Part 03.1

Immediately after their first lovemaking session, a son and his mother call their spouses to join.

"It's a surprise," Brian was telling Sherry.

I could not believe this was happening. My son was on the phone talking to his wife. He was inviting her over for "a surprise". The surprise would be more than I believed she could handle. Brian was going to tell her that he and I had sex last night. Then he would tell her that the masked man she fucked last night was actually his father, my husband Tom.

My husband and I have been swingers for years. Coincidentally, last night we came across my son and his wife at one of our parties. Since it was a Halloween party, all of us were in masks. We let things progress and the two of us actually had sex with my son and daughter-in-law.

This morning my son Brian accidentally found my costume on the floor of my bedroom. It was the costume of the masked woman he had sex with last night. His realization led to immediate sexual fulfillment. The two of us made passionate love this morning. This was so wonderful, as opposed to the negative response that could've easily ensued. I was so happy. I had just experienced what was probably the greatest lovemaking session I've ever had.

But now I hesitated about surprising his wife with such news. To expect my daughter-in-law Sherry to take all this news at once, and do so favorably, now seemed doubtful. I realized we needed to re-approach this.

Just as my hesitancy reached its peak, my son hung up the phone.

"This won't work," I told him.

"Sure it will, Mom," Brian tried to convince me. "We've been swinging for a while with friends of ours. She enjoys being with women and threesomes have worked before."

"Not with her mother-in-law, dumb shit!" I had to wake him out of his stupor.

Suddenly I saw the realization on his face. "Oh shit, you're right." the silence seemed to last forever.

"Now what?" He asked.

"I think we can still make this happen," I started to explain my new plan, "but we need to have it like last night."

Brian thought about it for a minute. I knew what he was thinking. Last night he fucked his own mother right in front of his wife and father. At the time, his father was actually deep inside his wife. Yet the whole time he was unaware of the circumstances. He was only swinging with the masked couple that they just met.

I thought back to what Tom and I were experiencing last night. Both of us knew exactly who our partners were. There was definite hesitancy, but the thrill of the incestuous nature overruled. For Tom, I think a lot of it was the fact that our daughter in law is one hot number and a fraction of his age. I know he enjoyed fucking her, and we talked about it last night. For me, the experience of being with my son has now proven to be greater than anything I've ever felt.

Last night Tom and I discussed Brian and I as a sexual couple at length. Tom found it to be quite a turn on that I seduced our own son. The two of us even hinted that sometime we might like to try to experience what now Brian and I were hopeful for. Tom wanted to be with Sherry again, but we always discuss doing so as couples. So I knew we needed Tom to make this happen.

"Let me call your father," I quietly whispered as I moved forward and seductively kissed my son's neck. I worked my kisses slowly up behind his ear.

I elaborated as my tongue flicked his earlobe, "the three of us can convince her. I know she enjoyed last night. We just need to remind her of that. It will take all three of us together to do so."

"But what will he think about us?" Brian asked.

"Like I said, we talked about it a lot last night," I candidly told my son, "the whole concept turns him on. He told me how he fantasized about his mother routinely while growing up."

I'm not so sure that helped. It dawned on me that now Brian was picturing his father with his grandmother. Obviously not the most stimulating image for me to put in his head.

I continued, "more importantly, I need to be honest with him. It's one thing we've always discussed as we are with other people. As long as we are open and honest it should work out okay. We've always said no secrets."

Brian relented. He turned his head and kissed me deeply. I felt his tongue move throughout my mouth, and once again I was on fire and ready for action. As our lips separated, he shook his head in the affirmative.

"You're right," he said, "she actually did comment how good it was last night."

I knew it had to be hard for him to say that out loud. When Tom and I are with other couples we make sure to talk about it to each other and usually hearing each other's descriptions will turn the other one on. Some of our best and most erotic sessions have been while we were telling each other how good it was with someone else earlier in the evening.

So I imagined that if my son Brian and his wife Sherry were the same, then both of them knew exactly how much she enjoyed fucking his father last night. Now he was going to relinquish his wife to his father once again. It had to be hard.

I had to put the situation back into perspective for him, "think about it," I elaborated on my full plan. "We need to get your father here first so the three of us can convince Sherry. We also have to explain you and me to your father as well. I know it will be easier to explain our relationship to your father if he knows he's minutes away from the thrill he had last night."

"Go ahead and call dad," he told me as he abruptly kissed me one last time, "let me call Sherry again and tell her to just show up at 1 o'clock."

I looked at the clock and couldn't believe it was noon already. Brian and I had spent the whole morning together. An hour could work. Tom would have to leave his golf game now but if I told him why he would have no problem leaving early.

"Let me get your father off the course," I told Brian as I slipped away from him to grab my own cell phone.

I still was shaking with excitement. In fact, now I was even more excited because of the complete openness and honesty. Honesty has been the staple for Tom and I throughout our swinging experiences.

I now was going to get to tell my husband to hurry home so he could once again fuck his cute daughter-in-law's pussy. My own pussy was dripping thinking about it because I wanted him to share her with me. There is no doubt about how fucking hot she really was and how bad I really wanted her. Luckily, shortly after 1 o'clock I hopefully would have her.

"So, what is so important?" Tom asked after walking through the door.

I was on the sofa in my bathrobe. Brian sat across the room in the easy chair looking anything but easy. I beckoned for my husband to join me on the sofa.

Tom sat next to me and was about to ask again when my actions instantly quieted him. I reached beside the sofa and pulled up the Catwoman costume from last night.

Tom instantly turned toward Brian, "shit, Brian, it all happened so fast..."

"It's all right, dad," Brian interrupted him, "it took me a second but I quickly understood. More than you can imagine."

I grabbed Tom's hand and turned his face toward mine. I looked him in the eyes and whispered, "Brian and I made love again this morning."

His look was a bit confused and I helped him clarify the chain of events.

I elaborated, "Brian found the costume on the floor of my bedroom. I came looking for him and he was just sitting on our bed with the costume on his lap. I instantly started to apologize profusely and sat next to him. We talked about it for a while. But before we knew it, we were overwhelmed and the two of us made love."

"You made love?" Tom asked.

His question surprised me and I realized that when we normally swing, it is merely "fucking". I was being open with my husband but in this case it was definitely more than just another fuck.

"I guess that is tough for you," I whispered to him as I pulled him closer, "it was more than just another partner, but it doesn't decrease my love for you and what we have."

"It's a lot to consider. But I've been thinking about it all morning anyways after our discussion last night," he reassured us.

Tom continued after pausing slightly, "so now you want to tell Sherry?"

"We think it would be easiest coming from all three of us. And I knew you were interested in all four of us being together again," I explained to him.

Tom was surprised, "you want to repeat last night?"

"Yes, dad," Brian interrupted, "like mom said, we enjoyed this. But I know that Sherry had a great time last night."

"With a masked stranger," Tom reminded Brian, "not her father-in-law."

"She has commented how hot you are in the past," Brian told his father, "for your age, " Brian had to add.

"Yes, but..."

"Believe me, dad," Brian hesitantly reassured his father, "she's going to be excited about this."

Tom did ask, "what will she think about you and... Mom," he hesitated before using the word "mom".

"It will take her little bit of time to process it," Brian stated.

"Yes it will. And I would not say 'making love' when talking about you and your mother. When we swing its sex only," Tom explained our philosophy.

"Fair enough, but you understand what mom meant, right?" Brian looked for his father's validation.

"Maybe, but not fully. That's going to take me some time," Tom explained, "and why I recommend you not use that term around your wife."

I squeezed Tom's hand tightly as I whispered in his ear, "I love you so very much."

"Yeah, well," Tom reluctantly responded to me, "what about Tess?"

I hadn't even thought about our daughter. She was three hours away at college. Without her nearby I didn't even consider having to involve her.

Tom continued, "you've got quite a family secret going here, and you know what you and I have discussed about secrets."

Last night during our discussion he was adamant we tell Brian and Sherry because he wanted to avoid any secrets within the family. He had mentioned Tess once, but did not elaborate.

The silence lasted a while before Tom continued, "oh well, we can discuss that later. Right now we've got to think about Sherry. When is she coming?" He asked.

"Any minute now," I confirmed.

"Let me take a quick shower," Tom said as he got up.

"Are you okay with this, honey?" I asked seriously, "because if not, we don't have to..."

"No, this is great. I'm excited. It's just a lot to take in; but yes I want to do this. Let me go take a shower really quick," Tom finished his statement and left the room.

Brian immediately asked, "is he going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I think so," I said reassuringly, "like he said, it's a lot to take in. And I hesitated when I used the term 'making love'. I've obviously only ever made love to your father. But being with you is completely unique and I couldn't help but refer to it any other way."

"I get it," Brian replied, "you and I made love this morning but it was different. In my mind it was completely different than making love to Sherry."

"I know, and that's all what we should talk through when she gets here. If we are open with each other we should be able to pull this off," I said with hope.

"I never even considered Tess," Brian now mentioned his sister.

"Me neither," I replied, "but your father's right about avoiding secrets."

Brian quickly commented though, "that will be an interesting conversation."

I realized from the tone of his voice that he suddenly began thinking about it further. Could this possibly lead to him and his sister being together as well? Could my daughter join us in the long run? Now I started to think about that possibility, and became even more excited than ever.

I regained my train of thought, because for now I had to focus on my daughter-in-law.

At this point, my nervousness was overwhelming. I was pleased with Tom's response, but this whole thing still had the possibility of exploding once Brian's wife arrived.

I started to think about this from Sherry's point of view. Brian literally just made love with another woman. And that other woman was his own mother. Explaining this fully was going to take all three of us. I also realized that Tom would be the key to convincing Sherry. It turned me on to think about her desire for my husband. I only hoped she had some attraction to me as well.

I knew I was attracted to her. I was looking forward to what hopefully was going to be a repeat performance of the four of us last night. Yet I was going to seduce my daughter-in-law as well. She was going to be the focus of all our attention. I looked at the clock and realized in less than five minutes it all could start.

"Is everything okay?" Sherry asked.

I had just opened the door and let her in. I motioned for her to sit down as I returned to the sofa. She took a seat in the easy chair to the left of the room. Her husband Brian was in the chair next to her.

"Everything's fine," I reassured my daughter-in-law as I took a seat on the sofa

As I sat down I took a good look at her. It was unusually warm, and she was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I was looking at her closely, and I could not take my eyes off her thighs. I realized I was staring too long, and moved my eyes up unfortunately to her breasts. Again I paused my glance perhaps too long. I finally stopped and looked her in the eyes.

I felt self-conscious in my outfit. I was wearing my dark blue casual dress. It was a summer dress; but because of the color, I usually wore it into the fall. I knew it accentuated by boobs, and hugged my hips just right. Yet compared to my beautiful daughter-in-law, it didn't matter what I wore. She would be better looking than me at any time, and in any outfit.

"Is it your grandma?" Sherry asked Brian.

Tom's mother lives in town. She had just been released from the hospital last week after fighting pneumonia. She was fine, but I understood Sherry's question.

"No, Gail is fine," I again said reassuringly. The silence was deafening so I had to say a little bit more, "we will explain in a second when Tom gets out here."

Just then I was saved as Tom came out from the hallway, "sorry about that," he apologized to the group for essentially no reason. He sat down next to me on the sofa.

It was obvious that Sherry was confused as we all sat down. Before she worried much longer I started the conversation, "there's something we all want to tell you. Brian did not know until this morning."

Her face changed. She realized something was serious and she now was worried. Thinking back, I'm sure her thoughts were nothing about what she actually was going to hear.

I continued my speech as I reached behind me and pulled out the Catwoman costume.

"He found this in my bedroom this morning," I told her quietly. I paused quite a while from the embarrassment I was feeling, and to give her some time to realize what I was actually telling her. I couldn't stand the silence and continued, "I was wearing it last night."

I still could see the look of confusion on her face. Several seconds later I could see the realization. Knowing that the Catwoman costume was mine meant that her husband Brian had sex with his own mother last night. Furthermore, it confirmed that she slept with his father. This had to be a shock for her. To my surprise, it was followed by a smile.

"That was you?" She asked Tom and I directly, still smiling.

"Yes," I continued, "we have been going to these parties for several years now. Last night we were floored when you walked in the door. When we first came over we already thought you could tell who we were. Then we saw you had no idea, and we both ended up letting it continue."

I could see Sherry was a bit nervous; but I also could tell she was not upset. It was a lot for anyone to comprehend. Plus she was in the position of being the last person to find out. I still worried she might get upset and this would end badly.

"Last night afterwards, Tom and I talked about it quite a bit. To be completely honest, neither one of us regretted what we did. We found it to be quite stimulating, and when we got home we had the best lovemaking session ever," I was extremely candid with Sherry.

"We did too," she quickly replied, "but we had no idea..."

"I know," I immediately apologized, "and we're sorry about that."

There was a bit of silence. I chose to wait a minute and see what more she might want to know.

"... And this morning?" She inquired.

Brian jumped in to answer her question, "as I walked past their bedroom this morning I saw the costume on the floor. I was sitting on the edge of the bed somewhat stunned, and mom came in and found me."

"Tom and I were just never going to say anything. So when I saw Brian with the costume I started apologizing," I continued the story, "but Brian interrupted me and..." I found it difficult to continue and say anything more.

Sherry continued instead, "you guys did it again?" She looked at both of us quickly as she asked.

Brian and I nodded yes, but we were holding our heads down and our motions were slight. I was nervous and somewhat embarrassed. This was not going as planned.

She turned to Brian in a louder voice, "you fucked your own mother??" Brian didn't really respond.

Sherry followed up by looking directly at me and asking the same question, "you fucked your own son?"

"Yes," I quietly answered now questioning our actions, or at least questioning our decision to tell Sherry.

There was more awkward silence. Yet then Sherry smiled a huge devious smile.

"That is so fucking hot!" She said enthusiastically.

I was immediately relieved, and within seconds I was physically stimulated once again. My pussy spontaneously started to tingle. I looked at Brian and there was an obvious sense of relief on his face as well.

"So you're okay with this?" Brian asked her.

"Hell yes! But no more secrets. We tell each other everything. That's what we agreed, right?" She was looking her husband directly in the eye.

"Yes," he quickly confirmed, "that's why we called you."

"I just can't get over this," Sherry continued. She then looked at me and asked directly, "how hot was that for you last night without him knowing?"

I suddenly felt so open and candid. I was excited that I could share this experience with everyone here, those all closest to me. "During last night, it was unbelievable. Watching you and Tom was just as hot. There was lots of guilt when Tom and I went home and we talked it through all night long. But then our sex was better than ever."

Sherry was obviously so excited and wanted to know everything. She turned to Brian to find out more from him, "what were you thinking when you first found the costume?"
Next page: Part 03.2
Previous page: Part 02