Chapter 16.1

[Note: This Science Fiction story is an intense character study with occasional sex scenes.]

Jennifer was seated at Ankara's side at dinner that night. When Taylor asked for her to be seated next to him, a stone faced guard told him no. He was about to protest further when Jennifer said, "It's all right, Michael."

What was Ankara up to?

Ankara's attention seemed to be focused on Jennifer during dinner. But her conversation with Jennifer was all about Taylor. "Tell me, Little One, is Captain Taylor a good lover?"

Jennifer cast a nervous glance at Taylor. "Uh, yes, he is."

"You are so beautiful. How is it he has not planted a baby inside of you?" Ankara asked.

Jennifer flushed. "My... master has not decided that the time is right."

"Perhaps he favors another," said Ankara. "Captain Taylor, you told us that you serviced all fifteen women on your ship, is that correct?"

"Fourteen," said Taylor, grinning tightly. "That's correct, Emiri."

Ankara turned back to Jennifer. "Does your master favor any of the other women of the crew more frequently than you?"

They continued talking. And then Ankara clapped her hands, and a glass of amber liquid was brought before Jennifer. "Drink, my dear."

"What is it?" Jennifer asked.

"Cactus wine," said Ankara. "You'll love it."

Jennifer gave Taylor a glance. He shook his head minutely.

"No thank you," said Jennifer, giving a nervous smile.

"I insist," said Ankara, her voice as hard as stone.

Jennifer took a deep breath. She raised the glass, and took a sip. "Bitter," she said, giving a false smile.

"It gets more palatable as you drink it. Finish it, dear. All of it," she said, her voice again hard.

Jennifer looked at Taylor. She gave him a look, a look that said she had to do this. She saw the reluctant acquiescence in his eyes. She took the wine glass, and gulped it down. It burned her throat, and she coughed slightly.

But she didn't feel any different.

They talked some more over dinner. Jennifer started to feel... warmer. She started to relax. She found herself talking without thinking. It was as if she had lost the ability to edit herself.

"Michael? Yes, he's a great fuck!" Jennifer said, laughing hysterically. Taylor gave her a hurt look.

"So he satisfies you then?"

"Oh, very much so," said Jennifer, giving a goofy grin. "After he's been inside me, I feel wonderful. I feel like dancing!"

"By all means," said Ankara. "Dance, then. Show us how you dance for him."

Jennifer saw Taylor mouthing 'no'. "All right, I will!" said Jennifer, giving a drunk smile.

And suddenly Jennifer found herself standing in the middle of the tent and dancing.

But it was like no other dance she had ever done before.

Someone was playing a lute, and banging a snare drum softly. Jennifer's body started to sway to the music erotically. Jennifer was very conscious of her thighs, her hips, her breasts, her ass, all moving melodically back and forth, left and right, up and down.

Jennifer smiled as she started to grind her ass in a circle, as if she were pleasuring a man underneath her. She raised her hands above her head as she danced and looked down at herself, self consciously absorbed in the details of her erotic dance. She felt detached, not actively in control of her own body. It was as if she was watching a holofilm starring herself, and it was unrolling without her active involvement.

Suddenly she looked up, and locked eyes with Taylor. She saw the shock and surprise on his face. She smiled at him, self consciously rubbing a hand through her long, luxurious dark hair while she wiggled her hips at him.

Taylor's mouth dropped open. He had never seen his first officer like this. Yes, Jennifer was a terrible flirt. But this was a side she had never shown him before. It was a side she had only shown her husband. The other Michael.

Jennifer made a face at Taylor as she brushed her own cheek. Then she put a finger in her mouth and her smile only grew wider as she saw Taylor shift uncomfortably in his seat.

Ankara whispered in Taylor's ears. "You seemed surprised, Captain. Surely your woman has danced for you before?"

"Oh... of course," said Taylor. "It's just... the music is different here."

"I see," said Ankara, smiling. She watched Taylor's reaction as Jennifer continued to expose her sensual side to everyone in the room. As she continued to wiggle her hips sinuously, Jennifer started to rub her breasts and lick her lips. Then she started to mouth words. "I want you," she said silently, looking at Michael. She stared at him with hard eyes. "I want you," she mouthed again.

Taylor shifted uncomfortably again in his seat.

"Is it getting too hard for you, Captain?" Ankara asked.

Taylor's face looked red. "What do you mean?"

"The chair. Is it too hard? Perhaps a soft pillow would ease your distress," said Ankara.

Taylor shook his head quickly, and Ankara smiled again.

Ankara clapped twice, and yelled. "Done!"

Jennifer stopped dancing.

Ankara went to her and put her hand on her shoulder, giving her an appraising look. "There is more to you than it seems. Come back to my tent with me, Little One, where we can talk more, in private."

"No!" said Taylor, jumping up. Two guards surrounded him, with drawn swords.

Ankara looked surprised. "We're just going to talk, Captain." She caressed Jennifer's cheek. "Is the big, bold Survey Service Captain really afraid if I talk to one of his many, many women?"

Taylor felt his chest tightening. "No, I suppose not." He looked at the drawn swords around him.

"Come, Little One," said Ankara, taking Jennifer by the hand. Jennifer felt herself being pulled like a balloon on a cord.

They returned to Ankara's tent, accompanied by Ankara's two enormous male body servants. They wore only bulging loin clothes, and they had enormous muscles. One was black, and the other was distinctly Spanishy.

Ankara sat in a padded chair and clapped her hands. "Leroy! Eduardo!" she cried. One of the men started to rub her shoulders, while the other started to feed her grapes. Ankara turned to Jennifer. "Are you ready for our entertainment, dear?"

Jennifer's mind was in a fog. "What entertainment?" she giggled.

"Why you, of course. Remove your clothes, dear."

Jennifer giggled again, until she saw the hard look in Ankara's eyes. Then she started removing her clothes. Somehow her hands weren't as efficient as they usually were, but she had no time to wonder why. She pulled off her Survey Service day shirt and then got started on her pants, one leg at a time. When she was down to her bra and panties, she looked at Ankara.

"Do you plan to finish removing your clothes, dear? Do you want me to ask you a second time? I hate asking a second time," said Ankara.

Jennifer, even under the influence of the drug, sensed the menace in Ankara's voice. She started to unstrap her bra. "This is my Survey Service bra," she said, as she grasped it from behind. She removed the magnetic hook, and started to pull it off. "It's hard and firm, much like the Survey Service women it's strapped into." She giggled as she took it off, revealing her firm, round melons. In any other circumstances she would have been mortified, but Jennifer had never felt so sexual, so alive, as she did at this moment.

She let the bra drop to the floor. Then she hooked her fingers into her silver panties. She started to tug on them playfully. "And these are my Survey Service panties. They're made to be tough too. The Survey Service guarantees that they can deflect any object trying to broach it, no matter how thick or long." She giggled again as she started to pull them down her long legs. In seconds she was completely naked, standing at attention in front of Ankara.

Ankara gave a faint smile. "I begin to see what Taylor sees in you, my dear," she said, staring at Jennifer's large, round breasts and thick triangle of dark pubic hair and large, well rounded ass. Her slender sexy body looked like it was made to please men. "Put your hands against the post, Little One."

Jennifer looked confused. "Leroy, help her."

The big black slave got up and approached Jennifer. He had muscles built on top of muscles. Jennifer took a step back. She was completely nude, and he was almost so, except for a loin cloth. Anything could happen now. Anything at all.

The big black slave looked at Jennifer with dark eyes. He grabbed her hands, and put them against a vertical post in the center of the tent.

Ankara got up, and Jennifer saw she held a large wooden paddle. She scrutinized Jennifer's body. By leaning forward against the post, Jennifer's heavy breasts hung down beneath her. Her ass cheeks stuck out behind her. Ankara moved behind Jennifer, and gently caressed her ass with her free hand. "Excellent, Little One, you're doing so nicely. Now whatever you do, be sure not to move a muscle. Do you understand me, Little One?"

Jennifer nodded dumbly.

Ankara nodded in return, and started to walk around Jennifer in a circle. "You want the rocks we have here, don't you, Little One?"

Jennifer nodded slowly.

"And you'll do whatever I say to get them, won't you?"

Jennifer nodded again.

"So perfect," said Ankara. "My little slut." She gave a cold smile, and stood behind Jennifer. "Let us begin. Tell me, my little whore, does Taylor use your body often?"

"Yes," said Jennifer.

She cried out, more in surprise than pain, as she felt the wooden paddle hit her bottom.

Ankara walked around her again. "I ask you again. Does Taylor use your body often?"

Jennifer's bottom was red and throbbing. "No," she said.

Ankara nodded. "Has Taylor ever used your body?"

Jennifer bit her lip. She saw Ankara raising the paddle. "No!" she cried out.

Ankara smiled. She reached out and caressed one of Jennifer's hanging breasts, as if it were plump, ripe fruit, there for the picking. "So Taylor has never touched these, has he?"

"No," Jennifer said, closing her eyes in shame.

"He's never... never tasted these?" Ankara asked, fondling a bright red nipple, which sprang to life under her touch.

"No!" Jennifer gasped.

Ankara smiled. "I thought so. It was obvious."

"How did you know?" Jennifer asked, in a small voice.

"From the way you looked at him," said Ankara. "You look at him like a friend, not a lover. Nothing more. You are nothing more, are you?"

"No," said Jennifer. "We're friends. Good friends."

Ankara nodded. "And the Captain's claim that he sleeps with every woman on his crew, is that true?"

Jennifer didn't answer. The paddle came swinging down on her ass. Jennifer cried out. "No," Jennifer cried softly. She winced. She was betraying Taylor.

Ankara nodded again. "The Captain presents an image of himself he thinks will be attractive to me, does he not?"

"Yes," Jennifer said. "But... he has been with many women. He is a very attractive man."

"On that we are agreed," said Ankara. She paused. "Tell me, slut. What will you do to get our rocks?"

"Anything," said Jennifer. She knew how badly the Birtallen was needed to help the plague victims on Tarsis IV.

"Anything?" Ankara raised her eyebrows. "Would you permit me to give you ten strokes?" She asked, rubbing the paddle against Jennifer's ass.

"Yes," Jennifer gasped.

"20 strokes?" Ankara asked, looking into her eyes.

"Yes," Jennifer said, in a tight voice.

"Thirty? Forty?"

"Yes!" Jennifer cried, feeling the hard wooden board rubbing against her ass crack.

Ankara smiled. "I believe you would, slut." She paused. "Turn around. Face me."

Jennifer stood face to face with Ankara.

"Kiss me," said Ankara simply.

Jennifer took a deep breath. She had never kissed another woman. She leaned forward, and pressed her lips against Ankara. She knew the kind of kiss Ankara wanted. A kiss of passion. She grinded her lips eagerly.

But when she was done, and pulled back, Ankara had a look of dissatisfaction on her face. She opened her robe, revealing her large, tanned Ramadhan breasts, and the dark triangle between her legs, darker even than Jennifer's.

"You say you would do anything to get our rocks. Would that include kissing me... down there?"

Jennifer bit her lip. She had never... would never... but she was a Survey Service officer. Lives were at stake. "Yes," She said simply.

"Then do it, whore." Ankara's voice was harsh. "Do it, or get out!"

Jennifer held back a sob, and got down on her knees. Ankara spread her legs. Jennifer saw her bright red pussy lips, which were glistening with sweat, and lined with rough, dark pubic hair.

She couldn't. She simply couldn't.

But she had to.

Sobbing, she leaned forward, closer. She was so close she could strongly smell Ankara's odor. It was like fried salmon. Jennifer, still sobbing, moved her face closer and opened her mouth, as she got ready to do the unthinkable. But the instant her nose grazed Ankara's pubic hair, Ankara pushed her head back, sending Jennifer sprawling.

"You disgust me, whore," said Ankara. She went over and sat down on her chair, while Jennifer got up, looking very confused.

"I did not give you permission to get up!" said Ankara sharply. "You say you will do anything to get our rocks, will you? Well then, you shall do anything. Get down, whore, get down on your hands and knees, like a farm animal, right now!"

Jennifer found herself getting on her hands and knees. She was acutely aware of her well rounded ass sticking upwards, towards the roof of the tent. She felt intensely vulnerable.

"Who shall we let do the honors, Leroy, or Eduardo? What say you?"

"Let me have the honor, Mistress," said Eduardo, the Spanishy slave. "You say I am a capable lover."

"A compelling argument," said Ankara, as if this were an abstract scientific discussion.

"Let me do it, Mistress," said Leroy, the black man slave. "I am larger, and you often say bigger is better."

"True," said Ankara. "What do you think, Little One? Which of my slaves shall use you?"

Jennifer gasped.

"Of course, it is silly of me to even ask! You are a slave, and slaves are never asked their opinions." Ankara put a finger in her mouth and smiled. "Leroy, you may take her. Ready yourself."

Jennifer's eyes widened as the big black slave stood before and removed his loin cloth. His penis was dark and thick. Even as Leroy stared at Jennifer, looking so helpless, with her heavy breasts hanging underneath her, his penis started to stiffen, and grow erect. He started to rub himself to help the process. In moments he was big and thick. Too big, from the looks of it.

Leroy smiled as he saw the look of panic on her face. Then he got behind her. Jennifer felt his hands gripping her thighs, spreading her legs.

"No," she whimpered.

"Do you still want our rocks, whore?" Ankara inquired.

"Yes," said Jennifer.

"Then spread your legs."

Jennifer, still whimpering, complied. She felt something soft yet hard pressing against her lower opening. And then, slowly but surely, the slave's shaft slid into her. Jennifer cried out. It was so big!

The dark skinned slave started to move in and out of her, pounding against her ass cheeks. Ankara sat on her chair and put a hand between her legs, and started playing with her nether lips. "Tell me, Little One, do you know the difference between a slut, a whore, and a slave?"

"No!" Jennifer gasped, as her body kept feeling vibrations every time the big black male slave jolted into her.

"I will educate you," said Ankara, continuing to play with her own slit. "A slut is a female who enjoys a lot of sex, and will fuck any penis in front of her. You may be relieved to know, Little One, that you are not a slut, at least not that kind of slut. Perhaps you could be called a cock teasing slut. You use your sexual power to enjoy the looks of envy from the men around you. You feed on it. Isn't that so?"

"No, Emiri!" Jennifer gasped, her breasts bouncing.

"Yes, it is. I see how you feed on Taylor's sexual attraction towards you. You live for it. But, technically speaking, you are not a slut, because most of your fornication is mental, not physical."

Jennifer felt the thick slave's penis getting harder inside of her as he used her more insistently. She was starting to get used to his size, her vaginal walls were stretching, and the pleasure was starting to outweigh the pain.

"Now we turn to slaves," said Emiri, as she watched Leroy continue to take Jennifer from behind. "Slaves are those who do anything they are asked by their masters. Are you a slave, Little One?"

"No, Emiri!" Jennifer gasped, as Leroy's penis continued to pound her.

"On this I would reluctantly agree," said Ankara, as she moved a finger in and out of her nether lips. She watched with narrow eyes as Leroy pounded into Jennifer, his enormous, dark ass cheeks flexing and unflexing, giving the only hint to what he was putting deep inside of Jennifer's body. "You are obeying me right now like a slave, but a slave is different. A slave is someone who obeys without question. I too am not a slave. On Ramada I was wed in an arranged marriage. My husband treated me like a slave. He too was mistaken. I murdered him in his sleep. Most of my followers will tell you a similar story. None of them would ever let themselves be enslaved, as you now are. While you could be called a slave, though, that is not exactly the most accurate term for what you are." She stared critically at Jennifer, on her hands and knees, as her black slave pounded into her more vigorously. Ankara continued to diddle herself but frowned; she needed something more.

"Eduardo," she said, addressing the Spanishy looking male slave. "I feel I have been remiss towards you, as much as a master can be remiss towards a slave. Would you like to use this female as well?"

"Yes, Mistress. Very much," said Eduardo.

"Go to her. Find a hole that is not in use, and see to your own pleasure."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress."

Eduardo stood before Jennifer and unwrapped his loin cloth. He was big, nearly as big as Leroy. Jennifer's foggy brain was just unwrapping what was happening to her as Eduardo pressed the tip of his flaccid penis against her lips.

"Take it!" said Ankara, her words harsh. "If you want our rocks, take it in you!"

Jennifer opened her mouth, and nearly choked as Eduardo inserted himself inside her.

"Suck him, slave!" Ankara snapped.

Jennifer started to suck on Eduardo, even as Leroy continued thrusting within her, but she found herself coughing as he went too far down the back of her mouth.

"You act like you've never done this before!" Ankara said, her eyes narrowing.

Jennifer desperately tried to keep the head of the slave's penis at the entrance to her mouth so she could breathe properly. She sucked and tongued it furiously to keep him satisfied.

Ankara moved the fingers of her hand between her legs a bit higher and started to play with her clit. She watched with great satisfaction as Jennifer was taken from the front and behind. "Only now, at the end, do you understand," she said, her voice practically purring. "This is what a whore is, little one. A whore is someone who lets men fuck her in return for being paid. That is exactly what you are doing, and exactly what you are. You are letting my slaves fuck you in the most humiliating way because you want our rocks. Our rocks are your payment. That is what a whore does. You are a whore, are you not?"

Her tone was stiff, and demanding. Jennifer found herself nodding her head ever so slightly even as she sucked on Eduardo's shaft.

Ankara felt her body started to tremble as she got closer to her orgasmic peak. "I am glad we have solved this great mystery together. You are not a slut, nor a slave, but a whore. Hold your head up high, whore, and be proud." She gave Jennifer a most cynical smile.

In moments Ankara felt herself very close to climaxing. They all did. Staring at Jennifer, so helpless, so obedient, as two men used her body from both ends excited her more than anything she had seen or done in months. Suddenly Ankara cried out as she felt an orgasmic wave shatter her, just as Leroy grunted "Aaaaaaahh" as he suddenly froze, deep inside of Jennifer, and then a moment later Eduardo gasped as well, as he filled Jennifer's tongue and throat with his sticky issue.

Ankara enjoyed her post-orgasmic haze, as she watched Leroy and Eduardo slowly pull out of her. "I've enjoyed our little talk dear. I think it has helped us so much to clarify things."

By the time Jennifer was returned to Taylor's tent, the buzzing in her head had lessened, and she was almost able to think clearly again. Taylor grabbed her by the arms and cried, "Are you all right?"

"What... yes," said Jennifer, smiling. She still felt a residue of the euphoria.

"What... what did she to do to you, Jennifer?" Taylor demanded, his eyes a world of hurt. "Tell me!"

Jennifer pulled away from him. "Nothing, Michael."

"Nothing?" Taylor said. He looked at her long black hair, which was all over the place. Jennifer was all sweaty as if she had run a marathon and she smelled... she smelled like male issue. Taylor grabbed her by the arm. "What did you do, Jennifer? What did you do?"

She pulled away from him again, and looked him squarely in the eye. "There are thousands of Bessemer syndrome plague victims on Tarsis IV who need this medicine, Michael. I did what any Survey Service officer would do. Including you."

She squared her shoulders and looked at him resolutely.

"Today we perform the Third Trial of the Rite of Haddan: The Test of Endurance," said Ankara.

Taylor and Abduellah stood in a giant black vat of water. Both were completely nude. A fired baked underneath them.

"The test is a simple one," said Ankara. "The first one to get out, loses." She clapped her hands. Her soldiers started to stoke the fire with pieces of wood and camel fat.

"You will be the first to flee. It is well known that the Survey Service breeds cowards," said Abduellah, stroking his brown beard with a smile.

"I wonder what Laquinta stew would taste like?" Taylor asked.

A mere ten feet way, Ankara stood next to Jennifer, gently stroking her arm. "And how do we feel today, Little One?"

"Fine," said Jennifer sullenly. In fact, she didn't feel fine at all. Her vagina was sore; the black slave named Leroy had really pounded her. And her throat was throbbing too, from the other slave who had used her. She coughed slightly.

"I hope Eduardo's issue didn't cause you any indigestion, Little One." She had a mocking smile on her face.

Jennifer wanted to strangle her. She scowled as she touched her head. It was throbbing. "What did you put in that drink you gave me?"

"Nothing. Except what I said--Cactus Nectar. But perhaps I forgot to mention it was from the purple and pink cactus. It's reputed to have special properties, to bring out a person's true nature."

"That wasn't my true nature," said Jennifer, remembering herself docilely on her hands and knees, allowing two slaves to use her simultaneously.

"Oh, but it was," said Ankara, wrapping her arm around her waist. "Tell me, Little One, does Taylor know that you do not love him as he loves you?"

"No," said Jennifer. "He... he still thinks I'm married." The minute she said it she regretted it. Why should she be telling Ankara such private things?

Ankara's eyebrows shot up. "So! You keep his hopes alive by pretending to be emotionally interested, but physically unavailable. Such a clever, clever, strategy, my little whore."

"No, I just... I don't want to hurt him," said Jennifer.

"I know, Little Whore, I know," Ankara said with real sympathy, as she squeezed one of Jennifer's breasts. It was ripe and firm. "Tell me, Little Whore, what do you think Taylor soup will taste like? I have the distinct feeling we are about to find out!"

Inside the vat, the water was getting warmer. Taylor shifted his feet so they didn't touch the bottom, the hottest part.

"You dared to impersonate a God," said Abduellah, glaring at Taylor. "First I will kill your woman in front of you. Then I will kill you. You will die, but not the easy death of your companion."

"You? You were the one who killed Ensign Jioto?" said Taylor. He had no idea which Ramadhan had fired the killing shot. He remembered his red vested security officer fondly.

Abduellah gave him a wide grin.

"I'll strangle him! I'll kill him right now!" Taylor's Rage said.

"No!" said Taylor's Restraint. "If you kill him now, you lose the contest!"

"I don't care about that. Look at that smile! I want him to suffer!" Taylor's Rage demanded.

"He will suffer. But make him suffer by showing him that you're better than he is," said Restraint.

"I'm going to kill you before this is over," said Taylor.

"Big words, little man," said Abduellah.

Taylor frowned. Abduellah was only an inch or two taller than him. But he had a bigger body frame than Taylor did. "I'm not just going to kill you," said Taylor, as he felt the water start to get hot. "I'm going to kill you, and bury your body in a pit full of death cats."

Abduellah's mouth dropped open.

"What's more, before I bury you, I'm going to cut open your body, and stuff it full of death cat meat," said Taylor.

"No!" said Abduellah. "You would not dare!"

Taylor grinned. "I would! And what does the Book of Blood say of those who are buried around the meat of cats?"

"They... they...."

"They are given virgins with no holes, according to the Great Book," said Taylor.

Abduellah's eyes grew wide at the distressing prospect.

"And they are given swords made of putty. How are you going to behead infidels for the Great God in the Arena of Blood with a sword made of clay?" Taylor asked.

"No!" said Abduellah.

"Yes," said Taylor. "There will be no whoring or murdering for you in the afterlife, not when I'm done with you. Meow!" he said, smiling, even as the water started to burn his skin.

The water was actively hot now. Both Abduellah and Taylor were feeling the burning, all over their bodies. They could see bubbles start to form on the surface of the water, as it got dangerously close to boiling point.

"Maybe... maybe we could both leave together, at the same time," said Abduellah, gritting his teeth.

"No," said Taylor, who was also enduring the pain. "You killed my men. You can burn, you bloody bastard!"

Abduellah stared at Taylor, and gritted his teeth even tighter. He roared, and vowed to endure any pain, any pain at all, in order to get Taylor to quit first.

Taylor felt his skin burning. The pain was becoming intolerable. He had to get out.

He had to get out now.

"Pain is just a sensation," said Master Tan. "It is an external force of the world. Ignore it."

"How can I ignore it?" said Taylor's Pain.

"Be somewhere else," said Master Tan.

"Somewhere else?" said Taylor's Pain.

And suddenly, the pain was gone. Taylor was on a lovely beach, filled with attractive girls, soft sands, little white sea birds, and the brisk sounds of waves. Taylor walked into the water. It was cool and felt wonderful against his warm legs. The waves were relaxing, almost hypnotic, as he watched the surf go in and out, in and out.....

"Aaaaaaaaah!" Abduellah yelled. He scalded his hands as he grabbed the edges of the vat and climbed out of it. His naked body was red all over.

Jennifer noticed that Taylor's eyes were closed and he had a smile on his face! "Michael! Michael, get out of there!"

Taylor's eyes suddenly opened, and he looked dazed. Then he hopped out of the large vat as well.

Everyone, the woman warriors especially, gasped.

It was not the size of Taylor's penis, which was not especially large when flaccid, which caused the women warriors to cry out.

It was his skin.

His skin color was unchanged. There was not a hint of redness.

Jennifer ran up to him and covered him with a towel. She looked at him with disbelief. "Michael.... How did you do that?"

"How did I do what?" Taylor asked.​
Next page: Chapter 16.2
Previous page: Chapter 15.2