Chapter 02

I sat in the back staring out the window as we raced through the narrow Boston streets winding our way to downtown. The car was so beautiful inside that it looked like a museum piece. The wood and silver both polished to a mirror shine. It was still very comfortable though, and I marveled at the soft leather interior. The seat I sat in was a small bench seat that looked like it could fit three people snuggly. It was tucked back in the car, with only two small tinted windows to see out of. I was hidden from the world back here and found I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The car drew stares wherever we went and as we drove deeper into the heart of downtown; I saw more and more suit-wearing gentlemen stare after us with undisguised envy.

Finally, the car pulled to a stop before a large brick building with no signs or markings to identify it. Penny came around and opened the door and I climbed out, feeling the cold wind whip through my thin jacket. I glanced up and down the street and saw old law offices and financial firms, housed in businesses that dated back to before the turn of the century or even to before the founding of the republic.

“You can head on in Young Master,” Penny said with a short bow, “They are expecting you.”

“Please, just call me Aiden,” I said with a pained grimace.

“Very well, Young Master Aiden,” she gave me a small amused grin.

I sighed and walked up the steps and pushed open the heavy green door. Within I found a nice cozy waiting room with a small desk in one corner. A pretty young woman sat behind it, and she leaped to her feet when I stepped in. She smoothed down her tight vest and pushed back her thick dark brown hair and gave me a large winning smile.

“Young Master Sussex!” She walked around her desk and I saw she wore a narrow pencil skirt and black heels that showed off her legs wonderfully. I did my best to ignore her hourglass beauty and the perfume that wafted off her, like sweet summer flowers, as she pulled open a side door, showing a narrow staircase that led up, “I am, Please follow me and I will show you up.”

“Thank you,” I said, glancing around curiously as I made my way over.

“Have you ever been in a colonial building before?” She asked me as she led the way upstairs.

“No. Is this building really that old?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s one of the oldest in the city,” she said, “both it and the surrounding property have been in the Sussex family for centuries now. Unfortunately, the rest of the block was torn down many decades ago to make way for more modern construction, but your Great Uncle had this building designated as a historical landmark.”

“So, my uncle owned property in the city?" I asked curiously.

"He did…" the pretty woman paused at the top of the stairs, "You will learn today that there were many things about your great uncle's life…" her eyes searched mine, looking for what I had no idea, “We only ask that you keep an open mind. His work was very important, and we believe you are the perfect man to continue it.”

“His work?” I asked as the woman paused at the end of the hallway before a large set of double doors.

“My mother and Cynthia will have to inform you of all the work your uncle was doing,” her smile was warm as she gazed at me, and I felt a little uncomfortable at the way her eyes lit with an emotion I didn’t recognize. She took a half step up to me and I saw her wet her bottom lip with her tongue before biting it, some internal struggle going on in her. Then to my great surprise, she pulled me into a firm hug, and I was all too aware of her big firm breasts and soft body pressing against me.

"I am so excited for you to become out new lord," she whispered in my ear as she held me tight, her hands sliding down my back. My awkward grip held her loosely, trying to shift my hips to the side, so she couldn’t feel my rapidly firming manhood.

"I pray you to accept the proposal," Leaning back she looked me deep in the eyes, hers holding a smoldering promise that both excited and unnerved me, “Without you, we will all be lost, the world will be lost."

“Ok,” I said.

She was my look of unease and her grin deepened and she kissed me on one cheek, her soft thick lips burning where they came in contact with my skin. Then she stepped back, smoothing out her skirts and vest, and gave me a sly wink, before pulling the two doors open and stepping back with a small bow.

The room opened up into a massive office with twin desks at either end facing one another. Two women stood up from the desks, each dressed similar to Sarah in business attire with form-fitting skirts. Each was beautiful and older, clearly in their late forties or fifties but with an elegance and self-assurance that spoke volumes about them. One was clearly Sarah's mother. Each had the same thick dark hair, cut in a similar fashion. The older woman had thick red lips and bright blue eyes framed by long lashes. A heavy bust and wide hip dominated her slightly plump form. The other woman was tall and slender, with thick-framed glasses and her red hair styled in waves full of body and bounce as she moved. They each came out from behind their desks and walked to the middle of the room, where a low table and three chairs had been set up, along with a stack of paperwork.

“Young Master Aiden,” said the taller blond woman, “welcome to our offices, Sarah, thank you, that will be all,” The younger woman gave a brief bow and backed out of the room, closing the door gently behind herself. The glance she sent me just as the door closed unnerved me, I’d never had a woman look at me that way before and I had no idea what it meant.

“I am Cynthia Bain,” she continued when the door was shut, “and this is my associate Muriel Cohn. We represented your Great Uncle in his estate and business ventures.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you Young Master Aiden,” the brunette said in a voice like warm brandy over ice, “please have a seat,” she motioned to one of the chairs before the table.

“Please, just call me Aiden,” I said uncomfortably as I sat down, “all this Young Master stuff is a little weird.”

“Sir,” Cynthia said, glancing at Muriel who nodded before she continued, “Unfortunately the will was most explicit in certain… regards. If you chose to accept the burden of your Great Uncles holdings then you, of course, can change the terms of address, but I fear you will find that those in your Great Uncles employ are… enthusiastic… about the prospect of you as our new lord. You will have to forgive a certain amount of respect and subservience.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, shaking my head, “what is all this about?”

“Let me explain,” Muriel said, and I felt a shiver down my spine at her voice, so sexy and powerful was it, “Your Great Uncle was one of a long line that stretches back for generation to before the birth of this nation. He was of your family but at the same time not,” she saw my confused look and smiled, “You see each Lord of Starmount is chosen by the previous Lord. Your great Uncle was given the responsibility and honor of ruling the estate by his grandfather, chosen over twenty-two other male relatives. Your Great Uncle chose you, out of the nineteen other males of the Sussex line, spread out around the world.”

“Why me?” I asked, feeling lost and grateful to my crazy old uncle.

“That has to do with the nature of a test you were given as a boy,” Cynthia said, “your name was given to us during Christmas of your eleventh year. We have been preparing for your ascension ever since.”

“Ascension?” I asked, “What am I becoming, a king?” I laughed at the absurdity of it, but my laughter died off as I saw the two women glance at one another.

"In away… yes, you will be," Muriel said, “Once you sign these papers you will be the Lord of Starmount, and rights holder to all that seat entails. The lands you will lay claim to are matched only by the Crown of England itself, you will no longer be only a citizen of the United States, you will be the ruler of an autonomous protectorate. In secret court filings written by John Jay and James Madison, before the founding of the Republic, your ancestors were provided special dispensation, that thought secret remains to this day."

“What she means,” Cynthia said with a warm smile, “Is the government will never interfere with how you run your lands or how you chose to govern your people.”

“Why?” I asked, the first of a hundred more I wanted to ask them.

“That is because of the work your Great Uncle and those before him have been working on, work he has groomed you to continue,” Muriel pulled out a manila folder from the bottom of the stack and handed it over, “We were told to let you read through your Great Uncles notes before you decided anything. He wanted you to be fully informed of the task ahead.”

Intrigued, I took the folder and opened it. I was soon lost in the diagrams and notes that had been left in the first section. There was no written note laying out what he had been working on, but that made sense. Something this complicated and complicated could be explained so much quicker to a technical mind through test results and mechanical drawings.

“But this is…” I flipped through more pages, stunned at what I was reading, “this is impossible…”

"I assure you, Young Master," Cynthia said, "all the Lords of Starmount have been driven by the same task. One your government has been aware of and quietly encouraging. Although it is entirely self-funded and free from any outside influence.”

"It bases this on Nikola Tesla's theory of free energy transmission and generation,” I said glancing up from the papers, “From the looks of this his initial research has been progressed over at least a century.”

“Ahh,” Muriel said with a wide smile, “In truth the research that was stolen from your Great, Great, Great Grandfather was used by Nikola Tesla, to further his own theories.”

“These are devices and cables that can transmit electricity without loss if I read these calculations properly… wires with no resistance… why have I never heard of such products?”

The two women glanced up and behind them to an ancient plaque on the wall. On it was a quote, engraved into a copper plate that had been buffed to a brilliant shine. It read:

“A Warm Light For All Mankind”

I knew the answer without them having to say anything. Flipping through the folder, I pulled out a small stack from the bottom, ancient pages of notes mixed with more modern ones in the elegant script of my Great Uncle.

“A form of Cold Fusion…” I breathed, “a final answer to the energy problem of humanity… never to be sold though,” I glanced up and saw both women had warm encouraging smiles on their faces, “They planned to give it to the entire world… but how has it been kept secret for so long? The amount of research and experimentations that must have been done to get this close.”

"Now you see the wisdom in your ancestor carving out a special dispensation from the founders of this nation," Muriel said, standing and walking over to a large safe door, embedded into the wall, "Other than the chief justice of the supreme court and a few local magistrates, none even know about the extent of the Starmount estate.” She pulled an ancient yellowed parchment, pressed between two sheets of gorilla glass, out of the safe and brought it over for me to read over.

“Ensuring the independence and special dispensation of our greatest mind, so that a warm light for all mankind can be born in the birthplace of our republic,” I read aloud, “that handwriting looks familiar.”

“I would hope it does,” Muriel said as she brought it back to the safe, “it’s the same hand and pen that wrote the Declaration of Independence.”

“What the fuck…” I breathed; it was all too much. My mind, so happy to work on engineering and math problems all day and ignore the rest of the world, wanted nothing more than to dive into the stack of notes before me. It was a world of research and knowledge that I’d been told my whole life couldn’t possibly exist, and yet here it was.

“So if I take control of my Great Uncle’s estate, I’ll get to work on this?” I said, patting the stack of notes and drawings.

“Yes,” Muriel said with a big grin matched by Cynthia. Each was a stunning woman, older, brilliant and self-assured. My whole life women like that had made me nervous and filled me with desire at the same time. I thought I’d buried my MILF obsession years ago, but as the two pretty women gazed at me, I found it come roaring back.

“There are other… responsibilities that come with being the Lord of Starmount,” Cynthia said, and I saw them exchange another look, “You see many have come to believe in the cause your Great Uncle and forbearers have been working on, and have given over their entire lives and… bodies in service to that great task.”

“The work has remained secret for all these years because the Lords of Starmount have kept themselves isolated, having no wives and never mixing with the rest of the world. It is an isolating task and one that requires you to maintain a perfect mental focus for years and years. It is not a thing to be undertaken lightly," Muriel said.

“I can never marry?” I asked, feeling like my stomach was falling out of my body.

"Unfortunately, that is true," Cynthia said, "If you chose to accept the terms your Great Uncle set for you then you would never be allowed to marry or give your last name to any of your offspring. There is a clause that allows you to step aside after a year if you find that this life is not for you."

That should have been enough to turn me away, but honestly, the prospect of never needing to worry about marriage was comforting. I'd never done well with women, always being a bit too awkward and nerdy for them. I thought back on my Great Uncle and all the small puzzles he had given me over the years and the encouraging words about my studies. I saw now that he had been guiding my education into fields of study that would be most useful to continue the work he had been doing. I felt such an upwelling of love and respect for the man that my eyes misted slightly. My parents had always questioned why the man had never married and settled down, and now I knew the reason because he had devoted his life to a higher cause.

I realized my mind was made up, and if my sacrifice was to remain a wifeless virgin my whole life, then so be it. At the very least I would be working on the coolest project I could imagine, and if these drawings and notes were any evidence, I could play with some amazing toys and in an amazing lab.

“Ok,” I said with a firm nod, “I’ll do it.” The woman smiled broadly and pulled out a few papers. They went over the details with me in full, spending a full hour making sure I understood the various clauses. When I finally signed my name on the line they indicated, I saw both women sag and sigh in obvious pleasure.

"Is that all?" I asked. The two women glanced at one another, their cheeks coloring, and then turned bright eyes to me, their lips pressing together in near-identical firm smiles.

“That is all for today, Young Master,” Cynthia said, “unless there is something you would require from us?” Her voice was heated, and I felt instantly nervous as she lifted one red nailed hand to graze soft fingers over the swell of her firm bust.

“Cynthia,” Muriel said in a warning tone, “the Young Master has no use for a couple old women like us, let him find new girls for those needs.” Cynthia frowned and nodded; her face grew sad, as if she had just lost something she had been desperately hoping for. I was totally lost, my mind still overwhelmed with everything I’d learned.

“Do I just go back to my dorm now?” I asked, kind of at a loss for what to do next and ignoring what I didn’t yet understand.

“You are the Lord of Starmount now,” Muriel said with a smile, “You won’t be living in dorms anymore. We will inform your household staff of the decision and they will be awaiting your arrival at the Manor. Do you require anything from your dorm rooms immediately?”

“No,” I said, hefting my backpack on my shoulder, “I guess not right now.”

“Well it was a privilege to meet you, Young Master," Cynthia said standing, her hands clasped before her waist, knuckles white as it she was holding herself back from something, "I pray we can be of service to you in the future."

“Please take this packet,” Muriel said, handing me a thick red leather folio from her desk, “It has keys, credit cards, information on the estate's holdings, staff information as well as a list of approved patents that are now held in your name.”

“Thanks,” I said, taking the folio and turning to the door. I felt strongly empty-headed, as if I was floating through reality. I paused at the door and turned back, to find both women watching me with hopeful looks, their hands fidgeting at the buttons of their coats, “Can I come back if I have any questions? It really was nice talking with you both, I’m sorry I’m just a little overwhelmed right now.”

“Of course, you can,” Cynthia said, her smile warm and understanding.

“You are welcome here anytime, Young Master Aiden,” Muriel breathed out, “we will be here… ready and waiting.”​
Next page: Chapter 03
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