Chapter 01.2

Brian was right in assuming I'd never get involved with anyone else. I was too committed to our marriage. I understand why he could never share that side of him with me. He did it out of respect for my trauma and my past, the incident that led him to me. He'd seen my marks, my self harm, the blading, he didn't want me going back in that hole. Gosh why'd he have to be such a saint.

Only Family

As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard the front door unlock, and the sound of dangling keys reminded me, my son was home. It was 11:55pm. Five minutes to his birthday. I hurriedly put the phone aside and tried to shrug off this eerie feeling I had after reading my husband's hidden confessional memoir. I didn't want to bring that weird energy into my son's big 18th birthday.

I entered the living room to see my son looking around surprised at the decorations and the "Happy Birthday" banner, the balloons that read "18". As he dropped his backpack on the couch, he turned around to face me.

Tommy: Mom, you did this? For me?

Jessica: Since you didn't tell me what you wanted, I did something quick to make your day special.

Tommy: Thanks Ma. I love you.

Jessica: Love you too Honey. Wait right here, I've got something for you.

I hurried to the kitchen and brought out the cake I'd made for him. He sprang up as he saw the pink texture on the cake.

Tommy: Is that....Strawberry Cheesecake? That's my favorite mom.

Jessica: Oh I know honey. Now come on over here, close your eyes, make a wish and blow the candle.

Tommy cut the cake as I awkwardly sang the happy birthday song to him. I was happy for my boy to be all grown up. I remember it like it was yesterday, when I first found out I was pregnant with him. And 18 years ago, on this day, I gave birth to a little baby. My baby was now all grown up and was officially an adult. It was a bittersweet moment for me. And my eyes teared up a little, which he noticed.

Tommy: Oh No, Mom, don't cry. Come here.

He hugged me tightly, as I buried my head in his hard chest muscles, my hands locked behind his waist. I was rather small standing at 5'3". My son was 5'10". He kissed me on my head as I continued sobbing.

Tommy: What's wrong Mom, why're you crying?

Jessica: I'm not sad honey. I'm happy. You're all grown up. You're an adult now. You can make a lot of your own decisions. It's bittersweet. You'll never be my little Tommy again. And soon enough, you'll move out of this house for good. I don't know what I'll do without you. I'll be all alone here trapped with your father, and in the state that he's in, he's no company.

Tommy: Shshshh!! Calm down Mom, I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here. I won't leave you, okay! I'll be right here. I love you.

Tommy and I remained in this motherly embrace for a while, before it was time to wrap the night off. We both shared his birthday cake and I was overjoyed to see him love the cake I made for him. As we were eating his birthday cake,

Jessica: I'm glad you came home Tommy. I thought you would spend your birthday with your friends or one of your girlfriends.

Tommy: Of course mom. I wanted to be with the one who birthed me. So here I am. And hey I don't have many girlfriends. Heck, I don't even have one.

Jessica: Quit it. I know you're quite popular with those girls in school.

Tommy: You'd think so Mom. I have had girlfriends, but not since...

Jessica: Not since Sammi? That girl from that night?

Tommy: Yeah...

Jessica: You never told me what happened that night, why was she crying?....You know what, nevermind you don't have to. It's your birthday, I don't want to ruin it.

Tommy: It's okay Mom. I've been wanting to tell you. I'm sorry for that night. It was just crazy. And hey, didn't we promise each other, no more lies.

Jessica: You're right. We only have each other now. So what happened?

Tommy: Well, it's uhh...It's kinda embarrassing. See, Mom...this is a conversation I should have with Dad.

Jessica: Hahahah Tommy, a conversation with your dad right now would be like talking to the wall.

Tommy: I know, I know. It's just.... you know...boy stuff.

Jessica: I see. Well, as of 15mins ago, you're now officially a man and no longer a boy. If it helps, think of me as just another woman, or...or a counselor not your mother. I don't want you to get in any more trouble and want to help you make better choices.

I just realized, not only did I lose my husband with Brian's disability, Tommy lost his father too. In that moment, I realized I had to step up and fill in the shoes of both parents. I had to be the father that Tommy needed. So I tried to comfort him and make sure he doesn't miss his father.

Tommy: It doesn't really help, But....okay, I'll tell you. So....Sammi....We had been dating. And it was going well. She, uhmm.. Mom, it's embarrassing.

Jessica: Jessica.

Tommy: What?

Jessica: I'm Jessica, just another woman. Not Mom.

Tommy: Right, okay.... So, we were getting physical and...and she tried to do....mouth stuff on me...

Jessica: You mean, Oral?

Tommy: Yes, Sure. Oral.

Jessica: And..

Tommy: And well, Mo...Jessica. She uhh..She couldn't take it fully you know...

Jessica: Oh.

Tommy: Yeah and so, I don't know I kinda got carried away in the heat of the moment.

Jessica: It happens, you're a teenage boy.

Tommy: Man.

Jessica: What?

Tommy: As of 15mins ago, I'm a teenage Man. Didn't you just say that?

Jessica: Right! Sorry, continue...

Tommy: So yeah, I kinda held her head and pushed in deeper. I don't know what happened but it made her cry and she was coughing and then she went to the bathroom to throw up. She felt sick and then she got mad and yelled at me, called me a savage and left crying. It happened so quickly I didn't know what to do and by the time I got down to the living room, you were there so I was a bit flustered.

Jessica: Oh Wow! That's....quite...Jeez. You know Tommy, you should apologize to her.

Tommy: I did. We met that week and we're friends now. It's okay.

Jessica: Good! Thank you for sharing that with me, I know how difficult it was for you and it can be weird talking about this stuff with your mother. But remember you can come and talk to me anytime about anything. And for the future, you know Tommy, every girl has her limits. And sometimes two people are just not physically compatible. It's always important to be safe and respect your partner's physical limits. Especially girls your age, they're very inexperienced, they need some time getting used to this stuff.

Tommy: Yeah. What about older girls mom?

Jessica: What about older girls?

Tommy: I mean, I get that girls my age may be inexperienced. I think I'm just a bit too strong for some of them.

Jessica: Strong, you say?

Tommy: Yeah. I mean...yeah It's just.. I'm sorry this is awkward.

Jessica: What do you mean?

Tommy: Its uhh.... my uhh....Mom.

He pointed down to his crotch and I understood. He was referring to his penis. My eyes darted down to his crotch and quickly back up not knowing where to look. It was an awkward moment.

Tommy: Yeah..that, it's just strong and uhmm....I think as Sammi put it, large.

Jessica: Oh, I get it. Okay. Well, yeah that could be a challenge for some girls.

Tommy: But it's been a challenge for all the girls I've been with. I think I'll try to date someone older and more experienced.

Jessica: I don't think that's such a good idea honey.

I don't know why but having this adult sex talk with my son was turning me on. The fact that I had just read and found out about my husband's fetish of being a cuckold and watching me with another man, coupled with my own unfulfilled desires and going on almost four weeks of no self pleasuring time, my hormones were at their peak. I was extremely turned on even before Tommy came home. Somehow, reading my husband's memoirs about his fantasy of watching me get roughed up and fucked triggered something in me. I wanted that. I wanted a man to touch me, take me and own me. I needed that. And it felt exciting and naughty to think about teasing my husband with it, but now I knew that's what he wanted.

All of these womanly thoughts were now just going into overdrive as my son started sharing his sexual experiences. Especially when he alluded to the fact that he was rather well endowed down there. I couldn't get that thought out of my mind. This was my own son, and somehow, thinking about his penis, thinking about him roughly grabbing a girl's head and facefucking her, was turning me on. A part of me was jealous, that the young girl got to experience what I've been wanting to for years. Part of me felt the guilt of thinking about my son in such a dirty way. But a bigger part of me felt intrigued, excited and horny. He was now a man. A big, strong man. I wanted a man like my son. I needed someone like him, his height, his body, his penis, someone with his harsh, roughness to take me, fuck me, tame me and have sex with me.

Too bad, this was my own son and I couldn't use him to fulfill my desires. These thoughts were making me restless, anxious, turned on and wet between my legs. I could feel a small trickle of warm wetness ooze out of my vagina and slowly slide down my inner thighs. My sexual trance was broken by my son's voice, as he was clearing up the dining table.

Tommy: Why not, Mom?

Jessica: What?

Tommy: Why's it not such a good idea? Being with an older woman? Someone more experienced?

Jessica: Oh. Well, there's always a risk involved Tommy. You never know how these women are. I don't want someone to mistreat you and break your heart. Besides, they may not be that experienced either. There are many unsatisfied women out there who haven't had sex in a long time. And you should be very careful who you get involved with. Especially with strangers, you never know what could happen.

Tommy: You're right. I agree, what if it's someone I know? Like someone who's not a stranger?

Jessica: I guess, that should be fine. Are you thinking about any of your teachers at school? That'll put their jobs in jeopardy, Tommy.

Tommy: No, No, I wasn't. I just...I'll think of someone.

Jessica: Okay. Be patient Tommy. When the time is right, the right girl will come around for you.

Tommy: Or Woman.

Jessica: Yes. Girl, woman, sure. Now, let's go get some sleep. It's getting late.

Tommy: Yeah. I'm tired. Thanks for all this Mom. You're the best mother in the world.

Jessica: Happy Birthday baby. I'm going to clean up here and head to bed. I'll make your favorite blueberry chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast in the morning.

Tommy gave me a tight hug and squeezed my body into his torso, before departing to his bedroom. After I cleaned up and finished with the kitchen, I couldn't wait to get to the bathroom and put my toys to use. I hurried to the bathroom and sat on the cold porcelain of our commode, that was my usual spot. With my vibrating magic wand in my hand, I started to rub it above my clit. Despite how horny I was, something wasn't clicking. I had pent up sexual energy for the last month, yet I just wasn't feeling it.

Just then, it struck me. I don't have to hide the fact that I'm pleasuring myself after an unsatisfactory fuck with my husband. He's lying in bed, breathing, yet can't say or do anything. Besides, now I know his secret. He wanted to see me get fucked by another man. I quickly got out of the bathroom. I stood by the bathroom door, observed the sad state my husband lay in, not moving a muscle on his side of the bed. His eyes still wide open, staring blankly at the ceiling. I slowly undressed and got completely naked. Walked over to the bed and positioned myself next to him. I widened my hips and put one leg on top of his, and my other leg in the opposite direction, almost falling off the edge of the bed.

I looked at his face. Staring at his blank, emotionless face and his limp body, I started fingering myself. I played with my pussy. I rubbed my clit and fingered my vagina. Alternating between my fingers and the vibrator, I continued masturbating with one leg on Brian. I was now moaning softly with my eyes closed.

Jessica: mmmhmmm...yeah you like that honey...Your wife....stark naked, playing with her pussy. Fucking herself, masturbating right next to you. And you can't do shit. Oooh yeah, you like that don't you....You should have told me a long time ago baby, I didn't have to hide from you to pleasure myself. Oh yeah I know what you're thinking, you wish this was a big hard dick, instead of this vibrator. Mmmhmmmm yeah I wish that too honey. I wish I had a big cock fucking me senseless baby.

The sound of my soft moans and sexual mumbling echoed in the room, along with the vibrations of my magic wand.

Jessica: Yeah.... I wish a strong man was fucking me mercilessly. Owning my body in front of you. Right here in this bed, in your bed. How would you feel, baby? If your wife was getting fucked in your bed, by a strong man. A hard cock. You know I could think of a hard dick for your wife, my dear. It's your son's Brian. Our very own Tommy. Tommy's not a boy anymore...He's a what am I saying...

I caught myself slipping. I don't know what got over me. I was so lost in sexual ecstasy that I was imagining my son's hard cock ravaging me. My guilt took over my horniness and I abruptly stopped and sat at the edge of the bed. Looking down, my pussy was a wet mess. My mind did go in an incestuous direction. A direction I didn't intend for it to go to. But it went there. And for some reason, it was turning me on more. This was hotter than masturbating naked in bed right next to my husband.

Before it got any worse, I thought I should just call it a night. I didn't want to think of my son in that way. It had been a weird evening. First, I learned about my husband's cuckold fetish, which he could never fulfill. And now that he was a quadriplegic and living a meaningless existence, he won't ever be able to fulfill. Heck, the most important aspect of his fetish, involved me. His wife, the mother of his son, getting fucked by another man. And now, after having a sex talk with my son, on his 18th birthday, I was fantasizing about his cock. This was a weird night indeed. Once again, I tried to clear my mind, drank some water and retired for the night.

**********Tommy's POV**********​

Adult Responsibilities

I went to bed that night but I couldn't stop thinking about that chat with mom. When Mom said I should try dating older women, the only woman that came to mind was her. I know this is so wrong. It just feels so inappropriate. But mom has been the focus of my wild imagination for a while now. Dad never seemed to care or notice how hot his wife was. Now that he's disabled and can't do or say anything, maybe I can step up and be the man Mom needs. But I dont know if she'll ever accept me. I'm her son after all, it would be so wrong.

It was my birthday and it was a Saturday. My 18th Birthday. I appreciated mom for going out of her way and putting up ribbons and balloons in the living room. She also made my favorite cheesecake. She's such a great mother. I love my mom. I slept in late and got out of bed at 9. When I went downstairs, mom was cleaning up after dad as his lifeless body was strapped to the wheelchair. It was a sad state. But Mom seemed to be in good spirits.

Tommy: Good Morning Ma

Jessica: Hey birthday boy! Did you sleep well?

Tommy: Yeah very well. And you?

Jessica: I didn't really get much sleep.

Tommy: Why not? What happened?

Jessica: Oh nothing, just me and my thoughts. Just restless all night. I'll be fine, I'll probably take a nap after lunch.

Tommy: Aww I'm sorry Mom. Next time you can't sleep, just come knock on my door and we can chat.

Jessica: Hah! You're too kind. Chat like last night?

Tommy: Something like that.

Jessica: Hahaha you're growing up too quick.

Tommy: I'm serious! Maybe I can sing you a lullaby.

Jessica: You're so funny.

Tommy: Why not? You sang lullabies to me when I was a child, didn't you? Now that I'm a man, and the only man in this house, its my turn to take care of you.

Jessica: Ohh...You...You are the man of the house haha. Let me...err..Let me make you a fresh batch of pancakes.

Mom stuttered and got really awkward. She had this playful smirk on her face as she merrily walked to the kitchen. I sat on the dining table, watching mom cook. She looked so sweet. Her hair tied in a bun, with a few curly strands of hair resting in front of her face. She was wearing a pajama set and her top button was undone. If she bent down, I'd get a view of her valley. I pretended to fiddle around on my phone but really, I was staring at her from the corner of my eye.

She seemed restless and anxious. After our chat last night, I couldn't stop thinking of trying something with her, but I wanted to test the waters before I could pull a move. I was afraid she might snap and get pissed off. I mean, she's my mother and I was having naughty thoughts about her. This wasn't normal, but just felt right. I wasn't having much luck with any girls and my mom was here at home for me. What's the worst that could happen? She'll ground me?

Tommy: Mom, you know how you kept asking me what I wanted for my birthday?

Jessica: Yes, and you never told me and now it's too late.

Tommy: Is it? Hey it's still my birthday you know..

Jessica: Yeah, it is. So what have you thought young man?

Tommy: You promise me you'll agree to this gift?

Jessica: I can't promise, but I'll try my best. Now tell me, what is it? What do you want?

Tommy: You.

Mom was startled. She froze for a second and her eyes went wide, then she turned her head and looked at me with a weird expression. I thought I was going to be in trouble so I quickly improvised

Tommy: And Dinner.

Jessica: What?!

Tommy: A Dinner with you, Mom. A date.

Jessica: ooooh, a date you say.

Tommy: Yeah..... Will you?

Jessica: You're asking your mother out on a date?

Tommy: I'm an adult man now, Jessica, I'm just asking a woman out...

I alluded to our conversation last night. She seemed to ease off a bit and began playing along with me. She had this cute little smile on her face as she flipped another pancake for me.

Jessica: Hmmm okay, I'll go. But it'll have to be after I put your father in bed. You know, I cant leave until he's looked after.

Tommy: Of course, I understand. I'll help you. And maybe put him in bed earlier? I'll make a reservation.

Jessica: Sounds good baby.

Mom brought the pancakes around to the dining table. We had breakfast talking about trivial stuff. When we were done....

Jessica: You know, it would be nice to go out for dinner. I haven't been out in a long time.

Tommy: Good, Me too mom. I can't wait. And hey, wear something nice.

Jessica: Hmmm I was thinking, one of my floral dresses.

Tommy: Well, yea I guess. Or maybe wear something sexy.

I thought I was pushing it. But Mom didn't seem to mind. Her facial expressions did change when I used the word "sexy".

Jessica: Sexy, huh! You don't want people to think you're out with your old ugly mother?

Tommy: Mom! Stop it, you're not ugly. You're beautiful and sexy. So you might as well dress as such.

Jessica: Tommy!! Uhhhmm.... Okay... I'll pick something I haven't wore in a while. But I don't know if it'll still fit me.

Tommy: Whatever you pick, I'm sure you'll look gorgeous. I'm gonna go hangout at Aaron's. I'll see you tonight at 8. Don't be late mom.

Jessica: Deal! Go have fun.

An Oedipus Date

Dad would take us out for dinner every year for my birthday. Since dad was paralyzed now, it was just mom & I. She needed to get out of the house since the accident. She deserved a break after all she'd been through. I felt pity for her situation and wanted to do my best to please her and keep her happy.

When I reached home from spending the day with my friends, mom was nowhere to be found. I knocked on my parents' bedroom door,

Tommy: Mom? I'm home.... Are you here?

Jessica: Yes honey. I'm just getting ready, give me 10minutes.

Tommy: Okay take your time, I'm going to freshen up and get ready too. I'll wait for you.

I'd made reservations at an Italian Restaurant mom really liked. It was quite upscale and fancy. I put on a crisp black collared dress shirt with a thin silver chain and tan khaki pants. I waited in the living room fiddling around on my phone, cursing it for being so slow. Just then, I heard Mom's bedroom door open and heard her footsteps as she descended down the stairs.

I couldn't believe my eyes. She looked absolutely gorgeous. She was wearing a sleeveless black dress in a shiny material. It had a deep neckline which flaunted her cleavage. You could clearly make out the shape of her breasts. Her hair was tied up in a 'low bun with a twisted crown' and she had light makeup on. Her dress wasn't too short and ended around the middle of her thighs. For her age, Mom was still in great shape and despite some cellulite around her waist, she looked like she's in her early 30s.

Jessica: Tommy....


Jessica: What's happening? You ready to go?

Tommy: Yeah Mom...I'm sorry, I just....You look beautiful.

Jessica: (Blushing) Oh shut up haha...quit teasing your old mother.

Tommy: No, Mom. I'm not joking. You look so hot! I love your dress, and the way you've done your hair.

Jessica: You're just saying that coz this dress shows a bit of skin at the top. You've never called your mother hot when I'm going about my day in the house wearing a dirty hoodie or my robe.

Tommy: No, mom. I've always thought you're hot. I just feel like I should tell my date I appreciate her style of dressing tonight.

Jessica: Aww shucks. You just know what to say to put a smile on my face, don't you. You're looking quite dapper yourself, quite...uhh...grown up.

Tommy: I am grown up mom. I'm a man now, 18 years old today.

Jessica: Haha that you are honey.

We left towards the restaurant. I held the door open for mom to get out of the car. She was very impressed at how formal and gentlemanly I was behaving. And I was trying my best to make sure she had a good time. Over dinner, we chatted about trivial stuff with school, work, home and dad. But I was only half paying attention and couldn't take my eyes off mom. My eyes would often drop to observe her exposed shoulder and slowly gaze down to her nude chest and sexy cleavage. I know this was my own mother, but I hadn't seen her in this avatar before. I don't know what had changed, but she seemed so attractive to me.

Mid conversation, she'd catch me staring at her cleavage and I'd just dart my eyes around pretending I wasn't looking. She knew exactly what was going on and gave me a smile. I didn't know how to react and just awkwardly smiled back and changed the conversation. On the way home Mom was driving and I sat on the passenger seat. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Every bump in the road caused her boobs to jiggle and I was just blankly staring at her chest bounce and her skin shining in the moonlight. Her dress wasn't too short, but when she was driving, it pulled up to her upper thighs, exposing her shapely legs. We finally reached home and as we entered through the front door, there was an eerie feeling of us settling back into our daily boring treacherous routines.

Tommy: Thanks for dinner Mom.

Jessica: No, Thank you honey. It was your idea, remember. I thoroughly enjoyed my date.

Tommy: Right! Well, did you enjoy our date?

Jessica: More than you know. I needed that escape, from my chores, from my duties and....hate to say it, but it was nice to be away from your father.

Tommy: I know, Mom. That's why I wanted to take you out.

Jessica: Oh honey, you're growing up so quick. Such a thoughtful, handsome gentleman. I wish our date could continue, but we're back home now, and I'm back to my life's misery.

Tommy: Our date isn't over yet, Ma...

Jessica: What do you mean?

Tommy: Well, you know, what happens at the end of a date right? I haven't kissed my date yet.

Jessica: Hahahahah Oh Tommy, you're so funny.

We were inside the house and taking off our shoes now. Mom already had her heels off and was walking towards the kitchen, and I grabbed her by her arm and tugged her towards me, which made her turn around and stop in her tracks. I pulled her in towards me and took a step forward. Her small frame was now inches away from me. Her face a few inches from mine, looking up into my eyes. We were almost hugging, I had my right hand grab her arm and my left hand slowly slid across her right arm, up towards her shoulders. My fingers gently tickled her neck, then held her chin and cupped the side of her face. I could feel Mom's warm breath on my neck.

Tommy: It's not a joke Mom. This date isn't over yet.

Jessica: (Breathing heavily) Tommy....

I gently palmed her face and pulled her in and laid a sweet, innocent kiss on mom's forehead. She closed her eyes and was sort of relinquishing control. She wasn't making any moves but wasn't putting a stop to me either. It was just a gentle mother-son kiss. Or so she thought, I leaned in and kissed over her shut eyelids and quickly dragged my lips down to her right cheek and planted a kiss there, as the scent of her perfume was now making me mad horny. These gentle pecks were full of love and passion. But what I was about to do, had a hint of lust in it.

I took a pause, and looked at mom's face, appreciating how beautiful she looked. Her eyes, her earrings, her hair, her cheeks, her lips. I was absorbing her beauty. And then I leaned in, softly placing my lips on hers. Her lips were slightly open as she was breathing heavier and heavier, making her breasts heave with every inhale. There, I did it. I was kissing my own mother. Mom wasn't necessarily reciprocating, but she also wasn't stopping me. As I continued kissing my mother's lips, my mouth began salivating and my kiss was getting sloppier. I then tried to insert my tongue into her lips and I could taste the lip gloss off her.

Jessica:'re not

The first words of protests came out of her mouth, as her moaning continued. There was a natural heat exuding from our bodies and I could feel it in Mom's skin. My hands were now both resting around the back of her neck as I was pulling her in closer and deeper into my mouth, lapping up her lips and tasting them. After almost 2 minutes of me mauling her lips and taking advantage of her not protesting, I took a break to breathe and looked at her face. She didn't have a smile, but rather looked very concerned and worried. She finally opened her eyes, and looked into mine. I could see her eyes getting watery and a small tear emerged out of her eyes, slowly gliding down her cheeks. I put my lips back on her cheeks and sucked and tasted her teardrop, planting more kisses all over her face. Her face was now smothered in the combination of my saliva and the tears from her eyes. Just then, she suddenly pushed me back, by shoving her hands in my chest. I took a couple of steps back, widening my view to the full view of my hot date tonight. She looked gorgeous in that dress. The perfect MILF.

Jessica: Tommy! What are you doing?

Tommy: I'm kissing my date, Mom.

Jessica: know, this is not right. I'm your mother.

Tommy: And my hot date.

Jessica: Tommy, enough. Our date is over. You can't be kissing your mother like that,'re my son.

Now, I was confused and scared, but mostly scared. I know I crossed a line, but I didn't want to upset her.

Tommy: Mom, I'm sorry....It just...I think I got carried away, I'm sorry. It won't happen again.


Mom didn't say anything and hid her face in her palms, sobbing profusely. I didn't know what to do, she had just pushed me away. I wasn't sure if I should have gone and embraced her to comfort her or gone back to my room to give her some space. Against my better judgment, I approached her cautiously and embraced her. But she pushed me back again, mumbling....

Jessica: *Still sobbing* Why did you have to be my son....

Tommy: Mom, don't say that. I'm sorry. I love being your son. You're the best mother ever. I only wanted to make your night special. You've been going through a lot and all by yourself. I just thought, it's my birthday and I should treat you like the beautiful woman that you are. It's been a while since you've gone spend all day in the house doing chores and laundry, cooking, looking after dad, his meals, his medication, his piss and shit jeez need a break. You need some excitement in your life and I thought this dinner would help, I'm sorry...

Jessica: *still crying* just meant....

After shoving me away, Mom was now coming closer to me and buried her head in my chest with her arms locked around my back. We stayed in that hug for a while until Mom had calmed down and stopped crying. I could feel the wetness from her face on my shirt and chest. Mom wasn't crying anymore but just softly breathing and stayed in my arms, for what seemed like forever.

Tommy: I'm sorry mom. I won't do it again, I got carried away. You look so hot tonight. And you just looked irresistible.

Jessica: It's okay honey. I know you were trying to make me feel better and I'm so grateful and lucky to have a son like you. I'm sorry for shoving you earlier. I's been a while since someone kissed me like that, and...I didn't expect it from my son.

Tommy: I know Mom. And you deserve all the love. Look at you, you're so pretty You're a MILF.

As soon as I said that, Mom broke our loving, comforting embrace abruptly and looked up at me with a blank face. I thought, maybe I said something wrong again and she was upset. But what she did next surprised me. She leaned into me and placed her lips on mine, rather hard. Mom was now kissing me, flush on the lips, hard. I couldn't believe it, here I was with my own mother, standing by the kitchen, with her body in my arms and her face all over mine. I kissed back and we were soon french kissing with an open mouth. It was wet and sloppy. We were making out.

None of my ex girlfriends had kissed me like that. There was so much heat and passion in mom's kisses. I was smooching her all over her face and eventually I inserted my tongue in her mouth. Mom also allowed my tongue in and swirled her tongue with mine. We were lost in passion and lust. I could taste mom's saliva and she could taste mine. I was so horny and turned on, I had a huge boner and Mom could probably feel that on her tummy. We must have made out, smooched and sloppily kissed for a good 5 minutes, but it felt like just a few seconds, I wanted it to go on forever. She suddenly let off my lips and smiled and lightly chuckled.

Tommy: Wow! Mom....that was amazing. I love you so much Ma.

Jessica: (smiling) I love you too, Tommy. I just wanted to let my date know how much I enjoyed tonight.

She then looked down briefly and giggled again.

Tommy: What's so funny?

Jessica: You know Tommy....that strong thing all your girlfriends are so scared needs some help. Go handle it.

Tommy: Oh...yeah... haha...well....I uhmm..couldn't help it mom.

Jessica: Mmmhmm oh I can see...

Tommy: No you don't.

Jessica: What do you mean?

Tommy: You haven't seen it yet. Maybe, just felt it?

Jessica: Tommy! Gosh, you're so naughty. (She said wiping the wetness off from all over her face)

Tommy: Do you want to?

Jessica: Do I want to....what?

Tommy: Mom....Do you want to see it?

Jessica: Tommy.....listen....It was a fun date and all. And I loved kissing you. I'm surprised where you learned how to kiss like that...but..that's...uhmm..that's something I shouldn't see.

Tommy: But you've seen it before. When I was younger..

Jessica: That's different, Tommy, you were just a kid...

Tommy: I'm still your kid.

Jessica: But, you're a man now. And it's just different.

Tommy: It is different. It's way different than when you must've last seen it.

I could see a tinkle in Mom's eyes. She was biting her lower lip. I know our intensely passionate smooch must have turned her on too, as much as it turned me on. I knew part of her wanted to see it, but maybe the mother in her was still hesitant of crossing any more boundaries. I thought maybe if I tried another angle, she might want to.

Jessica: Tommy...No..

Tommy: Okay Mom. Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me. I guess, you're just like all the girls at school.

I turned around to walk back to my room, as I said that.

Jessica: Tommy, don't say that. I'm not like those skanks.

Tommy: Well, they're afraid of my thing too.

Jessica: Penis.

Tommy: Yes, Penis. They're afraid of my penis. Just like you.

Jessica: I'm not afraid, Tommy. I just feel conflicted.I'm your mother. And I wish, tonight, you weren't my son. Just another man. But I can't willingly ask to see my own adult son's penis, as much as I wanted to.

Tommy: Hmm...It's okay Mom. I understand. I don't want to upset you. And I'm sorry if I did.

Jessica: Tommy, no, you're not upsetting me. Trust me, you gave me what I needed. An escape, a fun dinner, going out and...

Tommy: And?

Jessica: And the most passionate kiss I've ever felt.

Tommy: Oh. Really?

Jessica: Yes. But I'm your mother. And you're my son. If we go any further, that's illegal. It's incest.

Tommy: Yeah Mom, I know. But isn't it hot?

Jessica: No Tommy. I don't want either of us to go to jail. Especially not you.

Tommy: Not that Mom, incest. It's kinda hot.

Jessica: Tommy, stop it.

Tommy: And it's only illegal if someone finds out or if someone complains. And I'm not going to complain or tell anyone else that I kissed my mom. Will you?

Jessica: Of course not, it'd bring so much shame.

Tommy: Exactly. And I don't want you to feel any shame or guilt because of me Mom. But I want you to be happy and be the woman you deserve to be. It just feels like since Dad's accident you've kinda lost touch with your feminine needs.

Jessica: Tommy....I don't want to talk about this right now. It's your birthday and we had a great night. That's it. Now let's go to bed.

Tommy: Okay Mom. Don't be upset, please.

Jessica: I'm not honey, I promise.

Tommy: Okay. Thanks Mom. You're the best mother in the world and an even better date. (I said smiling at her, Mom chuckled too)

Jessica: hahaha...okay now loverboy. Go get changed and go to bed, I'm tired.

Tommy: I need my goodnight kiss Mom.

Jessica: You just had more than a goodnight kiss!

Tommy: That was...different, Mom.

Jessica: Ugh Okay, come here.

I got closer to mom, hugged her and she kissed me on my cheek.

Tommy: Not like that Mom.

I then grabbed her by the back of her neck and kissed her flush on her lips, rather aggressively. I was literally smooching her. Mom wasn't cooperative at first, but within a few seconds, reciprocated my kiss. I finally broke away with a satisfied and gleeful smile.

Tommy: Now, that was a great goodnight kiss.

Mom didn't say a word and just shyly smirked, looking up at me. Gosh, her eyes alone could get me hard, it was as if she was peering through my heart. On my way up the stairs, I paused and looked back at Mom, as she stood still by the kitchen.

Tommy: Mom, can you give me a goodnight kiss like that every night?

Mom didn't say anything and still had this strange smile on her face as she just nodded her head in affirmation.

Tommy: Thanks Mom, Goodnight.

Jessica: Goodnight Tommy!​
Next page: Chapter 02.1
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