Chapter 17

The New Normal

Everything was back to normal, except it wasn't.

Harry kissed Goldie. Harry made love to Goldie. Harry was incredibly tender and understanding.

And yet the android of Goldie had struck a raw nerve. She had compared her programming to love Harry with Goldie's programming. In Harry's eyes, he probably thought of her as little more than that robot. That's why he had been willing to part with her. It hurt Goldie incredibly to think about it. He still didn't believe that her love for him was genuine.

And then there had been Harry's decision not to report Doctor Franklin to the authorities. This had taken Goldie completely by surprise. "Why, Harry? He's going to try to replace all the world leaders with his robots. He wants to rule the world."

Harry shrugged. "He was right about one thing. He can hardly do worse."

And then Goldie realized that Harry still held a great deal of anger to Normals, to the people who had made him feel isolated his entire life. She thought she had helped him thaw some of those feelings of alienation, but now realized how localized that effect was. Harry had opened up for her, but his new pathos didn't extend to the rest of mankind.

Harry was also affected by their visit to Doctor Franklin's factory in another way. After they had made love one evening, she saw Harry with a sad expression on his face.

"What?" she had asked him, propping up her head on her hand, causing a ripple effect as her breasts slid down. She noted Harry's eye movements following the progression.

"I was just thinking... of the other Goldie."

"Do you miss it, Harry?" Goldie asked quietly.

"Miss... no?" he said, and she felt a wave of relief. "But when it was shot... and I saw her lying on the ground... for a moment... it looked so much like you."

And then Goldie knew what was troubling him. She hugged him tightly, pressing her breasts against his chest. "You're never going to lose me, Harry. Never."

Harry kept working on trying to crack the layers of encryption around more of the data he had downloaded from The Foundation. He spent another two weeks working on it, and their lives together were happy, though Goldie worried that something would come along to tear them apart. She felt once again that their relationship was fragile and needed strengthening. Harry gave her no cause to think this, but she thought she saw something in his eyes, a fear, a fear that he might lose her again.

Two weeks after their experience with Doctor Franklin, Harry got a transmission on his holocomm. It was a hooded figure, with a woman's voice.

"Harry Crater?" she said.


"I understand you are trying to find information about The Foundation."

"Who are you?" said Harry.

"I represent a group which is fighting the cults of the extreme."

"The cults of the extreme?"

"Those with extreme intelligences, who want to rule the Earth."

"I don't know if you know this... but some might say I have an extreme intelligence," said Harry.

"That's true. But do you want to rule the Earth?"

"No," said Harry.

"So maybe we could work together," said the woman.


"Meet with us, and I'll explain," said the woman.

Harry was about to say yes, but he saw Goldie vigorously waving her hands. "Can you give me a little time to think about it? Say, call back in an hour?"

"Very well."

The image faded.

"What?" said Harry.

"Harry, I have a bad feeling about this," said Goldie. "The woman is hiding behind a hood."

"She's protecting her identity."

"No, it's more than that. I get an unwholesome feeling from her. It's her tone," said Goldie, shivering slightly. "Don't meet her, Harry. I think it's going to be a trap."

Harry frowned. "If these people are truly fighting against The Foundation, they might be able to help us find Claire."

"Don't do it, Harry. Don't," said Goldie.

Harry said nothing, but stared at the wall, deep in thought. He had put up a copy of the smiling photo of Goldie from The Cove on the wall of their temporary apartment in Orlando, until Goldie insisted he get a new picture of her. They had a wonderful afternoon with Goldie posing at various Disney theme park hotels. She smiled as she leaned on railings, or against a picturesque doorway, or a row of potted flowers... Goldie went well with everything. When he was done, he had a hard time deciding which picture he wanted to put up on the wall. Harry wanted to put them all up. Goldie smiled but said, "No, Harry. You're not making a shrine to me."

And so Harry had put up one image at a time, rotating them on a daily basis. Goldie felt terribly, terribly flattered. Today's image showed her smiling next to tall purple flowers. Harry told her that she made everything around her look beautiful. She loved him so much.

An hour later the mysterious lady called again. Harry agreed to meet with her. To his surprise, he learned that her organization was also located in Orlando. Before she could name her address, Harry said, "Why don't you come here instead? We can talk in the comforts of my apartment."

The woman appeared to pause, then said, "Fine. Where do you live?"

Harry told her.

"Why don't we meet in... two hours?"

"Fine," said Harry. "What is your name?"

"Cathy," said the woman.

"I look forward to meeting you, Cathy."

"Me as well, Harry. Goodbye."

The image faded.

"I don't get a good feeling about this, Harry," said Goldie.

"We have to take some risks," said Harry.

Goldie started clutching her head and frowning.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure. Feels like a headache. It's probably nothing."

"Why don't you lie down?"


Goldie woke some time later. When she came out of the bedroom, she had an odd expression on her face.

It took Harry, who was looking at his screen, a few moments to notice her. "What's wrong?" he said.

"I... I don't know," said Goldie.


"You're... just a man," said Goldie.

Just a man?

"Are you all right, Goldie?"

"I don't know," said Goldie. "I think I want to lie down again."

"Why don't you?" Harry watched her go back into the bedroom again, with concern written all over his face. He remembered what the android had told them. That Goldie's programming could fade away. Maybe that's what was happening. Maybe Goldie was falling out of love with him before his very eyes.

He would be happy for her, of course, that she had finally returned to the way she was, before she had been altered. But he knew he would also be terribly upset for himself. Selfishly so. He had to remind himself that Goldie, however wonderful, was just a loan, not a gift.

And then a sudden buzz at the front door disrupted his thoughts. Harry opened the door, to reveal two men in brown coats.

"I take it neither of you are Cathy?" said Harry.

"No," said one of the man. "My name is Neil. We're here to take you to Cathy."

"That wasn't our arrangement," said Harry.

Neil took a compression pistol out of his pocket.

Harry bit his lip. Goldie had been right.

Suddenly, they heard a moan from the bedroom.

"What's that?" Neil asked.

"It's nothing," said Harry. He grabbed his coat. "Let's go."

"Wait," said the other man. He went into the bedroom, and came out with Goldie, clutching her head.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's not well," said Harry. "Leave her."

The other man looked at Neil, who nodded. "We'd better bring her too."

They were lead to an aircar, and made to sit in the back. As they did, Harry looked anxiously at Goldie. "Are you all right, Goldie?"

"I don't know, Harry," said Goldie. "My mind... it feels like things are changing in it."

Harry's heart started to race. It was happening, before his very eyes.

"Do you... do you still love me?" he asked. He had to ask.

Goldie started to answer, stopped, then averted her eyes, and looked away.

Neil, sitting in the front seat, watched the exchange with interest through the rear view mirror.

"Welcome, Harry. And... Goldie MacPherson," said Cathy.

They were in a large mansion just outside of Orlando. There were armed guards everywhere.

"My name is Cathy Everson," said Cathy. "Welcome to the Hive."

"The Hive?" said Harry.

"The Hive of activity," said Cathy. "Our group was created nearly three years ago, when we first became aware of the activities of extremists."

"Extremists?" said Goldie, still holding her head.

"Those with extreme intelligence. Miss MacPherson, would you like some aspirin?"

"Please," said Goldie.

"Biden," said Cathy. A servicer went to fetch it. "We first encountered a group called The Foundation. They kidnapped and tried to brainwash an Olympic running athlete."

"We know The Foundation," said Harry. "We're on the run from them too."

"Good," said Cathy. "We have been following their activities closely. When we locate one of their facilities, we infiltrate or destroy it."

"I'm looking for my sister Claire," said Goldie. "Perhaps you know where she is."

"Is she an extremist?" Cathy asked.

"No, not an extremist... well, she is Fourther, I mean," said Goldie.

"I see," said Cathy.

Biden returned with two tablets and a glass of water. Goldie thanked him and eagerly swallowed them.

"Then we came across a group named The Society which recruited Extremists for eugenic mating experiments, but killed their spouses if they were Normals."

"We've met them too," said Harry.

"And then there is a particular individual, lead by an extremist named John Franklin, who is trying to take over the World Government with robot duplicates."

"I think you've got them all," said Harry.

"Not even close, Mr. Crater," said Cathy. "Wherever there are extremists, wherever there are Fourthers, there are people plotting to take over the world. There is something about high intelligence people which is inherently dangerous."

"Well, I don't know if I would say that," said Harry.

"I would," said Cathy. She paused. "We have an operative in Doctor Franklin's employ. We were aware of your encounter with him. That's how we became aware of you."

"That's great! Are you going to shut his factory down?" Goldie asked.

"When the time is right," said Cathy.

"You seem to already be aware of the groups we encountered. So how can we help you?" Harry asked.

"You can't," said Cathy. An evil smile started to cross her face.

"Then... why are we here?" Harry asked.

"To deal with you, Harry. And perhaps you, Miss MacPherson."

"But I'm fighting against these groups. I'm helping Goldie find her sister," said Harry. "Tell him, Goldie."

"Yes," said Goldie, squinting. "Harry was... helping me. I think."

"You think?" said Harry.

"You seem in a bit of difficulty, Miss MacPherson. What is your situation?" Cathy inquired.

"I... I was conditioned to love Harry, by The Foundation,"' said Goldie, speaking with some effort.


"I... it seemed to have worn off," said Goldie.

"You no longer love Mr. Crater?"

"No," said Goldie, looking sadly at Harry. "I don't."

Harry looked down, and winced hard, and shuddered.

"When did this happen?"

"I started getting headaches... earlier today. Before you came. I took a nap. When I woke up, I saw him differently."

"Differently how?"

"He's... he's not a bad man, Miss Everson. He's just...." Goldie held back. She didn't want to hurt Harry more than she already did.

"What, Miss MacPherson, what is he?"

"He's... he's a depressed man. Suicidal. Anti-social. There isn't much to like about him. My former employers at The Foundation realized this. They conditioned me... conditioned me to love him."

"And now?"

"I don't hate him, Miss Everson. If anything... I kind of pity him."

"But do you love him, Miss MacPherson?"

"No," she said, shaking her head. "And I can't imagine how I ever did."

Harry, still looking down, was breathing hard.

"I see Harry is taking this rather poorly. Perhaps he had feelings for you?"

"Yes. I think he does," said Goldie. "Please don't hurt him."

"Oh, we're not going to hurt him, Miss MacPherson. Far from it. We're going to cure him," said Cathy.

"What do you mean?" Goldie asked.

"We are not an inhumane people," said Cathy. "We kill only where we have to. Our preference is to bring in Extremists like Harry here, and cure him. We have a device which can make him Normal, to bring his intelligence down to an acceptable range."

"What is an acceptable range?"

"It's hard to say exactly... somewhere between 85 and 100."

"85 to 100... that's a bit... below average, isn't it?" Goldie asked.

"We're still perfecting the device," said Cathy. "But it works quite well. Biden here was one of our first test subjects. We captured him on a raid of a Foundation warehouse two years ago. He was so grateful that he entered into my employ. Biden, tell us how grateful you were."

The servicer called Biden, a man with slicked back dark hair, looked to be in his 40's, but his eyes looked much older. He looked at Cathy dully. "I am very grateful."

"Tell us how happy you are now, and what your life is like," said Cathy.

"I service Miss Everson. I cook, and I clean. In my free time, I look at flowers in the garden."

"And are you happy, Biden?"

"Yes," he said, with a blank expression. "I am very happy."

"I'd rather die than be turned into a vegetable like that," said Harry.

"That is always an option, Mr. Crater." She snapped her fingers, and two men grabbed Harry by the arms, and lifted him up. He struggled against them, until a third man drew a compression pistol. Then he stopped struggling.

"Take Mr. Crater to the Healing Room," said Cathy. As Harry was led away, he gave Goldie one last fleeting look.

Goldie stood up. "If you're going to make him more like us... can I watch?"

Cathy nodded. "Of course, my dear. Follow me."

She led Goldie into a lab where there was a chair with a large helmet above it. It reminded Goldie very much of the laboratory of the people who converted Normals into very erratic functioning Fourthers... only this device seemed to operate in reverse.

The last time she had been the one to be strapped into the chair, while Harry saved her. This time Goldie watched passively, as Harry was put into the chair.

"Goldie!" he cried. "Goldie!" His arms were rapidly cuffed to the chair.

Goldie just looked at him. "Yes, Harry."

"Whatever happens to me... always know I love you," said Harry.

"I think we can begin," said Cathy.

"I love you too, Harry," said Goldie.

The import of those words were just filtering into Cathy's mind, as she saw Goldie bend down and lift her pants leg. When she stood up, she saw that Goldie now held a compression pistol, which she was now pointing at Cathy. Immediately, four men drew compression pistols and aimed them at Goldie's head.

"Release him," said Goldie.

"A pretense, dear?" said Cathy.

"Yeah," said Goldie, giving a small smile.

Cathy looked at Goldie appraisingly. "You won't fire."

Suddenly, Goldie's smile turned maniacal. "Go ahead. Tell them to fire. Without Harry, I have nothing to live for. Nothing." Goldie cracked Cathy across the face with the compression pistol. As Cathy recovered, Goldie pointed the gun at her chest. "Go ahead! I'm going to count to three! One... Two...."

"Release him!" Cathy cried.

One of the guards released Harry. He got up and took one of the compression pistols out of one of the guard's hands.

"Are you all right, Harry?"

"I am now," said Harry. "How's your headache?"

"Much better, thanks," said Goldie. "I think Cathy here wants to escort us out. Don't you, Cathy?"

"So you planned it all along," said Harry, later, as they lay in bed together.

"When I heard we were going into the den of a group of Normal resistance fighters, I figured this would be a good time to be deprogrammed, just in case." said Goldie.

"Why didn't you tell me?" said Harry, letting his fingers trace one of her areolas.

"Harry, you're a brilliant man, but a terrible actor," said Goldie. "I wanted your reaction to be genuine."

"Maybe I wasn't such a terrible actor as you thought," said Harry. He leaned over to stare at her face.

Goldie's eyes widened. "You knew?"

"Not at the beginning, but... yes."


"When you called me depressive, and suicidal. You, whoever you really are, underneath all that conditioning... you would never be so cruel as to call me that, Goldie MacPherson."

Goldie smiled, and felt a stirring in her groin. She leaned forward, and Harry kissed her.​
Next page: Chapter 18.1
Previous page: Chapter 16.2