Chapter 09.2

Taylor felt her body pressed against him. He was cold, and so was she. And yet... it was a warm female body pressed against his. He couldn't help but feel her breasts, her warmth, pressed against his bare skin.

And then he started to feel... movement. A subtle rubbing, up and down, up and down.

"What are you doing?" Taylor whispered.

"Nothing," said Cherry defensively. "Just trying to keep warm."

Cherry continued to do more of nothing. Taylor felt the roughness of her pubic hair against his organ. Cherry may have been only trying to keep herself warm, but the effect she was having on him was more than that.

Much more than that.

Taylor felt his penis start to move. No, move wasn't the right word. His penis started to inflate. With each movement of Cherry's pubis, the head of his penis was stimulated. That had an unavoidable effect. As it inflated, he could feel the direction it pointed changing. At first, it was hanging limply against his scrotum. Rub rub. But then it started to inflate, and pointed to five o'clock. Rub rub. Then it inflated a little more, and pointed to three o'clock.

Rub rub.

Before long his penis was pointed to high noon, and pressing hard against Cherry. She couldn't fail to notice what was happening, but she said nothing. All she did though was look into his eyes, as she continued to stimulate him.

Taylor looked back into her eyes, and it was all obvious now, obvious what she was doing. He looked into her beautiful dark eyes, and saw the pleading, saw the needing. Her teeth were chattering, her lips were trembling.

Kiss me, kiss me please!

Taylor gave into the inevitable, pressing his lips against hers, trying to silence the clattering, trying to neutralize the cold. She kissed him back without hesitation, pressing against him with hunger that had been building up over the months. She wrapped her arms around him, and before Taylor fully knew what was happening, they were hugging, touching, petting, and making love.

Taylor kissed and touched her gently. He worshipped her breasts, as Sarah had taught him to. He saw the surprise in her eyes as he gently kissed a trail around her breasts ever so gradually. When he got to a nipple, he stopped and sucked, but only for a brief moment, before resuming his oral trek. He could see that Cherry enjoyed this so much, and she quickly grew impatient for his "Suck stops" over her nipples, needing it, anticipating it, as Taylor teased her, time and time again.

When the time came for Cherry to be broached, she let him know with a less than subtle hint. She lifted her legs and spread her knees, and Taylor once again had a wonderful view of those bright red nether lips. Cherry indeed. Her dark triangle of silky pubic hair framed those gorgeous thick lips, and the entrance to her wonderful insides, which in moments his manhood would be filling to capacity.

Taylor started to rub the head of his organ against her nether lips, up and down, up and down, and then he found a more sensitive target to rub against. Cherry gasped as she felt the head of his organ rubbing against her clitoris. Who had taught him how to do that? The tip of his hardness rubbed her wonderfully. "Oh Mike... Oh Mike," she said joyously. Her desire built higher, higher, and still higher, and finally she could take no more of it. "Please," she said, smiling at him. "Put it in me. I need you in me now, Mike."

Taylor raised himself up and Cherry shuddered as she realized she was about to be entered by a real man. She gasped as Taylor entered her, feeling him fully inside of her, inch by inch, until she was totally, wonderfully impaled by him. Taylor stared at her for a long moment and said, "It's done."

"Finally," said Cherry, looking at him with pure love.

Taylor started to move back and forth in and out of her. Cherry found she loved his strokes, but even more so she loved how he made her feel. Taylor used her like an expert lover, playing her like a fiddle. Sometimes he would go rapidly, back and forth, and sometimes slowly, always varying the pace, always making her feel him inside of her.

And then Cherry got the biggest surprise of all. At one point Taylor pulled out of her completely. She looked up at him, puzzled. Why was he stopping?

But then, a few seconds later, he thrusted into her again, all of him. Cherry's eyes widened to the maximum as she felt herself richly penetrated, as if for the first time.

For the next few minutes Taylor continued this pattern, pulling out at unpredictable times, giving her vagina time to adjust to emptiness, and then plunging into her without warning. She loved the unpredictability of it, never knowing precisely when she was going to be taken, being filled so completely without any warning whatsoever.

"Who taught you how to be such a good lover?" Cherry demanded.

Mike only smiled and kept pounding her.

But one more surprised remained. As Cherry felt herself building to an orgasm, Mike started saying things. He called her a slut. He said he loved to pound her, to fuck her good. He told her how much he loved fucking her pussy, that it belonged to him now, as she did.

Cherry was so aroused by his words that she didn't stop to think how unlikely it was that Mike would say such things. And then, as she felt herself almost at her sexual peak, Mike growled, "I'm almost there! I'm going to put a baby in you!"

Cherry was surprised. "No, Mike, I'm Protected."

"Nothing can protect you from this!" Mike roared, thrusting into her fully. "I'm going to put a baby into you and make you mine. Oooh... oh.... OOOHHH!" he cried, as he released into her, pumping her with spurt after spurt of his precious semen.

The thought of Taylor filling her with his sperm, inseminating her, making a baby inside of her, sent Cherry into a tremendous climax. Her vagina clamped down on his organ, and she felt an explosion radiating out of her clit through her entire body.

Afterwards, as they both enjoyed the post-orgasmic haze, still hugging each other, Cherry said. "Mike... I never knew it could be like that."

"Was it good?"

Cherry looked at him with her round eyes. "Mike, that was the best orgasm I've ever had."


"Really." She kissed him. "How did you learn to do that?"

Taylor didn't answer.

Self-Esteem looked in the mirror. He saw a big, hulking muscular version of himself. "I'm... I'm that!"

"You're that," Lust confirmed.

"I thought women hated me."

"No," said Ambition. "Women love you. You are a great lover. You never have to fear that again."

Taylor remembered Sarah's words, how she had trained him, molded him into an incredible lover, and how he would go on to satisfy many, many women sexually in a very extraordinary way. It was coming true. It was happening.

They lay there, together, sometimes falling asleep in each other's arms. The coldness was long forgotten. When they awoke, late in the afternoon, Taylor looked into Cherry's eyes and she into his, and she smiled, and the inevitable happened again.

But as Taylor was making love to Cherry, they both heard the sound of crunching leaves, and then the sound of voices.

It was another search party. This time, in broad daylight.

They were hidden in a cluster of bushes, but that didn't mean they couldn't be seen.

Taylor started to pull out of Cherry, but she grabbed him and whispered, "No, Mike, keep going." She was getting close to coming. She needed it.

Taylor looked at her like she was mad, but something in him made him continue. As the footsteps came closer and closer, he thrusted harder and harder. He found himself getting more and more excited. The thrill, the thrill of risking discovery, was coursing through his body. He looked at Cherry, at her smile. She was feeling it too.

"See anything?" said a voice, not more than 20 feet away.

Taylor froze, but Cherry squeezed his arm. He started thrusting again, as silently as he could.

"No, but they've got to be around here somewhere," said a second voice. "Keep looking."

The footsteps came closer and closer and closer...

Taylor's penis thrust into Cherry's vagina.

They were on the verge of being discovered....

He felt his penis stiffening and the familiar tingling along the length of it....

They were on the verge of being captured.....

He felt his penis tightening as he came to the edge of a line that couldn't be undone....

They were on the verge of being caught and flunked out of the Survey Service....

The head of Taylor's penis erupted, filling Cherry with sperm! Mike gasped silently, still thrusting, as he pumped Cherry full of semen. Cherry's mouth was open in a silent scream as he filled her, and he could see her body trembling, her face a rosy red.

And then they were gone.

Cherry looked up at him with such a loving look. "That was good, Mike," she said, playing with his hair. "So very good. I'll remember that for the rest of my life."

"I will too," said Taylor.

Day Four: Night

Their clothes hadn't totally dried, not exactly, by nightfall, but were dry enough. After eating and refilling their canteens from the river they got started again.

Things were different now, Taylor realized. He and Cherry, they were more than friends. Cherry was now his woman, and he was her man. He wondered what things would be like after they returned to the Academy. He wondered if she would-

Suddenly, they heard the sounds of movement. It was another search party, in the dead of night.

But this time they didn't have flashlights.

They were wearing IR goggles.

"Quick, climb!" Taylor hissed. He started climbing up the nearest tree with low branches. Cherry followed, and he gave her an arm up. Before he had done a hundred pushups he couldn't have managed it, but now it came easily.

This new patrol was trouble. They had IR goggles, and so could see clearly into the night. And as they walked, Taylor noticed that they were periodically looking upwards. Going up into the tree had been a mistake. But it was too late to climb down. They would be seen and heard.

Taylor watched two patrol members coming their way. They would be seen in seconds. Cherry realized the same thing. They were about to be caught.

And so, without thinking about it, she jumped down from the tree, landing on her feet. She hadn't taken three steps before she was seen.

"Over there! A woman!"

Cherry started to run. The patrol, focusing on Cherry, ran right by the tree Taylor was hiding in without looking up. Taylor realized immediately what Cherry had done. He hoped she got away. He peered off into the darkness. All he could see was the faint red lights of the IR goggles.

Cherry was a fast runner. She should be able to-

"Got her!" a voice cried.

Taylor heard the sounds of a woman crying out.

"Hey, some help here! This one's a little tiger!"

"Let me go! Let me go!" Taylor heard Cherry yell.

"Well, what have we got here?" said a new, confident, male voice. "A little girl, wandering alone in the forest. What are you doing all alone by yourself in the forest like this, little girl?"

Cherry didn't answer.

"She's bound to have a partner somewhere. Search," said the authoritative voice.

The searchers fanned out. But Taylor's tree seemed to be outside of their search perimeter. In a few minutes, they were gone.

And so was Cherry.

What should he do?

There was only a day left to get to the exit point. Taylor could make it if he kept heading west.

But what about Cherry? She would be detained until it was too late. Then she would be dropped from the Academy.

Taylor knew from the map that there was a Blue Army base somewhere nearby. But he didn't know exactly where.

Should he go searching for Cherry? And even if he found her, what then? He was one man, without a weapon. What could he do? He would probably get caught as well. No, all he could do now was save himself.

Taylor prepared to drop out of the tree. There was no need for silence now. But as he dropped out, his foot caught on a branch, he stumbled and fell headfirst.

Taylor blinked and grabbed his throbbing head. That hurt. He looked around. It was still night time.

"Well, look at what we have here?"

Taylor turned around. He saw Commandant Renton! In the faint moonlight, he could barely make out that the Commandant was wearing the black armband of an observer.

"Hello, Cadet. You look like you've seen better days," said Renton.

"I have," said Taylor, groaning as he got up.

"What a lovely forest," said Renton, looking around. "It looks like a beautiful place for a picnic."

"There's no time for a picnic."

"Yes, I know. You're about to run out on your friend and save yourself." Renton was staring straight at him. "The friend who four hours ago made love to you, and less than an hour ago sacrificed herself to save you."

"But... what can I do?" Taylor asked. "I don't even know where they've taken her!"

"That way!" said Renton, pointing in one direction.

"How can you know that? You can't even see!" said Taylor.

Renton smiled. "Michael, I see a whole lot more than you do. What does your heart tell you?"

"Don't try to rescue her," said Ambition.

"If you truly love the Survey Service, don't try to rescue her. Everything we've worked for, all these years, will be wasted if you get caught in a futile rescue attempt," said Love the Survey Service.

"It's not worth the risk," said Common Sense.

"For once I agree with them," said Inadequacy. "You simply don't have a chance of rescuing Cherry. All you'll do is get yourself caught and ruin your career."

"There, you see, it's unanimous," said Ambition.

"You have a choice," said Renton. He pointed in one direction. "That way leads to a continuation of your Survey Service career. You will go on to become commissioned and become a fine officer, and spend a life doing tremendous good for others." Then he pointed in the other. "And that way leads to where they've taken Cherry." He stared at Taylor pointedly. "So what will it be, Cadet?"

Being captured was not at all what Cherry expected.

She expected to be treated properly, as if she had been arrested by Survey Service MP's. She expected to be put into confinement, but also given food and water and perhaps even being asked if she needed medical treatment. She didn't expect her captors to be kind, but she expected to be processed in a certain way.

That's not what happened. Cherry knew something was wrong from the moment they grabbed her roughly, put electrocuffs on her, and threw her into an air jeep, ignoring her screams of protests.

"These cuffs are too tight!" she yelled.

One of the men chuckled.

"Where are you taking me?" Cherry asked, as the jeep sped off into darkness.

"To your deflowering."

The words chilled Cherry to the core. This wasn't the way Survey Service officers talked.

They soon arrived at one of their field bases, and Cherry finally got a good look at her captors when she was taken inside a well lit tent. They all wore blue uniforms and blue caps. One of them, a cleancut, tall man with dark hair, was called "Captain Tripoli" by the other men, and seemed to be in charge.

"Welcome," said Captain Tripoli. "Your name, please?"

Cherry glared at him.

"Surely we can at least get your name and rank. That's permitted under the Marseilles Convention of 2222, is it not?"

"Cherry. Cherry Oteri, Rank, Cadet."

And then Tripoli gave such a smile that Cherry felt like she had been intensely violated. "Welcome, Cherry Cherry Oteri. Please remove your clothing."

"What?" Cherry couldn't believe her ears.

"I'm afraid we don't ask twice here, Cherry Cherry Oteri," said Captain Tripoli. When he saw that Cherry was still hesitating, he said, "Boys."

Men roughly grabbed Cherry and pinned her on the ground. Cherry started to scream and fight them as best she could.

"Please be gentle with her. Or not," said Tripoli, watching the forced disrobement with casual interest.

One of the men took out a penlight laser and started to cut through her clothing. Cherry screamed as she felt the pain on her skin. She struggled but her arms and legs were pinned. She watched helplessly as first her shirt was cut away, piece by piece, and then her pants and shoes. She winced as the laser cut through first one strap and then the other strap of her Survey Service bra, also cutting into her skin. Then they cut away her panties and pulled both the panties and the remains of her bra off. And finally they took away her wrist transponder. The same transponder the Survey Service would use to find her if she got lost. She opened her mouth to protest but was silenced.

"You won't be needing that anymore," said Tripoli. He gestured with his hand, and Cherry was lifted off the ground and made to stand erect, completely naked.

"This is completely improper!" Cherry snapped. "You are Survey Service officers! I'll see that you-"

Her voice was cut off as Captain Tripoli smacked her in the face. "Quiet! Do not speak unless spoken to." He paused, and then nodded, pleased. "You are under some kind of misapprehension. We have nothing to do with the Survey Service. We hate the Survey Service. We will do whatever we wish to you. You will obey our every command without question." He looked at Cherry's body, staring at her breasts and pubis, and then smiled at her. Cherry didn't like his smile, but realized he was trying to intimidate her.

"And now our first command is for you to get in there." He pointed to a cage. It was a small cage, less than three feet high, and it looked like it was made for an animal.

"You can't be serious," said Cherry.

"Benesh!" said Tripoli,.

A large bearded man lifted Cherry up and started shoving her into the cage, head first. She screamed and tried to bite him, but to no avail. Cherry had to rapidly readjust her body to fit into the cage. As the cage door slammed shut, she realized that she could not stand. Nor could even lie with her legs extended. So she had to sit in an uncomfortable sitting position, with her knees raised upwards. She suddenly reddened when she realized why they had stripped her nude and why they had put her in such a small enclosed space.

With her knees up, her vaginal lips were easily viewable. They had forced her to assume a position that was sexually degrading. Cherry quickly pushed her knees together, to give her some kind of modesty.

"You can do that for a while, but you'll find you get tired soon enough," said Tripoli. "That's a metaphor for other things as well. You'll see." He started whistling, and left the room.

Cherry was trying to understand what was happening to her. The Survey Service would never do this to anyone, not even in a practice exercise. How could this be happening? Her tired mind was still trying to figure it out when she was hit by a blast of cold water.

She screamed.

The big man, Benesh, was spraying her with a high powered hose. The water was cold, and it stung. Cherry cried out, but he kept spraying, working the hose from his waist, like it was a giant, manly organ.

"It's so sad to see you like this," said Captain Tripoli. He had returned, after the hose treatment was discontinued. One thing that Cherry had observed was that Tripoli always left when they gave her the cold water torture, only returning when it was done. When Tripoli was dissatisfied with her answers, he left again, and the torture resumed.

"If you could only help me, Cherry Cherry Oteri, with just a few simple questions," said Tripoli.

"Oteri. Cherry. Cadet, Survey Service Academy."

Tripoli smiled at her. "I don't want your military secrets, Cherry Cherry. As far as I'm concerned, you don't have any. Just tell me your favorite ice cream flavor."

She looked doubtfully at him.

"Come on, Cherry Cherry. What harm could there be in that?"

"Chocolate," Cherry whispered.

"There, was that so bad?" Tripoli asked, with a broad smile. He snapped his fingers.

"What... what are you doing?" Cherry asked.

An aide brought forth a small dish of chocolate ice cream. Tripoli took a scoop with a spoon, and pushed the spoon through the bars. "Here you are, Cherry Cherry."

Cherry looked at the tiny bit of chocolate on the spoon anxiously

"Go on, Cherry Cherry. Have a bite. Aren't you hungry, little girl?"

Cherry was hungry. She leaned over and took the spoon in her mouth, and swallowed.

"There, that's a good little girl," said Tripoli. He stared at the nude woman, sucking on the spoon in his hand, and smiled.

The interrogation proceeded. Cherry found herself telling Tripoli details of her personal life. What was the harm in that? There was no military value to learning that she was from Los Angeles, or where she went to college, or the name of her boyfriends from high school.

As Cherry and Tripoli talked, Cherry's legs started to spread. The cage forced her to keep her knees bent, but she kept them together, to allow herself some level of modesty. But as time progressed, her ass cheeks and thighs started to get cramped. She slowly allowed her legs to spread.

As they talked about Cherry's childhood years, Tripoli smiled as he got his first good look at Cherry's vagina and pubic hair. The dark triangle of silky black hair was as interesting to Tripoli as it had been to Michael in the forest the night before. He looked at her labial lips. They were pink and puffy and looked so sexy. The droplets of water hanging on them only aroused Tripoli further, making him interested enough to consider the possibilities.

Cherry noticed Tripoli's gazed and realized she had exposed herself and she pushed her knees together again. Tripoli pretended not to notice. He continued to ask harmless questions as though nothing had happened. But before long Cherry's legs started to spread again of their own accord. She caught it a second time, and a third, before Tripoli decided to comment.

"It's all right, Cherry Cherry," he said in a soothing voice. "You've already shown me everything there is to see, haven't you?"

Cherry nodded reluctantly.

"So spread your legs, if it makes you feel better. Come on, Cherry you know you want to." Tripoli's voice was gentle and full of concern.

Cherry's ass cheeks felt really sore, and Tripoli was making sense.

She spread her legs again, and Tripoli stared at her bright, pink labial lips, and smiled.

The conversation gradually turned to the present, to her year at the Academy, what courses she was taking and how she was doing in them. Cherry spoke more freely now, having gone down the slippery slope without realizing it. But then the subject took a new turn.

"You were with someone, in the forest when we found you, weren't you?"

Cherry stopped answering.

"Come on, Cherry Cherry. We know someone else was there. What harm can there be in telling us?"

Cherry nodded.

"Good girl," said Tripoli, in a soothing tone. He looked at Cherry's ripe, young, eighteen year old breasts. They were so firm, standing straight up, without a hint of sag. He longed to squeeze them.

"What was the name of the boy you were with?"

Cherry shut down.

"Come on, Cherry, it's just a name."

Cherry shook her head. She stopped talking. Tripoli sighed. "And we were making so much progress." He got up to leave.

Benesh, the big hairy man, returned and started up the water hose.

The water was as biting and painful as Cherry remembered it. Tripoli came back two more times, and finally the cold was more than she could endure.

"Michael," she sobbed, as she squatted in the cage. "His name is Michael."

"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?" said Tripoli. He petted her wet hair. She was soaked once again. He admired the droplets of water on her breasts, on her red areolas. Her pubic hair sparkled as if it contained little gems, and her labial lips positively shined.

"We're talking about Michael Taylor, aren't we, Cherry Cherry?" He saw her eyes widen. "Come on, we already know his name. All you are doing is confirming what we already know."

"Yes," she said, in a broken voice.

"Do you like Michael, Cherry Cherry?"

A moment later. "Yes."

"Do you love Michael, Cherry Cherry?"

Cherry bit her lip and looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm not asking for a military secret, Cherry Cherry. If you want another round from the hose instead, just let me know-

"YES!" she cried. "I love him." She started to sob again.

"There, there, Cherry Cherry. It's all right. It's all right now," he said, patting her on the head through the bars. His hands moved down to her breasts and gave a gentle squeeze. She didn't react. Good.

As Tripoli continued to fondle her, he said, "Cherry Cherry, I couldn't help but notice certain... red marks... on your breasts, and down below. Did Michael make love to you in the forest, right before we caught you?"

Cherry sniffled. She looked behind Tripoli, at Benesh, who held the water hose, grinning. "Yes," she whispered.

Tripoli's hand wandered down, to between her legs. He started to touch her soft, soft nether lips. "Did he put it in here, Cherry Cherry?"

"Yes," she whispered again.

Tripoli casually put a hand between her legs, through the bars, and entered her with a single finger. Cherry gasped and her eyes widened.

"And did it feel good, Cherry Cherry?"

Cherry closed her eyes tightly. Tears were streaming out now. "Yes," she said.

"Good girl, such a good girl," said Tripoli, moving a finger in and out now, in the middle of her rich pubic bush. She was his now, he saw that.

"We just have one more question, Cherry Cherry, just one more question, and all of this will end." Tripoli nodded to Benesh, even as he continued to finger her. "Open your eyes, Cherry Cherry."

Cherry, feeling completely humiliated by what was being done to her, opened her eyes. She saw Benesh holding up a map. There was a circle on it.

"Look carefully, Cherry Cherry. The circle is where we found you. What route is Michael taking to get to the exit zone?"

Cherry didn't answer. Tripoli started to pole his finger in and out of her more furiously. "What route is he taking, Cherry Cherry?"

Cherry felt herself getting more and more stimulated, but she didn't answer. It wasn't the act which bothered her, but the intimacy, the connection between her and Tripoli. As he penetrated her, he stared her in the eyes, taking, sharing, connecting. Cherry felt his hard, male presence, demanding an answer, and felt her resolve starting to slip away.

"No!" she gasped. "No!" she cried again.​
Next page: Chapter 09.3
Previous page: Chapter 09.1