Page 06

"No," she whispered, pushing Chris's cock away.


Brent pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it. He held the mouthpiece near and repeated, "Katy?", listened for a response but only heard muffled sounds. He put the phone down on the table and looked down at the top of Marion's head which was moving back and forth and her mouth worked his cock.

"She won't be back for a couple of days and she'll call before getting here."

Marion pulled her head back. "Really?"

"Yeah. Don't stop."

Brent pulled her mouth back onto his cock but Marion resisted.

"Why'd you ask about calling me?"

"She said she wanted me to tell you she wouldn't be here for a few days."

"Oh. So what's the matter?"

"I don't know. She sounded kind of funny."

"You think she knows?"

"No, of course not." Brent smiled. "It looks like we have a couple more days." He lurched toward Katy's and plugged her mouth with his cock and she took it without complaining.

Brent couldn't imagine Katy ever doing that. She hardly ever let him put it in her mouth and then she only sucked it a half dozen times. Marion was the first woman that had let him come in her mouth. How could a man resist that?

Marion sucked Katy's husband in deep, purposely taking him in far enough to make herself gag a bit to produce excess saliva. Men loved that, she had found. Not her own husband, of course. She was little Miss Prude with him, as always, but the other husbands of their group—Brent was her third and she was already working on the fourth—loved a good wet suck. Every one of them ate her after a good sucking. Tom never went down on her and Marion loved being eaten. Brent had been the best so far but there was room for improvement. Besides, she wanted to get all the men in their group. She was the least attractive of the wives but now would eventually have it over all of them. She loved looking around the room when the women got together, knowing their limitations in bed and how much better their husbands said she was.

Two days? That left lots of time for Brent to eat her. She pulled her mouth off his cock and stood up. He was about to complain until she turned around and bent over the little telephone table in the hall, pulling her dress up to reveal a lack of panties.

"God," Brent gasped. "You are the most awesome fucking woman!"

As she slid his meat into his wife's best friend, he thought about how Katy would never do anything this wild.

Kevin had relieved himself of his clothes and climbed onto the bed. Meanwhile, Chris had been trying to get his cock into Katy's ass but she foiled every attempt.

"Get some cream," Chris gasped.

Katy thought she heard Marion's voice in the phone beside her head. Then she heard Brent say 'awesome'. There was a big clatter followed by the unmistakable sound of people mating.

"In my bag," Katy cried.

Kevin ignored the request since he was already lying beside his mother. Chris squiggled out from under Katy and she rolled onto Kevin, her arms encircling his neck. Immediately, she began kissing her son, whispering, "Love me, love me."

Chris fetched his mother's bag and frantically rummaged through it while she and Kevin kissed. Katy felt his manhood on her bare tummy and that set alarm bells off in her head but then she remembered the sound of Brent fucking someone, probably her best friend, and she rubbed herself against it.

Chris found a medium-sized jar of cream and applied it to his mother's buttocks. He watched the back of her head for a reaction and when there was none he put some right in her crack, then rubbed it in with his fingers. When he started sliding his cock through her greasy cheeks, Katy turned to look over her shoulder. Chris kissed her as his way of assuring her he would be gentle.

Katy turned toward the front and Kevin kissed her again while Chris spread more cream on his cock and her ass. Katy tightened her arms around Kevin's neck and kissed him deep, then turned and let Chris explore her mouth. It felt wonderful kissing the boys. She and Brent stopped French-kissing years ago.

Katy turned back to kiss Kevin and lifted her hips so he could enter her while his tongue snaked inside her mouth. Chris grasped her tits from behind and Kevin put his hands on her ass, pulling her cheeks apart to help his brother. Chris angled up and tried to push his cock into her ass.

"Oh Jesus," Katy cried. "Oh no."

"Shhhhh," Chris whispered, rubbing his cock up and down on her dark asterisk.

"It's too big," she whispered.

"Don't," Kevin said.

"It'll only hurt for a minute," Chris rasped, sawing his cock through her cheeks. He pressed on her button and tried to push it in again.

Katy clamped her legs together to resist but it didn't help.

"I can't," Katy wailed.

"Chris, don't!"

"Okay, okay."

Chris withdrew his throbbing member and for the next few minutes the boys took turns kissing their mother. Kevin pushed the pad of his index finger onto her slippery rear hole and pressed until the tip poked inside. Katy moaned.

"You like that?" Kevin asked.

Shocked, Katy didn't know what to say. Kevin's finger moved easily in her backside and it actually felt good with his long cock filling her cunt. Remembering the night before, Katy suddenly wanted more. She twisted her head over her shoulder but when Chris tried to kiss her she whispered.

"Come inside me."

She wrapped her arms around Kevin and hugged his chest, pushed her tummy forward, and tipped her ass back until Kevin's finger popped in to the second knuckle.

"Ohhhhhhh," she sighed, purposely exaggerating so it sounded like it really got to her.

"She likes it," Chris groaned.

He grabbed his cock and forced the tip up through Katy's cheeks, trying to push brother's finger away.

"Maybe, but she's not ready for the full nine yards," Kevin scolded.

"I just want to rub it on the outside."

"Yeah, sure. Come inside with me."

"Okay." Chris sounded like a little kid not allowed to play with his favorite toy.

Katy opened herself in welcome and Chris pushed his cock inside her, using his brother's pole as a guide. As he slid in, Katy moaned, feeling herself stretch to accommodate the two cocks. God, she loved this. She moaned and groaned as they moved in and out of her and they starting talking to each other as they fucked, discussing moves and coordinating with each other. Katy liked it when they talked about her and made sounds so they knew it. When they started their asynchronous fucking, Katy started toward a huge orgasm she knew she couldn't stop so she rode it with abandon all the way, knowing the boys liked the sounds and the way she couldn't help reacting to their thrusts.

When it was finished, Chris pulled her hips back and Kevin slid out without a fight. Katy knew why a few seconds later when he got on his knees in front of her and lifted her head, holding his cock in front of her face. Katy leaned forward and Kevin reached out to slide his fingers through her hair. She paused before his throbbing cock and opened her mouth wide, closing her eyes as Kevin's fingers closed tightly in her hair and pulled, his helmet tickling through her lips.

Her head sunk onto Kevin's cock as Chris pumped her from behind. He put his thumb on her dark entrance and watched as it pierced the asterisk, then fell out when she moved forward to slide her mouth onto his brother's cock. He stretched forward to recapture his prize and when Katy withdrew up Kevin's shaft he pushed his finger back into her little hole.

When Katy pushed forward to slide her mouth onto Kevin's cock Chris shoved his own meat into her cunt. A steady give and take followed with Katy getting her pussy stuffed every time she filled her mouth. As she emptied her mouth, Chris twisted his thumb in her ass. Katy was surprised how it felt. It didn't hurt and she attributed that to the ton of cream he had lathered on her ass. It obviously turned him on because his cock felt like a baseball bat inside her, much like Kevin's did inside her mouth. She had hardly ever sucked a cock and, though nobody had ever tried, she would never have let anything in her ass. For that matter, she had never been with two men before and that was something she now knew she liked, a lot.

Katy did her best to do a good job sucking Kevin's cock. What little real experience she had predated her marriage. When her lips enveloped his head she rubbed her tongue hard underneath. He seemed to like that a lot. Another thing he liked was when she wiggled her face to get her lips near his root and then munched as if trying to bite it off. He held her head with both hands then and tried to push his cock deeper but Katy gagged and he had to let her go. That made her try harder the next time to hold him deep for longer and she managed to do it until once, his cock slipped into her throat.

Katy wheezed through her nostrils as Kevin felt her neck, seeking confirmation of the penetration because he couldn't believe what his eyes and cock were telling him. Chris, upon his brother's silent invitation, reached underneath to touch his mother's neck too and saw for himself that she had taken his brother's cock into her throat. Instantly jealous, he was eager for an accomplishment of his own.

Now it was his turn. He pulled out and got up onto his feet, then lowered himself, aiming his cock at the greasy little hole that now opened by his thumb and winking repeatedly as Katy bobbed on Kevin's cocked. He positioned the tip and pressed forward.

"Ahhhhh," Katy cried.

Chris paused, ready to stop, but Katy's hips kept gyrating on Kevin's cock and thus pushed back on his tip. All he had to do was stay still. A minute and many gyrations later, Chris's cock popped into his mother's ass.

"Ohhhhhhh," she groaned.

Chris thought she was working her hips to pull him deeper inside but then her hands pushed him out.

"I can't. I can't," Katy cried.

Chris pulled out.

"What's the matter?" he gasped.

"I'm not comfortable with it. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Mom. Don't worry about it," Kevin consoled her.

Chris pushed his cock into her pussy.

"Yeah, it's okay," he concurred, yet unable to conceal his disappointment.

Chris started pumping her again and Kevin pulled her up for a kiss. Chris felt jealous. When they broke apart he twisted her head sideways so he could kiss her too. Kevin re-entered his mother while she and Chris kissed. When it was over they all starting fucking in earnest, bodies heaving and sliding until they were slippery with sweat, until the boys cocks began spurting, and spurting and spurting, filling her.

They lay on the bed, arms and legs entwined, for a long time. One by one, they each got up to have a shower, Katy first. Afterward, they talked about the blues bar, the protest, Diana and Debra, the ditzy girls, anything but what they had just done. Eventually, they said goodnight but when the lights were off and they snuggled together, they started to touch, then kiss, and eventually made love lying on their sides, the boys double-cocking their mother and taking turns front and back.

The next morning in the elevator on the way down to breakfast they engaged in an intimate group hug that ended up in deep kissing but managed to look respectable by the time the elevator door opened on the lobby.

During breakfast Katy thought about the future. A single cock, no matter how big, would never be enough to satisfy her again. She also knew that Chris, having not achieved his deepest desire, would strive for their threesome to continue. Despite her love of being double-cocked, Katy knew this couldn't continue. There was no question it had to end. Now. Well, after the trip anyway.

As soon as that thought crossed her mind Katy knew they had to drive straight home without stopping. She couldn't trust herself alone with the boys for another night.

Two months later, Katy had put the trip to DC behind her. Kevin hadn't been a problem but his brother proved difficult. She knew it would be like that. Chris didn't say anything because he knew, like his brother, that it was something that shouldn't be discussed, with anyone, not even each other. Whether trying to revive her illicit urges, or just being unable to suppress his own, Chris tried to return to the joys of DC in subtle and not so subtle ways. He hugged her more often and too long, 'accidentally' kissed her on the lips and, again 'accidentally', entered the bathroom when she was just finishing a shower. Katy had firmly put him in his place. You couldn't be gentle with Chris; he wasn't sensitive like his brother.

This morning, she received an email from Diana and that opened the wounds, renewing carnal urges she hoped had been suppressed forever. She tried but to no avail. The thoughts persisted throughout the day and so she started to bake which she often did when trying to work through an issue. She made cookies and scones and was kneading dough when Chris came home. He headed directly into the kitchen and stepped in behind his mother to give her a hug.

"Is Kevin home yet?"

"No," Katy replied, quietly.

"Where's Dad?"

"Working late, again."

"Oh, that's too bad," Chris said, nuzzling the crook of Katy's neck.

"Making bread?"

"What does it look like?"

"Need help?"

"You can grease the pans if you like. There's some vegetable oil there."

Chris reluctantly pulled his hands from his mother's waist and up-ended the bottle of vegetable oil, dripping some on two fingers of his right hand. He spread it inside one of the bread pans stacked on the counter.

"When's Kevin coming home?"

"I don't know."

"He didn't call?"


"Did you text him?"

"No. You can if you're so worried."

"I'm just wondering when he'll be here."

"I bet you are."

Chris admired at his mother's backside which was quivering under the sleek, black dress as she kneaded the dough. His father was going to be late and his mother was making bread in a sexy black dress, the same black dress she had bought the day she had let them make love to her. Why was she wearing that fuck-me dress?

Chris looked down at her legs. She was barefoot. His cock stiffened and he popped the top button of his jeans to relieve the pressure, then quietly unzipped them. "Chris."


"Just grease the pans if you want to help."


Chris grabbed another pan and patiently spread oil along the sides and the end, then did the bottom.

"I got an email from Diana today."

His cock lurched and tingled so bad he wanted to take it out but didn't, afraid his mother would rebuke him, maybe even scream at him the way she done when he surprised her in the shower.

He dribbled more oil on his fingers and grabbed another pan.

"Oh yeah?"

"She want to know if I'd like to join her and Debra at another protest."


"She said my sons were welcome too if they wanted to come."

"She did?" Chris applied the oil even more slowly to the next pan.

"Did you say anything to her?"

He almost said 'about what' but caught himself. "No."

"Did Kevin?"

"I doubt it."

So did Katy.

"So she knows, I guess."

Chris didn't say anything. Instead, he put more oil on his fingers.

"So do you want to?"

Katy stopped kneading the bread but Chris stared at her behind anyway. Even though she had stopped moving, it still seemed alive to him. He nodded, unconsciously.

"Well, do you?"


"Do you want to go to another protest."

Chris's mind flooded with possibilities. Go on another trip with his mother?

"Yeah," he replied, with difficulty.

"Well, alright then."

Katy started kneading the dough and her behind began quivering again. Chris pulled his the waistband of his short forward to let his cock flip up. She wasn't likely to turn around and he was standing too close for her to see anything if she did, and he was in pain. Instead of the pan, he applied the oil to the tip of his cock, swirling it around the head.

"I need more pans than that."


He reached around his mother and squirted some oil from the bottle directly into the next pan and used his other hand to pull the back of her skirt up.

"Stop fooling around," Katy admonished him.

"Okay," he replied, but kept her skirt up.

"You heard what I said."

"Okay, Mom."

Chris dipped his knees and pressed forward, pushing his throbbing cock under the hem of the skirt. Katy was standing with her feet planted about a foot apart and didn't immediately feel his cock between her legs. He put his left hand on her hip and spread the oil around the pan with his right. When he finished, he put that had on Katy's other hip, and his knob scraped between her legs.


He had called it wrong. He braced for the attack.

"I need more pans."

"Uh, okay. In a minute."

He nuzzled Katy's neck.

"I love you Mom."

"I can tell."

Chris couldn't believe his ears.

"The protest starts this Thursday."


"It's farther, so we'll be away longer."

"Uh huh." Chris took a chance and kissed his mother on the ear through her hair.

"Do you still want to go."


Chris pushed himself forward an inch and discovered why Katy's ass seemed to have a life of its own. She wasn't wearing panties. His cock lurched upward and bumped in the bottom of her crack.

"Don't you think you should wait until your brother gets home?"

"I, uh…he, um…"

"He should say for himself whether or not he wants to go."

"Oh yeah. Of course. We'll wait for Kevin."

"I'll need more oil before then."

Chris lifted his hands from his mother's waist and got the bottle. He poured a copious amount on his fingers, conscious of how his cock was nudging into her cheeks and shocked that she hadn't said anything, yet thrilled to be getting away with it. He picked up another pan.

"I have enough pans."

Chris, his arms stretched around his mother, held the pan in mid-air.

"I thought you said you need more oil?"

"I do."

"But you said…um, why did you…"

"I need more oil," Katy whispered. "And so do you."

Chris couldn't move. He couldn't believe what his mother was saying, what he thought she meant, what he most wanted to hear, and yet he couldn't move.

"You better hurry. Your brother will be home soon and he might no let you."

Chris poured a small puddle of oil into his curled palm. As he stepped back from his mother his cock emerged from under the sexy black dress. He palmed his cock and spread the oil all over it, then put more in his palm and scooped it under the dress, moving quickly up between Katy's legs until his hand crashed into the bottom swells of her butt. He mashed it into ass and pussy, rubbing it upward, forcing it between her cheeks, at the end pressing his longest finger in and dragging it across her puckerhole.

"Try not to get it on my dress, honey."

Complying, Chris jerked Katy's dress up over her hips, baring her ass. He gasped with raw pleasure. She looked so fucking hot. Her ass was blushing red as if it had just been spanked. Chris grabbed his cock and steered it between her cheeks.

"Should start with my…finger?" he finished awkwardly, nevertheless trying to poke his cock into her hole.

"I did it for you," Katy rasped, rising up on her tippy toes and spreading her legs farther apart.

Chris pushed upward until the head of his cock found her pucker. He spread her cheeks and felt the tip nudge into it. Katy gasped and her ass tightened. He withdrew his cock and pushed it through her cheeks a dozen more times before spread them apart and trying again to penetrate her anus. Instinctively knowing he was more like his mother than his brother, Chris whispered.
Next page: Page 07
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