Page 01
"Hi, Nathan. How are you today?"
"Pretty good, thanks, Maggie."
I'd told Nathan to call me Maggie after around the tenth Amazon parcel he had delivered to the house that summer. It had started to feel awkward when I had seen him so many times and he kept calling me Mrs. Harris. Like I was his school teacher or something.
If you haven't worked it out yet, Nathan is a delivery driver. An Amazon Logistics driver, to be exact. I am Margaret Harris in some circles, Mags in others, but to Nathan I am Maggie. And this is my story.
"Many drops left today?" I asked.
"Two drops left, then I'm heading to the beach."
These four opening lines had become our standard greetings over the three and a half weeks since we had moved into the neighborhood. I say hello, how are you, he replies that he is good, I ask if he is nearly finished for the day. He responds with how much work is left and then something about what he is doing for the rest of the day. We both know it is coming, and we both like the consistency it brings to our relationship. Ok, maybe calling it a relationship is a bit strong. We meet a few times a week; he delivers a parcel, then goes on his way.
"Oh, I wish I was heading to the beach, that sounds lovely, it's a beautiful day." I say, looking up at the cloudless blue skies.
"Why don't you? Like you say, it's a beautiful day today."
"I wish, I wish. Too many things to do today, Nathan, and I'm hoping that parcel is going to help me do it." I nod to the package that is under his arm.
"Ah, let me guess. Umm. A chainsaw?"
I laugh. "What would I do with a chainsaw?"
"I'm sure you would be pretty handy with a chainsaw, Maggie. Take out all the stresses of the day on a load of logs or something."
"You are probably right," I say continuing to smile. "But, no, it's not a chainsaw. Two more guesses contestant number one."
Nathan straightens up and puts his hand out in front of him as if he is at a podium on a gameshow. He focuses his eyes on mine.
"Well, Maggie. I know you are doing your house up, so it will be something to do with home decorating. So my second guess is, a bearskin rug."
I laugh again. The package under his arm is far too small to be a rug.
"Unless it's a magic carpet, I don't think that is going to be a rug."
"Damn," he says with a dazzling smile.
"Contestant number one, Nathan, you have one remaining guess. Think hard about your answer."
"Mmmmm. So it's not a chainsaw."
I shake my head.
"...It's not a bearskin rug."
"That's right," I add.
"Mmmm. My third guess, Maggie, and can I just say what a lovely day I have had today. My third guess is... paint brushes."
"Correct!" I bellow. "Congratulations, contestant number one." I throw my hands in the air.
Nathan hands me the parcel but holds on to it as I take it. There's that smile again.
"What's my prize?" Nathan asks.
"Um, agh." This has thrown me, and I feel myself reddening a little. "How, how about a coffee?"
"Sounds good, but how about a raincheck? I need to finish my round and get to the beach, I've arranged to meet some friends. Next time, maybe?" He let's go of the parcel.
"Absolutely Nathan, next time. I have another package due on Thursday, I think. Are you working Thursday?"
"Yeah, I'm working. Thursday it is then for my prize. See you then, Maggie."
With that, he turns and walks back down our path towards his van.
"Oh, out of interest. How did you know it was paint brushes?" I shout.
"The return address on the label is" He calls back.
I smile and head back into the house.
The house is a tip. There are still unpacked boxes in most rooms from the move. Furniture is in odd temporary positions while I get on with the work inside; the walls are a patchwork of color swatches from tester pots, and there are no curtains even in a couple of rooms. In fact, I'm part of that work-in-progress look; I'm wearing bib-overalls over a long-sleeved yellow T-shirt. I feel like I am constantly in work clothes at the moment.
My husband, Phil, my son, Daniel, and I moved to Heatherfield to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city, and so far I am loving it. We bought a house that is bigger than we could afford, but due to its condition, it was reduced to within our budget. Phil still has to bring home the bacon at the moment, until we can afford for him to down-scale. He works in the city, commutes some days, but generally stays in a hotel in the city three or four nights out of five on weekdays. Therefore I'm at home sorting things out, registering at doctors and dentists, those family-type things, as well as redecorating and getting some trades done in the house. It helped that I was an interior designer; I guess I still am an interior designer, just in my own home. All of this means I've been getting regular deliveries as I start getting the house into the shape and style I want it to be, and that means seeing Nathan regularly too.
As I walk through to the kitchen, I see Daniel sitting at the breakfast bar in a New York Knicks basketball jersey and shorts with a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice in front of him. It's so nice that it is summer and he is home from college.
"Morning darling." I quip.
"You're just embarrassing yourself, Mother."
"I'm sorry, what?" He stops me in my tracks; my brow furrows; did I hear him correctly?
"He's what, my age?"
"You know exactly who. The hunky Amazon delivery guy. Yes, he's good-looking in a jock kind of way. Those curly blond locks, those sea blue eyes, those muscular arms and thighs. I bet he has a six-pack too under that uniform. I wonder how big his cock is. Are you going to suck his cock on Thursday?"
"Daniel!" I walk over to the breakfast bar and slam the parcel down.
"How dare you, Daniel, take that back. I'm being polite to the people in our new town. That's all. I'm a married woman. To your father. Take that back."
"If it's young cock you want, you've more than enough right here." He grabs his crotch.
"Stop it. Stop it right now."
He continues to ignore me.
"Don't get me wrong, you're good-looking for a mom, and you are old enough to be his mom, Mom. He'd be lucky to have you. You've got great legs--really good legs. And your ass is like a peach."
"I said stop it, Daniel. I can't believe what I am hearing. Is this what college teaches you, is it?"
He ignores me again. "Oh, I would love to bend that ass over and fuck it hard, Mom."
"Daniel, it's you that's embarrassing yourself now. Stop talking about your mother that way. It's shocking talk." I scold him again and smack his hand before wandering over to the fridge, hoping to put an end to the topic of conversation.
"Mmm. Mommy. Yeah, I would smack those ass cheeks as I fuck your pussy." I feel his eyes on my body as I walk away from him.
"Daniel, I won't tell you again."
"But I'd definitely have to save myself, because I want to fuck those massive tits too. I bet he's jerking off right now, imagining fucking your tits, Mom. He'll have his cock in his hand like this."
I shouldn't, but I instinctively turn around to see what he is doing.
He slides off the stool, takes his cock out of the top of his shorts, and places his hand around it. He starts to jerk off.
"Stop it, Daniel. Stop it right now."
"Hunky delivery guy jerking off over my mom. Mmmm. My flirty, sexy MILF."
"Ok, that's it. I'm not staying here while you are in this deranged mood. I need to go to the store; I'll see you when I get back and when you have calmed down."
With that, I grab my handbag from the counter and go to storm out of the kitchen. Daniel still has his cock in his hand as I pass him on my way through, but with his other hand, he grabs my arm.
"Ah, Mom. I'm messing with you. You were flirting with the guy; I thought I'd tease you. Sorry, maybe I went too far."
I look down at his hand holding his cock. I haven't seen it in many years; it's a very good size. The reddish tip pokes through the end of his foreskin, which is thick around the head. The shaft is smooth and supple. Not hard, but not soft either. It looks a real handful, ready for action.
"Yes, I think you did go too far, Daniel, you embarrassed me and yourself. Now tidy yourself up. I'll be back in about an hour."
"Sorry, Mom. I was y'now...jealous maybe? Hearing you flirting with him."
"Oh, darling, don't be stupid, there's nothing to be jealous about. You are my son, I'm always here for you. There's nothing for you to worry about." I kiss him on his forehead. It feels a little weird as his cock is in his hand between us. We both kind of acknowledge it is there with our eyes. I reach down and pull the waistband of his shorts back over his manhood, and let the elastic snap back against his waist.
There's a little awkward silence as we stand there before I kiss him again on the forehead.
"Right, I'll head to the store and see you later. Do you need anything?" I say.
"Maybe some soda. Otherwise all good."
"Sure, no problem."
I wasn't going to go to the store until later, but in the circumstances, I think it's a good idea to get out of the house for a while. Let things blow over a little.
I head upstairs to change out of my decorating gear into something I can wear out in public. I select a pair of denim shorts, a white vest top, and a white linen shirt to go over the top. A pair of sandals will do.
As I pull the tight denim shorts over my thighs and over my ass, I admire myself in the mirror. Have I got great legs? Is my ass a peach? I guess I do. I guess it is. Are my breasts fuckable? Well, they are large, I suppose. They are still pert, round, and bouncy. Phil has never fucked them, though. Our sex life is good, it's regular and normal, but it could never be called wild. We met at college, I was a virgin, he wasn't. I've learned everything I know from being with him. Which, to be fair, is not a lot. Most weekends we will make love. Our foreplay generally consists of me sucking his cock, him playing with my pussy with his fingers, and then we move on to sex. Missionary is the usual. I might sit on him sometimes, mostly when he is tired and I want sex more than he does. He lies back, and I ride him until both of us, or he cums. It's fine. It's good. He's the only man I've ever slept with.
So I'm a MILF, am I? It makes me feel good. Makes me feel sexy. Maybe I won't wear a bra under the white vest. Dare you. Mmmm. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. No. Let's do it. I accept the dare. No bra today, Maggie.
I slip the vest over my head and let it glide down so it hangs on my breasts. My nipples harden through the excitement of my dare to myself. I admire myself in the mirror again. MILF eh? I smile to myself and throw the linen shirt on over the top.
The store is a twenty minute drive away. My mind flips between three things The shopping list I am constructing in my head, the conversation with Daniel and therefore the exchange with Nathan, and the image of Daniel's cock. It is seriously hard (excuse the pun) to get it out of my head. It was larger than his father's and was, how can I describe it? Handsome? Elegant? Powerful? Maybe all three of those things. Anyway, it makes my mouth water thinking about it. Stop it Maggie. Stop it. It's your son's cock. But what about Nathan's cock? Do you think it is big too? Like Daniel said. Stop it Maggie Stop it. You are a married woman. A married forty three year old woman. Nathan is what twenty two years old. You are old enough to be his mother, for god's sake. A MILF though. A certain kind of mother. Stop it. Stop it.
My words can't stop my nipples from going hard again.
I am still somewhat distracted when I get to the shop. It takes me around half an hour to forty-five minutes to get all the things I need, when it should have been a twenty-minute in-and-out.
As I stack the bags in the back of the car, I think of grabbing a coffee in the Starbucks next to the supermarket before heading home. But no, it's a beautiful day, why sit inside a Starbucks? Sitting outside and having a coffee would be better. Where do I know that I can get a coffee and sit outside? The beach? Stop it Maggie. Stop it! But where's the harm? He probably isn't even there yet. He still had to finish his round, and then if he is there, he'll be with his friends swimming or surfing or something. He wouldn't even know I was there. But stop it. You're being silly. You're an old woman. A MILF though. Butterflies creep into my stomach, I feel my nipples harden against my thin vest top. Do I have no control over my nipples anymore? What's happening to me? Just drive that way home, yes, that's it, drive back that way, you don't need to stop, it's just driving that way. Where's the harm?
I feel a little giddy as I drive to the beach. I'm excited, I'm like a little schoolgirl again. What's happening?
There is a steep road that drops down to a set of large wooden buildings surrounded by wooden decking before the beach spreads out in front and on either side. In the buildings, there is Sam's Surf Shop, Pierre Francs, which is an upmarket restaurant that Phil and I ate at before we bought the house, O'Leary's pub, and the beachfront cafe called Waves, where I could get a coffee at.
I'll just drive down the slope, I bet there isn't a parking spot, I'll drive down, turn around at the bottom and go home. I can have a coffee there. We have a coffee machine. It's fine. I'll just turn around at the bottom.
As I start to drive down the steep slope, a delivery truck starts coming up toward me. It looks like it's just made a food delivery to one of the establishments. There are parked cars on either side of the slope, and there's not enough room for both of us to pass. What can I do? The van is bigger than my little Mini Cooper. I'll have to reverse back up between the cars. Oh no. What am I doing? This was such a bad idea. You fool Maggie.
Wait a minute. From the distance we are, I can just make out the truck driver. He is pointing to his left, to a space between two cars; he's telling me to pull into it, and then he can get past.
I do as instructed and breathe a sigh of relief as I come to a stop in the parking spot. The truck trundles past behind me. Then I realize that I am parked. I am here. There is no excuse not to get out and have the coffee. Am I going to do this? Of course, don't be so silly, you are a grown woman you can have a coffee wherever you like.
I slip my sunglasses on, get out, and walk down the remainder of the slope, constantly scanning to see if I can spot Nathan, or is it to try and avoid Nathan spotting me, or do I want him to spot me? Oh, I don't know what I want. Except a flat white. I want a flat white.
I look around the outside seating area for a decent table. I select one where I have a good view of the beach, as well as a view of the entrance to the decking area. If Nathan is already here, I should spot him on the beach, if he hasn't arrived yet, I'll see him as he arrives.
As I take my seat a pretty young girl approaches me, and I order my flat white. I'm feeling quite warm, flustered from the parking, and nervous about being there, I think that's what it is anyway. Despite the warmth, my body gives a quick shiver.
My coffee arrives, I pay straightaway in case I need a quick getaway and slowly start to relax in my chair, looking out at the waves as they roll into the bay. The tension easing across my body. It really is a beautiful day. I slip my linen shirt off of my shoulders and hang it on the arm of the chair next to me. I promise myself I will do this more often. This was the exact reason we had moved from the city, to start enjoying life more, instead of life taking its toll on us.
As I lift my cup to my lips, my gaze suddenly snaps toward the steps, and there he is, emerging from the beach like a vision pulled from the depths of my desire. The moment he appeared, all the tension that had briefly ebbed away slammed back into my body, gripping me with a ferocity that made my stomach constrict and my hands tremble. I barely managed to set my cup down, my fingers unsteady, afraid of spilling the coffee that had moments before calmed my nerves.
He was nothing short of divine. He wore blue boardshorts decorated with bold white flowers, which highlighted his blonde locks and blue eyes. But it was the absence of any other clothing that truly caught my breath. His body was a masterpiece, each inch of it seemingly sculpted for admiration. His stomach, hard and toned, as Daniel suspected, he did have a perfect six-pack catching the light as it rose from the waistband of his shorts. Above it, his chest swelled with raw power, muscles rippling as if they were made to command attention. His arms hung by his sides, the definition of each muscle so distinct, it was almost as though his very presence radiated strength. The way he moved, effortless yet impossibly magnetic, took my breath away. I could do nothing but watch, helpless, as the tension in my body knotted tighter. How was this all contained and hidden beneath his delivery driver uniform?
He was laughing at something, that smile again spreading across his face. I hadn't noticed the three other people that were with him. My eyes had been totally consumed by him. There were two girls and another boy. Man? Boy? I don't know what to call them. What do you call someone half your age?
Nathan was laughing with one of the girls. My heart dropped, or did it stop? Stupid, stupid, what am I doing here? He obviously has a girlfriend. He is an adonis, of course he has a girlfriend. You are an old woman. Stupid, stupid.
Plus, she is beautiful. A sun-kissed beauty, with her blonde waves flowing effortlessly over her shoulders. She exudes confidence and charm. Wearing a light blue tye-dye bikini that she knows accentuates her athletic physique, showcasing her toned and fit body. Strength and femininity. Her face has a natural, fresh glow, with a warm and playful smile that also radiates confidence. Her eyes look at Nathan with a lively sparkle, framed by soft, tousled blonde bangs. A look that perfectly captures the carefree spirit of a beach girl.
I pathetically looked around, searching for a place to hide. Sliding down in my seat, trying to be as small as possible. Pushing my sunglasses further onto my nose. Feeling like a little schoolgirl seeing her crush across the schoolyard. Oh, god. What am I doing here?
But then it was too late. He spotted me.
Oh, god.
"Maggie?" His laughter stopped, but the smile remained.
"Nathan?" I did my best to sound surprised. I straightened up in my seat. If this was happening, I had better go with it as best I could.
"Maggie. I thought you were busy today. How come you're here?" He said as he walked over to me.
The others followed, casting looks at each other, no doubt confused as to who I was.
"Oh, you know all work and no play and all that. Actually, I had to go to the store and was passing on my way home, so I thought I'd call by for a coffee." I raised the cup but had to instantly put it back down again, I couldn't yet trust my hand to keep it steady. I was trying my absolute best to keep my eyes on his face and not let it drop to his chest...or below.
"Well, maybe I join you?"
I was just about to say 'yes, sure', when the girl he had been laughing with chipped in.
"Um, Nath, we need to get out there. The swell is not going to last long, we need to make the most of it."
If I had disliked this girl before, I now hated her.
"Sorry, where are my manners? This is Lisa," Nathan waved his hand at the girl, "This is Jack," again gesturing, "And this is Rosie." with a final flourish.
"And I am Maggie," I responded, "lovely to meet you all."
"How do you two know each other?" Lisa asks directly. That carefree smile slipping off her face.
"Oh, we are new to the area, so we have had a few things arriving, and Nathan has kindly delivered some of the packages to our house over the last few weeks."
"That's an understatement; I think Maggie has bought the whole of Amazon," Nathan says laughing.
Despite my desires, I hear myself saying, "Lisa's right, Nathan, you should hit the waves while you can. I've got to get back anyway, the walls won't paint themselves." God, I sound so old.
"You sure?"
"Absolutely. Absolutely."
"Ok, you guys go up to the van, I'll catch you up," Nathan says, looking at his friends.
They nod at me as they walk past.
"Nice to meet you," I repeat as they go.
Nathan stays standing in front of me. I remove my sunglasses to look up at him. It's more and more difficult to keep my eyes on his face.
"Sorry, I thought maybe that raincheck had come through earlier than planned." He says smiling.
"Not to worry, Nathan. You enjoy the time with your friends. It was nice to see you." I scan my eyes across his body and instantly feel myself coloring. The heat rising from my chest up my neck and across my face.
"Um. And. Um. As I said, I best get back anyway." I stutter.
Feeling my nipples hardening, pushing against the material of my vest. I place my hand around my neck, trying to cover the rouge, but only attracting his gaze to my hand and chest with more focus.
"Um. Yeah. I had better go and catch them too. We were under the decking, hanging out, but now we are grabbing the boards and catching the surf while we can." His eyes don't leave my chest.
"Sounds great." I smile again.
"Well, it was lovely to see you out of your overalls," he replies.
I can't stop the laugh from escaping my lips. It's his turn to color now, realizing what he has said.
"Oh. Er. You know what I mean." He says with wide eyes.
I reach forward and touch his hand. My vest falls forward a little, and from his height above me he gets a clear view down my top, of my naked breasts, hanging free.
"I know what you mean." I say through the laugh. "It was really nice to see you out of your uniform too."
His face is part smile, part embarrassment, part confusion, as he is unsure of what to say, what to do, or where to look.
I help him by releasing his hand and leaning back in my chair. I'm amazingly turned on by the merest touch of our skin, but also more relaxed now. I pick up my cup and raise it to my lips. Taking a draft, before licking my lips and replacing my cup on the table. He now looks hypnotized.
"So I'll see you on Thursday for that raincheck then." I say, snapping him out of his daze.
"Yeah." He looks up towards where his friends left. "I had better catch them up."
"Ok. Bye," I drag my eyes away from his body back to the sea. I'm in charge. I'm the MILF.
As he walks away, I breathe a massive sigh. My legs are shaking under me. I couldn't stand if I wanted to. My whole body is flushed. It pulses with adrenaline. Oh god. That felt good.
As I finish my coffee, I see the two couples run down the beach with their surfboards. Time for me to head home. I slide a few dollars under my cup, grab my shirt and walk back to the car.
As I pull up to the house, Daniel is shooting some hoops on the driveway. He hasn't made any friends yet in the neighborhood; he was away at college and then with friends in the city until last week, and he says he is not bothered about it. He doesn't mind his own company for a while. Recharge his batteries after studying, and I suspect partying, hard.
He's tall, he gets that from both me and his father. I'm five feet nine, his father is over six feet. Daniel is athletic and muscular, with a strong build, not as broad as Nathan, not as toned as Nathan, but well suited for sports. He still plays at college but is majoring in business. He has short, light brown hair styled simply, not the surfer look that Nathan has. Daniel is more all-American, getting ready for a proper job, no-nonsense look. He's wearing the basketball jersey he had on at breakfast, he gives off a vibe of determination, energy, and athleticism as he pounds the drive. His body glistening with sweat in the full glare of the sun.
I sit and watch him for a while, thinking about his outburst earlier, thinking about Nathan. I don't know where it keeps coming from, but I wonder about the size of their cocks again. His was impressive, bigger than Phil's. I wonder if Nathan's competes? I feel my nipples hardening again in the draft of the air-con. Stop it. Stop it.
I unbuckle and step out. Popping the trunk with the remote.
"Hey you." I call to Daniel. "Come and help your old mother with these bags."
He throws a last shot, which slips through the net, bouncing down and rolling away, and he jogs over to me.
"Sure thing, Mom."
We grab a few bags each and wander into the house.
"I got your soda," I say as we walk into the kitchen. "Fish okay for dinner tonight? It's just you and me again, I'm afraid."
"No, that's great, Mom. Fish is good. Thanks for the soda."
After putting the bags down, I throw my shirt on the counter, and we busy ourselves putting things away. Daniel has to ask where things go, we are still getting used to the new kitchen.
As we finish up, he grabs one of the sodas and pops the ring-pull. He puts it on the counter and comes toward me.
"And just you and me for dinner is great too, Mom."
He stretches his arms wide and gives me a big hug, which I reciprocate. I feel his warm, sweaty skin against me. He holds me. I feel his breath on my neck. His body against my body. I imagine his cock against my denim shorts. It shouldn't, it's wrong, but it sends a shiver down my spine.
As he releases his grip and steps back, he notices that he has left wet patches on my white vest. I look down at where his gaze has shifted, and to my horror, my breasts show through, my dark areola clearly visible. I quickly cover myself with my hands and push past him, grabbing my shirt and leaving the kitchen. Oh, god, oh god. I had to get out. I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to touch my breasts. What has got into me? He's my son!
The rest of the day continues without incident. My focus returns to decorating, Daniel disappears to his room, computer games, Insta, messaging. Whatever these kids manage to find to do for hours in their rooms these days. Occasionally my mind wanders. Is he up there jerking off? Is he up there jerking off about me? But I banish the thoughts as quickly as they appear.
We eat dinner together. I continue painting into the evening, and eventually we wish each other goodnight around eleven o'clock. I'm happy to complete the day and move on. Hopefully move on from these desires.
The next day, Wednesday, passes without incident too. I prepare the wood in the lounge for the gloss coat and paint the main walls. Daniel sleeps in, plays a little basketball, mooches around a bit, and does what youths do. We have chicken pasta for dinner, if you are interested.
Then Thursday comes. Oh god, Thursday comes.
The first challenge of the day is deciding what to wear. Nathan is coming for coffee. He has only seen me in overalls around the house. It will be weird if I suddenly have something different on. But I don't look my best in overalls. After all, how flattering can overalls be? I don't want to dress provocatively though and make a fool of myself. He has a girlfriend, I'm just some middle-aged lady on his round who pathetically flirts with him.
I go for a pair of lightweight khaki shorts. They are kind of 'round-the-house' attire. Not too short, tailored, without looking smart. They show off my legs, which are toned and long, without going too far and showing off anymore. I throw on a tight long-sleeved white top. It has a v-neck displaying some cleavage and barely containing my breasts, which stand full and firm in my white bra underneath, but the top looks like it could be a top someone would do painting in. I admire myself in the mirror, the butterflies starting to flutter.
I apply a little make-up. The kind of no-make-up-look make-up look, and tassel my hair up on top of my head with a messy 'updo'. Trying for a natural, effortless look. The hair is gathered up and secured with a large claw clip, allowing loose curls and waves to cascade down. Strands of hair left out around my face, adding a soft feel without looking too intentional. I don't want to look desperate and pathetic.
I head down to the kitchen, and to my amazement, Daniel is already there. He has his phone in one hand and a spoon in the other, eating cereal.
"Um, hi darling. Did I miss something? Are you doing something today?" I ask puzzled.
"No, why?"
"It's just that you are not usually up this early. So I figured you must be up for a reason."
"No, no reason."
"Ok. Well, good morning, Daniel. Can I get you anything?"
"How about a coffee?" I think I would like a coffee."
"Oh, ok. Sure. One coffee coming up." He doesn't usually drink coffee, so this surprises me too.
"You can practice." He says through a mouthful of cereal, still looking at his phone.
"Practice for what, darling?" I say with my back to him, turning the coffee machine on. Where is this heading?
"Your delivery man. He's coming for coffee today, isn't he?"
"Er. Was that today? I forget. Yes, maybe that was today, I have some special wallpaper turning up hopefully." I try and sound as nonchalant as possible.
"Definitely today, Mom. Don't worry, you look great."
"What this old thing?" I smooth my top down across my stomach. "Just more decorating for me."
"No overalls today though?"
Busted again. I feel the heat of his eyes on my back.
"They needed a wash, that's all, I've been wearing them for days now. Weeks even." Successfully navigated, I think.
"Do you want me out of the house? I can make myself scarce if you want." He probes.
I spin around. "Of course not, darling. Why on earth would I want that? It's just a coffee to say thanks to Nathan, that's all."
"Naythaaan." He teases.
"Oh, grow up, Daniel, please."
"Ok, Mom. My bad. I'm sorry." He holds his spoon and phone up in his hands as a mock surrender.
"Second thoughts, forget the coffee. I'm good. I'll head up to my room. Thanks. Let me know if I can help with anything with the decorating."
"Ok, honey, will do. Thanks."
With that, he is gone. I make myself a coffee, tidy up after Daniel, and grab some breakfast.
I spend the day doing jobs that will not get me dirty or sweaty. I sketch some drawings for an idea in the garden; I do some mood boards for the bedrooms, matching themes with colors and thinking of accessories. It's mid-afternoon when the doorbell chimes. The butterflies launch themselves up and around, swirling in my stomach. My chest tightens, and I feel my breath shallower.
I open the door, and there he is. The image I have in my mind is him at the beach. Powerful chest exposed. Bare arms flexed, strong. I'm therefore surprised to see him in his uniform, stupidly so, of course he is dressed. He is working.
"Hi, Nathan. How are you today?"
"Pretty good, thanks, Maggie."
"Many drops left today?" I ask.
"This is my final drop today, then I'm having coffee with a beautiful lady."
He has obviously practiced his response today, and it takes me by surprise.
The four opening lines of our standard greeting have never ended this way before.
"Um, er. Well, isn't that lady a lucky so and so." It's a terrible response, but at least a little flirty, I can't think.
"Your parcel." He says as he hands it to me. "There, my round is complete. How about that coffee?"
"Come on in," I say. No guessing game today.
I lead the way through to the kitchen and motion to one of the stools. I'm relieved that my legs are working ok.
"Take a seat. How do you take your coffee?" I move past the kitchen island, putting the wallpaper parcel down, and move to the coffee machine.
"Just black. Thanks."
"One black coffee coming right up." I set about making the coffee with our 'bean to cup' machine.
"How was the beach? Good waves?"
"For an hour or two the waves were great, then they dropped, but we hung out in the sun for the rest of the day. Yeah, cool day. It was cool to see you too. Nice surprise."
I glance to my left in the direction of the stairs. Is Daniel listening?
I choose to ignore that part.
"The sun hasn't stopped for weeks now has it. Amazing weather. I wish I was out in it more, not stuck in here working away."
He looks around. "I can't quite see what it's going to look like yet, but the amount of work is impressive. You do everything."
"Thanks. Needs must. You know. I'll give you a tour one day." Boom! The words drop like a bomb.
"I'd like that."
And again. Boom!
The coffee finishes gurgling, and I turn to him. Placing the coffee in front of him. He looks me in the eye as he thanks me.
"Was that your girlfriend with you?" I can't believe how clunky that question sounded as soon as I had said it.
"Um. What was her name? Lisa?" I pretend to struggle to recall her name, not giving away that it is imprinted on my mind.
Nathan laughs. "No. No way. I've known Lisa since we were little kids. We've grown up here together. Sure, she's beautiful but highly strung. Too much maintenance. We get along great as friends, but that's as far as it goes."
I hide my joy and breathe out slowly. I turn back to the coffee machine to make myself one.
"Rosie isn't either." he says.
"Rosie isn't my girlfriend either. The other girl with me at the beach."
"Right, yes. Of course." Have I just given away that I saw Lisa as a threat, but not Rosie?
"Her and Jack are an item, though. Have been together for years."
"You four lived here all your lives?"
"That's right. Heatherfield born and bred. Although Lisa and I are away at college, so we aren't naive locals." He says the last part in a hillbilly accent.
"Different colleges." He adds. "Me and Lisa." Pausing to let that sink in. "Rosie and Jack are still local. They both have jobs here."
As I finish making my coffee and sit down on the stool next to him, the conversation flows effortlessly. He attends Grand Valley State, Michigan, on a swimming scholarship. Is hoping to compete at the Olympics, but as a backup is studying craft beer brewing. Which I never knew was a thing. Amazon thing is a summer job while he is back from college. He has a younger sister. His parents are normal, no skeletons or stories he laughs. I like it when he laughs. I tell him about my work, drop a few client names in there to impress him, but also talk about the pressure of working with rich, obnoxious clients in the city, which is why we are in Heatherfield.
We finish one coffee, and I make more for us both. We talk about Daniel. He's at college too. Nathan offers that maybe they could go out sometime, as Daniel doesn't know anyone here. I say that would be great. My mind is spinning with what that means.
It's not on purpose, but I don't mention my husband. Phil never comes up.
We finish the last of our second coffee and fall into silence. Knowing that this should be the end. He should leave.
I move my hand to pick up the two cups, and he takes my hand in his.
I freeze. Suddenly my heart is going to burst through my chest. I tingle from head to foot. I look into his eyes.
"I sure enjoyed my coffee with the beautiful lady. I hope she did too," he says. No smile this time. His eyes twinkle, but he is serious.
"She enjoyed it too." I can't divert my eyes from his. I can feel my chest rising in my tight white top.
"Can I kiss the beautiful lady?" He asks, still holding my hand. Moving closer.
I want it. I want to feel his lips against mine. I want him to explore my mouth with his tongue. I want him to ravish me.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Nathan." I can't believe I'm saying it, but the words come out. His head drops and he blushes.
"Sorry." It's me that says sorry. I think I am apologizing to myself as much as to him. Apologizing for denying my body the sensation. Denying my lips.
"No, Maggie, I'm sorry. Thank you for the coffee. It was lovely. I better get going."
He stands, still with his head down, he can't look at me.
I jump off the stool and lead the way back to the front door. My legs on autopilot taking me forward across the floor. As I reach the front door, I put a hand on the door handle, but stop. I turn and put the same hand on his chest. His strong, muscular chest, I put the other hand up to my lips and raise a finger to signal silence. I move toward him and place my lips on his. It's electric. The exhilaration combined with the need to kiss his lips was too much; my body did it without my control.
We are filled with intensity, desire, and a closeness that goes beyond just the physical. The kiss deepens, our lips softly yet firmly pressing, tasting, and exploring, sometimes pausing to savor the closeness, sometimes moving with urgency. It is both tender and intense, a timeless moment where nothing else seems to matter but the connection between us.
But as quickly as it begins, it stops. I push myself away from him and spin back around to open the door.
Somehow he stumbles through it, and I wave a goodbye. Closing the door on him before I change my mind. Before my body changes my mind for me.
Leaning against the door, I get my breath back and try to recover from the experience. Eventually, I walk back to the kitchen. I get as far as the island, where I have to stop and lean forward, placing my hands on the cold surface. I stand there. I close my eyes and control my breathing. Minutes pass. Stabilizing myself.
I feel a hand slip across my stomach and a body push against me from behind. A second hand closing on top of mine.
"I don't think that's the behavior of a married woman now, is it." Daniel whispers in my ear. "Chasing boys at the beach. Kissing them behind closed doors."
Silently, Daniel has appeared. For the second time in minutes, I freeze. I keep my eyes closed. I don't know what to do.
His hand moves from my stomach up to my breast, and he pushes against me harder from behind. I'm sure I feel his cock against me. His hand pulls on my nipple through my shirt and massages my breast. I'm already turned on from the kiss, this is driving me crazy.
"It's ok, Mom, your secret is safe with me. But I think you need some practice with guys half your age if you want to compete with Lisa and Rosie."
Oh god, he heard everything.
"Do you want some young cock?"
I don't speak. I don't say no. I don't say yes. But my hips push back into him, and I lean over a little more. He takes the hint and pulls at my nipple again. I gasp uncontrollably.
Both his hands drop to my waist and start to undo my lightweight shorts. In seconds, they have fallen to the floor at my feet. Daniel then slips his body down as he pulls my panties over my ass and down my legs. I feel his breath on my ass and thighs as his head passes. His hands then grab my ass cheeks and he pulls them apart, revealing my anus and pussy in their full glory.
I jolt as his tongue darts into my anus. My husband has never gone near it in all our years of marriage. Now my son has his face buried between my cheeks as he probes my anus with his tongue. I groan and push back into him, inviting him to delve deeper. It's sending waves through my loins. My pussy is getting wet as he keeps my ass cheeks pulled apart and his tongue in my anus. He spits in me, and I feel his saliva dribbling down between my cheeks.
In an out-of-world moment that I don't remember doing until later, I release my hands that are still gripping the edge of the counter at my side, and I pull my top over my head, undoing my bra in the process.
A new sensation now as my naked upper body pushes onto the cold hard counter, my stomach pressed against the edge, my legs stretched to keep my feet on the floor, my breasts hanging down on to the countertop, just my hard nipples touching it. The coldness makes them even harder.