Chapter 11
She stepped into the room and held the door open for me to follow. The living room space had been converted into a small yoga studio, complete with little cubbies for shoes and a pile of used mats in the corner. The floor was a beautiful blond wood that had been polished to a smooth mirror shine.
Sola was wearing a tiny pair of booty shorts and a halter top, and I couldn’t help but stare at her perfectly tight and rounded ass, as she led me back through the kitchen to the bedroom. She pointed through the window to the fire escape. I looked out, then I saw the AC unit just below the yoga studio windows.
In order to work on it, I would need to climb out on the fire escape, but when I looked down through the gaps in the steel floor to the street below, I felt fear and vertigo clawing their way into my mind.
“It will work for a few minutes, but then it just shuts off, and I can’t get it started for hours,” she said, “Normally I don’t use the thing, it’s such a waste, but the heats been unbearable this summer.”
“Let me take a look,” I said as I edged myself out onto the fire escape slowly, I tried not to look down as I grabbed onto the rail in a death grip.
“Ok,” she said, “I’m going to get ready, let me know if you need anything.”
I gave her a nod and then headed over to the AC unit. After a quick search, I found a small rubber plug on the bottom, when I removed it a stream of dirty brown water rained down into the alley below. The smell of rust was overpowering, but when I inspected the unit, it seemed to be ok. I did a quick google search on the model and found that the plug I'd removed was for condensation build-up and had to be evacuated once a year or so. If not, then ice would build up on the coils within, and the system would overheat and shut down.
I turned the AC on and let it run for a while, and things seemed to be working fine. Moving carefully back to the window, I was about to step back into the room when I froze. Before me, Sola bent over, her bald pussy and ass on perfect display as she pulled a tiny pair of white panties up her perfect legs.
She glanced back and saw me sitting there, staring and frowned.
“I’m sorry!” I said, face beet red with embarrassment, “I just finished… I think it’s fixed.”
“Excellent,” she said, completely nonplussed that I’d just seen her bare ass and pussy, her frown only deepened though as she looked at my back, “You look tight as a spring, you ever stretch?”
“No,” I said, climbing back through the window, “Not since gym class at least.”
“Hold up,” Sola said, and I felt her hands on my shoulder just as I got through.
She bent me low over the waist, pressing down with one hand, with the other she put pressure on my lower back, and I felt a nasty, sharp pain shoot down my leg, causing it to jerk to the side.
“Ouch!” I said, standing up slowly and flexing my leg to get the pins and needles sensation to fade.
“Yea, it’s just like I thought, you’re gonna have an issue with that back if you don’t start building a good foundation.”
“What was that?” I asked.
“The shooting pain down your leg?” She asked, “That was the muscles in your lower back pulling on your spine and pinching the sciatic nerve. You can expect that to start up in your late thirties, or maybe early forties, and then it will be a plague your whole life. You should really start stretching those muscles out, which will keep the issue from forming. Core exercises would be a big help as well.”
“I can’t afford yoga classes,” I said with a laugh, “I spent just about the last money I had on textbooks yesterday.”
“I’m willing to exchange service for service,” she was tilting her head and looking me up and down with a crooked little smile, “yes, I can think of plenty of things you could… help me out with.”
“I don’t know about yoga, though,” I said, “I don’t know if it’s really my style.”
“Give it a week,” she said, her bright green eyes holding mine, that small, secretive smile playing across her lips, “I promise you won’t regret it, and if you do, then you don’t have to perform… services for me, deal?”
“Ok,” I said, unable to look away as her gaze trapped me. The woman was beautiful, with her white blond hair and dark roots, and those adorable dimples that came out when she grinned that excited little smile she had on now.
“Perfect, same time tomorrow, and you can join me for my warmup stretches, it will be good for you to start easy.” She walked me to the door as she talked, pulling it open, “and thanks again for fixing the AC.”
I was about to speak when the door on the other side of the hall opened, and a strangely familiar face stepped out. The woman had dirty blond hair, pulled back into a severe ponytail, and glasses with thick black rims. She was dressed in an expensive and stylish skirt-suit with a tailored jacket, all in black. She wore sheer stockings and a pair of white running shoes and a pair of black heels in her hand.
“Morning, Elizabeth!” Sola said to the woman, who glanced up as she was locking her door and froze in shock when she saw me, her jaw slowly falling open.
I knew exactly why the woman was shocked because I was just as shocked at finding her here. Elizabeth Janson was my father's third wife, and his shortest marriage, at only one month. In fact, I almost didn’t recognize the woman, I’d only met her a handful of times, and she’d never lived with us. She was a powerful attorney, one of the most powerful in the city, and I always suspected my father married her for the connections. He had always been the calculating type, making his decisions with his brain and never his heart.
All of this flashed through my head in the second it took to recognize her, and her to remember me. I was about to say hello, but the woman stiffened, clutching her heels and bag close, she fled into the stairway.
“Elizabeth?” Sola asked as the woman fled down the stairs.
I caught her glance back at me once before she disappeared, her face red with embarrassment or anger, I didn’t know. A confusing swirl of emotions crossed her face as our eyes met, and then she was gone. Running shoes fading town the stairs.
“Well, that was weird,” Sola said with a frown, “Wonder what that was about.”
“Me too,” I said, “Let me know if there are any more problems with the AC. I’ll be by tomorrow morning, and thanks again.”
“Of course,” Sola said, her frown lifting as I left.
I felt the woman’s eyes on my back as I walked down the stairs. I tried not to think about how amazing she looked in her tight workout clothes. Instead, my mind filled with the image of Elizabeth, and I felt anxiety creeping its devilish claws into me. Finding out that I was living in the same building with one of my father’s exes was uncomfortable. I could only hope the woman didn’t hold whatever he’d done to her against me.
When I got to my room, I plopped down on my bed and found my dick in my hand as I tried to imagine what Sola would look like completely naked. Even with images of her tight bald pussy in my mind, the sight of Elizabeth pushed those out, and I found myself fantasizing about her massive breasts and sexy mature face. The thought of seeing such a pristine Manhattan beauty, writhing in ecstasy as I came all over her gorgeous face, sent me over the edge.