Chapter 44

Their game seemed too obvious to me, though. From all I could tell, his plan was to have the secretary seduce me, and either get info on Whitaker Industries or ease the way for a merger or sale. I also pressed him for info on his entertainment businesses, once the central pillar of the Vanderlite Empire, but Everett was dismissive of the entire enterprise. He seemed confident that YouTube and other sites like that, would be the only content farms of the future.

Then something happened that really shocked me.

“You see, this is the perfect example,” he pulled up a clip and queued it up, “Now we could try and sign these girls, get them a record deal, tours, and all that. Maybe we make a few bucks before they get ugly and old, and maybe we don’t. It’s such a gamble. But if we instead sign them, and monetize their YouTube feeds, forcing them into a contract to publish their videos under our banner… then we get all profit with no investment!”

He was playing shaky cell phone footage of a night club, and a familiar song streamed out of the speakers. My heart raced, and I felt a real strong emotion for the first time since coming into the building. For dancing in the middle of the screen, surrounded by screaming fans, was Clara spinning beats and Monique singing. I couldn’t believe it, and my eyes almost bulged out of my head when I saw the views at over three million.

“They’re hot too, right?” Everett said, mistaking my expression.

“What… what about live concerts?” I asked, “Isn’t there still money to be made there?”

“No one wants to spend their day in the middle of a hot, sweaty mass of people,” he said, shaking his head, “This is the online generation, it's all about streaming now. That’s why we’re moving into that space, it’s going to be exciting!”

I continued to make conversation with the man as he took hits from his bong. A few minutes later, he was stoned and fuzzy-headed. He asked three times if I wanted a hit and kept forgetting that I’d said no. Finally, I got out of there, thanking the man for his hospitality and showing myself out.

Becca was sitting outside the office when I came out, and she hopped to her feet, painting a smile on her face.

“I hope everything went well?” She asked, and I saw her expression grow nervous as blue-grey pot smoke rolled out of the office.

“It was lovely,” I said, unable to contain the broad smile that broke out.

“I’ll show you out,” she said and bit her bottom lip as she held open the elevator doors for me.

“Have you been working here long?” I asked.

I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Ava, as Becca stepped in with me, standing far closer than was necessary. In truth, I had no desire for the young woman. She was nice enough, but her plastic appearance and the false and vapid expressions that found their way to her face offended me somehow.

I flirted with her the whole ride down, however, and as I left, promised to give her a call. Walking to the exit doors, I drew in a deep breath, feeling flush with pride. In the whole hour-long meeting, I’d managed to reveal nothing about my intentions for Whitaker Industries or about its holdings or their health. Meanwhile, Everett had been apparent, at least to me, in his ploy to win my trust so he might make an offer soon. I didn’t trust any of the information he’d told me, all of it would have to be verified. I might like the man, but it sure was going to be fun, tearing his company down around his head.

As I slipped into the backseat of the town car, I caught Ava’s concerned expression in the mirror. I grinned back at her and saw her face relax in relief.

“It went well then?”

“I need to confirm a few things,” I said, my mind spinning through possibilities, “but yes… it went rather well. The man is an absolute moron, not a bad fellow, though.”

“He’s huge in Silicon Valley,” Ava said, pulling out onto the street, “tech companies love him.”

“I can see that,” I said. “What do you know about Vanderlite investments out west?”

As she drove me to the Whitaker offices, she told me all she knew, which was a surprising amount. Ava, it turned out, was an avid reader of tech blogs, mostly for research but also because she liked to know what was coming down the pipeline, technology-wise. I sent a message to Julia, with a link to the YouTube clip, and let her break the good news to Clara and Monique.

We got to the Whitaker offices, and I felt my shoulders relax, and my breathing come easier. I was coming to feel at home in this space. Where before it had always been my father's offices, they were beginning to feel like mine, as I took more ownership of the company and its path forward.

“Well,” Brooke asked when we walked into her office, face tight with tension, “how did it go?”

I told her about everything, from the secretary and her fake tits, and caked-on makeup to Everett taking bong hits. She relaxed as I spoke and interjected with questions at several points, drilling down on something the man had said. Once, when I mentioned his pivot away from entertainment, she pulled over her laptop and pulled up some material to reference. Showing me that Vanderlite Industries had indeed sold off some minor record labels and local TV stations in the past six months.

“This is all interesting,” Brooke said, pouring a glass of wine and walking back to her chair, pulling off her heels, and tucking her feet beneath her thighs, “But I fail to see how it’s of use to us. Whitaker Industries doesn’t have any holding in entertainment.”

“That’s about to change,” I said, pulling up the YouTube clip of the girls and showing it to her. “You’re going to establish a separate division, we will enter the space in music first, but position ourselves to produce video content as well. The world is filled with streaming services crying out for content, and we’ll have the infrastructure to handle it once we acquire one of the small companies Vanderlite sold off. Or we cobble a production company together ourselves, it’s cheap now anyway with digital cameras. I believe last time I was here, you told me about a lens factory in Shangai that makes film lenses?”

“I did, Guongzo Vision is their name,” Brooke tilted her head in that way she had and tapped her nail on her glass, a small smile drawing up the corners of her lips, “You’ve done some research into this, I can tell. You're serious about it.”

“I am,” I nodded, looking off and thinking as I spoke. “Once we get our foot in the door and establish ourselves as a player in the media landscape, we’ll be able to craft the message and determine our own fate.”

“What message?”

“All of them,” I said, grinning, “My plan is for music to be our first foot forward. Partnering with promoters, venue owners, and festival organizers, we can leverage our other businesses and become vendors. What we might lose in partnership deals, we’ll make up for in relationships with local officials.”

“Politics is a dangerous game,” Brooke warned, “Your father was wary of wading into those waters too much.”

“I know, and that was a mistake. He forged an empire and a network of businesses that are profitable and robust. Still, in the end, Whitaker Industries has less power than a local gas station. And I promise you, Brooke,” I said, my eyes locking on hers, “we will have a seat at the table and a say in what our world will become.”

The woman was breathing heavily, her eyes shining with excitement and unshed tears. Wine forgotten, she leaped across from her chair and into my lap. Her lips met mine as her hand slipped down my stomach and into the waist of my pants, stroking down my cock inside my boxers.

“Fuck, I’ve never seen anything sexier than watching you plot and plan just now.” She ran her fingers down the side of my face, eyes shining as she gazed into mine, not quite believing what she was seeing. “Are you the same, scared young man who let me be his first? What other layers lie hidden within you?”

I felt my cheeks grow pink under her praise but chose not to reply. Instead sliding my hands over her firm ass and down to her smooth legs. Brooke hunched her waist, rocking her hips up and letting me pull her skirt up over her ass. Biting her bottom lip, she slipped my cock out of my pants, and I hooked her tiny panties aside.

Our foreheads touched as she pressed my cock against her wetness and shifting slightly, sank onto my lap with a sigh of pleasure.

“You have no idea how I’ve missed this,” Brooke said, sitting back and gyrating her hips. Drawing her clit along the shaft of my cock, before rocking forward and enfolding my hardness in her heavenly warmth.

“God damn you feel incredible,” I moaned, “slower… I want to enjoy this.”

“Yes, sir,” Brooke said, grinning and biting her bottom lip.

I relaxed back into the chair as the gorgeous brunette executive rode my cock slowly. Her hips rolling up as she ground slowly on my cock. All while, I slid my hands up her smooth stomach and under her bra to fonder her big firm breasts and grip her hips and ass. As the pleasure built and our passion increased, her movements grew faster and with more insistence. Finally, and almost silently, we both came together. The older woman clutching at me, shivering and holding me tight, lips pressed to mine as I flooded her with cum, and her pussy quivered on my cock.​
Next page: Chapter 45
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Previous article in the series 'MILF Harem': Rockstar Harem