Chapter 21.1

[Note: This is a romance story with some erotic scenes. It is not a story with erotic scenes in every chapter. Some chapters have incredible sex scenes, but many others have none.]


For once, the 'how' was not so important. The Foundation had tracked them back to their hotel. They had planted a bomb in their car. How, when, and why, didn't seem to matter.

Because Goldie was gone.

Harry was stunned into inaction. It was Claire who came to her senses first. She called a taxi, and got them to the airport as soon as possible. Soon enough they were on a plane for Savannah, Georgia.

"Why Georgia?" Harry had asked.

"Why not?" Claire had said.

Harry understood her reasons better when they drove in the air car she rented at the airport to Hilton Head, South Carolina.

A resort town.

Harry didn't feel like being at a resort, and told her so. Claire told him it was a good a place as any to rest and recover. It was late April, and the average daytime highs were in the 70's at Hilton Head.

Harry stayed in their hotel room the entire time, only leaving for meals. For five days he cried and hugged a pillow.

Goldie, his poor Goldie! He had loved her, he really did.

Harry realized that when he had told Alexandra that he loved her, that he hadn't, not really. Back then he hadn't really understood what love really was. No, the only woman he had truly loved was Goldie. He thought about all their wonderful times together. He thought about their passionate unofficial honeymoon in Hawaii. How they had watched the sunsets together. How they had made love at the base of a tremendous waterfalls. How Goldie had danced for him at the Luau, in that coconut cup bra and grass skirt. The smile on her face when she danced for him.

Now it no longer seemed to matter how much of her love was programmed and how much was real. For Harry, the experience had been entirely real.

And now she was gone.

For five days and five nights he sobbed in the bedroom. Claire let him grieve. There was nothing she could say to mitigate his pain.

And then, on the fifth night, when Harry was tossing restlessly in bed, he heard the bedroom door open.

"Claire?" he said.

"No," the figure said. "It's me, Goldie." He felt a shock as a warm, nude, feminine body slid into bed next to him. Harry only had underwear on, and felt his penis started to become shamefully erect as the woman pressed her soft body against his.

"Goldie?" he said, in a confused voice.

"Shhhh," she said. She started kissing him. Her lips felt so soft, so plush against his. He kissed her back, sobbing.

"Goldie... Goldie..."

"It's me, dear," she said. "I'm here for you."

But Harry knew this couldn't be true. In the dim light he could see that her hair was much thicker than Goldie's. Her breasts, which were pressed against him, were much larger than Goldie's. Her lips were even plusher than Goldie's. What was pressed against him was a much more feminine version of Goldie.

It aroused him even further, until his thing was hard against her belly. He felt shamefully embarrassed. He started to speak, but she shushed him again. "Shhhh, my darling. Let Goldie do all the work," she whispered. And then she reached into his underwear, and felt him. "Hard, just the way I like it," she said, and he could see a faint gleam in her eyes.

She stopped kissing him long enough to pull off his underwear; he lifted his bottom up to help her. He was very much aware of how he was cooperating with this. All of it.

She mounted him, pressing her pubis against his. He felt the roughness of her pubic hair against his erect organ. She started to kiss him again. " Isn't that much better?" she whispered.


"Goldie. It's always Goldie," she whispered, and she kissed him so passionately, that the debate of who, or what, was kissing him was driven fully from his mind. She rubbed her groin in a circular motion against him, and grinned when she heard him groan. She lifted herself up, and grabbed him by a feminine hand, and inserted him into her.

She felt like Goldie on the inside... but different. Wetter, moister. There was a little less friction, and yet it was still tremendously stimulating, as the head of his organ rubbed against her inner walls.

As she moved up and down over him, he saw the beautiful outline of her breasts, her breasts which were so much larger than Goldie's, hanging down over her, swaying up and down, back and forth, as she worked herself up and down on him.

It was too exciting for him to bear. "Aaaahhh," said Harry. "Goldie, I don't think I can hold it in much longer."

She moved her mouth to his ear, and kissed it. "Then let it go, darling. Let it all go."

"Aaaahh... yessss... yesss.. yesss..." said Harry. He felt himself crossing an invisible line, the head of his penis twitched, and then he exploded inside of her. "Aaaaaah.... Claire!" he said, as he climaxed.

He was so exhausted, that he instantly drifted off into sleep, without being aware of whether he had fully seen to her needs.

Harry woke up slowly. He had had an incredible dream. First he had been with Goldie, and then she had turned into Claire... his eyes widened as he saw Claire, lying next to him, watching his face. And smiling.

"Good morning, dear," she said. She leaned over and kissed him. Harry was too astonished to respond.

When she pulled back, he said, "Claire... did you... did we....?"

"You needed it," said Claire. "You've been moping around for almost a week. Harry, I can't imagine the mental anguish you experienced. But you need to start to move on."

"But... wouldn't it be disrespecting her memory...."

She grabbed his hand. "Dear, if Goldie were here, what would she tell you to do?"

"To get on with my life." Harry was sure of it.

"She's right, dear, gentle Harry," said Claire. "You shouldn't feel you're betraying her memory by enjoying life. In fact, by embracing life, you're honoring it. Goldie was always someone who grabbed life by the saddle, and lived it to the fullest. You should, too."

"I... suppose," said Harry. "That's why you brought me here, isn't it? To help me... snap out of it?"

"That's right," said Claire. "Now, are you ready to get up, and stop moping, and try to enjoy life? Just a little?"

"All right," said Harry.

He got dressed and showered, the first time in days.

They went down and had breakfast. Then Claire took him to a local botanical garden. It was early May, and the flowers were blooming.

"Isn't that beautiful?," said Claire, pointing to a long rows of rose bushes, in all different colors.

"Yes," said Harry.

"What do you think of that yellow one, Harry? That's Yellow Jessamine, the state flower of South Carolina," said Claire. She proceeded to identify each flower they came across, one by one and told Harry something about them.

"You know so much about flowers," said Harry. "I thought your field of study was Biomathematics."

"It was," said Claire. "But do you know any Fourther who had just one field of study?"

She smiled at him, and Harry realized how different she was from Goldie. Goldie had been smart, but she was no gold mine of information, like Claire. Harry had only dated one other Fourther, Jerri Thomas, but Jerri and Claire had very different personalities. Jerri had been much more serious. Claire had more of a funny side to her... like Goldie.

After walking around the gardens, they had lunch in a greenhouse cafe. Claire was stylishly dressed in a white hat, white shirt, and white shorts. Her eyes shined as she talked to Harry over lunch, and she frequently smiled at him.

Slowly but surely, he found himself smiling back.

After lunch, Claire suggested they rent a canoe and paddle through a nature preserve. They saw a lot of birds, and frogs, and tall plants coming out of the water, and green lily pads. After a while, Claire motioned for him to stop paddling, and they just rested, in the middle of the lagoon. Harry was uncomfortably aware that he was trapped on a tiny boat with a pretty woman who was attracted to him. He tried not to blush when she smiled at him.

"Goldie and I rented a sailboat during our honeymoon in Hawaii," said Harry, as he paddled slowly through a marsh.

"Your honeymoon, Harry?"

"We... we thought of it that way," said Harry. "Or maybe it was just me. We had been through so much together, Claire. Goldie almost got back together with Greg. I thought I had lost her. And then she entered into a relationship with a man named John Connor. I thought I lost her again. We went through some tough times, but it always made our bond stronger. It was so strong, I guess, that I felt like at the end we were already married, and the marriage was just a formality."

"I'm glad you and Goldie had some happiness," said Claire. "Despite our differences, I really did love my sister, and wanted the best for her. You know that, don't you, Harry?"

"Yes," said Harry. "It was unfortunate that in her last moments the two of you were...."

"At each other's throats?" Claire grinned. "We would have made up again. We always did, Harry. Even after she stole my boyfriend in high school. I forgave her, as I always did. How could I not? She was always insanely jealous of me."

"Of you?"

"I was always the prettier one," Claire said. "Goldie never developed quite as much as I did," she said, smiling as she touched her breasts, and then smiling even broader as she saw Harry's eyes widen. "And of course, I was a Fourther, and she wasn't. And also... did she tell you about her medical problem?"

"That she couldn't have children?"

"So she did tell you. How tragic. I felt so sad for her," said Claire.

"I... I lost a child recently," said Harry.

Claire looked confused. "You did Harry? With Goldie?"

"No," said Harry. "With someone else. Another Fourther, named Jerri." And he told her the story of how they had come to the island run by the Society, and how Harry had been coerced into impregnating her.

"How horrible," said Claire. "To be forced to reproduce... like a lab animal."

"I didn't enjoy that aspect of it," said Harry. "Although Jerri was lovely. She looked a little bit..."

"Like what, Harry?"

"Like you," said Harry. They both had the same thick wavy blonde hair. Claire's face was a little rounder, and Jerri had green eyes, not blue, but otherwise they could have been sisters.

"Was she pretty, Harry?"

Harry summoned the courage to look into Claire's sparkling blue eyes. "Oh yes. She was very pretty."

Claire smiled at him.

Neither of them spoke for a moment.

"What happened then, Harry?"

Harry told her how he and Goldie had encountered Jerri again at the encampment of the Vanguard group, nearly five months pregnant with his child, and how she had died in a crossfire.

"She died saving me," said Harry, starting to tear up.

"How awful, Harry," said Claire.

"And then Goldie took me to Hawaii to cheer me up, and it did, and I thought we would be together forever-"

"And now here we are," said Claire. She looked sympathetically at Harry. "I hadn't realized you had suffered so much, Harry. I'm so sorry for your losses. You're such a wonderful man, it's such a tragedy."

She said he was wonderful. Harry felt a chill go through his body, even though the temperature was in the 70's.

"Goldie and I were on a boat, in Hawaii. She made me drift in the water too," said Harry.

"And what did she do with you while you were drifting, Harry?" Claire asked, giving him a predatory smile.

Harry didn't answer. He only reddened.

"I think I know what she did with you, Harry. I think I know, because I might have done it too," said Claire.

Harry blushed a second time. Suddenly he was aware that he was in a tiny boat with a woman who was intensely attracted to him.

"I'm sorry, Harry! Did I embarrass you?" Claire asked.

"No, it's just... you're so beautiful," said Harry, sounding terribly incoherent.

Claire said, "Why thank you, Harry. That's the first compliment you've given me. I was beginning to wonder if you liked me."

"I do like you, Claire," said Harry.

"Would you like to get to know me... better, Harry?"

Harry nodded. "I would, Claire."

"So would I, Harry."

They had dinner at the hotel that night. Claire flirted shamelessly with Harry, smiling, touching his hand, and even touching his foot under the table with her own. Harry smiled back at her, feeling aroused, but also more than a little nervous.

When they went back to their room, however, Claire stood before Harry and looked at him expectantly.

Harry didn't know quite what to do. He gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks for the dinner," he said.

"You paid for it, Harry," said Claire. "I should be thanking you." And she reached over and kissed him on the lips.

It was golden. It felt like Goldie, no, even more so. Even more feminine. Claire had plusher lips.

Claire smiled as she pulled back and saw Harry's eyes closed, his mouth in a smile. When he opened them again, she said, "Anything else you want to say, Harry?"

He looked at her. She was so beautiful.

"Uh, no," said Harry.

"Goodnight, then," said Claire, going into her bedroom.

The next day Harry seemed noticeably more upbeat. He smiled more over breakfast. After breakfast, they passed a chess table, out under the palm trees. Claire asked him to play. Harry's face clouded up, but he agreed.

Because they were both Fourthers, it was unsurprising when the first game ended in a deadlock. And the second as well. As they worked on the third game, however, Claire took Harry's rook in a surprise move.

"Is your mind on the game, Harry?"

"No. I mean, yes," said Harry.

"What is it, Harry?"

She looked over at him with sparkling blue eyes. Exactly like Goldie's. Claire was confusing; in some ways, so much like Goldie, but in others, so different. Her face was rounder, but she saw Goldie in Claire's eyes, and pert nose. Her hair was thicker, and blonder, but it had the same waviness that Goldie had. Her breasts, of course, were bigger, but her legs were just as sleek as Goldie's. It was like being with Goldie... but not Goldie.

"I was just thinking of the time Goldie beat me at chess in Hawaii," said Harry, moving his knight backwards.

"Goldie beat you in chess? Was she wearing a very low cut shirt, Harry?"

Harry grinned. That would be the kind of teasing thing that Goldie would have said. "I spotted her my queen. And my horses. And my bishops, and all my other capital pieces."

Claire looked confused. "So... she beat you when all you had were pawns? How was that such a great victory for sis?"

"Don't you see?" said Harry. "I beat her twice. Easily. Even after spotting her many pieces. Any other woman would have been too intimidated to play me again. Goldie... always found a way to bridge our differences."

"She was a very special woman, Harry," said Claire, which surprised Harry, to hear her say that.

"Yes, she was," said Harry.

"And you deserve someone special in your life," said Claire, softly. She looked up at him, and saw him shiver slightly. "Check," she said, moving her queen.

It was mate in seven moves.

"I won, Harry," said Claire. She leaned forwards. "What do I win?"

Harry looked at the swelling of her breasts, her blue eyes, her large lips. "What would you like?"

"I think you know, Harry," said Claire. "I think you do."

Harry paused for a moment. He had kissed Claire before. He had even made love to her before. And yet... it had all happened during that special night, that night of confusion and anguish and pleasure, when he half-thought it was Goldie. Now, in the light of day, it seemed like a big step to kiss her again.

He reached forward and kissed her on the lips briefly.

Claire actually wiped her lips with the back of her hand. "Pathetic. If you kissed Goldie like that, she would have left you after the second date, programming or no."

Her blunt, even nasty comment enraged Harry. She was so pretty, so lovely.. and yet such a bitch! Growling with anger, he pulled her by the back of her head and planted his lips against hers. He grinded furiously for a long moment. She met him back, eagerly giving as good as she got. When he was done with her, she leaned back, with a sated look on her face.

"Well... it seems you do know how to kiss a woman, if only you can get worked up to it."

"I can get worked up to it," said Harry.

"Well, you know the scientific method, Harry," said Claire. "Performing once is notable. But it only has validity if you can replicate it." She smiled mockingly at him. "Are you ready for lunch?"

They had a wonderful meal together.

After lunch, they went to an old fashioned bookstore, with real books, just as Harry had done with Goldie. To Harry's immense delight, Claire started to make amusing comments about the books, just like Goldie used to.

"Look at this title, Harry," said Claire, holding up a book entitled Someone to Hold Me, showing a woman hugging a muscular topless man. "I'd say she'd like to a lot more than just hold him, don't you?"

Harry laughed.

Claire picked up another book. Three's Company by AJ Cranston. "With a title like that, how much would you bet that AJ is a man, Harry?"

Harry laughed out loud. That was such a Goldie comment. He smiled at Claire, and she smiled back. It was as if Claire had a crystal ball, and knew all the things he had done with Goldie, and was now doing them in the same way, to entice him, to put him under her spell.

Harry thoroughly enjoyed his time in the bookstore with Claire. He felt himself starting to grow closer to her. As they walked back to the hotel, they passed by a miniature golf course. "Ready for some irons, Harry?" she said.

"Miniature golf?" said Harry, making a face.

"What's wrong?"

"It's a child's game."

"Oh," said Claire, putting a hand up to her face. "Then you should be able to beat me easily."

Harry quickly learned that he couldn't. He thought he had good hand-eye coordination, and he did. But Claire was better. She could take a ball, apply a precise amount of thrust to it, make it bounce here, and there, and a third place, and wind up in the hole. She was scoring holes with only one or two strokes, while Harry was lucky to win with only two or three.

When they reached the end, they came to an old fashioned windmill which was blocking their path to the hole.

"Do you think I can do that in one shot?"

Harry considered. There were so many twists and turns, he didn't even think Claire could. "Probably not."

Claire stood close to Harry, and pressed her breasts against him. "What would you give me if I did?"

"Whatever you like," said Harry, speaking too quickly. Which was her intention. The feeling of her body against his drove all thoughts of rationality out of his mind.

"Whatever I like, eh?"

Claire bent over with her putter and aimed carefully, giving Harry a perfect view of her large, firm ass. It was simply gorgeous.

Claire aimed, and aimed, and aimed again... and then she swung! The ball bounced off of one wall, and then a barricade, and then another wall... to land just barely an inch from the hole!

Claire looked up at Harry. She walked over to him, pressing her body against his again. "So close," she whispered. "I think I'll take my reward anyway." And she pulled him down by the back of his head, and took what she wanted, irrespective of the other players on other holes who stopped to watch.

When she was done, and released him, she said, "Well?"

Harry said, "If that's the best you can do with a hole in two, I can't wait to see what you can do with a hole in one."

Claire laughed.

That evening they had a late dinner. Every night Claire wore a different dress. Tonight she was wearing a white dress which was low cut in the front. Harry had to work hard to keep his eyes off of her chest... as she probably intended. She looked so beautiful, with her thick, blonde hair. It framed her gorgeous face perfectly. Her full cheeks excited Harry... they looked juicy, and reminded him of.. her other cheeks. And those blue eyes... those blue eyes, just like Goldie's....

After dinner, they watched the stars for a while, hand in hand. Then they returned back to their room.

She stared at him for a long moment. "Well, here we are again," she said. Claire seemed to be waiting for something.

Harry stepped in and gave her a warm kiss. She embraced him, prolonging it, pressing her body against his. When she pulled back, she looked at him. "Anything else, Harry?"

"Um... have a good night," said Harry.

"Have a good night," Claire repeated hollowly, and he could tell she was unhappy. "Fine. Good night, Harry."

The next morning they made sand castles on the beach.

"Sand castles?" said Harry, making a face.

"Big brained Harry, the smartest man on the planet, is way too smart to make sand castles!" said Claire. And when she said it like that, Harry had to resist the urge to kiss her. She sounded exactly like Goldie.

And so they made sand castles. But while Harry built a traditional fort, Claire was making something else.

"What is that?"


She started to build one rectangular shaped structure, then a second one, then a lower one. It started to look vaguely familiar. When it was done, Harry's jaw dropped.

"Recognize it?" she grinned.

It was a nearly identical copy of an atmospheric reclamation plant on Mars.

Claire had taken an activity meant for children, or people with very simple mind, and given a sophisticated spin on it. Just like she did with miniature golf. She was like Goldie, in reverse, who could take complicated things like chess and reduce it to something simple for herself.

"It's wonderful," said Harry, and he started to feel something more for Claire as she smiled at him.

They went on a boat tour of the coastline. When they saw dolphins swimming by, Claire squealed with excitement and grabbed Harry's arm. "Look, Harry, look at the dolphins!"

Harry looked at dolphins. He was beginning to realize that Claire, who he had first thought was more reserved, had nearly the exact same love of life as Goldie did. He just hadn't gotten to know her as well.

Now he was finding, more and more, that being with Claire was like being with Goldie, in a big way. He began to develop feelings for her.

And yet... the rule of Erica reared its head. Every woman he made love to left him. It could be argued that Goldie hadn't actually left him, but she was gone, nonetheless. It could also be argued that Harry had already made love to Claire, but that had been done under rather unusual circumstances, and in any case, she had made love to him. He had not decided to do it on his own.

He knew that Claire was getting impatient, and that she was expecting him to make the next move. But he was still a little shell-shocked from the loss of Goldie. He was having such a wonderful time with Claire, that he was afraid to rock the boat, so to speak. He smiled as he thought it, because he literally felt the boat rock under his feet.

Later that afternoon, they changed into bathing suits. The ocean in South Carolina was not warm enough to swim in during early May, but the swimming pool was large and very clean looking.

Claire wore a black one piece bathing suit, but it was like no other one piece Harry had ever seen. It split from the waist up so it bared a considerable part of the inner sides of her breasts. Every male head within viewing distance turned to look at her.

"Don't you think that bathing suit is attracting some attention?" Harry asked.

Claire smiled at him. "I don't know, Harry, is it?"

He didn't answer.

"Are you coming in?"

"Not yet," said Harry.

"Suit yourself," said Claire. She turned, and did a graceful dive off the deep end. He watched her swim for several minutes. Claire had long, graceful arms, and a solid stroke; she was an excellent athlete in every sense of the word.

When she emerged from the water, she was dripping wet, and more gorgeous, if possible, than before she had gone in. Harry watched how her bathing suit tightly gripped the area between her legs in a taut "v" shape. Her ass which was so well rounded, like globes, were even larger than Goldie's and looked so squeezable. Her breasts, which were only partially covered by her swimsuit, were dotted with white droplets of water. He wanted to suck the water off her breasts, and get between her legs and pull aside that tight v shaped fabric aside and....

Harry immediately felt a stirring between his legs, which he covered up with his Pad.

"Why don't you come in, Harry? The water's fine," said Claire, in a low, sensual tone. Even her voice was arousing him now.

"I will, ah, in a moment," said Harry.

"Why not now?" said Claire. She moved deftly, and in one swift motion, pulled the Pad off his lap. "Harry, you're injured!"

"I, ah..."

"Oh, that swelling must be terrible. Did you bang yourself on something?"

Harry's face turned scarlet.

"You must be in terrible pain, you poor dear. It looks so swollen! Let me call the lifeguard. Maybe she has a first aid kit." Claire turned to the lifeguard, a blonde woman with breasts almost as big as Claire, and opened her mouth.

"No, Claire, please," said Harry.

"Well, Harry, we've got to do something for it," said Claire. "And I know you don't like the traditional way of reducing the swelling down there." She paused, enjoying his discomfiture. "I know. Cold water. That always does the trick for me."

And she pulled him upwards, seemingly oblivious to his embarrassment, and pulled him into the water. They both fell in with a splash.

The water was cool and wonderful and before long Harry was swimming with Claire, though not nearly as gracefully as she was. She was a thing of beauty, a wonderful body cutting the water delicately, like a jeweler cutting a diamond. The way she soared through the water reminded Harry of Goldie, so long ago, cutting across the ice at Rockefeller Center.

When they finally got out, they toweled each other off, to Harry's immense satisfaction. "Are you having a good time, Harry?"

"Yes," he said truthfully.

"We're going to have an even better time tonight, aren't we, Harry?" she said.

And then his smile faded. She was drawing a line.

If Harry had had any lingering doubts about what was expected of him that night, the dress Claire chose to wear to dinner erased them. She wore a stunning black dress which was elegant in its simplicity. It had some kind of built in push up bra built into it which made Claire's prominence even more so. She looked so feminine, so desirable, so perfect, that Harry got excited just sitting on the other side of a table from her.

"Do you like my dress, Harry?" she said in a low, sexy voice.

"Yes, I really do," said Harry, self conscious of the fact that he was wearing a very simple shirt and pants.

"I bought this dress just for you, Harry," said Claire. She leaned forward. Just as Goldie did when she signaled she wanted to be kissed. Harry obediently leaned forward and kissed her. She kissed him back, enjoying the moment.

Dinner was tense for Harry. Not only because Claire was playing footsy with him under the table. It was those looks she was giving him, those long, smoldering, half-lidded looks.

Claire wanted to be fucked tonight. And Harry wasn't sure if he could do it.

He wanted Claire. There could be no doubt about that. He wanted her more than anything, except perhaps for Goldie. But all his self confidence had vanished with Goldie's burning air car. If he did it, if he went ahead... would Claire decide she didn't enjoy the sex, and disappear in the morning? It had happened with Alexandra. It could happen here.

And so when they returned to their hotel room, and Claire stood there, waiting to be kissed, Harry kissed her... but nothing else.

She gave him a long look for a moment, and her eyes almost seemed to be pleading. Then she nodded, and sighed, and he saw a very sad expression on her face. She turned and went into the bedroom.

Harry heard a slamming sound, and then the sound of drawers opening.

He went into her bedroom. She was filling up her suitcase.

"What are you doing?"

"Leaving," said Claire.


"Because you're not interested in me," said Claire.

He turned her to face him, and saw that there were tears in her eyes. "What is it, Harry? What is it that I don't have that she did?"

"Nothing!" said Harry.

"Then how did she do it, then, Harry? How did she trip you up? Tell me, I want to know." She was sobbing now.

"I... I'm not sure," said Harry slowly.

"I tried everything, Harry. I tried so hard to be like her for you. But I can't, Harry, I simply can't."

Harry held her in his arms. "I don't expect you to be Goldie."

"Then why aren't you attracted to me?" she sobbed.

"I am attracted to you," said Harry. "You're the prettiest, sexiest woman I've ever met." He almost regretted saying it the moment he did, feeling it sullied his memory of Goldie.

"Then w-why won't you... you...."

"Because... every woman I've made love to has run out on me." He remembered the exploding air car. "In one way or another."

"But Harry... I love you! I've loved you since the first moment I met you, at The Foundation!"

"You have?" Harry felt shocked.

"YES!" Claire cried. "But you were with her. Always her. And now... now that we have a chance together, I thought... I thought... but you don't want me." She lowered her head.

Her crying touched his heart. He simply couldn't resist any longer.

Harry raised her by the chin. "Claire."

"Yes, Harry?"

"I want you."

She looked up at him. "R-really?"

"Yes. I want you more than anything," said Harry.

"Then, w-why-"

Her question was cut off by Harry's lips, which pressed down on hers. It was not an ordinary kiss, but a kiss of passion, of lust, of needing, and Claire could sense the difference immediately, the difference from all of Harry's other shy, bashful kisses. This was the kiss of a real man. A real man who hungered for sex. Claire immediately responded with equal enthusiasm.

Harry undressed her, dominantly, like a man, without hesitation. Claire kissed and hugged him and cooperated eagerly. And as Harry undressed, he stared at her with such a firm, hard expression on his face, that Claire became sexually aroused. It was an expression of masculinity; an expression of control; an expression that said that Claire was about to be taken, her body used fully, on Harry's terms, and Harry's terms only. The thought of it excited Claire beyond imagination.

Harry took Claire to bed and made love to her. For the longest time their bodies were intertwined, slithering against each other sinuously like serpents, as they kissed and touched and petted each other. Harry was so excited. What he had told her was true. She was the sexiest woman he had ever been with. Goldie's face and hair had been beautiful, but Claire's hair was blonder and thicker; somehow, the thickness conveyed to him a sense of extreme sensuality. And when he looked down at her large, pouty c-cup breasts, he realized that however much he had worshipped Goldie's body, that Claire was so much more womanly, so much more feminine, down to the wider thighs and thicker labial lips nestled between her light brown forest.

He had to taste her. Harry moved down, and put a nipple in his mouth. Claire groaned as he nibbled on her teat, with just the barest suggestion of teeth, as she felt a cord of lust shoot from her nipple down to her groin.

Claire's groan only made Harry harder. As he continued to lick and suck, his hands petted her breast reverently. It was so big, and so soft! He loved the smoothness of it. His lips made a popping sound as he pulled out of her nipple. He looked down at her. With her big breasts and wide pubic bush, she looked so feminine. He had to have her.​
Next page: Chapter 21.2
Previous page: Chapter 20.2