Page 01

Adam circled the family ship around the moons of Orion. He had just gotten his operators license and couldn't wait to have a craft of his own to impress the chicks with.

The family ship wasn't exactly an interstellar hotrod. The upper portion of the spacecraft contained a control room and hyper-sleep chamber, while the bulk of the craft consisted of a living area to provide comfort during long intergalactic trips.

As Adam sped across the moons surface the voice of the onboard computer drew his attention.

"Adam...has an incoming call from...."

"Mom." A mature female voice said.

"Hey, mom." Adam answered with the push of a button.

"Hey, handsome, done shopping. Wanna come get me?" She said.

"Be right there." Adam said, pushing another button on the control panel.

"Changing course to...Orion Intergalactic Mall, docking port 313." The female computer voice announced.

The spacecraft quickly ascended from the moon's surface and blasted towards the colorful planet of Orion. Within minutes it hovered towards the planet's surface disappearing into the body of an enormous superstructure.

The ship quivered slightly as it made contact with the docking port.

"Voice recognition please." The computer said.

"Heather Renee Collins." A sexy little voice answered.

"Thank you. Performing Security scan on Heather Renee Collins." The computer said.

Inside the docking chamber a fine blue laser struck Heather's sexy little feet, which were beautifully arched a pair of six-inch spiked heeled sandals. Heather was wearing what was known as a woman's body glove, which most all women wore during their shopping excursions. It was a black neck to ankle suit that was made of paper-thin breathable latex. Typically after a woman put it on she would step into a heat chamber, which would cause the reactive material to literally shrink-wrap around her.

The laser traveled up Heather's long matronly legs. The suit looked as though it were literally painted on, molding snuggly against the V of her womanhood, leaving little to the imagination. A tiny zipper ran through the groove of her clamshell disappearing up the crack of her big meaty ass.

As the laser continued upward it struck the drooping swell of two enormous breasts. The pendulous boobs were each encased in their own sock of skin tight latex with two big triangular-shaped patches covering the areola.

The laser scanned over Heather's beautiful motherly face. She looked like the actress Sela Ward, with sparkling green eyes and silky dark hair that fell to her shoulders.

"Security scan confirmed." The computer said.

The ships interior door opened and Heather strode forward like a futuristic Goddess. Her heels clicked against the cold steel floor, her breasts trembling with each step.

"Your approach was beautiful. I'm impressed." She said, smiling at her son as she set her bags down.

"Thanks. Maybe that means I'm ready for my own starship now." Adam said proudly.

"Well, I'll be sure and tell your father how well you handled the ship, but you know I can't promise you anything." She said.

"I know." Adam responded.

"I'm gonna prep for hyper-sleep. Go ahead and get us out of orbit and set our coarse for home." Heather said.

"Yes, ma'am." Adam said, jumping into the control chair.

Adam maneuvered the ship up away from the planet, following the flow of other craft as they raced towards their various destinations.

After setting the coordinates for Earth Adam hung his headset on a little piece of equipment about the control panel. He joined his mom in the hyper-sleep chamber. There were a row of beds in the chamber that looked like doctors examination tables. Heather was next to one of the beds sliding her bare feet from her dainty little slippers.

"Ready when you are, mom." Adam said.

Heather rounded the bed and strode towards her son. Wrapped in their latex sheaths, her breasts moved as if they were bare, wobbling gently from side to side. She stepped right up to Adam and smiled warmly as she gazed up into his eyes.

"I'm proud of you, you know." She said.

"Thanks." He blushed.

"How 'bout a big hug before we sleep?" She suggested.

"Sure." Came the response.

Heather curled her arms around her son's neck and pulled him in against her. Her big spongy-soft sacks flattened against his chest as they embraced, making Adam gasp a little.

Heather knew what her tits did for her son. After all, hers were the type of breasts that teenaged boys dream about. Squashing them against his chest was like giving him a little reward.

Heather accepted her son's fascination for her as just a natural part of his growing up. To her, finding her bras and panties coated with teenaged cock cream was just part of being a mom.

Heather led her son by the hand over to her hyper-sleep bed and lifted herself up onto it. Adam watched as his mom brought her cute little feet up and laid down so that she was flat on her back. He noticed how her big breasts rolled off the sides of her chest. She gazed up at her son, still holding his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Take us home, Captain." She smiled.

"Yes, ma'am." He said.

Adam covered his mom's face with a clear hissing mask, which emitted some type of sleeping gas and within seconds her eyes were rolling back and gently closed shut.

With Heather now in deep sleep Adam took a second to scan her gorgeous body as it lay there limp on the bed. He couldn't get over how long and sexy her legs were and those cute little feet...oh God how he loved his mother's bare feet.

The truth was Adam was in love with every inch of his mom, but what fascinated him the most were those big fucking tits. He swallowed hard as he gazed down at the latex-incased udders and almost without thinking his hand crept over and rested over one of their rounded slopes.

As he gently squeezed, his fingers sunk into the spongy tit-flesh. Adam felt his knees quiver with excitement and his cock began to stir. For a good five minutes he played with her breasts, savoring their matronly softness.

Then his eyes caught his next target and before he knew it he was unzipping the crotch of Heather's space suit. The black curtain parted, revealing the world of pink beneath. Accept for a little triangle of neatly trimmed pubic fuzz Heather's peach was completely shaved.

Adam leaned down until his nose rested against the nub of her clit. He slowly inhaled and felt his entire body quiver with wicked arousal as his lungs were filled with the strong pungent aroma of his mother's sex.

His tongue drug across her clit and sunk down into the warm majora groove, slowing gliding across her creamy pink center. Like a lapping dog he repeated this again and again, his snake sinking a little deeper with each swipe. With a little excited whimper he kissed his mom's butt-hole, then rolled his tongue against it a few times.

By this time Adam's cock was about bursting through his suit. He reached down and unzipped himself, releasing the nine-inch monster from it's cage.

Possessed by lust the horny teen crawled up onto the bed between his mom's legs and slipped his cum-drooling helmet into Heather's socket, splitting her quim.

With a few grinding thrusts Adam's cock sunk into his mother's treasure box. He moaned with wicked delight as he felt the wonders of having his meat wrapped in cupid's glove.

In the control room the little headset that Adam unwisely hung above the control panel came loose and fell down against the controllers, landing on its side against a few buttons.

"Are you sure you'd like to change the coordinates to A310825?" The computer asked.

The headset then fell flat hitting the confirmation button.

"Thank you. Changing coordinates to A310825." It announced.

Back in the hyper-sleep chamber Adam was pounding the mound with long ball-bumping strokes. He held onto Heather's legs, which he had sort of twisted around him. He watched in sick fascination as he made her boobie-bags roll up and down her chest.

With each downward stroke he could feel his knob lightly kiss the head of her cervix.

"Ohhh...ohhhh...oh, shit." His voice trembled.

He looked up at his mom's beautiful face. Her mouth was slightly parted now as her head gently nodded from the assault. She was so beautiful. Like a matronly sleeping beauty, completely unaware of the strong blue-veined battering ram that was plowing her sacred garden.

It wasn't long before Adam's cock was spitting thick ropes of cock-milk, soaking Heather's birth canal. His grunts and groans echoed through the sleep chamber as he rode through the most intense orgasm of his life.

With shaky hands Adam covered his tracks, zipping his mom back up and tucking his happy pecker back into his suit.

He retreated to his own bed and prepared for the long trip home. Little did he know that home was far from where they were going.

Heather's eyes fluttered open as she heard the familiar beeping that announced the end of their journey. As she sat up she looked inquisitively at a digital readout which tracked the time they slept by hours. It read: 443

"Four-hundred and forty three hours... Oh shit!" She said, jumping to her feet.

"Are we there?" Adam said as he sat up groggily.

"I don't know. I think something's wrong." Heather said as she rushed towards the control room.

"What do you mean?" Adam asked as he followed quickly after her.

"The display says we've been in hyper-sleep for four-hundred and forty three hours. The journey back to earth was only six. Are you sure you entered those coordinates right?" Heather asked.

Before he could answer Heather picked the headset off the ground and jumped into the captains seat.

"Computer, give me our present coordinates please." She said.

"Present coordinates are A310825." The computer answered.

"No, that's wrong. Those aren't the coordinates for earth. Where are we?" Heather asked sternly.

"Destination A310825." The computer said.

"No, I want the fucking system. What system are we in?" Heather shouted.

Adam's heart was pounding. He'd never heard his mom use the F-bomb before.

"System unknown. Fuel cells at low level." The computer.

"Of course they're low, bitch, we've been traveling for three weeks. Adam, honey, are you sure you entered the right flight code?" Heather asked.

"I know I did." He said.

"Something must have happened. Computer, play back video after coordinates were entered." Heather said.

A video of the control room came up on the screen. Around it were smaller screens from video taken at different parts of the craft. Heather fast forwarded the video until she saw the headphones fall.

"There. The headset must have fallen onto the controller and set new coordinates. Adam, that was a stupid decision, what were you thinking?" Heather said, gazing back at him.

Adam tried to answer, but he found his eyes drawn to one of the smaller screens. Heather noticed his sudden look of panic and looked back at the screen. Her mouth fell open as she saw the recording of the hyper-sleep chamber and her son banging the shit out of her.

"Oh my God." She muttered.

"Mom, I....I..." Adam turned and rushed out of the control room. He was fucked and he knew it.

Adam had a small bedroom in the craft. It was part of the living quarters in the lower part of the ship. He sat there on his bunk for a half-hour before he heard his door slide open.

Heather stepped into his room. She had changed into a long flowing white gown. He cute little bare feet gently tapped against the floor as she stepped across the room and sat down on the edge of Adam's bunk.

"Hi." She said, in a sweet voice.

"Hi." Adam said, his head hung low.

"Well, here's our situation. Our fuel cells are nearly spent so even if we tried to get home...well, we wouldn't get far. I can't get a communication signal which means that wherever we are, we're way out of range." She said.

"Can someone find us?" Adam asked.

"Finding someone in the depths of space is like finding a needle in a haystack. It's unlikely." Heather said.

"So what are we gonna do?" He asked.

"Well, the good news is we have everything here we need. These ships are equipped with enough food, water and power to last ten lifetimes. Unfortunately, there's only one thing we can do...close the upper hatches and set the ship for drift." She said.

"I really screwed up, didn't I?" Adam said.

Heather took his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"You're young...and were thinking with the head in your pants and not the one on your shoulders." She smiled.

"Mom, I'm really sorry about." He started, but Heather cut him off.

"No, you're not sorry you did it. I'm sure it felt way too good for that. What you're sorry for is that you got caught with your hand in mom's cookie jar." She said.

Adam giggled at the analogy.

"My little cookie-monster." She said, disheveling his hair.

"Come on, you can help me power the ship down." She said.

The two of them went back to the control level to power down and set the craft for drift mode.

"Sweetie, you took advantage of a situation and it was wrong. I figured out what I want your punishment to be." Heather said as she faced her son.

"What?" He said.

"I want you to watch the video with me." She said.

"Oh come on, mom, it's embarrassing." Adam muttered.

"There's no getting out of this, Adam. It's what I want. Get something comfy on and meet me in the theater room in five minutes." She said.

Adam went back to his room and changed into shorts and a t-shirt. Heather was waiting for him in the theater room when he got there. It was a cozy little room with a great big fluffy lounge the size of a king-sized bed.

Heather was sitting in the center of the lounge with her gorgeous legs curled to the side. She patted the cushion in front of her.

"Come here." She said softly.

Adam crawled onto the lounge and sat in front of his mom. Heather got up onto her knees behind him, tucking his hips between her thighs . She leaned down against his back, bringing her hands up under his arms and onto his chest.

Adam let out an audible sigh as he felt her big tits squash against his back. Braless beneath the thin gown, Heather's udders felt like soft dough rolling out against the teenager's body. Her face now hovered over his shoulder and she gave him a light peck on the cheek.

"You okay?" She asked lovingly, sensing his arousal.

"Yeah." Adam muttered.

"Playback please." Heather said.

On the wall in front of them a huge holographic image appeared. It was the video footage from the hyper-sleep chamber, starting with Heather taking the sleeping gas.

"So how long had this wicked little plan been brewing in that silly head of yours?" She asked.

"A couple days." Adam said.

They watched on the video as Adam's eyes followed Heather's legs down to her sexy bare feet.

"Like those legs and feet do you?" She asked.

"Yeah." Adam answered.

In the video Adam's attention was now on Heather's breasts.

"Not as much as some other things obviously." She said.

The watched as Adams hand wandered to his mom's breast and began to gently kneed.

"Those big breasts have always fascinated you, haven't they, sweetheart?" Heather asked.

"Uh-huh." Adam muttered.

"I suppose that's my fault. Your father always said I should have weaned you off breast feeding a lot sooner." She said.

In the video Adam spent some time squeezing Heather's massive mammaries. Adam could already feel his cock rising in his shorts. His mom's tits on his back and breath in his ear wasn't helping.

"You were really enjoying yourself, weren't you?" She giggled.

"And based on how fast you're heart's beating, I'd say you're starting to enjoy it all over again." Heather smiled, resting her palm against his heart.

Adam continued to squeeze and shake her latex-encased mounds.

"I think you could spend all week playing with those big things." She said, making them both giggle.

In the video Adam leaned over, unzipped the crotch of his mom's suit and inhaled.

"Smelt a little stronger than all those panties, didn't it?" She asked.

"What panties?" Adam asked.

"Don't "what panties" me, buster. We moms aren't that stupid you know." She smiled.

They watched as Adam's tongue ran down Heather's quim and flailed at her butt-hole.

"You little ass-kisser." Heather joked, kissing him on the cheek.

In the video Adam released his big cock, giving it a few strokes.

"Poor thing. It must have been throbbing." His mom whispered, so close he could feel her breath in his ear.

Heather's hands continued to wander across her son's chest, her long nails clawing at the muscular flesh. They watched as Adam crawled up onto the bed between his mom's legs and worked his cock inside of her.

"So I have to know, Mr. Naughty-pants...was it the first time for you?" She asked.

"Yeah." Adam muttered, a bit embarrassed.

"Well, look at that...I got my son's cherry and didn't even know it." She said, giving him another loving peck.

On the video Adam started to fuck away at Heather's docile body, bringing her legs up around him.

"Well one thing's for sure, you wouldn't know it was your first time. You're in pretty good form there, Romeo." Heather said, watching her son take long deep thrusts.

"Thanks." Adam blushed.

They watched Heather's tits roll up and down her chest as Adam shook her body with the power of his thrusts.

"Look at my big girls go." Heather giggled.

"That was cool." Adam confessed.

"Yeah, I bet it was you little breast-hound." Heather joked.

"You know, sweetie, not to knock your performance but you could have had more control here if you had propped my legs up on your shoulders." Heather said.

"Oh...I guess I didn't think of that." Adam said.

"Well, look at that, you learnt something new today." Heather giggled.

On the video Adam's body quivered as he squirted his load deep inside Heather's juice-box. "Well, I suppose it was a good thing our trip was six weeks, any less and I might have had all that gooh running down my legs." Heather said, shutting off the video.

"Lay down on your tummy." Heather said, pushing herself off of his back.

Adam got on his stomach, his stone-hard rod now pressed against the soft mattress. Heather crawled over in front of him and as she lowered herself to her tummy Adam got a glimpse down the neck of her gown. His heart began to race as he stole a look at the deep cavern between her huge dangling breasts.

Heather lay flat on her stomach facing her son so that their faces were about two feet apart. She rested her elbows on the mattress, propping her cute little face against her palms. She kicked her legs up and Adam could see the silky-smooth skin of her calves and the underside of her cute little feet as they pointed to the ceiling and moved around playfully.

He suddenly realized he was staring and looked back at his mom. Heather had a big smile as she stared into his eyes. She was teasing her baby now and enjoying every second of it.

"You know, whether you realize it or not, as wrong as it was, that video is a ray of hope for me." Heather explained.

"What do you mean?" Adam said.

"What I'm saying is...I may be your mom, but I'm also a woman and as a woman there are a few things that I refuse to live without. After watching that video I've come to realize that even though I'm lost in space, it really doesn't matter...I'm gonna be okay...and so are you." She said.

"I'll do whatever I can to take care of you, mom. I promise." Adam said.

Heather got a big gleaming smile, staring into her baby's eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I found that out, didn't I?" She said, half-teasingly.

Heather rose to her knees and extended her arms. "Hugs." She said in a sweet motherly tone.​
Next page: Page 02