Chapter 22
[Note: This is a romance story with some erotic scenes. It is not a story with erotic scenes in every chapter. Some chapters have incredible sex scenes, but many others have none.]
A Very Brief Intermission
A Very Brief Intermission
Harry spent two weeks searching for information about The Foundation. He couldn't manage to decrypt any more of The Foundation's database. He agreed with Claire that going after more of The Foundation's "People of Interest" would be a waste of time.
Instead, he tried to replicate what they did last time, to replicate chemicals and resources The Foundation would need for cloning. After two weeks of work, he came up with a prospect. A warehouse, a transshipment point, just outside of Baltimore, Maryland.
Claire seemed to retreat back to her former self. She no longer was so complaining or demanding as she had been in Nanqu. But neither was she as playful or affectionate as she had been in Hilton Head. She was something in the middle.
She and Harry continued to make love. Claire had her menses right before they left Nanqu, so now she was fertile again. She and Harry agreed to keep trying, even while they tried to track down The Foundation.
Harry wondered what it would be like if they were successful. Once they returned to Nanqu, would Claire become less considerate, less loving again? More importantly, how would she react to the presence of the child clones?
Harry had a hunch that while she might tolerate Harry bringing his own clone back to Nanqu, there is no way she could be convinced to raise Goldie's. Claire had already speculated that her parents would "love it" if they had another child to raise. She, clearly, would like to see Goldie's clone dropped off with them.
They would deal with that when the time came. If Harry were faced with a choice of choosing between a clone of Goldie as a four year old, and Claire, what would he do? Even Harry didn't know the answer. Only one could give him the kind of female companionship he needed. And yet, to see Goldie again... even as a child... could he really give that up?
All these thoughts were circulating in his head as he and Claire went to the warehouse near Baltimore.
They went at night, and cut their way through the fence. When they got inside the warehouse, however, they were totally surprised.
"It's empty," said Claire, shining a light at the shelves. "It's totally empty."
"Well, not totally," said a very familiar voice.
"Goldie!" Harry cried.
"Hello, Harry," said Goldie calmly. She was wearing a black jacket and black pants, and she was carrying a compression pistol, and aiming it in their general direction.
"Goldie how-" Harry began, but Claire cut him off. "What's with the gun, sis?" she said, raising her own. She casually started walking to Goldie, until they were mere feet from each other.
"You can never be too careful in dark places, sis," said Goldie, who was now clearly pointing her gun at Claire.
Harry had his own compression gun; they all did, but Harry didn't know where to point his.
"Goldie, what's going on here?" said Harry. "I saw you die."
Goldie raised a finger of her free hand. "No, Harry, you didn't. You heard me saying I was going to the air car. Then you saw the air car explode. That's not the same as seeing me die."
Harry paused. It had all happened so quickly. He had just assumed. "You didn't die?"
"You were always so quick on the uptake, Harry!" said Goldie. "And before sis sticks her tits into it, no, I'm not a clone. I'm the real thing, Harry." She turned to Claire. "How're you doing, sis? I hear you've been having Harry bang you. How's that been working out for you?" She paused, and made a face. "You know, I just realized, it seems all the MacPherson girls have been programmed to fuck you, Harry. If only we could get my mom involved, we could have a perfect trifecta!"
"Goldie, what happened to you?" Harry asked.
"They captured me, Harry. The Foundation. They nabbed me, and held me prisoner, for a while," said Goldie, never taking her eyes, or her aim, off of Claire.
"For a while?"
"They eventually sent me out on missions, Harry."
"Then why didn't you... why didn't you contact me?" Harry asked.
"Because they programmed her, Harry," said Claire. "Isn't it obvious?"
"Do you like my necklace, Harry?" Goldie asked, tilting her head up so he could see it better. There was a solid golden circlet around her neck. "It's not only a great transmitter, it also contains 2 micrograms of solid explosive. Let's just say I was given a powerful incentive not to contact you."
"But why, Goldie? Why did they want to separate us?" Harry asked.
"So you could pork Sis here," said Goldie. "It was a joint project of The Foundation and the Society. You remember the Society, Harry? They're the ones who set you up on that romantic date with Jerri."
"I remember," said Harry, in a dark tone.
"Well, anyway, they decided that you and sis here would make a perfect couple, sis with her high IQ... and her very functional uterus," said Goldie. "But unfortunately, there was one thing in their way."
"You were always sharp, Harry," said Goldie admiringly.
"So they waited until we were apart... and then grabbed you and faked your death... so I would...."
"Make little Harrys with Goldilocks here," said Goldie.
Harry looked at Claire. "But, that would mean...."
"That's right, Harry. Claire is the one who's been programmed. And she's been programmed with only one thing in mind. To get fucked by you," said Goldie.
"That's not true! You're the one who's been programmed!" Claire cried.
"Her programming was a little different than mine," said Goldie casually. "I was only programmed to love you, so I could seduce you into joining The Foundation. Sis here has been programmed to love you, so she could reproduce with you. A subtle difference, but a very important one." She spoke like a pedantic professor, illustrating a subtle difference in theory.
Claire looked wildly at Harry. "It's not true, Harry. It's lies, all lies."
"I was right," said Harry, in a stunned voice. "I was right all along. No one can ever love me of my own free will." He felt the room spinning around him.
"Not true, Harry!" said Goldie sharply. "I was telling you the truth when I said I love you. I still do."
"She's lying, Harry," said Claire. "She's the one who's been programmed. The Foundation is trying to break us apart. What are you doing here now, Goldie?"
"I escaped. I escaped, I found out where you were, and I'm here to claim, or I guess to reclaim, my man," said Goldie.
Claire pointed her gun at Goldie. "Harry, don't trust her."
Goldie kept her gun pointed at Claire. "At this range, neither of us can miss, sis. So what's it going to be, Harry? What does the brightest mind on the planet have to say? Which of us is telling the truth?"
Harry paused. It was a terrible choice. "I... I really don't know."
"Poor Harry! You remind me of the story of the mule, with two equally attractive bales of hay, who starves to death because he couldn't decide which one to eat."
Despite the tenseness of the situation, Harry realized she was right. How ironic this situation was! All his life he believed that no woman could ever truly be attracted to him, and now here he was, with two of most beautiful, talented women on the planet, both competing for his affections.
But which to believe? "I... I just don't know," he said.
Goldie got a peculiar gleam in her eye. "Well, then, let's ask Harry a far easier question which his simple male mind can process. Which of us do you prefer to be with?"
"What?" said Harry.
"You heard me, Harry! Which of us do you love more?" Goldie looked impatient. "It's a simple question. Go on, Harry, do it. Shoot the bitch you don't want, and kiss the one you do."
"Harry! Think about how much you love me!" Claire cried, her gun hand trembling slightly. "Remember how you told me how beautiful I was, much more than her! Remember we're both Fourthers! Remember that only we can children together!" She stared at Goldie with a clear look of superiority on her face.
"Goldie?" said Harry, hoping for a rebuttal.
Goldie tried to shrug it off, but she looked more than a little vulnerable. Her voice had a slight tremor when she replied, "What can I say, Harry? She's... she's right. I can't compete with her. I never could. I was never as pretty as she was. Nor as smart. And I still can't have kids. All I can say is... what I've said to you, many times before." And for the briefest of moments she looked at him and said, "I love you, and I know you love me."
In that brief moment, Harry felt something when she made eye contact with him. A feeling of something like electricity, going through his body. And then it was gone, as Goldie once again faced Claire, her finger tight on the trigger.
"Decide, Harry, before she shoots us both!" Claire yelled.
"Yes, Harry, decide," said Goldie.
Harry looked from one, to the other, then back again. He couldn't decide. He just couldn't.
...And then he did. He raised the pistol, and said, "I'm so sorry."
"I know," said Goldie.
And then his trigger finger twitched, almost of its own accord, and his gun fired.
There was a long silence for a moment.
And then Goldie licked her lips and said, "Either you're the worst shot in the world, or you love me. Which is it, Harry?"
Harry raced over to Goldie and hugged her. He eyed the fallen body of her sister. Claire was only stunned, of course. They hugged for a long moment.
"Is it you? Is it really you?" said Harry.
"It is, dearest. Of that I promise you," said Goldie. She hugged him tightly. "I have waited so long for this moment."
"I missed you terribly. Every day, for the past 104 days."
"Harry.. you've been counting every day? Since you thought I died?"
"Yes," said Harry, with tears in his eyes. "Each day felt like an eternity. Even when I thought you were gone, I couldn't stop thinking about you. She tried to make me stop thinking about you, but she couldn't."
"I know," said Goldie. She looked down. "Hey Harry, this is a new look for you! Tight white pants!"
"Yeah," said Harry. Leave it to Goldie to go on an irrelevant tangent at a time like this. But it proved one thing: this was the real Goldie, all right.
And then she ended the hug, and took a step back, and when she did, she was holding Harry's gun in one hand, and with the other was pointing her own pistol at him. "Yeah, it's a nice new look for you, Harry. I like it, I really do."
"Goldie?" he said, his eyes clearly confused.
"I'm... sorry, Harry," said Goldie, still pointing the gun at him.
Harry looked from her to the fallen body of Claire. "You mean... Claire was telling the truth? I shot the wrong woman?"
"Not exactly," said Goldie, steadying her aim. "Let's just say... that this was a test that didn't have any right answers."
And then, before Harry could say another word, she fired. He felt the blast hit him, and then... nothing.