The man walks through the mall just window shopping when he decides to hit the food court for some food. He steps up to a likely counter and is lucky that there was nobody waiting to order. Once he starts looking at the menu to figure out what he is in the mood for others start coming up behind him. He decides to step aside to let others go ahead since he is still deciding.

At that point a young woman walks up and steps in front of him and begins stepping all over his feet because he is still near the counter. Surprised at the callous behavior he stands there a second shocked. After she continues to step all over his feet he reaches for her and grips under the arms and sets her to the side saying, "Please wait your turn and stop stepping on my feet." He moves forward to keep her from moving back and she starts in with, "Who do you think you are that you can touch me, picking me up and moving me like some child?" "If you act that way you should be treated that way and besides no one just gets to walk straight to the front while others are waiting already young lady. Try being more respectful to others and you might be treated like an adult."

She gets all indignant and bratty trying to get under his skin, "Who do you think you are telling Me I'm not an adult. You old fart!"

"Exactly." He replies. "I'm old enough to be your father and know that you are acting like a child that deserves a spanking. But instead of that I'm going to be an actual Adult and leave rather than ruining those nice folks' day any further by talking to a child that doesn't know how to behave in polite society." He says gesturing at the people around and at her at the end. With that he walks away, head held high. The crowd starts clapping. He leaves her standing mouth agape and shamed in front of all those people clapping.

He goes back to window shopping until he decides to pop into a men's store and looks at some jeans, but realizes quickly that they are just jeans. Why should he pay $50 for jeans when he gets ones for $15 -- 20 that are just as good if not better. He walks out shaking his head thinking, 'What was I thinking. Let's find somewhere else to go.' He strolls down the walkway and just glances into places. He walks past a stairwell, goes down and notes a sign for the bathrooms. He begins to go down the steps but stops before getting there hearing voices. Something makes him stop and listen briefly. He recognises a nasty voice from 30 minutes before whining to some other girl. He decides to get out of there not interested in getting into something else with that Brat. Going back to window shopping again, he pops into the game store but doesn't find anything he likes so heads out again. Unknowingly stepping out in front of the 'Rude' girl and her BFF.

They begin shadowing him whispering to each other. "That's the dickhead that embarrassed me at the food court. We need to get him back." Her friend, just going along as usual just says, "Yeah." They continue following him. The rude girl finally catches sight of the clipped knife in his front pants pocket and says to her accomplice, "Grab his knife from his pocket. Maybe if he loses something important to him, maybe he will feel my pain too." "But why do I have to do it and not You, it's your revenge." She questions. "He knows me and I couldn't get close to do it, he doesn't know you. The 'Rude' girl replies. "But Anna, if he catches Me he will just run me to the cops. They are all over the Mall, you know." "Just do it and stop arguing." Anna says to her BFF in that bullying tone she was so familiar with as she brooked no further argument.

The BFF sighed and moved away from Anna some to be able to get nearer their target. Anna stayed near enough to see everything but not give her friend away. The BFF began getting closer to him slowly so she could reach out and slip it from his pocket and still get away. She reached out after another minute and attempted to get the knife from his pocket, but as soon as she grasped the knife she felt a hand grab hers as he was in his pocket. He pulls the hand away from his pocket, lifting her hand over her head spinning her around until it was pinned behind her back where she wasn't going anywhere. He looks at who he has, not knowing who yet he has caught in the act. Stopping to assess the situation, he sees a familiar face slinking away, 'Rude' girl.

He looks back at the culprit with new interest. "You must be the other voice I heard talking to your rude friend that just left you hanging slinking away like a rat. Who are you, what's your name?" He says sternly. "Nobody. I'm sorry, Please let me go and you will never see me again." She pleads. "I won't ask again, what's your name & for that matter how old are you?"

"W-What? M-my name is Kate, my friend is Anna, I'm 19. But why do you need to know that?" "To know if you are a juvenile delinquent or an adult. One would go to Juvie hall or an adult going to jail." "J-jail." She stutters, "Why would I go to Jail?" "Theft is a crime. Even a 19 year old should know that by now. And is Anna 19 also?" "Uhuh, no next 'til next month." "Ok, so she is still an adult too. And can be punished as such. Let's go to the police then, it's this way." He says changing his grip to her elbow. "But, but, I can't go to jail. My parents would kill me." "Doesn't matter to me, crimes deserve to be punished. Let's go." She stops trying to convince him seeing the same resolve she hears from her parents.

Having walked the mall since late morning and most of the early afternoon he knew his buddy was working today and made for him. When he got there he made his greeting more like a professional relationship. "Afternoon Sgt. Gentry, I have a criminal for you. This young woman tried to pick my pocket trying to steal my pocket knife and who knows what else." "Well sir, that's quite a serious accusation. Do you want to press charges?" The Sgt. moves to grab his notepad to take notes of the facts playing along with his friend and looks forward to hearing the story later. With a stern expression he looks at the girl saying, "Well, young lady what do you have to say for yourself? He has every right to press charges."

At first she says nothing. Then she tries to say something but can't get anything out and she looks like a fish just moving her mouth open and closed. Finally she gets out, "It was a stupid dare and revenge because of my friend." She then goes quiet and looks at the ground realizing how lame that sounded. "So you admit you tried to steal from this man. Well, that makes things easier. A confession makes it quite easy at court." She then looks up, horrified. " I, I, I can't go to jail!" She whines nearly crying.

The officer looks at his friend realizing the situation may have been taken too far. He then says with a small shake of the head, "So do you want to press charges sir?" He smiles and replies, "Well, I suppose that no harm was really done. I will deal with this myself with these two delinquents. I already had to dress down her friend at the food court for her being so rude. She was probably embarrassed and thought she could get away with retaliation and not pay any cost but got her friend caught and then she ran away." "Oh, I heard about that. Some of the patrons that were there thought it was great someone stood up these spoiled brats and taught her some manners." Kate just stood there abashed and now realizes her friend really did behave badly as she seemed to be doing alot lately.

The man says with a wink to his friend, "Well, it's on the record with you if I have any further problems with these two." "So I can always return to you and press those charges if I need to correct?" He nods and replies, "That's correct sir." The cop looks at Kate sternly and says, "Your lucky young lady this gentleman is so forgiving. It could have been very expensive and jail is no fun for someone so young and pretty." She flushes immediately knowing what he is referring to and nods vigorously replying, "Yes sir, Thank you for being so upfront officer, I mean Sargent. This will never happen again, I promise." With that they part ways, the cop winking and grinning at his friend where the girl can't see as the two walk away.

"Now let's go find Anna was it? She apparently didn't get the message about not being 'Rude' and treating people correctly. Where would she go?" Kate replies somberly, "There's bathrooms down some stairs that no one uses so we use that a lot to get away from people sometimes." "I think I know the one. Let's go 'Talk' to Anna and impress upon her better behavior. Maybe you should tell her about the police officer to set the stage for the tongue lashing I'm about to lay down on both of you." "Okay." Kate replies meekly.

They make their way to the underground bathrooms. As expected they find a slightly panicking Anna. She rushes to Kate hugging her not seeing the man at first. "Are you Okay? What happened when the dickhead grabbed you?" Then she sees the man. "What is going on?" She says backpedaling quickly. Kate gets in her face and at first yells, "I almost got arrested for your bullshit!" Kate then takes a deep breath when the man puts a hand on her shoulder. Kate lays out what transpired after Anna ran away. The whole conversation with the officer and the man stating he would handle things himself. Ending with if needed he could go back and file charges if things went badly. Anna takes it all in and at first turns red, getting mad that he would do this to them. Then her face goes white at hearing that they could still go to jail if he wanted them to.

The two girls stand together waiting to hear what he has in mind for punishment. While Kate laid it all out he stood there patiently with a stern look on his face both girls had seen on their parents. When they both realized that their fate lay in his hands they became Very nice and promised it would never happen again and they would do anything so he would not press charges.

He stands there like he is considering their fate but already knew what he was going to do to and with these two. Both being over 18 and not wanting to ruin their futures, they were in quite the bad spot. He finally replies, "Anything? Are you sure?" In unison they both say, "Yes!" Kate finishes, "We can't go to jail. Our parents would flip." He stands there letting them sweat a little before dropping the bomb. "If you really mean anything, follow me and he walks over to the furthest stall which fortunately is the Handicapped stall and opens the door. He gestures and says, "Inside." The girls look at each other and hesitate. "It's either get in here or come with me back up to the officer." Quick glances at each other and they both move into the stall with haste.

He steps in behind them and closes and latches the door. Turning around he looks at them and says to Anna, "First, I want an apology young lady since almost all this is your doing." Ashamed, Anna looks down and says, "I'm sorry." There of course was no sincerity in her voice. "Okay, let's go to the cops. You obviously think this is a joke." He says pretending to unlock the door. "No!" Anna wails. She steps up and puts her hand on his back and says finally with real feeling, "Mister, I am Sorry. I was a brat at the food counter and I dragged my friend into this mess. We really are sorry." She says emphatically. Kate agrees saying, "Yes sir. Really we are Sorry and will do anything to prove it to you." "There's that word again, 'Anything'." He replies smiling while still facing the door. He turns back around and steps towards them. "Well, you two are very pretty and not stupid. There is only one reason to bring the three of us into this stall together. Get to work apologizing."

Again they look at each other at first unsure then quickly the light comes on. Together they drop to their knees and nearly fight to get his pants off and cock out. One goes for his cock and the other for his balls, licking and sucking him with experienced movements. Before long he is fully erect and ready for the next part. The girls both realize he is well equipped and this may be more enjoyable then 'punishment'. "Strip." He commands them. Without hesitation they popup to their feet and begin wiggling out of what little clothes they have on. He looks at Anna and tells her, "Bend over the toilet." She moves to position herself as directed. He reaches out and pinches Kates' hard nipples and she moans in pleasure. He then pulls her to him and starts kissing her, their tongues immediately dancing in each other's mouths.

They move together to Anna. He tells Kate, "Put my cock into Annas' pussy." Kate reaches down, positions him and puts the tip into her friends' hot pussy lips. He can feel how turned on Anna is by the heat pouring from her pussy. He pushes his cock all the way into that tight pussy in front of him. Anna gasps and moans in pleasure as he completely fills her tight pussy. She can't keep from saying, "Oh My God! Yes! Fill me up." He begins pumping into her wet snatch. While doing that he goes back to kissing Kate and teasing her nipples pinching, twisting and flicking them lightly. After fucking Anna a few minutes and kissing Kate he breaks the kissing and puts his hand down to Kates pussy and finds it equally sopping like Anna's had been.

"Switch." He commands. Kate takes her position and Anna moves to him, not sure if she should kiss him or not. He pulls her in and has her put his cock in Kate with a nod. He spears Kates' pussy just like he did Anna's and it is equally hot and wet and very inviting as Kate pushes back towards him when he begins pumping into her. Both girls begin moaning as he pumps Kate and reaches down to finger fuck Anna while kissing her passionately.

This goes on for several minutes, having the girls switch every few minutes so he doesn't cum yet giving him a breather between. After several swaps he stops and asks them, "Are you enjoying yourselves?" Very quickly both girls say together, "Oh Yes sir! Please keep fucking us!" Anna nearly pleads. Kate nods her head vigorously agreeing with her friend. "Who should cum first then?" Anna and Kate look at each other and wordlessly agree. Looking at the man Anna says, "Kate should get off first since I got her in such trouble. But now I'm pretty glad I did." She glances down at the man's erect cock smiling widely. He gestures to Kate to return to the toilet but instead of bending her over again he has her sit in his lap to ride him in Cowgirl. She smiles and takes position with a huge smile. "I'm already real close sir, Please fuck me hard and push me over. She leans in and kisses him hard. He gets her in position and she starts jumping up and down on his cock. True to what she said in just a few minutes Kate cums hard drenching the man's cock and balls in her squirt. She moans like a whore obviously enjoying the feeling. She slowly climbs off him. While Kate was fucking herself on his cock Anna was making out with the man some more with three of his fingers buried in her soaked twat. Anna then mounts the man next and begins doing the same motions and also cums hard and quickly.

After catching her breath she stays in place and tells the man, "Now it's your turn, Master." She begins riding him hard and before long he is about to cum. He pushes her off him and commands them, "Kneel." They drop to their knees quickly and with open mouths stare up at him waiting on their prize. Enjoying the power and the view and the very pleasant time he unloads a huge load in their waiting mouths and on their faces from eyebrows to chins. The girls love it and both cum again loudly. They look at each other after swallowing the initial deposit in their individual mouths and begin licking the cum that missed their mouths from each other's faces. They collect all the missed jizz and then begin kissing, swapping the cum back and forth for a minute before each takes her part and swallows again.

The girls look up at their new 'Master' and say together, "Thank you Master. Will you please fuck us again soon?" He laughs, not expecting this day to turn into this kind of continued action. "You two are the best fucks I have had for a long time. Of course I will plow you two again. But next time let's meet at a motel instead of a toilet stall." They all start laughing. "Definitely." The girls say again together. He reaches for his clothes and once dressed grabs his phone and says, "Put your numbers in here and we can schedule another meeting." Both girls go to grab the phone eagerly and he laughs again. He hands the phone to Anna saying, "Anna first since she started our new relationship." Smiling, she takes the offered phone and quickly puts in her name and number. He tells them to put in the notes 'Mall girl' so he can find them quickly. They all laugh again. The girls get their number into the phone then get dressed but leave their panties off to allow them to wash up before heading out. They all step out of the stall after the man checks no one has come in. The coast is clear so the girls step to the sinks and grab paper towels to wipe up and then wash their pussies. The man watches both the door and the erotic scene. He stands there chuckling.

Once everyone is ready he kisses the girls a final time and then they go their separate ways. He heads home and they go into the mall before doing the same. Their fun relationship having just begun they all look forward to the next time together.