Chapter 37
I thought I would be exhausted all day, but the memories from my incredible night with Gia and Milly kept me fueled throughout my lectures. I got back to my place early and got to work on the research paper.
It was hours of reading reference material online and then fitting it into the narrative I’d settled on. The actual writing of it was easy and went quickly. I finished up around ten and then crashed, getting up early to give it another read through and heavy edit.
I’d like to say I gave the paper my full attention, but the truth was half my mind was on the date I had that evening. I was trying to plan where to take the women and how I was going to pay for drinks if they wanted to stay out all night afterward.
Pushing the worry aside, I hit send on my paper and hopped in the shower to get ready for my day. Classes got out early, it being Friday, and I decided to go for a walk. I had a lot to think about, and there were several properties around the city I wanted to check out. I’d learned about them a couple of nights before when I’d been doing my own research, and I was hoping they might prove perfect for the idea I’d been kicking around.
Finally, it came time to head back and get ready for my date. I started to get dressed in my finest school clothes, but one brief look in the mirror told me that was the last thing Clara and Monique would think looked good. In the end, I decided on a plain tight white shirt and blue jeans. I cleaned my vans good, scrubbing the rubber strip at the bottom to a bright white.
I was just about to head out and grab them when there was a knock at my door. I opened it and froze, the words of greeting I’d been about to say frozen in my throat as I stared at them both, my jaw slowly dropping open.
“You ok, there, champ?” Clara asked, flashing a winsome smile.
“I think a cat got his tongue,” Monique said, “that or he’s thrilled to see us.”
“You both look so incredible,” I said, finally able to find my voice, “where did you get the outfits?”
“You like?” Clara said, her grin widening as she did a small spin, twirling her hips.
The two of them wore outfits with matching style but opposing colors. On the blonde, Clara, was a tight black schoolgirl top with a white tie. Below that was a short black skirt with white and pink pleats. Her black and white converse were scrubbed clean, and a matching pair were on Monique’s feet. The mocha-skinned young woman wore a white outfit in matching cut to Clara. Clara pulled off the outfit and made it look adorable. The same clothes on Monique had a different look entirely. The woman was all soft rounded curves, and she made the semi-schoolgirl outfit look like the sexiest outfit ever designed.
“Clara made them,” Monique said, cocking one hip and resting her hand on it, elbow bent, body shown off to perfection by the outfit and her pose. My mouth went dry at the sight, and I shifted my hips to hide the thickness forming in my pants. “We’re going to wear this to the gig tomorrow night. You’re still coming, right?”
“Yea,” I said. Still, a little stunned by their appearances as I stepped out into the hallway and closed my door, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
The two of them grinned conspiratorially to one another and then flashed me nearly identical smiles when they saw I was still checking them out. Linking their arms in mine, we walked out of the building and down onto the sidewalk.
“So,” Clara said, “Where’re you taking us?”
I’d never been so aware of attention focused my direction before, but as we walked down the street, it couldn’t be ignored. For the first time in my life, I got a sense of what it must be like for hot girls out in public. As I steered them up the street, I felt eyes not just on the two gorgeous women on my arms, but on me as well. I was sure most were wondering what a douche like me was doing with two amazing women, but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and was able to ignore it.
“It’s a surprise,” I said with a grin, “but I probably should have warned you not to wear white.”
I laughed at that and refused to tell them where we were headed, even when they both tried flirting with me outrageously to get me to divulge. It was all in good fun because we would be there shortly. I led the two north up a good half dozen blocks and over across town to a little restaurant that was close to my heart.
When I was a kid, my mom and grandparents would take me here after church. The couple of times a year, I went with them. I’d checked the day before and was happy to see it was still around. The narrow stone steps leading down were just as I’d remembered them.
“This is a restaurant?” Monique asked as I knocked on the plain wooden door at the bottom of the steps.
“Originally, it was a speakeasy,” I said when the door opened to reveal a narrow but long space inside with a low ceiling, “After you.”
I grinned as I ushered the women inside. The host was a professional older man who led us to a table in the back. Clara and Monique stared at the walls, covered in black and white photos of movie stars and celebrities from the thirties through the sixties.
“This place is cool,” Monique said when we took out seats, “You’d never know anything like this was down here.”
“Three Old Fashioned, please,” I said to the waiter when he came by, he nodded and dropped off the menus for us, “Something about this old place always felt comfortable and special at the same time,” I said as I passed the menu’s to the ladies, “Plus they have some of the best food in the city.”
The drinks were delivered in moments, and soon the three of us had a pleasant buzz going as we sat chatting about life, school, work, and most importantly, their music. Food came, empty plates left, and always the drinks flowed. I knew this meal would tap me out for the month, but I didn’t care, because it was one of the best times of my life.
The bond between Monique and Clara was strong and powerful. It was amazing to see how quickly they’d become sisters and best friends. Clara’s sweet and good-natured attitude was a nice contrast to Monique, but they worked on even deeper levels as well.
By the time we stumbled out of there, I was nearly broke and was grinning ear to ear. We decided to take the long way back, circling the park. We talked for hours, digging in deep on each other’s lives. I’ve never had a conversation last so long and yet feel so short.
I spoke openly about my childhood and past, finding it easy to pour out my heart to these two. They listened with an understanding that felt like a balm to old wounds. Neither commented much about my wealth, instead asking questions to get to know me better as I had done with them, from genuine interest. They grew amused when I mentioned the current challenge I was in, Monique making a few jokes about a year of hard work. That’s when it was revealed that I’d been sleeping with a few women in the building.
“Dude, you’ve been fucking who?!” Monique asked, her voice shocked and amused.
“Tell us everything!” Clara said, and instead of disgust or anger on her face as I’d worried I might find, I saw matching excitement on them both.
So, I told them everything as we walked under the streetlights. From that first meeting with Brooke, to the last, and the insane orgy of flesh it had entailed. At first, I was embarrassed, for perhaps a second or two, then I threw away that old shame and spoke my truth. They were both fascinated, but neither let on what they really thought, and I was left wondering, as I finished my tale, if I might have ruined my chances with them.
It was early in the morning by the time we got back to the apartment building. The muggy warmth was finally receding in the darkest hours and causing the girls to get chilly. I held the door open for them, feeling sad that the evening was ending and with growing awkwardness at how I was going to handle goodbyes with them.
Clara solved the question for me. For as she stepped inside, she paused and glanced back at Monique. The mocha-skinned beauty grinned back and nodded, then both turned to me, their eyes set my heart hammering in my chest.
“Thank you for a wonderful night, Connor,” Clara said, “I had a wonderful time.”
“So, did I,” Monique said, she reached out and rested a hand on my left arm causing a tingle of sensation to race up the skin, “I hope we do it again.”
My cheeks grew hot, and I opened my mouth to say I had an amazing time as well, but Clara surprised me. The young blonde darted forward and kissed me, her soft lips brushing mine and sending a shock of pleasure and emotion through me.
Before I could recover from Clara’s kiss, Monique leaned forward and kissed me as well. I couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped my throat when her surprisingly soft and thick lips pressed to mine. The tip of her tongue lightly grazed my upper lip, and then she pulled back and was walking inside, eyes a touch wide with shock.
I stood there for long moments, catching my breath, stunned and elated at the ending to the date. It had been an odd experience, having my first real date with two other women, but neither had made it awkward for even a moment. In fact, they thrived on having the other there. The date was with one another as much as it had been with me. Although, as I thought about it, I’d still been the one to pay. Hopefully, they would share the costs if I was lucky enough to get a second date because my current funds weren’t going to cut it for long.