Chapter 24

[Note: This is a romance story with some erotic scenes. It is not a story with erotic scenes in every chapter. Some chapters have incredible sex scenes, but many others have none.]

One Day Out

"Did I fuck them? Are you really asking me that, Harry?"

Goldie lay back on the bed and stretched. Like Harry, she was totally nude. Harry noticed with great pleasure that her vaginal lips were glistening with small white droplets.

"Yes, I am," said Harry.

"Let me ask you a question first, Harry. Did you fuck my sister?"

Harry's mouth dropped open. "Yes, but I thought you were dead!"

"Not relevant!"

"Very relevant!"

"Did you love her?"

Harry was silent.

"Harry, I asked you a question," said Goldie. She paused. "Harry, in my latest... recruitments for The Foundation, I ended up fucking two men."


"Not five. Not ten. Not twenty. Two. Or three, if you count a hand job I did," said Goldie. She leaned closer to Harry's face. "But I never loved any of them. Can you forgive me, for that? Can you, Harry?"

"Yes," said Harry softly.

"Good," she said, kissing him. He kissed her back. He still couldn't get enough of her. It was like he had been in a desert for months, and she was an oasis of love.

"Claire..." said Harry softly. Claire was all right. She had been taken into custody, like the rest. They had been told that her conditioning to love Harry, could be reversed, with proper treatment.

"Yes, Claire. Why did you choose me over her, Harry? I'm still puzzled," said Goldie innocently, with a sparkle in her eyes. "After all, we both know that Claire is prettier than I am. She has bigger tits and a bigger brain, not to mention all that messy baby making equipment."

"Yeah, those big tits. Those was so hard to turn down!" said Harry, tickling her chest, and her arms, and her legs, until she laughed.

But even persistent tickling didn't get Goldie to give up on the subject so easily. "So why did you choose me, Harry?"

"You're just dying to know, aren't you?" said Harry, continuing to tickle her, moving between her legs.

Goldie cackled. "Yes. Yes! Stop, Harry, stop!" she cried.

Harry stopped. "I never realized you were so ticklish down there."

"Harry, you're avoiding the question," said Goldie.

"What was the question?"

"Why did you choose me?" Goldie asked again. She straddled him, pressing her pubic hair against his. She started to rub her nether lips against his organ, slowly and intently.

"Why did I pick you? Well, actually, I didn't, not really," said Harry. "As you said, I simply have terrible aim."

Goldie cackled hysterically and kissed him all over his face. He loved the feeling of her body pressed against his, but even more so, the sheer strength of her affections. She loved him so thoroughly, with ever fiber of her being, and Harry felt it.

"I love you, Harry Crater," said Goldie, lying on top of him.

"And I love you, Goldie MacPherson," said Harry. "But... what was I was saying? I was chasing a thought."

"What, dearest?" she said, looking up at him with those beautiful blue eyes.

"There's a chance that Claire might be..."


"We were two weeks into her latest cycle when this all happened," said Harry.

"Not a problem," said Goldie dismissively.

"It's not?" Harry said.

"If sis turns out to be knocked up, we'll wait until she gives birth, hit her on the head, and take the baby."

"You're not serious," said Harry.

"Hey, Harry, it's half yours. Finders, keepers," said Goldie.

Harry's jaw dropped open as he realized Goldie was serious.

Two Weeks Out

Claire wasn't pregnant.

Goldie and Harry visited her in the hospital. The doctor warned them that she was still programmed. They were studying the Chair, and would hopefully reverse the procedure in the next few days. They had also offered to reverse the procedure on Goldie, to which she had given them dark looks.

"Harry. Sis," said Claire, sitting up in bed. "I guess you heard... the good news." She looked crestfallen.

"We did," said Goldie.

"I got my period," said Claire.

"I've never been so excited to hear those words in my life," said Goldie.

"Yeah," said Claire, looking crestfallen. "Harry, I...."

"There's no need to apologize, Claire," said Harry.

"I wasn't going to apologize, Harry," said Claire sharply.


"I just wanted to say that... I... I still have feelings for you," said Claire.

"You never give up, do you sis?" said Goldie.

"She's the same, Harry! We're both programmed!" said Claire.

"No, you're not the same," said Harry. He shook his head. "You never were."

"Doctor Selby says you'll feel better once you've been deprogrammed, dear," said Goldie. "Come on, Harry."

They turned to leave.

"No! I don't want to be deprogrammed! I want you, Harry! Harry, come back, please! Harry, I need you, inside me!"

Her voice cut out as the door closed behind them.

Goldie looked up at Harry, her eyes shining. "I need you inside me too, Harry."

He kissed her. "I can't be everywhere at once."

"That's what I like to hear," said Goldie.

Doctors Severin and Slattery were in jail. The FBI found a giant repository of cloning tubes in their headquarters. Hundreds of people, many of them clones, were taken into custody.

Harry applied for, and eventually received custody of his clone. As he thought, it was a four and a half year old version of himself, exactly as he looked at that age.

"But he doesn't have your experiences, Harry," said Goldie. Goldie had received custody of the little girl, who also proved to be an identical match to her DNA.

"You looked so cute as a little girl!" said Harry, looking at her through a window at the childcare center where she was temporarily interned.

"Yeah, she does, doesn't she?" said Goldie. The little girl had bright blonde hair. Well, that would fade a bit in time. But she would still be beautiful. "I'll enjoy raising my little girl. Maybe we can arrange playdates some time, with your little boy."

"Play dates?"

"Well, Harry, I assume we'll still be friends, and see each other, from time to time-"

Harry cut her off with a kiss. "We planned to get married in September, didn't we?"

"Well, yes, Harry, but that was before you cancelled our-"

"It's September now," said Harry. He got down on his knees. "Marry me, Goldie. Marry me right now."

"Without a formal wedding ceremony?"

"We'll go to city hall and do it right now," said Harry.

Goldie smiled. "It's tempting, Harry. But aren't you worried that I'll leave you, once my programming wears off?"

"No," said Harry, smiling broadly.

Goldie nodded, gulping noticeably. "Then let's do it, Harry."

Twelve Years Out

Goldie didn't leave Harry the month after they were married.

Nor on the sixth month mark.

Nor on the one year mark.

After that, Harry stopped being worried. Mostly. He knew his own programming would wear off over time, but he wanted to believe that she loved him.

So he did.

Anyway, Goldie's programming should have worn off a long time ago. He no longer worried about that. Instead, he and Goldie enjoyed a dozen warm, loving years together.

Harry, of course, wanted to go back to Nanqu and continue the work on the matter transmutation device.

Goldie, of course, not being a Fourther, had no intention of living in an isolated community of geniuses. Harry said that it would be great for Hank. Goldie said that it might be great for Hank, but not so good for Gerri, who wasn't going to grow up to be a Fourther.

That's right, Goldie had named her child after Jerri Thomas, the woman who Harry had impregnated. While this didn't seem intuitive, Goldie knew that if Jerri hadn't thrown her body in front of Harry, that she would be dead. They all owed her a big debt. And in some ways, it was also a tribute to the child Jerri had been carrying, the child Harry would never know. Harry was deeply moved by her gesture.

They argued some more about where they should live. In the end, however, Goldie compromised, because she loved him so much, and they spent half the year at Nanqu, and half in the States. Harry continued his work in the States via remote connections. Goldie coped in Nanqu, and to her surprise actually made some friends among the Fourthers, many of whom didn't treat her as a retarded person.

Claire was deprogrammed, and declared she no longer had any feelings for Harry. Six months later she married a black man with a large penis she met in Nanqu, another Fourther, and within two years she gave birth to her own child, which she endlessly compared to Goldie's clone.

They were relieved when Claire and her husband moved back to the States.

After a dozen years of marriage, Harry could clearly see the difference between being with Goldie and Claire. Goldie's love for him never abated. She never dismissed or ignored him or treated him any differently. They fought at times, as any couple did, and she sometimes disparaged Harry, but always with that little smile, that little smile that told him that even as she tore him down a bit, she was also aching to get him in bed later that night. Goldie was passionate and expressive in ways that Claire never was. She always made an effort every day to let Harry know that she loved him, and every day Harry was grateful he had made the right choice.

Harry no longer needed sleeping pills; Goldie's body was the most natural sleeping pill there was. He no longer felt he was wearing a spacesuit. He no longer thought of killing himself. Why would he? He was living with the love of his life, and he loved every day of it.

They raised the children together. At first, they didn't tell Hank and Gerri that they were clones. The kids had no way of knowing. They looked like Harry and Goldie did when they were children, but Harry and Goldie obviously looked a lot different as adults.

They let the kids think that they were brother and sister, until they turned 15, when they told them the truth. Goldie was very nervous as she and Harry prepared to have the talk with them. How would they react to learning that they were clones, rather than natural born children? Would there be psychological repercussions?

They thought the kids would be shocked, or surprised. Goldie watched anxiously as Harry told them the truth. When he was done, they looked at the kids,

"Is that all, Dad"' Gerri asked

"All?" said Harry.

"Hank figured out the truth three years ago," said Gerri.

Harry looked at his son, who beamed with pride. A smile slowly broke out onto Harry's face, as Goldie grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

Afterwards, when the kids ran out to play, Goldie said, "So we had kids after all, Harry. The most beautiful, wonderful children ever. I'll bet you never expected to be raising kids when you proposed to a barren woman."

It was a pleasant surprised. Harry had been prepared to pay the price of not having children when he married Goldie. And then, unexpectedly... they had children! Two of them! It made their lives full, and complete, and now Harry regretted nothing.

Harry smiled. "I do love raising them. But they're not exactly our kids, though."

She looked intently at him. "Harry. They're our children. Both of ours."

"Of course," said Harry.

When Gerri turned 10, she got her first period. No one was happier to discover a bloody mess in her daughter's pants than Goldie.

Three years ago, several of the Fourthers had developed an inoculation for Grimwave's Syndrome. They hadn't know for sure it would work, but... Gerri never developed the same fever that Goldie did.

"Harry, she can have kids! She can have kids!" said Goldie excitedly, jumping up and down.

"I know," said Harry, smiling.

When the kids turned 18, Goldie started working on them. One at a time. She made sure that Harry wasn't present.

First she started with Hank. She found the perfect time when Gerri was lying on the front lawn, sunning herself in a bathing suit.

"Son, come here," said Goldie. Hank came over. He was tall now; almost as tall as Harry, and his voice had gotten deep, just last year.

"Look at your sister, sitting there on the lawn," Goldie whispered conspiratorially.

"Yeah," said Hank.

"Doesn't she look pretty?" Goldie.

Gerri had grown breasts, which were already almost as large as Goldie's. Her face had matured, and she had beautiful red lips, just like her mother, and her hair had grown thicker and more luxuriant.

"I... I suppose so," said Hank.

"You suppose so? I see how you look at her," said Goldie. "Isn't she pretty, Hank?" she persisted.

"Yeah, Mom, she's pretty."

"She'd be even prettier if you kissed her."


"She'd love it," said Goldie.

"But... she's my sister."

"She is an almost exact copy of me. And you are an almost exact copy of your father. Do you see how happy we are?"


"You could be just like us. You are us. Wouldn't you like that?"

She saw Hank look pensive, and she realized that she had planted the first seeds of an idea.

Gerri was next.

"Gerri dear, do you notice anything different about Hank?"

"What, Mom?

"He's grown all big and tall with muscles now."

"Yeah," said Gerri.

Goldie wrapped her arm around her daughter. "Do you think he's handsome?"

"Hank?" Gerri tittered nervously. "I suppose so."

"You suppose so? Well, I have a secret to tell you."

"You do?"

"Yeah, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Especially your father."

"Oh... all right."

"Hank is in love with you."

"He is?" said Gerri.

"He is. But he's so shy, he's afraid to make the first move," said Goldie. She looked at Gerri. "You like him, don't you dear?"

"I... yeah Mom, I guess I do," said Gerri shyly.

"It's all right, dear. He's just like your father, and you're just like me. It's only natural," said Goldie. "Take him, dear. Make him yours."

"Hank? He'll laugh at me."

"No, he won't. Here's what you do," said Goldie.

Later that evening, Goldie lingered outside of Gerri's room. She heard Gerri and Hank talking.

"Don't you like me?" she heard Gerri say.

"Well, yeah, sis, I do-"

"You don't like me!"

Goldie heard the sounds of crying.

"Sis, sis, I do-"

There was more crying.

"I do!" said Hank again. And then the crying abruptly stopped.

Goldie strained to hear. But she could hear nothing, nothing at all, except a faint "Mmmmm," sound.

Smiling broadly, she walked back to the kitchen.

Two weeks later, Harry cornered Goldie in the bedroom. "Do you know what I just saw?"

"No, Harry, I have no idea what you saw," said Goldie. "Why don't you sit down and tell me?" She patted the bed.

Harry frowned at her, but reluctantly sat down.

She started to rub his shoulders. She was so loving! Even a dozen years later, Harry still appreciated that part of her. "Now, you tell Mama Goldie what's wrong, and she'll make it all better."

"It's the kids," said Harry.

"What about the kids?" said Goldie, massaging his shoulders vigorously.

"I saw them behind a tree," said Harry.

"Shocking! I've told Gerri over and over to stay away from those. They can drop leaves on people without notice!"

"Goldie!" he turned to face her. "They were kissing."

"They were?" said Goldie, her voice registering surprise. "Are you sure?"


"What did you do?"

"Nothing. I wanted to talk to you first."

"Very good, Harry," she said, patting his leg.

"So... what should we do?" Harry asked.

"Why nothing, of course."


"Harry, they're 18 years old. It's perfectly natural."

"They're brother and sister."

"Not really."

"Kind of."

"Kind of is not really," said Goldie. She smiled. "Harry, let them have their fun. We do, so why shouldn't they?"

Harry didn't have a ready answer for that.

13 Years Out

"I heard it!" said Harry.

"Heard what, Harry?" said Goldie calmly.

"Hank and Gerri. They're in Gerri's room. And I heard her mattress squeaking!"

"Are you sure it wasn't mice, Harry?" Goldie smiled.

"I'm sure," said Harry.

"What were you doing spying on the children, anyway?" Goldie asked.

"I had to do something. You were just sitting around, letting it happen."

"No, Harry. I didn't just let it happen. I caused it," said Goldie smugly.


"I've been working on both of them, for over a year. I thought Hank would be the easier one to persuade, but surprisingly, it was Gerri. Hank is just as uptight about sex as you were at that age, Harry," she said knowingly.

"Goldie... why did you do this?" Harry asked.

"Because, Harry, they were made for each other. Every bit as much as you and I were made for each other."

"We don't know that," said Harry.

"If things repeated as before, she would grow up and become dissatisfied with most men. And Hank, Hank would become a complete loner. No offense, Harry," said Goldie. She took his hand. "Don't you see, this way is better?"

"They're not the same as us, Goldie," said Harry.

"But they are incredibly, incredibly similar," said Goldie. "Hank has your same genius. And Gerri has my charm and... urban wit."

"Your urban wit," said Harry, and he smiled, despite himself.

"So? Do you approve?"

"I'm not sure," said Harry.

"Come, let me show you something," said Goldie. She took him by the hand, and led him to their bedroom, closing the door behind them.

She turned on a monitor.

"What are you doing?"

The screen lit up, and suddenly, they saw the sights and heard the sounds of Goldie's bedroom. They could see Hank and Gerri, totally nude, hugging and kissing each other.

"Goldie, what have you done?" said Harry.

"It was difficult getting the spycam in there, harder to place it at a good angle where it wouldn't be noticed," said Goldie. "In the end, I had to embed it in the ceiling-"

"This is a gross invasion of their privacy!" said Harry.

"Yes, it is," said Goldie. "But look at them, Harry. Look!" And her voice took a commanding tone.

Harry reluctantly looked.

Goldie wrapped her arms around him. "That's you at 18, Harry. Exactly what you looked like. And that's me at 18. Did you ever imagine you'd get to see what I looked like at 18?"

"No," Harry whispered. His eyes were now glued to the monitor. While his attention was occupied, Goldie's hands started to move downwards... and she opened his pants, and snaked a hand in.

"Look on the screen, Harry. That's you, at 18, taking me, at 18."

Harry looked. It certainly looked like it. He watched as Hank, his younger self, raised himself up and carefully inserted his organ inside his sister.

"Oooh, that feels so good, Hank," came Gerri's voice. "Do it, Hank. Do it just like you did last night."

Last night?

Harry watched as Hank started to pole in and out of Gerri. Gerri moaned sensually. Her face was awash with pleasure. She looked exactly like a younger version of Goldie. Her breasts were proud and firm, even firmer than Goldie's when he first met her, and her areolas were bright red. It was indeed like travelling back in time, and seeing himself fucking a younger version of Goldie.

Harry felt a hand, stimulating his penis, and a voice in his ear. "It makes you excited, doesn't it Harry?"

"Uh," Harry gasped.

"Yes, Harry, I can feel it," said Goldie. She opened his pants further, and pulled down his underwear, so he couldn't deny the reality of his reaction. "You're hard, Harry, really hard! Do you feel guilty, getting so hard, watching this?"

"Yes, I do," said Harry, as he watched Hank pump in and out of Gerri.

"Faster, Hank, faster," Gerri moaned, raising her legs and wrapping them around his waist.

Goldie worked her hand harder. "I know it embarrasses you, Harry. You must feel terrible, terrible shame. But it also feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yessss," Harry hissed.

"Do you imagine yourself as Hank, Harry? Do you imagine yourself as Hank, fucking a younger version of me?" Goldie asked, whispering in his ear. She continued to fist his organ, going rapidly now.

Harry watched his younger self thrusting into the younger Goldie. It was so sexy, so arousing.

"Yesssss," he whispered.

"Gerri, I'm going to come," said Hank, thrusting rapidly.

"Then come, dear, come inside me," said Gerri. Her voice was almost the same as Goldie's

Hank started to groan, and so did Harry. In moments both cried out, as Hank released inside of Goldie, and Harry... Harry released onto a towel, which Goldie had helpfully provided.

He watched as Hank collapsed on the bed, laying by his sister. He saw her sweaty breasts, her wet pubis, her young thighs... she looked so much like Goldie.

Goldie lay next to Harry and gave him little kisses. "Tell me, Harry. Tell me you weren't turned on by this."

"I was," said Harry. "I really was. You seduced them... and now you seduced me."

"That's my specialty Harry. That's what I do," Goldie said, smiling.

"All right," Harry decided. "They can be together. But we can't watch them again. It's too much of an invasion of privacy."

"All right, Harry. Whatever you say."

And true to his word, Harry refused to watch Hank and Gerri making love again. Except on a few occasions when Goldie made the temptation irresistible.

15 Years Out

"Gerri is pregnant?" said Harry. "How could this happen?"

"Do you really not know, Harry?" said Goldie, with a smile.

"She's only 20 years old! Didn't you make sure that she was protected?" said Harry.

"I thought so," said Goldie. "I told her strictly, in no uncertain terms, that she must always be protected." She smiled innocently.

Harry looked at his wife, and his eyes narrowed.

15 years and Six Months Out

"Push, Gerri, Push!" said Hank.

They were in the delivery room. Gerri's legs were in stirrups. Her legs were spread wide, and her pubic hair had been shaved. The lips of her vagina glistened under the bright lights of the operating theater.

To one side was Hank, who was holding her hand and giving loving encouragement. The doctor and nurses were working between Gerri's legs, and behind them were Harry and Goldie.

"Keep going," said Doctor Sanderson.

"Push, Gerri!" said Hank.

Gerri, her face dotted with sweet, gritted her teeth and growled. "Rrrrrrr!" she said.

"Harry! Harry, I can see the baby's head!" said Goldie excitedly. Harry stood on his toes. Gerri's vaginal lips had spread wide. Wedged between them was a pink head. A baby's head.

"You're finally going to have a son, Harry," said Goldie. "It just took a little longer than we planned!"

Harry smiled down at Goldie. He knew how important this moment was for her. Through all her manipulations, she had finally created a biological union between the two of them. Genetically speaking, that child would have the same DNA as a child born of Harry and Goldie.

He kissed her cheek and said, "I love you much, Goldie."

And she turned away, from one of the most important events in her life, and touched Harry's cheek, and said, "And I love you, Harry," and then, as they kissed, they heard the sound of a baby crying.

The End


Author's Note

This 140,000+ word book was written in about two weeks, with a few more days for outlining and revising. Yeah, I'm that fast. One day I wrote nearly 18,000 words. I'm amazed I was able to write a coherent, well plotted book so quickly. It sounds like bragging but it's one thing I do unusually well.

This isn't really one of my typical science fiction novels. This is actually more of a romance novel, although it is hardly a typical romance novel either--it is much longer, and there are no topless men groping women on the cover, as you would typically see on a romance cover. Actually, perhaps it most closely resembles literature, with a romance component... as well as a science fiction one.

My goal was to write a character study, rather than a typical romance novel. I wanted to write a story about an incredibly smart and alienated person, and how he relates, or doesn't relate, to society. My favorite part is the beginning of the story, the story of Harry's seduction. I love writing seduction stories! But then Goldie's story, which raises questions about what is and what is not free will, became interesting to write about as well.

My strength in this area is that in some ways I think like a woman but write like a man. Women writers stereotypically (though not always) are good at exploring feelings of characters, but often to excess without any internal editing function in their minds. Men writers are stereotypically (but not always) good at writing drama and action but not as good about writing characters with depth. My writing was actually like that when I first started but a few years ago I had an epiphany—what were my characters thinking about? What motivated them? What could I do to give them high points of drama? And so I started thinking like a woman while still writing like a man. This is the result.

The structure of the story is somewhat unusual. Once Goldie and Harry became a pair, I gave their relationship increasingly harder and harder challenges to surmount. Paradoxically, each time they would surmount a tougher challenge, they would grow even closer together. Towards the end, they were so close together, that the only way I could break them apart, in a plot sense, was to have Goldie get kidnapped and for Harry to think she was dead. The story had to be carefully plotted, with emotional peaks (Harry and Goldie together) and valleys (Harry and Goldie apart), with the peaks and valleys not too close together, and not too far apart. Over time the peaks grew higher, and the valleys grew deeper, until we reached the dramatic conclusion. That's called dramatic plotting, and is my best strength as a writer.

In some way this story has parallels in the original La Femme Nikita series, where two agents, Michael and Nikita, are in love but something is always keeping them apart. In some episodes Michael would be interested, but Nikita would play hard to get, and in others, Nikita would be interested, and Michael would be unavailable... just like in this story. (In fact, in one episode, Nikita was programmed not to love Michael... and then he had to deprogram her. With his penis, heh heh. Not kidding.)

Star Trek fans will recognize the name Doctor Severin, blue jumpsuits with little white birds on them, and chairs that can implant ideas in people's minds. Doctor Franklin was a character from The Six Million Dollar Man TV series who created... fembots. (And one named Maizie.). Fans of 2001: A Space Odyssey may recognize Doctors Chandra, Hunter, and Kaminsky. And who is Lev Bronstein? Look it up!

This novel has some resemblance to the Logan's Run TV Series. In that series, every episode Logan, and Jessica (wearing a miniskirt) would just happen to stumble into people who would molest them in some way, and that's what Harry and Goldie did, for a number of chapters. I thought it was an interesting way to expose the reader to all the different ways that brilliant people might plan to take over the world.

I notice that my novels are different from most others as I focus on feelings, and relationships. Most science fiction novels focus either on actions (bang, bang bang!) or description of processes (let's spend three chapters describing these alien signals from outer space...). I find all that boring. I sometimes wish I had the patience to write a little more, descriptively speaking, but I realize I just don't enjoy it; I like writing most about characters, that has the most emotional impact on me. So my books read more like screenplays, rather than books.

I loved my main characters. I think Goldie, Harry, and Claire were incredibly well drawn out. I loved how I made Claire appear to be the love of Harry's life, the absolute perfect woman for him in every way, and then had her shift and become a bitch on wheels. Characters change, or evolve, especially in different situations, something we rarely see in books, and certainly all the main characters, especially Harry, evolved here.

Some of you will be enraged by the kinky clone scenes at the end. I'm not sorry at all about that. I think Heinlein did something like that, a story about a brother and sister who weren't genetically a brother and sister who fooled around with each other (Time Enough For Love)... But Heinlein's story wasn't nearly as amusing as mine.

Well, that's everything, I think. I can stop eating so much now. (Writing makes me eat more. I weigh like 700 pounds, like George R.R. Martin).​
Previous page: Chapter 23