Chapter 04.1

Now consider just for a moment what had happened with Lynn and the rest of the party when somebody yelled cops, (at a gathering where everyone is naked and fucking their brains out). Naked and fucking at a blowout party, that is one thing... but when everyone is stoned or drunk, that's something a bit different! Also consider the fact there was enough product lying about in plain sight to fill a fucking police evidence locker thrice over.

What was one to do, panic and run for it? As fucked up as everyone happened to be it was doubtful anyone could even try it. That Molly bomb dropped by whatever sicko genius chemist (whomever he or she happened to be), had everyone "all haze and euphoria" and not much in the way of formulating a plan... save Zeke and Eddie, those two renta-cops from the concert, (oh and of course Vince the greasy band manager).

This simply wasn't Vince's first rodeo with the law. He'd talked his band out of plenty of legal scrapes before, and sober or stoned he could be quite eloquent when he needed to be. All he required at the moment was quiet and considerably less people in the room.


Lynn realized she was suddenly being swept off; carried "baby-style' in Bear's tree-trunk arms into the sunken common room of the suite just as the lights came down. The music abruptly shut off and shades closed, plunging everything into shadowy black. Lynn's feet hit the floor somewhere at the bottom of the steps and she found herself presently bathed in darkness, standing stoned and naked amidst a crowd of partiers in the same condition (and each attempting to be quiet), in the central party room.

Suddenly the roaring din of the party that had swept through those two floors of the hotel and traveled from room to broken and debauched room like a wildfire simply vanished. In every room where the party had existed, people now stood in quiet darkness, paranoid and fearful; each not quite sure what to do next upon the arrival of the law. An eerie silence hung over everything with people simply waiting and listening; not unlike a submarine movie Lynn had seen years before.

Now robbed of her sense of sight, Lynn let her other senses take over. Immediately she felt the heat and brush of nude bodies to her left, right, front and rear. She then heard Vince's voice boom out in the dark, calling for Zeke and Eddie, the two rent-a-cops. There was a noisy shuffling in the massed clot of nakedness behind her, and presently Eddie and Zeke pushed and bumped their way through the crowd before climbing the steps to join the band manager in the room beyond.

Despite the danger of her being busted, Lynn was absolutely giddy... slap-happy even, (the molly's effect building and building inside her with every second). She had the same "hopping up and down happy excited" feeling she'd experienced as a child crouching in the dark with her sister, parents, and her other relations as they waited to surprise Nana on her birthday. She also felt it was such good fun playing hide and seek in the dark from cops along with so many people she happened to be so in love with; another effect of the molly, (and building steadily with each tick of the clock).

Out of a detached curiosity she wondered when the cops would arrive at the door. A long time had passed since they'd pulled into the parking lot down below and they'd had more than enough time to make it up the elevator and down the hall to the Presidential Suite. She could just barely make out the voices of Vince and the two rent-a-cops (despite their own chemical-induced haze), formulating a plan; their voices all hushed nervous paranoia. Lynn found it hilarious those three were now everyone's best hope. Hilarious and pathetic, she thought... but she was far too "happy" to give a shit... too happy and too full of love and horniess, (as were the people around her in the darkness)!

A hairy arm from some random dude ran up and down her torso from behind, groping and copping a feel on her tits, belly and Venus mound. A moment later she felt lips on her neck, all biting and chewing before moving up to her earlobe, courtesy of the same guy. She backed-up into him (not at all disturbed by the intrusion of her space), and for her troubles she felt his big warm wobbily ding-dong poking her right in the cleft of her buttocks.

More pressed in from the sides. A finger found its way up the cleft between her legs; commencing to fiddle and eagerly penetrate her. Presently she was now aware of a distinctly female form; all soft and smelling of jasmine and hemp as the woman pushed in snuggly from the left. A second later and female nipples gently raked Lynn's flesh followed by the brush of the mystery woman's lips to Lynn's, in what could only have been the tenderest of feminine kisses.

As the gropers and fondlers now seemed to be anywhere and everywhere about her, they melted back into the gloomy darkness just as suddenly; only to be replaced by other arms, hands, lips, breasts and cocks; all intent on getting a nice "feelie" or "pokey" in before moving on to the rest of the naked midnight buffet in the blackness. It was like a random game of nude bumper cars, with each person there for a brief anonymous connection followed by a rebound. Lynn was consumed by the spontaneity of it all, and she sooooo wished someone would flick on the lights, (if only so as to get a better look at those responsible for making her sigh and giggle quietly in the dark).

"QUIET DOWN IN THERE," Vince's boomed from the adjacent room.

Up rose a few snickers and a suppressed snort from the huddled masses grabbing asses but generally folks in the naked throng did their best to comply. Lynn for all her inebriation, made up her mind to be silent as the grave, (albeit a happy giggling grave, if there ever was one). Amidst the gropes, pokes, and licks, she focused her attention on Vince's hushed conversation with Zeke and Eddie, the security cops. It went a little like this,

"Hey remember guys, let me do the talking."

"You? You are too fucked up... I'm straight as an arrow."

"No BULLSHIT, both of you are too stoned to make sense... I can do this, I used to fake out my parents when I'd come home like this. You too just chill and..."

"No, bullshit YERSELF! ... I got this,"

"Hey, you realize we're naked, right? You understand how bad this looks?"

Lynn was about to explode with a blast of laughter at that last remark when she was interrupted by a sudden and rather loud BANG BANG BANG at the door announcing the arrival of the cops. An audible gasp rose from the huddled unclothed masses, (to include a soft terrified mouse-squeak from Lynn). Then came a clear, "One second please," from Vince as he faked the funk, trying to sound confident, casual and sober.

Now new voices rang out in the adjacent room.

"Scuze me errrm gentlemen," the first cop inquired, "but we had a report of a wild party breaking out in the hotel and this room was reportedly the epicenter of the disturbance. Can you shed any light on this? Hey... you guys know you're all naked?"

"No Sir," replied Vince, "there's no party here and as for our state of undress officer, we were just catching a shower before we hit the hay after working at the concert,"

"You all are taking a shower all at once?" asked another of the cops, whose flashlight beamed around in the room; its light bouncing off the walls, illuminating the dimness and giving the naked crowd in the sunken party area cause to catch their thoroughly paranoid breath up in the top of their lungs for the briefest of instances. The cop then continued with,

"Hey Eddie? Zeke? That you guys?"

"Hi Robbie," Zeke replied, sounding sheepish and looking away at the floor. He knew he'd never live this shit down. He'd been doing this rent-a-cop gig as a moonlighting job along with Eddie, (and this was going to spread around the Flagstaff Police Department where he normally worked like wildfire).

"You know anything about this party?" asked the first cop. There was a pregnant pause as Zeke fumbled around in his clouded skull for a lie to use.

"How about you, Eddie?" he continued.

"Nope Butch," Eddie replied, "we were just hoping to get cleaned up after working the concert and get some sleep."

"Well," boomed out a third cop's voice (who happened to be named Adam and who was friends with the two naked renta-cops), "if you know where the fuck this party is, I'd sure appreciate knowing. These five pizza's I'm holding aren't gonna eat themselves and I have another ten more down in my cruiser!"

"Yeah," agreed officer Butch, "and this case of beer I'm lugging is getting awfully fuckin heavy!"

There was a pause. The realization sliced through the head fog of the drug-addled three. Vince flicked the lights on.

"Come on in, gentlemen!" Vince announced grandly, " GAME BACK ON!"

"SURPRISE!" yelled Lynn from up out of the sunken room next door, before she burst up the steps and into the light screeching, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

She then remembered it was not that sort of party; her first clue being she didn't see her Nana anywhere and it wasn't even her late grandmother's birthday. She did notice however the look of jaw-dropped awe as Adam, Butch, and Robbie gave her a good solid looking up and down, noting Lynn's kewpie doll face just above lovely jutting breasts protruding from her jacket. In unison their eyes moved down to her bare-shaven split-peach twat just above those thigh high boots. The three cops looked at one another and nodded.

"Looks like this is the right place," announced Adam pushing his way through the door, followed closely behind by his two off-duty companions.

Lynn's ears were suddenly filled with the blast of music and shrieking howls. To the relief of all partying hedonists present, it was obvious this blow-out was not going to be busted. Consequently, everyone now was determined to get their freak on. If anything, the presence of cops joining in filled Lynn and the rest of the maddened throng with rebellious invincibility!

It was about that time that Lynn's enhanced "Molly Mood" went from "UP" to SIMPLY STRATOSPHERIC! She was now a frolicking Tinkerbell of joy; her high continuing to rise like an Elon Musk proto-type ...straight-up into the heavens of altered consciousness. Unlike similar MDMA highs she'd had, this one didn't seem to have a plateau... just "up," effortless limitless up!

She now felt herself skipping and dancing about the room. Swept up in a positive vibration of love and community with everyone there... hell everyone on the fucking planet. She loved them all, even the slice of pizza someone put in her mouth! Good little Mr. Pizza... she was so sad she had to eat him but she was so VERY VERY much in love with him, she wanted him inside her one way or another! But she wanted something else inside her too... well some things inside her to be exact. She didn't have to wait for long.

Somehow Lynn now found herself on the chaise in the sunken room. A cock was splitting her cunt and some dude was smashing down atop her. Something was vaguely familiar about him. Something was also splitting her tailpipe as well and whatever was up her asshole felt familiar too. She recognized that split to her shitter... it was none other than her double-headed dildo. But who was it that happened to be doing the ass-splitting!

"Hi lover!" Nori's voice whispered in her ear before the lovely Filipina goddess commenced kissing up and down Lynn's neck while thrusting away at the wicked double-header (whose other end was notched firmly up her tight Pacific Islander twat-hole).

Well, that solved the mystery as to who was tearing up her backdoor, but now Lynn wanted to know who was beating the shit out of her poor pounded front entry-way. In mid hump the dude raised his face and his eyes met hers. With his baseball cap on backwards and his heavy metal locks spilling over his shoulders, it could only be one person.


Yep, it was Stevie the limousine driver. He wore a dreamy expression of unmitigated love and smitten tenderness. It was obvious to Lynn (even in her altered state), he'd developed a limo-sized man-crush for her, (and was going to prove his devotion by painting her insides with two coats of gonad goo). Touched by both his mushiness and the Molly coursing through her veins, she stroked that face of his and cooed lovingly saying to him,

"There baby sweet, you be a good boy n' make nasty up inside mama ... that's it!"

Her words had an immediate effect upon the young twenty-something; suddenly fulfilling every "hot MILF" fantasy Stevie had ever rubbed one out to, whether with or without a decent internet connection. His rather smallish frame picked up the pace... driving a throbbing eight-inch boy-bat of a penis back and forth like an angry flesh piston up inside her. She responded with sharply bent knees followed by crossed legs about his waist, as if trying to force the boy up into her womb. To her it felt like was robbing the cradle with this one... but she was full of so much love and Molly - WHO THE FUCK CARED!

Off to one side on the chaise Lynn recognized the lovely rounded BBW form of Anita (a similar predicament). Anita was reclining atop Bear's lap facing away; her back against the black man's chest as his tree-trunk cock split her asshole deep. Between Anita's thighs, Zeke the renta-cop vigorously plowed away with a rather veiny tool at her puss-pipe, (and did so with reckless abandon). Both men had the voluptuous woman in a savage double-pummel; one that rendered Anita beside herself with savage pleasure. It was all she could do to simply sob open-mouthed with heartfelt approval!

As Anita tossed her head and howled at devilish double-dicking down, Lynn returned her attentions to Stevie, giving the young cub the ride of his life. In a mere fifteen minutes, she reduced the young man to a moaning groaning full-bodied nasal whine of male climactic spasms (all while she herself shuddered through a delightful cum-quake of her own). As Stevie's cock jetted steaming sticky love up her insides, she cooed softly in his ear and rubbed his face until he made "All done!"

She then kissed him tenderly before slapping his bare ass to get up. He rose to his feet with his dong dribbling the last dregs of his semen, drippity-drop upon her bare belly. He gazed down into her eyes, giving her a look all beamy and moonstruck. He then turned and staggered off; nearly tripping over a couple frantically humping on the floor and in the process glancing back to Lynn over one shoulder a final time. She took satisfaction knowing she'd just rocked his world better than any MILF could have done. That smugness of hers, however, was short-lived.

As Stevie disappeared, Lynn observed several more eager men crowding in; cocks in hand and leering at her with keen interest. The thing was, her high was also approaching a bold new level. It seemed that as the four chiseled brutes approached (two blacks, a Hispanic, and a bearded blond Norse looking god), her vision tunneled and then went all "carnival fun-house," silly.

It was as if the approaching studly forms simply stretched and melted and then rejoined themselves before her very eyes. She could still hear things, (the whole time Anita's happy howls and shrieks rang in her ear), but now Lynn's only attachment to the world outside her head that made sense was sound. Each gentleman vigorously pumping at his manhood and preparing for what was to cum, now appeared to be gas vapor, then as melted wax, then a shimmering liquid before becoming solid again.

Really it didn't matter what form they were in now, she loved them! She was so completely full of love. She giggled and pouted her lips, urging the men to change shape at will!

"Change shape?" one of the blurry melted wax figures said to another, "What's she talking about?"

"Never mind," replied another melting man standing off to one side, "she's probably had that jacked-up shit people have been smoking tonight... or maybe one of those Pooh-Bear gummies, just fucking roll with it if you want to nut inside that one!"

"What do they call that stuff again? I mean I had some earlier..." asked a third pecker pumper waiting patiently in line.

"Rocket-ship!" replied the second wax figure, "and how much did you have?"

"One joint and two Winnie the Poohs," replied melting horndog number three.

"Oh dude," replied wanker number two, "you are gonna bump your head on a space station in a little bit... but don't worry, at least you'll be in orbit with that lady there!"

He tipped his head and pointed in Lynn's direction for emphasis. He was met with an explosion of lad chuckles. It may have been rude of him to say it and even ruder to point. At the moment she simply didn't care in the least... she loved HIM, and the whole line of melted masturbators waiting their turn to mount. Oh, and he was right anyway; she was high as all fucking fuckkety-fuck by the feel and look of it all now!

The line of men before her continued to melt for a moment, then cleared, then appeared as shimmering rain before clearing again and with the queue of dudes now standing dangerously close. More men joined the line. The molly was playing shear fuckery with her vision and these dudes all seemed intent on playing shear fuckery with Lynn, (even if they DID keep breaking apart or partially disintegrating like they were all part of some odd Picasso painting). A cock found its way to the opening of her cunt, and then a massive hairy man was atop her; both she and Nori beneath her releasing a loud, 'OOOMMPF!' as the strong jawed dude let his full weight settle upon them.

The cock slid inside Lynn's pinkness, stretching her walls the whole way until bumping her cervix at the back of her gyno garage. It was a damned tight squeeze, and the guy had a real cunt clogger of a dong. He let go a groan in her ear; quite happy to be up to his balls in her guts by the sound of it.

'Good GOD fellah, learn to park properly - you're fuckin rough on my paint job!' Lynn thought.

No matter, it only hurt a little and then the pleasure welled up inside her like a bubbling spring. She sighed pleasurably as the pain subsided besides... she'd handled bigger, even. The dude began to row in unison with Nori's fervent plunges on the double-headed dong up Lynn's tailpipe at the other end down below.

It was then that more well-hung studs joined in on the fray. A big black hand brought a big black dong to Lynn's lips, and she accepted it without reservation, ravenously even. The cock pushed to the back of her palate, and she commenced to nurse upon warm veiny African American dong. She sooo wanted to cup his balls in her hand but before she could, both her palms were full of throbbing veiny cock to either side... HOLY SHIT these guys don't waste time!

She was being gang-banged good and proper now; reveling at the fact that even her very fists were filled with cock. She couldn't quite make out the visual details of the men having their way with her, but then again, she couldn't care in the least! She loved cock and it was coming at her from every direction; just like every over-the-top fantasy she'd ever banged her clit to!

It was there and then that the cocks began to "change." They began to jump and wriggle on their own prehensile accord as if separate semi-intelligent beasts (all quite independent of their male masters). The Rocket-ship Molly was working its magic!

Lynn now saw the cocks writhing about her like agitated serpents, blind snakes of throbbing veiny penile flesh but snakes nonetheless! Her eyes went wide as out of their corners she beheld flicking forked tongues at the ends of either serpentine dong she held in her hands. Deep up her twat and towards the back of her throat the story was the same, as two more forked tongues flicked and sampled their surroundings. She should have felt terror and yet to the contrary, she felt every primitive urge in the back of her naughty blonde head suddenly nurtured and fed; every fantasy, every suppressed sexual notion... suddenly bubbling to the surface of her consciousness!

In both her hands the serpentine cocks wriggled and writhed, tongues flicking back upon her hand and wrists; blind penile mushroom heads turning to her face and seeming to be aware of her presence, yet at the same time posing her no threat. They only wished to have their turn at being brought off... to spit their venom (either in her or upon her)! Well, she figured, if she were to be set upon by snakes, banged by slithering beasties... then it would be naked veiny snakes she'd tame!

Her ears filled with the grunts and groans of the men she was locked with in sexual frenzy, and she worked her mouth cunt and hands feverishly upon those penile pythons. Each blind fleshy tubeworm aimed to fuck and have their way with her, and now to their surprise she made it perfectly clear she intended to FUCK BACK! It was "serpent milking time" and these boys just happened to be in the care of the ultimate milkmaid - oh and milk them she did!

It didn't take long before the gang of cock began sawing away feverishly and began to hit their boiling point, (as the first dude snarled loudly before splashing the pink sugar walls of her cunt with his piping hot boy-batter). He was immediately followed by the black dude having his way with the back of her throat. He grabbed the top of her pretty blonde head with a long-fingered black hand and commenced to frantically fuck her mouth until he roared and blasted Lynn's tonsils with hot sticky gonad gravy. She'd just gulped down the dude's load; making sure to get every last drop from his veiny black cobra before releasing it from her lips, when those two writhing vipers in her hands began to pulse, jetting steaming ropes of venom. Instinctively she brought the first demonic ding dong to her mouth to gulp more gonad gravy but the generously puking pecker sent one sticky jet into her face and one all through her fist before she got the third hot spurt to get inside her mouth where it belonged. Not skipping a beat, she then brought the other spurting serpent in for a suck... again splooshing her face and fist with sticky goo in the process before making "all gone" with the last of the serpent semen in her tummy tum-tum!

She was a simply hot mess now, but didn't care in the least, (neither did anyone else for that matter), for as quickly as the men before her had cum then new dudes with their dicks in hand queued up for a turn. In her Molly induced haze she distinctly heard Nori squeal and then felt the faux ding dong yanked out of her now well buggered rectum; only to be replaced by a dong that was quite real and of considerable thickness and depth. Oooh the gut stretch to her poor-pounded popo!

Out of the corner of one eye Lynn now saw Nori had been pulled happily to the end of the couch, (to be triple-stuffed by three eager studs who took up stations at her mouth, puss, and asshole). Oh well, Nori was a big girl and could handle herself - Lynn had bigger things to worry about, (namely the big veiny thing now splitting her own tail-pipe)! She'd just caught her breath when it was taken away by yet another serpentine dong in her twat-hole and still another being pushed to her lips. Taking the drooling dong-snake in like an old friend Lynn figured Oh what the fuck, and simply held out her hands to either side and wiggled her fingers as if to say, Okay ready boys! Her request was met with a warm throbbing stiffie in either palm, (at which point she began a steady ambidextrous wanking handjob upon the warm throbbing twosome).

The serpentine dicks just kept coming and cumming, from every direction it seemed. Hot cum splattered like champagne blasted from magnum bottles; oozing down Lynn's palms, wrists, throat, and puss in a cascade of sticky hotness. Her asschute seemed perpetually stretched by an endless procession of serpentine cocks; each one spooging up inside her hemorrhoidal hatch to fill her guts to the rim with gonad gravy, only to be replaced by yet another ever-wriggling penis python intruder. The whole time all Lynn's eyes and mind could register were those delightful penile snakes; none of them biting yet all wishing to fuck her rotten and spit sticky venom into her every nook and cranny. She was now a sexual medusa, mistress of trouser snake, and supreme connoisseur of cum!

The line of men kept stepping forward... a few moving to Nori, a few filing off to Anita, and a few over to Lynn, but that line always presented the same view for the women it seemed; that of determined men wanking their rods, in preparation for their "turn," (even if all three women were hallucinating and seeing all manner of beasts before them waiting to fuck). For Lynn's part, as she glanced with one eye beyond the latest dick-snake filling her mouth with a generous steaming load for her gullet, she perceived a sort of round tunnel before her. It was like a long pipe, its surfaces all the way round covered in twisting thick penile serpents projecting from the passage walls, floor, and ceiling. Warm meaty and flushed with blood, the dick serpents pressed forward to find their way into her hands, to brush across her face, breasts, and belly, to travel up her twat and well-pounded asshole. What was real, what was not; that depended on whether or not she decided to open her eyes and trust them. HOLY SHIT - she was soooo high and she fucking knew it! As the cock in her mouth finished and pulled away leaving a line of semen on her chin, Lynn now saw a familiar figure stepping down the passage, naked mustached and bald; sporting hairy arms and an equally hairy chest atop a bit of a pot belly.

"Looks like I'm next," commented Vince as he placed the head of his Italian sausage doing to Lynn's lips. Palming the back of her head, he brought her naughty noggin forward to commence sucking him.

It was a rude coarse penis he had, all veiny and gnarly like a twisted oak branch attached to a set of warm hairy balls the size of goose-eggs. Feminine funk filled her nostrils and registered upon her pallet. Lynn realized Vince had been busy with countless women that evening thus far (and she was now getting acquainted with the taste of at least God Knows How Many random twats and assholes).

Truth was, Vince was a fat coarse self-centered balding sort of man, and he had a nasty cock to match. Lynn should have been disgusted, but it was like gas tossed in a fireplace. She bore down hard on that cock with her greedy knob-gobbler, urging it to spit gooey hot love across her tonsils.

The fellah up her tailpipe grunted and busted a nut, filling her stinky backdoor with more secret sauce. Not two seconds after that dick vacated her tushy, it just so happened the dude digging away at her twat-hole groaned and whitewashed her pink insides at the opposite end. With the second dude bailing out from her twat, Lynn focused on the two throbbing cocks filling both her hands. A duet of grunts to either side of her and her fists were suddenly filled with hot splashings of drippy ball batter, not unlike the sensation of having melted sugar poured over her fingers, palms, and wrists. Their handjobs complete, both men sauntered off for the food table. That left Lynn (still flying high as a fucking thunderstorm), alone in the middle of the sofa with Vince.

The cigar chomping band manager shot a rather fierce look to the fellahs behind him in line. They took the hint and promptly headed off in search of other female refreshments elsewhere. Vince was now gonna have his greaseball way with her all to himself, and she WITH HIM. Poor fellah!

He stood before the seated Lynn, holding her lovely blonde head with one hand in a rude skull-fuck; gyrating his hips against her mouth like a balding Elvis impersonator as Lynn kept sucking him for all she was worth. It didn't matter he'd completely skipped the foreplay; Lynn's mind was at the mercy of the Molly and she was riding a chemical tidal wave of love, hallucinations, and hyper-horniness. Yeah, that Rocketship is a helluva drug!

Vince pulled out of her kisser and then flipped Lynn around, so that she was kneeling on the cushions with her arms over the back of the sofa. A second later and her mind registered Vince's big gnarly tree-branch throbber pushing its way up the now slicked entrance to her cunt. A great hairy arm came up underneath to pinch and fondle her nipple in a rather gropey reach around, the rough-ness of it all making Lynn's heart pound fast and her poor pussy simply juice like a crushed tomato. Vince gave her cunt a good hard thrashing for several minutes before pulling out and putting the meaty head of his man-root to the battered entrance to Lynn's poo-pucker.

Lynn's eyes went wide, and her mouth made a capital letter "O" before she dropped her head and pushed her scrunched face into the sofa's high back as she took Vince's hole-stretcher up her gut. She pounded a pretty little fist upon the upholstery in delicious agony until she'd willed her anus to relax and accept the friendly intrusion. Vince paused cautiously, his gronk half-way in her straining corn-hole as he simply waited for her to finish the "internal adjustment." A raised thumb from Lynn a few seconds later and the big burly cigar-chomper grabbed both heart-shaped hips before him and began to ROW! They rutted for several seconds that turned into several minutes as the party and the pot smoke whirled about them until Vince tapped Lynn on the shoulder with an urgent request,

"C'mon baby, I'm gonna bust and I want to do it in your mouth Sweetie!"

Lynn spun around like a top and grabbed Vince's now nasty Italian sausage and popped it into her pie hole, her lips pulling on that dingus in a ravenous tug of war between his testacles and her tonsils. In the end it was her tonsils that won! Vince stared off into space, a look of sweet catharsis swept over his face and a hot steaming load of alfredo-sauce roared up from the depths of his balls!

"OH GEEZE I'M GONNA CU... ARRRRGHHH OH YEAH GIRL!" Vince blubbered as Lynn's mouth filled with his warm penis porridge. Three big girl gulps and she'd made, 'all gone.' A grateful Vince tousled her pretty blonde hair before bending over to give her lips a smooch of gratitude.

"Kiddo," he said, "you got some talent! You see me later and I'll get you my card."

He then went into some speech about making a star out of her. It was all bullshit and despite her being high as a Sputnik, Lynn could smell it as such, not a note of truth anywhere. Vince was a big talker when stoned or drunk. She'd seen his type. She raised a hand and told Vince,

"Thanks Hon, but I'll have to pass; however, anytime you want to bring that big veiny tree-stump of yours around, I'll be more than happy to sit on it!"

Vince nodded and shrugged 'Oh Well,' before setting off to find himself a drink. Lynn fell to one side against the sofa's armrest, her head still spinning and the room doing all sorts of colors in her pretty little head thanks to Mistress Molly and her wicked ways. She may have been severely impaired, but she felt the content bliss of having been well-fucked by a train of cock.. even IF that train had snakes on board shaped like writhing dicks!

Oh, but she wished she'd had her crack at Dustin. Her hand came up to the top of her pretty blond head and found his sunglasses. They were STILL there, atop her pretty noggin (although they were now covered in man-spunk, and they'd been knocked to one side of her skull during all the fuckery). Like the little trooper with the pounded pooper wearing them, those glasses had somehow managed to hang on! Oh well, she mused, Cowboy Motherfucker will just HAVE to win these back! A female voice interrupted her thoughts with,

"I heard you say you'd like to sit atop Vince's big tree-stump... any chance you can sit atop your bike?"

There standing before her was Anita, the lovely BBW biker babe and now joining her at her side was Nori, the nubile Filipina phlebotomist nymphette. The pair had finished off the last of the dudes in the gang-bang train and like Lynn, both were well fucked and covered from head to toe in jizz and man-funk.

"I said, can you sit atop your bike," Anita repeated.

"I can," Lynn replied. She stretched lazily as she hallucinated; watching Anita and Nori blend together and separate, melting here and there like bits and pieces of a Salvador Dali painting before she added with a little white lie,

" fact, I'm sharp as a tack!"

"Good," chuckled Anita, "because I'm challenging you to a race on bikes."

"The catch?" Lynn inquired, cocking one eyebrow wryly.

"We'll do it bare-assed naked!" Anita beamed.

"Heard of it, done it, got the t-shirt!" Lynn sniffed, "Anything else?"

"Oooh I almost forgot the best part," Anita replied pulling the young nubile Nori in close to her side for a big cum-sticky mama-bear hug and fondle while locking her eyes on Lynn, "we do it around the hotel and through the lobby up to this room. We circle the room and then it's back down to the start point outside!"

Lynn's eyes squinted and despite her Molly haze, she was able to scrutinize Anita's eyes. The voluptuous BBW's eyes were unblinking and dead serious as she ran a hand lecherously up and down Nori's nubile nymph form; her fingers dancing upon the young woman's belly and nipples before twirling little circles absentmindedly on the girl's bare Venus mound, (eliciting a delightful squeal from the young Filipina). There was no hint of malice in Anita's tone; there was no ill will. There was only a note of... 'Let's kick this shitshow goat-fuck of a party up another notch,' in her voice and her demeanor.

"I would be EVER SO GRATEFUL AND APPRECIATIVE," a distinctly familiar male voice rang out, "to any young woman brave enough to do such a thing and win. Why, I might even consider attempting to win back those sunglasses atop your head!"

Lynn's eyes adjusted through the smoke and haze of the party. There standing in the middle of the party room with its floor covered with naked fornicating people all humping and fucking their brains out, was cowboy motherfucker, (and he'd just addressed her). He stood like a noble colossus amidst all that heaving naked mass of humanity on the floor like he'd been wading through a tide of sex and depravity, naked before her and with that big cowboy motherfucker dingle dangle dongle dick swaying before him, his cowboy hat his sole article of clothing cocked jauntily atop his head to one side. She locked her eyes on that ding-dong horsecock of his, swinging and swaying before his body like a rude manly pendulum. Now any trepidations she'd had about this dare from Anita melted away just like the way the naked bodies on the floor seemed to melt and conjoin before melting yet again.

"DONE," came Lynn's reply with a cloudy nod of her head.


While the party burned and raged on the hotel's upper floors, Lynn found herself down at the parking lot outside the lobby with Anita, Nori, Cowboy Motherfucker. They were presently joined by young Stevie, (who'd been called down by Anita to join the impromptu racing group at the motorcycles). Lynn surveyed the scene of mayhem and destruction and took it all in for a moment.

The hotel's third and fourth floors where a blaze of flashing lights, blaring music, and absolute debauched chaos that showed no signs of letting up anytime soon; in fact it had spilled out onto the surrounding lawns and down into the pool area, (despite it being clearly posted as closed after hours). The pool gate had been unlocked with a set of police bolt cutters. At that very moment, a loud feminine squeal was heard from up high in the air. From the swimming pool's high diving board Lynn beheld Butch, (one of the police officer's who'd arrived on the scene just a short time ago with the resupply of beer pizza and flashlights).

Butch it seemed, was quite naked and jumping from the diving board with an equally naked Nurse Nancy in his arms. Wearing only Butch's policeman's hat, Nancy screamed and squealed her pretty little head off as the two fell through space; only to go spa-LASH! in the water below, all to a chorus of hoots and howls from all around the swimming area! Lynn saw Butch arrive at the surface of the water not two seconds later. Moments later Nancy sputtered happily to the surface, Butch's hat floating in the water next to her. Lynn just shook her blonde (and thoroughly stoned), pretty head; simultaneously amused and impressed by the carnage.

Anita explained the rules. It would be a race using two bikes. Riders would carry a passenger. Lynn would take Cowboy on her bike. Anita would carry Nori on the back of hers. The course would run across the parking lot from a designated start point, into the hotel's front door, across the lobby and up the stairs. They'd go round the staircases up to the third floor, exiting the stairwell and down the hall to Flash's party suite. There, they'd circle the room once, head back down the hallway to the stairs, down the three flights, out across the lobby and out across the parking lot to finish at the start line. Stevie had already managed to position half-plastered partiers at each doorway along the route to ensure doors would be yanked open at the appropriate moment. It would all go flawlessly- unless it didn't. There was now only one thing left to do for the event and that was to inspect the bikes.

Lynn showed off her jet-black Harley Davidson Night Train to the group. Its sight alone raised the usual chorus of appreciative whistles. Even Anita seemed impressed and nodded out of sincere respect, but of course it was then her turn to show off and she dramatically waved her hand at "Spike," her customized Honda Shadow as if she were unveiling a new missile system at the Las Vegas Weapons Expo.

Perhaps, "customized" might have been an understatement when describing Spike, however, for before them stood something part Frankenstein's monster and part two-wheeled sex toy. The casual observer at first glance would immediately have noticed the black leather floggers (just like the old-time choppers had back in the day), but a closer inspection of the handlebars revealed the factory parts had been replaced by two rubberized black veiny dildos in a special throttle kit that allowed Anita a throbbing erection for each hand to hold. When the wind hit the floggers at speed, it appeared each dong pissed multiple jets of black suede leather streaming out from their tips.

But Spike's blatant boner display didn't end there. On either side were flip-down passenger foot pegs, each sculpted into a seven-inch circumcised cock and powder-coated with a black finish, allowing the rear passenger to grind dick under their heels for the duration of the ride. What's more, with click and a mere SQUOIKE! on her remote key-fob, Anita caused a stainless-steel butt plug to rise up from a secret compartment in the seat. Another SQUOIKE! and a rather formidable hard-rubber dildo arose from the seat just in front of the plug, (the obvious benefit for Anita being she could roll down the road and be double-penetrated by cock if she so desired). With a loud double SQUOIKE- SQUOIKE! a similar butt plug and rubber dong combination rose from compartments in the passenger seat; eliciting a gasp from all present. To be sure, Anita's motorcycle was a testament to Stevie's prowess as a mechanic, (and it was clear that young Stevie was easily a mad genius with either a wrench or a paint gun).

Lynn smoldered with jealousy, (even through the molly fog clouding her pretty little blonde head). She'd been clearly upstaged and oh how she wished she could have her own bike decked out in dick in the manner of Anita's throbbing two-wheeled thoroughbred, Spike. Her look of jaw dropping envy did not escape for one nano-second the notice of Stevie, her latest moon-eyed admirer who made a mental note of her expression.​
Next page: Chapter 04.2
Previous page: Chapter 03.2