Chapter 20.3
There was another earthquake. A major one, this time. Buildings shook. People were thrown off their feet. One of the barns in the Australian Concession partially collapsed. Part of the entrance to the mine in the Russian Concession also collapsed (which really didn't matter, as the mine was now under guard and closed off). Several of the EU greenhouses were shattered. Parts of the Chinese Fabricator were damaged.
Nearly a hundred people were injured. Medical teams from the Scunathorpe and the Relentless streamed down to the surface and opened an impromptu field hospital by the landing field.
Most of the injuries were not life threatening, though two people had nearly been crushed by falling machinery in the Chinese Concession.
Andrea was in hysterics. "It's over, Mike," she said. "Everyone's clamoring to go home. The World Government will cancel the competition. I was the one who first surveyed Sheppard's Planet. I was the one who recommended it be opened for settlement. My career will be ruined-"
"Andrea," said Taylor. She didn't respond. He grabbed her arms and shook her. "Andrea! Listen to me! I don't think these earthquakes are natural in origin."
Andrea looked puzzled. "Who could be causing them? And how?"
"That's what I want to find out. Listen, can you keep people from leaving for a few days?"
"Well... I suppose, Mike," said Andrea, blinking slowly. "It will take at least a week or two for ships to arrive to pick everyone up anyway. But the World Government-"
"Stall the World Government," said Taylor.
"What should I tell them?"
"Tell them anything. Tell them that you're investigating. Tell them you need a few days to give them a final report. They're bureaucrats, they'll understand."
"And what will you be doing?"
"The Manophobes?" said Sophie.
She was talking to Taylor in his quarters. Royalty was there too; Ann Marie Queen was massaging his left foot; Audrey King his right.
"Well, who else could it be?" Taylor asked. "Do you think Joanna Martin is creating earthquakes to drive everyone else off the planet?"
"That seems unlikely," Sophie admitted. "Though if she could drive everyone off planet except for you, she might have a motive."
Taylor gave her a cutting glare, and Sophie returned the favor with a hint of a smile, with her body turned so only Taylor could see it.
"The Russians are all under guard and are being shipped off tomorrow. They couldn't have done it," said Taylor.
"I agree."
"The Chinese might have done it, but this quake also damaged their Fabricator."
"Damage which can be easily repaired," said Sophie.
"Maybe," said Taylor. "But of all the concessions, which one suffered absolutely no damage?"
"The Manophobes," said Sophie. "But they only have small farms. Except for their church, there is nothing that could have been damaged."
"Except for their church," said Taylor. "And who desperately wants the other Concessions off the planet more than the others do?"
"I suppose the Russians, until we got rid of them," said Sophie. "But right now I'd say the Manophobes. Are you saying they have some technology which can cause earthquakes?"
"Why not? The Survey Service could do it, given the right equipment."
"But the Manophobes are technophobes, are they not?" Sophie said.
"Yes, and they are also hypocrites," said Taylor, gritting his teeth.
"I have scanned their church with the ship's sensors. I find no power emanations or anything which would explain these tremors," said Sophie.
"We're not going to find the answer through science, Sophie."
"Then how are we going to find the answer, Captain?"
"Through faith."
"So are you really thinking of joining us, Captain?" Aisha asked.
They were having a candlelit dinner in one of the side rooms of the church.
"It's a possibility," Taylor admitted.
"A very remote one," came Sophie's voice, in his hidden earpiece.
"Do you like your rice pilaf?" Aisha asked.
"Oh, it's so delicious," said Taylor.
"Even more so than a porterhouse steak, I'm sure," came Sophie's voice. "I'm scanning the rooms on the Northwest side of the church first. I cannot find any hidden doors or hatches."
"You would simply love the life of an emancipated male. Imagine responding to a woman's every beck and call."
"I'm thrilled just thinking about it," said Taylor.
"As long as the call is only for sex, and the person making the call is Joanna Martin, Andrea Farber, or Yeomen King or Queen," said Sophie.
"It has a lot of possibilities," Taylor admitted.
"I'm glad you think so," said Aisha.
"I found a concealed hatch in the office of the High Priestess," said Sophie. "I am opening it now."
"I have heard much about you, Captain Taylor," said Aisha. "It is said you have had many women. We call that a sin."
"Michael, on the other hand, calls that all in a day's work," said Sophie. "Captain, I have gone down stairs, and I am in some kind of elaborate control room."
"Could you really give up a life of sexual pleasure for Aura?" Aisha asked.
"I only wish I could see your face now, Captain," came Sophie's voice.
"Possibly," said Taylor, trying to walk a fine line.
"Possibly, as in never. Tell her that never is a distinct possibility," said Sophie. "I am looking over the controls now."
"All you would need to do is to agree to the procedure," said Aisha.
"What procedure?" Said Taylor.
"Captain, I see something which might be an underground pulse generator. I think-" Sophie's voice suddenly cut off.
"The procedure of emancipation," said Aisha.
"Procedure, eh?" said Taylor. He wondered what had happened to Sophie. He fought off the growing urge to get up and find her.
"You seem nervous, Captain. Trust me, you will be much calmer after the procedure is completed," said Aisha.
Suddenly Taylor started to feel dizzy. "What... what procedure...."
"Where we remove your testicles, and your shaft. Then you will be the perfect emancipated male."
Taylor struggled to get up. The room was spinning around him. He felt lightheaded. And then suddenly, all went black.
"Are you awake again, my dear Captain?"
Taylor blinked. He felt cold. He looked down and realized he was completely naked. He was lying on his back on a metal table that was tilted at a 45 degree angle off the floor. His legs and arms were tied down by metal cuffs, and both were spread wide.
Taylor looked around. He saw a number of Aura's followers, armed with concussion pistols. He also saw Sophie Astor, with her hands held behind her back.
Taylor blinked again, and Aisha realized he was aware.
"I'm sorry to have done that to you. But it was a mild drug, necessary for the operation."
Taylor looked down in panic. He was relieved to find himself intact.
Aisha laughed. "No, Captain, we wanted you wide awake for the procedure."
"No," said Taylor.
"Yes," said Aisha. "We are well aware of who you are, Michael Tiberius Taylor of the United Survey Service. Your history of debasing and using women is long and unparalleled. We know how you pretended to be a God on some virgin planet where you abused hundreds of women. It is time you paid the price for your crimes."
"And I get to watch," said Sophie. "How thoughtful of you."
"As a woman and a fellow Survey Service officer, you will be the perfect witness to your Captain's punishment," said Aisha.
"I'm glad you think so," said Sophie. "You know, I have to say that I was amazed to discover this hidden laboratory under your church. When I found the entrance behind the desk in the high priestesses office, I was surprised to see it led down here."
Why was Sophie talking in such a narrative form? Taylor wondered. And then he remembered. The transmitter.
But... even if they were monitoring it up on the Relentless, it would take them time to form a landing party and come down in a shuttle. Time they didn't have.
"Let us begin," said Aisha. She picked up a glowing rod.
"Wait!" said Sophie.
"Why?" said Aisha.
"If you are going to punish him for a crime, shouldn't he be made to confess his crimes before receiving his sentence?" Sophie asked.
Aisha narrowed her eyes. "Captain Taylor will never confess his crimes."
Sophie gave Taylor a hard look.
"Yes! I will! I mean, yes, I will," said Taylor.
Aisha looked very skeptical. "All right, Captain. Let us hear you confess your crimes."
And so, for the next few minutes, Taylor dredged up his memory for every woman he had ever had sex with. But there were so many, and he knew he had forgotten a lot of the names. He recalled the easiest to remember names first.
"-Of course there was Cherry, Cherry Oteri. I violated her body in a forest. She was willing, but only because I purposefully dunked her body in cold water and the only warmth that was available was between my legs." He looked around. The women looked horrified and pleased. Good. He kept going. "Then there was Sarah Blade, actually Lieutenant Commander Sarah Blade, actually former Lieutenant Commander Sarah Blade" (he tried to drag it out as long as he could), "my instructor at the Academy. I seduced her, slept with her, and blackmailed her so she would give me higher grades."
"Exploiter!" Megan Manowar cried, pointing a bony finger at him. No, at his organ!
"Yes, I was terrible," Taylor admitted. "Then there was Missy Burns of the USS Charleston. I had sex with her and treated her poorly. After having sex, I dragged her body all over the floor of the ship like a dust rag, and threw slices of turkey in her face."
The women gasped.
"Let's see... there was Ankara, a Ramadhan woman of color. I humiliated her, forcing her to beg for sex, and then I took her roughly. She cried out in the taking."
"Animal!" a woman cried, pointing a bony finger at him.
Taylor continued. "Let's see... I also had sex with my former first officer, Jennifer Hale. She had turned into a squid, kind of, but I still had sex with her."
The women looked confused. Maybe that wasn't the best example. "And she was a married woman, and I still had sex with her!" That was almost true.
The women gasped in anger. Now that was more like it.
Taylor rattled off more names, but he could see that each new name impressed or horrified the women a little less than the ones before it. Finally, even Aisha had had enough and she said, "I think that is a sufficient confession, Captain Taylor-"
"Wait!' said Taylor emphatically. "There is more!" He looked around, his mind racing. "Sophie! Sophie Astor! I have taken Sophie Astor sexually!"
"That one?" said Megan Manowar doubtfully. "The one who never smiles?"
"Yes, many times!" said Taylor. "And do you know why Sophie never smiles?" He saw he had all their attention. Good. "Because I only take her in the ass."
The women gasped, completely horrified.
"We have heard enough!" Aisha cried, raising the glowing rod in a gloved hand.
"No, wait, I haven't told you about my yeomen-"
Taylor's voice was cut off as the rod touched the shaft of his penis. Suddenly, his penis went completely numb.
Taylor cried out.
"Calm yourself, Captain," said Aisha, putting down the glowing rod. "That was only the anesthetic." She picked up a laser cutter. "This is what you have to really fear." She activated it, and a tiny red beam lanced out of it.
"No!" Taylor cried, and he tried to free himself, but he was securely strapped to the table. Sophie broke free of the woman holding her arms, but she was immediately tackled by two more women, and pinned to the ground.
Taylor made eye contact with Sophie as the procedure began. She saw the tremendous fear in his eye, and at the same time he saw the tremendous pain and fright in hers....
"Now try not to move, Captain," said Aisha, slowly lowering her hand with the laser cutter. "You'll find this is over quite easily if you don't resist...."
Suddenly there was the sound of weapons fire. Specifically, compression pistols, a lot of them. The women screamed and turned about, but by the time they figured out what had happened, most of them had been stunned. Aisha, who had turned around with the laser cutter in hand, was shot, and the still active laser cutter dropped from her hand, landing on the slanted table in the gap just below Taylor's penis.
Ensign Miles Redding, leading a team of Survey Service Marines, entered the room, and raced to remove Taylor's bindings.
"I'm sorry we were delayed, sir. We had trouble finding the church at night. We had to stop for directions," said Miles.
"Miles?" said Taylor disbelievingly. "What are you doing here?"
"I put Ensign Redding in charge of a backup squad," said Sophie, who was now standing up again. "You said you wanted to give him some command experience. I figured it might be time to give him some of the less horizontal kind." She came over and deactivated the laser cutter, which was still just below his groin. "If you were only a little more well endowed, things might have turned out much worse, sir," she said, with a blank face.
Taylor got up. Someone gave him a shirt which he wrapped around his waist. He walked over to the control panel. "I take it this is it?"
Sophie nodded. "One homemade earthquake generator."
"Good," Taylor nodded. "Andrea will be pleased." He turned to Sophie. "It was a good idea to have that backup squad."
"Thank you, sir. I feel as if I've saved a national treasure," said Sophie. "All the women of the galaxy can once again breathe easy, and resume patiently waiting in line for their turn to come."
Taylor tried to restrain a smile. "By all means. And by the way, Sophie, feel free to join that long line yourself. I'll move you to the head of the line, in recognition of your service today. And the next time we make love, I'll even use the more traditional entrance."
Ensign Redding looked confused as he watched Sophie abruptly wheel away from everyone and then made hushed, gasping sounds, which some people might confuse with laughter.
"Sophie has a sense of humor?" Redding whispered to one of the marines.
The next day, Commander Andrea Farber of the United Survey Service was in the underground control room, inspecting the equipment. "Amazing," she breathed, running her hands across the console. "To think that technophobes could build such a technologically advanced device."
"They were hypocrites in any number of ways," said Taylor. They had discovered the obvious, that the room had been shielded from sensors by a thick lead-lined ceiling.
Andrea nodded. She looked up at him. "Mike... I don't know how to thank you. First you saved my life, and now my career. If it weren't for you, the entire project would have been cancelled. My career would be over. Now there's a real chance I could make Captain... like you."
"You will make Captain, Andrea," said Taylor. "I'm sure of it."
There was something in the way he said that, the rugged masculine certainty in his voice, which excited her. She spread her hands helplessly. "Mike... is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?"
Taylor paused for a long moment.
"Fuck her, Mike! It's now or never!" said Lust.
"No, it wouldn't be proper, she's still an engaged woman!" said Restraint.
Taylor stared into her green eyes, trying to screan her true intent.
"Dinner," he said finally. "Dinner would be nice. On the Relentless."
"Dinner... on the Relentless," said Andrea, bowing her head slightly in an uncertain way. She turned it into a nod, and bit her lip. "Dinner it is."
At 1800 hours a shuttle from the Scunathorpe arrived in the landing bay of the Command Cruiser Relentless. Commander Andrea Farber emerged, dressed in casual Survey Service day clothes. Captain Michael Taylor was there, flanked by his first officer, Sophie Astor. Andrea saw Taylor whisper something in Sophie's ear as she approached.
"Michael," she said warmly. And then, "Commander."
Taylor smiled back at her. Sophie nodded.
"Will Commander Astor be joining us for dinner?" Andrea asked, casually. A little too casually.
Taylor looked startled. "No. Commander Astor has... other duties to attend to."
"Much more important duties to attend to," said Sophie, with a blank expression.
Andrea nodded. Taylor extended an arm, and she took it, and walked happily out of the landing bay, arm in arm.
Sophie went to Andrea's shuttle and entered it. The shuttle pilot looked up at her. "You can return to the Scunathorpe," said Sophie. "Your Captain will have no further need of you this evening."
When Andrea entered Taylor's cabin, she saw a lavishly prepared meal for two on his little dinette table. She ignored it completely and flew into his arms and kissed him hard.
"Take me, Michael," she commanded. "Take me now."
Twenty minutes later, Michael Taylor found himself having vaginal sex with Survey Service Commander Andrea Farber.
It was exciting on any number of levels.
Having sex with a fellow officer, a senior officer, was exciting in and of itself. Having sex with a woman who herself was in command of others was exciting. Andrea was important. She was powerful. She commanded a Survey Service frigate, which was capable of traveling vast distances, exploring the stars, and blowing up enemy ships. And this powerful, brave woman had submitted her body to Michael Taylor.
It was also exciting because they had waited so long. So long in terms of years: Michael had been truthful when he said he had nursed a crush on her since his academy days. And so long in terms of days: Taylor had been on Sheppard's Planet for nearly two weeks, and the sexual tension between the two of them had only grown more intense with each passing day.
And lastly, it was exciting because Andrea was so incredibly sexy. She no longer had the body of an 18 year old, but her body was still stunning nonetheless. Even though her breasts sagged a bit, they were still round and juicy and topped with bright red areolas and thick hard nipples. The hair between her legs was more brown than red but it was a thick crop of hair, as thick as the hair on her head, and surprisingly curly. And Andrea's gorgeous slender face, high cheekbones, and sparkling green eyes excited Taylor to no end, especially when she smiled at him, which she did often, over the course of the night. The combination of it all: her beautiful face and gleaming eyes, her heavy, sloping breasts with their large, red areolas, and her thick rich triangle of pubic hair made him realize that yes, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever known. His penis quivered with anticipation and need, and he knew he needed to be in her, right at that very moment.
Taylor raised himself up and aimed himself carefully. Andrea gasped as she got her first good look at the big, long thing which would soon be totally inside her. Mike saw her expression of anticipation and fear and he winked at her. Then, inch by inch, he slowly entered her. Andrea groaned as he entered her fully. When she looked down again, his penis had totally disappeared. Mike's brown pubic hair was pressed against her reddish brown triangle. It was as if they shared a deep, hidden, intimate connection. At that moment she felt closer to him than anything.
Taylor started to move in and out of her, slowly, at first, so she could see exactly what he was doing. Andrea felt it, of course, and it felt wonderful, but somehow, it added to the physical sensation when she could see the massive rod, coursing in and out, in and out of her. She felt proud of herself for taking it all in.
Taylor loved it too. He relished the warmth and wetness of her slick vagina, rubbing deliciously against the head of his penis, exciting it and sending electric tremors all up and down the shaft. As he worked himself into her, he pressed down against her, and felt the amazing warmth and juicy thickness of her dual mounds pressed against his chest, and then Andrea, overcome with sheer lust, grinded her plush, red lips against him as he took her relentlessly.
For Andrea, feeling Mike's thick rod inside of her, stretching her, thrusting deep inside of her while simultaneously rubbing against the edge of her clit, it was a dream come true. She felt like she was being taken by the manliest of men, as she felt his muscular, hairy chest rub against her breasts, as she saw his oh so masculine, confident face kiss her again and again, taking what he wanted, and giving what she needed, as he filled the part of her that so desperately needed him inside of her. As Mike moved in and out of her strongly, confidently, Andrea gasped as the sexiest man in the galaxy used her body for his own sexual pleasure.
But then came another kind of intimacy. As Taylor made love to her, Andrea whispered, "You are such a great lover!"
Taylor grinned. "You are too!"
"We should have done this sooner!" Andrea said, her face full of need.
"It was not Tisson Crae," said Taylor, plunging in and out of her with his hard rod.
"It was not time," said Taylor, still working himself vigorously in and out of her. "You needed to realize that you wanted it first. You, for yourself. Not as an offering to me."
And as Andrea saw the reflection of herself in his eyes she knew it was true. She loved Herman and planned to get married to him. She still did. But being with Mike like this... it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that she couldn't pass up. She had to act on it, but Mike was right... it was better being taken by him after she first convinced herself that she really wanted it. If he had taken her the last time she had offered herself up to him, she would have cried all the way through it and wouldn't have enjoyed it half as much.
"You were right," She whispered lovingly.
"I screaned it," said Taylor, grinning. "And now I am kockking it."
"What?" said Andrea, startled.
Taylor shook his head, but continued pounding her. He remembered Lieutenant Commander Sarah Blade's Number One Rule for having good sex: to tell your partner anything and everything that would excite her, whether it was true or not.
"Every time I was fucking Cherry, I dreamed it was you," he said, in a very low voice, as he pounded into her.
"Really, Mike?" said Andrea.
Taylor gave a curt nod. "She was my first. But I had hoped you would be my first. The first to have me."
"Oh Mike!" she cried, wrapping her arms around his back.
Taylor felt himself getting closer to his peak, and from his years of experience, he saw that Andrea was getting there as well. But for her first orgasm he wanted her to get there going at five times the speed of light, orgasmically speaking, not coasting along on Ion Drive. And he thought he knew just how to do it.
"I'm going to fill you with my seed," Taylor said, in a low voice. "I'm going to fill you with my cum, and put a baby in you."
"No, Mike, you can't. I'm Protected," said Andrea, her eyelashes fluttering.
Taylor shook his head. "Aliens... from the future who gave me my screaning ability. They also did something... something else to my body. My sperm is super energized now. It can get past any chemical barrier. I'm going to put a baby into you."
"No, Mike!" Andrea cried. "What about Herman?"
"You can tell him that the baby is his," Taylor grinned.
"No, Mike, please, no!" Andrea cried. But while her mouth said no, everything else about Andrea said yes. She gripped his back all the tighter; she wrapped her legs around his waist; her entire body tensed up; her nipples got painfully erect; and she started panting rapidly. The very thought that was terrifying her to her very core was simultaneously bringing her to a mind-shattering orgasm.
"Oh... oh... OOOOHHHHH!" Andrea cried out, screaming at the ceiling. She shuddered, and felt the most powerful wave of her life coursing through her body. It started in her vagina, and just radiated out to her legs, her body, her arms, and her head. Her head jerked back as if she was in an air car collision. For a moment, she almost blacked out.
The sight of Andrea achieving this tremendous orgasm had a cascading effect on Taylor. He climaxed as well, tensing his buttocks as he proudly filled her with his seed. Pump, pump, pump pump pump.
Afterwards, they lay together, tenderly touching each other.
"That was nice," said Andrea, in a softer, more gentle voice than Taylor had ever heard her use before. "The best I ever had."
Taylor smiled at her. He didn't tell her that it was the best he ever had, and somehow, that made it all the more appealing to Andrea, to know that she was with such a sexually experienced man who was not so easily swayed.
She looked at him with tender eyes as she played with his hair gently. "Mike... I have to know... is there really a chance I will get pregnant?"
Taylor grinned, and shook his head.
"Then why...."
"You said it yourself," he said. "The best you've ever had."
Her eyes widened. "You scoundrel!" She hit him playfully on the arm. He pinned her arm. She smacked him lightly with her other hand. He pinned down her other hand. Then he was on top of her, still pinning her down, kissing her. And then he was hard again, and before long he was inside her, again and again.
They made love two more times that night before falling asleep, in each other's arms. Before they did, Andrea whispered, "I will remember this forever and ever."
"So will I," said Mike.
And that was all that needed to be said.
"So it all worked out," said Taylor's Lust. He was lying in a virtual bed with Andrea's Lust. Both looked very sated.
"Yesssss... it all worked out," Andrea's Lust smiled.
"I'm glad," said Taylor's Lust. "Listen, I was asked to pass along a question, courtesy of Taylor's curiosity. Would you mind?"
"Not at all," said Andrea's Lust, in a dreamy voice. "Aaaaask awaaaaay." Her arms floated above her head and she laughed.
Taylor fondled a virtual titty. "Good." He outlined his question. As he did, Andrea's Lust started to look more and more annoyed.
When he was done, Andrea's Lust said, "Let me make sure I understand your question. You want to know if during the survival course, fifteen years ago, I got captured by the Blue Army, and if I did, whether they brainwashed me into being an obedient sex slave, and if they did, whether I eagerly had sex with a large bearded man on a table right in front of Cherry Oteri. Is that the essence of your question?"
"Ah... yes."
"Good, I just wanted to be sure I had the fact pattern right," said Andrea's Lust, in a tight voice.
Nearly a hundred people were injured. Medical teams from the Scunathorpe and the Relentless streamed down to the surface and opened an impromptu field hospital by the landing field.
Most of the injuries were not life threatening, though two people had nearly been crushed by falling machinery in the Chinese Concession.
Andrea was in hysterics. "It's over, Mike," she said. "Everyone's clamoring to go home. The World Government will cancel the competition. I was the one who first surveyed Sheppard's Planet. I was the one who recommended it be opened for settlement. My career will be ruined-"
"Andrea," said Taylor. She didn't respond. He grabbed her arms and shook her. "Andrea! Listen to me! I don't think these earthquakes are natural in origin."
Andrea looked puzzled. "Who could be causing them? And how?"
"That's what I want to find out. Listen, can you keep people from leaving for a few days?"
"Well... I suppose, Mike," said Andrea, blinking slowly. "It will take at least a week or two for ships to arrive to pick everyone up anyway. But the World Government-"
"Stall the World Government," said Taylor.
"What should I tell them?"
"Tell them anything. Tell them that you're investigating. Tell them you need a few days to give them a final report. They're bureaucrats, they'll understand."
"And what will you be doing?"
"The Manophobes?" said Sophie.
She was talking to Taylor in his quarters. Royalty was there too; Ann Marie Queen was massaging his left foot; Audrey King his right.
"Well, who else could it be?" Taylor asked. "Do you think Joanna Martin is creating earthquakes to drive everyone else off the planet?"
"That seems unlikely," Sophie admitted. "Though if she could drive everyone off planet except for you, she might have a motive."
Taylor gave her a cutting glare, and Sophie returned the favor with a hint of a smile, with her body turned so only Taylor could see it.
"The Russians are all under guard and are being shipped off tomorrow. They couldn't have done it," said Taylor.
"I agree."
"The Chinese might have done it, but this quake also damaged their Fabricator."
"Damage which can be easily repaired," said Sophie.
"Maybe," said Taylor. "But of all the concessions, which one suffered absolutely no damage?"
"The Manophobes," said Sophie. "But they only have small farms. Except for their church, there is nothing that could have been damaged."
"Except for their church," said Taylor. "And who desperately wants the other Concessions off the planet more than the others do?"
"I suppose the Russians, until we got rid of them," said Sophie. "But right now I'd say the Manophobes. Are you saying they have some technology which can cause earthquakes?"
"Why not? The Survey Service could do it, given the right equipment."
"But the Manophobes are technophobes, are they not?" Sophie said.
"Yes, and they are also hypocrites," said Taylor, gritting his teeth.
"I have scanned their church with the ship's sensors. I find no power emanations or anything which would explain these tremors," said Sophie.
"We're not going to find the answer through science, Sophie."
"Then how are we going to find the answer, Captain?"
"Through faith."
"So are you really thinking of joining us, Captain?" Aisha asked.
They were having a candlelit dinner in one of the side rooms of the church.
"It's a possibility," Taylor admitted.
"A very remote one," came Sophie's voice, in his hidden earpiece.
"Do you like your rice pilaf?" Aisha asked.
"Oh, it's so delicious," said Taylor.
"Even more so than a porterhouse steak, I'm sure," came Sophie's voice. "I'm scanning the rooms on the Northwest side of the church first. I cannot find any hidden doors or hatches."
"You would simply love the life of an emancipated male. Imagine responding to a woman's every beck and call."
"I'm thrilled just thinking about it," said Taylor.
"As long as the call is only for sex, and the person making the call is Joanna Martin, Andrea Farber, or Yeomen King or Queen," said Sophie.
"It has a lot of possibilities," Taylor admitted.
"I'm glad you think so," said Aisha.
"I found a concealed hatch in the office of the High Priestess," said Sophie. "I am opening it now."
"I have heard much about you, Captain Taylor," said Aisha. "It is said you have had many women. We call that a sin."
"Michael, on the other hand, calls that all in a day's work," said Sophie. "Captain, I have gone down stairs, and I am in some kind of elaborate control room."
"Could you really give up a life of sexual pleasure for Aura?" Aisha asked.
"I only wish I could see your face now, Captain," came Sophie's voice.
"Possibly," said Taylor, trying to walk a fine line.
"Possibly, as in never. Tell her that never is a distinct possibility," said Sophie. "I am looking over the controls now."
"All you would need to do is to agree to the procedure," said Aisha.
"What procedure?" Said Taylor.
"Captain, I see something which might be an underground pulse generator. I think-" Sophie's voice suddenly cut off.
"The procedure of emancipation," said Aisha.
"Procedure, eh?" said Taylor. He wondered what had happened to Sophie. He fought off the growing urge to get up and find her.
"You seem nervous, Captain. Trust me, you will be much calmer after the procedure is completed," said Aisha.
Suddenly Taylor started to feel dizzy. "What... what procedure...."
"Where we remove your testicles, and your shaft. Then you will be the perfect emancipated male."
Taylor struggled to get up. The room was spinning around him. He felt lightheaded. And then suddenly, all went black.
"Are you awake again, my dear Captain?"
Taylor blinked. He felt cold. He looked down and realized he was completely naked. He was lying on his back on a metal table that was tilted at a 45 degree angle off the floor. His legs and arms were tied down by metal cuffs, and both were spread wide.
Taylor looked around. He saw a number of Aura's followers, armed with concussion pistols. He also saw Sophie Astor, with her hands held behind her back.
Taylor blinked again, and Aisha realized he was aware.
"I'm sorry to have done that to you. But it was a mild drug, necessary for the operation."
Taylor looked down in panic. He was relieved to find himself intact.
Aisha laughed. "No, Captain, we wanted you wide awake for the procedure."
"No," said Taylor.
"Yes," said Aisha. "We are well aware of who you are, Michael Tiberius Taylor of the United Survey Service. Your history of debasing and using women is long and unparalleled. We know how you pretended to be a God on some virgin planet where you abused hundreds of women. It is time you paid the price for your crimes."
"And I get to watch," said Sophie. "How thoughtful of you."
"As a woman and a fellow Survey Service officer, you will be the perfect witness to your Captain's punishment," said Aisha.
"I'm glad you think so," said Sophie. "You know, I have to say that I was amazed to discover this hidden laboratory under your church. When I found the entrance behind the desk in the high priestesses office, I was surprised to see it led down here."
Why was Sophie talking in such a narrative form? Taylor wondered. And then he remembered. The transmitter.
But... even if they were monitoring it up on the Relentless, it would take them time to form a landing party and come down in a shuttle. Time they didn't have.
"Let us begin," said Aisha. She picked up a glowing rod.
"Wait!" said Sophie.
"Why?" said Aisha.
"If you are going to punish him for a crime, shouldn't he be made to confess his crimes before receiving his sentence?" Sophie asked.
Aisha narrowed her eyes. "Captain Taylor will never confess his crimes."
Sophie gave Taylor a hard look.
"Yes! I will! I mean, yes, I will," said Taylor.
Aisha looked very skeptical. "All right, Captain. Let us hear you confess your crimes."
And so, for the next few minutes, Taylor dredged up his memory for every woman he had ever had sex with. But there were so many, and he knew he had forgotten a lot of the names. He recalled the easiest to remember names first.
"-Of course there was Cherry, Cherry Oteri. I violated her body in a forest. She was willing, but only because I purposefully dunked her body in cold water and the only warmth that was available was between my legs." He looked around. The women looked horrified and pleased. Good. He kept going. "Then there was Sarah Blade, actually Lieutenant Commander Sarah Blade, actually former Lieutenant Commander Sarah Blade" (he tried to drag it out as long as he could), "my instructor at the Academy. I seduced her, slept with her, and blackmailed her so she would give me higher grades."
"Exploiter!" Megan Manowar cried, pointing a bony finger at him. No, at his organ!
"Yes, I was terrible," Taylor admitted. "Then there was Missy Burns of the USS Charleston. I had sex with her and treated her poorly. After having sex, I dragged her body all over the floor of the ship like a dust rag, and threw slices of turkey in her face."
The women gasped.
"Let's see... there was Ankara, a Ramadhan woman of color. I humiliated her, forcing her to beg for sex, and then I took her roughly. She cried out in the taking."
"Animal!" a woman cried, pointing a bony finger at him.
Taylor continued. "Let's see... I also had sex with my former first officer, Jennifer Hale. She had turned into a squid, kind of, but I still had sex with her."
The women looked confused. Maybe that wasn't the best example. "And she was a married woman, and I still had sex with her!" That was almost true.
The women gasped in anger. Now that was more like it.
Taylor rattled off more names, but he could see that each new name impressed or horrified the women a little less than the ones before it. Finally, even Aisha had had enough and she said, "I think that is a sufficient confession, Captain Taylor-"
"Wait!' said Taylor emphatically. "There is more!" He looked around, his mind racing. "Sophie! Sophie Astor! I have taken Sophie Astor sexually!"
"That one?" said Megan Manowar doubtfully. "The one who never smiles?"
"Yes, many times!" said Taylor. "And do you know why Sophie never smiles?" He saw he had all their attention. Good. "Because I only take her in the ass."
The women gasped, completely horrified.
"We have heard enough!" Aisha cried, raising the glowing rod in a gloved hand.
"No, wait, I haven't told you about my yeomen-"
Taylor's voice was cut off as the rod touched the shaft of his penis. Suddenly, his penis went completely numb.
Taylor cried out.
"Calm yourself, Captain," said Aisha, putting down the glowing rod. "That was only the anesthetic." She picked up a laser cutter. "This is what you have to really fear." She activated it, and a tiny red beam lanced out of it.
"No!" Taylor cried, and he tried to free himself, but he was securely strapped to the table. Sophie broke free of the woman holding her arms, but she was immediately tackled by two more women, and pinned to the ground.
Taylor made eye contact with Sophie as the procedure began. She saw the tremendous fear in his eye, and at the same time he saw the tremendous pain and fright in hers....
"Now try not to move, Captain," said Aisha, slowly lowering her hand with the laser cutter. "You'll find this is over quite easily if you don't resist...."
Suddenly there was the sound of weapons fire. Specifically, compression pistols, a lot of them. The women screamed and turned about, but by the time they figured out what had happened, most of them had been stunned. Aisha, who had turned around with the laser cutter in hand, was shot, and the still active laser cutter dropped from her hand, landing on the slanted table in the gap just below Taylor's penis.
Ensign Miles Redding, leading a team of Survey Service Marines, entered the room, and raced to remove Taylor's bindings.
"I'm sorry we were delayed, sir. We had trouble finding the church at night. We had to stop for directions," said Miles.
"Miles?" said Taylor disbelievingly. "What are you doing here?"
"I put Ensign Redding in charge of a backup squad," said Sophie, who was now standing up again. "You said you wanted to give him some command experience. I figured it might be time to give him some of the less horizontal kind." She came over and deactivated the laser cutter, which was still just below his groin. "If you were only a little more well endowed, things might have turned out much worse, sir," she said, with a blank face.
Taylor got up. Someone gave him a shirt which he wrapped around his waist. He walked over to the control panel. "I take it this is it?"
Sophie nodded. "One homemade earthquake generator."
"Good," Taylor nodded. "Andrea will be pleased." He turned to Sophie. "It was a good idea to have that backup squad."
"Thank you, sir. I feel as if I've saved a national treasure," said Sophie. "All the women of the galaxy can once again breathe easy, and resume patiently waiting in line for their turn to come."
Taylor tried to restrain a smile. "By all means. And by the way, Sophie, feel free to join that long line yourself. I'll move you to the head of the line, in recognition of your service today. And the next time we make love, I'll even use the more traditional entrance."
Ensign Redding looked confused as he watched Sophie abruptly wheel away from everyone and then made hushed, gasping sounds, which some people might confuse with laughter.
"Sophie has a sense of humor?" Redding whispered to one of the marines.
The next day, Commander Andrea Farber of the United Survey Service was in the underground control room, inspecting the equipment. "Amazing," she breathed, running her hands across the console. "To think that technophobes could build such a technologically advanced device."
"They were hypocrites in any number of ways," said Taylor. They had discovered the obvious, that the room had been shielded from sensors by a thick lead-lined ceiling.
Andrea nodded. She looked up at him. "Mike... I don't know how to thank you. First you saved my life, and now my career. If it weren't for you, the entire project would have been cancelled. My career would be over. Now there's a real chance I could make Captain... like you."
"You will make Captain, Andrea," said Taylor. "I'm sure of it."
There was something in the way he said that, the rugged masculine certainty in his voice, which excited her. She spread her hands helplessly. "Mike... is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?"
Taylor paused for a long moment.
"Fuck her, Mike! It's now or never!" said Lust.
"No, it wouldn't be proper, she's still an engaged woman!" said Restraint.
Taylor stared into her green eyes, trying to screan her true intent.
"Dinner," he said finally. "Dinner would be nice. On the Relentless."
"Dinner... on the Relentless," said Andrea, bowing her head slightly in an uncertain way. She turned it into a nod, and bit her lip. "Dinner it is."
At 1800 hours a shuttle from the Scunathorpe arrived in the landing bay of the Command Cruiser Relentless. Commander Andrea Farber emerged, dressed in casual Survey Service day clothes. Captain Michael Taylor was there, flanked by his first officer, Sophie Astor. Andrea saw Taylor whisper something in Sophie's ear as she approached.
"Michael," she said warmly. And then, "Commander."
Taylor smiled back at her. Sophie nodded.
"Will Commander Astor be joining us for dinner?" Andrea asked, casually. A little too casually.
Taylor looked startled. "No. Commander Astor has... other duties to attend to."
"Much more important duties to attend to," said Sophie, with a blank expression.
Andrea nodded. Taylor extended an arm, and she took it, and walked happily out of the landing bay, arm in arm.
Sophie went to Andrea's shuttle and entered it. The shuttle pilot looked up at her. "You can return to the Scunathorpe," said Sophie. "Your Captain will have no further need of you this evening."
When Andrea entered Taylor's cabin, she saw a lavishly prepared meal for two on his little dinette table. She ignored it completely and flew into his arms and kissed him hard.
"Take me, Michael," she commanded. "Take me now."
Twenty minutes later, Michael Taylor found himself having vaginal sex with Survey Service Commander Andrea Farber.
It was exciting on any number of levels.
Having sex with a fellow officer, a senior officer, was exciting in and of itself. Having sex with a woman who herself was in command of others was exciting. Andrea was important. She was powerful. She commanded a Survey Service frigate, which was capable of traveling vast distances, exploring the stars, and blowing up enemy ships. And this powerful, brave woman had submitted her body to Michael Taylor.
It was also exciting because they had waited so long. So long in terms of years: Michael had been truthful when he said he had nursed a crush on her since his academy days. And so long in terms of days: Taylor had been on Sheppard's Planet for nearly two weeks, and the sexual tension between the two of them had only grown more intense with each passing day.
And lastly, it was exciting because Andrea was so incredibly sexy. She no longer had the body of an 18 year old, but her body was still stunning nonetheless. Even though her breasts sagged a bit, they were still round and juicy and topped with bright red areolas and thick hard nipples. The hair between her legs was more brown than red but it was a thick crop of hair, as thick as the hair on her head, and surprisingly curly. And Andrea's gorgeous slender face, high cheekbones, and sparkling green eyes excited Taylor to no end, especially when she smiled at him, which she did often, over the course of the night. The combination of it all: her beautiful face and gleaming eyes, her heavy, sloping breasts with their large, red areolas, and her thick rich triangle of pubic hair made him realize that yes, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever known. His penis quivered with anticipation and need, and he knew he needed to be in her, right at that very moment.
Taylor raised himself up and aimed himself carefully. Andrea gasped as she got her first good look at the big, long thing which would soon be totally inside her. Mike saw her expression of anticipation and fear and he winked at her. Then, inch by inch, he slowly entered her. Andrea groaned as he entered her fully. When she looked down again, his penis had totally disappeared. Mike's brown pubic hair was pressed against her reddish brown triangle. It was as if they shared a deep, hidden, intimate connection. At that moment she felt closer to him than anything.
Taylor started to move in and out of her, slowly, at first, so she could see exactly what he was doing. Andrea felt it, of course, and it felt wonderful, but somehow, it added to the physical sensation when she could see the massive rod, coursing in and out, in and out of her. She felt proud of herself for taking it all in.
Taylor loved it too. He relished the warmth and wetness of her slick vagina, rubbing deliciously against the head of his penis, exciting it and sending electric tremors all up and down the shaft. As he worked himself into her, he pressed down against her, and felt the amazing warmth and juicy thickness of her dual mounds pressed against his chest, and then Andrea, overcome with sheer lust, grinded her plush, red lips against him as he took her relentlessly.
For Andrea, feeling Mike's thick rod inside of her, stretching her, thrusting deep inside of her while simultaneously rubbing against the edge of her clit, it was a dream come true. She felt like she was being taken by the manliest of men, as she felt his muscular, hairy chest rub against her breasts, as she saw his oh so masculine, confident face kiss her again and again, taking what he wanted, and giving what she needed, as he filled the part of her that so desperately needed him inside of her. As Mike moved in and out of her strongly, confidently, Andrea gasped as the sexiest man in the galaxy used her body for his own sexual pleasure.
But then came another kind of intimacy. As Taylor made love to her, Andrea whispered, "You are such a great lover!"
Taylor grinned. "You are too!"
"We should have done this sooner!" Andrea said, her face full of need.
"It was not Tisson Crae," said Taylor, plunging in and out of her with his hard rod.
"It was not time," said Taylor, still working himself vigorously in and out of her. "You needed to realize that you wanted it first. You, for yourself. Not as an offering to me."
And as Andrea saw the reflection of herself in his eyes she knew it was true. She loved Herman and planned to get married to him. She still did. But being with Mike like this... it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that she couldn't pass up. She had to act on it, but Mike was right... it was better being taken by him after she first convinced herself that she really wanted it. If he had taken her the last time she had offered herself up to him, she would have cried all the way through it and wouldn't have enjoyed it half as much.
"You were right," She whispered lovingly.
"I screaned it," said Taylor, grinning. "And now I am kockking it."
"What?" said Andrea, startled.
Taylor shook his head, but continued pounding her. He remembered Lieutenant Commander Sarah Blade's Number One Rule for having good sex: to tell your partner anything and everything that would excite her, whether it was true or not.
"Every time I was fucking Cherry, I dreamed it was you," he said, in a very low voice, as he pounded into her.
"Really, Mike?" said Andrea.
Taylor gave a curt nod. "She was my first. But I had hoped you would be my first. The first to have me."
"Oh Mike!" she cried, wrapping her arms around his back.
Taylor felt himself getting closer to his peak, and from his years of experience, he saw that Andrea was getting there as well. But for her first orgasm he wanted her to get there going at five times the speed of light, orgasmically speaking, not coasting along on Ion Drive. And he thought he knew just how to do it.
"I'm going to fill you with my seed," Taylor said, in a low voice. "I'm going to fill you with my cum, and put a baby in you."
"No, Mike, you can't. I'm Protected," said Andrea, her eyelashes fluttering.
Taylor shook his head. "Aliens... from the future who gave me my screaning ability. They also did something... something else to my body. My sperm is super energized now. It can get past any chemical barrier. I'm going to put a baby into you."
"No, Mike!" Andrea cried. "What about Herman?"
"You can tell him that the baby is his," Taylor grinned.
"No, Mike, please, no!" Andrea cried. But while her mouth said no, everything else about Andrea said yes. She gripped his back all the tighter; she wrapped her legs around his waist; her entire body tensed up; her nipples got painfully erect; and she started panting rapidly. The very thought that was terrifying her to her very core was simultaneously bringing her to a mind-shattering orgasm.
"Oh... oh... OOOOHHHHH!" Andrea cried out, screaming at the ceiling. She shuddered, and felt the most powerful wave of her life coursing through her body. It started in her vagina, and just radiated out to her legs, her body, her arms, and her head. Her head jerked back as if she was in an air car collision. For a moment, she almost blacked out.
The sight of Andrea achieving this tremendous orgasm had a cascading effect on Taylor. He climaxed as well, tensing his buttocks as he proudly filled her with his seed. Pump, pump, pump pump pump.
Afterwards, they lay together, tenderly touching each other.
"That was nice," said Andrea, in a softer, more gentle voice than Taylor had ever heard her use before. "The best I ever had."
Taylor smiled at her. He didn't tell her that it was the best he ever had, and somehow, that made it all the more appealing to Andrea, to know that she was with such a sexually experienced man who was not so easily swayed.
She looked at him with tender eyes as she played with his hair gently. "Mike... I have to know... is there really a chance I will get pregnant?"
Taylor grinned, and shook his head.
"Then why...."
"You said it yourself," he said. "The best you've ever had."
Her eyes widened. "You scoundrel!" She hit him playfully on the arm. He pinned her arm. She smacked him lightly with her other hand. He pinned down her other hand. Then he was on top of her, still pinning her down, kissing her. And then he was hard again, and before long he was inside her, again and again.
They made love two more times that night before falling asleep, in each other's arms. Before they did, Andrea whispered, "I will remember this forever and ever."
"So will I," said Mike.
And that was all that needed to be said.
"So it all worked out," said Taylor's Lust. He was lying in a virtual bed with Andrea's Lust. Both looked very sated.
"Yesssss... it all worked out," Andrea's Lust smiled.
"I'm glad," said Taylor's Lust. "Listen, I was asked to pass along a question, courtesy of Taylor's curiosity. Would you mind?"
"Not at all," said Andrea's Lust, in a dreamy voice. "Aaaaask awaaaaay." Her arms floated above her head and she laughed.
Taylor fondled a virtual titty. "Good." He outlined his question. As he did, Andrea's Lust started to look more and more annoyed.
When he was done, Andrea's Lust said, "Let me make sure I understand your question. You want to know if during the survival course, fifteen years ago, I got captured by the Blue Army, and if I did, whether they brainwashed me into being an obedient sex slave, and if they did, whether I eagerly had sex with a large bearded man on a table right in front of Cherry Oteri. Is that the essence of your question?"
"Ah... yes."
"Good, I just wanted to be sure I had the fact pattern right," said Andrea's Lust, in a tight voice.