Chapter 16.2
"I'll stimulate the android's follicle growth, Doctor Franklin." Claire worked the controls.
"Or you could just give me a trim down there. I wouldn't want to put you through any extra trouble, Doctor Franklin," said Goldie sarcastically.
In moments, the android had a thick snatch of pubic hair.
"Wonderful," said Franklin. "We have our new Goldie."
"As long as Harry doesn't ask it to talk, you'll fool it completely."
"That's where your last contribution comes in, my dear." He signaled to Claire. A helmet started to descend on Goldie's head, as well as the android. She looked up at it. "No... no... please, Doctor Franklin, no...."
Goldie went rigid as the helmet dropped onto her head. Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes were glazed.
Franklin looked at both of them. "She's going to be beautiful."
Sometime later, Goldie felt awareness returning. She felt the helmet being removed from her head. She saw her duplicate, standing in front of her, wearing the clothes she had been wearing when she went to sleep.
Doctor Franklin made the introductions. "Goldie... I'd like you to meet... Goldie."
"How do you do," said the android. She had the same exact voice as Goldie.
"What do you think, my dear?" Doctor Franklin asked.
"This toaster is never going to fool Harry," said Goldie contemptuously.
"On the contrary," said the android. "I am exactly like you. I have all your memories. Your complete personality."
Goldie shook her head. "You'll never fool Harry."
"Harry is my man," said the android. "We have gone through a lot of ups and downs together. Remember when we bonded with him when we kissed in Central Park? Do you remember when we went ice skating with him?"
"I remember when I did those things with him," said Goldie.
"And now I remember it too," said the android. "It's taken me a while to bring Harry along. He has serious low esteem-problems. But I have trained him to kiss me. And I know how to make him jealous so he will fuck me. I like making him angry, so angry, that he fucks me real hard. The time he took me, right after we escaped from John Connor was some of the best sex I have ever had in my life."
Doctor Franklin looked at Goldie with raised eyebrows.
Goldie grimaced. "All right. The toaster has some of my memories. And it can recite things like a parrot. But it can't truly think. And it certainly doesn't feel."
"It's been programmed to feel," said Doctor Franklin. "Just as you have, my dear."
Goldie felt a jolt, deep inside her.
Doctor Franklin turned to the android. "Return to Harry's bedside. He will be waking up soon. You know what to do."
"Yes, Doctor Franklin." Goldie watched the android turn and leave with a sense of impending dread.
"Yes, Doctor Franklin?"
"Release Goldie. Find her some suitable clothing. Set her up in the observation room."
"Observation room?"
"You will be able to track your duplicate's progress through remote monitoring. I figured you might enjoy observing her performance."
"You are such a thoughtful man," said Goldie, with sarcasm dripping from her voice.
"Thank you," said Doctor Franklin.
Harry felt sleepy when he woke up. He looked over and saw Goldie at his side.
"Tired?" she said.
"Yeah," said Harry. He sniffed. He smelled an odd odor, faintly in the air.
"It was quite a day yesterday, it's no wonder," said Goldie. She got up, and started to change clothes. Harry sat there a moment, watching her.
"Is something wrong, Harry?"
Harry blinked. "No, I'm just tired."
"You'd better get dressed. Doctor Franklin probably has a full day ahead of us."
"I'm sure he does."
"That toaster is never going to fool anyone."
"Wait and see."
"Good morning," said Doctor Franklin. "Are you enjoying your breakfast?"
Harry nodded.
Goldie raised a pancake with a hole in the center of it. "I think your chef needs to be reprogrammed, doc."
All right, that's a little impressive.
She not only has your memories, she has your personality.
"I have a lot to show you today."
"We're going to get the grand tour of your little house of horrors, eh, Doc?" Goldie asked.
All right. She can imitate my style. But she can never get my substance. I saw through you in a minute, Claire.
I never had the original Claire's memory engrams. This Goldie has yours.
After breakfast, Doctor Franklin gave them a tour of the production line on the factory floor. First he showed them the robotic skeleton outlines. "We have 14 basic body types, for both men and women." Then he led them to another room filled with chip components. "This is the most advanced silicon neural net system every devised." He led them to a third room with boiling vats of green liquid.
"Oh, doc, it smells terrible in here," said Goldie, making a face.
Doctor Franklin smiled, for more reasons than Harry knew. "This is where our germ protoplasm is brewed."
"Germ protoplasm?" Harry said.
"The outer layer of our androids. It's marvelously malleable, and when dried, tremendously durable."
"And green. How long will it take for people to spot that?" Goldie asked.
I said that last night!
Of course you did. She has your memories.
Doctor Franklin smiled, and led them to the next room. "And here are the physically complete models."
They saw men... and women... standing expressionlessly. They looked like real people.
Technicians were working on a woman standing on a pedestal, in the center of the room. Goldie recognized her. "Harry... is that who I think it is?"
Harry looked at the woman. It looked exactly like World Government president Susannah Arquette. He looked hard at the android, and then at Doctor Franklin.
Doctor Franklin smiled at him. "It is so much easier to show rather than tell, sometimes."
"That's what you meant yesterday when you said you weren't building a robot army," said Harry. "You're simply going to replace senior leaders of the World Government."
"As well as leaders of some of the larger territorial governments, like the United States. And some other key leaders as well."
"But why, Doctor Franklin?" Harry asked.
Doctor Franklin pointed to a conference room. "Let's chat."
"The world is a mess, Harry. Would you agree with that?"
"Yes," said Harry promptly.
"Our leaders have run the world economy into the ground. The social welfare state has grown into a huge morass. Culturally, the nations of the world are on a precipitous decline. Would you agree with that?"
Doctor Franklin smiled. "Low IQ people are reproducing at a much faster rate than relatively higher IQ people. This exposes the greatest flaw of democracy--when you have a population where the lower IQ people are in the majority, they control the fate of everyone. That's why our government is so badly run."
Harry paused. "I agree."
"Harry!" said Goldie.
"It's true," said Harry. He had always felt set apart, different, from all the other humans. He remembered how he had been persecuted by the Normals as a child, ostracized and shunned.
"We want to change that."
"By replacing top leaders with your androids. You'll rule the world through them."
"Precisely. It will be a bloodless revolution, or nearly so," said Doctor Franklin. "Much better than the carnage that those thoughtless butchers at The Foundation are planning."
"But... you can't just walk in and replace the President of the World Government. She has a security force."
"We can handle that, Harry. What we need your help with is fine tuning some of the subroutines of the androids. To make them a little more lifelike."
"How lifelike are they now? I met Claire, and wasn't very impressed."
"Claire didn't have the memory engrams of a real person." Doctor Franklin turned to an attractive redhead. "Maizie, here, does. Maizie, would you like to talk to Harry?"
"Very much, Doctor Franklin."
"Maizie, what function do you serve here?" Harry asked.
"I am Doctor Franklin's executive assistant," said Maizie.
"What is your background?'
"I have a BA in English Literature from Wesleyan University. I-"
"I went to Wesleyan too!" said Goldie. She turned to Harry. "I always said that Wesleyan was going downhill, Harry. Now I know why." She glared at Maizie. "Too many robots!"
Harry smiled and touched her hand. "Continue, Maizie."
She's trying too hard, Claire. Harry will see right through her.
No, that's exactly how you're like.
Is it?
"I worked in a variety of support jobs in high tech companies before I came into the employ of Doctor Franklin."
"Do you like your work, Maizie?"
"Yes. It's a great deal of fun."
"Do you have a boyfriend, Maizie?"
"Yes. I am seeing a man named Frank. He manages a group of fast food restaurants."
"He sounds like a busy man. Does he make time for you?"
"I make him make time for me, Harry."
Harry nodded. It really felt like he was having a conversation with a real person. "One last question, Maizie. Where is your original?"
Maizie hesitated.
"She... she was no longer necessary."
Harry looked at Doctor Franklin. "I said our revolution would be almost bloodless, Harry. Not completely so. There are always some casualties where change is involved. It wouldn't do to have two Maizie's running around. It might raise unnecessary questions."
"I see," said Harry.
"But you can help us," said Doctor Franklin. "By helping us perfect our robots, you can reduce the number of people we need to... replace. We can keep casualties to a minimum. Think of it, Harry! A society run by Fourthers like us! Think of all the lives we will save, by making the world run more efficiently, for the benefit of all!"
"It is intriguing," said Harry. "But I just don't like the idea of innocent people being killed."
"Innocent of what? Oh, I admit, the loss of Maizie was regrettable. But these politicians have been fleecing taxpayers, and the future of our world, for generations. I will not weep for the loss of a few of them. Neither should you."
Harry nodded. "And what if I decline your offer?"
"Then you are free to go, of course!"
"You're not worried I'm going to tell the authorities about your little operation?"
"Let them come, Harry. Do you know what they'll find? A perfectly legal, perfectly authorized manufacturing plant which designs robot laborers. It will only take moments to remove the faces of the handful of duplicates we have designed. No, the authorities will find nothing incriminating here. Therefore, there is no harm to letting you go."
Harry nodded again. "May I take a little time to think about it?"
"Of course," said Doctor Franklin. "You have the freedom of the factory. Feel free to talk to anyone."
"Thank you."
"Want to go for a walk?" Harry asked, turning to Goldie.
"Of course, handsome," she smiled, taking his arm.
They walked for a while, looking at the different stages of production, but Harry found he could only think clearly once they had left the factory, and were taking a walk along the perimeter on the outside. It was quieter, and the sun was shining on an early day in March.
"What do you think?" Harry asked.
"It sounds intriguing," said Goldie.
Harry stopped in his tracks. "You're in favor of this?"
"It sounds radical, Harry, but think about it," said Goldie. "Doctor Franklin is right. The World Government has run our economy into the ground. It's like a giant parasite, employing millions of bureaucrats who suck at the teats of taxpayers. It's a proven job killer, with high taxes and regulations on everything from cheese to air cars. I don't know if Doctor Franklin could do any better, but I suspect he couldn't do much worse."
You've overplayed your hand. I would never say anything like that.
We'll see.
Harry paused and nodded. "And what about Claire?"
"You're not talking about that tin plated toaster, are you?" Goldie grinned. "You mean the real Claire. I know. I still want to find her. Franklin said that he once had ties to The Foundation. Maybe he could help us find her."
Harry continued to walk. He was silent for a long while.
"What are you doing, Harry?"
He sees right through her. He knows she's a fake.
No, I don't think he does.
Harry spent the rest of the day inspecting the production line, and talking to some of the scientists, as well as some of the finished android models. He seemed to be genuinely considering Doctor Franklin's offer.
That evening, after dinner, they retired to the room they had been assigned. "Sweet dreams," said Maizie.
"You too, toaster," said Goldie, closing the door in her face.
"You don't like them, do you?" Harry asked, as she slid into his arms.
"Some of the younger girl models strike me as creepy," said Goldie, wrapping her arms around Harry. "They seem like robotic whores."
All right, she's got my style, but not my moves.
Just wait and see.
Harry looked down at her. "They're machines. They're performing a task."
"I figure a man would say that," said Goldie. She arched her head up, giving him the signal. Harry bent down and pressed his lips against hers.
Harry felt Goldie's firm lips pressing against his. She kissed him for a long moment. When Harry pulled back, his eyebrows furrowed.
"What, Harry?"
Harry looked into Goldie's adoring face. "It's nothing. I was just thinking about the robots."
"Would you prefer one of them to me? We could call Maizie in here. I'm sure we could get her to join us in a threesome."
Harry grinned. "That won't be necessary." He leaned forward and kissed her passionately.
"You needn't watch further, if it disturbs you," said Claire.
Goldie, sitting in front of plates of half eaten food, stared at the monitor as the two naked bodies were intertwined together. "No, I'll watch."
There was something oddly erotic about seeing someone who looked exactly like her having sex with Harry. When Goldie was having sex with Harry, she could look at his body, and even her own.
When she wasn't distracted by Harry's touch, when she stood some distance away, there was a new kind of erotic stimulation watching Harry make love to a body that looked like her own. It was as if she were watching a high quality recording of Harry making love to her.
Goldie wet her lips as she watched Harry wrap his naked body around hers. She felt rather than saw Claire's eyes on her.
"Claire, dear, could you get me some more cake?" said Goldie.
"But you haven't finished yours."
"I'd like some more. I just know I'm going to be hungry for cake, later," said Goldie.
"Very well," said Claire. She left the room. As she did, Goldie heard the click of the lock behind her.
Goldie turned her attention back to the monitor.
"Oh, Harry. I love your touch. I need you in me, Harry, I need you inside of me right now," she heard her other self saying.
Harry lifted himself up and for a moment Goldie saw his long, erect organ, and then saw it slowly disappear inside of the android. Goldie's hand started to drift between her legs. She started to rub herself in a certain spot, up and down, up and down, through her pants, as she watched Harry pump in and out of the android. She watched Harry's attractive ass moving up and down violently.
She heard herself groaning, "Harry... oooh Harry." She could see her slick body underneath him, jolting with every thrust of Harry's member inside of her. Goldie watched as the android wrapped her hands and legs around Harry's body, just as she always did, and the android said, "Harry, you feel so good, inside me."
And then Harry, in a gasping voice, said, "I love being inside of you, Goldie."
Goldie, who had been touching herself on the outside of her pants, put her hand inside her pants, inside her panties, and started to rub her clit directly.
"Then come in me, darling. Release inside of me," said the android, smiling appreciatively.
Harry started to pound into her faster. Goldie's eyes were locked on the plunging movements of his firm ass, his sweaty arms, his face, leaning down to kiss hers, and her face, leaning up to kiss his. She saw the android's arms curled around his back, grabbing him tightly, and found it incredibly erotic.
The android started to moan. Goldie did too, as she touched herself faster and faster.
"Oooh... ooohh.... ohhhh..." said the android.
"Ooohh... ohhhh... ooooh!" said Goldie, in the exact same tone of voice.
And then she had a wonderful view of Harry, his ass cheeks fully clenched, freezing above her, crying her name, and she knew exactly what he was doing inside of her, and it drove Goldie over the edge, and as she diddled herself she cried out, yelling, "Harry!", and she felt a beautiful explosion, radiating outwards from her clitoris.
When Claire came back a moment later with her cake, Goldie smiled sweetly. "Thank you, dear."
"Did I miss much?" Claire asked.
"Nope," said Goldie, chewing thoughtfully, realizing that she was having her cake, and eating it too. She wiped a bit of sweat off her cheek.
The next morning at breakfast, Doctor Franklin said, "So, Harry, have you been thinking about my offer?"
"I have," said Harry. "I just have one question."
"Anything," Doctor Franklin smiled.
"Where's Goldie?" said Harry.
Doctor Franklin frowned, and looked at Goldie.
"Harry?" said Goldie, sounding confused.
Harry ignored her. "Where's Goldie, Doctor Franklin?"
Doctor Franklin sighed. "How did you know?"
"Bring me Goldie, safe and unharmed, and I will answer your question."
Doctor Franklin snapped his fingers. "Maizie." Maizie nodded and left the room.
"You have to understand why I did it," said Franklin.
"To replace my girlfriend."
"No!" said Franklin. "This was the ultimate demonstration! To show you how perfect my androids are!"
"Not quite perfect enough," said Harry.
Maizie returned with Goldie.
"Harry!" she said, running into his arms.
He stood up and hugged her tightly. "I missed you," he said.
"I missed you too," Goldie whimpered.
"And now that you have been reunited, Harry, perhaps you'll tell me how you knew that our Goldie was not the original Miss MacPherson."
Harry reluctantly pulled back from Goldie. "You won't believe me."
"Try me."
"You won't believe me," said Harry again.
"Her memory transfer was perfect. Her algorithms were all functioning properly. The body was identical. How did you know?"
Harry looked at Goldie, and then back at Doctor Franklin. "It was the kiss."
"The kiss?" said Doctor Franklin. He frowned. "No, really, what was it?"
"It was the kiss," said Harry. "I told you that you wouldn't believe me."
"But... everything was replicated perfectly."
"She was a very good copy. A very close copy. But there are some things you just can't copy." He gave Goldie a hungry look. She felt a shiver go down her spine. She missed him so terribly!
"I hope at least you can appreciate how good our copies can be, for people without... intimate knowledge of the underlying subject."
"Oh, yes," said Harry. "She talked like Goldie. She even sounded like Goldie. But she wasn't exactly Goldie."
"So I take it you are going to decline my offer," said Doctor Franklin.
"Not necessarily," said Harry. "The three of us have to talk it over."
"The three of us?" said Goldie. She couldn't believe her ears.
Suddenly, Doctor Franklin was all smiles. "By all means. Talk it over, Harry." He abruptly got up and left the breakfast table.
Harry looked at Goldie, and the android copy of Goldie. "Let's go outside for a walk, where we can have a little privacy, all right?"
"Harry, we can't have any privacy with that thing with us," said Goldie. She stared at her other self, who gave her a mocking smile.
"Just come with me," he said, dragging her by the arm.
"And so you slept with her, even knowing it wasn't me?"
"I had to be sure," said Harry.
"And were you?" Goldie asked, looking into his eyes.
Harry sighed. "She's a very good copy, Goldie. And therein lies the dilemma."
"What dilemma? Let's leave and get out of here!"
"Doctor Franklin will not let you leave," said the android.
"What?" said Goldie.
"He lied about that. He will imprison or kill you before letting you go," said the android.
"He told me he doesn't care if this facility is discovered," said Harry.
"He doesn't. But he fears you will be captured by The Foundation and forced to work for them. They are our competitors now. You would be a formidable asset for them. Doctor Franklin wants to deny them that."
"Why are you telling us this?" Goldie asked. "Aren't you programmed to obey Doctor Franklin?"
"I am programmed to be the exact replica of you, Goldie MacPherson," said the android. "And just as you were programmed to love Harry, so was I."
"No... no....." said Goldie.
"It is the same thing," said the android. "The Foundation programmed you to love Harry. Doctor Franklin programmed me to do the same. Are we really so different?"
Goldie felt like a vital point was being conceded. She looked up at Harry and shook her head violently. "It isn't the same, it isn't. She has a line of code in a computer program. My love for you... whatever its origin, it's grown organically. Think of all the experiences we've had, Harry!" She looked up at him anxiously, trying to read his expression. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, and it frightened her.
"There is another factor to consider," said Harry quietly. "When we find the Chair, and we find out what was done to you, you may want to be deprogrammed. Once you are deprogrammed, you won't love me anymore, Goldie."
"If we find the Chair. If we find out what really happened to me. If I decide to get deprogrammed. That's a lot of if's, Harry," said Goldie.
"There is another consideration," said the android. "We have some familiarity with The Foundation's process of mental conditioning. It tends to wear off over time if reinforcement is not given on a regular basis."
"You mean... I could just fall out of love with Harry, at any time?"
"Yes," said the android.
Harry looked torn. He held Goldie by the arms."This might be better for both of us. When you get deprogrammed, or when your conditioning wears off, you won't want me anymore."
"But with the android, I can have you forever," said Harry, and to Goldie's horror he saw the unabashed interest in his eyes.
"Harry... you would rather have a robot, than me?"
Harry paused a long moment. "No, of course not. But if the choice is having you for a few more weeks, or having an android version of you for the rest of my life... I'm just afraid of losing you, Goldie. I don't want to lose you again." And to her surprise, she saw tears beginning to well up in his eyes.
"And you're so afraid of losing me that you'd give me up, to be with a robot?"
"What would you do, if you were in my place?" Harry asked. "If you could have a day, or a week, or a month with me, or a lifetime with a likeness which was almost as good... who would you choose?"
Goldie looked up at him with fierce eyes. "It would be no contest, Harry Crater. I would take a day with you over a lifetime with that thing. We have a special bond, Harry, a special bond that nothing can break. I'm getting really tired of you talking about how I'm going to leave you, Harry. You can forget it, it's not going to happen. And I'm not going to give you up for this fuckable toaster here." She grabbed him tightly. "You are going to stay with me, Harry Crater, until the very end, whether it's a day, a week, a month... or the rest of our lives. And I'm not going to take no for answer."
Harry looked into her angry blue eyes, and something in him melted. He nodded, ever so slightly.
"Kiss me, Harry. Kiss me like we're going to be together for the rest of our lives."
Harry obeyed. The android version of Goldie watched dispassionately as the lovers wrapped their arms around each other. The android saw Goldie moan as she moved her arms up and down Harry's back, touching, feeling, caressing, and saw Harry doing the same. She processed the movements of the arms, and filed them away under passionate kissing--arm positions. It could be useful in future encounters.
Finally, when they parted, Goldie looked up at him and said, "Well?"
"We stay together," said Harry thickly. "Always."
"Well, now that that's settled, what do we do with the toaster?" Goldie said.
They both looked at the android.
"I will help you escape," said the android. "But I have one condition."
"What is that?" Harry asked.
"Take me with you."
"Harry, I am not going to share you with a toaster," said Goldie. "We can buy her an electric toothbrush. She can make love to that."
"I'm not asking you to share me with her," said Harry.
"I'm also not hearing you say that I'm not going to have to share you with her."
"You're not."
"So we're going to get rid of her at the first opportunity, right?"
Harry looked away.
"She could be useful to us."
"How? As a fuckbot on days when we're fighting? No, Harry. The fuckbot goes, the first opportunity we get." She grabbed his thing between her legs. "I own this, Harry. It's mine. All mine. I'm not sharing this with another woman, with a toaster, or a blender, or a meat grinder." She squeezed him hard, for just a moment.
"Ow," said Harry. "Did you have to say meat grinder?"
"I just wanted to be sure I had your attention," said Goldie.
They left at night. The android had just finished cutting a hole through the perimeter fence when Claire showed up. She held a compression pistol.
"I was assigned to watch you," said Claire. "Doctor Franklin suspected you might try to escape. Please come with me."
The android Goldie approached Claire. "Harry wants to leave, Claire."
"I am not programmed to let Harry leave, Goldie," said Claire.
"But I am programmed to be loyal to Harry," said the android. She stood face to face, staring at Claire for a long moment. Then she reached out for the compression gun. There was a struggle, and a shot went off. Claire looked blankly as the android Goldie fell to the ground, with a gaping hole in her chest.
Goldie sprang forward and grabbed the gun from Claire.
"Give me the gun, Goldie," said Claire.
"You know, I barely liked you as a person, much less a robot," said Goldie. She fired, and Claire's chest exploded. She fell down to the ground.
They heard the sounds of rapidly approaching footsteps.
Goldie ran to the hole in the fence. "Harry, let's go."
"Wait!" said Harry. He leaned down, to the android on the ground. She had a smoking hole in her torso. But otherwise, she looked just like Goldie.
"Harry," she whispered, looking up at him. "Harry... I... I love you." And then her features went slack.
"Harry!" Goldie cried.
Harry, fighting back tears, followed Goldie through the fence.
"Or you could just give me a trim down there. I wouldn't want to put you through any extra trouble, Doctor Franklin," said Goldie sarcastically.
In moments, the android had a thick snatch of pubic hair.
"Wonderful," said Franklin. "We have our new Goldie."
"As long as Harry doesn't ask it to talk, you'll fool it completely."
"That's where your last contribution comes in, my dear." He signaled to Claire. A helmet started to descend on Goldie's head, as well as the android. She looked up at it. "No... no... please, Doctor Franklin, no...."
Goldie went rigid as the helmet dropped onto her head. Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes were glazed.
Franklin looked at both of them. "She's going to be beautiful."
Sometime later, Goldie felt awareness returning. She felt the helmet being removed from her head. She saw her duplicate, standing in front of her, wearing the clothes she had been wearing when she went to sleep.
Doctor Franklin made the introductions. "Goldie... I'd like you to meet... Goldie."
"How do you do," said the android. She had the same exact voice as Goldie.
"What do you think, my dear?" Doctor Franklin asked.
"This toaster is never going to fool Harry," said Goldie contemptuously.
"On the contrary," said the android. "I am exactly like you. I have all your memories. Your complete personality."
Goldie shook her head. "You'll never fool Harry."
"Harry is my man," said the android. "We have gone through a lot of ups and downs together. Remember when we bonded with him when we kissed in Central Park? Do you remember when we went ice skating with him?"
"I remember when I did those things with him," said Goldie.
"And now I remember it too," said the android. "It's taken me a while to bring Harry along. He has serious low esteem-problems. But I have trained him to kiss me. And I know how to make him jealous so he will fuck me. I like making him angry, so angry, that he fucks me real hard. The time he took me, right after we escaped from John Connor was some of the best sex I have ever had in my life."
Doctor Franklin looked at Goldie with raised eyebrows.
Goldie grimaced. "All right. The toaster has some of my memories. And it can recite things like a parrot. But it can't truly think. And it certainly doesn't feel."
"It's been programmed to feel," said Doctor Franklin. "Just as you have, my dear."
Goldie felt a jolt, deep inside her.
Doctor Franklin turned to the android. "Return to Harry's bedside. He will be waking up soon. You know what to do."
"Yes, Doctor Franklin." Goldie watched the android turn and leave with a sense of impending dread.
"Yes, Doctor Franklin?"
"Release Goldie. Find her some suitable clothing. Set her up in the observation room."
"Observation room?"
"You will be able to track your duplicate's progress through remote monitoring. I figured you might enjoy observing her performance."
"You are such a thoughtful man," said Goldie, with sarcasm dripping from her voice.
"Thank you," said Doctor Franklin.
Harry felt sleepy when he woke up. He looked over and saw Goldie at his side.
"Tired?" she said.
"Yeah," said Harry. He sniffed. He smelled an odd odor, faintly in the air.
"It was quite a day yesterday, it's no wonder," said Goldie. She got up, and started to change clothes. Harry sat there a moment, watching her.
"Is something wrong, Harry?"
Harry blinked. "No, I'm just tired."
"You'd better get dressed. Doctor Franklin probably has a full day ahead of us."
"I'm sure he does."
"That toaster is never going to fool anyone."
"Wait and see."
"Good morning," said Doctor Franklin. "Are you enjoying your breakfast?"
Harry nodded.
Goldie raised a pancake with a hole in the center of it. "I think your chef needs to be reprogrammed, doc."
All right, that's a little impressive.
She not only has your memories, she has your personality.
"I have a lot to show you today."
"We're going to get the grand tour of your little house of horrors, eh, Doc?" Goldie asked.
All right. She can imitate my style. But she can never get my substance. I saw through you in a minute, Claire.
I never had the original Claire's memory engrams. This Goldie has yours.
After breakfast, Doctor Franklin gave them a tour of the production line on the factory floor. First he showed them the robotic skeleton outlines. "We have 14 basic body types, for both men and women." Then he led them to another room filled with chip components. "This is the most advanced silicon neural net system every devised." He led them to a third room with boiling vats of green liquid.
"Oh, doc, it smells terrible in here," said Goldie, making a face.
Doctor Franklin smiled, for more reasons than Harry knew. "This is where our germ protoplasm is brewed."
"Germ protoplasm?" Harry said.
"The outer layer of our androids. It's marvelously malleable, and when dried, tremendously durable."
"And green. How long will it take for people to spot that?" Goldie asked.
I said that last night!
Of course you did. She has your memories.
Doctor Franklin smiled, and led them to the next room. "And here are the physically complete models."
They saw men... and women... standing expressionlessly. They looked like real people.
Technicians were working on a woman standing on a pedestal, in the center of the room. Goldie recognized her. "Harry... is that who I think it is?"
Harry looked at the woman. It looked exactly like World Government president Susannah Arquette. He looked hard at the android, and then at Doctor Franklin.
Doctor Franklin smiled at him. "It is so much easier to show rather than tell, sometimes."
"That's what you meant yesterday when you said you weren't building a robot army," said Harry. "You're simply going to replace senior leaders of the World Government."
"As well as leaders of some of the larger territorial governments, like the United States. And some other key leaders as well."
"But why, Doctor Franklin?" Harry asked.
Doctor Franklin pointed to a conference room. "Let's chat."
"The world is a mess, Harry. Would you agree with that?"
"Yes," said Harry promptly.
"Our leaders have run the world economy into the ground. The social welfare state has grown into a huge morass. Culturally, the nations of the world are on a precipitous decline. Would you agree with that?"
Doctor Franklin smiled. "Low IQ people are reproducing at a much faster rate than relatively higher IQ people. This exposes the greatest flaw of democracy--when you have a population where the lower IQ people are in the majority, they control the fate of everyone. That's why our government is so badly run."
Harry paused. "I agree."
"Harry!" said Goldie.
"It's true," said Harry. He had always felt set apart, different, from all the other humans. He remembered how he had been persecuted by the Normals as a child, ostracized and shunned.
"We want to change that."
"By replacing top leaders with your androids. You'll rule the world through them."
"Precisely. It will be a bloodless revolution, or nearly so," said Doctor Franklin. "Much better than the carnage that those thoughtless butchers at The Foundation are planning."
"But... you can't just walk in and replace the President of the World Government. She has a security force."
"We can handle that, Harry. What we need your help with is fine tuning some of the subroutines of the androids. To make them a little more lifelike."
"How lifelike are they now? I met Claire, and wasn't very impressed."
"Claire didn't have the memory engrams of a real person." Doctor Franklin turned to an attractive redhead. "Maizie, here, does. Maizie, would you like to talk to Harry?"
"Very much, Doctor Franklin."
"Maizie, what function do you serve here?" Harry asked.
"I am Doctor Franklin's executive assistant," said Maizie.
"What is your background?'
"I have a BA in English Literature from Wesleyan University. I-"
"I went to Wesleyan too!" said Goldie. She turned to Harry. "I always said that Wesleyan was going downhill, Harry. Now I know why." She glared at Maizie. "Too many robots!"
Harry smiled and touched her hand. "Continue, Maizie."
She's trying too hard, Claire. Harry will see right through her.
No, that's exactly how you're like.
Is it?
"I worked in a variety of support jobs in high tech companies before I came into the employ of Doctor Franklin."
"Do you like your work, Maizie?"
"Yes. It's a great deal of fun."
"Do you have a boyfriend, Maizie?"
"Yes. I am seeing a man named Frank. He manages a group of fast food restaurants."
"He sounds like a busy man. Does he make time for you?"
"I make him make time for me, Harry."
Harry nodded. It really felt like he was having a conversation with a real person. "One last question, Maizie. Where is your original?"
Maizie hesitated.
"She... she was no longer necessary."
Harry looked at Doctor Franklin. "I said our revolution would be almost bloodless, Harry. Not completely so. There are always some casualties where change is involved. It wouldn't do to have two Maizie's running around. It might raise unnecessary questions."
"I see," said Harry.
"But you can help us," said Doctor Franklin. "By helping us perfect our robots, you can reduce the number of people we need to... replace. We can keep casualties to a minimum. Think of it, Harry! A society run by Fourthers like us! Think of all the lives we will save, by making the world run more efficiently, for the benefit of all!"
"It is intriguing," said Harry. "But I just don't like the idea of innocent people being killed."
"Innocent of what? Oh, I admit, the loss of Maizie was regrettable. But these politicians have been fleecing taxpayers, and the future of our world, for generations. I will not weep for the loss of a few of them. Neither should you."
Harry nodded. "And what if I decline your offer?"
"Then you are free to go, of course!"
"You're not worried I'm going to tell the authorities about your little operation?"
"Let them come, Harry. Do you know what they'll find? A perfectly legal, perfectly authorized manufacturing plant which designs robot laborers. It will only take moments to remove the faces of the handful of duplicates we have designed. No, the authorities will find nothing incriminating here. Therefore, there is no harm to letting you go."
Harry nodded again. "May I take a little time to think about it?"
"Of course," said Doctor Franklin. "You have the freedom of the factory. Feel free to talk to anyone."
"Thank you."
"Want to go for a walk?" Harry asked, turning to Goldie.
"Of course, handsome," she smiled, taking his arm.
They walked for a while, looking at the different stages of production, but Harry found he could only think clearly once they had left the factory, and were taking a walk along the perimeter on the outside. It was quieter, and the sun was shining on an early day in March.
"What do you think?" Harry asked.
"It sounds intriguing," said Goldie.
Harry stopped in his tracks. "You're in favor of this?"
"It sounds radical, Harry, but think about it," said Goldie. "Doctor Franklin is right. The World Government has run our economy into the ground. It's like a giant parasite, employing millions of bureaucrats who suck at the teats of taxpayers. It's a proven job killer, with high taxes and regulations on everything from cheese to air cars. I don't know if Doctor Franklin could do any better, but I suspect he couldn't do much worse."
You've overplayed your hand. I would never say anything like that.
We'll see.
Harry paused and nodded. "And what about Claire?"
"You're not talking about that tin plated toaster, are you?" Goldie grinned. "You mean the real Claire. I know. I still want to find her. Franklin said that he once had ties to The Foundation. Maybe he could help us find her."
Harry continued to walk. He was silent for a long while.
"What are you doing, Harry?"
He sees right through her. He knows she's a fake.
No, I don't think he does.
Harry spent the rest of the day inspecting the production line, and talking to some of the scientists, as well as some of the finished android models. He seemed to be genuinely considering Doctor Franklin's offer.
That evening, after dinner, they retired to the room they had been assigned. "Sweet dreams," said Maizie.
"You too, toaster," said Goldie, closing the door in her face.
"You don't like them, do you?" Harry asked, as she slid into his arms.
"Some of the younger girl models strike me as creepy," said Goldie, wrapping her arms around Harry. "They seem like robotic whores."
All right, she's got my style, but not my moves.
Just wait and see.
Harry looked down at her. "They're machines. They're performing a task."
"I figure a man would say that," said Goldie. She arched her head up, giving him the signal. Harry bent down and pressed his lips against hers.
Harry felt Goldie's firm lips pressing against his. She kissed him for a long moment. When Harry pulled back, his eyebrows furrowed.
"What, Harry?"
Harry looked into Goldie's adoring face. "It's nothing. I was just thinking about the robots."
"Would you prefer one of them to me? We could call Maizie in here. I'm sure we could get her to join us in a threesome."
Harry grinned. "That won't be necessary." He leaned forward and kissed her passionately.
"You needn't watch further, if it disturbs you," said Claire.
Goldie, sitting in front of plates of half eaten food, stared at the monitor as the two naked bodies were intertwined together. "No, I'll watch."
There was something oddly erotic about seeing someone who looked exactly like her having sex with Harry. When Goldie was having sex with Harry, she could look at his body, and even her own.
When she wasn't distracted by Harry's touch, when she stood some distance away, there was a new kind of erotic stimulation watching Harry make love to a body that looked like her own. It was as if she were watching a high quality recording of Harry making love to her.
Goldie wet her lips as she watched Harry wrap his naked body around hers. She felt rather than saw Claire's eyes on her.
"Claire, dear, could you get me some more cake?" said Goldie.
"But you haven't finished yours."
"I'd like some more. I just know I'm going to be hungry for cake, later," said Goldie.
"Very well," said Claire. She left the room. As she did, Goldie heard the click of the lock behind her.
Goldie turned her attention back to the monitor.
"Oh, Harry. I love your touch. I need you in me, Harry, I need you inside of me right now," she heard her other self saying.
Harry lifted himself up and for a moment Goldie saw his long, erect organ, and then saw it slowly disappear inside of the android. Goldie's hand started to drift between her legs. She started to rub herself in a certain spot, up and down, up and down, through her pants, as she watched Harry pump in and out of the android. She watched Harry's attractive ass moving up and down violently.
She heard herself groaning, "Harry... oooh Harry." She could see her slick body underneath him, jolting with every thrust of Harry's member inside of her. Goldie watched as the android wrapped her hands and legs around Harry's body, just as she always did, and the android said, "Harry, you feel so good, inside me."
And then Harry, in a gasping voice, said, "I love being inside of you, Goldie."
Goldie, who had been touching herself on the outside of her pants, put her hand inside her pants, inside her panties, and started to rub her clit directly.
"Then come in me, darling. Release inside of me," said the android, smiling appreciatively.
Harry started to pound into her faster. Goldie's eyes were locked on the plunging movements of his firm ass, his sweaty arms, his face, leaning down to kiss hers, and her face, leaning up to kiss his. She saw the android's arms curled around his back, grabbing him tightly, and found it incredibly erotic.
The android started to moan. Goldie did too, as she touched herself faster and faster.
"Oooh... ooohh.... ohhhh..." said the android.
"Ooohh... ohhhh... ooooh!" said Goldie, in the exact same tone of voice.
And then she had a wonderful view of Harry, his ass cheeks fully clenched, freezing above her, crying her name, and she knew exactly what he was doing inside of her, and it drove Goldie over the edge, and as she diddled herself she cried out, yelling, "Harry!", and she felt a beautiful explosion, radiating outwards from her clitoris.
When Claire came back a moment later with her cake, Goldie smiled sweetly. "Thank you, dear."
"Did I miss much?" Claire asked.
"Nope," said Goldie, chewing thoughtfully, realizing that she was having her cake, and eating it too. She wiped a bit of sweat off her cheek.
The next morning at breakfast, Doctor Franklin said, "So, Harry, have you been thinking about my offer?"
"I have," said Harry. "I just have one question."
"Anything," Doctor Franklin smiled.
"Where's Goldie?" said Harry.
Doctor Franklin frowned, and looked at Goldie.
"Harry?" said Goldie, sounding confused.
Harry ignored her. "Where's Goldie, Doctor Franklin?"
Doctor Franklin sighed. "How did you know?"
"Bring me Goldie, safe and unharmed, and I will answer your question."
Doctor Franklin snapped his fingers. "Maizie." Maizie nodded and left the room.
"You have to understand why I did it," said Franklin.
"To replace my girlfriend."
"No!" said Franklin. "This was the ultimate demonstration! To show you how perfect my androids are!"
"Not quite perfect enough," said Harry.
Maizie returned with Goldie.
"Harry!" she said, running into his arms.
He stood up and hugged her tightly. "I missed you," he said.
"I missed you too," Goldie whimpered.
"And now that you have been reunited, Harry, perhaps you'll tell me how you knew that our Goldie was not the original Miss MacPherson."
Harry reluctantly pulled back from Goldie. "You won't believe me."
"Try me."
"You won't believe me," said Harry again.
"Her memory transfer was perfect. Her algorithms were all functioning properly. The body was identical. How did you know?"
Harry looked at Goldie, and then back at Doctor Franklin. "It was the kiss."
"The kiss?" said Doctor Franklin. He frowned. "No, really, what was it?"
"It was the kiss," said Harry. "I told you that you wouldn't believe me."
"But... everything was replicated perfectly."
"She was a very good copy. A very close copy. But there are some things you just can't copy." He gave Goldie a hungry look. She felt a shiver go down her spine. She missed him so terribly!
"I hope at least you can appreciate how good our copies can be, for people without... intimate knowledge of the underlying subject."
"Oh, yes," said Harry. "She talked like Goldie. She even sounded like Goldie. But she wasn't exactly Goldie."
"So I take it you are going to decline my offer," said Doctor Franklin.
"Not necessarily," said Harry. "The three of us have to talk it over."
"The three of us?" said Goldie. She couldn't believe her ears.
Suddenly, Doctor Franklin was all smiles. "By all means. Talk it over, Harry." He abruptly got up and left the breakfast table.
Harry looked at Goldie, and the android copy of Goldie. "Let's go outside for a walk, where we can have a little privacy, all right?"
"Harry, we can't have any privacy with that thing with us," said Goldie. She stared at her other self, who gave her a mocking smile.
"Just come with me," he said, dragging her by the arm.
"And so you slept with her, even knowing it wasn't me?"
"I had to be sure," said Harry.
"And were you?" Goldie asked, looking into his eyes.
Harry sighed. "She's a very good copy, Goldie. And therein lies the dilemma."
"What dilemma? Let's leave and get out of here!"
"Doctor Franklin will not let you leave," said the android.
"What?" said Goldie.
"He lied about that. He will imprison or kill you before letting you go," said the android.
"He told me he doesn't care if this facility is discovered," said Harry.
"He doesn't. But he fears you will be captured by The Foundation and forced to work for them. They are our competitors now. You would be a formidable asset for them. Doctor Franklin wants to deny them that."
"Why are you telling us this?" Goldie asked. "Aren't you programmed to obey Doctor Franklin?"
"I am programmed to be the exact replica of you, Goldie MacPherson," said the android. "And just as you were programmed to love Harry, so was I."
"No... no....." said Goldie.
"It is the same thing," said the android. "The Foundation programmed you to love Harry. Doctor Franklin programmed me to do the same. Are we really so different?"
Goldie felt like a vital point was being conceded. She looked up at Harry and shook her head violently. "It isn't the same, it isn't. She has a line of code in a computer program. My love for you... whatever its origin, it's grown organically. Think of all the experiences we've had, Harry!" She looked up at him anxiously, trying to read his expression. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, and it frightened her.
"There is another factor to consider," said Harry quietly. "When we find the Chair, and we find out what was done to you, you may want to be deprogrammed. Once you are deprogrammed, you won't love me anymore, Goldie."
"If we find the Chair. If we find out what really happened to me. If I decide to get deprogrammed. That's a lot of if's, Harry," said Goldie.
"There is another consideration," said the android. "We have some familiarity with The Foundation's process of mental conditioning. It tends to wear off over time if reinforcement is not given on a regular basis."
"You mean... I could just fall out of love with Harry, at any time?"
"Yes," said the android.
Harry looked torn. He held Goldie by the arms."This might be better for both of us. When you get deprogrammed, or when your conditioning wears off, you won't want me anymore."
"But with the android, I can have you forever," said Harry, and to Goldie's horror he saw the unabashed interest in his eyes.
"Harry... you would rather have a robot, than me?"
Harry paused a long moment. "No, of course not. But if the choice is having you for a few more weeks, or having an android version of you for the rest of my life... I'm just afraid of losing you, Goldie. I don't want to lose you again." And to her surprise, she saw tears beginning to well up in his eyes.
"And you're so afraid of losing me that you'd give me up, to be with a robot?"
"What would you do, if you were in my place?" Harry asked. "If you could have a day, or a week, or a month with me, or a lifetime with a likeness which was almost as good... who would you choose?"
Goldie looked up at him with fierce eyes. "It would be no contest, Harry Crater. I would take a day with you over a lifetime with that thing. We have a special bond, Harry, a special bond that nothing can break. I'm getting really tired of you talking about how I'm going to leave you, Harry. You can forget it, it's not going to happen. And I'm not going to give you up for this fuckable toaster here." She grabbed him tightly. "You are going to stay with me, Harry Crater, until the very end, whether it's a day, a week, a month... or the rest of our lives. And I'm not going to take no for answer."
Harry looked into her angry blue eyes, and something in him melted. He nodded, ever so slightly.
"Kiss me, Harry. Kiss me like we're going to be together for the rest of our lives."
Harry obeyed. The android version of Goldie watched dispassionately as the lovers wrapped their arms around each other. The android saw Goldie moan as she moved her arms up and down Harry's back, touching, feeling, caressing, and saw Harry doing the same. She processed the movements of the arms, and filed them away under passionate kissing--arm positions. It could be useful in future encounters.
Finally, when they parted, Goldie looked up at him and said, "Well?"
"We stay together," said Harry thickly. "Always."
"Well, now that that's settled, what do we do with the toaster?" Goldie said.
They both looked at the android.
"I will help you escape," said the android. "But I have one condition."
"What is that?" Harry asked.
"Take me with you."
"Harry, I am not going to share you with a toaster," said Goldie. "We can buy her an electric toothbrush. She can make love to that."
"I'm not asking you to share me with her," said Harry.
"I'm also not hearing you say that I'm not going to have to share you with her."
"You're not."
"So we're going to get rid of her at the first opportunity, right?"
Harry looked away.
"She could be useful to us."
"How? As a fuckbot on days when we're fighting? No, Harry. The fuckbot goes, the first opportunity we get." She grabbed his thing between her legs. "I own this, Harry. It's mine. All mine. I'm not sharing this with another woman, with a toaster, or a blender, or a meat grinder." She squeezed him hard, for just a moment.
"Ow," said Harry. "Did you have to say meat grinder?"
"I just wanted to be sure I had your attention," said Goldie.
They left at night. The android had just finished cutting a hole through the perimeter fence when Claire showed up. She held a compression pistol.
"I was assigned to watch you," said Claire. "Doctor Franklin suspected you might try to escape. Please come with me."
The android Goldie approached Claire. "Harry wants to leave, Claire."
"I am not programmed to let Harry leave, Goldie," said Claire.
"But I am programmed to be loyal to Harry," said the android. She stood face to face, staring at Claire for a long moment. Then she reached out for the compression gun. There was a struggle, and a shot went off. Claire looked blankly as the android Goldie fell to the ground, with a gaping hole in her chest.
Goldie sprang forward and grabbed the gun from Claire.
"Give me the gun, Goldie," said Claire.
"You know, I barely liked you as a person, much less a robot," said Goldie. She fired, and Claire's chest exploded. She fell down to the ground.
They heard the sounds of rapidly approaching footsteps.
Goldie ran to the hole in the fence. "Harry, let's go."
"Wait!" said Harry. He leaned down, to the android on the ground. She had a smoking hole in her torso. But otherwise, she looked just like Goldie.
"Harry," she whispered, looking up at him. "Harry... I... I love you." And then her features went slack.
"Harry!" Goldie cried.
Harry, fighting back tears, followed Goldie through the fence.