Chapter 03
I stepped back out into the hall. My mind going straight to dirty places as I imagined what those two sexy older women might be like without their posh clothing and perfect demeanors. My nineteen-year-old brain already thinking about sex. I shook my head, driving off the distracting thoughts and found Sarah standing in the hallway, hands clasped before herself. She glanced down and saw the red leather folio in my hands, and her plump lips grew into a big grin.
“Oh, Young Master!” She enthused, stepping up and bowing low, “I am so very happy that you accepted the title,” she glanced up, eyes twinkling as she caught me glancing down her blouse. The pale flesh of her plump breasts drew my eyes down into the magical shadows within.
“Thank you, Sarah,” I said awkwardly, “it’s all rather sudden.”
The young woman stood, and her look softened, and a small smile played across her lips. She turned, still holding my arm and pressing it against her body as she drew me down the hall and to the stairs.
“May I ask a question of you, Young Master?” She asked delicately.
“Of course,” I said, hoping to be done with it quickly. The pressure of her firm breasts and soft body against my side was driving me crazy. I’d never been so close to a woman as pretty as she was, let alone had one clinging to me.
“Do you have a girlfriend or lover, currently?”
“No, I don’t,” I grumbled, “never had one, why?”
“That is perfect, Young Master,” she said with a winsome smile, “you see none on the staff were looking forward to the competition. As much as we all love and respect one another, it can get a little catty at times, as I’m sure you could guess, and adding an outsider who doesn’t understand our culture… well, none of us were looking forward to that.”
“Yea, sure,” I said, “Wait, what do you mean by competition?”
“You don’t know,” she said, eyes widening in realization, “I assumed you just didn’t want my mom or Cynthia…” she glanced down the stairs quickly and then back down the hall to the now closed and locked double doors. Then a mischievous smile stole over her face and she dragged me to the side. I just wanted the sweet torture of her sexy body so close to me, to stop. She pushed us into a small side office, her voice breathless as she spoke.
“Anna will never forgive me if I steal her thunder, she will tell you everything,” she pushed me back against the wall and I felt stunned into silence as I felt the young woman’s hand slide across my chest and down my stomach and across my already hard dick, “But you are our Lord in all things, sir. I gave my life over to this purpose, we all have.” Then she dropped into a squat, her knees widening and, my ever-widening eyes caught a glimpse of bright pink lacy panties peeking out.
“Can you keep a secret Aiden?” She breathed while looking up at me with passionate dark eyes.
“Yes,” I croaked out. She grinned wide and my jaw dropped as her hand slid up to my belt and unhooked the leather, then with deft hands she slipped it and the buttons free. My pants-dropping around my ankles. She ran her hand up my thighs, her eyes wide as she stared at my hard cock tenting my boxer-briefs.
"Oh, my… I've been dreaming of this for years," she smiled brightly as her fingertips slid over the waistband of my underwear. I panicked and reached down to grip her wrists.
“What are you doing?” I asked, cursing myself for stopping her but also freaked out by this turn of events.
“I’m going to suck my Lord’s cock,” she said, her eyes smoldering, “and drink down his cum… please, sir?”
The plaintive tone of her voice and the sincerity in her expression shook me to my core. I released my grip on her wrists and nodded, not knowing what else to do, and letting my hormones drive my brain. She grinned and drew my boxer-briefs down. Slipping one hand around the base of my cock, her cool fingers causing me to shiver at the touch.
“My Lord’s cock is beautiful,” she said staring at it in awe, making me a little self-conscious but also filling me with pride, “Mhmm long, thick and hard… we’re all blessed indeed.”
What the fuck is going on today?! I thought.
Then the thoughts were shattered as I watched her thick smiling lips kiss the tip, then around the head, until they parted, and my cockhead slipped into her hot mouth. She sucked me down a few inches, then her tongue began to play around the head, as she sucked me in and out of her mouth.
“Ohh god… that’s better than I imagined,” I moaned out.
“Young Master," Sarah said, her voice in disbelief, "Is this your first blowjob?" She pulled back off my cock, her hand slowly stroking the shaft.
“Yes,” I said hesitantly. Both ashamed and nervous that something I might do would cause her to stop this glorious moment.
“I am so grateful and honored that you allowed me to be your first,” her smile was genuine as she settled her knees on the ground, hiking up her skirt and undoing the top two buttons of her blouse quickly, “Relax my Lord and let me ease your great need.”
She took me back into her mouth and I moaned out in pleasure. Her sucking mouth, stroking hand and every moving tongue soon had me near the edge of orgasm. I looked down, trying to memorize this crazy, sexy sight. The hot older legal secretary in her business clothes, with the tops of her plump tits out and jiggling. Her thick red lips wrapped around my cock, eyes staring up at me filled with desire and hunger. She wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock and suck hard. My toes curled, my hands clenched into fists, and I may have blacked out for a second as I leaned heavily against the wall. Catching my breath, I glanced down to see Sarah with her eyes closed, sucking her lips into her mouth as she licked up all of my cum, swallowing the white pearly substance down.
“That was… oh my god, that was amazing,” I sighed as she stood, pushing back a few disheveled locks from her face.
“My Lord is even more potent than I dreamed," Sarah said with an impish grin before turning to lead me out into the hall and down the stairs. “I trust the Young Master is a little more clear-headed now?” She asked in the stairway.
"I am," I said, realizing that she was right. In the wake of all that had happened, getting my first blowjob an older woman, practically a stranger, wasn't nearly the craziest thing. After my orgasm, my thoughts were clearer and more orderly as well.
“Thank you,” I said awkwardly, “that really was… just… wow.”
“You do me too much honor Young Master,” she said with a small bow before a mischievous smile played across her lips, “I will be sure to get you just as you arrive next time.” Then we were in the small foyer, with her tiny desk, and I spotted Penny standing with her hands crossed behind her back just inside the door. The small blond woman rose an eyebrow at the sight of the disheveled secretary but said nothing as she turned and opened the door for me. Glancing back, I saw Sarah sitting at her desk with a beatific grin on her face, as she pulled over her laptop and dug into her work.
I stepped out onto the street, glancing up and down the block before stepping into the backseat of the old Rolls Royce once more. Penny climbed behind the wheel and sped us off through town. I sat in silence for a long time, pondering all that I had heard and trying not to think about how quickly I could get back to the lovely Sarah and her strange, but welcome manners.
“Young Master,” Penny said glancing back into the mirror, “It will be several hours before we arrive at the estate. Is there anything you require?”
“No,” I said, “thank you, though.” She looked slightly disappointed, and maybe a touch offended.
I tried to ignore the woman, as I opened the folio and thumbed through its contents. The inside flap had a series of credit and bank cards. All from different major brands and banks, and with my name on them. I pulled out document after document reviewing them and trying to get a handle on all of this. From the looks of things, this was an ancient estate, with roots back into Europe. There were dozens of properties in England, Germany, Austria and France that dated back hundreds of years. Most were being managed by local companies, and each had lists of assets and bills of sale for various work, renters, and leases. Not just property but investments and bonds all over. The holdings within America were just as vast. There was a finger in nearly every pie, from biotech companies to steel mills, from organic dairy farms to Silicon Valley software companies.
I set the first packet of documents aside and pulled out a small list of staffers. The first thing I noticed immediately was that the entire staff was female. There was a small picture beside each name and a brief description of their duties and hours. There was a strange mix of household staff a scientist, and two different types of engineers. In the back of the package were copies of contracts that each woman had signed. The single-page documents were written in such tiny and compressed script that I would need a magnifying glass, if not a microscope to read them.
The last third of the folio held the true treasure, at least to me. A stack of the most incredible inventions all centered around electronics, applications of physics, and complex parts designed for power transmission. I lost myself in the documentation and drawings. Slowly piecing together what they had been working on for so long. It was incredible. The focus of so many of my ancestors all driven to the same task; find a way to power and heat the world with free and clean energy.