Chapter 35

I found myself walking down the stairs with a silly grin on my face and a skip in my step. The rest of the day, I didn’t even notice how tired I was, or how stressed out from all the work that my professors kept piling up on me. I couldn’t forget the smile of joy that had lit Clara’s beautiful face up when I agreed to the date, or the subtler, but just as soft and eager smile that had flashed on Monique's thick lips. I couldn’t wait for what the future held.

That night I was still on cloud nine as I read and slurped down noodles and soup. My money was making it each month, but I was cutting it close. I’d been worried that I might get sick of the cheap noodles and broth, but it was still delicious and one of the most filling meals I could find for the price.

The next morning, I was prepared for things to be awkward when we all showed up to Sola’s place, but things couldn’t have been farther from that. If anything, they were even more relaxed and companionable. Clara and Monique were over the moon about making their gig. Sola and I listened with rapt attention, as they described how pumped the promoter had been to have two hot women who had great beats and vocals.

“She said if we can kill it at this gig, then she can get us a lot more all over the city,” Clara said with a grin, “she also loved the name. Said it fits us perfectly.”

“I’m not sure how I feel about that,” Monique said with a playful frown, then she grinned, “I’ve already started working on cover art and poster art for our LP and shows. Shit, this is getting pretty exciting.”

“When’s the show?” I asked, excited to hear their music and see them play, but kind of dreading going to a crazy club.

“In two weeks,” Clara said, “You’ll come, right? Sola, you too?”

“Of course,” the tiny yoga instructor said with a grin, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world! And Connor will be there with me even if I have to drag him.”

“I'll be there,” I said, “I promise.”

“There is a new position I wanted to introduce to you all,” Sola said once we’d gotten in place on our mats, “It can be dangerous if you haven’t been prepared for it properly, and if you haven’t built up the proper core strength. Here I’ll show you.”

She walked us through an incredibly tricky pose, step by step, making sure we were in the right body positions at each stage. The stretch was incredible, and I felt it run throughout my body. The hardest part of the pose was the hip thrusts that Sola had us do, increasing the stretch almost to the breaking point and then easing off slowly.

By the time I left that morning, I was shaky and dripping with sweat and knew I would be feeling it for at least a day or two. As I dressed, after my shower, I caught myself in the mirror and was amazed at the hard striation of my muscles. My abs were a firm six-pack, and my arms were corded in muscles and vascularity. I hardly recognized myself, and it was with a strut of confidence that I walked down the subway and rode to class.

I got home early and took an extra long shower, letting the hot water relax my aching muscles. Then taking care to make sure I had a nice clean shave on my jaw and trim down below, I climbed the stairs to Milly's apartment. I stood outside the door and waited until my phone showed 6:30 pm exactly, then I knocked with two deliberate hard raps of my knuckles.

Milly must have been waiting just on the other side of the door because she flipped the lock three times in quick succession, then turned the nob three times and pulled the door open quickly. Her beautiful round face lit up in a shy smile when she saw me, and she stepped back, letting me enter.

“Welcome,” she said, closing the door behind me and turning the lock three times once more, “can I get you anything to drink? Or maybe something to eat?”

“A glass of wine would be great,” I said, ignoring the butterflies that danced in my stomach as I glanced around her place.

“Gia will be here shortly,” Milly said, her thick lips stretching into an eager smile, “Do you want white or red?”

“Red would be wonderful,” I said, “thank you. You’re ok with Gia coming here tonight?”

“Oh yes,” Milly said, her cheeks blushing a deep shade of red, “I’d wanted to ask you if that was possible, but I was too scared and shy. I’ve been watching a lot of instructional videos, but I still have a lot of questions.”

“Instructional videos?” I asked her.

“Porn,” she said, dipping her head in embarrassment as she poured me a healthy glass of wine, “My work contract is over, and since I had no desire to work for Vanderlite Industries after everything I learned, I decided to do some research.”

“Wait,” I said, freezing in the act of taking a sip of my wine, “you work for Everett Vanderlite?”

“I did,” she said, looking at me with a frown, “I just said that, did you not hear? I discovered some inaccuracies in their accounting books, and after alerting the CFO, I was made aware that my contract was no longer necessary and had been terminated.”

“Holy shit,” I breathed, my mind spinning, “do you realize how valuable that information would be to me?”

“To the scion of Whitaker Industries?” Milly asked with a raised eyebrow, “I assume it would be almost priceless.”

“You know who I am,” I said, feeling a wave of relief sweep through me. I hadn’t realized how much anxiety I’d been holding by keeping who I was secret.

“I don’t think I was supposed to,” Milly said, “But when I was offered a place in this building that seemed too good to be true, I did my research. It wasn’t easy, but I found the real owners of the building.”

She would have continued, but just then, there were two soft knocks at the door, and Milly stood abruptly and walked over. She let Gia in after her ritual with the locks and doorknob, and I was amazed to see the woman’s shoulders relax and expression soften when she greeted the older professor.

“Professor Russo,” Milly said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips and her blush deepening when she took in the woman's lowcut top and the short skirt that clung to her hips, “Thank you so much for coming over.”

“Of course, dear,” Gia said, her smile kindly, “you know I wouldn’t miss a chance to discuss the Ideals of Argument. Especially with our young protégé here,” her dark eyes settled on me, and I felt a warmth fill my heart at the gentle love I saw emanating from her. “I’d never miss a chance to spend an evening with young Connor.”

“Perhaps we should begin then,” Milly said, suddenly awkward as she poured a third glass of wine.

“Tell me, Millicent,” Gia said, her tone strange to my ears. I’d never heard her professorial voice, and it was doing exciting things to my libido, “would you rather we begin with the Arguments, and young Connor lesson. Or would you rather begin with your own?”

Milly stood like a deer caught in headlights, staring from Gia to me and back. I could see her shoulders tightening in, the anxiety and uncertainty clouding her mind. I was about to speak, seeing the panic tighten around her eyes. I trapped her gaze with mine and drew in a deep, slow breath, causing her to match it.

As she let out the breath, she steadied slowly and then turned to Gia and nodded.

“You’re right,” she said, “We should begin with mine, or else I may become too anxious and nervous to follow through. Please, you may begin, and thank you again.”

“Pour yourself another glass of wine,” Gia said with a warm smile for the younger woman, “That’s a good girl. Now sit down on the couch, we will begin out here.”

“What’s going on?” I asked, an amused smile tugging at the corner of my mouth as I felt my cock hardening.

I could tell by the charged atmosphere that things were heating up, and my body responded. Even with the sudden shift, I was cool and calm, ready for whatever the night brought. The realization gave me a giddy rush that I tamped down as the raven-haired beauty swayed up to me and ran her warm hands down my sides to grip my ass and pull me close.

“I, my handsome young man, will be instructing Millicent in the fine art of seduction,” her words were a purr, and my eyes couldn’t look away from her thick red lips, and I shuddered in desire as her firm nipples dragged across my chest as she turned. “You see Connor, you’ve awakened something in my former pupil just as you’ve awakened it in Elizabeth and me. A desire to live again, to love and be loved… and with that comes a wanting. Wanting to be enough, to pleasure so that one can accept pleasure in return, guilt-free.”

“Exactly,” Milly breathed.

The woman sat on her couch, a full glass of wine clutched in her hands and too spellbound by Gia’s words to remember her typical shyness. She sat with her back straight and shoulders back, thick dark hair swept away from her beautiful face, massive breasts pressed against her somewhat stylish top, and the hard nipples evidence of her intense arousal. She watched with rapt fascination as Gia instructed.

“It begins with what isn’t seen, but merely hinted at,” Gia said, turning his hips and shoulders in such a way to show off the narrowness of her waist and depth of her cleavage.

My eyes locked on her body like steel to a lodestone, traveling the length of her as I licked my lips unconsciously.

“Fascinating,” Milly breathed and took a large gulp of her wine, hardly daring to blink for fear of missing a second of what was taking place before her.

Gia continued her narration as she slowly seduced me. In truth, she didn’t need to do half of what she did. I was hard and desperate for the woman the second I realized what was going on. But every single thing she did only heightened the mood and our sexual tension, drawing out the pleasure, and when it finally happened, our lovemaking was an explosion of intense desire and need.

She began with gentle touches and offered compliments, using my name and gazing deep into my eyes. I realized almost immediately, that she was teaching me the art of seduction as well, but though I was aware of it, and paid attention to what she did, I was still putty in the woman’s hands.​
Next page: Chapter 36
Previous page: Chapter 34
Previous article in the series 'MILF Harem': Rockstar Harem