said, "Harry... you're looking so handsome today."

Goldie groaned and rolled her eyes. "Why don't you tell him how pretty his shirt is?"

"That's a pretty shirt you're wearing today, Harry," said Jerri.

Harry looked at her warily. "Thanks."

"I wasn't being serious when I said that! Don't you have any common sense?" Goldie cried. Jerri winced even though the volume had already been lowered.

"Guide her!" said Debra, stabbing Goldie in the back with her finger. "Guide her truthfully, now."

"All right, all right," said Goldie. She sat silently for a moment.

"Do it!" said Debra.

"I'm thinking," said Goldie. "It doesn't just come out of the air, you know." She paused. "All right, Goldilocks. Are you listening? I hope you are. I want you to say exactly what I'm saying. Can your genius brain do that? I hope so."

"Harry... I've been thinking about you and Goldie," said Jerri shyly.

"Thinking... what?" Harry asked.

"How did she win you over?" Jerri asked.

"I... I don't know," said Harry.

"Was she... was she a good kisser?"

"Yes," said Harry, looking away.

After a pause, Jerri took his face in her hands, and turned it so he was facing her. "Show me, Harry. Show me how she kissed you."

He looked at Jerri. There was something in her tone. Something familiar. Something which excited Harry. He found himself crossing a line. For the first time he leaned over and kissed Jerri. He felt her soft lips against his own. For the first time, he felt himself becoming excited.

"Ummmm," said Jerri, smiling after it was done. "I can see how that could seduce you."

"Yes... Goldie was very... is very... persuasive," said Harry.

"Show me again, Harry," said Jerri. There was a light in her eyes. "I'm a slow learner, Harry. I think I need another lesson."

Her words electrified Harry, and he leaned over and kissed her again. He started to breathe more rapidly. They started hugging and kissing, more rapidly now.

Jerri looked at Harry with doe eyes. "And her breasts, Harry. Did she ever have you touch her breasts?"

"I... I think so."

After a pause, Jerri laughed. "You think so? You're not sure?"

"I guess so," said Harry.

Jerri paused again, and put Harry's hands on her breasts. "Show me, Harry. Show me exactly how she touched you. I want to know, Harry. I need to know."

She reached over and kissed him. As she did, Harry started to fondle and squeeze her breasts.

"You can moan now. Men always like moans," said Goldie. But Jerri was already moaning. "Oh. I guess you really like it."

On the screen, they saw Jerri say, "Let's take this inside, Harry. I think we have some more exploration to do."

Harry nodded thickly, and let himself be led by the hand.

Goldie turned to Debra. "Satisfied?"

"A breakthrough," said Debra.

"I feel like the early rocket scientists who got their very first ignition," said Goldie dryly. She started to get up.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't think I'm needed here."

"You have to guide her to completion."

"No, lady."

Debra pushed her back down. "You must guide her to completion!"

Goldie sighed. In a moment, the scene changed. It was the inside of a bedroom.

"Is my bedroom wired like this too?" Goldie asked.

"Focus on your work," Debra snapped.

Jerri was undressing Harry even as they entered the bedroom. She had his shirt off and was kissing him all over. "Oh, Harry, I love the feeling of your chest."

She kissed him, but noticed that he wasn't undressing her. "Why don't you take off my shirt, Harry?" She paused. "Or don't you like breasts?"

"I like them," said Harry, feeling aroused. He pulled off her shirt, and then her bra. Her breasts were large, much larger than Goldie's. They looked about the same size as Claire's, or at least the way he imagined Claire's looked, under her clothes. Jerri really did have more than a passing resemblance to Claire, which somehow made Harry both a little more aroused and a little more uncomfortable.

"Aren't you going to touch them, Harry?" said Jerri coyly. The words were Jerri's, but something behind them made Harry think of someone else. He growled and grabbed her, kissing her passionately, while squeezing her breasts. Jerri squealed with joy.

After that it was only a matter of time before the rest of their clothes came off. Harry was fascinated to see Jerri trace her fingers lightly up and down his shaft, exactly as Goldie did. Goldie even had a name for it, she called it her "ghost touch", and now Jerri was doing it perfectly, even the part where she lingered and tickled him at the tip. It made him growl and kiss her more intently. They hugged and kissed and Harry rubbed his firm organ against her pubic hair and felt her large breasts against her chest.

And then Jerri looked into his eyes, and said, "Harry. Sweet Harry. Put it inside of me. I need you, Harry, I need you inside of me. I want to feel you deep inside of me, so we'll be together forever and always."

I want to feel you inside of me, so we'll be together forever and always.

That was not the first time Harry had heard that sentence. He kissed Jerri passionately, and closed his eyes, and thought of Goldie. And then, even with his eyes still closed, he reached down with his hand, and aimed his organ. And then, slowly but surely, he put himself inside of her.

Jerri gave a broad smile and talked as he worked on her. "Yes, Harry, yes. I can feel you inside me. It feels good, Harry, so very good." Harry started to pump faster and faster. The head of his penis was rubbed wonderfully against her tight vaginal walls. Suddenly in his mind Goldie had disappeared, and he found himself inside of Jerri, Jerri, with her gorgeous bright blonde hair, Jerri with her enormous breasts, Jerri with her trimmed triangle of brown pubic hair, Jerri whose softness he was plowing into.

He became very conscious of the act he was entering into, the act of impregnation. He was filling a woman with his seed with the purpose of creating new life. In a way Harry felt incredibly used, but in another way he felt incredibly masculine, incredibly powerful. Harry felt a line rapidly approaching, a line, once crossed, that he would be unable to cross.

"I'm... I'm getting close," Harry panted.

And then Jerri said, "Do it, Harry. Do it for me." And that sent Harry over the edge, and he climaxed inside of her, with one, two, three, four, five pulses.

Insemination had been accomplished.

"Congratulations," said Debra.

"Believe me, the pleasure was all mine," said Goldie dryly, putting the headset down with a clatter. "Can I go back to my room now?"

"Of course," said Debra. "I don't think you'll be needed again."

"When can I expect Harry back?"

"Harry will no longer be sleeping with you. It wouldn't be... appropriate. Wouldn't you agree?"

Goldie gave Debra an angry look, and stomped off.

The next day, Goldie saw Harry and Jerri at breakfast, smiling and cuddling. But Harry's smile was wiped clean when he saw Goldie's frown. Later, he found her on the beach.

"Hey," said Harry.

"Hey," said Goldie. "Have you picked a baby's name, yet?"


"You'll need a boy and a girl's name, Harry. You'll never know what you'll get in the end," said Goldie.


"Of course, you might get same sex twins, in which case, to be fully prepared, you'll need two boys and two girls-"

"Goldie!" He grabbed her. She tried to shake him off, but he wouldn't let her. She surrendered, sobbing into his chest.

"I'm sorry," said Harry. "I'm so very sorry."

"It's just... so hard for me," said Goldie.

"I know," said Harry. "But we're going to escape."

"When? When your kids build us a boat?"

Despite everything, Harry laughed. And when he laughed, Goldie, despite her tears, started to laugh too. "We'll figure something out. We will. Be strong, Goldie."

"You've made excellent progress," said Dolan. "I saw your performance on the monitor last night."

Jerri blushed. "Thank you, Leader."

"How soon do you think you will be impregnated?"

"It is impossible to say. I just had my period a few days ago, so my cycle is still beginning now."

"I'll give you a full cycle," said Dolan. "After that, you'll have to start sharing him with the other girls." He gave Jerri a sharp look. "Is that a problem?"

"No, Leader."

"Very good. You've done good work. One more thing... the Lower female. Is she still needed?"

Jerri took a deep breath. "Possibly."


"Harry may backslide. He has a tendency to be moody. We may need her to bring him out of it."

"All right," said Dolan. "We will keep her around for a bit longer. But once we're sure she's not needed, she's to be disposed of."

"Yes, Leader."

They fell into a pattern. They walked around during the day, had dinner together, and had sex in the evening. Once Harry had been "broken" the first time, each successive time became that much easier. But she saw him hesitate during their third time, in midstroke, when she told him about her cycle.

"You probably won't be able to get me pregnant until tomorrow, at the earliest," said Jerri, her arms wrapped around him.

Harry, who had paused in midthrust, slowly resumed. "Oh?"

"I just had my period, shortly before we... started," said Jerri. "But I should be at my peak sometime next week."

"That's... good I guess," said Harry, who started thrusting faster. He felt his organ tensing, getting closer, building up to a climax. What choice did he have? In moments he gasped, the head of his penis twitched, and he ejaculated ropes of semen inside of her. Despite what he was being coerced to do, the feeling of coming inside a woman as pretty as Jerri was glorious. And the thought of impregnating her, impregnating her with what would likely be a genius child, excited Harry. Jerri would not have been his first choice for a mate, but there were aspects about this situation he clearly enjoyed.

And yet he knew how desperately this was hurting Goldie. Once Jerri was pregnant, his relationship with Goldie would be officially over. If he could talk to Carl, Carl would tell him that it was inevitable, that he and Goldie had to end sometime. He was sure that Carl would tell him that this was a happy outcome, that he would be with a woman who could love him for real. But even as he was ejaculating sperm inside of Jerri, he was still thinking of Goldie.

The following night, when Harry and Jerri had sex again, he realized that something was changed. If Jerri was right, she might actually get pregnant. Did he really want to impregnate her? Part of him did. The biological part of him, the manly part of him, wanted to fill her with his seed, to make her big with his child, to mark her as his own.

But the thinking part of him resented being used like this. He had simply been reduced to a penis, a tool of fertilization, nothing more, simply a tool directed by others to spray his semen in a certain direction. A man would not do this. Only a slave would.

And yet, even while thinking that he was no longer a man, he once again felt the manly buildup in his loins, whipped his head back, and yelled "aaaaaah!"as he once again sprayed Jerri's insides with his sperm. She purred and wrapped her arms around him contently.

Now that he knew she was fertile, they had crossed the last barrier. And so Harry had sex with her for day after day, for five more days, until she announced that she was very nearly at the peak of her fertility. She told Harry not to worry, if they failed the first time, they would keep trying until they succeeded. And Harry willingly put his penis inside of Jerri, and stared into her eyes as he thrusted into her, again and again, completing the reproductive act, willingly inseminating her and doing her best to fill her with a child. He had become completely broken.

But one night, after he had performed the reproductive ritual, and was lying in bed with Jerri, there was a tapping on the door. Jerri put on a bathrobe and opened it.

It was Emilio. He walked past her into the room, and spoke to Harry.

"Goldie is in trouble."

Harry had been seeing less and less of Goldie in the ten days since he had started cohabiting with Jerri. She frowned every time she saw him, and he couldn't look her in the eye. But he made sure to see her at least once a day to make sure she was all right. He had begun to wonder what would come of her. He had been planning to talk to Dolan about securing her release.

But Dolan had other plans. He didn't want word of his island's existence filtering through to the outside world.

"He is feeding her to the energy converter," Emilio cried.

"What?" said Harry.

"She is to be converted to energy. Lowers are not allowed on the island. Now that Dolan has no further use for her, she is going to be killed. You have to come quickly if you want to save her." said Emilio.

Harry raced to put on his clothes. As he finished getting dressed, he heard, "Harry!"

He turned and saw Jerri.

"Don't leave me," she said simply.

At that moment, Harry saw he had to make a choice, between saving Goldie, or being with a woman who might genuinely love him, a woman who may well be carrying his child inside of her.

Harry barely hesitated. "I'm going to save Goldie."

There was a guard outside the generator shed. Harry made short work of him. When they got inside, they found Goldie, tied to the wall of the outer energy matrix. When the field expanded, it would envelop her. This was the method that communities routinely used to get rid of their trash.

"Harry!" Goldie cried. Her scream cut through him like a vibrobrade. He ran to her and grabbed the ties that binded her. He rapidly undid one of them while Emilio worked on the other. They saw the field rapidly expanding, getting closer. It was only two feet away, and closing rapidly.

"Hurry, Harry, hurry!" Harry had trouble untying one of the knots. He growled and pulled on it, and it came off with a mighty snap. Suddenly, Goldie was free. He pulled her out, just before the field expanded to where they had been standing.

Goldie sobbed in his arms. "Oh Harry... Harry," she said.

"It's all right... it's all right now..." said Harry. She looked up at him, and was hypnotized by his eyes. He lowered his head and kissed her. She embraced him. He felt the tremors in her body slowing down, until they ceased entirely.

"We don't have time for this," said Emilio. "I can get you off the island, but we have to go now." Suddenly, Harry noticed that Annie was there too.

"How? The force field-"

"Is powered by this room," Emilio grinned. "But once I flip the off switch, the island will be alerted. We'll have to get to the boat at a run. Can you do that? Can you run, Goldie?"

"Faster than you," said Goldie.

Emilio nodded, and said, "Get ready...."And then he flipped the switch. The entire room, and the entire island, plunged into darkness.

They heard the sounds of commotion as they ran for the dock. They were fleeing figures in the night. When they got to the dock, Emilio jumped into the boat, and helped Annie. "I'll start the engines," he said.

Harry helped Goldie into the boat. He was about to get into the boat when he heard his name.


He turned around and saw Jerri, looking beautiful in the moonlight, wearing a nightgown. "Don't leave me, Harry. Please," she said. "Our baby. Think of our baby."

Harry's jaw dropped open. He looked at Jerri, and then at Goldie, who was in the boat. He heard the sounds of the engines coming to life. He saw dark figures in the distance, running towards the dock.

"Stay with her, Harry."

Harry's eyebrows went up.

"I can never give you children," said Goldie. She was crying. "I can never bear your children. Stay with her, Harry. She can, Harry... but not me... never me...." she broke down crying, and was unable to continue.

"Harry, get into the boat!" Emilio cried.

Harry saw people running for the dock. In seconds they would be on top of them.

"Harry," said Jerri. Her eyes were pleading.

He looked back at Goldie. She was looking down. She was ready to give him up.

But Harry wasn't ready to give her up. He jumped into the boat.

"Go, Emilio!" he yelled.

They were back in their hotel room, in the Galaxy Resort on the Grand Bahama Island. The whole experience seemed like a dream. Or a nightmare.

When Goldie calmed down, she told him everything. She told Harry about having had Grimwave's Syndrome as a child. She told him that she would never be able to have children.

Suddenly it all made sense to Harry. "That's why you told me to stay with Jerri. It wasn't because you didn't love me. It's because you couldn't have children."

Goldie nodded.

"She... we don't know if she's pregnant," said Harry. "I... was with her during a fertile part of her cycle, but we don't know...."

"If she is, she's the luckiest woman in the world," said Goldie, her voice breaking. "Why Harry? Why would you choose a barren, brainwashed Normal over a beautiful Fourther Goddess?"

Harry gently stroked Goldie's hair. "She was beautiful, wasn't she?"

Goldie smiled.

"And she was brilliant, wasn't she?"

Goldie nodded.

"But she wasn't you," said Harry. "That night that she seduced me. The night she got me to give in. That was you, wasn't it?"

"You... you knew?" Goldie looked astonished.

"You wanted me to know," said Harry. "It was all you, some if it even word for word from our lovemaking sessions, in this very room." And he reached down and kissed her.

When he pulled back, he said, "And it made me realize something."


"That intelligence isn't everything. Even beauty isn't everything."

"Then... what is?"

"Wit. Personality. And you have more of it than all the Fourthers on that island combined. That's why I chose you, Goldie. That's why I went back with you. Because I love... you."

There, he had said it again. According to the rule of Alexandra, Goldie should now reject him. Instead, she wept real tears, and kissed him. And then, she made love to him, in the gentlest, tenderest way she knew imaginable.

Goldie was on top, this time. She mounted him, and moved ever so slowly, up and down, up and down. She cried the entire time, tears dripping on his chest. But they were tears of joy. And when Harry began to cry out, to cry out with greater need, Goldie moved faster and faster, giving him what he needed, and taking what she needed for herself, and when he exploded inside of her, it was the greatest moment of her life.

But still, afterwards, she asked. "Does it... bother you?" she whispered, as she played with his chest hair.


"That you can't put a baby inside of me."

Harry thought for a long moment. Then he said, "Yes. It bothers me. Find me another Goldie. Another Goldie exactly like you, in almost every detail, with your wit, your personality, your charm, and your grace. Find me another identical Goldie, who can have children, and I will leave you for her in an instant. Otherwise, no one else interests me, and I don't want to talk about it ever again."

And Goldie lay her head on his soft chest, and continued to cry tears of joy, until she sobbed her way into the gentlest of sleep.​
Next page: Chapter 13
Previous page: Chapter 12.2