Chapter 14.2
Taylor got out of the bath the following morning. He was surprised to find Drusilla there, holding a towel for him. She had never done that before. He reddened as she saw him naked and quickly took the towel from her dainty elf-like hands. "What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Preparing to dress my Lord," said Drusilla. She held up two sets of clothes. "Would my Lord prefer silver today, or blue?"
"No, what are you doing here, in my bathroom?"
It had been Alexis's idea, but Drusilla had been too well coached to tell Taylor that. "I am here to tend to your every need, my Lord," she said. He couldn't help but look at her big dark eyes, and then her even bigger breasts. They seemed to pout with his obvious disapproval.
She started to sniffle, as she had been instructed. "Is the Lord not pleased?"
"No... no... it's all right, it's just... it's all right," said Taylor finally.
The sniffles immediately vanished, as if dispelled by magic. "Thank you, Lord. Your approval means so much to me." She turned and left, leaving Taylor to watch her ample buttocks wiggle. Alexis had picked her from a selection of a dozen very attractive women who High Tollah Najib had located. By now, knowing Taylor's tastes the way she did, she knew the best criteria to select from.
"Goodnight, God."
"Goodnight, Drusilla."
She hugged him now, every time he went to bed. Taylor tolerated it, even though he enjoyed it a little too much. He missed Alexis. If she were here, Drusilla wouldn't be so bold. But Alexis slept in her own room now, to protect her ears from his snoring.
Taylor got into bed and prepared to extinguish his bedside lantern. As he did so, Drusilla got into bed, lying at the foot of the bed. It was a large bed. There was easily space for her, especially since Alexis was gone.
"What're you doing?"
"Sleeping, my Lord," said Drusilla.
"Don't you have a bed for that?" Taylor asked.
"Yours is much more comfortable," said Drusilla.
"I think yours would be even more appropriate," said Taylor.
"Please my lord. Let me sleep at your feet. What if you need me in the night?"
"I think I can manage," said Taylor.
"Please," said Drusilla.
And he looked into those hazel eyes, and found he couldn't say no.
"You're only here just to sleep," said Taylor.
"Yes Lord."
"You're not going to try anything while I'm asleep?"
"Of course not, Lord."
"All right," said Taylor. He wondered how he would explain this to Alexis, once she found out.
That set a pattern. Drusilla would sleep at the foot of his bed every night, like a cat.
Until she didn't. A few days later, she somehow migrated up to the side of the bed, the position where Alexis normally slept with him. How did that happen?
Taylor knew what was going on. He knew exactly what she was doing. But... he didn't have the willpower to stop it.
Drusilla lay like that, at his side, staring at him intently, seeing if he would tell her to get out of his bed. He didn't. Instead he merely said, "Goodnight, Drusilla."
And she would reply, "Goodnight, God."
Two days after that, Drusilla decided he was ready. Or perhaps Alexis did. Usually she hugged Taylor, looked deeply into his eyes, said, "Goodnight," and climbed into bed with him.
But this time when Drusilla said goodnight, she didn't let go. She stared into Taylor's eyes for a long moment, then she leaned forward, and gave him a kiss.
Her lips felt as luscious as he imagined. Taylor felt himself getting hard instantly, and knew she felt it through the closeness of their embrace. Embarrassed, he pulled away. "Whatcha doing?" he asked.
"I want to fulfill my role," said Drusilla.
"Your role?" said Taylor.
"As your handmaiden."
"You are," said Taylor. "You make the bed, you fetch my slippers." He felt incredibly hollow saying that, like she was a dog.
"No," said Drusilla. "I want to fulfill my total role. My entire role."
"No, no no!" said Taylor's Morality. "Don't do it!"
"Why not? She's willing," said Taylor's Lust. "And she's probably wet too."
Taylor felt his heart racing. "I... I just don't think..."
"Why not?" she said, letting her hands run across his shoulders.
"Yeah, why not?" Taylor's Lust said.
"It would be taking advantage of her," said Taylor's Morality.
"I'm... I'm your God," said Taylor. "It would be taking advantage of you."
"Then take advantage of me, God," she whispered hotly in his ear. "Take advantage of me now, I beg you."
Taylor struggled for words. Finally, he just pushed her back. Seeing he was resolute, she fled, sobbing.
Taylor didn't know what to do. The poor girl was obviously distraught. Should he go after her? Maybe it would be better to wait until morning, when things cooled down. Including the thing in his pants.
At that moment Alexis entered his bedchambers. All it took was one stern glance from her to see the guilt written all over his face.
"Alexis, I'm so sorry," said Taylor. "Believe me, nothing happened!"
"Why not?" said Alexis.
"Why not?" said Taylor. The words struck him like a hammer. "Wait a minute. You're not angry with me for flirting with...."
"You stupid fool, why do you think I gave her to you?" said Alexis.
"You arranged? You did all this?" said Taylor. "Why?"
"Because that's what Gods do. At least in the minds of these people," said Alexis. "Gods have big parties. Gods accept tributes. Gods dress better than everyone else. And Gods have sex with their subjects."
"You want me to sleep with her?" Taylor asked.
"When you accepted her as your handmaiden, do you know what that meant?" Alexis asked.
"That she would... you know, kind of be the live-in help. Like a maid."
"You became an expert on the Book of Sparticus, but you never took it to the next level, to learn all the local customs which weren't in the Book," said Alexis. "A handmaiden of the Gods is a highly honored post. It involves attracting the God's favor. His physical favor. That girl is going to go running back to her village tomorrow. She's going to admit to everyone that she failed in her role. Do you know what's going to be done to her?"
"I can guess," said Taylor wearily.
"If she's lucky, she'll just be beaten. She might also be shunned, or exiled, or worse, all for being rejected by the Gods."
"Are you saying I have to sleep with her? Why can't we just say I did?" said Taylor.
"Michael, are you attracted to her?" Alexis asked.
Drusilla was gorgeous, and she was only 18. Of course.
But Taylor didn't answer.
"You are, aren't you?" said Alexis. "I know. I've always known."
"You have?"
"Uh huh," she said, putting a hand on his chest. Rubbing it.
"No, don't do it, Mike!" Taylor's Morality cried.
"But she wants me too. Both of them wants me to. Everyone seems to want me to... except you," said Taylor's Lust.
"You want me to sleep with this girl?" Taylor asked softly.
"Just once," Alexis whispered, giving him a kiss. "Only once. Do it for her. That's what you're all about. Selflessly helping others, right?"
"You won't be jealous?"
"Terribly," said Alexis, kissing him again. "Do it for me, Michael, if not for her. Just this once."
Taylor paused, considering. He was fighting against the chance to have sex with a blonde 18 year old with gorgeous breasts who adored him. No sane man would resist that.
"Send her to me," he said simply.
Drusilla said nothing when she returned, though her eyes were red, obviously from crying. She just looked into his eyes, and when she saw the acceptance and lust in his own, she cried out and ran to him, and gave him a tight hug. And then a hug turned into a kiss, and a kiss turned into many kisses, and kisses turned into fondling, and before they knew it they were both nude, wrestling on the bed together.
Her large breasts were as soft as they looked, and Taylor spent an inordinate amount of time fondling them, like a child who saw a box of candy in the window for months and months, and finally makes enough money to buy it and decides to savor it slowly. Drusilla appreciated his tenderness, and she felt his body slowly and reverently. They touched and rubbed and hugged and kissed, and finally she could take it no longer, and she said, "Take me, God Taylor. Put it in me now, I beg you," she pleaded, crying out with those large dark eyes full of pain and lust.
And so she smiled and almost cried as he took his position between her legs, and with a tentative rather than a Godlike move, he slowly entered her.
Drusilla cried out at the joining. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, trapping him in a sweet imprisonment. Slowly, she felt her God move in and out of her. It was truly amazing.
Her God, the creator of the entire universe, was inside of her. For Drusilla, this was a holy experience. The thick member inside of her represented the entire power of the world. The thrusting inside of her represented all the forces of pure goodness. Drusilla was acutely conscious that the sexual organ rubbing within her with increasing intensity had created her parents, and her parents' parents, and their parents' parents, all the way back to the beginning of creation. She had the entire power of the universe, the very creators of life from the beginning of time, thrusting strongly within her.
It was a powerful aphrodisiac. Taylor, looking into her eyes, seemed to achieve an emotional footing. After weeks of awkwardness with her, he felt more sure of himself, now that the sexual tension had finally been broken. He started to thrust stronger now, more confidently, more like a God. Her enormous breasts excited him, but the feeling of being revered like a God by the very woman he was having sex with excited him even more. It was so exciting that without the usual warning, he found himself exploding within her.
Drusilla felt it too, and was overwhelmed by the thought of the most fertile of juices flowing in her body. Nothing in the universe could be more potent than the seed of a God. She started to climax just from the thought of it.
"Faster, my Lord, faster!" she begged, and Taylor, even as he came, obeyed, thrusting faster and faster into her, as he sensed she was getting close to a climax of her own.
"Oh my God! Oh my God! Harder, my Lord! Yes, please, as hard as you can!" She yelled, as she stared into his eyes. "Yes, God, yes! Yes!" And then she made the most delicate of moans. "OOOHHH OOOHH OOOOHHHH OhmiGod! OhmiGod OhmiGod!" she whispered, overcome by emotion and sensation, barreling over the edge, causing her marvelously soft body to shudder magnificently beneath him. The death throes of her orgasm were so powerful, that they caused Taylor to climax again for the second time in as many minutes, and he squirted anew, into the fertile cavities deep within her.
It was a tremendous experience. She lay next to him, staring at him with love and lust in her eyes. Suddenly the embers started to build in her again, and without saying a word, she sought his love again. Only this time, she mounted him. They made love passionately a second time. And then a third. And then finally, hours later, a fourth time. By the time she was fully sated, even her God was as exhausted as she was.
They lay together in bed. Taylor realized a line had been crossed, and nothing could ever be the same again. And then another thought occurred to him. What about the possibility of pregnancy?
He cautiously raised the subject between their third and fourth rounds together.
Drusilla laughed, and stuck out her tongue. It was a bright green. "I've been taking ragweed in anticipation for this very moment, Lord. You will not sire god children within me until you are ready. We can do this again and again until your heart's content."
Again and again. Even as she rose to mount him again, he failed to find the words to tell her that this was a one time experience.
They would only have sex once. Only once.
That's what Taylor had agreed to.
Of course, it didn't end there. Once Drusilla had broken down his resistance, she seemed to expect it at least several times a week. Once she kissed him, once she took off her gown revealing that fabulous body, he found himself powerless to resist.
If Alexis minded him taking Drusilla as a lover, she didn't say so. Alexis still made love to him once every week or so, but he sensed it was more to keep in touch with him. He suspected that she had her lovers of her own now. Everything seemed to work out well for everyone.
A little too well, for a suspicious mind like Taylor's.
Alexis used Drusilla to create the first crack in Taylor's morality. Then she worked to expand that crack, to make it wider and wider.
It was one thing to slide Drusilla into Taylor's bed. A good thing. But Taylor's mind could rationalize Drusilla as a "special exception".
Alexis didn't want that. She wanted Taylor to be as promiscuous as possible. To be as corrupted as possible. And so she worked to help him take the next step in his own moral debasement.
Charis was to be the next step. Alexis had selected her carefully. She was a young girl, barely 21 years of age She had stunning red hair and blue eyes. Alexis had interviewed her. She was willing to be taken by her Lord.
Alexis had made sure that Charis was seated near Taylor on several occasions at dinner. She charmed him, flirting with him outrageously. "You are so handsome, Lord," she told him. "Do the Goddesses all swoon for you?"
Taylor reddened slightly. "Ah, yes, I suppose they do."
Alexis, sitting to his right, grinned. She whispered in his ear. "Take her, Michael."
"What?" Taylor whispered back.
"Take her!" Alexis said.
"You're already doing Drusilla," said Alexis.
"But that's Drusilla."
"And that's Charis," said Alexis, nodding towards the girl. "Look at her, Michael."
Taylor turned his gaze. He saw an attractive redhead, smiling slyly at him.
"You... you won't be offended?" Taylor asked.
"I'm big enough to share," she said. "Besides, while you're with her, I thought I might sample Demetrio."
Taylor turned to see a young man with dark hair and a moustache dressed impeccably. "You and...."
"Don't look so hurt, Michael! We're Gods! Think of it as... a smorgasbord of bodies."
That changed Taylor's thinking. If Alexis were going to sleep around as well, and was totally unthreatened by it... and if Charis genuinely wanted him....
"But... what do I say to her?"
Alexis looked into his eyes. "Just ask her if she'd like to make love to her God."
"No!" said Taylor, blushing even at the thought of it.
"Try it!"
Taylor bit his lip, looking first at Alexis and then Charis. Taylor looked like a boy who had just received a birthday present early and was afraid to unwrap it too soon for fear of spoiling things.
Taylor went over to Charis."So, Charis... how are you today?" He sounded weak in his own ears.
She tittered.
Taylor turned and saw Alexis giving him a stern look. Taylor cleared his throat nervously. "Ah, Charis... would you like to, ah... makelovetoyourGod?" he said, as quickly as possible.
"Why yes Lord," she said, grinning widely.
Taylor's jaw dropped. He turned and saw Alexis mouthing the word "Go".
Feeling all eyes on him, Taylor took Charis by the hand, and led her out of the banquet hall.
Afterwards, Taylor went over to Alexis.
"Was she good, dear?" Alexis asked.
"Not as good as you," said Taylor.
She pinched his cheek. "You are such a sweetheart!"
Taylor smiled. "You were right. That was so easy!"
"And it will get easier yet the next time."
"The next time?"
Crispa, Thera, and Magenta.
Alexis lined up women who were "wet and willing" and pushed them in front of Taylor. She made it seem to Taylor that the women were just random women who had no special interest in him, but would sleep with him if he requested it. Each time Taylor "seduced" a woman, his confidence started to grow.
While she was keeping Taylor occupied, Alexis was busy getting rich. The locals had a practice of sacrificing a third of their meals "to the Gods". Taylor had ended that practice, collecting the wasted third and then redistributing it to poorer families. Except that Alexis had gotten her hand on the food and was, so to speak, 'redistributing the redistribution'. She arranged to have the excess food sold discretely in the markets where she took most of the profits. Alexis was starting to accumulate a small fortune.
After Crispa, Thera, and Magenta, it was time for Taylor to take the next step in his moral de-evolution. One night at dinner Alexis pointed out a young girl in her early 20's and whispered. "Her name is Camisola. She wants you, Honey. She wants you badly."
Alexis knew no such thing. In fact, she suspected the opposite, as she thought the man sitting next to her was her boyfriend. Or fiancée, if they had fiancées on this planet. Alexis wasn't sure.
"That one?" said Taylor, looking at Camisola. Camisola was a pretty blonde who didn't smile much.
"Yes," said Alexis. "But she's shy. She wants you, but is afraid to admit it. She won't give in easily, not in public."
"So maybe I shouldn't-"
"Of course you should!" said Alexis.
Taylor looked at her. "You like this, don't you? Seeing me with other women?"
"Well... yeah, kind of," said Alexis, twirling her hair as she looked into her eyes.
"All right," Taylor sighed. "But if she won't give in-"
"She will give in, dear! Here's all you need to say."
Taylor went over to Camisola. "Hey there," he said, giving a smile. He already was starting to hate himself. He never said, "Hey there" to a woman; it seemed like such an insincere pick up line. And yet he was doing it now.
"Hello, God," said Camisola nervously. She quickly looked away.
"Would you like your God to make love to you?" said Taylor. The first time he had said it, he had been extremely embarrassed; but now, on woman number five, he said it as routinely as "What are you having for dinner?"
Camisola rapidly wet her lips and looked leftwards at the man sitting next to her. Her brother, Alexis had said.
"I don't know, Lord," she said.
Don't know? That doesn't sound like interest, Taylor thought. But then he remembered what Alexis said. That it was all an act. That she was shy, and really wanted him. Taylor held out his hand. "Of course you do," he said, giving a cocky smile, exactly as Alexis had told him to do. "Come. Come and make love to your Lord."
Camisola gave a startled look to her brother, and her brother looked like he was going to object, but then Camisola squeezed his hand and she nodded, getting up, her head bowed.
Taylor noticed the exchange, as he took Camisola's hand. He smiled at the man. "Stay cool, my friend. I'll have your sister back to you in no time."
As Taylor made love to Camisola, he noticed something... different. There was a lack of eagerness. She didn't kiss him back. At least, not in the beginning. But as soon as Taylor started thrusting inside of her, her demeanor changed. She started to warm up, and started moaning, and before he climaxed, she was kissing him as hard as he kissed her, groaning and crying out as they both reached their peaks.
Afterwards, Alexis asked him, "How was it?"
"You were right, she was shy," said Taylor, adjusting his pantaloons. "But once she got warmed up, she really got into it."
"Good," Alexis smiled.
"Her brother was giving me some dirty looks, though," said Taylor.
"You know how brothers are. Very protective of their sisters. I'm sure he's equally proud that she's enjoyed the pleasure of her God, though."
There were dissenters, troublemakers, who protested Taylor's rule. Alexis ordered Aresto, Taylor's Fist in Chief, to arrest them, imprison them, and beat them.
"But what of Lord Taylor?" Aresto asked.
"He does not need to be concerned with such things," said Alexis. "He is a beneficent Lord, and I would not want to sully his mind with such minor details. Do you understand me, Aresto?"
"I do, Goddess."
Taylor noticed that the women who Alexis pointed out to him were more and more often accompanied by their brothers, and mostly they didn't seem happy that their God was honoring their sisters. As for the women, most seemed hesitant at first, but each one took his hand and followed him to his bedchambers, and if they weren't kissing him enthusiastically in the beginning, by the end, like Camisola, most were obviously enjoying it.
And then there was Aquafina, a gorgeous brunette in her 20's with enormous breasts.
After Taylor pumped Aquafina's vagina full of his Godly sperm, and she climaxed a few seconds later, they lay together, arm and arm. Taylor reflected how good it all was. For most of his adult life women had rejected him. And now here he was, assuming the role of a God, and he could literally have any women he wanted. He was having more sex partners than most men had in a lifetime, and he was loving every minute of it. It was almost as if there were some kind of mystical sexual justice, almost as if the universe realized that he hadn't gotten enough sex in his earlier years, and was working hard to make it up to him.
Taylor smiled at the thought of it as he lay side by side with Aquafina. She saw him smiling at her. "That was wonderful, my Lord."
"You were great too," said Taylor sincerely.
"I just hope Atrios is not too upset."
"My husband," said Aquafina.
"Your husband?" Taylor sat up with a jerk.
"The man I came to the dinner with. Surely you saw him-"
"Your brother! I thought he was your brother!"
"No, my Lord. He is my husband."
Suddenly, in a flash, it all became clear to him. What Alexis had maneuvered him into doing.
Aquafina saw the look of dismay on his face. She didn't know precisely what was wrong, but realized her God was upset. "Do not be perturbed, my Lord," she said, squeezing his hand. "You are my Lord. It is your Godly right to squirt your holy seed inside of my furry temple. And if we have a child, I am sure Atrios would be honored to raise it as his own."
"I'm sure he would," Taylor muttered, sinking back into the pillow.
"Why?" Taylor fairly roared.
"My, you look upset, Michael," said Alexis.
"Why?" he said again.
Alexis turned away, and pursed her lips. Then she turned back to face him. "Because... why not? We're Gods." She slipped her hands around his shoulders.
"We are not Gods," said Taylor.
"To them we are," said Alexis. She looked into his eyes. "There's no harm done, dearest. The women want it. And the men, well... the men accept it."
"But why?"
"Because we can. And because you told me of your... earlier failed experiences. I wanted you to have confidence."
"I did have confidence... with you," said Taylor, softening slightly.
She smiled, and rubbed his lips with a finger. "I wanted you to have more. I wanted you to be able to talk to another woman without looking away or blushing."
"Did I... did I do that?"
"Um hm," said Alexis, nodding. She started kissing a trail around his neck, while whispering in his ear. "We are doing no harm, Michael. All we are doing is bringing happiness... to our people. Please don't be angry with me, Michael. Please," she said, as she kissed him fervently.
"Her name is Deirdra," Alexis whispered in her ear. Deidra was young, barely 18, and newly married to some farmer named Roggan. Alexis had picked Deidra because she was a stunning beauty, with ripe, firm melons and a gorgeous smile. Now that Taylor actively knew what he was doing, it was time for him to take the next step.
"No, I shouldn't," said Taylor, wrestling with his conscience.
"But you can," said Alexis, reaching under the dinner table to cup his penis through his pants. She squeezed tightly, and smiled as she felt him getting erect. "You can, and you will."
It was all so intoxicating to Taylor. For any man, to be able to have any woman he wanted, without consequences....
"No, don't do it!" said Taylor's Morality. "It's totally immoral."
"The rules of morality don't apply here. She thinks I'm her God," said Taylor's Lust.
"It's wrong under any circumstances," said Taylor's Morality.
"But she's so sexy... and I can have her!" said Taylor's Lust.
"Morality is right," said a newcomer.
"Who are you?" Taylor's Lust asked.
"My name doesn't matter," said Galactic Hope. "What does matter is that you cannot allow Taylor to have sex with that woman!"
"Why not?" Taylor's Lust asked.
"Taylor has a destiny. A very important one. And someone is trying to get him to stray from the path."
"Ummmm, the path....." said Taylor's Lust, staring at Deirdre's hard, firm melons.
"He is going to become a great Survey Service Captain," said Galactic Hope.
"Truly great," said Taylor's Lust, wondering what it would be like to suck one of Deidra's tits while squeezing her firm breasts.
"One of the greatest of all times," said Galactic Hope,
"Greatest of all times," said Taylor's Lust, thinking about Deirdre's sexy smile, and how she would moan as he pounded into her.
"He is going to save the galaxy," Galactic Hope intoned.
"Save the galaxy, got it," said Taylor's Lust, imagining himself coming between her legs, filling her with his-
Taylor went over to Deirdra. She was truly beautiful. He smiled down at her. She smiled up at him. How her husband was looking didn't matter.
"Hey there," said Taylor easily. "How would you like to have sex with your God?"
The next morning, Tara McCallister was brought before Taylor and Alexis. In chains.
"She was fomenting rebellion, God Taylor," said Aresto, his Chief Fist.
"Fomenting rebellion?" said Alexis, looking alarmed.
"She was overheard in the marketplace, trying to hire men to challenge your rule."
"Tara, is this true?" Taylor asked, a distressed tone in his voice.
"Your rule is a lie," said Tara. "You are no God!"
A cry went up from the audience.
"Child, please reconsider your words," said Alexis.
"I am no child, whore. That's what she is, Taylor. I warned you nearly a year ago. She's a simple prostitute."
The crowd gasped.
"You have insulted the honor of the Goddess Alexis!" said Taylor. "If you do not repent your words here and now, you will be severely punished!"
"I will not!" She was defiant.
Taylor glared at her, trying to decide how to dispose of her. Finally he said, "Tara, you have been insolent. But you are also a companion of long standing. I offer you one last chance to renounce your harsh words before I pronounce judgment."
"Go ahead. Fraud," she said, hatred in her eyes.
Alexis grabbed Taylor's arm. "Michael, I know this is difficult. But we need to make an example of her," she whispered.
"I agree," said Taylor. "Tara McCallister, I hereby strip you of your godhood. You are now reduced to mortaldom."
Tara laughed.
"You are also hereby ordered to be banished from Arcadia, never to return. Your sentence is to be executed immediately."
Tara's jaw dropped open as she was dragged from the room.
Alexis put a hand on his arm. "I know that was difficult, but you had to do that."
"Um," said Taylor uncomfortably. He was feeling increasingly uncomfortable lately. Now that Alexis has gotten him used to having his way with married women, she was encouraging him to have his way with the most attractive daughters of local merchants. Somehow Taylor had gotten the courage to go up to young girls, sometimes as young as the age of 18, and asked them if they wanted to be pleasured by their God... right in front of their parents! The first time he had done it, he had been incredibly nervous. What would the parent's reactions be?
Some parents were clearly supportive. Others looked more hesitant. None dared speak out against it.
And so Taylor, under the gaze of their own parents, took teenage girls to bed with him. Alexis had assured him that they were all of age... but then, she had fooled him before as well.
Still, he no longer enjoyed it as he once did. He felt a certain hollowness inside even as he plowed inside a gorgeous blonde named Chloe. Even as he was thrusting vigorously inside of her with his God sized organ of love, he was remembering the frown on the face of Chloe's mother as he took Chloe's hand to take her to his bedchambers. It sort of ruined his mood. Taylor no longer felt like he was helping these people. He felt like he was taking advantage of them, and he was increasingly of a mind to stop doing it.
Yes, he would stop using his subjects' daughters for his own sexual pleasure, he decided, even as he continued to plunge inside of Chloe's furry love hole. He would stop in just a moment, just in a moment...ah... ah... ahhhhhhhh........
I'm ready to stop now, Taylor thought, as he finished pulsing inside of her.
The next day, three heretics were brought to the Throne Room.
"What is this?" Alexis demanded.
"Heretics, Goddess," said Aresto. "They deny your godliness."
"Kneel!" said Alexis."Kneel before your God and Goddess!" she commanded. Her eyes were ablaze, as afire as the emeralds and rubies which adorned her.
The men refused to bend down.
"Very well!" said Alexis. "If they will not kneel, break their legs!"
"No!" cried Taylor.
"We have to do something," Alexis whispered. "This is spinning out of control. We have to make an example of them!"
"Not by maiming these men!" said Taylor.
"I have spoken. Carry out my command!" said Alexis.
"Do not harm them!" Taylor commanded.
Alexis looked at Taylor, open-mouthed. Then she said. "Aresto! The God Taylor is ill. See him to his quarters."
"Stay where you are," Taylor commanded.
Aresto and his guards froze, unsure what to do.
"I have an announcement," said Taylor, to the assembled audience. "This is unpleasant to hear, but you must. The Goddess Alexis has been cheating you!"
The crowd gasped.
"She has taken food meant for the poor and used it to enrich herself. She has stolen from the treasury, money meant to clothe and shelter and feed the poor," said Taylor.
"Lies!" said Alexis, her eyes burning.
"It is all true!" said a hooded figure in the audience. The figure cast aside her hood, and, lo and behold, it was Tara McCallister! She held up two thick books.
"These are the ledgers showing exactly how much the Goddess Alexis has stolen from you. I have dates, times, and amounts, all quite detailed," said Tara. "I can show you the storehouses, all around the City, where she had stored her plunder, gold dinars and gems and rubies and even platinum."
The crowd gasped. Platinum was rarest of all.
"Lies! All lies!" said Alexis.
"I have the evidence," said Tara, holding up the books.
"All lies!" Alexis repeated. "I hesitate to say this, but the God Taylor has betrayed you. He has not carried out the commandments of the Book of Sparticus in a faithful way!"
The crowd gasped again.
"He has refused to welcome girls into adulthood! He stops men from welcoming in the new day with their wives, a timeless tradition stretching back centuries!" said Alexis. "And he refuses to allow the elimination of thirds, allowing evil to grow among us!"
The crowd ooohed.