Page 02
We wander over to the kitchen island. I think to myself, so much happens at our kitchen island. I proceed to tell him that Daniel has roped me into going out with him and these new friends, I'm kind of the introduction because of the delivery guy, which is weird, but Daniel is a bit shy and wants me there for support. New town and all that. I tell him his dinner is already in the oven, and he just has to throw the potatoes in. I've bought him beer and ice cream. I conclude with:
"I don't need to go; if you want me here, just say."
I didn't need to add the last bit. I can already see that the idea of spending an evening at home watching TV, eating ribs, and drinking beer on his own is very appealing.
"No, no, you go, you go. You've been stuck in here renovating and decorating; you need a night out."
I'm only human. My stomach tightens, and I go a little pale. I do feel guilt. It's unfair on Phil.
"Do you think you can keep up with these youngsters, though? " he says, laughing. "They'll have you shot-gunning tequila."
I laugh with him. My head hurts.
"Right then, up to see Daniel," he jumps off the stool.
I follow him up the stairs for a quick shower after the day's exertions and to get ready for the evening. Got to look my best.
"I don't need to go; if you want me here, just say."
I didn't need to add the last bit. I can already see that the idea of spending an evening at home watching TV, eating ribs, and drinking beer on his own is very appealing.
"No, no, you go, you go. You've been stuck in here renovating and decorating; you need a night out."
I'm only human. My stomach tightens, and I go a little pale. I do feel guilt. It's unfair on Phil.
"Do you think you can keep up with these youngsters, though? " he says, laughing. "They'll have you shot-gunning tequila."
I laugh with him. My head hurts.
"Right then, up to see Daniel," he jumps off the stool.
I follow him up the stairs for a quick shower after the day's exertions and to get ready for the evening. Got to look my best.
Daniel and I take a taxi to the restaurant. It's one of those restaurants that is half bar, half restaurant. People stand around, but people sit at tables, too. I've never really liked them, but maybe that's me getting old. The music is slightly too loud as well, a beat, beat, beat that enters your skull from all angles. What am I doing here?
We are the first to arrive. That's my fault. I rushed Daniel out the door, and he complained that 'no one arrives early for a reservation,' meanwhile I said, 'Oh, yes, they do.'
A tall, skinny waiter, he looks dank and undernourished to me, but Daniel tells me it's a thing, shows us to our table. I give the waiter my coat, which was used to cover most of what I was wearing from Phil.
"Wow!" the grungy waiter says.
"Wow!" Daniel confirms.
The dress features a wrap-style cut, creating a V-neckline that drops down between my breasts and elongates my neck. The wrap design cinches at the waist with a tie on the side, making the skirt element rise up across my thigh. It's soft sage green hue shines, but the fabric blends into me as if it is my skin itself. The silky fabric drapes effortlessly, giving it a refined and, I hoped, a sultry appeal. Understated in its beauty and graceful in its elegance. On my feet are some Rhinestone slip on high heels that accentuate my long legs. The shortness of the dress makes them appear endless. A thin silver chain around my neck has a shard of silver hanging from it, drawing your eye to the goodies below.
"Thanks boy's, that's exactly the response I was going for."
I'm sure I can't compete with these youngsters in coolness and up-to-date fashions, but there's no substitute for glamor, and I can use what I've got.
We are seated at a multi-color, wooden, rectangular table at the back. Most tables are twos and fours, so they've made space for the six of us. I sit facing into the restaurant, and Daniel sits next to me. I decide on a gin and tonic, and Daniel shows his ID to get a beer.
Daniel and I chat about the ambience and make some small talk. The music is a little quieter at the back. I think he is a little nervous. The reality of being on a date with people he doesn't really know, and with his mother is probably dawning on him. The whole situation of me and him, and me and Nathan is now at the back of his mind, but also at the front of his mind. Not enjoying my discomfort as he expected, nervous for what may happen.
I'm hesitant too. The gin tastes good, but I can't relax. The anticipation, the excitement, the fear - these are not butterflies in my stomach; this is a tsunami.
Then they appear. All four together. My mind does register that four of them are there, but my eyes are drawn completely, insatiably, to Nathan.
He appears broader in the confines of the restaurant, his chest and biceps ever expanding. The relaxed-fit, ivory, linen shirt he is wearing has a lace-up V-neck, which, on anyone else, would show just a hint of a well-defined chest; on him, it is a window into the gods. The lightweight fabric hangs off his shoulders and ripples down the bulges of his muscles. Rolled-up sleeves give a touch of bohemian, an easygoing look. Paired with simple distressed jeans, tight around his crotch. I see the outline; oh god, I know the outline. Stop looking, stop looking. I'm surprised every woman in the place hasn't instantly jumped on him.
He sees us. I hold my breath. He smiles, a little bashful, not the usual ear-to-ear grin I get when he delivers a parcel to the house, which always shakes me to my loins. He's nervous, too. I realize I haven't actually seen him since we. Since we did things to each other. We haven't talked. Is he regretting it? Does he think I'm regretting it? Shit. I hadn't thought about that. Double Shit. I'm just some middle-aged woman out with her son. Triple Shit.
They approach the table. Daniel and I stand to greet them, Lisa almost runs forward. She's wearing a denim, pleated mini skirt that barely covers her panties, which incidentally are pink, and a black corset that pushes her little boobs up to show them off as much as she can. An exposed stomach showing off her belly piercing. Which I notice today is a starfish. She vaults around tables in pink leopard-skin ankle boots with crazy heels, waving a ridiculously small handbag from a chain. Don't get me wrong. She looks fantastic.
But instead of going to Daniel, she leaps toward me and gives me a bear hug. It takes me aback. I look at Nathan over her shoulder with a puzzled look as she squeezes me tight. I think my boobs might fly out of my top. He, meanwhile, gracefully walks across the restaurant.
"Maggie. So glad you could come. Mmmuh. Mmmuh," she air kisses my cheeks as she lets me go.
"Er, yes. It's. Er. Great to see you too, Lisa," I say, stumbling from her arms.
She moves over to Daniel, I'm still focused on Nathan, but out of the corner of my eye, I see them kiss lightly on the lips before Lisa starts introducing Jack and Rosie to him.
As their noise level rises, Nathan reaches forward and gives me a peck on the cheek. He smells as good as he looks. I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl.
"Hi Maggie, nice to see you out of your overalls."
It's our joke. Phew. I breathe out. I smile. We smile. I breathe. Everything is alright. Everything is good.
As the others noisily greet one another, I squeeze his hand gently.
"Lovely to see you too, Nathan."
"You look great," he says, stepping back.
"She looks drop-dead gorgeous." Lisa jumps in again. This could be a long night.
I say hello to Jack and Rosie, and we all settle down. Each opposite our partners, Jack and Daniel, flanking me, Lisa and Rosie, flanking Nathan.
Niceties take over; drinks are ordered; talking through the menu; drinks arrive; food ordered.
Lisa has indeed requested a round of tequila slammers to go with our drinks. I picture Phil sitting at home laughing at me through a mouthful of sauce-streaked ribs. A pang of guilt hits me, but I smile and take a shot, licking the salt, downing the drink, and sucking the lime to a round of applause from the table.
"Come on, I'm not that old. My generation practically invented tequila slammers."
The rest of the table follow suit and down their drinks.
Conversation, and drink, flows around the table. There's a fair bit focused on me as the odd one out. Daniel gets a bit of treatment, too, as the newcomer. I got to know Jack and Rosie a bit more. Jack is an electrician; I immediately say I've got work for him, and he laughs it off. Rosie is in retail. I store that one away (excuse the pun). They are obviously still smitten with each other. School sweethearts still together. They are both good-looking in that girl-next-door, boy-next-door kind of way. A sweetness and innocence.
I noticed Nathan drinks every other drink with us.
"He's sooooo boring," you guessed it, Lisa chimes in. "Always training for this or working out for that."
Nathan looks at me. "I've got a swimming session in the morning followed by an afternoon in the gym; I shouldn't actually be drinking at all." He pulls a face at Lisa. She responds with her own. "But as we have special guests," he raises his beer glass to Daniel and Me.
"Cheers," Lisa shouts. Encouraging us all to raise our glasses before downing the remains of a rum and coke.
Meals arrived, things calmed down again, and I got to talk to Nathan one-on-one for a while across the table. All innocent topics, but it's lovely to just converse with him. I get to look into his baby blue eyes and look at his 'Olympic' body up close. I'm cocooned in a blanket of warmth and fuzziness.
As we complete main courses, the conversation returns around the table, and I sense that it is now or never for my proposal to Lisa.
"Lisa, I was wondering. You have a bit of time on your hands at the moment, is that right?"
"I guess so; I can always find something to fill it with, though." She looks at Daniel with a hint of a wink.
"Well, it is something with Daniel and me, actually; we are working on this thing for a friend of mine. Daniel's the business brain, and I'm the ideas girl.
"Sick," she says.
"I wouldn't say I'm the business brain, Mom, I've set up a website, that's all."
I've embarrassed Daniel.
"Even so, we are in it together." I prompt.
"Yes, absolutely," he replies, realizing he has to seem engaged to sell this to Lisa.
"And where do I come in?" Lisa responds, looking a little bored.
"The 'website' Daniel has set up is actually an e-commerce site..."
Daniel jumps in. "...and the biggest challenge with setting up an e-commerce site is that you need to photograph everything before you can get it online. You can get some images from the manufacturers, but to make it look appealing, it's best to do it yourself and get it done professionally."
"That's right, our stuff is done at head office. There's a whole department for it. Different logistics, warehouses, everything," Rosie has jumped in.
Lisa responds, "I'm not working in a warehouse, and I'm not a photographer either. I'm studying Culture and Performance."
Of course you are, I think to myself.
The table is now looking at me, wondering where this is going.
I turn to Rosie, "Rosie, we need to catch up over coffee so I can pick your brains. Finding out you are in retail is wonderful,"
"I'm a supervisor, that's all." She replies.
I take her hand. "Believe me, we need to talk."
I turn back to Lisa. "My friend's store sells many things, and among those things is clothing. We need to take photos of all the clothing and put it online, and we want that clothing to look as spectacular as possible."
"Still not following you. Where do I come in?"
"I think they want you to model it, Lisa. Right, Maggie?" Nathan this time. I like him; he's smart for an athlete.
"Wow, cool, a model." She throws her head from side to side. "I can be a model."
"That's great. There are just two slight catches, but one big plus."
She stops throwing her head around.
"I'll start with the big plus, well, I think it's a big plus anyway; the photographer who will take the photos is Dah, Dah, Dah, Daniel. So you can spend even more time with him."
She grins, leans over the table, and kisses him.
"Great!" she squeals.
"And the two slight catches?" Nathan again, he's rightly protective of his best friend.
"Well, my friend can pay expenses and lunch, but there's no wages. Treat it as a summer project. That's what Daniel and I are doing."
She pouts and nods her head from side to side to show us that she is thinking.
"I can deal with that; I'm with my bae; that's payment enough."
The table groans, which helps to break the seriousness a little.
"And the second?" Nathan asks.
I kick him under the table. "I'm getting to that," I say, smiling at him as he mock cries out in pain.
"The store sells. The store is. My friend's store is..."
"It's an adult store." Daniel steps in again.
"Wait. You serious? Adult store as in vibrators and masks." Lisa asks, her eyes widening.
"And the most beautiful lingerie and outfits you would ever believe. I can assure you that most clothing is not too revealing, it's sexy, it's erotic. We can blur your face, hide your face, or take shots of just your body in the clothes; no one will need to know it's you." I've practiced that bit of the pitch, but still, I rush it.
Nathan is laughing. Jack is laughing. I try not to, but I also start to laugh.
"Maggie, you are seriously the GOAT." Says Jack.
I have no idea what that means, but based on the reaction it gets around the table, I think it's a good thing.
Lisa stands and comes round to the back of the table. I'm not sure what's going on. Is she going to hit me?
She hugs me around my shoulders.
"I'm so flattered, Maggie, it's awesome that you think I am beautiful enough to be your model for sexy clothing. I would love to do it. I would be honored to do it."
"Yeah, she doesn't want your face, though," Jack says, laughing.
This sets the table off again.
"We would have your face, honey, honestly, we would. I'm thinking of you, sweetheart, that's all."
"I'm a model, I'm a model." She says prancing back to her seat. "You aren't models," she points at her friends. "I'm a model."
The alcohol has definitely helped us win the pitch. I hope Lisa remembers it in the morning.
The waiter returns and takes the plates. We order some desserts. I'm buzzing with adrenaline from the conversation. It was a gamble, but it worked.
Nathan and I talk. He asks lots of questions about the adult store, which I kind of deflect but answer as truthfully as possible. At some point during the conversation, I move myself in my chair under the table, slip my foot out of my shoe, and work it up his calf.
His eyes widen, and his mouth opens as he realizes what is happening. He shifts his seat as far forward, too, and positions his napkin over his crotch. My leg reaches his thigh, and I move it forward, remembering which side of his jeans his cock was hanging when I saw the outline of it as he came into the restaurant. I choose the other leg and move my toes along his thigh.
I continue the conversation as if nothing is going on. I can see Nathan's face tense as he tries not to show any emotion. I ask a question; as he responds, I raise my elbow on the table and place my fingers on my neck, listening intently, playing with my chain, slipping my fingers up to my chin and lips while moving my foot back down his thigh. He does well. He stammers a little, but nothing to give anything away. Let's see how he handles this.
I slide my toes up the other thigh, knowing that it will touch his cock as it moves. I feel the tip and watch his face as I patter my toes across it. He grimaces slightly, ducks his chin down on his chest, and coughs in an effort to cover it up. I stop. The others look at him, he takes a gulp of beer. They resume their conversations. I resume my fun.
The desserts arrive. I leave my foot positioned on his cock, jiggling my toes up and down as the waiter leans over him. I can feel it getting harder. Pushing against his jeans. The size of his cock, means he is now trapped, he could never get up, the sight would be obscene.
I have a chocolate tart with cream. Perfect, I swirl my finger in the cream and slip it into my mouth, keeping an eye on the dinner companions to ensure they are not watching. At the same time, I rub my toes up and down on his cock. I curl my foot, the girth of his cock so wide that my toes sit across it, as I slide my foot up and down.
I remove my finger from my mouth and drop it onto my napkin, looking at Nathan with a look that says, 'You know where this is going.'
The silky fabric of my skirt is easy to slip my hand under without anyone noticing.
"Mmmm. This tart is amazing." I lick my lips.
"Mine too." Says Rosie.
"What about yours, Nathan?" I push harder onto his cock with my toes as I ask him.
"Out of this world." He says through another cough.
I slide my fingers over my panties, caressing my pussy lips, circling my clit. My eyes flutter a little as my fingers hit the spot. I feel Nathan's cock harden a little more under my foot as he see's the reaction in my face.
I bring my hand back up and take another swirl of cream on my finger, sliding it into my mouth,
"Mmmm. So good." I say again.
I tease him with my foot as we finish our dessert and the last of our drinks. Nathan is in a mixture of pain and ecstasy, trying to keep an appearance of control while I am making him harder and harder.
"Who's up for Gingers?" Lisa cries as the waiter starts removing dishes.
"Not me. I've got an early start." Nathan says quickly.
Jack and Rosie look at each other and shrug. "Yeah, sounds good. We'll come."
"Gingers?" I say.
"It's a late-night bar, cool vibes, cool music, cool people." Jack says.
"Oh, it's getting towards my bedtime, I'll leave you youngsters to it, I think. You go, though, Daniel. I'll be fine getting home."
"I'll make sure she gets home okay Danny, don't worry," Nathan says, a little strained. My foot is currently jerking him off.
"Your knight in shining armor," Daniel responds.
It's the first comment he's made about Nathan and me all night, and it's not obvious enough to expose anything. I put my arm on his.
"You'll always be my number one, darling."
"Ahhh." Comes from Rosie and Jack. Ever the romantics.
As the waiter reappears and we settle the bill, I slip my foot back down. My young stud will have to stand up at some time, so I had better let him recover.
Lisa is the first to jump up and come and hug me again. "When do I start my first assignment," she asks.
"Let's talk Tuesday," I say. "That okay? Come to the house."
They start to depart, leaving Nathan and I at the table. Daniel bends down to me as he leaves and whispers in my ear.
"Well done MILF. Good performance tonight. I'll be looking for just as good a performance on Monday around my cock."
I smile as if my sweet little boy has just said something lovely. It fills me with fear but also excitement. My pussy quivers as it is reminded of his cock.
"Okay, darling. I'll do my best. Bye now. Have a great rest of the night." I wave at them all.
I look back at Nathan. "And then there were two."
"Can we go anywhere?" He asks. "You nearly made me cum under the table; I want you right now."
"So let's do it right now."
"What do you mean?"
"You live with your parents, and my husband is at home. There are not many options. What do you think about the men's restroom here?"
I can't believe I am saying it, but I am hungry for his cock as much as he is hungry for my pussy. I can't wait another moment, either.
"You serious?"
"I've never done it, but it's a thing, right, in busy pubs, busy clubs?"
"I guess. We would need to be quiet; I'd need to sneak you in. We can try. Fuck, you're so sexy."
I lick my finger and place it on his lips. He kisses it. "Let's go and see."
Operation 'Entering a mens restroom without being seen' takes us about five minutes. I'm hanging around outside the restrooms with my coat over my arm, waiting for my date. It's not visible from the front desk or the bar, so only customers see me loitering. Eventually, after a man emerges from the men's room, Nathan pokes his head out and ushers me in.
"Quick, last cubicle."
I give a quick look behind me and run through the door as he holds it open. My eyes quickly adjust, and I see five cubicles on the wall on the right. I run to the last one and slip inside. Nathan slides in after me and closes the door. We both look at each other and laugh, putting our hands over our mouths to dull the noise.
We gain our composure again.
"You really do look beautiful tonight," he says, taking my coat and hanging it on a hook on the door.
"You don't look so bad yourself," I reply, putting my hands on his chest and playing with the rope tie of his top, which was trying in vain to contain his muscular chest.
Our mouths met for the first time that evening, and we had a tentative kiss, and then we devoured each other. Our lips slid against each other, our tongues darting inside. Wanting, needing. Our hands move without our brains controlling them. Nathan has undone my wrap-around dress in seconds; I have slipped his top over his head, he has removed my bra, his mouth is on my breasts, then back to my lips, my neck. My mouth is on his chest, his stomach, his neck, his lips. Somehow, we know where the other will be, and our bodies surrender themselves, offer themselves up to the lips of the other.
The restroom door opens, and we freeze. We hear someone walk to a urinal and unzip. I put my hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing again. Our position is hysterical, but my mind also registers this is the first time I've heard a man pee into a urinal. It makes me giggle into my hand. Nathan gives me a 'Paddington' hard stare.
I kiss his nipples in retaliation.
We slowly, quietly start to touch each other again. I'm kissing his chest, licking his nipples. He gently holds the back of my head, running his fingers through my hair as he plays with my breast with his other hand.
I slowly edge my way down his body until I get to his belt. I can already see his cock trying valiantly to push its way through the denim. I undo the belt, unzip him, pull his jeans over his thighs, and give his cock what it has been fighting for. Freedom. It bounces up. In the closeness of the cubicle it looks wider and longer than it did in my kithen. I instantly take him in my mouth. He is hard; he is wide. Just the head at first. Bobbing my head back and forth, taking his shift in my hand and running my fingers back and forth.
We hear the flush outside. I look up at him and smile with my eyes. Laughing a little against his cock. The vibrations only intensify the feeling and the enjoyment on his face.
We hear footsteps, the door open and close.
"mmmm. I love your cock. I could suck on it all night."
"Ohhh. Please do. Ohhhh."
With both hands now on the back of my head, he starts to move his hips forward, sliding his cock deeper into my mouth.
"mmmm. mmore. mmore," my voice more muffled as my lips strain to take him, my mouth is filled.
My lips meet my hand, which is still stroking, twisting on his shift. Crouching in front of him, I move my other hand down my body and pull my tiny black thong to one side. Two fingers find the heat of my pussy and easily slip inside. I build a rhythm with my mouth and fingers on his cock and the fingers inside me.
The restroom door opens, and this time, only my moans stop. I continue to stroke and suck him, I continue to slide my fingers up and down in my pussy. Building the rhythm. My fingers drop from his shaft to his balls, cupping them and squeezing them. My mouth can now go further; take more of him. His hips thrust forward. My eyes shoot open, and I moan a little too loudly. He stops, pulling back slightly. Our eyes locked, waiting for any noise outside. Any voice. Nothing comes. I slide my mouth back over him.
The door opens again, and someone else comes in.
As I take more of Nathan into my mouth and down my throat, the noises in the background fade away. My mind focused on taking more cock, being more quiet, and my wet, wet fingers. My cheeks suck him as his cock pumps in and out of my mouth. My tongue licks and swirls around his shaft, lapping at is balls as his vast cock fills my throat.
Saliva is bubbling from my mouth, my face is strained to its maximum, and I want him to cum. I want to feel the strings of semen flow into my mouth and shoot inside me. But my pussy starts an argument with my mouth and ultimately wins. I slide him out of my lips, stand up, and turn around. I lean over, grasping the wall in front of me. My dress open, my necklace hanging down, bouncing against my tits. I spread my legs, putting one up on to the side wall, wedged against the toilet tissue holder. My dress open, barely covering my ass cheeks. My panties still pulled to one side. My pussy wet and inviting.
I feel his hands on my ass as he lifts the dress up onto my back. I feel his cock slide against my thighs; I need to bend and open my legs wider to accept him. But I do accept him. The head of his cock slides into my wetness. I pull one hand over my mouth to muffle any sound. He slips his hand under his cock and finds my clit, the other hand grasping my leg against the wall of the cubicle. I shudder. I think I must scream. But somehow, I hold it inside.
He feeds his cock into me. I'm wet; it slides in easily but still stretches me, making my pussy ache and strain with every new sensation it is feeling. Hs slides his fingers over my clit, holding me against his cock. Teasing me.
Slowly, he slips in and out, gathering momentum. Silently plunging in and out. His massive cock, sliding in and out. My body is tensing to control my breathing, to prevent any sounds coming out of my mouth. It's excruciating but only adds to the ecstasy.
My pussy is clamped around him, he's pulling on my clit, I'm pushing back onto him, he's pushing into me. I arch my back, tightening the grip in my pussy again, I feel his massive cock tense and expand.
My breasts are bouncing up into my chin. the chain around my neck flying this way and that. My ass twerking up and down as my body tenses with every insertion of his cock in my pussy. Juices are sliding down my thighs, pulled by his shaft, covering his balls. My mind shouts, 'Oh, god.' My mind shouts 'fuck, fuck fuck'. My face twists and contorts. My mouth says nothing. My body bucks; his hips keep slamming. My hand is over my mouth stopping sounds from escaping. My head is out of control. 'Nathan. Nathan. Nathan. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.' He feels bigger, he feels harder than I remember. My body is a rag in his muscular arms, speared by his engorged cock.
He keeps pumping. Filling me over and over. Stretching me over an over. I can't take any more. I push back, I squeeze, I fuck him back. The ecstasy mixed with the anticipation, the expectation of his cum shooting into me sends me over the edge. My pussy convulses on his cock, and sends more and more juice flying down him, it sends him over the edge too. I yelp into my hand as my orgasm flows through me, his orgasm flows into me. My hips thrashing around, my ass jumping around. His hands are now on my back, pumping his hips. Holding on as he explodes again and again, sending jets deep inside me.
I've no idea if anyone is outside the cubicle. I lost all spatial awareness as soon as Nathan entered me. He pulls me up to him, still buried inside me. He grasps my breasts, pulling my back against his chest. I turn my head, and we kiss. Sloppy, passionate kisses, our mouths not wanting to miss anything the other is offering.
His hands continue to massage my breasts. I wish we could go on all night. Go again and again and again. But slowly, we relax. His cock slips out of me, letting his cum drip down my leg. Letting my juices drip down my leg. I take it in my fingers and feed it to him. Making him lick himself from my fingers, making him taste me from my fingers.
We tidy ourselves, we dress. We kiss one last time. A deep kiss, with all the feelings that have just been shared by our bodies. My arms on his strong shoulders, his strong arms around my waist. My breasts on his chest, my pussy pulled against his cock. Oh, never let this end.
But it does. And our minds shift to the logistics of getting out.
He unclips the lock. The outer door opens. We freeze. Nathan locks the cubicle door again. We wait. The man needs a long pee. He washes his hands, 'he has good manners'. Just as we think he is about to leave, we hear:
"Tonight's the night, Sam. Tonight's the night. She's all yours!"
It takes everything we have to stop ourselves from bursting into laughter. Somehow, we don't make a sound.
Then he is gone. Nathan unlocks again and, this time, manages to get me out without being seen.
"We'll share a uber, I'll take you home," Nathan says as we reach the front of the restaurant.
I look at the bar; there are a few free stools.
"How about we grab a drink, order a taxi, and you tell me all about the beers they have on tap while we wait?" I don't want the evening to end. I want to look into his eyes, have him near me, and hear his voice.
"Good idea," he says.
As we finally approach my house in the taxi, making sure the driver is occupied, I squeeze Nathans hand.
"There are builders here this week. But I have a couple of packages due to be delivered. If they were delivered after four in the afternoon, that would be very convenient..."
"I think that could be arranged," he says with a smile.
"...and if it happened to be the delivery man's last drop of the day, he could maybe grab a coffee."
"You do make a good coffee."
We smile together. I let go of Nathan's hand as we pull up.
"Safe journey home, Nathan," I say as I get out of the car, bending over on my way, making sure he gets a great view of my ass under my dress. My thong pulled tight between my cheeks.
I walk up the path with a massive smile on my face and an amazing, delighted body.
Phil is asleep on the sofa. I switch off the TV and pull a blanket over him. I'll let him sleep.
I do feel some guilt, but if I'm honest, the way Nathan has made my body feel, I don't feel as guilty as I should. I feel young, desired, special. My pussy feels stretched but completely ecstatic still now. I wanted more. I want more.
I'll have a quick shower before bed.