Chapter 06

Elsie left me to shower and get ready for the day. The shower had three heads on three different walls, and it felt like I was in the middle of a warm storm of soapy water as I shampooed my hair. The bathroom had high end and luxurious creams, soaps and lotions. I just brushed my teeth with a toothbrush and paste I found in a drawer and pulled the robes back on. The interior of this place was like a museum or a royal manor, but I loved the intricate detail paid by the craftsmen who built the place, that showed in the smallest touches. Such as the drawers in the bathroom. They were built by the finest craftsmen, probably over a hundred years ago, and still slid perfectly smoothly and fit snug.

I stood there for a few long moments staring in the mirror. My entire life had flipped upside down and I felt adrift and lost. I felt like a fraud, and that I probably wasn’t going to be much help to the project and the goals they were all working towards. I certainly wasn’t worthy of the attentions of so many beautiful older women. I was standing there, anxiety building within when there was a slight knock on the bathroom door that startled me out of my reverie. I shook my head and pulled the door open.

“My Lord, we have a schedule we try to maintain, I have no desire to rush you, but they will be expecting it in the gym.”

“I’m ready, sorry,” I said stepping into the small room and finding a set of workout clothes laid out for me, “wait the gym?”

“Yes, my Lord,” the woman said with a small sympathetic smile, “Awake at 4, showered by 430, then a 20-minute workout for increased blood flow to the brain, enhancing focus and cognitive thought. Then a perfectly balanced meal, and off to the lab. Lunch will be brought to you and the lab staff at noon, and you will end for the day at 5pm sharp. Returning to the mansion for dinner and a few hours of entertainments, whatever you choose,” her grin was wicked at that, “Then asleep by nine, in order to get a perfect seven hours. Your Sundays are yours to do with as you see fit, and it’s a day of rest for some of the staff as well. Though have no fear, there will always be enough on hand to attend my Lord in all he may want or need. If my Lord would dress, please, I wouldn’t have you be late on your first day.”

“Of course,” I said and felt a moment of panic when I realized she intended to stand there and watch me get dressed. The woman must have been in her mid-twenties and if she was one of my T.A.’s or a young professor, I would have fallen for her on the first day. She was so lovely. Her body, hidden so poorly beneath that maids’ outfit, was incredible. I turned my back on her, her earlier offer to ‘minister’ to my morning boner flitting through my thoughts. I pushed them down and dropped the robe and dressed quickly. When I turned back around, I saw a smile crinkling the edges of the woman’s eyes.

“Follow me, my Lord,” she said as she led me back through my bedroom and down the hallway. The day before, I hadn’t paid much attention to my surroundings. If I was being honest with myself most of my attention was paid to the perfect bottom of Housekeeper Anna as she took me to my rooms. This morning though I craned my head left and right, trying to take in all that I saw. The ceilings were tall, the rich woods worked into intricate patterns by master craftsmen. The walls were covered by paintings showing countryside’s and portraits.

“This floor is yours to set up as you will my Lord,” Elsie said in her thick accent, “Just let the staff know, either Gwen, Anna or myself and we will see that everything is arranged.”

“Thanks,” I said, “My stuff from the dorms, do you think I could go grab that?”

“Gwen is at your old residence currently packing everything up.” Elsie said with a smile, “She should have everything here for you by the time you return from the lab this evening.”

“Everything?” I asked with an audible gulp.

“Was there anything you wanted her to leave behind?” She asked pulled out an iPhone from a pocket at her waist, “I can let her know.”

“No, nothing!” I said hurriedly, “Tell her thanks,” I don’t know how I was going to explain my collection of vintage eroge game collection of hentai magazines. I felt my cheeks coloring as Elsie lead me downstairs and into a workout room.

The workout room had every machine you could think of and along one wall was a whole collection of free weights that I couldn’t hope to lift. A tall red-headed woman I recognized from the day before stood stretching in front of the floor to ceiling mirrors. When we walked in she stood and turned, a big grin stretching her freckled cheeks wide.

“Lord Aiden, this is Rosie, she is both personal trainer and the head groundskeeper for the property,” Elsie said with a bow and then turned and left, throwing a final smile over her shoulder.

“You don’t mind if we skip all the formal Lord this and Lord that while we workout, do you?” The woman asked in a sweet voice all high-pitched girlishness.

“I would welcome it,” I said with a grin, then holding out my hand, “Aiden.”

“Rosie!” She said and slapped the palm with hers and then hit my fist in a dap I barely registered, “Let’s start with some stretches, then see where you’re at, sound good.”

“You’re the boss,” I said. I had been dreading anything having to do with working out most of my entire life, but Rosie managed to keep things fun. The stretches were comfortable, and I didn’t feel like I was about to tear a muscle. Then we played basketball for ten minutes, and then she had me on the rowing machine while she rode the bike beside me. I couldn’t fail to notice how she was in such incredible shape as we worked out. Her loose workout shirt covering a black spandex top and pants that hugged a body without an ounce of fat.

She caught me looking at her ass, while she peddled on her bike and when I noticed and blushed, she just winked. A minute later she called a halt to the exertions, announcing that the workout was over. Time had flown by, but I still felt a sheen of sweat coating my body as I stood panting and walked over to get a bottle of water from the fridge against one wall.

“You don’t really get what all this is yet, do you?” Rosie asked as she walked up behind me, grabbing her own bottle of water. She stood close as she spoke, close enough I could smell the sweat coating her sexy body.

“To maximize cognitive functions for when I have to work in the lab?” I asked.

“Well, yes,” she said with a surprised frown, “but do you know where Mina and Hitomi are right now?”

“No,” I said.

“They have their tongues buried in each other’s pussies making sure they each have a nice big orgasm before they head into the office,” she stared into my eyes as she said it, and couldn’t help but miss how her words startled me.

“Mina is 32 years old, and Hitomi is 26. Do you know what that means?” When I shook my head, she continued, “Research shows that Mina will be three times as effective in problem-solving and attention-to-detail if she had 1.3 orgasms in the morning, before a healthy balanced meal. While Hitomi will be at peak effectiveness with 0.7 orgasms.”

“What research?” I managed to ask, voice strangled.

“I’ll have the white papers sent to your room,” she said with a smile, “But my point is this, do you know how many orgasms a nineteen-year-old with a 285 IQ requires in order to think clearly?” When I just stared at her she said, “2.7 orgasms. I know this is all new to you, but just trust the process and I promise you’ll find it really is a help.”

I glanced down at where her large breasts nearly brushed my chest and then looked up into her eyes, swallowing audibly. She tilted her head back and laughed.

“Don’t worry Aiden, I’m not going to jump you,” then her smile grew hungry, and she said, “yet. I just wanted you to understand why all of this is here,” she twirled a finger in the air indicating the whole mansion.

“Thank you,” I said, “honestly I’m pretty fucking freaked out about all this. I haven’t even called my parents… not that I’d know what to tell them… last night… fuck last night I had the most amazing, well anyway. Thanks.”

“Oh, I know all about your night,” she said, stepping back and leading the way over to the exit, “Anna had been planning that for years.”

“Really?” I said, I hadn’t let myself believe the gorgeous woman the night before, in spite of the proof that it really had been her first time too. Rosie paused and looked at me with a small secretive smile, then changed the topic.

“Do you think Elsie is pretty?” she asked, pausing with her hand on the door handle.

“Of course, she’s hot,” I said, shocked into admitting the truth. Rosie had a way about her, right from the start she had been easy to talk to, the sexual tension was cut through by her easygoing personality and I felt like I was hanging out with an older sister, instead of a sexy redhead.

“And would you like to see her pretty little mouth wrapped around your cock?” She asked in a purr.

“What?!” I asked in a strangled voice.

“It’s a simple question, Aiden,” she said, voice tinged with exasperation, “You need to understand that we take our jobs seriously here. We’ve all devoted our lives to this work. Do you imagine Elsie would have taken the job, as your chambermaid, if she wasn’t willing, no eager, to pleasure her Lord?”

“What the fuck, Rosie… you have to hear how crazy that sounds… right?” I asked, my eyes wide, and trying to tamp down the lecherous beast that reared its head within my heart.

“You’re telling me,” she said with a grin, “Two things to remember: polyamory is a long-standing tradition in your family’s history, and number two, we all have faith and believe in the work here. Do we think a cure for the world’s ills will be discovered this year? This decade? Or even this century? Probably not,” she shrugged, “but we will always, always be working towards that noble goal. And third,”

“I thought you said two things,” I said with a grin.

“Shut up kid,” she grinned back, “Third thing, and if you don’t remember any of the others, remember this one. All the women here have come to serve you, Aiden. Most of us never even met the old Lord, but we learned about you years ago and have been given pictures and reports on your progress ever since you started at MIT. Every woman here selected because of their compatibility to you.” She leaned forward, and I froze, stunned as her soft lips pressed to mine, her hand pulling my lower body close to hers, my cock throbbing awake, and then she pulled the door open and pushed me through, laughing as she did.​
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