Chapter 06
I opened my mouth to protest, but she covered it with hers, and her fingers did something magical that made my cock swell to life once more.
“That’s impossible,” I managed to get out, the words weak, even to my own ears.
“And if you manage to bone two… I’ll invite Ava to join us.” Her grin was so wicked it dried the words of protest on my lips.
Her eyes flashed in triumph, and she sat up and released my cock. She looked so gorgeous as she knelt there, her slender body and firm breasts swaying as the car rolled down the road. She bent over the seat and pressed her knees together, showing off her wide ass and narrow waist to perfection.
“Come on, lover boy,” she said, “let’s give her a show!”
I felt like a fool, but there was no way I was going to ignore the sight of her there wet and waiting. I knelt behind her and took my cock, pressing it to her wetness. I glanced up and saw Ava staring back in the mirror, eyes flickering to the road and back, wide and excited. Out the front window, the world raced by, a half-empty freeway passing beneath us at seventy miles an hour. I felt a wild, manic energy, like I was high on drugs or something, or just high on life and power, as I pushed my dick into this hot, intimidating woman’s tightness.
She was pressed down into the seat as I held onto her hips and pounded into her with feverish thrusts. I had only one thing on my mind, and I pursued it with relentless determination. At times I ground into Brooke with long slow thrusts, and at others, I pounded down into her hard; loving the grunts of mindless pleasure she made and the shaking orgasms that rolled through her. I was deep in my teenage lusts.
By the time we arrived, I had no anxiety whatsoever, but was more exhausted than I ever remembered being. Brooke had a change of clothes for us; the woman thought of everything. As we rolled down the street and pulled up outside the building, Ava got out and opened the door as I stared at Brooke.
There were so many questions I wanted to ask her, so many things I wanted to say. She seemed to sense my hesitation and gave a quick little winking smile.
“Go on, Young Master,” she said, “You have one year to make a man of yourself. It’s more than many are given and less than others. I will see you in three weeks on the first.”
“Thank you for everything,” I said, “I realize that can’t possibly be enough, but you have no idea how much… everything meant to me.”
Brooke’s calm, professional demeanor broke, and she flashed a bright smile and fell forward into my arms, her lips pressing to mine in a long passionate kiss. Her tongue dancing in my mouth, hot wet and desperate, before she pulled away with a shaky break and trembling grin.
“It meant everything to me too. Now, remember our deal… make one of these women your lover before we meet next, or it’s another year for you here.” Her grin turned Cheshire cat-like, as she leaned back in her seat.
I stepped out of the limo, shaking my head and was stopped by a firm little hand gripping my forearm. I looked down into the big intense blue eyes of the tiny driver, Ava. She was a dainty woman with delicate features, but she had a fierceness to her that belied her size.
“Fuck two, and I’ll show you how a real southern girl does it,” she flashed me a wink, popped her gum, turning and sweeping platinum locks over her shoulder. The black and white driver's uniform hugged her body to perfection, and I felt my cock throb as I watched her firm little ass bob back and forth. Then she was in the limo, and it pulled away.
Suddenly I was standing on the side of the road with a dusty backpack, staring up at an old red and black brick apartment building. Five stories of fire escapes, windows, and fluttering white drapes. The building to either side was close, but one side was wide enough for an alleyway.
As I was looking up, a golden-haired beauty moved past a set of wide windows on the fifth floor. I only caught a glimpse of her, but she was stunningly beautiful. She had the kind of long featured elegance that only seems to exist in movies or magazines, but with an ethereal quality that shook me to my core.
The angel was there, and then gone.
I stood frozen in place, waiting for her to return. Then a horn blared in my ear, and I hopped out of the road, waving in apology. The world suddenly crashed back into my reality, and I realized where I was, in the middle of the crazy city surrounded by the press of humanity.
I grabbed my bag and pulled out the keys Brooke had given me, climbing the stoop. An older woman, with strikingly beautiful features and impressible bosom, stepped out of the building's front door just as I was about to put my key in. She glanced at the key in surprise then looked up at me with a broad smile.
“Welcome, did you just move in?” She asked, her voice had a musical quality to it that I found appealing. Almost as appealing as her massive breasts and big round brown eyes.
“I just arrived, I’ll be the new superintendent, and living in apartment one.” I held out my hand to her, feeling a little awkward under her bright stare, “I’m Connor, nice to meet you.”
“Gia Russo,” she said with a smile as she shook my hand, “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear we have a super again, it’s been years. The list of things that need to get fixed in this old building is a mile long.”
“Is there a list somewhere?” I asked as I stepped into the foyer and looked around at the old worn wood and grimy tile floors with a frown.
“The old super set up a sheet down in the boiler room, but I think most of us are too scared to go down into that dark hole,” she laughed, “I’ll talk with Sola, she runs the yoga studio upstairs, we should be able to figure out something. If you have time tomorrow, the faucet in my bathroom has a problem, if you could come look at it.”
“Of course,” I said, shuffling awkwardly over to my apartment door. The woman had followed me in, crowding in closer than I was comfortable with, as she spoke rapidly.
“Perfect! You get yourself unpacked and relax tonight. Is that all you brought? Well, I’ll whip something up for us, just a little pasta or lasagna. You could do with a little more meat on your bones. Come by after six, I should have everything ready by then. Oh, this is so exciting! I’m so happy you’re here, Connor!”
She wrapped me in a big hug, crushing me with her giant soft breasts. I couldn’t help but feel that her body wasn’t soft all over, she was in good shape. She also smelled of delicious Italian herbs and spices, and I found myself growing excited about her cooking.
She bustled out of the building waving, and then I was alone in the musty-smelling building. I fit my key in the door and muscled it open. Inside, I found a small studio with a small kitchenette outfitted with a small fridge like you might find in a college dorm, a sink, and a single burner stovetop. I thought at first there was no bed, but I saw a hook and string on the wall. When I pulled it down, I realized it was one of those beds that hide in the walls. The springs and hinges screamed in protest as it descended. The mattress was stuff and had a few small moth-eaten holes in its cover, but it looked clean, and was thankfully stain free.
The room was dim, with the two windows that faced the street having been painted over with the same dingy yellow paint as covered the walls. The ceiling low, and I knew the place would be sweltering come the summertime, unless I managed to unstick the windows. The one glimpse I had of the bathroom had been terrifying. It was leagues worse than anything I was used to, coming from my privileged life, and with the street noises and lights, it would be hard to sleep at any time of the day or night.
Despite all that, or perhaps because of it, I absolutely love the place.
It was private and had a lock on the door. Those were two privileges I’d never enjoyed before, and as I got up and threw the lock, tossed my clothes into a corner, I pulled free the old green woolen army blanket that had covered the mattress and rolled up in it. The mattress was lumpy, and the blanket itchy but being able to block the world out felt wonderful.
I was exhausted after the long day, and my mind bounced between the images at my father’s funeral and the wild ride with Brooke in the limo. I felt the familiar anxiety creeping up the back of my neck, and burrowed deeper under the blankets. The coming weeks and months would require me to venture far out of my comfort zone, and I was already trying to figure out a way to flake on Gia for the next night. I also needed to find the college and get enrolled in classes. For one second, I thought about calling my dad's secretary to arrange things, but then I remembered where I was and what the rules were.
My restless mind kept worrying over things for a couple hours, and by the time I fell asleep, I was half-convinced that Brooke had been faking everything, and she was somewhere right now laughing at me. I couldn’t quite convince myself though, even as inexperienced as I was confident, that she had enjoyed it as much as I had.
I finally fell asleep to the sounds of the city coming alive in the late evening outside, of music playing in a nearby apartment, and the yells of an arguing couple somewhere close by. My new life in MILF apartments had just begun, and I had no idea how wonderful it would soon become.