Chapter 46

When I got to the club, I wasn’t prepared for the mad scene that was taking place outside. There wasn’t just a crowd; there was a mob. A peaceful and excited mob, but a mob none the less.

People filled the sidewalk and spilled out into the street. A milling group of excited kids all around my age. I was surprised to see so many Asians here, and most were dressed in neon raver clothing. The faces looked so excited, and there was a buzz as I moved through them, as if they were on the cutting edge of something significant.

The security at the door had my name down and let me in, and I found the inside even more packed than it had been outside. I felt my anxiety spiking for one second in the press of people, then I spotted Julia over by the bar, sitting off to one side. I made my way over, and her face lit up into a bright smile when she saw me.

“Hey, Connor!” She wrapped me in a one-arm hug, her massive breasts pressing into my chest, “The girls are going to be so happy you made it!”

“This is crazy,” I said, looking around, “Are all these people here to see Sugar & Spice?”

“Yea, it's insane! The girls took my advice and got their social media platforms up before the show and promoted it there. Have you seen their Insta lately?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head, “They blowing up?”

“Oh my god!” She pulled out her phone and pulled up the girls’ profile.

As she did that, I couldn’t help but take her in from head to foot. She wasn’t dressed in her business blouse and skirt like I’d always seen her. She was in an old faded white Nirvana tour shirt and a pair of shorts that showed off her legs to perfection. On her feet were old broken in doc martins that looked like they had seen their share of bar and club floors.

“Look! Seven Hundred thousand followers in two days! Most are from Korea too, it’s crazy, the girls have taken off there in a way few outside groups do.” Julia shook her head as she stashed the phone and sipped her beer, “I’ve been fielding calls from promoters all over the country. Mostly raves, and electronica shows, but a few festivals out west. Connor, we need to find studio space soon, these girls are on fire.”

“I spoke with Brooke about that,” I said, “and I wanted to speak with you before she did. Tell me what you think of this.”

I proceeded to describe for her my idea of how Whitaker Industries would begin to make a foothold into media. She listened with rapt attention, nodding along with me, her smile growing as I went on. I was just getting into how I imagined the org chart functioning when the opening act ended, and the place became, almost eerily quiet.

Julia and I turned from the bar to see the crowd still, all heads turned to the stage as people drew out their cellphones, excitement painted on every face.

“I’m so glad I had them load up an opening lights package,” Julia said under her breath.

“What?” I asked, just as the light went out in the whole place.

A white mist boiled up around the black stage as a single electronic note sounded, soft at first and then rising higher and higher until suddenly it dropped out. Spotlights flashing on the stage to reveal Sugar & Spice in their matching outfits of opposing white and black, with a bit of red flair.

The crowd erupted in wild cheers when the girls appeared, raising their hands and waving.

“I can see we have a great crowd tonight!” Monique called out, her beautiful smile stretching from ear to ear, “We have a new song we wanted to share with you all, we hope you like it. We haven’t settled on a name yet, it’s either called Thrupple or We Both Fell for Him!”

A pulsing haunting beat started up as Clara slipped behind the DJ table, her hands dancing across the mix table as she added to the track she’d produced. Monique let the music move her, and the crowd went wild as they watched the gorgeous mocha-skinned woman dance like no one was watching.

“What to do when you meet two soul mates at once?... What can it be if we three decide to become one?...”

Monique’s voice was a haunting accompaniment to the music, pulsing in and out with the beat. The crowd began to sway slightly, curious where this was going, but their curiosity disappeared as the tempo grew faster and faster. Soon there was a roiling pile of dancers lost within the music, the lyrics rolling over them, as the beats sank deep into their bones.

Julia took my hand, flashing me a smile, and pulled me into the press. I was nervous and shy at first, but in no time, the music had taken me. The beautiful woman turned, dancing with her back to the stage facing me, long blond hair shaking out as she swayed and moved to the music. Her hips rocking side to side and her massive breasts swaying under her shirt in a way that told me she wasn’t wearing a bra under there.

Her grin grew as I lost myself in the music, and she nodded along with the beat. We danced for a good hour or so, Clara and Monique bringing the crowd up and up and then dropping us all the way down into a slow melody, the crowd swaying together, singing as one as Monique led us in the chorus. Then once more, they brought the tempo up, momentum carrying us along with it. Julia and I danced together, lost in the music and one another, hands exploring and bodies gyrating together. Around us were packed crowds doing the same. People of all ages lost in the moment and carried along.

Julia pushed off me at one point and grabbed my wrist, dragging me through the crowd with her to the side of the venue. She flashed the security guard her backstage badge, and the man gave me one look, then threw her a smirk and let us through. Suddenly free of the packed crowd, I realized how hot it had been in there, my shirt was plastered to me.

The hallway that Julia led me down was narrow. We passed another security guard who let us pass, giving us a similar smirk as the first guy. I was beginning to wonder what they saw when we passed a tall mirror after a sharp turn, and I saw ourselves reflected back.

Julia looked like a crazy hot MILF rocker with her teased out blonde hair and tight white shirt and shorts. While I barely recognized myself. My hair had grown slick with sweat and was swept back in a style I’d never tried. My shirt was plastered to my body, revealing a lean and muscular torso and tight jeans with a hefty hunk of cock pressed against the leg. I looked like some kind of young fuckboy, and the absurdity of feeling comfortable in the role, after feeling the complete opposite just a few months before, felt amazing.

Julia opened a door that led into a dressing room, and I could see Clara and Monique’s clothes tossed all around the small space. She pressed me into the room hurriedly, getting us in before a small fat little man could get his camera to snap a photo of us.

The loud pulsing beats cut off to a dull roar once the door shut behind her, and I opened my mouth to ask what was going on. But then I lost all train of thought as she threw herself into my arms. As the music beat played, Julia ripped my clothes off over my head, tossing hers aside. Biting her bottom lip between her teeth, she pulled my hard cock into her from behind.

The sexy blond MILF was bent over the makeup desk, her face reflected in the mirror, twisted in bliss as she shuddered in orgasm. It didn’t take but a few hard pumps for her to get off, after having been so worked up dancing, but I wanted this beautiful creature and had no desire to relent control of her so quickly. Julia screamed out in orgasm once more as I pulled her body close, cupping her heavy breast in one hand as I thrust into her and shot my cum into her womb.

“That was… wild,” she said with a grin. Then turning, she kissed me quickly and slipped back into her clothes. “Stay here, I wanted to get you backstage so you can surprise the girls when they get off.”

“I’ll be waiting,” I said with a grin as I pulled on my shirt and pants, plopping down on the couch in the room.

The show was over a few minutes later, and I was able to hear the final song. The crowd started cheering for an encore even before the girls got to the dressing room. They threw the door open, and both screamed in surprise when they saw me. They ran over, throwing their arms around me, and I felt a wave of emotion as the girls clung tightly to me.​
Next page: Chapter 47
Previous page: Chapter 45
Previous article in the series 'MILF Harem': Rockstar Harem