***All the characters in this story are over 18 years of age. It includes strong themes of incest, romance, drama, BDSM, male domination, humiliation and water sports. If you're not comfortable, please stop reading.***
Maternal Confessions:
The following is an interactive semi fictional story based on real characters narrated by *name hidden* for privacy purposes. A fictionalized version of true events. I met her in an adult chat room a while back and have been frequently communicating on and off. I initially began chatting out of curiosity and then as inspiration for my next story. I wanted to do an interview style story based on my questions but she preferred to just feed me information and has allowed me the creative freedom to take the story in any direction I pleased. However, I'm going to try to stick to her words as closely as possible.
This is a unique experimental story and I don't expect five stars or faves. Most readers may not even like this format. I'm doing it to share someone's story and as a creative outlet. She has agreed to answer any questions as long as they aren't nonsensical. You may email me or message me any questions you may have and I'll pass them on to her for her response. I'll be skimming through the comments for good questions too (Anonymous comments will not be prioritized)
Thank you for doing this. I know, it could be challenging to talk about this kind of a relationship. I guess I'm just going to let you tell your story and if you need help, I'll interrupt you with some questions.
Thank you, it's my pleasure. I never talked about any of this outside of my immediate family. My name is Anna (Name changed). I'm 42 years old. I'm half Polish on my mother's side and Czech-Italian on my father's side. I live on a large acreage/farm in the middle of Saskatchewan, Canada. Very close to the southern border of the United States. I have lived here since early 2021 with my son Jakob. Jakob is my 22 year old son and now, my life partner. We have been living together for three years. Nobody around here knows that we're mother and son. Our nearest neighbors are a few kilometers away. Our relationship is rather unique and unconventional. This is my story.
I'm going to get the sob story out of the way first. I also have an 18 year old daughter who I haven't seen in over 3 years. Martyna, your brother and I love you and will always love you. We understand why you no longer want us in your life. Maybe one day when you fall in love you'll understand the burden of relationships.
To my husband, ex-husband, I don't even know anymore. I'm sorry. I was selfish, but I couldn't take it any longer. I gave you many chances but after years of stale conversations and being taken for granted I saw an opportunity. I needed what I have now. A partner who loves me, takes care of me, in every aspect.
To our family who are estranged from us. Again, we understand your choice for not maintaining contact or a relationship. I wish things were different, but it is what it is. To our friends who supported us, thank you. You're all we have left other than each other. To our friends who didn't and ridiculed us, we can understand the hate. It is definitely weird. It was weird to me too. Taboo, forbidden, but it has happened and I can't change the past. I don't want to change the future because our present is wonderful. We miss our family and our friends, our pets, our loved ones. But I'm with the one person who loves me the most and I love him the most, my son. Nobody is more than him to me. And I will love him forever, until the end of time.
(We took a break, Anna was breaking down in tears)
You got a bit emotional there. Do you want to start with your childhood and how you grew up?
Sure. And thanks for being patient with me. I turned 42 on May 28, 2024. I was born in a small town near Sudbury, Ontario to immigrant parents. My mother was a primary school teacher and father was an electrician. They worked hard all their lives to provide adequately for myself and my older sister Jeanne. I spent most of my childhood and teenage life in the suburbs of Ontario until moving to Champagne, IL for college.
Do you still keep in touch with your sister?
Not directly. I am in sporadic contact with her husband, Daniel. And to be clear, she doesn't want to be in touch with me, and understandably so. I'm grateful for everything she's doing for me...us.
Like what?
As I mentioned, my daughter is estranged from us. She kind-of coparented her after I eloped with my son. Martyna spends her weekends with my sister and otherwise she's with my husband.
I see. That's nice of her. I'm glad Martyna still has some maternal figure in her life. Speaking of your husband, how did you two meet?
I met my husband, Peter in foundational classes at the University of Urbana-Champaign IL. We dated for a few years and moved in quickly together. I was a nursing major and Peter became a software engineer. Once we moved in, we were careless one night and had an accident. We found out I was pregnant. Neither of us were prepared. But we decided to keep it. We got married in the presence of close friends and family. We were blessed with a healthy baby boy just a few weeks before my 20th Birthday. That first born child is now my partner, my son, Jakob.
Did becoming young parents change things in your lives?
Jakob brought with him good fortune and lots of happiness in our lives. I had moved with my husband to the midwest (location hidden to protect their privacy). Both of us worked and were on opposite shifts. My husband lost interest in me, physically after Jakob was born. He blamed the weight I had put on. I worked out and ate healthy to try and regain my form and I was successful in losing all the weight. But he couldn't shake off the image of my overweight loose skinned body and sex had become irregular.
That's a bit superficial, isn't it?
It is. I caught my husband cheating on me a couple of times. Once with his coworker and once online sexting with some random skank. That killed our relationship. I had lost all interest in him as much as he had looked past me. We tried couples therapy and it helped somewhat. We decided to give our relationship another chance. One of the ways I thought of rekindling our relationship was to try and have another child. Jakob was around 3 and it was the only way I could get my husband to try to get physical with me. It worked and I was pregnant again. When Jakob was 4, I had my second child, a girl, Martyna. She was beautiful, healthy and adorable.
Sorry to cut you off. But it sounds like your relationship did rekindle with the second pregnancy.
It did. But it was futile in the end. Besides, the sex was far from good. He was tiny and didn't last long. And the excitement died soon anyway. Once again, pregnancy had its effects on my body. I was plump, had stretch marks and out of shape. It took me another 2-3 years to regain my body. But time and age wasn't kind either. My fitness was back but my confidence was shattered.
I found my husband cheating on me with some cam girls again. The year was 2010. I was 28, with an 8 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. I had nowhere else to go and I dedicated myself to my job and my kids. My husband and I essentially became roommates. He had stopped being attractive to me a long time back. He was still a good father but definitely played favorites with Martyna. Maybe because she was younger or girls are just naturally closer to their fathers.
Time went on by and despite several attempts to rekindle the physical and emotional aspect of our relationship, we kept failing at getting things sorted. We were still cordial in the home but there was simmering resentment in the air. It was palpable and no wonder my now teenage son caught wind of it.
So your son was aware that his parents weren't looking eye to eye?
Yeah, he'd asked me a few times and I brushed it off saying everything was fine. His father's brazen neglect for me didn't go unnoticed. Martyna was too young to notice or care, but Jake had this maturity about him from a young age. Maybe because he was the older child.
So how exactly did this whole thing start?
It was during the pandemic. Covid lockdowns.
Actually, if you don't mind, before we go there, could you describe yourself and Jake? Physical appearance.
I am 5'2'' tall, weighing 138 lbs, green eyes. I already told you my ethnic makeup. I have tanned olive, mediterranean skin with slight freckles above my sharp cheekbones. I have a cute little nose with a small-ish mouth and a curved chin and jawline. I'm physically fit and active, but the two kids and age have taken its toll. I'm not skinny by any means. My body shape is average. My hips are now wide and my butt isn't shaped like a supermodel. My breasts are rather small. Depending on the brand and time of the month, my bra size would range from 32C to 34B. I have large puffy nipples on a petite, slender framed torso.
My son is 5'9". Athletic build, broad shoulders, long-ish neck and hints of abs. He played soccer in school and occasionally flag football. He always wore shorts or jeans and a plain black or white v-neck with a light silver chain. He has messy brown hair with slight curls on the side.
Thank you, back to how it all began, it was during covid...
The coronavirus pandemic was in full effect. We were essentially prisoned off in our own home. Luckily my software developer husband could still work from home and I was still working somewhat on-call as an essential worker at a clinic nearby. Unfortunately, the clinic had to furlough the staff due to budget issues. Covid lockdowns were a unique time in everyone's lives.
Now that we were locked down in the house, the resentment in the air between me and my husband was palpable. My son and daughter could clearly see the grief on my face. It had been a couple of months of the lockdown. Around the end of April. My son was 18, I was 37. My 38th birthday is in May and it was still a handful of weeks away.
It had been several months since I had noticed my panties missing from my laundry hamper. The missing panties would then suspiciously make a reappearance but they'd have a darker, sticky spot in them. I was sure my husband didn't care or do any of that, and I suspected it was my son. I thought of course boys his age are horny and he was using my undergarments to pleasure himself. It was no secret, I just let it go and didn't think much of it. I was aware of his teenage hormones.
It was summer time, the pandemic was still in full effect. It was a particularly hot summer and I had taken to wearing cover-ups over my bra and shorts in the house. One morning, I was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, when my son came downstairs wearing nothing but his briefs. He had just woken up. I could clearly see a bulge in his crotch. It made me smile. It was a typical teenager's morning wood. I asked him why he was using the downstairs powder room instead of their bathroom, to which he replied, Martyna was using it. My kids shared a common bathroom, while we had an ensuite in our bedroom and a powder room downstairs.
We carried on with our day, but with being locked in, the sexual frustrations were high. I as an adult could still control it, but I knew it was hard for my 18 year old son. The next day, I was wearing a pink tank top and making lunch. Jakob walked in the kitchen, stopped in his tracks and stared at me. It was an awkward longer than usual stare. And it made me blush, I asked him "What?". He said "Nothing, Mom. Sorry..You just look....nice". I replied "Oh, Thanks Jake, that's a rare compliment." He walked behind me and grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge.
"I'd compliment you more if you keep wearing that" he said. I chuckled and blushingly said "Oh really? What's so special about this?" looking down at my tanktop and shorts. Jake replied with a sheepish smile "I don't know mom, you just look hot in it. You should wear that tank top more often"
"Hot, you say? Wow. That's a first. Well, at least one man in this house thinks I'm hot" I replied with my head down and my smile wiped off my face thinking about my stupid husband. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp cold sensation on my shoulders. Jake had placed the cold water bottle on my shoulder. I was already sweating in the kitchen, so it was a sudden jerk but a welcome feeling. He said "I'm sorry Mom. Too bad, dad doesn't appreciate what he has. But I do".
I turned around and hugged him in a sweet, tight, motherly embrace. His hands were on my exposed waist as my tank top rode up slightly. I could feel his cold hands on my warm skin and it made me tingle a bit. I was conflicted, because I was feeling some sort of way with my own son's touch and I shouldn't have. We broke our hug and I kissed him on his cheeks. "Thanks Jake. I know you do and I know how much you care. I love you. And if the heat stays up the way it has been lately, you'll find me wearing these tops way more often haha"
"I'd love that Mom. I love you too." He left the kitchen.
So you found him attractive?
Of course. But not in a sexual way back then. It was more a maternal instinct. You know how all mothers think their son is the most handsome man. Just that. But I did notice his body more because he would walk about the house topless and in shorts. And his tight briefs would often have a hard-on, especially around me.
How did you feel when he called you hot and touched your bare sweaty shoulder with the cold water bottle?
Electric! I should mention, at that point, I hadn't had sex with anyone, let alone his father for 6 years. I was obviously sexually, physically unsatisfied. I used my toys and such but nothing compares to the real thing. And being appreciated and complimented, who doesn't like that? Boy, man, girl or woman, compliments make you feel good. Especially coming from a hot teenager like him.
Go on, so he liked watching you in tank tops, and did you oblige?
Yes. I wore more tank tops, spaghetti tops, camisoles, and short booty shorts. My daughter even noticed. She asked me why I was trying to dress like someone her age hahahaha. Everytime I wore these tops, they exposed my shoulders, sometimes my lower belly just around my belly button. And I don't have big boobs, but I guess you can call this cleavage haha.
Did he ask you for more?
Not really, he was just happy staring at me in those.
But you clearly knew he had an interest in you, sexually?
I don't know if I can say that. I guess, in hindsight, maybe. At the time, I just thought of course he finds me hot, he's a teenager. They all find older women hot. I didn't think of myself as hot or attractive. I hadn't been complimented in a long time and I have to be honest, his interest in me, the way he looked at me, made me tingle. It made me feel more uhm feminine. Made me feel like a woman again, so I did like that.
So, then how did things escalate?
Again, it was the pandemic, we were all drinking way too much. One evening, I was watching some trash reality tv show called love is blind. It had just come out on Netflix. I was drinking my red wine while my husband sipped on his whisky on his computer in his room. Jake joined me on the couch and we were chatting and ridiculing how silly this show was. He was wearing his shorts and a muscle shirt. He had his arm over around my neck and on my shoulder as I was buried in the couch.
I was quite drunk at the time. It was my way of coping with my failed marriage and escaping my own thoughts watching mindless television. Jake was caressing my right forearm, sitting on my left with his arm behind my neck. His hand slowly slid down and he was caressing the side of my breasts. I could feel his fingers gently fondling me there but I didn't move and pretended I wasn't feeling it.
I just turned my head and looked at him, his eyes were fixated on the tv. I smirked and ignored his fingers. He continued and after a while, began pulling the straps of my tan top off my shoulder. I should mention, I had already taken off my bra for the night. It didn't expose my breasts completely, but just the upper tit.
Did you like what he was doing?
I did. Maybe alcohol had something to do with it, but I was tolerating his mischief more than I should have at the moment. I hadn't felt a man's touch in a long time and this was turning me on. I could feel my body heating up.
So you let him continue?
No. My maternal instincts kicked in. And I just said calmly, "Jake, what are you doing?". His fingers stopped circling and caressing my skin, but he left his hand right there and said "Nothing, mom. Just bored". I asked again, "You know what I'm talking about. Stop it". He said ok and took his hand off. That was it. He seemed disappointed and left the couch, went back to his bedroom.
Oh, that's a shame. What did you do next? And how did you feel when he left?
A mix of relief and rush of excitement. It definitely turned me on. But I knew this was wrong and it had to be contained before it got too bad. I couldn't focus anymore and retired to my bedroom. Played with my vibrator and passed out as my husband played some video games in the dark corner.
That doesn't sound much of an escalation. What transpired afterwards?
I think it does. He had taken liberties with my body for the first time. And I allowed him, until I didn't. The next morning, I was in the kitchen, making coffee, fixing up breakfast. He comes downstairs, heavy footed, fresh out of bed, dry drool still around his chin, topless, in his underwear. That's when I noticed how big of a bulge his briefs had. My mind went into imagination mode and I had naughty thoughts about how it would feel to hold it in my hands. I wanted to take a peek at it. My eyes were fixated at his crotch. Until I was caught staring. He came behind me, we greeted each other with good mornings and he hugged me from behind. His hands gripped my belly around my stomach and I could feel his dick poking my waist behind me as he kissed my shoulders over the strap of my tank top. His lips then touched my bare skin close to my neck and I was getting weak in the knees. The brazen touch of a young man, his dick poking behind me, how was I to control myself.
His father was sitting a few feet in front of me, facing the tv watching his morning news. Clueless about his teenage son getting romantically carried away with his own wife. I mustered under my breath "Jake...go brush your teeth". He let off me and went back upstairs.
It was little things like this that egged me on. His touch, his careless disregard for our mother-son relationship. His interest in me, my body. His attention to my dressing, the way I looked, my hair, my scent, my smile, my eyes. Those were the things that were seducing me into submission. I continued ignoring his advances and resisted him for days!
I see. When did you reciprocate, or did you?
It was a few days after that morning. I was walking back up to go to my bedroom after another drunken night on the couch and saw the light in my kids' bathroom was still on. I went over to check and nobody was in the bathroom, but I saw my panties lying in the sink all wet. They weren't crumbly or sticky like usual, but looked like someone was trying to wash them. I had a feeling this was Jake's doing. And just then he appeared out of his bedroom, again wearing just his gray underwear, topless. I could clearly see a dark, wet spot around the tip of his penis. He had just finished masturbating and I knew he used my panties.
I raised my panties in my hand and asked him, "You want to explain this?". He said "You know what it is, mom. You don't let me do anything on the couch so I had to get creative." I was now mad. I told him it was not okay and that I knew he was using my panties to soil them. I pulled him into his bedroom, which smelled like teenage musk and sat him at the edge of the bed. We had a long chat about us being mother and son. How it was inappropriate and taboo.
He explained his frustrations being locked in the house and not being able to go out due to the pandemic. He didn't have a girlfriend and he had watched too much porn and it was affecting his self confidence. He just wanted to feel the touch of a woman.
When he said that, I realized how sexually frustrated I had been for years and his touch, the touch of a man made me feel things. That's all he wanted too. I understood his struggle. I felt his frustration. I thought, I didn't want him to go through what I had been through for years. I asked him how I could help him and he said he didn't know.
"What if I let you touch me. But that's all. You can jerk off to me, ok?" He agreed. I hugged him, kissed him on the cheek and left for the night. My offer kept playing in my mind all night and it was turning me on. The thought of a young teenage boy jerking off to me. Me, a middle aged woman, as a muse for someone's sexual expression, that was making me horny. I fingered myself and used my sex toys again, but that night I couldn't get off. Images of my son's face, body and groin kept flashing through my mind all day.
The next morning, he hugged me the same way from behind, poking his hard morning wood into my waist. I smiled at him and he asked me if I was doing anything that afternoon. I wasn't. He knew that. He asked me to come to his room, for my offer. I smiled and said ok. When the time came, I just stood there and he awkwardly took his shorts off to jerk off. I was mesmerized when I saw his penis. I could see his eyes devouring my body. I wanted to smile but I controlled myself and just kept a straight, stern face.
He then asked me if he could touch me. I said, sure. He came towards me, naked, holding his dick and held me by my arms, pulling me onto his bed, seating me at the edge of his bed. He then cupped my face, caressed my neck and gently ran his fingers along my shoulders down to my arms. "Mom, can I take this off?" pointing at my tank top. I wasn't wearing a bra. I don't know what took over me, but i said "Only if you let me touch your penis". He smiled and that's where our lives changed forever.
Wow. Was it that easy and quick?
Oh trust me, it was not easy by any means. It was days, weeks, months, years of frustration. I hadn't held a dick in my hand in years. And he just looked so hot. Feeling his hands over my body, something triggered in me and I decided to just go with the flow.
So did you guys fuck that afternoon?
No. We kissed, made out. I gave him a handjob, he went down on me, ate me out. He was kissing me all over my body. Literally every single inch of my body was glistening in his drool. I hadn't been eaten out in decades! His tongue felt amazing. I returned the favor and sucked his dick. Oh my god, I still remember the first time I saw it, I thought how is this even possible? It's so big and girthy.
How big is it?
I never measured it, but apparently he has. It's 6.5 inches long, uncut. Very thick and girthy. I love my son's penis. It's magnificent.
So, when did you first have sex with your son?
That night. In his bedroom. I needed some liquid courage and I took the initiative. But during lovemaking, something changed. He started getting more aggressive. He was being assertive and led me. He's a natural dominant.
How did it feel? Fucking your son?
Wrong! Very wrong. Taboo. Forbidden. Inappropriate. I felt like a bad mother. But at the same time, I felt like a woman again. I needed this. His dick just felt so perfect when he first penetrated me. My eyes bulged out at the sensation. No dildo, vibrator or sex toy can match that feeling. He fucked me for so long too. My boy is athletic and fucked me for over 40 minutes that first night. It was so hard for me to control my moans, I was just gasping for air all along. I was so wet, we didn't need lube. He just went into me bare. The same vagina that birthed him 18 years ago, he was now claiming it as his own by having sex with his own mother.
I was going to ask, did you not use protection?
No. I wasn't on birth control then. And we didn't have condoms at home. Nobody was planning to have sex haha. But then, this just happened, unplanned.
Did he cum in you?
Not the first time. I told him not to and he pulled out. He ended up splattering it all over my belly and boobs. He has plenty of times since then though.
Wow! That's hot. So then did you guys do it regularly?
Yes. Very much so. We were like horny fuck bunnies. I'd go to his room every night. Sometimes during the day. My daughter or husband didn't have a clue. They could care less.
Was it fun?
It was fun and thrilling. If the fact that he was my own son I was having sex with wasn't enough, the hiding from the family was exhilarating. I just felt such a rush of emotions, this thrill of doing something wrong and not getting caught.
Did you get caught?
Yes. A few weeks into it. One night, my son was fucking me in doggy on his bed and we heard a knock on the door. I may have been moaning out too loud, losing all my inhibitions. It was his father, my husband. He could clearly hear what was going on in his son's bedroom. He knocked for a while. We hurriedly stopped, I covered myself in his shirt and hid in his closet. Jake opened the door to face his father's wrath. "I KNOW WHAT YOU TWO HAVE BEEN UPTO! I HAD A SUSPICION. You're both pathetic, sinful and deserve to rot in hell. How could you? You fucking skank"
He said a lot of things. To me, and to Jake. Those were just the highlights. The next day, he kicked Jake out of the house.
Oh no!
Yeah, it was especially bad because we didn't explain anything to Tina (my daughter). And she was so confused why her brother was being kicked out. The pandemic was still in full force and most places were closed. I was so worried about him. And about Tina, I didn't know what to tell her.
How did Jake take it?
He was surprisingly stoic and unrelenting. I think having sex with me all those weeks built a special kind of resistance and self-confidence in him. He crashed at a friend's place for a few weeks. I sent him mon...
Sorry to interrupt. But, did you and your husband not talk about it?
Oh we did. There wasn't much to talk about. I explained to him how he didn't Ra*e me and that it was consensual. He called me all sorts of names, whore, slut, bad mother I don't even remember anymore, I was unfazed. I explained to him that I had given him many chances as a man, as a husband and he failed to even acknowledge me. Our marriage was in shambles. He said he didn't feel bad about me cheating on him. It's the fact that it was our own son. I understood that. He probably would have been ok or maybe he preferred I was fucking someone else. Maybe a neighbor, a friend, a coworker but he never imagined his own son.
Sorry, please continue, you were saying Jake was with his friends and you sent him..
I sent him some money occasionally. He found temporary accommodation for three months which was a nightmare to search during the pandemic.
Did you spend those weeks apart?
Yes, I missed him dearly. I needed him. I had accepted him as not just my son, but my man now. I couldn't live without him. We texted and called and I'd send him pictures, he'd send me some back.
Did Jakob's friends know about you two?
No. He didn't tell his friend until years later. He just told them family disputes and that his dad was being a dick.
How did you cope with the distance and staying apart?
I didn't haha. Once Jake found that apartment, I told my husband I needed him and I was going to meet him. He didn't care at first and I'd visit Jake. It was a shitty little studio apartment kept in a terrible condition. But my son struggled through it. We fucked like there's no tomorrow in that place. His stamina was like a stallion. He could go on forever. It was during this time, that I realized I was a submissive and enjoyed him taking control of me and demanding me to do things. A stark difference, compared to his father.
How often would you visit him?
It didn't last long haha. After the second time, when I came back home, I realized my husband was feeding negativity to our daughter. And he said, if I was to go see him again, I better not come back. I took him up on his word.
What about your daughter? Did she ask you where her brother was?
Yes, we told her he was going away for college anyway and that he needed to be an adult and grow up on his own. She seemed fine with that and Jake was a good brother. He kept in touch with her, called her, texted her.
So, did you leave?
Yes. I packed my belongings in 2 suitcases and left to be with my son the next day. I told my daughter, I'll be back for her and that I was leaving her father. She knew this day would come, she was just confused with the timing I suppose.
I'm sorry. That sounds like a very difficult time in your lives. For the whole family.
It was challenging. And I could be blamed for all of it. I do see myself as the victim and the culprit. I'm both the sheep and the wolf. I was a victim of my husband's neglect and my son's libido. I was an accomplice in the breaking up of my family.
So what happened after you moved in with your son?
We lived like a couple. He found a job and did a diploma course online on industrial farming and equipment. I worked remotely as a nurse. My job was easy, I just had to approve surgeries working with the hospital and clinics.
So money wasn't an issue?
Not at all. I always worked and had a separate bank account. I had savings. And I made decent money. A couple of months later, we moved out of that studio apartment into a bigger, nicer apartment with 2 bedrooms. It was still a rental and we lived there for a year.
Martyna would come visit us at this place, once the lockdowns were lifted. She definitely felt something was fishy. Our condo smelled like sex. My son and I had sex in every corner of that place. There was sweat and cum everywhere in that place. I felt like I was young again.
I'm not sure what happened, but one day, Martyna blocked both Jake and I on everything. I had a feeling my husband must've said something. I went to visit the house to meet her. And she said she knew what we did. She didn't want to meet us. I asked her for a hug, she obliged and I understood why she didn't want to stay in contact with her brother and her mother who were having sex with each other. She said, not to come back for her.
So she knew. Who else knew? Other than your husband and daughter?
That was a waterfall effect. She was close to my sister. She told my sister and other family. It was the beginning of the end for our relationships with our family and friends. We only kept in contact with some close friends. My childhood best friend in Ontario supported us. I had a long call with her. That's when I remembered, I had dual citizenship.
Once our lease came up, in late 2021, Jake and I dropped everything and moved to this little town in the middle of nowhere in Saskatchewan. I used up all my savings to buy this plot of land and house for cheap. Jake farms here now and has a couple of guys employed to help as well. Our neighbors here think we're just a couple with an age difference.
Incredible journey. One final question, before I get into the details of your sex life. Are you happy? Do you have any regrets?
The only regret is losing my daughter. I have no other regrets. I miss Tina. I know Jake does too.
Happiness, well happiness is a choice. But now, that choice is made for me by my son. He keeps me happy. He makes me happy. Yes, I couldn't be happier. Living here, with my son, as my lover, my partner, my everything, I've been the happiest I've ever been in my life. Somehow I feel like we were destined to be together. I love him, he loves me. We're inseparable.
That's great. I'm happy for you both. Do you ever worry that someday he'll leave you for some other younger girl? I mean, don't get me wrong, he's 22, you're 42. In 20 years, he'll be your age and you'll be in your 60s. Would he still be attracted to you, do you think?
That has crossed my mind and I do worry about it. We've talked about it. He has assured me that'll never happen. Judging by how much he loves me and how he treats me, I still see the desire in his eyes. After a long day at work, his eyes are hungry for a glimpse of his mother. He kisses me constantly. So, I don't really know. I can't predict the future. But I know that if he turned his life upside down to be with me, he won't leave me so easily.
But would you let him be with another woman or girl?
His happiness is my happiness. And if another woman makes him happy, I'll let him be happy with her.
Does that hurt? The thought of your son with another girl?
Yes. I'm very possessive. I get jealous easily. I want him all to myself. And he does too.
Okay, now let's get to the fun stuff. Your sex life with Jake.
Sure, what do you want to know?
Can you tell us the dynamics of this relationship?
As I mentioned earlier, I'm the submissive. He's the dominant.
I want to know how your son makes love to you? What does he do when you're having sex?
We have various kinds of sessions. It really depends on his mood or time of day, place, where we are. He's not a very outgoing public person, so he wants to keep our relationship away from the public eye, understandably so. He's the dominant and he leads me. His love language is pure, rough, sensual, thrilling, exciting. Sometimes, he's gentle, slow, lots of caresses, kisses, licking, other times, he can be hard, brutal, extreme.
I don't know how to describe the sex, you'll have to ask more specific questions.
Okay, what part of your body does he favor the most?
Hmm...again, that depends. I think he loves my face a lot. I don't have huge tits, but he works with whatever I got and loves playing with my nipples. Oh! Okay this'll be interesting for some of your readers, but it may not be everyone's cup of tea.
I love feeling pain. I'm a painslut. Twice, he has bitten my nipples so hard and sharp that my skin gave through and there was a bit of blood.
Whoah! That's wild.
Yessss! I LOVED IT. I enjoy wild, raunchy sex. It's making me wet just talking about that, reminiscing about it.
Do you let him do anything he wants to you and your body? I mean, do you have any limits? Any safe words?
I do have limits. No poop stuff, nothing with my eyes and no body blows. I've used my safe word once. The safeword is his dad's name. It kills his boner hahaha.
No body blows? I'm sorry I'll need more details...
Hahaha of course. No, he has never punched me. But I do love getting slapped by him. I told him after how much I enjoyed him slapping my face. My cheeks get swollen at times and they turn red for the next day. During one of those chats, he asked me my limits, because he was surprised how much punishment my body can take and that's where we drew the line. We've watched really hardcore bdsm porn together and some of the things they show it's just not normal or sexually attractive. Like kicking and punching, that's abuse. It may be consensual, but we know the girl's doing it for the money.
Wow, that's quite extreme.
I guess. It feels fairly normal to me now in our relationship.
What else?
Mmmmmm Oh we're into water sports. If that's your thing. Most mornings I wake him up with a blow job. I love sucking his cock early in the morning. It's already nice and hard ready for his mother's soft mouth. After he's done draining his balls down my throat and I feel the warmth in my belly, some days he drags me by my hair along the carpeted floor into the bathroom, throws me on the cold bathroom tiles or in the bathtub and lets it go all over me. Starts my day off with golden goodness and his morning piss all over me.
Sounds intense and very kinky.
Yeah. It's fun. Sometimes, he collects his piss all day working in the field in bottles and brings it home for me. Then he'll either make me drink it or pour it on me. He can be very creative.
Do you guys use any other toys or equipment? Sounds like you're into this S&M lifestyle.
Oh we very much are. And I didn't know this part of me existed until I started fucking my son. He just makes it so much fun and comfortable for me to experience new things and I end up loving them. We have some handcuffs, spreader bars, whips, canes, blindfolds, chains, leather straps and a bunch of other stuff.
How about the backside?
You mean Anal? Yeah we do it every now and then. He has me wear a buttplug sometimes. I have to follow his orders and wear it in me all day. He got a new one recently with a remote control so while the buttplug is in my asshole, he can make it vibrate and tickle remotely. The surprise element is key in these experiences.
Wow Anna. I'm overstimulated. But thank you for doing this. Sounds like you and your son are very happy together and love each other a lot. I hope this continues for you. I'm going to ask the readers to submit some questions and send them over to you so you can answer them in the next part. Is there anything else you want to say?
Just follow your heart's desire. Happiness only feels satiating after a prolonged period of grief. Without grief, you would not be able to enjoy the good things in life.
Well said. Thanks again.