Chapter 38

The next morning, I woke with a raging boner. I was about to stroke off my morning wood when there was a knock at my door. Hopping up and pulling on a shirt, I opened the door to find Elizabeth, my former stepmom, standing outside. She turned and flashed me a bright smile.

“Morning, sleepyhead!” She said, flashing a bright smile.

“Morning,” I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, “How can I help you?”

“I’m having a dinner party tonight, and I was hoping you could drop by,” her eyes twinkled as she added, “Gia and Milly will be there.”

“I promised Clara and Monique I’d go see their show,” I said, “You all should come, I’m sure they would love the support.”

“Really?” Elizabeth said, a delighted grin on her face, “It sounds like a wonderful time, but I doubt any of us would have much fun at a club. How about you stop by when it’s over? We can have a late night… snack.”

“I will,” I said, not bothering to hide my matching grin at the delightful image,

“Speaking of which…”

I glanced down at the thickness of my morning wood still pressing against my shorts, and Elizabeth flashed a broad smile, her whole demeanor changing from that of straight-backed professional to stoop-shouldered submissive.

“Would you like mommy to take care of that for you, baby?” She purred, glancing around quickly before scampering into my room.

In moments she was on her knees, pencil skirt bunched around her waist as the room filled with the wet sounds of her mouth worshipping my cock. Knowing Elizabeth loved it, I roughly reached into her top and bra and pulled out her massive tits. My rough hands pawing at her tender flesh as she sucked me all the harder.

“Fuck, Elizabeth,” I moaned out. “That feels amazing.” She gave a sound of displeasure, and she stared up at me with hungry pleading eyes. Realizing what she wanted, I relented and whispered, “Mommy,” she moaned in pleasure at the taboo word, “You love my cock in your mouth, don’t you, mommy?”

“Mhmmphmm,” she moaned, tongue teasing the tip of my cock as she sucked hard.

“Touch your pussy mommy,” I said, alive with pleasure at the sudden and intense encounter, “I want to watch you cum before you drink down my seed. Cum for me… cum for the boy you watched grow up.”

That set the woman off, and she began cumming even before she started touching herself. Pushing her black panties aside and skirt up, she buried two fingers in the dripping wetness of her slit and nearly screamed out as the pleasure ripped through her body. I was forced to grip her hair to hold her in place, causing her to cum even harder as my dick flooded her mouth with cum.

It wasn’t enough, couldn’t possibly be enough. She knew it too as she saw the flame of desire light in me, and it was a happy submissive mommy-slave who stripped herself and crawled onto my bed, begging for my dick.

I spent the next hour taking Elizabeth in every position imaginable. Her panties were flung on the ground, and she was bent over my bed minutes after swallowing my load. I drove into her with a passion that she matched, thrust for thrust.

The woman had looked pristine when she knocked on my door, and by the time she left, her makeup was smeared across her face, cum stained her panties, and she carried her bra in one hand. The crooked smile on her lips never wavered, though, as she climbed to her apartment on unsteady legs.

After a shower, I ran to the hardware store and then spent the remainder of the day working on various chores around the building. I grew to love these quiet hours. Music playing on my earbuds and simple tasks to complete. I always got a sense of satisfaction when I was able to get something working again that had been broken.

Clara and Monique stopped by before heading out, and I told them both to ‘break a leg’, after gushing over how gorgeous they both looked in their outfits. Their hair was done up more crazily than the night before, and they had woven strips of ribbon in the hair, giving them an almost otherworldly look as they moved.

Both of them had to be at the gig hours early for soundcheck, so I kicked around my apartment trying to study, but mostly just spent the time being distracted and browsing my phone. I didn’t want to show up early, but I also didn’t want to miss any of their performance. Right at nine, I hopped out of bed and pulled on a hoodie. It didn’t take long to get there by train, and when I arrived, there was a line that wound down to the corner of the block.

The girls had put my name on the list, and I got in after flashing my ID to security. I ignored the looks people in line threw me and enjoyed the feeling of exclusivity as I was ushered in.

Inside the club was dark and small, with most of the people crowded close near the coat check. I couldn’t get a drink from the bar, but I found a spot down near the edge of the crowd and listened to one of the opening acts and waited for Clara and Monique to come on. The music was decent background noise, but it wasn’t drawing anyone out onto the dance floor or filling anyone with excitement, and the energy stayed low when the set change came.

From where I stood, I could see Monique arguing with an older man, her face red as she pointed in his face, but I couldn’t make out the words. Clara was setting her laptop up on the stage and noticed me, flashing a broad smile and waving me over.

“You made it!” She enthused, bending down to reach out a hand and grip mine, “We’re so glad you did! Isn’t this so exciting?”

“It’s pretty amazing,” I said, squeezing her hand, “But what’s got Monique so upset?”

“The promoter is trying to stiff us,” the adorable blonde shrugged, “Honestly, I don’t care. As long as they let us play, I’m happy.”

Monique clearly wasn’t, though. I still couldn’t make out her words, but her volume had increased, and she was gesticulating even more violently. Finally, the mocha-skinned beauty stormed onto the stage. Her anger faded when she saw me, and a smile even tugged at the corners of her lips, then she turned to Clara only to be folded in a warm hug. A second later, she was taking up the mic and calling out to the crowd.

“You fuckers ready to rock out with your cocks out?!”

The loud cry cut across the noise of the club and drew every eye to her. Monique only seemed to come alive under the attention, standing up straighter and resting a hand on a cocked hip as she looked over the crowd, her anger fading entirely as a confident smile tugged at her lips.

“DJ Sugar, why don’t you give me a beat,” she flashed a smile over her shoulder to Clara, who grinned back and tapped a few keys, a pulsing beat kicking off low and slow. “There we go… Now we’re Sugar & Spice, and you’re about to be transported to a world of love and dance…”

Her voice dropped to a deep baritone at the end that matched perfectly with the beats Clara was dropping, and then she picked up into a haunting melody that hit harder and faster with each iteration, the tempo climbing, and climbing.

In moments, the entire dance floor was shaking as the music sank into our bones. I’ve never been a dancer or comfortable in crowds, but once their music took ahold of my soul, my body began to move, and emotions coursed through me as the sounds carried me away.

An hour later, I stumbled to the bathroom, pissing in a large trough along with a big group of men. I overheard a half dozen conversations about how hot and crazy talented the group was. Their name passing back and forth as guys pulled out their phones and tried to look up or download the Sugar & Spice album.

The girls were a sensation, and I had an idea when I walked down the hall and saw an old payphone. Pulling out my contacts, I dialed a number I hadn’t planned on using. The voice that answered was concerned.

“Connor?” Julia said, “Is everything ok?”

“Brooke mentioned you were in the music business,” I yelled over the background noise, “I need someone to help manage my friends’ group.”

“I loved it, but that was a long time ago,” the woman said, sounding surprised, “I’m not sure I’d be much help.”

“The club promoter is trying to stiff them, but just listen to this,” I held the handset out from my face so the music could hit the receiver, “They’re playing their heart and souls out, I don’t want them to get screwed.”

“They’re quite good,” Julia said, sounding more than a little surprised, “Who did you say their management is currently?”

I gave her the address for the club and then got right back into the crowd, drawn by the pulsing rhythms. I couldn’t tell you exactly how long I danced, but by the time I was done, I was coated in sweat. I’d taken my shirt off at some point, and from the appreciative looks I got from a lot of the women dancing around me, they approved. There were a few cute girls who tried to dance up with me, and even one slender Asian girl who didn’t want to take no for an answer. Grinding her panty clad pussy on my thigh and grinning up at me with no illusion to what she wanted.

I didn’t have any desire to be with any of them, and their attention didn’t fill me with pride as it might have once. Plus, the glare of jealousy that Monique threw the little Asian girl was enough to warn most of the women to keep a wide berth. It was the music that kept me there.

Eventually, Sugar & Spice said their goodbyes for the night, the crowd going wild as they left the stage. I would have liked to go backstage and congratulate them on their fantastic performance, but security wouldn’t let me. I did see Julia striding down the short hallway, her black business suit looking expensive and pristine, hair and makeup done to perfection.

The tall blonde spoke calmly, but the fat promoter hunched his shoulders and flinched now and then, as if she were raining blows down upon him. I was confident that the woman would handle everything and hoped it didn’t upset Clara and Monique that I’d called her in.

The final act for the night was a head-banger group that I didn’t care for. I slipped out of the club and sent Clara a text telling her how awesome the show was and letting her know that I’d called Julia to come and help manage them, at least for the night. Then I slipped down into the subway and rode the train back home. The last song that Sugar & Spice had played had been so catchy it still played through my mind over and over.​
Next page: Chapter 39
Previous page: Chapter 37
Previous article in the series 'MILF Harem': Rockstar Harem