Chapter 10
The next morning I woke surprised when Anna slip into my rooms from the servant’s door.
“My Lord,” she said with a warm smile when she saw me getting out of bed, “I came to check on you. You were so out of sorts last night.”
She walked up and cupped one of my cheeks with her soft warm hand and I felt the frustration melt away. I stood and pulled the older, beautiful woman into my arms. Hugging her close.
“It’s nothing,” I said, “I just tend to get lost in problems with no solutions sometimes, don’t mind me.”
“So long as you are ok,” she said with concern, “Don’t take too much on yourself, my Lord. You’ve been here a few days. You can’t expect miracles.”
“I know,” I said, feeling a knot of tension relax inside as her hands stroked my back and my fingers played along her uniform, “I just don’t show some kind of progress. To give back for all that you have done for me.”
“My Lord,” she whispered, “we do not love you because of the work you do, we love you for who you are. A good and smart young man, honest and honorable, kind and compassionate. You’re our Lord, Aiden, and nothing will change that.” She pulled my face down and gazed into my eyes, hers soft and filled with love, warming my insides.
“Thank you,” I said, feeling a swell of love within, threatening to bring tears to my eyes. I leaned forward and our lips met.
First the kiss was gentle, then our tongue touched, and my hands moved down her incredible body. Our kiss grew heated and then clothes were flying off. I pushed her back onto the mattress and was between her legs, her heels drawing me in deeper and deeper into her incredible tightness.
She was even more desperate for the sex than I was, and she rolled me over, her hips gyrating on mine, grinding into me. Then she sat back, and I gripped her hips, and she held onto my forearms, her head thrown back, thick dark hair bouncing as she rode me. I watched her massive tits swaying and jiggling with my every thrust and as her pussy walls began to flutter, her climax approaching, a thought popped into my head. The heat of our lovemaking building, beads of sweat running down her massive breasts. Her nipples inscribed figure eights as they bounced and I couldn’t get the image of a gyroscope, swaying in space out of my head.
She came on me, screaming in pleasure and collapsing on top of me. My cock was rock hard, but my mind was gone, running down paths of possibility.
“My lord has yet to cum,” she purred into my neck, “should I call in Elsie and Gwen to help me coax that delicious nectar from you?”
“Three…” I breathed, my mind exploding with insight, “Anna you’re a genius!” I said and kissing her I leapt up on the bed, “It’s so obvious now… but the trajectories… I don’t know if its possible… we will need to calculate it…”
I had hopped off the bed and was pacing back and forth, my mind whirling.
“My Lord?” Anna asked, pulling a sheet up to cover her pink nipples, looking at me unsure.
“Anna,” I turned to look her full in the eyes, my grin wild and wide, “I think I’ve solved it, with your help, your wonderful help!”
“Solved what?” She asked, slipping out from under the comforter and walking up to me, her face concerned.
“It!” I said, “Everything! It’s been here all along. Just the application was implemented improperly and then they solved the other issue in the past decade, the loss transmission problem. Hitomi’s device will work! It might all work!”
“You’re serious,” she said, a hand coming up to cover her mouth.
“I have to get to the lab,” I said, rushing over to throw on my boxers and a shirt, not bothering with pants, turning to look at Anna with wild eyes and a big smile. She had a look of concern on her face, thinking maybe I had gone mad or something, but she smiled to me.
“Go,” she said, “and then come back and finish what you started,” she grinned wide as I ran over and pulled her into a quick, fierce kiss. Then I was dashing out the door and down the hall. I got to the lab before I realized I’d only put one sock on.
It was empty, but that was perfect. I pulled up the old files and drawings, setting the different projects that would apply to my idea up on the projectors, covering one wall with several disparate systems and data.
When Frita, Hitomi and Mina walked in they found me pacing back and forth. The lab was surprisingly chilly when you didn’t have pants, or a coat, and only one sock.
“Frita,” I said when she looked at me questioningly, “do you have the data on the old team’s wireless transmission tests?”
“Yes,” she said puzzled, “what good would they do though? It’s much too impractical to implement.”
“Yes, yes,” I said, waving that away, “I need the data on their longest transmission tests, and anything down to one mile. Anything you have on directional vectoring.”
“Ok,” she said, pulling her laptop over and searching through the server.
“Mina, can you calculate some trajectories for me?”
“Of course,” she said, and when I sat her down and described what calculation I needed, she grinned. The brilliant woman already seeing what I was trying to figure out.
“Hitomi, can you bring up those simulations we ran yesterday of your device and how it would function in a vacuum?”
“Sure,” she said, “but all the simulations were failures.”
“Yes, but I’d like to change one of the parameters,” I walked over to her computer and reaching over her should input different variables into her algorithm, “One device can’t handle the heat generation, but if we divide the workload between four devices, and have them in 0-G space,”
“We tested that,” she said, shaking her head in frustration, “There is still the issue of interference, and no control system could handle that workload. Nothing we would trust to regulate that much energy, that is.”
“Here,” I said, drawing out my idea and inputting the final variable, “If we build a gimbal housing for the devices, like this,” I pulled out the small sketch I had made that morning and showed her, “and set the attractive properties to be more or less powerful depending on each device’s temperature…”
“Then we could ensure only one device at a time is within range!” Hitomi said, jumping to her feet and looking around, “They would regulate themselves!”
“Exactly,” I said, “Can you design a model? We need to see how it would function in geo-synchronous orbit.”
“If it’s in orbit,” Hitomi said, and she looked to Frita.
“And the wireless transmission has no loss when passing through the atmosphere…” Frita continued, her eyes wide.
“The generation devices will be able to function until the metals give out to fatigue!” Mina said picking her head up from her calculations, “That would be,” she looked to the sky, calculating in her head, “over 200 years of free, clean power… with four devices running at once… that’s enough to power the entire eastern seaboard.”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” I said, suppressing my elation, “we have to be absolutely certain of our calculations.”
“Aiden…” Hitomi breathed looking at me, “My Lord… how did you figure this out… and in your first week!”
“This morning I was watching,” I bit my tongue before I finished the sentence, not wanting to admit that Anna’s perfect tits had given me the inspiration, “It doesn’t matter,” I finished lamely and Hitomi and Mina gave me sly smiles before they went back to their work.
That morning and afternoon flew by and we got a lot of work done. By 3pm we had a working model of my idea. The massive amount of computing power on hand was all devoted to crunching the numbers and running through simulations. We all stood, holding our breaths as we watched the first results come in.
They all passed.
The women screamed in joy, jumping and dancing around.
“What’s going on?” A voice called from the lab door and I turned to see Anna, Elsie and Gwen standing there, looks of concern and worry on their faces.
“We heard the screams and came right away,” said Gwen, a confused frown marring her pretty face.
“Master did it!” Hitomi called running over and grabbing Elsie and Gwen’s hands, “Come and see, he solved it!”
“It’s true then?” Anna asked disbelieving, “My Lord, but how?”
“It’s the oscillation and leveraging the thermal expansion against basic laws of physics,” Mina said.
“What?” Asked Gwen.
“It doesn’t matter Gwen,” laughed Hitomi, “we have a solution to the world’s energy problems. Free and safe and remarkably cheap to implement.”
“That’s do to your amazing design,” I told Hitomi with a smile, “We still have a lot of tests to run, and numbers to crunch. We should build and test a prototype in the next couple months, but if everything checks out, as it has so far. Within the next year or two we will realize my Great Uncle and all of his ancestors dream.”
“This calls for a party!” Elsie said.
“I agree!” Said Frita, and everyone turned shocked stares to the cold tall blond, “What?”
“I never thought you were the partying type,” said Mina.
“Tonight,” Anna said with a big grin, “Elsie, go let Bess and Sarah know that we’re feasting tonight and to break out the wine!”
They all cheered, and Anna walked over and gave me a big hug, Elsie coming over to do the same, then Frita. Soon every woman was hugging each other with me in the middle as we laughed and cried in joy.