Chapter 03.1

Lynn Goodrhyde coasted into the parking lot of the hotel, bare-assed on her motorcycle; her skirt wafting in the breeze. Seated behind her on the bike was Justin, the Cowboy Motherfucker and he was being anything but a gentleman; fingers groping here and there all up and down her form and making it damned hard for her to control herself, (much less the fucking bike)!

She braked and turned into a free parking spot by the pool. She killed the engine and "her girl" went to sleep with a DIGGUH DIGGUH DIGGUH - SIGH followed by a sputter of exhaust. Kickstand down and both parties dismounted, she turned with Cowboy Motherfucker to survey the scene of carnage before them at the hotel. It was (to put it mildly), absolute drunken fucked-up chaos in a leopard spotted thong!

What was it that said "debauchery" and "unhinged mayhem" to the both of them? Was it the blast of music, screams, and laughter seeming to come from every window on the second and third floors? Was it the trees about the hotel, filled with women's underwear and brassieres (as if Fredericks had started decorating for Christmas early)? Was it the debris field strewn all about the building, containing spent whiskey and beer bottles, plus the odd splatter against the hotel's very walls where a glass container of some sort had been flung; the booze inside having trickled down to the broken shards of glass below?

No... it was the scene of frantically fornicating bodies on balconies all about the structure, of raucous naked mayhem at the pool at ground level, of silhouettes darting back n' forth in obviously crowded rooms with lights flashing on and off to the beat of music. All was barely-clothed chaos, a perfect bacchanalian event with no one seeming concerned about violating any sort of dress code, (as anyone wearing anything would have been considered overdressed for the occasion). Lynne wanted IN on this, there was simply no time to waste!

She hopped out of her black engineer boots and stood on the pavement in nearly bare fishnet stockinged feet while rummaging through her bike's saddlebags; Cowboy Motherfucker admiring her bare ass from behind the whole time. OH AND WHAT AN ASS - he realized; heart-shaped with such a lovely pink pouty tulip of a pussy below that adorable crinkly pink mud button of an anus - all just built to be eaten, to be stabbed with his cock, plowed solidly and filled to the rim with nut juice, he reckoned. The Divine Creator had truly fashioned a work of art when he built that lovely biker-MILF's ass; an apple-bottomed masterpiece framed delectably by garters suspending oh so slutty fishnet stockings!

Out from the bags came her biker jacket with the weed (and the rubber dong which had once again slipped her mind of its presence in the great pocket). Out came her thigh high black high-heeled boots and in went her black engineers. In went her black leather mini-skirt; she'd stay bare-assed and bare-twatted for the shameless walk ahead just like she'd been for the ride from the traffic lights. In two shakes of a lamb's tail the thigh highs were on her lovely legs, she'd donned the jacket, and she was ready to get busy with the mayhem and debauchery at hand.

"I've come home," Lynne giggled to herself as her hand found that of the Cowboy Motherfucker's.

The two sauntered to the entrance of the hotel. High above Lynne could clearly see on the balcony the very same couple fucking over the railing both she and Cowboy had seen back at the intersection; the two seeming to beckon both Lynne and the Cowboy to another realm of decadence and hedonism like fleshy gargoyles on the roof of some profane horny cathedral, calling and crying to them from above in a duet of OH OHHH OOHHH OHH YEAH LIKE THAT!

Pushing through the swinging glass doors to the lobby they stepped a large red marble front desk. Three desk clerks each with phones pressed to one ear and fingers in the other so one could hear spoke loudly into phones. They each sounded as if trying to calm panicked souls on the other end with such things as,

"I'm sorry Sir, I have to apologize about the noise but we had a concert in town and the band has booked the entire second and third floors," and...

"Madame I can assure you, that was not a gunshot. No, that was a cherry bomb tossed out from a balcony. We've addressed the matter with the guest responsible," and...

"No Sir, your wife did not come down by the lobby. She may still be at the pool. She went out to get ice?.... She's been gone for how long? ... Yes, two hours IS a long time. Oh Sir, I can assure you we'll keep a lookout for her..."

Lynne and Cowboy Motherfucker looked at one another. She was in shock. He looked like he had something to explain.

"Sometimes it's like this after a concert," he told her, "depending on what the groupie catch looks like n' how big the bus they get on."

He shrugged. She lifted up the sunglasses she'd stolen from him off her eyes and winked with a scrunched up nose above an impish smile.

"Oh there's NO need to tell it to me, luv," she purred, "you don't know who you're dealing with!"

He reached for his sunglasses but she was too damned fast for him, whisking them away with the deftness of a carnival magician. She pouted at him and chided,

"Oh NO, you BAD BAD BOY! You don't get those back so easily. You have to earn them... and the faster you can get the room key, the faster you can start earning!"

He shrugged again. Can't blame a guy for trying. He left her standing there while he approached the desk for the room keys.

About that time, the doors to the lobby split open and more noise poured in. This time it was in the forms of Nancy, the tequila and cum-soaked nurse (and sometime side-kick for Lynne), Flash McDonegal (the rocker star of the evening's show), Nick the proprietor of 'The Lucky Horseshoe Tattoo Parlor and Piercing Studio,' and Nick's common law courtesan and madly talented needle artist, the lovely tattooed Tina. Bringing up the rear was Stevie, the black-haired limousine driver, (who'd found a parking space just a half minute before next to the band's luxury bus).

"LYNN HONEY! THERE YOU ARE!" Nancy bellowed with arms outstretched. She ran up and hugged her bestie in a python death-grip squeeze as the two filled the lobby with cackles. This evening was just getting warmed up.

Cowboy Motherfucker turned to the assembled throng behind him and held aloft two room keys. Flash nodded and held up his guitar-plucking paw with fingers open. The cowboy made an over-handed toss and the room key hit Flash dead in the palm for a good catch.

"Shall we?" the cowboy asked the group. He was met with emphatic FUCK YEAH's and LET's GET IT ON's.

"Oh Mr. McDonegal Sir!" one of the desk clerks called out while placing his palm over the phone to shout, "Refreshments are already up at your rooms. Oh and room service has provided the champagne and liquor stocks specified by your manager!"

"Cheers Mate!" Flash called back, tipping one finger to his forehead in a cavalier salute of gratitude as he now proceeded to lead the mini-mob towards the elevators.

It was then the frantic desk clerks with phones in hand stopped their conversations and simply stared dumbstruck at the group. In plain sight and stepping out quickly to the elevators with Flash, Cowboy, and Stevie in the rear; both women clearly were bare-assed tor all the world to see, Nancy in her microscopic dental floss thong and then Lynne absolutely bottomless down below, (save her garters fishnets and thigh high boots)! Each clerk shook his head and returned to the frantic conversations on the other end of those phones; all the result of tonight's party carnage that was rocking the hotel from one end to the other.

The group stepped off in good order, eager for the fuckery that awaited. Stevie followed close behind, bringing up the rear and sucking on the last contents of Nancy's tequila bottle; his driver's hat back in the limo on the seat as he was now clearly OFF the clock. Ahead of him Lynne and Nancy's delectable derrieres bumped and moved with each feminine stride in a devilishly decadent manner. This was indeed going to be a magnificent night that was only beginning - he could see that clear as day!

There was one more straggler who'd joined the group as they packed into the elevator. Just a minute before her arrival she'd gone unnoticed as she rolled up well behind Stevie's parking of the limo. She'd swung a long luxurious leg off from a blue Honda Shadow motorcycle and set the kickstand.

Had a casual observer seen the towering lovely BBW lady with curly shoulder-length brown hair dismount from her ride, they'd have been struck by the fact her magnificent round ass was not hindered by clothes... bare even, (owing to a particularly "good time" at the concert that night where she'd lost her underwear and everything else save her thigh high black boots but she'd a damned good story to tell about it). The observer would have also noticed a very unique attachment on Honda's seat, a flip-up butt-plug that the lovely rider stowed with a mere SQUOIKE! from a remote key fob; the rude little butt-hole poker disappearing down out of sight in but one secret compartment of the scandalously customized cycle, (right down to the matching leather floggers hanging from the handlebars). She was obviously someone who enjoyed riding for more reasons than merely one.

Surveying the scene, she noticed her quarry, Flash McDonegal, Cowboy Mother Fucker and the others. She stepped off in the direction of the tequila soaked throng, her boots clicking on the pavement and her lovely round BBW rump barely covered by her long leather jacket. Upon entering the lobby, she raised the attention of the three desk people busy on the phones but when they looked in her direction, she merely made a pointing gesture at the group complete with walking fingers that said, I'M WITH THE BAND.

That was enough to satisfy the desk people who noticed she was also underdressed and obviously part of the party - or so they surmised. The three behind the desk merely nodded and pointed to the elevators as they spoke into their phones to soothe panicked hotel guests, disturbed by the raucous party above. The woman recognized her cue, stepping quickly to the elevator and catching things before the doors could close. Flash and the rest inside noticed another presence in the confines of the small space and all turned to see the lovely voluptuous woman with ample curves, shameless nakedness down below and I SO FUCKING DARE YOU attitude up top. As both doors closed behind her wonderfully bare moon it was Stevie the limo driver who chimed in with,

"Anita, what are you doing here?"

"I lost my bottoms at the concert Stevie so I decided to hop on Spike and ride over here to this party to blend in," answered the sultry toned BBW who scooped up Stevie in big mama-bear hug and smooch, nearly lifting the limo driver from the elevator floor.

"Spike is her motorcycle," Stevie explained in the woman's embrace over his shoulder to the rest of the group.

"You named your bike Spike?" Lynne asked with an incredulous smile.

"I had to," Anita commented as the elevator began to move upward, "Stevie here is not only a limo driver. He is also my bike mechanic. He did some mods to my Honda Shadow and I simply love every inch of them!"

"Six inches to be exact," Stevie chimed in. The two burst into little snickers at an apparently private joke and Anita wrapped her booted leg around the young driver's waist and humped him in an impromptu lap dance, her bare twat bumping and grinding up and down the front of Stevie's pants. It was about this time the elevator doors opened.

Two nuns stood in the doorway staring at the lovely large bare-assed woman who was dry-fucking a long haired young man in full view of a crowd of rockers. There was a pregnant pause (with the exception of Anita's grinding buttocks below her black leather jacket). Both of the Sisters looked at one another before one summoned the strength to say,

"W... we'll take the stairs!"

The doors closed a moment later. The elevator exploded in laughter and continued to move upward inside the shaft, leaving two sisters standing at the now shut doors, contemplating the sight they'd just beheld. One of them broke the awkward silence with,


"Yes Katherine?"

"Did I see what I think I did?"

"I believe so," Maria replied.

"FLASH MCDONEGAL!" they both exclaimed in unison, clutching their beads and made the sign of the cross.

"He's here?"

"Well, I heard he'd be in town but I thought the concert was next week?"

"Oh don't be absurd," Maria countered, "haven't you noticed all the traffic tonight?"

"So that means he's here in this hotel? That explains all the noise in the hall and also upstairs. Did you get a good look at him?"

"I did, despite the bare-assed woman humping that little fellow like she was on heat and set to mount him."

"Hmmm yes," agreed the other absentmindedly as her free hand wiped a trickle of something from her temple, "I wonder what room he's in?"

"One way to find out," replied the other who pushed the call button once again. The Knights of Columbus would have to observe patience as a virtue and wait for another time.

Meanwhile in the elevator, it was decided by Flash McDonegal almost immediately that Anita was "one of this pack" and should tag along for the fun. It was just as well, she looked like the sort of woman who crashed sex parties for shits and grins. The way she was practically using Stevie as a pocket rocket right before them, Flash could tell she'd both be able to fit in (and handle herself without difficulty).

Lynne on the other hand upon seeing Anita saw something else in the lovely BBW lady.... a kindred spirit. One look at the two and one could surmise they were cut from the same piece of cloth, what with both wearing thigh high boots (albeit with high heels for Lynne), both liked riding their bikes bare assed naked down below, and both had that certain something SOMETHING that told people in the know they loved sex and physical pleasure from both men and women. It was the "vibe," the aura, and when Anita and Lynne made eye contact, it was most definitely there!

With the opening of the elevator doors, the merry band of miscreants spilled into the hall on the third floor. They were met by the sight of a naked roadie racing past them down the corridor, chased by a manically laughing and equally naked groupie spraying a fire extinguisher at him and missing wildly. That was just a taste of what lay ahead.

Toilet paper festooned the ceiling sconces. The air hung with coarse smog of weed, spilled booze and sex even out there in the hall. Here and there an empty beer bottle lay in plain sight on the green and black carpet and spent pizza boxes littered the floor in a sort of cardboard-brick road all the way to the end of the row of rooms lining either side. Now and then a door would open and half clothed revelers would emerge and dart down the hall to another of the rooms, hooting and shrieking as they stumbled ahead.

Now and then the group passed open doors; inside scenes of utter mayhem and debauchery for all to witness amidst flashing on and off again lights. Naked bodies humped and frolicked upon beds, couches, counters, and the floor; in pairs, threesomes, foursomes and more-somes! Oh and the noise, the ear splitting noise of chest vibrating metal seemed to come from the very walls, up from the floor and down from the ceiling as if the sound had nowhere to go and instead ricocheted around like an acoustic hockey puck. The whole second and third floors of the hotel could be summed up with "complete bestial bare-assed Bedlam!'

Upon reaching the room, the group paused as Flash moved to the door with the key, but immediately saw it was all quite unnecessary. The door was ajar and inside the merriment had obviously begun without them! The room was swelled to capacity with half-dressed and full blown bollocky-bare-assed partiers. Lynne craned her cocked-head and peered inside, then she let go with a happy gasp and a squeal of delight. The nude human form is a beautiful thing to behold and here in the room amidst a heady fog of reefer it was EVERYWHERE!

Bodies humped and bumped and frolicked in every conceivable position and on every available surface in the Presidential Suite reserved for Flash. There was fucking on both of the King sized beds (each of which appeared more resemble overloaded lifeboats following a maritime disaster in which a nude cruise ship had gone down). There was fucking in chairs, on the bar, and on the balcony. There was even fucking on the floor where partying hedonists had earlier pulled pillows, sheets, and covers from the king beds and created an impromptu orgy pit on the carpet. To Lynn Goodrhyde it reminded her of her uncle's fishing bait shop, the time when she'd beheld a package of fleshy wriggling earthworms being sold to a customer. She wanted in on all that wriggling just now!

In the center of the hotel suite stood the band's fat band manager. Poised at the top of a flight of three stairs leading down to a lounge area with a piano and immense television, he was now naked, (showing off his hairy chest and equally fuzzy back but still with his ever-present cigar that he chomped at while surveying a scene below in the sunken living room). Down on the living room floor were two young women, a blonde and a buxom redhead in a torrid sixty-nine in the middle of a group of people assembled around them on the floor in a ragged circle, in the dead center of which was an empty pink Champagne bottle. They'd been playing a game of "spin the bottle" except participants were not to kiss as much fuck and eat one another to orgasm should the bottle land on them. The middle-aged manager had a tall blonde woman down on her knees upon the stairs who was in the process of sucking the man off he frantically fucked her mouth while holding onto her frizzy head of shoulder length hair; his eyes never blinking nor straying away from the two girls munching twats on the floor for the enjoyment of all.

As luck would have it, the two labia licking ladies were a split second away from a combined climax and as the two humped and bawled, the fat manager drove his hips faster and faster matching the energy of the rug-munchers on the floor. As the two women bucked and humped through a shared girlie cum-quake, the man shut his eyes and whipped his head back open-mouthed; grabbing the blonde cocksucktress by the back of her head with both hands filling her jowls with hot jism.

"Swallow it Donna!" he croaked, "Swallow that load baby, AWWW YEAH THAT'S IT PUMPKIN! GULP DAT GRAVY BABY!"

He finished and pulled his limp dong from the woman's kisser as she swallowed, putting the back of her hand to her lips before coming up to her bare feet. She gave him a sweet bimbo kiss and whispered something in the fat man's ear that made him chuckle before he nodded and swatted her on her lovely heart shaped hiney as she hopped away happily. The man then turned and his eyes settled upon Flash, Lynn, and the rest of the sordid company. His expression went from contented selfish pleasure to happy surprise!

"Flash!" he hollered, "you've been missing the fun!"

"Vince," Flash replied, "as usual you've cornered enough fun for all of us and had some of it on the end of your cock! What lies have you been telling that pretty young thing with the blonde hair and the pouty lips?"

"Oh Donna?" Vincent the manager replied as he took the cigar from his teeth and pointed back in the direction of the woman who'd just sucked him off, "Yeah, she is gonna be your group's backup singer. She'd got a brilliant set of pipes!'

"And I'm sure," Flash observed, "you were just inspecting them with your special tool just now?"

"Hey," the fat man with the jet black receding hairline and silver sideburns nodded, "that girl has talent... many talents in fact; just need to be discovered."

"I bet she discovered you need to eat more pineapple," Flash quipped.

"Such are the hazards of becoming a star," Vince observed, placing his cigar back in his teeth for a thoughtful puff below a bushy black Super Mario mustache, "anyhow... the place is rocking already as you can see. I had a key to the suite so I let the roadies and the groupies in and we started using up the booze and smoke,"

"And the lube by the looks of things!" Lynn commented.

"Yes, little lady," Vince agreed with a chuckle, "I can assure you this crowd has broken into the personal lubricant supply!"

Vince then suddenly recognized Lynn and Nancy from the concert earlier. His expression changed from jovial to that of supreme gratitude. He offered his hand saying,

"Say, aren't you two the pair of nurses that saw to Flash when he got knocked in the melon?"

"The same," said Lynn as she shook his hand, her eyes unable to take themselves away from his ridiculously bushy pornstar mustache.

"Well," Nancy replied, taking Vince's droopy and still drippy Italian sausage cock in her mischievous paw and shaking it cordially mimicking Lynn's handshake, "we are always ready to lend a hand to those in need!"

"WELL THEN," Vince announced as he immediately recognized Nancy to be a lady who knew her way around a cock, "you women have come to the right place, we have plenty of folks here in need who could use the benefit of your healing hands... and other pieces of anatomy!"

The sketchy Italian American band manager flung an arm around Nancy's waist and the two then sauntered off into the middle of the party. Flash shook his head laughing and half-turned to the rest of the folks in his little band of merry miscreants saying to them,

"Well, there goes my arm candy."

"He just plucked Nancy off from you, just like that?" Lynn asked incredulously.

"That he did," Flash nodded, "Vince is one hell of a cutthroat manager and agent if there ever was one! Oh he'll send her back my way. He means no harm and it's a party after all. Nobody here is too worried about who is dating who or who's married to who... a wedding ring is just a shiny finger bobble. Easy come easy go!"

"I'll say," muttered Anita, who snatched up Justin the Cowboy Motherfucker by the waist and dragged him with her into the fray.

Justin turned his head and shot a plaintive glance at Lynn before Anita, the beautiful and strong Mama Bear of a BBW tossed him over her shoulder with the strength of five women and began walking towards the party with more deliberate steps. His eyes met Lynn's as if to say 'sorry,' but Lynn only smirked and tapped Justin's sunglasses atop her head as if to remind him he still needed to earn them back. She was getting better at this whole jealousy thing tickling her clit of this dude. Sensing she might have offended Lynn, Anita half-turned with her prize kill over her shoulder and called back cheerfully with a wicked gleam in her eye,

"I'll get him back more or less in one piece, Lynn. Just wipe off my slobber and ignore the bite marks!"

"Second time I've heard something like that tonight," Lynn said to everyone and no one at the same time. She shot Anita a little girlie fingery waive before telling Justin this was FAR from over.

Tattooed Tina moved close to Lynn and gave the sexy biker nurse a playful swat on her bare ass. She then turned and kissed Lynn on the cheek saying,

"You'll get him back. He's into you, girl!"

"I know," Lynn nodded, "and good things are worth waiting for,"

"Well, then how about you help yourself to my man Nick here and I'll get horizontal and nasty with Flash?"

Lynn eyed the scene of depravity all around the room, cock plunging into cunts, women moaning in joyful agony while being speared by two (even three cocks at a time), coarse veiny dicks spouting on faces asses bellies and so many other bits of human anatomy. Someone stepped naked from the crowd to hand Flash a drink, a drink found Lynn's hand too, then a joint. She took a hit and turned to Tina saying,

"Oh yeah DEFINITELY girl! Lets!"

"Well," said Flash tossing an arm around Tina as she slid in close to him, "I'd say that is our signal to get a bit more naked and a lot busier folks!"

"Fucking A!" Lynn agreed.

She slid in the opposite direction and flung her arm about Nick's waist. She and he then moved ahead into the naked humping pile of fun that lay ahead (careful to not to step on folks fucking on the floor as the music blasted in their ears and vibrated their skulls). It was on!

For Lynn, it was a bit like walking through a crowded amusement midway at the county fair; only with sex in its myriad of manifestations as the type of attraction, (and with booze, weed, and catered hors d'oeuvres instead of cotton candy and popcorn being available).

Walking with Nick arm in arm and mingling with the mob of massed moving hedonism, Lynn saw every manner of fuckery taking place. After stepping between and around bodies mating like monkeys on the floor they stepped out on the balcony and saw eight naked sweat-soaked people; four men and four women engaged in various acts of depravity, all oblivious to Nick and Lynne's presence. One of the couples happened to be locked in a torrid sixty-nine on a deck chair while the other chair contained a man and woman lying on their sides in a spirited spooning anal-fuck. Over the balcony a buxom redhead with curly shoulder length hair dangled her naked tits while behind her, a roadie plowed her pussy from behind. Next to the doggy-fuck couple an Asian girl with her hair in a black bob and with a dragon tattoo running down her spine squatted as she sucked and slurped the boner of a muscled man with his head shaved bald as a cue-ball; his hairy balls slapping her delicate Chinese chin. Lynn nodded with approval before she and Nick turned back inside.

At the top of the set of steps descending down into the suite's sunken center, another amazing and no less intriguing sight filled their hearts with awe, and their naughty bits with inspired horniness. In the center of the room a large crowd sat on the floor in a circle playing "spin the champagne bottle" as mentioned before. A buxom brunette was clapping for joy as the bottle had just stopped spinning and was pointing directly at a well hung blonde viking looking dude with a beard and dreadlocks. To one side of the room on a long sofa, five naked women jutted their upturned asses out as five men plowed their asses like wild beasts, now and again announcing SWITCH at which point the five men would rotate to a new woman's ass and continue plundering the booty presented before them. At a low fainting chaise Vincent, the fat cigar-chomping band manager was already deep inside Nancy's guts; his cock hammering down into the naughty nurse's nether-hole as Nancy on all fours atop the low piece of furniture bawled happily, shaking her cowboy hat topped head from side to side as the beer-can sized cock speared her asshole with delightfully rude abandon. Across from them on a somewhat larger settee, Cowboy Motherfucker and Momma Bear Anita were already getting to know one another much better, with Justin's long devil dong stabbing down into Anita's womb between her thighs as the lovely BBW used her own hands to hold her legs high and wide for him!

Justin at that very moment made eye contact with Lynn, who simply shrugged and blew him a kiss. Truth was, she was indeed jealous but that jealousy was now becoming a pulsing throb in her clit and at the very end of her nipples for him. OOOOOH she'd fuck him... fuck him good and solid when she finally got ahold of him... oh yes, he'd earn those fucking sunglasses before getting them back!

Off to one side of the sunken room a DJ spun tunes for the group. Here was where at least SOME of the noise for this event could be attributed to, (if you discounted the moaning, laughing, bottle- smashing, chairs thrown out the window sort of mayhem that was also occurring on the premises). Wearing a red shirt with a black vest, the tall skinny bearded hair farmer with his red curls pulled back in a ponytail was easily the most-dressed individual in the place; that is until you saw he was wearing zero pants and that two naked women, one blonde with a long dreadlocks going down to her heart-shaped ass and a Puerto Rican looking brunette with a skinny body and casaba melon sized boobs took turns sucking him - passing his cock for a puff as if it were one of the ubiquitous joints circulating here there and everywhere about the party.

Across the sunken room to the far left more steps rose up to yet another bedroom and to the far right next to the bar was a third. A quick glance into the one on the right and Lynn could see it was full occupancy, with humping naked fuckers crowded on the bed and with bodies banging away on the floor resembling sea lions crowding for space on some beach during the mating season. The bedroom to the far left was no less crowded with naked shenanigans pushing out onto the balcony. There fucking away furiously in the night air, was the naked couple Lynn and Justin had seen earlier banging and bawling at the moon high above; the pair now finally hitting the well-deserved climax they'd been going for!

Lynn's voyeurism was now interrupted. It seemed Donna, the tall blonde sucktress who'd been servicing Vincent, stepped up to Nick and Lynn, thrusting a drink in Nick's hand. Nick sniffed the blue punch inside and chuckled to himself. Lynn noticed Donna immediately shooting a wink at Nick... who knowingly returned the wink.

"Gorilla juice?" Nick asked.

"Yep, you called it! It's gorilla juice," the tall blonde with huge boobs giggled, "also called a blue monkey. Go slow with that. You don't want to leave here in an ambulance!"

She made a nod with her head in the direction of the bar at the far end of the room. There was a huge punch bowl at one side of the bar filled with the blue concoction and several dudes with solo cups helping themselves to it.

"What's gorilla juice?" Lynn inquired.

"Well," Nick explained, "it's a bunch of things for booze jumbled together in a punch. The most critical ingredients are kept a secret but I am guessing somebody raided their grandad's medicine cabinet."

"For opioids?"

"No," Nick replied, "for boner pills. Viagra, ginseng extract, yohimbe bark, it all gets tossed in the mix. It's like rocket fuel for a dude's cock. There are many types of Gorilla juice, but they all refer to the color... you know, blue monkey, green gorilla, that sort of shit,"

He held it up to Lynn, offering her to take a sip. She sniffed, made a face and shook her head. It smelled like a cross between grain alcohol and a teen boy's chemistry set. She pushed the cup back his way saying,

"No sport, I'll stick with tequila, weed, and cock tonight but you go ahead and chug all the King Kong Gatorade your heart desires. I'll reap the rewards out of this set of balls!"

With that she placed her hand down Nick's pants and gave his junk a rude squeeze, right in front of Donna.

She was enjoying showing off in front of Donna as much as she enjoyed how fast Nick's massive member came to life in his pants at the touch of her palm upon it. She ran her tongue across her lips and made eye contact directly with Donna. The statuesque buxom naked blonde took the hint and moved in, taking Lynn's face in both her hands for a soulful kiss.

"You, me, and your tattooed man-toy party later?" Donna asked her breathlessly with one eyebrow cocked wryly.

"You can count on it!" Lynn replied as she craned her head forward and kissed the lovely blonde, first on the chin, then on her neck, then up her jawline and then BAM, smack on the lips, all while jerking Nick's increasingly hard throbber in his pants.

About that time, another blonde (this one short with a hard little body but with firm upturned natural boobs), came bounding up to Donna. She threw her arms around Donna drunkenly and attempted to whisper but it all came out in a loud as fuck slur,


"Wait WHAT? He's HERE Heather? OH SHIT!"

Apparently Vincent the fat band manager had been the only one that had noticed Flash entering the premises amidst the blast of the music and the hemp fog tinged with sex. Everyone else was too fucked up or wasted. Now however with Heather's attempt at being subtle, she'd let the cat out of the bag. Two women from down at the edge of the spin-the-bottle game overheard and screamed along with Donna and Heather. Before Lynn knew what had happened, those four women dashed bare-assed into the next room in the hopes of diving upon the veteran rock star!

"Tina and Flash just got company!" Nick observed, his donkey cock now absolutely rigid and out of his pants, (thanks to Lynn's deft handiwork at yanking down his zip one-handed and removing it for all to see).

"He can handle himself," Lynn replied, furiously jacking Nick's wood, "he's a big boy, just like you!"

She then pulled Nick in for a kiss. She was pleased with her decision to do so. She liked the taste of those lips of his. She liked the scent of him; all sweaty and full of testosterone. The chin stubble felt delightfully scratchy too. He wasn't Cowboy Motherfucker, but he'd do... he certainly would. As she was pulling away from the kiss and resuming with her wank session on Nick's gronk, Lynn's eye however caught somebody familiar.... actually, several somebodies who were familiar, (and one of them was an immense surprise).

At the far end of the room opposite Nick and Lynn yet another of the party games was going on. Unlike the game of naked spin-the-bottle on the floor of the sunken room, this one taking place a few feet from the bar was more of a test of marksmanship. Three naked men... (all of whom Lynn recognized immediately as the roadies Bear, Carl, and Greg from earlier in the evening at the concert), were being masturbated by three scantily clad women.

Now at a sex party such as this it might be seen as nothing more than flirtatious foreplay but the fact that the men had to stand with their hands atop their heads with the women directly behind them was one clue something was different. The fact that about five feet away from the wankfest a beautiful naked brunette woman stood upon her knees with her back arched as she fiddled with her snatch and goaded the men to cum on her was another clue. The kneeling woman was a target - pure and simple. The three women standing behind the heavily breathing roadies were to jack the three dudes off and see who could strike the kneeling woman but a pace and a half away; all in a bizarre game of "horseshoes meets hand-jobs!"

What's more, Lynn recognized the woman immediately. It was Norianne, the hot little Filipina firecracker phlebotomist from the lab back at Healing Hands Hospital. What was SHE doing here? Oh hell, who cares - she's enjoying herself just like everyone else here, right?


The 47-year-old carmel skinned island-hottie suddenly spun her head about to search where the familiar voice had originated from. Squinting her eyes and craning to peer through the haze of weed and the flashing lights from the DJ's strobes, her eyes suddenly went wide as she recognized,

'NURSE GOODRYDE! WHAT'S SHE DOING HERE?... OH AND SHIT! Who's the cute dude with his cock in her hand? Oh never mind girl, get back to that clit of yours and make these three spout all over you!'

Nori's hand became a buzzing-bumblebee-blur on her pretty pink sex button. She ran her tongue lasciviously across her lips, making eye contact with each of the huffing puffing roadies in turn... all while behind the three gentlemen, each of their female handlers did their best to tickle, tease and jerk those gonads into release. Up and down those three veiny cocks, the trio of jack-maidens ran their circular grips; each woman teasing her man with bites to the shoulders, licks along earlobes, and tickles to the balls. The four women were simply put, a team... each keeping the energy at a boiling point; the jerky girls with their delicious friction, and Nori with her wicked masturbatory inspiration.

In the end it would take Nori to screw her eyes shut and scream like she'd stubbed her toe in the shower (complete with a shower of lady dew from her cunt on the floor), to do the trick. The three studs could hold back no longer and each let go with his load. Greg was the first to splooge... gasping and sending his nut flying in the general direction of Nori's still feverishly self-frigging form but landing short in a puddle at about half the distance. Carl was next, his eyes screwed shut and his head shaking as he bawled and sent a huge blast of cock snot clear across the distance, only to strike Nori upon her pretty left knee.

Lastly came Bear, or to put it more appropriately BEAR CAME! True to his name, the big black man snarled and roared as his balls ruptured at the touch of the furiously hard-milking hand of the lovely Cuban woman standing to his rear as she dry-humped his bare-ass with her crotch and cursed in his ear. A split-second later and a white hot stream of molten man-magma jetted from his big ole donkey dick; arcing through the air and splashing BANG in the middle of Nori's 38C titties. A second hot blast rocketed forth and caught the panting Filipina MILF across her neck and collar-bone as she giggled with delight. Not yet empty, the Cuban handjob slut behind the big black giant milked one last blast from those kiwi fruit sized balls, and Bear's cock spat a geyser of gonad gravy through the air to land SPLAT upon Nori's pretty chin.

A roar of applause and cheers rose up from the onlookers and Bear waved to the crowd in triumph. Having won the event, he kissed his pretty Cuban assistant and then turned to claim his prize - none other than the lovely Norianne, (who was now in the process of wiping his cock-custard from her chin and neck, popping it into her mouth like it was spilled cake batter). Always the gentleman, Bear offered her his oversized paw and helped the pretty lady to her feet. She kissed her big black hero and then glanced down for a better look at that massive beast cock of his, already working out the geometry of how something that fucking gynormous was going to fit inside her. No worries, she enjoyed a challenge!

"I saw that from all the way across the room girl!" a loud voice interrupted Nori's geometric studies, cutting through the blast of the music. It was none other than Lynn herself, leading Nick along by his cock through the sunken living room and oh so excited to see another familiar face from the hospital, (even if that face was covered by a generous coating of penis plaster)!

"Lynne," Nori cried out, "what are you doing here?"

"Chryssy had something come up and could not make it so I had tickets," Lynn explained, "Nancy is here too."

Lynne motioned with her head back into the center of the room where Nancy and Vince were still on the chaise; although Vince had now pulled his Italian sausage from Nancy's pretty pounded hiney, popped it into the auburn haired nurse's kisser for a spirited ass to mouth blowjob. Nori and Lynn looked on as Nancy gorged upon Vince's gronk for several wet strokes until he changed things up again; flipping her onto her back atop the low couch and commencing to hammer her anus missionary-style. Nancy's feet now high in the air and held in place by Vince's shoulders shook with each impact as the fat man jack-hammered down into her asshole for all he was worth.

"Ummmm," Nori muttered absentmindedly as both she and Lynn watched the scene, unable to tear their eyes from it, "looks like Nancy has made a friend. So who is this guy you're with?"

"Oh I am not WITH him," Lynne explained, "I borrowed him from his girl who is in the bedroom next use with Flash and whomever decided to jump into a fuck pile atop him. My guy is over there,"

Lynn motioned in the direction of Anita and Justin. The Cowboy Mother Fucker and the luscious BBW, Anita had just switched out positions and were now locked in the throes of a torrid sixty-nine. From beneath the horny momma-bear in heat with his head wedged between her lovely large thighs Justin munched hungrily as at the other end, Anita's head of dirty blonde curly hair bobbed up and down upon his throbbing knob.

"I see," replied Nori, "well this is my friend, Be...."

"BEAR," Lynn interrupted, "and we've already met."

Lynn leaned forward, cupped the large black man's balls for a friendly palm-hug and Bear, seeing this as his cue, leaned in for a kiss. Nori looked on. Lynn had her way THAT guy too? Wow... some people really DO get around!

"Well," Nori observed, amazed, "I trust it was a good time?"

"Oh it was," Lynn replied.

Yeah," replied Bear, "definitely was!"

Lynn and Nori agreed it was high time to move things to a more comfortable location with these two men, and to a more comfortable position. They turned back and headed in the direction of the first bedroom and the entrance to the suite. Flash was back there with a bevy of women (not to mention the tattooed temptress Tina) and things were probably a bit crowded but Lynn assumed the four of them might find a suitable place to fuck.

As they passed the raucous game of "spin the bottle" taking place in the middle of the sunken room, the four were nearly bowled over by two naked men charging out of one of the other bedrooms, both with a buxom naked blonde riding them piggy-back and both men happened to be blindfolded. They were apparently doing a blindfolded piggy back race around the room with their female jockey's shouting in their ears to go left or right as they ran the made-up race circuit. They were quite a sight, a pair of muscled brawny fellows with wobbly jutting cocks wiggle wobbling out in front of them like penile lances as their female riders laughed and shouted instructions to them; that is when they were not pouring mugs of blue potion into their mouths... more of the nasty concoction known as gorilla juice. That explained the wobbly boners... Lynn surmised to herself. She recognized both men immediately. Stepping to one side of the stampeding pair brutes she shouted to them over the music and din of the party...

"Zeke... EDDIE!"

Both security cops came to a screeching halt, recognizing Lynn's voice and nearly spilling their hysterically laughing riders (who nearly spilled their precious mugs of gorilla juice). Zeke, the blonde cop turned in the direction of Lynn's voice and adjusted the big boobed babe on his back while Eddie, the taller dark haired cop found himself immediately presented by a mugful of the boner potion to his lips for a quick gulp that went mostly down his chin and neck (and the poor carpet below).

"Lynn?" Zeke cried out, straining to look under his blindfold and turning his head left and right like a falcon with a hood over its eyes, " that you?"

"It IS, Zeke," Lynn replied, reaching out and touching the tip of his wobbling dong with her pointy finger, before pulling it down and releasing it; making it BOING up and down like a spring doorstop.

"It's a party now," observed Eddie, the dark haired cop, whose rider had pulled up his blindfold momentarily to allow him to get a better look at Lynn.

"It IS, Eddie," Lynn agreed, "why don't you fellas come over into the next room and see me when you finish your equestrian activities? Bring your jockeys if they are game."

"It's a date!" commented Kayla, Eddie's huge titted rider with silver dollar sized nipples and colorful tattoo sleeves on both her arms.

"Fabulous!"replied Lynn who then responded with a slap to Eddie's ass cheeks, "NOW GIDDYAP!"

With that, Eddie and Zeke resumed their rollicking bollocky bare-assed version of the Kentucky Derby around the Presidential suite, disappearing into the haze of pot smoke with their jockey's howling with laughter and urging them on; sloshing spilled gorilla juice the whole way!

As she mounted the stairs to return back to the bedroom from whence she'd emerged into the party, Lynn caught sight of Cowboy Mother fucker. He and Anita had changed positions again on the couch and added Nancy and Vince the fat cigar chomping band manager to the fray. Nancy and Anita were locked in a passionate cunt munching sixty-nine with Vince and Justin pounding away at the assholes of the two women respectfully. Justin caught Lynn's eye out of the corner of his and despite him being balls deep in Anita's crapper, blew her a kiss. Lynn tapped his sunglasses atop her head, telegraphing to him that he'd have to do more that night than blow kisses if he was to win them back! She then mounted the stairs with Nick on her arm and with Bear and Nori following close behind.

Flash had indeed made himself and Tattooed Tina most comfortable already. He was under a veritable pile of groupie pussy at one side of a king bed, having forced others occupying the space to shift over a bit as he climbed on with his throng of females. It was now crowded on that king sized mattress to say the least; crowded, naked, and bumpy.

Tattooed Tina sat astride Flash in a raucous cowgirl anal spearing from his massive member while Heather, (the blonde woman who'd been trying to be subtle of the rocker's arrival), sucked and licked at his balls like a dog giving a puppy a tongue bath. Meanwhile, at the other end of things, blonde buxom Donna rode his face while two other women, a black woman with cornrow hair and a red-headed freckled babe massaged his chest and tongue flicked at his nipples. To show his gratitude, Flash busied his fingers up inside the twats of both women worshiping his chest; their asses wiggling at the wonderfully rude rocker's caresses. Even a casual witness to the scene could tell it was good to be the KING; Flash being the living embodiment of that fact!

One thing was sure, there'd be no room on the bed for Lynn, Nick, Nori, and Bear. No problem! In the midst of the fucking frolicking heap of hedonists writhing on the floor like so many naked horny snakes in a hibernation den stood two overstuffed chairs; just perfect for a bit of sexy fuckery by four intrepid pervs, (like the four who were now tiptoeing carefully through the carpet of flailing limbs and circling bottoms). Once at the yellow paisley fabric bedroom chairs... Lynn and Nori set about moving the furniture around a bit, careful not to set a wooden chair leg down upon a poor unsuspecting hand, foot, ankle or even more sensitive item at floor-level.
Next page: Chapter 03.2
Previous page: Chapter 02.3