Part 02

Masked Motherly Love – The Day After

A son discovers the masked woman he made love to the night before was in fact his own mother.

"I'll see you late afternoon," Tom said as he kissed me on the cheek.

He was already out of bed, showered, and leaving for the golf course. I heard the alarm go off I half hour earlier, but fell immediately asleep once again. His kiss on my cheek did wake me for the second time this morning.

"Bye Hun," I quietly uttered.

I heard him exit the room, and less than a minute later I heard the garage door close. I laid there with my eyes closed debating whether or not to sleep longer. My husband Tom and I had been up at least till 3 AM. We have not made love that many times or that enthusiastically since we were first married.

I tried to go back to sleep, but instead I kept thinking about last night. Many of my thoughts were of Tom and how happy I was that the night had rekindled our sexual desires. But I also was thinking about how exciting and wonderful it was to have sex with my son Brian.

As we have in the past, Tom and I went to one of our "swinger" parties. Since it was Halloween, we dressed in costume. I was in the full Catwoman costume and Tom went as Batman. Shortly after arriving, my son and his wife entered in Mortal Combat costumes including full masks. They did not recognize us; but we had seen their costumes earlier in the evening at home.

When they approached us I was about to inform them of our identity. And yet my husband Tom squeezed my hand tight and let the charade continue. Before I knew it we were in our hotel room with them. In no time, Tom was making love to our daughter-in-law Sherry while in the other bed my son was giving me multiple orgasms in the most amazing lovemaking session of my life.

As I lie in bed this morning I thought about it and I could feel the dampness in my pussy. I rolled over on my back and moved my hand down my belly. Within seconds my fingers were under the elastic of my panties and I started to rub my clit. I thought about Brian and how exciting it was as he totally explored my body. I imagined once again his cock entering my pussy as I slipped two fingers deep inside me. I could hear the increased moisture as my fingers started moving in and out.

Normally when I masturbate it can take 10-15 minutes for me to orgasm. I felt my first shiver already with this initial penetration. I started to move my fingers in and out several times slowly. As I did this, I used my other hand to raise my night gown completely up near my neck. I had no bra on, so I was easily able to use this left-hand to pinch my right nipple. It quickly intensified my sensation.

I thought about stopping completely. I thought about hesitating so that the feeling could last longer. But neither option seemed viable. Instead, I quickly removed my fingers and began to stroke my clit back and forth. I knew that within minutes I was going to come. I didn't care. In fact I was hoping it would be sooner.

My prediction was right. As I continued to twist my nipple I rapidly moved from side to side and felt the orgasm coming. Seconds later the unbelievable rush came through my body and I wished that I could grab hold of Brian like I did last night. His body felt so wonderful. His penis felt so wonderful inside of me. Last night there was some regret; but during this fantasy I had no hesitation. I openly and wantonly wanted my son once again.

The quivering decreased and my breathing returned to normal. I slowly let go of my nipples and reluctantly removed my fingers from between my legs. It was time to start my day officially; but what a great way to kick it off.

I sat up slowly and took another deep breath. I could see myself in the full-length mirror at the foot of the bed. My hair was a mess and my face was flushed. I wasn't wearing makeup and yet I still looked pretty good. I still wasn't finding much motivation for the day and thought maybe overall I would just take it easy. Tom was gone golfing all day and I didn't have much that really needed to be done around the house.

With that, I knew the Sunday paper was waiting. I had to make a quick stop into the bathroom. As I stood at the foot of the bed I was directly in front of the mirror, and I once again looked at myself. I definitely did not look as good as I did the night before in the Catwoman costume. Without the right bra, my 34 C breasts were now hanging a little lower than when I'm out in public. The costume itself gave me even more lift and showed off the cleavage that I have in most cases. My current nightgown was definitely low-cut and simply because of my breast size I still had quite a bit of cleavage.

Even without makeup I still consider myself pretty good-looking. Tom always confirmed that thought and at the many parties we have attended the men always seem to be more than willing to join us. My shoulder length auburn hair was definitely a mess this morning. I ran my fingers through it a couple times. At least it was presentable for my own sake. I really didn't care as I had no plans.

I headed to the master bath and stepped over our costumes from the night before. I thought about picking them up off the floor and properly hanging them in the closet. Now that I was standing up, my bladder didn't want to wait much longer. Several minutes later and I was relieved completely in so many ways and anxious for that 1st cup of coffee. I stepped over the costumes as I made my way to the kitchen for that first dose of caffeine.

I loved lazy Sunday mornings. Given the electronic age, I considered stopping the Sunday paper delivery. But there was something about the tradition. I was now at the kitchen table with the paper spread out all over. I already read the majority of sections and was now browsing through the ads. As I did so, I was sipping on my 2nd cup of coffee considering how late Tom and I kept fucking each other.

I heard a knock on the front door and then it opened. It startled me because it was only 10:00 AM and there's no way Tom would be back yet.

"It's me," I heard Brian yell from the other room.

A shiver went through my body and stopped right between my legs. At the same time a smile overtook my face and I actually started shaking from nervousness. I set the paper down and stood up right away. I looked at myself and realized what I was wearing.

"Damn!" I thought to myself. What else could I do but accept what I was wearing. Oh well, at least my tits looked good in this nightgown.

I went into the family room as he was coming across to greet me. His eyes confirmed the confidence I had about my tits. His eyes didn't leave my cleavage the entire time he walked across the room.

He had a long sleeve button shirt on, and tight casual jeans. The shirt was just tight enough to continue to show his muscles. He really did have a great body. I continued to feel the excitement between my legs and now was worried about how I looked.

"Dad around?" He asked as he approached me and kissed me on the cheek.

"He went golfing," I managed to sputter as his kiss sent chills down my spine.

"Crap. I was going to change the plugs on the Camry and I know he's done it before."

"I'm sorry, honey," I responded in a normal motherly tone. "Did he know you were coming?"

"No, and I can pretty much do it myself. I'll just grab his tools and maybe even just do it here."

"Okay, can I make you some breakfast before hand?" I asked hoping to spend more time with him.

"You don't need to go to any trouble," he tried to convince me.

"It's not any trouble at all. I was thinking about scrambling some eggs for myself so it's just a few more."

"Okay," he obliged, "but only if you are having some as well."

"I am," I reassured him as I motioned him towards the kitchen, "you want some coffee?"

"Definitely!" He told me with conviction.

"Oh yeah," I started with a grin," how was the party you two went to last night?"

"It was okay. We did meet a couple that we got along with. It was late before we knew it."

"You drink a lot?" I asked him even though I knew the answer.

"No, not really. Mainly I'm just tired because we were up so late. Not to mention Sherry and I stayed up late after we got home."

His admission about staying up late made me think that he and his wife Sherry had the same type of rekindled lovemaking session the Tom and I had last night. I also hoped that Brian spent some of the time fantasizing about me and my Catwoman costume. Particularly since he had no idea who she was other than some hot older woman in a mask.

"Nothing special for you guys last night?" He asked me for confirmation of my story last night.

"No, just TV. Quite a few trick-or-treaters early in the evening." It didn't take much to convince him that his mom and dad had a boring night.

I poured his coffee and handed it to him at the table. He already made himself comfortable and was reading the comics. I got out the glass bowl and after pulling out the carton I was cracking eggs in no time.

"How many eggs?" I asked after already cracking three.

"Scrambled?" He looked at me for confirmation, "three is fine," he answered after I nodded yes.

I began the ritual of scrambling six eggs. I thought about only five but realized I was rather hungry. As they started to solidify I turned to ask him what Sherry was doing today. He wasn't at the table. At first I wondered but then realized he probably was going to the bathroom.

As the eggs continued to cook, so did my thoughts. I wondered if there was ever a way that Brian and I could actually be lovers. Tom and I discussed it, and he was okay with the idea. It was so wonderful how open we were with each other. He admitted that part of the willingness was that it would give him the opportunity to continue to fuck Brian's wife Sherry. Yet Tom sleeping with his daughter-in law didn't quite live up to the same shocking concept as me fucking my own son.

What I didn't realize was how close it was to once again becoming a reality.

I swallowed another bite when I realized something was wrong. I looked at my plate and was halfway through. At the other side of the table was Brian's plate, and yet Brian had not yet returned.

I started to wonder if maybe they did drink a little too much and perhaps he was feeling sick. I set my fork down and decided I'd check really quick. As I exited the kitchen and looked down the hallway my job dropped. I started to shake. It suddenly dawned on me where Brian was.

As I looked down the hall, the bathroom door was open and the light was off. The problem was, the doorway right before that was open and the light was on. It was my master bedroom. I had turned the light off when I left this morning. I suddenly realized that Brian had to pass my room as he was walking to the restroom. Now I regretted not taking a few seconds to pick up our costumes off of my bedroom floor.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe for some reason he decided to use my master bath and didn't notice the costumes. Yet I knew better. I still was shaking. I began the long walk down the hallway. It was only five feet, yet one of the longest marches I've made in my life.

As I approached the doorway, Brian sat at the foot of my bed. On his lap was the Catwoman costume. He was staring at it, and actually caressing the material with his right hand. The mask itself was in his left hand. He saw me in the corner of his eye.

"I'm so sorry honey," I began my panicked explanation, "I don't know what came over me."

The silence was deafening. I wanted him to say something. I wish he would yell at me. He needed to say something, anything! Yet he was still just silent. I had to break the silence.

"I was about to tell you right as you approached us. On the other hand I was so flattered that you were interested. And when Tom," I hesitated for just a brief second and then continued, "your dad, squeezed my hand we decided to take it a little bit further."

I paused a beat, but not long. "Before I knew it, the excitement of it all took over and we were all in the room. I'm so, so..."

"It's okay," Brian interrupted me quietly and reassuringly.

He turned his head up from the costume on his lap and looked me in the eyes. As soon as I saw his look, all fear and uncomfortableness left my body. I could tell he was not upset. In fact, I almost instantly was back to being aroused.

"You're not upset?" I asked him quietly as I started to walk towards him.

He held his hand out as a motion for me to sit next to him at the foot of the bed.

"Not at all, Mom," confirming that I did not have to worry anymore. The fact that he actually called me "Mom" at this pivotal moment made me even more excited.

I sat next to him and his arm draped over my shoulder and pulled me close. I shifted my body a little bit so I could look him straight in the face.

"I would never do anything to hurt you or embarrass you honey," I emphasized.

"I know, Mom," he continued, "I can totally understand how the excitement took over."

"But it's not right, it's so wrong and I let the excitement take total control and never thought about the consequences. We can't..."

"Stop, Mom," he interrupted me and now grabbed my right hand with his left, "last night was amazing! It was so exciting and one of the greatest sexual experiences I've ever had. Now with this news it's even better."

The reality of his statement hit me immediately. Last night I might've had a brief hesitation, but then quickly was excited about being with him. This morning, it seems he was admitting the same feelings and thought process.

The nervousness, and the panic were now gone. I felt fully comfortable and was so happy we were discussing this openly. But now my heart started to race. I realized that both of us fully embraced the fact that we were lovers. At the same time, the juices started to flow between my legs. I realized we were about to be lovers once again.

Brian continued to ask more questions, and I can't blame him.

"How long have you and dad done this?"

"About two years ago we decided to attend a party that Jim and Kathy told us about," I started to explain.

"Jim and Kathy?" He interrupted.

"Shit," I blurted out realizing that I just outed our dear friends for years, "I shouldn't have even mentioned them. Don't you say a word."

"Yeah right, I'm going to tell them I found out they are swingers after a night of swinging with my parents," he joked.

I now was so comfortable because it was obvious that he was as well.

I continued, "we gave it a try and it turned out bringing us so close together. Our sex life has been amazing and jealousy has never been an issue or concern. We are better now than we ever have been."

Now you could tell it was a bit uncomfortable for Brian. Like any other son, they would just assume not think about their parents having sex.

"I'm sorry," I kept going, "but you asked."

"I know, I know," he said.

"Well, what about you two?" I wanted to know more about him and my daughter-in-law Sherry.

"Last night was literally the first time we ever did that," he admitted.

It was silent again for a moment, "and...?" I questioned him.

"We loved it," he said enthusiastically, "Sherry wants to go next weekend."

I saw his hesitation as he thought further and realized that it was his father who was fucking his wife at the beginning of the night.

"Forget about this situation, how was the sex when the two of you got home last night?" I quizzed him.

"Absolutely amazing! I don't think we've made love that passionately since our honeymoon. We went all night and I felt closer to her than ever before."

"Strange how that works, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but..." He hesitated and I knew it was because of the situation at hand.

"We are all in new territory here honey," I started to explain, "everything happened before we really had time to process it. And as your dad and I discussed last night in between our many lovemaking sessions one thing became clear. It was clear that there was no regret for either of us."

I held his hand tighter as I said this. My heart was racing.

"You looked so damn good last night mom," he told me, "in fact, you've always been so beautiful."

I blushed and did not respond. I've never been able to take compliments well. Then he moved towards me and before I knew it, his lips touched mine. I was shaking. It felt wonderful. The kiss instantly became passionate. And his hand moved around my back and he pulled me close to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as my tongue entered his mouth. We continued to French kiss for several minutes as our hands moved back-and-forth over each other's back. His hand started to move down further and he was now caressing the top of my ass as I sat at the foot of the bed.

Our lips broke apart and we stared into each other's eyes.

"Are you sure honey?" I asked him.

"God yes, I want you so bad," he said as he pushed me back onto the bed. He kissed down my neck and his lips found my cleavage. The kisses were rapid and all over my chest. It felt wonderful. I could tell my nipples were fast becoming erect. And as they did, he started to nibble on them through the night gown material. The touch of his teeth on my nipples just about sent me through the roof.

My right hand moved down and started to caress his groin. Even though he was wearing jeans, it was obvious his cock was rock hard. He lifted my nightshirt up and exposed my breasts. Within moments he was sucking on my left nipple. I moved my hand to his head and ran my fingers through his hair. I was so in love and so excited. I could feel the juices starting to pour from between my legs.

He stopped sucking my left nipple and was about to move to the right. But then he grabbed my nightshirt and lifted it up even more. I raised my head enough so that now my nightshirt was completely off. I was laying there in nothing but my panties, and he stopped and stared at me once again.

I was embarrassed and turned my head. He moved his hand to my cheek and turned my head to look him directly in the eyes.

"You're beautiful, mom," he said lovingly and reassuringly.

The hunger within me was so strong, "damn, I want you," I ordered through my heavy breathing.

I pulled him back down towards me and we kissed passionately again. His hands were both all over my breasts and nipples. My right hand was now stroking his cock through the denim material.

After I stroked up several times I then continued my motion upwards to the button on his jeans. My other hand joined, and I had it undone and the zipper unzipped in no time. I started to pull them down but couldn't reach much further.

He separated from my body and I was upset, but I knew why. He stood at the foot of the bed and lifted his shirt off over his head. Right after that he pulled his pants and underwear down in one stroke. I never did get a good look at him last night. He looked amazing just seeing him completely nude and knowing that it was Brian. His cock was rock hard and throbbing against his belly.

He was about to come back down and embrace me, but instead I sat up. I grabbed his cock with my left hand and quickly pulled him towards me. In no time my mouth enveloped his rock hard penis. I wanted it so bad and so deep. The initial thrust did hit the back of my throat and I gagged. I am able to take it deep into my throat but I wasn't quite ready at that point. The second time around I forced my head forward and made sure to take the majority of it in my mouth

As I pulled back I released it completely and looked up at him. The look on his face was priceless. Last night he had the same type of face when I took most of his cock but now knowing that it was his own mother made his look that much more surprised.

I had to ask, "better than Sherry?"

He shook his head yes, "she doesn't go that deep."

The smile on my face was huge. I was proud. I decided to show off once again and take as much as I could. I used my tongue all around the tip of his penis all the while continually looking him in the face. I wrapped my lips just around the tip and popped them off the top several times each time smiling and grinning at him.

My hand never left the shaft and it had continually stroked the whole time my mouth was playing with him up top. I couldn't help but think what his thoughts really were. He was standing there watching his own mother suck the tip of his cock.

I decided to make the show even better once again. I engulfed the entire rod and pushed as much as I could making sure to slide it through my mouth and back as far as I could. I pretty much reached the base and felt his pubic hair along my lips. I quickly pulled back and did gag slightly. The saliva and spit on his cock were starting the drip on the floor.

I regained myself a bit and looked up once again to smile devilishly. He was in heaven. So was I.

I continued to use my left hand, all the while moving my mouth back and forth and up and down his rod. Each stroke was nearly to the bottom. He now was starting to thrust his hips and literally fucking my mouth.

I popped it back out again and played with it for a while. My tongue moved over the tip and I continued to look at him and smiled.

"I'm going to come mom," he was saying apologetically.

"That's good," I said," then you can take a break and satisfy me for a bit before we really go at it."

The thought of his tongue burrowed deep in my pussy once again made me so excited. I couldn't wait. I knew the fastest way to get his head between my legs was to make him come.

I had already resigned myself to have him come all over my face. It's not me. It's not something I normally do. But I couldn't help to think how that must be for him to see his own mother covered in his come. If Freud was right, it would be a dream come true.

I stroked my hand up and down his shaft and continued to move my mouth along with it. His hips were thrusting and the pace was quickening.

He fucked my mouth maybe five more times and then pulled out. He pulled far enough away and grabbed his own dick. He stroked two more times and the first shot came out full force. It hit me in my right eye. I kept it closed and watched through the left eye. The second shot hit my mouth. Part of it was on my top lip and the rest was on my tongue. I closed my mouth quickly and swirled around tasting it and loving it. It was sweeter than Tom's. The sweetness was possibly because of Brian's age. Yet maybe it was because the experience itself was so sweet.

Brian continued to quickly jerk his cock as more semen poured out and continued to cover my face. The third shot was on my forehead and in my hair. The fourth and pretty much final shot hit my cheek. Brian was now slowing down and the last drop was about to fall and he stepped forward to let it hit my chin.

I was on my knees looking up at my son and covered in his come. I was so excited and I reached down between my legs. My hand went under the elastic of my panties and I started to rub my clit. I was so damn excited. My other hand was wiping his semen from my face and I was licking my fingers and hand erotically.

Part of me realized how filthy and disgusting I was being. I like to think of myself as having more class than what I was showing right now. But there was something about being nasty that made it much more exciting. And It was very obvious he was extremely excited as well.

I was now stroking my clit with my right hand, all the while continuing to look up at him. Brian saw what I was doing and my self pleasuring was not going to last much longer.

Instead, he reached under my arms and stood me up. He looked at me lovingly and kissed me. There were still traces of his semen on my face and it did not faze him. We kissed lovingly and deeply once again. He held me so close and tight and I did not want to let him go.

But he did let me go. Right then he gently pushed me back on the bed. I knew what he was about to do and I scooted upwards towards the head of the bed. He reached down and had my panties off in one quick fluid motion. The next thing I knew all I could see was the back of his head as he started to kiss my calves. He switched from left to right and used his tongue and his lips interchangeably. He moved up from my calves to my knees. He bent my legs where he could reach the inside behind the knee. His tongue licked right there and it tickled and sent shivers throughout my body. He meant to do that and figured it would please me. He was right.

He continued to move up my leg and his mouth was now in the middle of my thigh. For one moment it would be a kiss, and the next moment it would be a lick. He explored my entire inner thigh on the left side. Then he moved over and was now on my right leg. I was breathing heavily with my eyes closed and couldn't wait for him to get to where I really needed him.

I was moments away from full oral pleasure compliments of my own son.

It was then his tongue finally reached where it belonged. The shivers up my spine were fabulous. Just the tip of his tongue was slowly parting my lips. He was teasing me relentlessly. We both knew it. And I loved it.

He continued to push his tongue in deeper as he spread the lips apart. Every so often he would stop, and the tip of his tongue would run circles around my clitoris. I could literally feel it swelling as he continued his efforts.

He was so patient, and I simply closed my eyes and enjoyed every bit of it. After what must've been five or ten minutes he started to increase the pressure. Now I could feel his tongue lapping at my pussy and flicking at the top of my labia routinely. Every once in a while he would stop and push his face deep into my vagina. The pressure of his nose and face pushing against that whole area drove me crazy.

I opened my eyes and watched for a while. He was buried deep between my legs and all I saw was the back of his head. I moved my right hand to caress his hair and push a bit harder letting them know that the force felt so good. I think my fingers through his hair made him feel that much better because his pace and efforts increased.

Brian stopped for a second and looked up at me. The grin on his face was fabulous. It actually made me think back to when he was younger. It was so mischievous. I knew that look as a sign that he was up to no good. In a way, right now he was definitely doing something forbidden. But to say that it was no good would not be appropriate. Instead, it felt fabulous.

As his force and pace increased, I realize my breathing was louder and more rapid. I was close to an orgasm. The thought of coming on his face was just about enough to make me come in and of itself. His tongue was moving rapidly up and down my clit. And every few seconds or so he would stop and push harder with his tongue from bottom to top. There was no doubt that I was close.

My thighs started to tighten around Brian's head. My hand was now no longer caressing the back of his head, but instead was grabbing it with more pressure. My other hand joined and both were now pushing the back of his head up against me with as much force as I could. Several more strokes of his tongue and I exploded.

"God dammit!" I screamed. My expletive was followed quickly by "oh God, oh God, oh God."

Basically I had no control. I was simply blurting out anything to let him know how wonderful it felt. My body was now convulsing with him trapped between my legs. I pushed up and down off the bed rhythmically with each orgasm. If he had wanted to pull away he would not have been able to. Thinking back, I probably should've been worried about suffocating him. But at the time there was no thought whatsoever. Just pure animal instinct.

His hands were wrapped around my upper thighs and he was pulling me closer to him. He continued to lick through my orgasms. I lifted myself off the bed and my back was arched completely as I orgasmed. I came multiple times. After about a minute or so, I finally laid my ass back down on the bed. My body basically collapsed. I was completely spent.

I took a deep breath as my body quivered one last time. I managed to open my eyes and looked down to see my son looking up at me from between my legs. His smile was priceless. I felt completely fulfilled. No matter who I was with, that orgasm would have been amazing. Yet now as I recovered and looked down to see Brian as my lover it intensified my feelings more than ever.

Thinking back now I realize how exciting it must've been for him. Just fifteen minutes earlier I was only his mother. Now I was his lover. I had had more time to fully comprehend the whole situation. Yet even I was still confused. But there is no confusion of the fact that what we were doing was right. I knew I had to make love to him and have him deep inside me. I couldn't wait.

I sat up in bed and motioned for him to come towards me. He kissed his way slowly up my body. First he kissed just above my pussy. Several kisses later he was at my navel and working his way slowly towards my breasts. He kissed a few more times and now enveloped my left nipple with his lips. Meanwhile his right hand squeezed my other breast firmly. He flicked the nipple with his tongue and then sucked more. From there he moved over to the other breast and sucked my left nipple with the same reckless abandon. He sucked and licked and played with my breasts and nipples for what must've been five or ten minutes. All the while I laid back and watched with motherly love more so than anything.

I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed his cheeks slightly guiding him to the other side of the bed. He understood my motions and laid down. I quickly rotated. I lifted my left leg up and over so that I could straddle him. I was laying with my pussy pushing against his abdomen. My breasts were still heaving in my son's face. He continued where he left off. I loved the sensation of him squeezing and kissing my breasts. But I knew I had to have more.

I slowly slid down more. I kissed him passionately. His tongue felt so wonderful as it parsed my lips and explored the inside of my mouth. He squeezed me tightly and we hugged as we continued to kiss. It felt so good and I could not get enough. The harder I held him, the more I wanted.

I stopped the kiss and sat up. I was straddling my son as he lay on the bed. I was looking down at him and was in a commanding position. I pushed down on my knees and started to rise to my feet on the bed. It allowed me to scoot back slightly and now I hovered above him. I reached down with my right hand and grabbed his hard cock. Nothing more was needed. It was a full erection and ready to enter me.

All the while I continued to look deeply into Brian's eyes. We never looked away. I watched him closely as I grabbed his cock hard and slowly brought the tip to the entrance of my desperate vagina. I slid the tip up and down slightly but could not wait much longer. Our eyes remained locked. I slowly lowered myself on his penis, and within no time he was fully inside me.

Neither of us moved. It was amazing. It was the first time we were making love as mother and son with both of us knowing so. Last night when he entered me he had no idea he was returning to his mother's womb. There was still so much confusion in my mind. It still seems taboo and wrong just a bit. That intensified the overall thrill, but last night there was definitely an aura of the forbidden.

I did not feel a sense of forbidden at all now with my son deep inside me. It felt so perfect. I cannot explain it. Many times when making love to Tom there is just a sense of perfect union. When the two of us are one. But now with my son and I now jointly making love for the first time, that sense of one was greater than I've ever experienced.

I raised up and back down again. The sensation of his penis moving within me that initially was overwhelming. I needed more. I lifted again only to quickly bring myself back down. His look was now changing and instead of looking at me lovingly there was pure ecstasy. My pace quickened. I began to lift again only to bring myself back down.

I dropped my feet down and now was on my knees. He was deeper in me than ever and I began to thrust my hips forward in order to get the full effect of his erect penis. At the same time I was able to drop closer to him. I felt more of his bare skin against mine which only exaggerated the continued shivers overtaking my body.

Now with every movement I made he brought his hips forward to meet them. We were now fucking each other with reckless abandon. The loving and slow, methodical aspect was gone. It was now primal. He was fucking me deep and hard. Each stroke took my breath away. So much so that for a brief second Brian thought he was hurting me. He hesitated slightly.

I didn't want him to hesitate at all and told him so as an instant reaction.

"Fuck me, baby," I blurted out instinctively.

In recent years as Tom and I have enhanced our lives with other partners I've learned that talking out loud and screaming what I want only enhances the way I feel. I should have been more conservative considering I was making love to my own son. But instinct and my recent practice took over before I could stop myself.

"Fuck mommy's pussy," I whispered forcefully to my son.

I worried that this might be too much. But he did exactly what I asked. He drove into me even harder. Immediately he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me towards him. I felt his hot breath with every pant as my face closed in on his. He kissed me deeply. Obviously my exclamations did not deter him.

Our kiss broke and I dropped my head beside his. He licked and kissed the side of my neck. As his tongue reached just behind my ear he triggered something within me. I knew I was close. Several more strokes and I started to come.

I lay motionless on top of him as he continued to kiss the side of my neck. All the while he continued to ram his cock deep within my pussy. The only motion now was my involuntary reactions from my orgasm. He realized what had happened and slowed his pace.

"Keep going," I told him.

He instantly continued his pace and was now fucking me as fast as possible once again. The final wave of my orgasm rushed through me and I was alert once again. Although I wanted to just sleep, the other part of me was ready for more.

I pushed myself back up away from him and turned slightly to my side. He took my cue and started to move with me. In order to do so, his motions stopped. I rolled over on my left side with him behind me. He shifted onto his side as I raised my right leg. Within seconds he grabbed his cock and guided it back into my pussy.

Once again we were fucking like animals. He helped me hold my right leg up slightly as we lay on our sides. He continued to fuck me deep inside. I couldn't believe we were still going. Tom never lasted this long. Yet Brian continued to enter me time and time again. He slowed his pace numerous times. Many times he practically stopped. During those times he kissed the back of my neck and he blew slowly in my ear. Yet then he would once again pick up the pace and continue to make love to me with quick rapid strokes.

The next time he slowed down, his penis left me. I felt so empty. I knew he would soon reenter but instead he pulled away. I worried, but not for long. After pulled out of me briefly I laid on my back. Brian quickly moved over to join me from above. Within seconds, his shaft was once again deep inside me. Now we were in the standard missionary lovemaking position. He was holding me close and looking at me deep into my eyes.

Just his looks and the feeling of his body pushed against mine was enough to nearly lead to another orgasm. I think he felt the same because his strokes were now becoming extremely rapid. I knew he was going to be coming.

"What should I do mom?" He asked breathlessly.

"It's okay baby. Come inside me." I reassured him. The fact that he thought about it enough to ask was overwhelming in and of itself.

Several strokes later and I felt his semen deep within me. The night before he had worn a condom so this sensation of my sons seed inside me was fabulous. His back arched and his eyes closed and I was able to watch him. This also was new. Last night he was wearing a mask and was behind me when he came. To watch Brian now at this most vulnerable moment was thrilling. These new experiences were too much for me. I started to orgasm once again.

My pussy contracted tightly as I came. It squeezed his second load out quickly. Several seconds later and a third and fourth shot of his semen was now deep within me. Brian fell on top of me. I felt his hot breath on my neck and I squeezed him so tight. I wanted him closer and deeper within me. There was no physical way to possibly have him to the extent I wanted him.

At the same time I was able to lift off the bed just enough for him to hug me. We now were holding each other passionately. The pressure of his hug and his arms around me was wonderful during my third wave of my orgasm. I quivered within his arms and closed my eyes inadvertently. I never wanted it to end.

His hug stopped and I slowly unwrapped my arms from around him. He fell completely limp and dropped his head beside mine. Mother and son. Together again. The emotions and sensations were too much for both of us. We lay motionless as we drifted to sleep together as one.

"Oh my God, mom," Brian whispered in my ear as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I know, honey," was the best I could reply as both of us were rather speechless.

I moved my head slightly and kissed him on the cheek. He turned his head, and we kissed once again passionately.

As our lips separated, he continued, "it has never been like that for me, mom."

"I know. Me too," I reassured him. I continued with hesitancy, "I have felt so close to your father before, but still nothing like this." I slightly regretted mentioning Tom.

"I agree," Brian quickly responded, "Sherry is amazing, but yet this was..."

"I know, honey," I interrupted him. "Let's just enjoy it."

I was thrilled to hear that it was more special than with Sherry. Of course I knew it should be. But to hear him say it made me feel that much better as I lay naked in my son' s arms.

"What are you going to do about Sherry?" I asked him making him realize she was the only one of the four of us unaware of the circumstances.

It was amusing to see his face as he wrapped his mind around it.

"I don't know," he whispered hesitantly, "we have been so open and honest with each other."

"Then don't let that change," I reassured him.

"So I go home and tell her the last night she fucked her father-in-law and I'm now in a love affair with my mother?" He sarcastically questioned.

I felt so wonderful that he described our relationship as a love affair. It was perfect. It was a sign that our lovemaking was to continue. He was right, we now had a love affair.

Yet I could not dwell on that aspect. "Maybe not like that, but yes, tell her the truth," I replied.

"I guess..." I could see he was trying to figure out exactly how he would do so. His face suddenly changed, "could we tell her together?"

"The three of us?" I asked.

"I was thinking just you and me at first," Brian said timidly. It was like he was four years old asking for a cookie.

The idea instantly made my pussy wet. Last night as I watched Tom fuck Sherry there was no doubt it turned me on. Since Tom and I have begun going to these parties I have been with quite a few women and it definitely is a unique and satisfying experience. But to bury my face between the legs of my beautiful daughter-in-law would be a first and something I desperately wanted.

"What are you thinking about telling her? Just about last night? Or about right now?" I was a bit confused.

"Like you said, the truth... all of it," he confidently answered.

"Are you thinking we can continue this whole thing?" I asked.

"No matter what mom, you and I will be making love again. There's no doubt about that."

Hearing him say that out loud was wonderful.

He continued, "but yes, I think we can all be together. But it might be best with you there to tell her."

"Is part of this because you are jealous of your father?" I had to ask.

"I'm not jealous when she fucks other men. And I say 'fucks' because that's all it is when we are with others."

"Brian..." I looked at him emphasizing that he knew better.

He paused slightly, "all right, it does bother me more thinking about her with dad than with any other guys."

"Doesn't it bother you when you think about you and I?"

"No, mom," he quickly answered, "I told you that feels completely right."

I had to find out more, "then what is it?"

"I think I'm more worried about her hesitancy. With her dad leaving when she was so young she's always commented on how dad has become her father. That relationship is special," he explained.

"More special than ours?" I emphasized to him. "You underestimate her. The two of you are already open enough to be with others, so that part is out of the way. I honestly believe she will be fine with it."

"So do I," he continued, "but I think we should start slowly with just you and I."

"Telling her, or more than that?" I still didn't know where he was going with this.

"We could tell her together and then perhaps..." he hesitated.

I suddenly understood and chuckled, "okay, now I get it. You want a threesome with your wife and mother?"

"Is that so bad? On second thought that might not be the best way to word it," he laughed.

"No, I get it. And the idea thrills me," I told him with anticipation.

His face lit up. My loins did the same. The idea of being with Brian and Sherry together turned me on immensely.

"You check with her and find a good time when we can set up a reason for the three of us to get together," I told him.

"Why don't I call her over here now?" He sat up in bed with a huge smile on his face.

"Now?!" I couldn't believe how excited he was. Then again, so was I.

I smiled mischievously. "Go for it," I replied.

Brian jumped off the bed and picked up his phone off the floor. As he started to dial I moved my hand down between my legs. I could feel the wetness of anticipation as I began to massage my clit. Within the hour I would be doing the same with my beautiful daughter-in-law.​
Next page: Part 03.1
Previous page: Part 01