Chapter 21
[Note: This Science Fiction story is an intense character study with occasional sex scenes.]
Taylor was in his quarters when the holocall came in.
"Cherry!" he said.
He had lost touch with Cherry over the years, since she had gotten married to Bill, (whoever Bill was). He had logged into her World Government wedding registry and gifted the bride with some energy credits to offset harm done to the environment from the wedding, and that was last he heard from Cherry for some time.
But now her face, and only her face, was on his personal holoscreen.
"Mike, there you are!" said Cherry, and her smile still melted his heart. "I understand the Relentless is coming to Starbase Four."
"Yes, we'll be there in a few hours," said Taylor.
"I'm there too," said Cherry, with a sparkle in her eye.
"You are?" Taylor smiled. The Relentless was returning from a mission well done on Sheppard's Planet. Taylor had received a commendation for his work, and a little bird told him that Andrea would not be a Commander for much longer. And now, right after seeing Andrea, he was going to see Cherry! Tisson Crae indeed.
"Let's get together," said Taylor impulsively. It would be great to see Cherry again, after all these years. "How about tomorrow?"
Cherry shook her head. "By tomorrow I'll be gone."
"Gone?" said Taylor.
"On the Kady Rock," said Cherry.
"As Captain?" said Taylor.
"No. As a passenger," said Cherry. "It has to be tonight. You see, tonight is my last night in the Survey Service. Mike... this will probably be our last chance to see each other."
Taylor frowned, but nodded. "Of course, Cherry."
Taylor had screaned that something was wrong with Cherry, but his ability didn't prepare him for what he saw waiting for him in the Jupiter Lounge on Starbase Four that night.
He saw Cherry, giving him a worried smile... but then Taylor gazed downwards, and saw that attached to Cherry's head was... someone else's body.
The body of a pregnant woman. A very pregnant woman.
Taylor hugged her gingerly, trying to hide his emotions as he bit his lips.
"You looked surprised. I should have told you," said Cherry, as they sat down.
You should really have. Suddenly Taylor understood why her transmission had been tightly focused on her face.
"How, ah, long are you-"
"I just entered the fifth month," said Cherry. She smiled nervously. "It's strange for me too."
"You and, ah... Bill must be very happy," said Taylor.
"Bill?" Cherry's eyebrows went up. "Bill and I divorced after two years of marriage."
After only two years? Fuck! This was the man who came between him and Cherry! And Taylor didn't even know.
"My second husband, Olaf," Cherry smiled. "This will be our first."
"Congratulations," said Taylor. He didn't know what else to say. He felt numb.
"I'm mustering out of the service tomorrow," said Cherry. "Really, I should have left two weeks ago, but I've been lingering here, waiting for... you."
"Me?" said Taylor.
"It's been years since we've seen each other or even talked," said Cherry. "I'm about to spend the rest of my life as a civilian, Mike. When I heard the Relentless was coming back, I extended things so I could see you... one last time."
Taylor nodded. And so they talked. Olaf was a landscape painter who Cherry had met while on leave on Earth, during a vacation in Denmark. Cherry was going to live in Denmark with a landscape painter named Olaf on a small island off the coast of Denmark. No matter how many times he repeated it to himself, he still had trouble believing it.
As Taylor talked with Cherry over dinner, he found his feelings changing. At first he had been repulsed by the idea of seeing his former lover while she was carrying another man's child inside of her. But it was still Cherry. Her beautiful dark, half-Chinese eyes stared at him longingly. Her even darker, wavy, silky hair was cut a bit shorter nowadays, but somehow it made her look even more attractive. When he looked at her thin red lips, all he could think about was how he had once kissed them, over and over.
Gradually Taylor's repugnance changed into something else: attraction. Even the idea of making love to Cherry when she was so heavily pregnant turned him on. Her breasts were bigger than they had ever been. And her belly... suddenly the image of him making love to her filled his mind. The idea of him thrusting into her, while her belly rocked back and forth. The idea of taking the place of her husband, Olaf, whoever the fuck Olaf was, and making Cherry his, one last time, even while Olaf's prized baby gestated inside her belly.
The thought excited him badly. He found himself getting aroused just thinking about it. He decided he had to have her.
"No! This would be the worst thing we've ever done!" said Morality. "We've fucked married women. But we've never fucked a married woman who's heavily pregnant, one who was once our best friend!"
"I don't care," said Lust. "I have to have her."
"Think about what you're about to do!" Morality pleaded.
Taylor thought about what he was about to do. And then suddenly he screaned her, and realized that Cherry wanted it too. To his surprise, he screaned that she had had other men. A lot of men. A World Government Ambassador... to somewhere. A gunnery officer she met at a Starbase gathering. A physicist she met at a conference. Even one of the Captains she had served under. Taylor couldn't precisely screan when all these events had occurred, but he sensed that at least some of them had happened after she had gotten married to Olaf.
Cherry, the shy girl he had fell in love with at the Academy, had become a very sexually active woman. Taylor once again screaned her, this time more intensively. There it was again. She wanted him.
Cherry had had all kinds of men in her life, bureaucrats, businessmen, ambassadors, even other Survey Service officers. But she had never had sex with a living legend, and that is what Mike had become after they had left the Academy. That's why she had extended the date of her departure from the Survey Service, and that's why she was sitting in front of him right now.
But as he looked into her eyes he sensed the final piece of it. Cherry wanted him, but she also wanted him to do all the work. She wanted to be seduced by him. She wanted plausible deniability for her own conscience, so she could tell herself that the deed she was about to do was more at Taylor's urging than her own.
And so at that moment, Taylor nodded to himself and agreed to do very thing he repeatedly refuses to do with Andrea Farber just days earlier. There were only three women he ever loved in his life, or possibly four, depending on how they were counted. Jennifer Hale was a dead squid in the year 500,000,000; Pam refused to see or speak to him; the other Pam had gone back to the year 1,000,000,000, never to return... and then there was Cherry. This was to be his last chance to be with a woman he loved, and Taylor had no qualms about taking her.
"So Natasha turned out to be a Russian spy," said Cherry. "Whoever would have known?"
"I regret having to shoot her," said Taylor. "But it was her life, or Andrea's."
"Did you see a lot of Andrea on Sheppard's Planet, Mike?" Cherry asked, ever so casually.
"So this is it," said Taylor's Lust. "A few more minutes of dinner, and we'll never see each other again.
"I guess so," said Cherry's Lust.
"And then you will board the Kady Rock and go back to earth and spend the rest of your life with O-Laugh," said Taylor's Lust. He put his hands on Cherry's Lust's shoulders and started to rub them. "And for the rest of your life, you'll have sex with one man, and only one man, O-Laugh. Are you prepared for that, Cherry?"
Cherry's Lust closed her eyes as she felt Taylor's Lust rubbing her shoulders. "I'm a married woman."
"Married to whom? Let's tap into your memories and see what we can find," said Taylor's Lust.
"Andrea and I worked closely together," said Taylor.
"Very closely?" Cherry asked, with a smile.
Suddenly an image of Taylor appeared side by side with an image of Olaf. Both were topless. Olaf was three inches shorter than Taylor, had a flat chest, and thin arms and legs. Taylor, by contrast, had a big, thick hairy chest and strong bulging muscles in his arms and legs. And Olaf was balding in the front, while Taylor had a big thick full head of hair.
"So let me see if I can wrap my mind around this," said Taylor's Lust, continuing to rub her shoulders. "You are giving up this... for that?"
"I love him," said Cherry's Lust.
"At times Andrea and I worked closely, yes," said Taylor. "Jealous?" he grinned.
Cherry blushed.
"One penis," said Taylor's Lust. "For the rest of your life, you will only feel one penis inside of you, having sex only one way. You'll spend most of the next few years spent catering to the whims of an insanely screaming baby. You will never again feel the way you felt when you had sex with Mike. You will have the same, thin, balding man, over and over, for the rest of your life."
Cherry's Lust grimaced, even as Taylor's Lust kept rubbing her.
Taylor changed the subject. "Do you remember the survival course?"
"Do I!" said Cherry, her half Chinese eyes becoming round.
"Do you remember how we ran in the forest at night, to escape detection?" Taylor asked.
"Do you remember how you came out of the river, all nude and shivering?" Taylor's Lust asked. By now his hands had moved further down, wrapping around Cherry's waist from behind.
"Yes" said Cherry's Lust.
Taylor's Lust's probing fingers found her clitoris, and started to gently caress it.
"Do you remember how you seduced me? Do you remember how you rubbed your pubic hair over my thing, to make me hard?"
"Yes" said Cherry's Lust, her eyes closed as she reveled in the sensation.
"Do you remember how you felt when you finally got me hard?"
"Glorious," Cherry's Lust, as Taylor's Lust stimulated her clit. "It was glorious."
"It was wonderful, being in the outdoors, just the two of us, wasn't it?" Taylor said, with a calm smile.
"It was, Mike," said Cherry. His smile seemed to burn into her. It was so intensely erotic. She felt her clitoris getting stimulated, even though no one was touching it.
"And do you remember when we were fucking, in the bushes, and those soldiers came by?" Taylor's Lust asked. "You told Taylor not to stop. Don't stop! You whispered. Remember the thrill of it? The fear of being discovered while we were making love?" His fingers were working tight concentric circles around her clit now.
"Oh... it felt so explosive.... So exciting... so thrilling... so woooonderfullll...." said Cherry's Lust who by now was totally engulfed by the memory.
"Even though the survival course was a stressful time, I really enjoyed being there, with you. It's one of the best times I ever had," said Taylor, still smiling at her.
Cherry shivered, as his smile continued to stimulate her. "Me too, Mike." Why was she feeling so sexually excited? It must be his smile. Mike's smile was driving her to madness, making her nipples hard and her clitoris tingle.
Cherry's Lust was on the ground now, her legs spread, her knees lifted, while Taylor's Lust plunged inside of her.
"Oh, Mike... this feels so good," said Cherry's Lust.
"My latest posting was on the Judicator, Mike, your old ship," said Cherry. She felt her heart pounding and didn't know why. "I was first officer to Captain Starnes. Sometimes I would walk around the bridge, or the Captain's Command Office, and imagine you sitting in one of the chairs. It made me think about regrets."
"Regrets?" Taylor smiled at her, and she shuddered with pleasure.
Taylor's Lust's large, thick organ moved in and out from between Cherry's Lust's nether lips. Cherry's Lust groaned with pleasure.
"I... I was always a first officer, or second officer, on a larger ship. I never got to command, like you did," said Cherry. There was something about Taylor's gaze; the way he looked at her. She was becoming so sexually aroused! How was he doing this to her?
His penis thrusting in and out, in and out. The feeling of being filled. The feeling of being rubbed, on the inside.
Taylor looked at her with large eyes. "So you have regrets? You wish you could go back and do things differently?"
"Don't... don't we all, Mike?" She stammered. She looked so helpless, so needy for what she wanted. But at the same time she couldn't ask for it. She was like an animal stuck with its leg in a trap, desperately needing assistance to get out, but too proud to ask for it.
"Well, I can't make you a Captain, Cherry," said Taylor. "But how would you like to at least see a Command Cruiser? I'll bet you've never been aboard one," said Taylor. His face was blank, his voice perfectly calm, like a Survey Service Captain in complete control of the situation.
"Now or never," said Taylor, raising an eyebrow with just the slightest hint of flirtation. "Are you really going to give up your only chance to see a Survey Service command cruiser?"
They both knew exactly what the other was saying. There was no longer any pretense of a pretense. Cherry felt tremendously aroused. She had to get release. Something about Taylor's face, his eyes, his smile, had done this to her. He had acquired some kind of invisible power over women. She had no choice. She nodded. "Yes, Mike, I'd like that very much," she heard herself say.
When the shuttle landed on the Relentless, and Taylor gave her a hand down the steps of the shuttle, they were both startled to find the Sophie Astor standing there, apparently waiting for them.
"S-Sophie!" said Cherry, feeling extremely embarrassed. She tried to cover up her embarrassment by gently embracing Sophie. Sophie tolerated the gesture, but didn't reciprocate.
When Cherry pulled back, she stammered, "That's right, you're Mike's first officer, aren't you?"
"I'm surprised he mentioned it," said Sophie. "Usually after Yeomen King and Queen the Captain's knowledge of the crew roster becomes quite hazy."
Cherry looked at her oddly. "Sophie, have you gotten a sense of humor?" And then she looked again at her. "Sophie, has something else changed about you?"
"Nuclear breast implants," said Sophie. "While I see you decided to go bigger down there, I decided to go bigger up here," she said, indicating her breasts. "I find it a lot lower maintenance than being pregnant, and it has the advantage of allowing me to always be the first one to be called on during all-staff meetings." Sophie paused, as she enjoyed Cherry's shocked expression. "So, Cherry, I see you are pregnant. Congratulations. I presume this is not the Captain's work. He was only gone a few hours."
Taylor, grinning, shook his head.
"I'm married, Sophie. I'm leaving the Service tomorrow, and going back to Earth," said Cherry, feeling like a total idiot.
"Then I am... very happy for you," said Sophie, practically groaning as she said the trite line which was expected of her. "But tell me, how are you finding your pregnancy? How would you rate it on a one to ten scale of satisfaction, aesthetics, and mobility?"
Before Cherry could open her mouth to answer, Taylor said, "Sorry, Sophie we don't have time for this. I promised Cherry a tour of the ship."
"Ah, yes, a tour," said Sophie. "Ah, Captain, I have those overhaul projections you requested. Shall I drop by your quarters to discuss them after you are done with your... tour?"
Taylor shook his head. "We'll do it tomorrow."
"Yeomen King and Queen also wished to discuss the new menu rotations. Shall I send them to your quarters now?"
"No, Sophie, tomorrow-"
"Ensign Redding has also requested-"
"Sophie... tomorrow," said Taylor.
Sophie raised an eyebrow. "Tomorrow it is, then." She turned to Cherry. "I hope you enjoy your tour." She turned and left.
Cherry turned to Taylor. "Mike... I almost don't recognize her... when did Sophie develop a sense of humor?"
Of course, there was no tour. Taylor took her straight to his quarters. Once the door slid shut behind them, they were in each other's arms, kissing passionately.
But Cherry was crying even as they began. "Mike... I'm not sure I can do this," she whispered, as Taylor opened her shirt. He saw the large roundness of her belly. He gently palmed it, and felt it quivering with life.
Cherry looked at him with shock and surprise as he caressed her belly. "It's my baby, Mike. Mine and Olaf's."
"I know," said Taylor, and he reached up and gave her another strong kiss. As he did, Cherry felt his hands on her back, removing the magnetic clasp of her Survey Service bra. As the bra fell off, she protectively put her hands over her breasts. "They're ugly," she whispered.
Taylor shook his head and took her hands away. Her breasts had certainly changed. The old Cherry from years ago had small, pointed breasts that stood straight out. This Cherry had big, round, sagging breasts. He gently squeezed one of them. It felt caked with milk. Milk for another man's baby. The thought excited him and made him hard. He leaned down and put his lips on one of her teats. He sucked her gently, methodically.
Cherry groaned and threw her head back and closed her eyes as she wrapped her hands tightly around Taylor's back. When Taylor pulled out, with a popping sound, they both looked down and saw that her teat was tremendously elongated, like a giant red cow's udder. They looked each other in the eyes and clearly saw lust in their partner.
Taylor proceeded to take off Cherry's pants. "No, no, we shouldn't," Cherry babbled as she lifted a leg to help him get one pants leg off, and then lifted the other off so he could do the same. And then he removed her panties, but her belly was so large, that he still couldn't see what she had down there.
And then Taylor removed his own clothes, one step at a time. Cherry looked at him helplessly as he took off his shirt, revealing his hairy chest and broad shoulders. She watched as he removed his shoes, and his pants, and finally his underwear. She gasped as she saw his organ, which was already hard.
And then he hugged her, totally naked, and they both groaned.
"I can't do this, Mike, really I can't," Cherry insisted, as she let him lay her down on her back on his bed. Taylor simply nodded, and gently got on top of her, being careful not to put too much pressure on her belly.
Cherry felt his body against her and it felt glorious. She felt his hard thing pressing against his belly. He kissed and hugged her for a while, and then moved his hand down and grabbed his thing, probing with it, and aiming.
"Mike, I really shouldn't do this!" Cherry whispered, as she lifted her knees and spread her legs wide. Taylor nodded, and continued to kiss her. With Cherry's help he found the entrance he was looking for, and when Cherry felt the entrance of his head to her nether lips, she grabbed him tightly around the neck and kissed him furiously.
"Please, Mike. No. Don't do this, please don't!" she cried one last time, kissing him with abandon.
Taylor nodded again, and slowly but surely, he dipped his rod into her cove. Cherry cried out with pleasure and joy as her first lover finally entered her at last.
Taylor started to pump her slowly, as Cherry made tiny "ah... ah... ah..." sounds, with each thrust.
"Would you like me to stop, Cherry? Tell me you want me to stop, and I will," said Taylor. He was getting revenge on her now, revenge for her playacting which made him appear to be the aggressor in their jointly committed act of love and immorality.
Cherry shook her head. She didn't have the willpower to answer him verbally.
Taylor smiled victorious as he slid in and out of her. It felt so good. He never thought he would ever have this chance again, and now here he was, having intercourse with the first woman he had ever loved.
And then Taylor once again remembered the most important lesson of Lieutenant Commander Sarah Blade. That the sexiest part of a man's body during sex was his mouth, if he knew the right things to say.
"It feels so good making love to you, Cherry," Taylor murmured. "The feeling of pounding into you, watching your belly bounce back and forth with another man's baby... it's incredible. I never imagined I would have such an experience in my entire life."
She just stared at him, with those dark half-Chinese eyes, as he worked on her. In her.
Taylor, staring at her with hard eyes, continued, speaking in a low voice. "As I give you the fucking of your life, I can't help but think of Olaf. Some poor guy named Olaf who doesn't even know that he's been cuckolded. While his wife his carrying his baby, another man, a real man, is giving her the fucking of her life."
Cherry groaned as she felt a wonderful tingling in her breasts, and her nipples, and her vagina and her clitoris, extending down to her legs.
"You've betrayed him, totally betrayed him Cherry," said Taylor. His eyes were hard, now, as hard as the head of his penis rubbing relentlessly deep inside of her, scraping almost painfully against her inner walls. "Even while you're carrying another man's baby inside of you, you're betraying him! Say it, Cherry, say it!"
"I... I'm betraying him," said Cherry, her eyes tearing up.
"I'm betraying him. Betraying Olaf," said Cherry, crying openly now. She felt an extremely painful and pleasant tightening in her vagina, and her clitoris and nipples. She felt a huge orgasmic tidal wave approaching, one that threatened to engulf her totally.
"You slut! You fucking treacherous slut!" Taylor growled, as he poled into her as hard and as fast as he could. "You're nothing but a whore, a no-good fucking whore-"
Cherry's body stiffened, and she cried out as she felt an orgasmic shockwave; it started in her vagina, and radiated out through her entire body, her breasts, her nipples, her arms, her legs, her head, even her eyes. She felt the painful/pleasant release, deep in her cunt, and worked herself against Taylor's raging hardon to milk it for all it was worth. As she did so, she heard Taylor give a mighty roar, and felt the first of several telltale vibrations in her vagina.
Taylor had such a tremendous look of pleasure on his face as he emptied the contents of his balls deep within her. As his thrusts slowed, he stared at her enormous belly, and imagined his thick ropes of sperm swirling around with her baby inside Cherry's crowded womb as he deposited pulse after pulse of his issue deep inside of her.
They lay together, enjoying the aftermath. The realization of what they had done together.
"I... I never knew it could be like that," Cherry whispered. "You've changed, Mike."
"For the better?" said Taylor.
Cherry gasped, trying to find the words. She failed. Finally, she just turned and kissed him. That kiss turned into another kiss which turned into yet another kiss, and soon Taylor was on top of her, and mounting her for another ride.
As he pounded into her a second time Taylor tried to burn into his memory the view of Cherry's belly, wildly bouncing back and forth as he thrust deep into her vaginal canal, jolting her body back and forth. The harder he thrusted, the wilder her belly moved, and the harder he got. Her breasts also banged back and forth, lying there so heavy, so caked with milk, so squeezable, so suckable. Taylor indulged himself with each and both of them as he continued to bang her nonstop.
This time as they got closer to their respective climaxes, Taylor said something different to her. "Who is sexier, me or Olaf?"
Cherry, her eyes pained, didn't answer.
"Tell me or I'm stopping right now!" he roared.
"You," said Cherry, in a small voice. "You're the sexier one." She bit her lip. "Your body... your chest... your face... your mannerisms... you're a real man, Mike. The most masculine man I've ever been with."
Taylor roared with pleasure and started to pump her even more aggressively. "When you're fucking him after this you'll think of me, won't you?"
"Yes," Cherry whispered.
"You won't be able to come again with him, unless you're thinking of me. Isn't that right, Cherry? Isn't it? He roared, as he shafted her vigorously.
Taylor was so manly, so dominant, so aggressive. She could deny him nothing, not even the truth. "Yes," She breathed. "I'll have to think of you, every time I come."
Taylor smiled broadly and growled again, a deep sound in his throat that excited Cherry's ardor. He felt himself getting close to coming, and screaned that Cherry was the same. He just needed one more thing to push him over the edge, to push them both over the edge.
And then Taylor looked into her eyes, and even as his manly tool thrust into her womanly hole, he said, "I love you, Cherry."
Cherry gasped, in shocked.
"I love you so much," Taylor whispered again.
It was like a bolt of lightning had struck Cherry in the brain. She felt flooded with a tidal wave of emotion. She found herself saying, "I love you too, Mike."
And then the two lovers stared each other straight in the eye.
"I love you, Cherry."
"I love you, Mike."
"I love you!
"I love you!"
"Oh... oh..."
"Aaaaaah... Aaaaah....."
"Ooohh..... Mike!"
And as they both cried out, they both experienced their second tremendous orgasm of the evening.
As they lay together side by side, Cherry whispered. "Twice. That was incredible, Mike."
"You were incredible," said Taylor, kissing her gently. He noticed she was crying. "What's wrong?"
"It's just... it was so beautiful." She touched him tenderly. "To think... I will never have you again like that... or in any way...."
Taylor hugged her and kissed her. Before long his tender kisses were becoming fervent ones, and his hands were rubbing all over her body, and her hands all over his.
And then he was mounting her again, and Cherry gasped as she felt him enter her. "A third time, Mike?"
"We're the Survey Service," said Taylor, as he pumped in and out of her. "We get the job done."
The third time was different from the second, just as the second was different from the first. They were both used to each other now, having done it twice repeatedly over the past two hours. Taylor loved the slickness of her insides, but he was used to it; he was attracted to Cherry, but the sheer novelty of it, which had given birth to his original burst of sexual ardor, had diminished. Cherry, although she was still intensely attracted to him, also felt the same way, he screaned.
So he needed something else to reignite her passions.
As Taylor moved in and out of her, he propped himself up on his elbows and looked her in the eye.
"What happens when your husband finds out?"
"What?" said Cherry, her body suddenly jerking.
"What happens when Olaf finds out about us?" Taylor asked, thrusting into her emphatically with the word 'us'. He smiled as her belly and sweaty titties jolted with every thrust.
Cherry looked at him in horror. "Mike... you would never tell him, would you?"
"No," said Taylor, gritting his teeth as he worked himself harder inside of her. Cherry's inner walls scraped the head of his organ in such a delicious way that made his shaft and balls tighten and tingle all over. "But you will."
"I will?"
"In your eyes. In your smile. He'll know."
Cherry cried out.
"He'll know when you make love to him. He'll know that you've made love to another man. That you love another man more than him," said Taylor. He remembered having sex with Cherry in the forest. He remembered the thrill of having sex while members of the Blue Army were walking around them. The fear of being discovered added tremendous spice to their loving encounter. It made their orgasms all the more vital. Taylor remembered Cherry grabbing his arms and whispering "Don't stop." He remembered pumping into her, even as a solider walked within feet of their hiding position. The fear of being caught had made their lovemaking something really special.
And now the same fear of discovery was having the identical effect on Cherry. Taylor heard her groan at the thought of their illicit lovemaking being discovered. She was getting close to coming. So was he. But he screaned that Cherry needed something else to bring her over the edge. Something over the top. As Taylor pounded into her and saw her glorious belly full of Olaf's baby swishing back and forth, he got an idea. Something his father had told him, many years ago when he was a child.
"I'm going to leave you with a little gift, Cherry," Taylor hissed, his face a mask of concentration and fury as he worked himself fully in and out of her.
"What?" said Cherry, a little fearfully.
Good. "A gift for your baby," said Taylor. "Do you know what causes moles, Cherry?"
Cherry shook her head.
Even better.
"Moles are caused by sperm, Cherry. A baby's skin is sensitive, very sensitive. When sperm hits it, and dries up, it can leave a permanent mark on your baby's skin. That's where moles come from."
"No," said Cherry, shaking her head. "That's not possible!"
"Yes," said Taylor. "I'm about to squirt a big one on your baby's cheek, Cherry. When your baby is born, you'll see a giant mole on his face. You'll see the giant mole, which will forever mark your baby as mine."
"No!" Cherry cried, even as her nipples and vagina tightened up, painfully so. "Mike, don't do it!"
"I am going to do it," said Taylor, loving the feeling of his organ pulling all the way out of her before plunging inside of her rapidly tightening canal. He felt his climax was imminent. "I'm going to fill you with my cum... all over your baby's face!"
"No!" Cherry cried out. Her body instantly grew rigid, her eyes grew intensely wide, and she felt an explosion in her vagina, an immense cacophony of overwhelming pressure and pleasure that burst out of her love hole and radiated throughout her entire body. She kissed Taylor as hard as she could, even as she felt him pulse inside of her, once, twice, and then thrice, which was quite the accomplishment, since this was his third time coming inside of her that very evening.
And then when it was done, Cherry fell into a stone cold sleep without even realizing it. They both did.
Cherry awoke, a few hours later. "Mike?" she said, in a small voice.
Mike was awake!
"That thing you said... about moles... was that really true?"
Taylor gave her a manly grin. "What do you think, Cherry?"
Her eyes narrowed. She pinched his arm. "How do you do it? How do you always know what to say to get a woman off? Mike... those were the best orgasms I had. The best I've ever had!"
"Mine too," said Taylor.
They lay together for a while longer. Then Taylor heard the sounds of crying. He looked over at Cherry. "Again?"
"I... I can't help it," said Cherry. "I... I love you, Mike."
"I love you too."
"I... I want to stay with you," said Cherry.
Oh oh.
"I want to stay with you," said Cherry, sniffling. "I'll... I will leave Olaf, and stay with you."
"And together, we'll raise Olaf's baby?" said Taylor.
"I... I'll get a HappyHappy," said Cherry.
"No, Cherry!"
"I'll get a HappyHappy!" said Cherry. "It's not really a baby, not until the moment it's born, right? It's just a bunch of tissue samples. That's what the World Government teaches us, isn't it? I'll get rid of this one and you can put another one inside of me."
"Cherry... no," said Taylor.
"Don't you love me?" She said, looking up into his eyes.
"Cherry, I do love you. This has been the most fantastic night of my entire life," said Taylor. "But... it could never work. Think about it. You're giving up the Survey Service, and I'm not. Would you be satisfied with a long distance relationship?"
"Cherry... we both know you wouldn't. Left to your own devices, you would start sleeping around, wouldn't you?"
"How do you know, Mike?"
"Say, it, Cherry!" Once again, his eyes were so demanding, so masculine, that she couldn't deny him the truth.
"I... I would probably sleep around," she said, her eyes drooping. "But... what if we both resigned our commissions?"
Taylor sighed. "Cherry, the Survey Service is my life. I don't know what I'd do without it."
"You could be with me," she said, squeezing his hand.
"Cherry being with you is like being with the meat of a juicy sandwich. But that's not enough, not for me. I need bread wrapped around me. The Survey Service is my bread, understand me? Otherwise I'm just a piece of meat lying around, with nowhere to go."
Cherry nodded slowly. She was still sniffling.
"Listen, you love Olaf, don't you?"
Cherry nodded.
"That's amazing. I'm so envious of you," said Taylor.
"You are?" she sniffled.
Taylor nodded. "I wish I had someone who was the love of my life, someone I could be with everyday while I'm doing my job. But I can't. That's not the life that... destiny... for want of a better word, has laid out for me." He turned to her. "But you can have that life, Cherry. You can have a husband who loves you, and raise a child and experience what it means to truly be married, to truly have a family. Don't throw that away, Cherry, don't throw away what so many people have always wanted, but could never have."
Cherry looked at him for a long moment, and then nodded slowly. "I will never forget you, Mike," she whispered.
"I don't think I could ever forget you, Cherry."
And they kissed, and hugged, and both moved on with their lives.
Six months later, after Cherry's baby was born, she sent Mike a holo of the baby's face. The holo was a blowup of the baby's right cheek. Right next to his ear was a brown mole. And above it was an arrow pointing down to it with the words MIKE scribbled in big letters.