Wow, it's gonna be a long trip, Mary Johnson thought as she checked her phone again as the maps app told her that it was going to be a 10-hour trip to her sister, Emma's, house. The bags were already in the car, but so many bags that it was hard to tell how the five of them were all going to fit.
Mary's younger sister (Mary was 39 and Laurel was 37, though when they went to the gym together they were both told they had "bodies of 25-year olds" by their gym instructor) Laurel walked up with yet another duffel bag full of God knew what at this point, Mary just cocked an eyebrow. "Good luck getting it all in there, Laurel." Mary told her sister.
"Well, I think this is it, just one more bag for me." Laurel said as she shoved it into the back of Mary's tiny sedan. It almost immediately fell out again.
Mary laughed at her sister, "I told you."
"Hmm, well, I guess we'll just have to put it on the seat..."
"I don't know Laurel," Mary sighed as she watched the kids coming up to them, Ed, Mary's son, was 19, her daughter Chelsea was 20, and Laurel's daughter Krysta was 18. They were also carrying even more bags with them.
"I think we might need to repack everything," Laurel said as she watched the younger generation of Johnson kids walk up to them. Mary and Laurel never married and their lovers didn't stick around after they started having kids, so Mary, Laurel, and the children all had the same last name.
"It'll be fine," Ed said as he shoved his suitcase into the trunk, but this only caused other luggage already painstakingly put in there to practically fly out and all over the driveway.
Mary rolled her eyes at her son, "Jesus, Ed, I thought I told you kids to have everything packed by this morning!"
"Well," Mary's daughter Chelsea put in, "We were talking about how we'll be gone two weeks, and we decided that we each needed another bag. I mean, how can I go two weeks without enough books to read," Chelsea was a total bookworm, "or my makeup, plus I need my extra swimsuit, and-"
"Okay," Mary said, "we'll just have to repack the car. We'll figure out what needs to go where." Mary sighed.
About an hour later, after taking everything out of the car and repacking it several times. The Johnson family finally got everything back in the car. But the problem was, there wasn't enough room for everyone to fit in the car. Mary sighed, there was a large stack of bags and luggage in the middle seat in the back. She began wondering if someone was going to have to stay behind. She hoped not, she was looking forward to this family vacation and wanted everyone to be there.
Laurel looked at the car. She was much more optimistic about their riding situations "Okay, I think we can handle this. How about me and Mary will take turns driving and the kids can sit in the back?" She suggested.
"There's not enough room for us back there!" Krysta complained at her mom.
"Well," Laurel went on with her idea, "How about Ed sits on one side and Krysta and Chelsea sit on the other? One can sit in the other's lap."
"What?" Krysta said, "But I was going to work on my laptop! I can't do that if I have her fat ass in my lap!"
Chelsea scoffed at this, "My ass is sexy as hell and you know it! But I agree with Krysta, I wanted to read the whole way, there's not going to be enough room for me if she's sitting in my lap or vice-versa."
Mary heard this and then turned to her son, Ed was very strong and physically fit, probably because, unlike his sister and cousin, he liked to exercise with his aunt and mom when they went to the gym almost every day, "Ed, are you planning on doing much on this trip?"
Ed shrugged, "I was just gonna stare out the window. I don't need room for anything."
Mary smiled, her son was always so agreeable, one of the many things she loved him for, "Okay, well how about someone just rides in Ed's lap and it'll all be fine."
Ed was fine with that, but everyone else started arguing over who would be riding in his lap. No one really wanted to, of course, but in the end they all settled on taking a rotation, one woman would ride in Ed's lap for two hours while someone else drove, and for the last two hours Ed would drive and two of the women would have to be "lap buddies," for the last leg of the trip.
"Okay, we're all agreed," Mary said, happy that things were finally moving again, "So who can take the first shift on Ed's lap?" Mary asked the group, "Not me, I'm going to drive first."
Laurel sighed, "I can do it. It's kind of my fault we're in this mess anyway, and then Chelsea and Krysta can do their own thing for a bit before they have to take over."
It was settled and Mary got in the driver's seat. Because of all the things in the middle of the back seat, her rear-view mirror was basically useless for seeing behind them. She gripped the mirror and swivelled it around to see what she could see. She could see directly behind her pretty well, where Krysta sat now and put her laptop in her lap. Mary wondered briefly what she was working on, but didn't really care that much. Krysta tended to do whatever she wanted and Mary had learned in the past that it was best to just leave her alone. She swiveled the mirror again and saw she could get just a small look at the seat Ed sat in as Mary watched her sister sit on her son's lap from the mirror on the passenger side of the car. In the rearview Mary could only barely see the side of Laurel's face, and only when she leaned towards the window.
As Laurel sat in her nephew's lap, she realized something, "Oh, I guess I won't be able to buckle up."
"How about I buckle and I'll just hold my arms around your waist to keep you from flying away if we crash." Ed suggested.
This made his sister laugh in the seat in front of him, "Sorry," Chelsea said as she twisted in her seat to look at Laurel and Ed, "Picturing my brother gripping my aunt for two hours just made me laugh. I'm glad it's not me with lap duty." She laughed again before spinning around again.
Ed still put his arms around Aunt Laurel's waist, despite his sister's teasing. He had never once before been attracted to any of the women in that car, but having this sexy woman on his lap, feeling her shapely ass on his legs while gripping her around the belly, feeling her soft skin as the shirt Laurel wore showed off her midriff. He could smell the soap she used that morning, and her strawberry shampoo in her blonde hair. Ed had never had a woman this close to him before. He was very inexperienced when it came to women. He felt his cock twitch in his pants, but that feeling woke him out of the sexy thoughts he was suddenly having about his hot aunt. He suddenly stopped thinking about it all at once, forcing his thoughts down into a mental door he hoped to lock and never open again.
Of course, the door suddenly opened again as his mother pulled them out of the driveway of their house and down the rough, gravel road where their house was. It was a big house out in the country so many of the roads only had gravel around where they lived, and it was maybe 20 minutes to the highway where they would spend most of the rest of the trip. Ed hadn't thought about that before, he hadn't thought it would have been a problem.
So the rough roads were creating a lot of friction between Ed and his aunt in his lap. Aunt Laurel wasn't thinking much of it at first. Ed had his arms around her and that was doing a good job of keeping her from bouncing around too much, but she did notice that her ass was still being jostled around with every minor bump. This was creating friction between the aunt and her nephew that for the first few minutes of this trip, Laurel thought was fine, though a bit uncomfortable at points. That is until she started to feel something under her lap. Something long, thick, and hard was suddenly forming in her nephew's jeans. Laurel thought for a second that Ed had shoved his whole forearm down his pants but then gasped in horny surprise as she remembered that both of Ed's arms were around her waist right then. She glanced around just to make sure no one else had noticed her and Ed's dilemma. Luckily there was a wall of luggage that stretched to the ceiling in between them, hiding her from being viewed by her daughter in any way. But only the seat was between her and her niece in the front. But Chelsea seemed to be distracting herself with books at the moment.
"I'm going to put on music," Mary said as she turned on the radio. "Unless you guys want to talk or something?" She suggested.
Chelsea and Krysta both grunted their displeasure at the thought. Mary shrugged and turned the radio up. This made Laurel suddenly very worried for some reason. She gasped again as they went over a large bump and she felt Ed's cock twitch beneath her ass. She came back down, hard, on her nephew's cock, her pussy juices were starting to flow as she felt her cunt rub the entire length down Ed's hard cock, only separated by her panties in her short skirt and Ed's jeans.
Laurel let out a low moan with the feel of her nephew's giant boner, he must have been at least 10 inches long! She realized she had moaned and suddenly covered her mouth with both her hands. She thanked God that the music was turned up now though as she realized no one seemed to have heard her.
One person had heard his aunt gasp though, and that was Ed. Except he thought that he might have hurt his aunt holding onto her, or perhaps her coming down hard on his cock has somehow damaged her in some way. He wasn't sexually experienced enough to think otherwise, "I'm sorry Aunt Laurel," he said to her, "I can't help it. Your body is, uh, doing strange things to, um..."
Laurel glanced back at her nephew behind her and saw how embarrassed he was, "It's okay Ed," she said as she turned back and just enjoyed the feel of Ed's large cock resting underneath her ass and pussy. She'd never felt anything quite like it before and it was making her very horny, "why don't you rub my legs?" She suggested as she took his hands from around her waist and placed them on her bare thighs.
Ed immediately started moving his hands up and down his aunt's legs. Her skin was so soft and smooth he didn't want to stop rubbing her. He moved up and down her calves, and then came around to the inside of her legs, he moved up, under her skirt, just barely he touched her damp panties before moving his hands back down again.
This motion on Laurel's legs was doing nothing to help her horniness. She thought about the hard cock beneath her and wondered, briefly, if she was wet enough that she could take his whole girth inside her in one go. This thought of her nephew fucking her made her moan out in a gutteral way.
"OOOOOoooOOHHH!!" She moaned, only barely mixing with the music. Mary heard this and turned the music down.
"Everything okay back there sis?" she asked.
"Oh! Um," the sudden quietness of the car had shocked Laurel out of what she was doing, and thinking about doing, with her nephew, "Just a bit of a rough ride back here," Laurel told her sister as she grabbed Ed's hands so he stopped making her feel so damn good, "Maybe if you slowed down until we got to the highway?"
Mary thought about this suggested then said, "Sorry Laurel, we're on a tight schedule, you'll just have to suffer through it until then." Then she turned up the radio again and drove a little bit faster than she was.
This did nothing to help Laurel's horniness as she roughly bounced on her nephew's hard cock in his pants. Her pussy was sopping wet. She let go of Ed's hands and he immediately started rubbing up and down her legs again. Every time he'd go up the inside of her legs, almost to her panty covered pussy, and she was half hoping he'd keep going but he would then stop and go back down the inside of her legs again. Laurel knew they should stop. She knew it was wrong to be so fucking horny for your own nephew, but the thought that it was so taboo only made her want to fuck him more.
They bounced some more, and Ed was happier than ever, even though he knew, deep down, that what he was doing wasn't a proper way to behave with your mother's sister but he figured there wasn't any harm with it. Just basically giving his aunt a massage. Then Laurel grabbed his hands again and he thought she was going to stop him from continuing. But then she took both his hands and moved them under her shirt, moving her bra out of the way, she placed his hands on both her breasts.
Ed was in heaven, he'd never gotten to play with a woman's tits before. He immediately started tweaking her nipples as he groped his aunt's soft titflesh. She had some great tits, he realized as he felt up Aunt Laurel.
Laurel leaned her head back and suddenly kissed her nephew right on the lips, her tongue soon found his in his mouth. Ed was surprised but complied with the French kiss his aunt was giving him. He was so fucking horny now, his cock pressed up into her cunt, still seperated by their clothes as they started to dry hump each other.
Laurel suddenly stopped kissing her nephew, "I want to see it!" She fiercely whispered to him, "Please, Ed, take your big cock out for me?" She was desperate, she knew that she hadn't been fucked in a very long time and never by a monstrosity like the one her nephew had been hiding in his pants.
Laurel pushed herself off Ed long enough that they could both help him pull his pants down. His large, thick cock jumped out and Laurel gasped as she sat down on it again. His huge cock was now sticking up between her legs, she gripped it in both her hands, unbelieving at just how large and thick his dick was. She needed to fuck this, she needed it right now.
She glanced around, but Chelsea was too busy reading to notice anything going on behind her, and Mary couldn't see much in her mirror, but Laurel knew she could see them in the passenger mirror if she glanced over. But for now she seemed distracted with driving along these bad roads. Laurel sighed, reminded herself that she was doing something that was very wrong, which made her pussy spasm, and all she could think was fuck it!
Laurel sat up, moved her panties out of the way, and sat on her nephew's cock. She was right, she was so wet that his thickness and length just slid all the way into her cunt up to its hilt.
She did everything in her power to start moaning right then and there. She started moving up and down, ever so slightly so as not to attract attention from anyone else in the car, but it was very hard not to with something so large and pleasure-giving as her nephew's huge cock up her pussy. She was slowly starting to move faster, feeling the pressure build. She was about to cum, hard, and all she could do was bite her bottom lip as she tried her best to keep from screaming out in pleasure.
But she could no longer help it when she started to cum. "OH FUCK ME!" She shouted out as she started to spasm all over her nephews giant dick. She realized what she did and came down hoard on her nephew's cock to bury his length inside of her and their coupling remained hidden under her skirt.
She was right to be scared as that's when Mary turned the music down again. "What's happening? Are you okay?" Mary said scared, she knew Laurel wasn't wearing a seatbelt so she was worried she might have seriously injured herself.
"Oh, it's fine," Laurel said as she caught her breath and tried not to let the feel of Ed's magnificent cock distract her. "Just bumpy," it was then that she noticed that they were now on the highway, "Or just slipping, haha," Laurel hoped Mary turned the music back up soon so she could go back to fucking Ed's dick more openly. She knew he hadn't cum yet and was ready to return the favor for the amazing orgasm that he had just given her.
Mary glanced in the passenger mirror, but everything looked normal from the waste up, though both Laurel and Ed looked kind of sweaty. She wondered if it was hot in the backseat, she turned the air up, along with the music a second later.
Laurel breathed a sigh of relief and was about to start riding her nephew's cock again but that's when Chelsea finished her book and turned around in her seat to look at them. "You guys doing okay?" She asked.
"Um, well, um," Ed stumbled over his words.
Laurel came to his rescue, "Oh just fine, right Ed?" she started readjusting herself, she was sure Chelsea couldn't see below their waists without turning around completely, so as they talked she started slowly grinding on Ed's cock. She wanted to make him cum, and this cock in her pussy was too pleasurable to ignore it, even while Chelsea was talking to them.
"Uh, um, uh," Ed was feeling his orgasm slowly approaching as his aunt road him, something about his sister watching them was making this even hotter, especially since she had no idea what was going on.
"What's wrong Ed," Chelsea teased, "Is Aunt Laurel sitting in your lap distracting you? Haha, I hope she isn't giving you an erection."
Chelsea was teasing her brother, but Ed was too far gone to understand that. "What? She's um, she's, oh FUCK! AAAhhAAHHH!" He moaned unable to hold back any longer, he started to fill his Aunt's cunt full of his sperm.
Laurel started cumming again too, she bit her lip again and closed her eyes. Chelsea watched, if she didn't know better she'd say that both Laurel and Ed were playing a game where they both made sex-faces at her. This made her feel suspicious that something was up, but realized whatever she thought, she was being ridiculous. She turned back around in her seat and grabbed another book from her bag on the floor.
Behind her, Ed had just filled up his aunt's pussy with his cum. But he was still very hard and Aunt Laurel was impressed, and still horny as all fuck. She started riding him again. The music was up, Chelsea was lost in another book, and no one was paying attention to them now. Aunt Laurel was openly bouncing on her nephew's dick, hoping to get another creamy load up in her womb.
They both came two more times before Mary pulled into a rest stop and announced, "Okay, I think we should all switch places now. Who wants to drive and who wants to ride in Ed's lap?" She announced as she found a parking space.
Ed and Laurel both scrambled to get their clothes back on. Laurel just had to get her panties back up, but she immediately felt her underwear start filling up with her nephew's semen as three thick loads of spunk started leaking out of her cunt. She helped Ed get his pants back on and was glad to be safe with no one quite realizing what had happened over the last two hours in the backseat.
As they stopped, Laurel practically ran out of the car and into the bathroom to wash up. Ed was half hoping they'd sneak somewhere and fuck some more, but he knew that whatever happened between he and his aunt just now could never happen again.
Ed used the restroom as well, and met his family back at the car.
"Okay," Mary announced, "I guess Chelsea is going to ride on Ed's lap, sorry Chelsea if that doesn't give you enough room for reading your books."
Chelsea shrugged, "I guess it's fine."
"And Laurel will drive, that's all good."
Laurel nodded and smiled, "yeah, I think driving for a couple hours would be good for me. Riding on Ed's lap has really made me quite, um, sore, that's for sure."
Ed tried not to look embarrassed as they got into the car. His sister sitting on his cock. She was just as hot as his aunt, if not moreso. Her boobs were a bit bigger than Laurel's, Chelsea took after their mom in the huge tits department. Her ass was very shapely, she didn't excersize so she was a bit curvier than their mother or aunt, but she was still sexy as all hell and Ed couldn't help but think about all the fucking he had just done with Aunt Laurel in a similar position. So, when Chelsea sat down on her brother's lap, Ed was already hard.
Chelsea felt his cock in between her ass cheeks and for just a moment she thought her brother had an industrial-sized flashlight in his pocket. But then gasped when she realized that it was his hard cock. Her brother had a boner...for her! His own sister! She couldn't believe it, but she also couldn't believe just how horny that thought was making her as well. The feel of his giant dick rubbing along her pussy and ass wasn't doing anything to hinder her horniness either. The books she brought were all taboo-themed erotica and she had only been getting more and more excited reading it as the trip progressed, never thinking that her own brother was hung like a moose.
Chelsea tried to conceal her glee as she settled down on her brother's dick. She was trying to contain herself but as they started moving and the car jolted her back so her ass and pussy slid up the entire length of her brother's massive shaft, she knew she wasn't going to be satisfied until she had that thing inside her cunt. "I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable," she announced, "I'm going to try and get settled." She started grinding, hard, on her brother's erection through both their clothes, his jeans and her yoga pants.
"Sorry if I'm-" Ed said as his sister moved on him.
"Don't worry about it." Chelsea interrupted her brother before he revealed what was happening to anyone else. The music was off at that moment and Chelsea would rather not explain to her mom that she was currently grinding against her brother's huge, hard cock.
"I think I'm going to take a nap," Mary told the car from the front seat and closed her eyes as Chelsea kept moving around in the back, behind her. She bumped her seat a few times, "Chelsea, please stop moving so much, you keep kicking me. Get comfortable on your brother because it's going to be a long time until you can get off him again."
Chelsea grinned devilishly, though nobody could see her, "Oh, I can't wait until I get off on my brother." She said, nobody seemed to notice exactly what she said though. Chelsea stopped grinding on Ed's erection. Ed, who still hadn't realized his sister had been doing this on purpose breathed a sigh of relief. He hoped that she hadn't noticed he was getting close to cumming from the friction of her ass on his cock.
Chelsea stared out the window, though really she was only looking in the passenger side mirror to make sure her mother had gone to sleep. She had, so Chelsea said, "Actually, I'm still not comfortable." And started to move around again, this time though, instead of grinding on Ed's cock pretending to find a better sitting position, she put her feet on either side of Ed's lap on the seat and pushed herself up so her ass was in the air and she was upside down from the waist up. This put her crotch right in Ed's face while her head was up against Ed's dick.
"Wait, wha-" Ed started to say in surprise but then Chelsea forced her pussy up into Ed's face. Though it was still covered by her yoga pants.
"Shut up and eat me Ed," Chelsea fiercely whispered while she started fishing her brother's huge cock out of his pants, "I need this so badly right now."
Ed couldn't believe his luck and took the top of his sister's pants down so he could stick his tongue into her pussy. The way she was positioned, Ed's nose went into Chelsea's ass crack, but he didn't mind. This was the first time he'd eaten a pussy before, but he loved the taste of his sister's cunt right away. She was incredibly wet.
Chelsea suppressed a moan and started sucking the head of Ed's huge cock. She then started gulping down the rest of him, hardly believing his size as she got his girthy penis all the way down her throat. She started fucking him with her face, doing her best not to make noise, but totally failing as both she and her brother made wet smacking sounds while they 69'd in the back seat.
Aunt Laurel was just about to turn on the radio when she heard the wet sounds in the back, "Oh are you kids eating something?" She asked.
Ed stopped licking his sister's pussy long enough to say, "Oh, um, Chelsea brought some, uh, peaches! Their delicious!" He announced before diving right back into his sister's muff.
"Oh," Aunt Laurel said, "Well, I would love to taste your sister's peaches. Does she have anymore?"
It was then that Ed started cumming into his sister's throat which set off Chelsea's own orgasm. He came so much that Chelsea felt some of her brother's jizz come out of her nose. She redoubled her efforts and made sure to swallow the rest of Ed's cum. Ed however was somewhat overwhelmed when his sister's juices flowed all over his face and neck. He realized that there was definitely going to be a stain on his shirt and when Chelsea suddenly flipped over he saw that there was a huge wet spot all over the top of his shirt.
"Sorry, Out of peaches," Chelsea announced. Aunt Laurel shrugged then turned on the radio. "Finally," Chelsea whispered. She now had her brother's huge dick, still as hard as it was before she blew him, sticking up between her legs. She gripped it, and her yoga pants were now around her legs anyway, she gripped his cock, lined the head up with her pussy and penetrated herself on him.
Ed loved the feel of his sister's tight pussy as she started to fuck him. He grabbed her beautiful butt from behind and started to squeeze her cheeks as she started to bounce on his dick.
"Oh fuck that feels so fucking GOOOOOooOOOODD!" Chelsea moaned, loudly, but luckily for Ed and his sister their aunt liked to play the radio at practically full volume and her orgasmic moans were only drowned out by the sound of 90s Pop.
"Fuck Chelsea, I could fuck you forever! I don't care that you're my sister!" Ed shouted.
"That's what makes this so hot!" Chelsea moaned back as she continued fucking Ed hard, bouncing on his dick as if her life depended on it, "Of course, your huge cock helps! FUUUUCK!" She shouted as she came, hard , on her brother's dick.
"Oh shit sis!" Ed shouted as he came too.
After they came down from their orgasms, Chelsea kicked the rest of her yoga pants off so she could spin around, keeping Ed's cock inside of her the whole time as she did, and could face her brother, "I want you to know, Ed, this is the best sex I've ever had. I need to keep fucking you. Right now." And she started grinding him as Ed became fully hard inside of her. They started making out as the siblings fucked. Ed, having had sex with his aunt already, only came one more time as they fucked as Aunt Laurel drove, but Chelsea came so much on her brother's cock she lost count how many times it was.
But all good things have to come to an end and Chelsea and Ed has to scramble to get their clothes on while Aunt Laurel pulled into the next rest area to end her time driving. Chelsea ran to the bathroom as soon as they got out of the car, hoping to clean up what was surely going to be a mess of cum in her pants as her brother's spunk poured out of her. Ed stared at her shapely ass as she ran and drooled a little. But then Krysta, his cousin, walked over and said, "Are you ready for my lap time cousin?" She joked.
Ed shook his head out of his stupor, "Um, sure Krys, you want to get situated now before we leave?"
"Sure." And Krysta sat on top Ed's lap, Krysta's tits were huge, bigger than her mom's and Chelsea's but probably not quite as large as Ed's own mom. Also she had a huge ass as well, but still very sexy and feminine and Ed was now getting well acquainted with it as she sat down on his lap and started to get settled. Ed couldn't believe it, after having nearly 4 hours of straight sex with 2 different women, he was starting to get hard again as Krysta slowly moved around on his dick. She was just too sexy.
Krysta gasped as she felt the giant log in Ed's pants come to life, "I see why Chelsea had a hard time getting situated." She commented as she smiled sexily behind her at her cousin. She'd never been attracted to him before just then, but she had never known he was hung like a fucking horse before either. In truth, Krysta had been writing taboo erotica since she turned 18 a few months ago under a pen name, so it would have been interesting to find out many of the books she'd written were the same ones that Chelsea liked to read late at night. So Krysta was totally open to fucking her cousin, really she'd just been looking for a reason to commit something taboo with Chelsea, though Chelsea seemed to be ignoring her, but she was totally going to fuck her cousin, she decided, she just hadn't known it would be Ed instead before then.
Krysta suddenly spun around and got on her knees in the small space in the back seat, it was a bit uncomfortable but she didn't care. She took Ed's cock out and immediately started to suck it.
"Um, what are you doing? What if someone sees?" Ed said as he glanced out the window to see if anyone else in his family was about to come back.
Krysta didn't answer, she just kept sucking Ed's cock. She wanted to make sure he was good and hard. She removed her panties from under her skirt before getting up off the ground and sitting, facing normally towards the front, but with Ed's cock shoved up her cunt. That's when everyone else got in the car.
"Ready to go?" Asked Mary, who had decided to drive again. Chelsea told her she was too tired to drive now, though really she just wanted to nap after the great fucking she'd just gotten from her brother. Aunt Laurel was also too tired to drive again and feel asleep almost immediately as soon as the car started moving.
Meanwhile, Krysta slowly fucked her cousin and Ed put one hand under her shirt and started playing with her amazing breasts. With his other hand he pushed up her skirt so he could stay playing with her clitoris while she slowly road him. This was too much for Krysta as she started to cum on her cousin's huge cock. She started to moan out but Mary had kept the music off this time so the others could sleep in silence, in order to cover up Krysta's moaning, Ed moved her head to the side so he could lean in and kiss her as they fucked.
The cousin's started to moan into each other's mouths as they sucked on each other's tongues. This moaning was softer than it would be if Ed hadn't started kissing her but it was still loud enough over the sounds of the car that Mary heard it.
Mary glanced in the passenger mirror and gasped. She would still only see partly into the rear passenger seat but Ed and Krysta did nothing to hide what they were doing. Mary could clearly see them making out, and that one of her niece's tits was out of her shirt as Mary's own son played with her giant boobs. Then Mary gasped as she looked further downward in the mirror and, because Ed had pushed Krysta's shirt up, Mary saw that her son and neice were obviously fucking in the backseat as he fingered his cousin's clit. Then Mary gasped again as she saw just how big her son's cock was. She wondered if she could turn down such a monstrosity if she was sitting on top of it like her niece was, then moaned slightly as she remembered that she was going to have to sit in her son's lap next in only a bit over an hour.
Mary didn't say anything as she secretly watched her son fuck her sister's daughter. Mary knew it was wrong, that she should stop the car and make them stop but this scene was making her so fucking horny she couldn't help but watch. She hadn't been fucked in so long and never by a cock as big as hey son's. She watched as the taboo fucking continued, hardly able to keep her eyes off the incestuous sex in order to drive safely.
Mary thought that at some point both of them would get tired and stop but they seemed tireless as Ed and Krysta fucked right under everyone else's nose. Of course, Laurel and Chelsea were sleeping now, and didn't see anything but Mary was unaware that the reason they were sleeping was because they had already worn themselves out fucking Ed as well.
Still Mary knew she needed to put a stop to this, though she pretended not to notice until right at the end of her turn to drive. Once she pulled into the rest stop she practically sprinted around the car and opened Ed's door from the outside. Inside, Krysta kept fucking her cousin even though Mary was standing there glaring at both of them angrily.
"Stop that young lady!" Mary shouted at her neice, "how can you have sex with your cousin like that?! You're fucking like animals right in front of me and you don't even care!"
It was true, Krysta didn't care and as an answer to Mary's yelling she moaned out, "Oh my God Aunt Mary! Your son's cock feels so fucking goooooooddd!" And started coming on Ed's cock just as Ed groaned out himself and started cumming as well.
Though Mary had watched them both cum multiple times already she shouted, "Ed you can't get her pregnant!" And using the strength of a momma bear protecting her cub, Mary grabbed her niece, ripped Krysta off her son's cock, and threw her into the grass next to the curb where Mary parked. Mary was surprised by her own actions but didn't even check to see if her niece was okay as she couldn't rip her eyes off her son's cock as he came. Pearly white cream leaked out the top of his dickhead and quickly covered his penis in his sperm. It mixed with the copious amount of pussy juice left there by Krysta's nonstop fuck session.
The smell of Ed and Krysta's cum permiated the air, Mary, in her sex-deprived state of she didn't even know how long, found the scent captivating. So captivating that she hadn't realized that she had moved very close to her son's cock to smell the sex from it better.
Ed stopped cumming on himself and suddenly realized his mother was there. "Oh uh sorry Mom, it's, um, not what you think..." he said lamely as he started to pull up his pants and hide his softening cock.
Mary saw what her son was doing but stopped him by grabbing his wrist. "Ed your cock is all dirty, you can't put it back in your pants like that. Let Mommy clean it for you." She said before leaning her head in and licking her son's shaft all over, making sure to eat all of her son and niece's juices off of it. She absolutely loved the taste of her son's cum mixed with Krysta's pussy fluids.
Ed gasped, unable to believe this was happening. His cock immediately came back to life and when he was fully hard again, his mom engulfed his dick, taking the entirety of it into her mouth and down her throat, his mom started to very audibly throat fuck him, making "Aug ach," noises as Mary gave her son an incredibly forceful blowjob.
Ed moaned out and Krysta, who was watching all this and getting incredibly turned on by it in the grass, realized that she should probably do something before anymore cars showed up. What she did was she got in the driver's seat and was sure to slam the door very loudly.
This snapped Mary out if her sexualized mania, but just as Ed started cumming into her mouth. Despite cumming so much in the past 6 hours, Ed's load was still fairly large and Mary had a hard time keeping up and swallowing it all.
Once her son was done cumming down her throat, she jumped up and sat on his lap, Ed's still hard cock nestled between her ass cheeks. Mary shut the door of the car and tried not to look embarrassed as her niece started driving the car back onto the highway.
Unconsciously, Mary started moving on her son's dick. She loved the feeling of his hardness between her ass cheeks. She glanced around the car but Laurel and Chelsea seemed to still be asleep and Krysta was now concentrating on driving. Mary then whispered to her son, "how can you still be so hard after fucking your cousin for so long and just cumming down my throat?"
Ed grunted a response that Mary hardly heard. It didn't matter though. Mary needed this. She's been watching Krysta and Ed fuck and wasn't able to touch herself. She was so horny right then that nothing else mattered to get other than getting fucked, "son, you seem to have an incredible sex drive and you can't be taking it out on your cousin like that. It's incest and that's wrong. That's why you should fuck your mother instead. I'll get rid of all your sexual frustration and you won't have to fuck your cousin anymore."
Ed didn't know what to say, but it didn't matter because that's when his mother quickly removed all her clothes and started rubbing her slick pussy lips all along her son's though shaft. "Mommy needs this more than you do sweetie, we'll be able to help each other out." And with that, Ed's amazingly hot mother impaled her pussy on her son's huge cock.
Ed gasped as he moaned out in intense pleasure. His mom's cunt was somehow tighter and wetter than the other women in the car. He could hardly believe he was now fucking his mother as he grabbed her hips as she started bouncing on his dick. He did his best to thrust into her as well in the tiny space, "Oh fuck Mom!" He shouted as Mary sped up her own thrusting as they fucked, "You feel so fucking good!"
"You too son!" Mary shouted, her huge tits bouncing as quickly as she was, "HOLY SHIT I'M CUMMING! AAAAAAHHHHH!" She took her son's hands from her hips so she could place them on her bouncing breasts. She wanted him to pinch her nipples while she came. Mary's son did not disappoint her.
When they both came down from their orgasms, Mary realized how much noise she was making and glanced around the car. Somehow, her sister and her daughter did not wake up from all the noises she was making, not realizing it was because they were so well fucked themselves from Ed's huge cock already they could probably sleep through a hurricane during a volcano eruption while the nearest air force bombed the surrounding area at that point.
"Look out!" Mary suddenly shouted when she noticed that the car was about to run a motorcyclist off the road.
"Ah!" Krysta shouted as she swerved back into the other lane. She had been too caught up in staring at Ed fuck his mother that she hadn't looked at the road much at all during that point. She was glad there weren't many people on the highway right then. She just hadn't noticed the motorcycle so close.
The sleeping women remained asleep as the car veered, but this caused Mary to bounce at her son's still hard cock. Aparently Ed's labido was well above that of a normal man. She started unconsciously moving on her son's cock again, "It's, ugh, it's, oh fuck that's so good," Mary moaned as she fucked her son, but she cleared her throat and held back on the feelings of her son's cock inside her pussy, and said, "It's my motherly duty to make sure your sex drive is kept in check and you don't have to do any naughty things with your cousin anymore. If you feel horny you should 'cum' to Mommy, Ed! Oh ED FUCK YOUR MOTHER!" She screamed in pleasure as her brain was flooded with total ecstasy and she started cumming hard.
"Aww," Krysta moaned from the front seat, "Why do you get to have all the fun, Aunt Mary?" But no one heard her, she saw that Ed's Mom had completely lost all inhibitions as they visibly and audibly fucked each other. She glanced at her mother in the front seat and her mirror to check on Chelsea. They were both very asleep still despite the whole car rocking as they drove down the highway and a mother and son animalistically made love to each other in the backseat. Krysta shrugged and drove with one hand so she could reach under her skirt with the other hand and started finger fucking herself as she watche Ed and Mary fuck in the passenger mirror.
Eventually, after fucking three more times with only minor breaks in between, Ed and his mother fell asleep in each other's arms. Mary still completely naked and with Ed's pants around his ankles so his dick was hanging out. Krysta laughed to herself when she noticed they had fallen asleep, along with everyone else. She wasn't tired anyway, mostly she was still horny and was disappointed she couldn't get another turn with Ed before they got to Aunt Katie's house. She assumed that she'd have to stop fucking her cousin when they got there, what with Aunt Emma and her daughter's being with them at all times.
Little did she know, the fun was just getting started...