Chapter 41
I’d never laid my hands on a woman with a more perfect body than Monique. The closest I could think of was Brooke, but even she couldn’t match the rounded perfection of the dark-skinned goddess beneath me.
It was too embarrassing to listen to Gia’s whole story, but also impossible to ignore completely. I liked hearing her side of that night, though. It sounded far more magical and hotter than I remember. In my memory, I was an awkward bundle of nerves, but in hers, I was a young seducer, teasing her with my glances and touches in the small confines of her kitchen.
After taking far longer than was absolutely necessary massaging Monique’s back, I got back to my work. By that time, Clara was peppering Elizabeth with questions about her first night with me. By the time they finished sunbathing, Clara and Monique had learned nearly every detail of my exploits the past couple of months.
I would have melted into a puddle of embarrassment and anxiety if not for how turned on the younger women got by the stories. Monique especially had loved hearing about when Gia and I had dominated Elizabeth. She was fascinated with the thought and kept mentioning what a bad-ass I was and a stud for having a bevy of hot MILF’s.
I was still working as the sun set, and by the time I finally finished, a dozen text messages were waiting for me on my phone. Gia and Elizabeth sent messages saying how lovely the younger women were and how they thought that either of them or both would make great girlfriends.
“Hot and talented! And they both seem to really like you!” Gia said in a text.
Clara sent a message saying she had the best time and couldn’t wait till we all hung out again and asking if I was free for dinner the next night. While Monique asked the same about dinner and said with a bunch of laughing emoji’s, that she thought I might be the secret king of the city. I responded to both saying dinner sounded great and letting them know when I would be free from class.
I was in my apartment and getting ready for bed when my phone screen flashed with a notification that I’d been added to a group chat. Opening it up I saw it was Monique and Clara and they’d sent me a picture. The two of them were in bed, lips pressed together in a soft kiss as they both looked up into the camera’s lens with twin looks of smoldering desire. I could see they were both topless, but nothing was visible in the photo.
“Wish you were here!” read the caption under the picture.
“FFUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK me too!” I wrote back.
“Sweet dreams

My rock-hard cock was in my hands in moments as I lay in bed, dreaming of an evening with the two gorgeous and talented women. I wanted to get up and run up the stairs to Monique’s place but didn’t. I knew we would have our moment together, but this wasn’t it. Instead, I drifted off to sleep excited for the coming week, despite the high stakes meeting I had at the end of it.
Midterms were approaching, and I was getting busy with schoolwork. At first, the mountain of studying and note-taking I had to do, seemed daunting. But I approached it just like I did projects around the building. Thinking through the whole problem and working through each part of it and issue. This method proved to be a boon, as it allowed me to schedule myself properly to maximize my time.
My morning workout at Sola’s was a flirty affair between the four of us. Monique and Clara were touchy and feely throughout, and both demanded a kiss before we split up, watching as I made out with the other and only adding to the intensity of the moment.
The woman who drove me the craziest during that week, though, was Sola. Something changed between us, and I noticed it that Monday morning. It didn’t seem to have anything to do with Clara or Monique. Although Sola definitely saw the increased touches and affection between the three of us, she didn’t seem to be bothered by it one way or another.
It was as I drew off my shirt and stood to roll out my mat when I felt strong cool fingers run down the striations of muscle on my back. The touch sent a shiver down my spine, and I nearly leaped out of my socks as I turned around, only to find Sola standing there with a hip cocked and an appreciative smile tugging at one corner of her lips.
“I’ve never had a student learn so quickly,” she said, her lips wet as she took in my muscled and lean torso, “Nor one whose ever changed so completely in such a short amount of time… you look positively ravishing, Connor.”
“Thanks,” I breathed, trying not to stare at the slender perfection of her own body but unable to help myself. Clara’s giggle shook me out of my reverie but not Sola, who still stared at me as if I was a piece of candy she couldn’t wait to gobble down.
“Mhmm… today I’m going to teach you a special pose… one I’ve never taught a student.”
“What about us?” Monique asked, “We get to learn it too?”
“No,” Sola said, dismissing the other women with a wave of her hand, “This is a very… specific pose. Trust me, you’ll both appreciate me teaching him… mhmm, come on, we’ve wasted enough time.”
Sola took us through the beginning poses and warmups. Then she put Clara and Monique into the routine we’d been doing the week before. Me, she led through a new series of poses. The mixture of sweet pot smoke and herbal shampoo was heady, as the woman pressed in close to me, manipulating my body into position. Her strong hands guided my hips and shoulders, pulling my limbs into place. I couldn’t help but respond to her touch, and from the ragged breaths she let out, I could tell she was responding to my closeness as well.
I’d become quite good at reading people over the past few weeks, especially women, and I could tell from the dilation of pupils and the flush to her cheeks, that Sola wanted me just as much as I wanted her.
The position was brutally challenging to hold for more than a few seconds, but the ache I felt in my hips, back, and chest was terrific. There was also no hiding what muscles the pose was intending to strengthen. All the muscles I used when fucking, was stretched and strengthened by it. Sola did them with me, and I couldn’t help but stare at her sleek and slender body as she contorted it in twisted positions. My cock throbbed hard when her small firm ass rose before my face, and when she flexed her hips just so, flashing her cloth-covered pussy lips to me, I nearly lost my pose and fell.
Clara and Monique spoke about it at dinner that night and told me all about the new tracks they’d been working on that morning. I was a bit exhausted from the long day of class, but I perked right up when I saw them outside the Pho restaurant. By the time we got back home, it was late out, but the time just flew by as we chatted and laughed together.
I gave both a deep soulful kiss before they climbed the stairs to Monique’s place. I’d desperately wanted to invite them both in, but I had a mountain of studying to do and was already late getting to it. Plus, the next night, I had a meeting with Everett Vanderlite, and Brooke had sent over an email filled with information I wanted to study before then.
I stayed up later than I intended and woke with sand in my eyes. I almost bailed on the morning workout, but I had managed to make it every day so far, and I wasn’t about to break the habit now. Little did I know what was waiting for me.
I got to Sola’s place and knocked, surprised to hear music already playing and sounds of movement coming from inside. Usually, she was still asleep by the time one of us got there, but this morning she was up and chipper. When she opened the door, I got my second shock of the morning but not my last.
The beautiful blond was wearing the tiniest pair of spandex shorts. They looked like the type a volleyball player might wear, cut off just at the bottom of her small firm ass. Her top was a little pink sports bra that hugged her firm round breasts to perfection. I stared at her for one long moment, speechless, and Sola grinned in pleasure.
“Do you know what today is?” She asked, staring up at me with a gleam of something in her eyes I’d never seen there before.
“No,” I said, a touch nervous, “What is it?”
“It’s the fall equinox,” she said, moving aside and letting me in, “One of the holiest and most powerful days in the moons calendar. It’s a day for great deeds or terrible folly.”
She moved into the studio and rolled out her mat in the center. Usually, she was at the head, making room for me, Clara and Monique.
“Are Clara and Monique not going to make it today?” I asked as I pulled out a mat.
“They’ve both agreed to leave you to my… ministrations today,” Sola said, her eyes dancing with that barely suppressed emotion, “I hope you don’t have plans.”
“I have class in two hours,” I said, laughing, “and I have an important meeting tonight.”
“I know about your meeting,” Sola said, bending low and beginning the warmup routine, “and don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re more than prepared. But you won’t be making it to class today.”
“I can’t miss,” I began, but Sola cut me off, reaching out one small hand and placing her finger across my lips, a shiver of pleasure ran through my body at the surprising touch.
“Nothing they can teach you at that school will be more valuable than what I can… besides, I’ve been waiting months for this, and I plan to savor every minute of it.”
“Of what?” I asked, my throat tightening as her eyes bore into mine, seeming to draw me down into their depths.
She didn’t say a word, but her grin turned wolfish for one second as she stepped close to me and looked up. Her small hands went to my hips and then ran up my back as she gazed up into my eyes. Her strong fingers were gliding along my muscles as she drew me closer and closer.