Chapter 22
I stepped out into the foyer of Whitaker Industries and saw the old familiar receptionist there at the big desk. She greeted me in her usual professional manner and told me that Brooke was waiting for me. The woman had always intimidated me with her perfectly quaffed hair and beautiful but severe face, but I found I could meet her eyes for the first time as I nodded my thanks and went past her.
Conversations grew hushed as I passed, and staring eyes tracked me as I made my way back to the offices. I’d never really paid attention to my father’s employees, but I did now; noting that there were a large number of women in positions of authority and power. I tried not to let my anxiety and awkwardness show on my face or in my demeanor, but I could see a few employees narrow their eyes in nervous speculation as they looked me over.
Brooke’s secretary hopped to her feet when she saw me a flashed a bright smile on her pretty face. Sitting beside the door flipping through a glossy magazine was Ava, the driver from before. She looked up at me and winked, licking her bottom lip and setting down the magazine.
“You’re early,” the secretary said, “Would you like anything to drink?”
“No, I’m ok, thank you,” I said.
“Tell me lover-boy,” Ava said, her voice rich and seductive, causing the secretary to shift uncomfortably, “Do you have good news for the boss? Or did I get waxed for nothing?”
“Umm,” I said, blushing deeply and shifting uncomfortably as several sets of eyes turned to watch me, waiting for my answer, “I accomplished all the… tasks Brooke set for me last time. I should be in perfect compliance.”
“Excellent,” she said, shifting down in her seat and spreading her legs slightly.
I tried not to stare at her pale, slender thighs as her skirt rode up, allowing me to glimpse a peek of lacy black panties.
“Ms. Brooke will see you now,” the secretary said, the blush faint on her pretty round cheeks.
I stepped into the office and saw that even though Brooke was running the whole company now, she hadn’t changed anything. Her office was still as stark and austere as it had always been. A steel and glass desk that dominated one wall, with several chairs arrayed around it and a conference table on the other side, surrounded by chairs.
Brooke was just stepping from around her desk and waving me over to the conference table, turning off the lights as she did.
“Have a seat,” she said, “I had finance and logistics work up PowerPoint presentations to go over with you.”
“Sounds good,” I said, plopping down in one of the chairs near the head of the table.
“I will begin with an overview of what steps I have taken since being named Interim-CEO, and then we shall review how your months have… progressed.”
She stood before the projector and clicked the stylus, moving the blank image to the company’s logo. She was wearing a tight fitting and tailored top, that buttoned up to the neck, but did nothing to hide her phenomenal curves. Her jacket was hanging from her chair’s back, and her skirt was black and clung to her hips, stopping just below the knees and showing her smooth, slender calves and small delicate feet, held in black strappy heels.
“I began my tenure by contracting an outside auditing firm to review the company’s books.” She clicked through slides and showed an image of the company’s finances represented in a pie chart, “You’ll be pleased to hear that they found several accounts and funds your father set aside for mergers and acquisitions. The total is just over nine billion dollars.”
She clicked to the next slide that showed several accounts with large balances, then to the next slide, which showed a series of different companies and industries.
“Our next steps will be to determine an optimal industry to step into. We currently hold significant market shares in pharmaceuticals, real estate, and medical device manufacturing, but there are several options if we want to diversify our holdings.
Over the next twenty minutes, Brooke reviewed several different companies, their balance sheets, and the risk associated with acquiring them. She and her people had thought this out and had yet to come to a decision.
After that, she took me through the company’s org-chart. Showing each major manager and supervisor, along with a breakdown of their strengths and weaknesses. She seemed to be planning a full reorganization of the company, and from the list of aptitudes, I could see many people were not being utilized to the best of their abilities.
The presentation concluded with a review of our current holdings and their profitability. I was amazed at the wide variety of things my father had gotten his fingers into. It made sense, though, I knew from my studies, diversification was the best way to insulate the company from anyone industry cratering.
“Now,” she said, turning off the projector, and sitting at the head of the table, “I want to hear all about your first three weeks on your own. Tell me everything.”
I told her everything, finding that I was even more amazed at the wild past few weeks than she seemed to be. I told her about the work I’d been doing around the building and the various apartments. She pressed me when I began talking about my first visit to Gia’s, wanting to know every little detail of our sexy encounter.
“I thought she would be the first you claimed,” the woman said with a knowing smile, “How was her cooking?”
“Excellent,” I said, grinning, finding that it was easy to speak with her about all of this. Far more natural than I thought it would be when I rode over on the subway.
I continued and told her all about Elizabeth and our wild encounter the weekend before. Brooke was fascinated by this and went over every detail before she would let me continue with what happened the rest of the week.
“I must say, Connor,” she said when I finished, “You did far better than I assumed you would. I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks,” I said, finding it odd that this beautiful young executive was proud of me for fucking the MILF’s in my building.
“You’ll find that both women have a lot of wisdom to teach you,” she rose and walked over to the small bar in her office and poured two large glasses of scotch and set one before me, “As do all the women in your building.”
“There was something else I wanted to mention,” I told her about the roof I was cleaning and the plank I’d found spanning the alleyway and then the girl who I’d discovered trying to climb back over.
“She’s been breaking into the 5th-floor apartment,” I finished, “So I’m letting the girl stay in the basement for the time being.”
“You trust this person?” She asked, a small frown turning her lips down as she sipped her glass of scotch.
“No,” I admitted, “but there isn’t anything she can take besides the tool, and there is little risk of that.”
“It is well of you that you show compassion, but I wouldn’t make a habit of it,” she stood and walked over to her desk and wrote a note down beside her computer, “I’ll have her story checked out. At least you can know if she’s a liar or not. Now, as for the rest of our meeting.”
She stood grinning and lifted a set of cuffs from behind her desk. I felt a cold sweat pop out on my skin, as I thought for a moment that she planned to put them on me, but she walked over to the door and opened it, speaking quietly and then stepped back to admit Ava.
The secretary glanced in, her eyes wide and a deep red blush on her cheeks. She met my eyes, and I saw a tight grin form on her lips, then the door swung shut and I was locked inside with the two beautiful women.
Brooke walked over to Ava and pulled a slender leather collar out of her pocket. The adorable blond bit her bottom lip, cheeks blushing a pale shade of red as Brooke slipped the collar around the woman’s neck and locked it in place. There was a silver ring at the font of the collar and diamond stubs running down the sides. There had to be a few thousand dollars of gemstones in the piece.
Ava stood still as Brooke began to disrobe the woman. I glanced out the floor-to-ceiling windows and saw offices across the street, and knew if anyone happened to be looking, and the reflection wasn’t bad, they would be able to see everything that was going on in here. The thought made me nervous and powerfully aroused. Like being in the elevator with Gia, the sensations and feelings were all heightened by the fact that we could be overheard by the secretary or seen by other office workers.
“For thousands of years,” Brooke began, as she continued to slowly undress Ava, revealing the woman’s slender, toned body one inch at a time as I sat watching. “Men of power and privilege have been guided and educated above the common man… few are capable of mastering the various disciplines and become a true Alpha Male. But those few who have, have had their exploits preserved in history and myth. Alexander the Great… Genghis Khan… Arthur…”
Brooke stepped behind Ava, staring over the smaller woman’s shoulder and into my eyes, as she reached around, slowly unbuttoning Ava’s white blouse.
“I’ve made a study of these things, Connor,” Brooke said, her words warm and soft, sinking into my mind and relaxing me, “Your contemporaries in China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and other countries, are being raised and educated like emperors. You will be the leaders of the new world, trillionaires with more power and influence over people’s lives than their governments… You can’t step into that world until you’ve been armored and armed.”
She unhooked Ava’s bra and let the small white garment fall to the ground, revealing the woman’s small firm breasts. Ava stood proudly, perfectly still and with a straight back, her eyes afire with desire as Brooke pulled down the zipper on the back of the woman’s skirt.
“The majority of corporate spies are women,” Brooke said, her slender fingers sliding the black skirt down Ava’s toned thighs, “Trained in the art of seduction, and educated on how to make a man talk on the pillows after. This is your true enemy, Connor. By the time you take the reins of this company and your rightful place amongst the global elite, you will be immune to the charms of their most seductive temptresses.”
“How?” I asked, swallowing a lump in my throat, nervous about what was to come.
“I’m glad you asked,” Brooke said with a grin as she whipped Ava’s panties off and walked the woman over to the conference table, “Your education has already begun, as I’m sure you guessed. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be the most confident man in the world, certain of his efficacy.”
She lay Ava down on her back, and the slender blond licked her lips nervously as she spread her legs wide at Brooke’s insistence.
“You accomplished your task for the month,” Brooke said, crooking her finger and calling me over, “and so you’ll be rewarded. But first, you must learn this month’s lesson.”
“What lesson is that?” I asked, my breathing coming deep and uneven as I stared down at the gorgeous little driver who looked up at me and bit her bottom lip in nervous excitement.
“Today, you will learn how to pleasure a woman,” she ran her fingers gently down the center of Ava’s chest and down her stomach, causing the woman to shiver, “A woman’s body is like a man’s, and yet not. If you learn to play it right, there is no end to the benefits you can reap.”